To Conduct Research on the Effect of Employee

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To conduct research on the effect of employee-manager relationships on employee commitment

at Awash Bank Fiche Branch, you would typically follow these steps:

Research Outline:

1. Introduction
o Background of the study
o Significance of the study
o Objectives of the study
o Research questions
2. Literature Review
o Theoretical framework (e.g., relationship theories, commitment theories)
o Previous studies on employee-manager relationships and employee commitment
o Studies specific to the banking sector if available
o Gaps in existing literature
3. Methodology
o Research design (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods)
o Population and sample (employees at Awash Bank Fiche Branch)
o Data collection methods (surveys, interviews, etc.)
o Variables and measures (employee-manager relationship, employee commitment)
o Data analysis techniques (statistical methods, thematic analysis)
4. Results
o Presentation of findings related to employee-manager relationships and employee
o Statistical analysis (if applicable)
o Quotes or narratives from interviews (if qualitative)
5. Discussion
o Interpretation of results in relation to existing literature
o Implications of findings for HRM practices at Awash Bank Fiche Branch
o Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research
6. Conclusion
o Summary of key findings
o Practical implications for HRM practitioners
o Conclusion and recommendations

Key Points to Consider:

 Employee-Manager Relationship: Explore factors such as communication, trust,

support, and leadership styles.
 Employee Commitment: Assess factors like affective commitment (emotional
attachment), continuance commitment (perceived costs of leaving), and normative
commitment (sense of obligation).
 Contextual Factors: Consider specific aspects of the banking sector that might influence
relationships and commitment (e.g., organizational culture, job satisfaction).
 Data Collection: Use a combination of surveys and interviews to gather comprehensive
insights from both employees and managers.
 Ethical Considerations: Ensure confidentiality and informed consent of participants.

By structuring your research in this way, you can systematically assess how employee-manager
relationships impact employee commitment at Awash Bank Fiche Branch and provide valuable
insights for HRM practices.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
o 1.1 Background of the Study
o 1.2 Significance of the Study
o 1.3 Objectives of the Study
o 1.4 Research Questions
2. Literature Review
o 2.1 Theoretical Framework
 2.1.1 Employee-Manager Relationship Theories
 2.1.2 Employee Commitment Theories
o 2.2 Previous Studies on Employee-Manager Relationships and Employee
o 2.3 Studies Specific to the Banking Sector
o 2.4 Gaps in Existing Literature
3. Methodology
o 3.1 Research Design
o 3.2 Population and Sample
o 3.3 Data Collection Methods
 3.3.1 Surveys
 3.3.2 Interviews
o 3.4 Variables and Measures
 3.4.1 Employee-Manager Relationship
 3.4.2 Employee Commitment
o 3.5 Data Analysis Techniques
4. Results
o 4.1 Descriptive Statistics
o 4.2 Relationship between Employee-Manager Relationships and Employee
o 4.3 Additional Findings from Interviews (if applicable)
o 4.4 Statistical Analysis (if applicable)
5. Discussion
o 5.1 Interpretation of Results
o 5.2 Implications for HRM Practices at Awash Bank Fiche Branch
o 5.3 Comparison with Literature
o 5.4 Limitations of the Study
o 5.5 Suggestions for Future Research
6. Conclusion
o 6.1 Summary of Key Findings
o 6.2 Practical Implications
o 6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations
7. References
8. Appendices
o Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire
o Appendix B: Interview Guide

Additional Notes:

 Introduction: Provide a concise overview of why the study is important and what it aims
to achieve.
 Literature Review: Establish a theoretical framework and review existing literature to
contextualize your study.
 Methodology: Detail how you will collect and analyze data, ensuring methods are
appropriate for the research questions.
 Results: Present findings clearly, using tables and figures where necessary to enhance
 Discussion: Analyze and interpret results in relation to existing literature and practical
implications for HRM.
 Conclusion: Summarize key findings, restate implications, and offer practical
recommendations for Awash Bank Fiche Branch.

This structured approach will help you conduct a comprehensive assessment of the effect of
employee-manager relationships on employee commitment, providing valuable insights for both
academia and practical application in HRM.

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