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IIT Kharagpur | Computer Science and Engineering LinkedIn

ML Systems Research Intern | IIT Kharagpur [ August 2023 - November 2023]
Researched backend agnostic optimizations applicable on black-box/API access to large language models for individual, and batch jobs.
Implemented an LLM cascade proof-of-concept, achieving up to 6x cost, and 2x latency improvement at the same performance.
The above was achieved using recursive calls to bigger models (only) if needed, as determined by a DistilBERT meta-model score.

Backend Intern | AdPushup Inc. [ April 2022 - August 2022]

Developed a proof-of-concept for natural language processing-based internal linking, to drive up engagement, and page ranking.
Researched, and finalised a Stanford NER, and BART ensemble, with few-shot kBERT for key-phrase extraction (pipeline frontend).
Implemented Spark batch jobs for key-phrase extraction and, transformer-backed entity search (pipeline backend), usable at scale.

IIT Kharagpur | BTech + MTech, Computer Science and Engineering [Dec 2020 - April 2025]
8.62/ 10 CGPA
Activities: Coordinator @ CodeClub, IIT KGP | Associate Quant Researcher @ Quant Club, IIT KGP

Secured an All India Rank of 1378 out of approximately 2.5 lakh (250,000) participants in the JEE Advanced (2020) examination.
Secured an All India Rank of 4340 out of approximately 9.34 lakh (934,000) participants in the JEE Mains (2020) examination.
Attained a notable position among the top 1000 performers in NTSE Stage 2 (2018), resoundingly qualifying Stage 1 in Haryana.
Ranked top 26 out of 8000+ participants in Morgan Stanley's Coding Challenge, showcasing exceptional algorithmic, and coding skills.
Secured national rank 237 and zonal rank 25 in the 2019 National Science Olympiad by Science Olympiad Foundation.

Apache Solr Benchmark, and Monitoring | Prof. Pabitra Mitra [March 2023 - April 2023]
Deployed 4 Solr clusters, to load test them and benchmark metrics. Setup a Prometheus server, and Grafana for monitoring.
Simulated load using a Golang script (10, 20, 100 QPS), and Seige (100 workers), to analyze metrics like RTT, p95, and p99.
Achieved worst-case RTT 993 ms for 1000 Queries Per Second. Logged the RTT with httptrace, and other metrics with a Golang script.

Hospital Management System | Prof Pabitra Mitra [February 2023 – April 2023]
Developed the backend for hospital management system in Flask, to schedule appointments, allocate rooms, and prescriptions.
Developed a JWT based login and role based auth for 4 roles, with different interfaces, including Doctor, Nurse, and Reception-staff.
Used SQLAlchemy, and PostgresSQL for main database, and DigitalOcean blob storage for file, and appointment arifact download/upload.
Implemented a mailing logic, using SendGrid API, to run a batch-job sending out periodic patient updates to the associated Doctor.

Unix Shell and IPC | Operating Systems | Prof. Mainack Mondal [February 2023 – April 2023]
Implemented a subset of the Unix shell in C++ supporting command execution, wildcards, input/output redirection and piping
Added Support for command history, background/foreground process handling using signal handlers, and releasing locked files
Added custom malware detection command using heuristics-based algorithm involving proc files and tested with fork bombs
Optimised Dijsktra algorithm for dynamic graph stored in shared memory and improved speed to ~ 3 times (tested with 6 Cores)

Basic Browser | Computer Networks | Prof. Aurobindo Gupta [March 2023]

Developed a basic text-based browser using socket programming in C after understanding the RFC documentation and HTTP 1.1
Implemented TCP HTTP 1.1 server that serves GET and PUT requests from multiple clients concurrently using multiprocessing
Implemented header parsing, upload/download of HTML, text and PDF files, and error code handling with appropriate responses

Single Cycle RISC Processor | Prof Debdeep Mukhopadhyay [October 2022 - Nov 2022]
Designed a 32-bit RISC processor capable of arithmetic, shift, branching and memory instructions, optimizing for constants.
Implemented it with 32 registers, 4x longer jump range, and 128x longer relative-branch range, as compared to standard MIPS.
Wrote a test-suite, and a custom assembler in Python3 for simluation. Demonstrated bubble sort, and binary search on Nexys 4 FPGA .

Online Class Management System | Prof. Soranghshu Bhattacharya [March 2022]

Created an Online Class Management System with Live-Class and Assignment Management, ensuring seamless virtual experiences.
Implemented high-quality Live Class using the Agora SDK based upon WebRTC Framework, enhancing real-time communication
Architected Django-based backend for a feature-rich classroom system, inspired by platforms like MS Teams and Google Classroom
Wrote comprehensive unit tests using Django-Test-Utility, ensuring 86% code coverage for robust testing and quality assurance.


Skills: Map-reduce, Systems Programming, Socket Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Async and Parallel Programming
Languages: C/C++, Python3, Bash, SQL (Postgres, MySQL) | Basic: Golang, Javascript, Java, Verilog, MIPS Assembly, MongoDB Atlas
Platforms/Tools: Git, GNU/Linux, Databricks, Azure, Spark | Valgrind, POSIX pthreads, C++STL, RapidXML, NumPy, Torch, TensorFlow

Database Management Systems | Operating Systems | Computer Networks | Computer Organization and Architecture | Systems Programming |
Information Retrieval | Data Structures and Algorithms | Probability and Statistics | Stochastic Processes and Applications | Advanced Calculus | Linear
Algebra | Machine Learnong Foundations and Applications | Discrete Structures | Software Engineering | Compilers | Object Oriented Systems |
Cryptography | Blockchain | Usable Security, and Privacy | Distributed Systems | Deep Learning | Big Data Processing

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