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MAY, 2023
I NAKASUMBA MARIA MONICA hereby declare to the best of my knowledge that this
dissertation is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution, University or
school of learning for any academic award.



This dissertation has been conducted under my supervision and it is being submitted with my

University Supervisor_____________________________________Signature._____________


First and foremost, I give glory back to the Almighty God for His unfailing love towards me,
always going before me in each and every step I take in my education and life.

However, I still remain thankful to a number of people who have played a very important role in
my life since I started my academic journey and that is my sponsor from Africa Renewal
Ministries Cecilia Pannell At-Kins. I humbly acknowledge my university Supervisor Mr.
Gizamba Julius for always helping me where I had failed and moving together with me since I
began on this research study. These people have supported me and I do extend my sincere
heartfelt gratitude to all of you and to our father, mentor and a good leader Pastor Peter
KASIRIVU. May the good Lord reward you all abundantly?

This dissertation is dedicated to my lovely family that has been with me ever since I started
schooling up to now and these include my mother Ms. Namugula Rose, Mr. Damiano Musaazi,
my sisters Nazziwa Grace, Namata Jane, Nanyondo Mary Gloria, my brothers Ssemanda Steven,
Kaweesi Joseph Mary and my cousins John Vianney Ssenoga and Aaron Victor Kimuli.

I majorly dedicate this dissertation to Mr. Matovu Isaac, who has sacrificed all that he had to
make sure that I finish this proposal on time. He has showed me a lovely and beautiful heart that
he has brought joy to my face. Thank you so much sir, you are a blessing in my life and I pray
that God may continue to bless the works of your hands and protect you in all that you do.

And to my lecturers at the University, thank you for adding value to my studies ever since I
started my first year up to now. They mainly include; Mr. Francis Katende, Mr. Aron Amanya,
Madam Oliver Taremwa, Mr. David Wabukye, Mr. Bernard Wanambwa, Mr. Joshua Alinitwe,
Pastor Mark Malinga, Madam Jennifer Okirya and my University Supervisor Mr. Gizamba
Julius. May God bless you all abundantly?

AFRU Africa Renewal University

BA Brand Awareness

DR Democratic Republic

DT Demographic Targeting

EFF Efficiency

EOU Ease Of User

FAd Facebook Advertisement

FLE Flexibility

FOMO Fear Of Missing Out

GPA Grade Point Average

ICQ I See You

INT Interaction

RES Responsiveness

SNSs Social Networking Sites

UCC Uganda Communications Commission

UGC User Generated Content

UGT Users and Gratification Theory

LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................v
Lists of figures..............................................................................................................................viii
Lists of tables..............................................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
GENERAL INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction to the study........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Theoretical Background......................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Conceptual Background......................................................................................................2
1.2 Problem Statement.................................................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose of the study...............................................................................................................3
1.4 Objectives...............................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Objective...............................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................3
1.5 Research Questions................................................................................................................3
1.6 Scope of the study..................................................................................................................3
1.6.1 Geographical Scope............................................................................................................3
1.6.2 Conceptual Scope................................................................................................................4
1.6.3 Time Scope.........................................................................................................................4
1.7 Significance of the study........................................................................................................4
1.9 Definition of Key Terms and Concepts.................................................................................5
1.10 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................5
Chapter Two....................................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................6
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................6
2.2 Content of literature arranged in subheadings of objectives..................................................6
2.2.1 Social Networking Sites (SNSs).........................................................................................6

2.2.2 Facebook and TikTok as one of the social media sites.......................................................6
2.2.3 Negative Facebook and TikTok content.............................................................................6
2.2.4 Positive Facebook and TikTok content...............................................................................7
2.3 The Use of Media...................................................................................................................7
2.4 Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT)...................................................................................8
2.5 The Impacts Affecting Social Media (TikTok and Facebook)..............................................8
2.5.1 Part-time/Entertainment......................................................................................................9
2.5.2 Affection.............................................................................................................................9
2.5.3 Trendiness.........................................................................................................................10
2.5.4 Self-Expression.................................................................................................................10
2.5.5 Informative........................................................................................................................11
2.5.6 Sociability.........................................................................................................................11
2.5.7 A sense of belonging.........................................................................................................11
2.5.8 Satisfaction and continuous Intention to Use....................................................................12
2.6 Research Model....................................................................................................................12
2.7 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................12
Chapter Three................................................................................................................................14
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................14
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................14
3.2 Research Study design.........................................................................................................14
3.3 Area of the Study.................................................................................................................14
3.4 Area and Population of the study.........................................................................................15
3.5 Sampling size and Sampling Techniques.............................................................................15
3.6 Data Collection Methods and Instruments...........................................................................15
3.7 Quality Control Methods.....................................................................................................16
3.8 Data Analysis Techniques....................................................................................................16
3.9 Ethical Considerations.........................................................................................................16
3.10 Limitations of the Study/Anticipated Constraints..............................................................16
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................18
FINDINGS, ANALYSIS AND DATA PRESENTATION..........................................................18
4.1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................18
4.2. Characteristics of the Sample..............................................................................................18

4.3. The role of the Social Media platforms in promoting positive content from Facebook and
4.4. Potential risks and consequences of exposure to negative content on Facebook and TikTok
on the youths..............................................................................................................................22
4.5 Measures to prevent the negative effects from the content on Facebook and TikTok........24
4.6 Positive content that exhibit in the youths in the society.....................................................25
Chapter Five...................................................................................................................................26
SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND CONCLUSION...................................................26
5.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................26
5.2 Summary of Findings...........................................................................................................26
5.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................27
5.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................28
Appendix I: RESEARCH SUPERVISION FORM...................................................................35
ANNEX II: RESEARCH WORKPLAN...................................................................................36
APPENDIX II: QUESTIONNAIRES........................................................................................37
APPENDIX III...........................................................................................................................44
INTERVIEW GUIDE................................................................................................................44
APPENDIX IV...........................................................................................................................45
ESTIMATED BUDGET............................................................................................................45
APPENDIX V............................................................................................................................47

Lists of figures
Figure 4:1. Martial status of respondents..................................................................................................18
Figure 4:2. Age of respondents..................................................................................................................19
Figure 4:3. Potential risks and consequences for negative social media platform....................................23

Lists of tables
Table 4:1. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL.................................................................................................................20
Table 4:2. Illustration of the potential risks and consequences.................................................................22


This research paper is aimed at shedding light on the use of the mobile application Tiktok and
Facebook, it concluded that the use of the application, has had a very little negative impact than
the positive impact on the main target user base who are the youths. The research outlines to a
certain degree some difficulties in the management of the application but in comparison with
similar social media applications, they appear to be few.

This research has concluded that the use of the application seems to be of more concern to
spectators of the users than the actual users. This research has also been able to map out the
spread of Tiktok and Facebook over the past 3 years and how it has become a significant
participant in the role of influencers, creating an entrepreneurial possibility with its growth.

This research recommends further research into the use of popular social media apps and further
monitoring of the expansion of the popularity of the usages of social media apps in general.

Nowadays, along with the vast development of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, and
YouTube. More and more new social networking soft wares have come to the public’s mind. For
example, TikTok. TikTok is an application that is available for everyone to publish their videos,
and the length of the video varies from 15 seconds to I minute.

The research study has revealed that the videos include daily entertainment, talent show, and
popularization of knowledge and so on. To the reputation of TikTok, the videos on this platform
spread quickly and bring its audience a sense of relief and a temporary escape from real life.
However, along with the increase in the viewer group, more and more teenagers download this
application and start to shoot videos at home, school, market and everywhere and due to this
many have become addicted according to research and this has caused some harm on the youths.

People begin to argue that TikTok has brought too many negative effects to teenagers. In the
research, there are both the positive and negative influences of TikTok. The object of this study
is basically teenagers, and there will be different articles from the internet to compare and
support the results.


1.1 Introduction to the study
This study was conducted to assess the impact of Facebook and TikTok on the youth behaviors
in Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County.

This chapter comprises of the background of the study, problem statement, purpose of the study,
objectives of the study, Research Questions, Scope of the study, Significance of the study,
Definition of Key Terms and Concepts and with a conclusion giving the observations for the
chapter in line with the study.

1.1 Background
Facebook, an American online social network service that is part of the Meta Company
Platforms. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, Dustin
Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. All of whom were students at Harvard University. (Phillips, 2007;
McFadden, 2019). Together with co-founders Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin, and Dustin
Moskovitz, Zuckerberg extended subscription to Yale, & Stanford.

The present name (Facebook) was adopted in August 2005 after the purchase of
for the sum of $ 200,000 (Phillips, 2007). Facebook was opened to global subscription for
anyone from 13 years and above with a valid email address by September 26, 2006 (Barr, 2018).
As of September 2006, the network was extended beyond educational institutions to anyone with
a registered email address. The site remains free to join and makes a profit through advertising

The site's features have continued to develop during 2007. The company announced that the
registered number of users had reached 30 million making it the largest social media networking
site with an education focus. Users can now give gifts to friends, post free classified
advertisements and develop their own applications- graffiti and scrabble are particularly

TikTok is a video sharing social network service owned by Byte Dance that, according to its
website seeks to "inspire creativity" of users and "bring joy" to the users (TikTok-Real short
videos 2020). It is a typical User-generated Content platform (UGC). Where content is produced
by users rather than company. Launched in 2017, TikTok soon grew to be the most downloaded
app worldwide (Sensor Tower, 2019). In the US, 60% of the user are aged 16-24years old
(Reuters, 2019). TikTok users open the app 8 times a day and spend an average of 46 minutes on
the app each day (Kerry Flynn, 2019). Several scholars have explored that the issue of TikTok
addiction: Zhang et al (2019) established that social interaction and isolation have positive

influences on short -form video apps. “Narcissism and insecurity will lead to excessive use of
TikTok (2019).”

1.1.1 Theoretical Background

The theoretical framework draws from three distinct literature in the field of communication.
These include "uses and gratification models," the "ritual view," and the "social shaping" of
technology. The Uses and Gratification Models detects specific motivations and satisfactions of
users in regard to content they consume. This expands from individual motives to their
interactions on TikTok. The Ritual View of communication is essential because it implies that
users join TikTok for engagement, sharing and socializing instead of merely receiving content
and information. The Social Shaping model treats TikTok as a platform that is similar to a real-
world community where users of TikTok follow certain norms and have desires to express
themselves, gain recognition or support from the community.

1.1.2 Conceptual Background

(Carey 1989, 19), says that in the context of TikTok and Facebook, communication is the
representation of our shared beliefs and it constructs and maintains an ordered and meaningful
cultural world and he deepens the understanding of the culture community of TikTok and
Facebook as a whole. Therefore, in this proposed study, I covered the impacts of Facebook and
TikTok on the youths in Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub County.

1.2 Problem Statement

Some people argued that using TikTok and Facebook can be harmful to youths and others claim
that it can benefit their self-esteem. Still many said that social media outlets such as TikTok and
Facebook can be distracting for youths' given that users of these apps must be at least 13 years of
age. The fact that they are using it to be entertained can't be denied. TikTok and Facebook are the
hottest social media apps of the day. One of the most prevalent concerns of parents is the effects
they can cause on their children's mental health. These apps are full of comedy sketches, duets
and interesting dances all of which are amusing to viewers. Because TikTok and Facebook are
very popular, youths can feel left out if they aren't using it and the fear of missing out (FOMO
syndrome) can be a real for them. Facebook and TikTok was opened for global subscription for
anyone from 13 years and above with a valid email address by September 26, 2006(Barr, 2018).
Concern has been raised about the contents of the two apps which sometimes feature sexually
explicit materials reaching out to under aged children. Sensor (2019) says that 60%of the users
are aged 16-24years old. These social media outlets can intrude on people’s privacy. Generally,
youths aren't sensitive to the privacy issues which comes with putting their lives on display for
others as they film themselves from anywhere they want. The information they put out can be
used for negative malicious purposes by wrong elements in society. In some cases, the Tik
Tokers can receive negative comments which can severely impact on their self-esteem and
confidence leading to self-harm or low self-esteem and body image issues such as tattoos, plastic
surgery and skin bleaching among many others. In Uganda, especially Bwotasimbi, TikTok and
Facebook use is a new trend where no detailed studies have been conducted to establish their
impact on people’s behavior. Therefore, this study was carried out to establish the impact of
Facebook and TikTok on the youths' behaviors in Bwotansimbi village in Busiro Sub-County
and recommend mitigation measures to be undertaken by the youths, parents, community leaders
and other significant persons to deal with the negative impact associated with TikTok and
Facebook use.

1.3 Purpose of the study

To access the impact of Facebook and TikTok on the youth behaviors.

1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 General Objective
To find out the impact of Facebook and TikTok on the youth’s behaviors.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

(1) To establish positive content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths of
Bwotansimbi village in Busiro Sub-County.

(2) To establish negative content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths of
Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County.

(3) To determine the influence of positive and negative content from Facebook and TikTok to
the behavior of the youths in Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County.

1.5 Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions;

(1) What is the positive content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youth’s behaviors’?

(2) What is the negative content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youth’s behaviors’?

(3) What is the influence of positive and negative content from Facebook and TikTok to the
behavior of the youths?

1.6 Scope of the study

1.6.1 Geographical Scope
The study geographically focused on Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County in Uganda that is
located in East Africa region, in Wakiso District, North of Rwanda and Tanzania, South of South
Sudan, East of DR and West of Kenya. The main focus of the study was the youths of
Bwotansimbi village who were active on the TikTok and Facebook. They were required to share
their experiences and highlight how their interaction with the two platforms has impacted their

1.6.2 Conceptual Scope
The study conceptual scope covered the influence of positive Facebook and TikTok content,
negative Facebook and TikTok content. Positive Facebook content covered education,
promotion, testimonials and merit stories. TikTok positive content covered song imitations, cute
animal videos, making Art, Dance videos, videos based on trending hashtags and educative
videos. Facebook negative content covered violence and criminal behavior, images of sexual
exploitation and child nudity. TikTok negative content covered strong addiction, life threatening
challenges, spreading misinformation, adult content and how it divides people.

1.6.3 Time Scope

The research was done in the period between February and April 2023. It targeted the youths
who have been using TikTok and Facebook in the last five years. That is between 2018 and
2023. This period has been chosen because it provided a longer time frame through which
youth’s behaviors can be observed.

1.7 Significance of the study

The study findings were significant to the following categories of people; to the youths, the
findings helped them to identify the good and the bad that occurs in using Facebook and TikTok
as stress killer apps.

To the future researchers, the study findings was essential in helping to identify gaps in their
suggested studies. This is because this study findings was a source of reference to help them
carry out their suggested studies. Hence there is a positive link between the satisfaction with life
and trust among users and a significant phenomenon with the basic connection, characteristics,
and information sharing conduct on social media usage (Pour, Taheri, 2019).

1.8 Conceptual Framework

 Flexibility (Fle)
 Ease Of Use (EOU)
 Efficiency (Eff)
 Demographic
 Responsiveness (Res)
Targeting (DT)
 Interaction (Int)
 Brand Awareness

 Facebook
Figure 1 Showing Conceptual Framework of the impact of Facebook and TikTok on the
youth’s behaviors.

Source based on Mansour Naser AL raja (2020)

The Conceptual Framework in figure 1, shows the independent variable being operationalized
into the Ease Of Use (EoU), Demographic Targeting (DT), Interaction (Int), Brand Awareness
(BA). Its second aspect is flexibility (Fle), Efficiency (Eff), and Responsiveness (Res) which are
the dependent variables, and the intervening variable as Facebook Advertisement (FAd). All
these gave hope to have a direct positive influence on TikTok and Facebook use in the sense that
once risks in these apps are effectively managed, all the Facebook and TikTok advertisements
were to be open to all areas and for trade, and open for growth. The failure to manage all the
Facebook and TikTok duets meant that the reverse is true.

1.9 Definition of Key Terms and Concepts

TikTok is a video-Sharing social network service owned by Byte Dance that according to it's
website, seeks to "inspire creativity" and "bring joy" to users (TikTok-Real short Videos, 2020).

Facebook is a website that allow users who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends,
work colleagues or even people they do not know from other places and allows users to share
pictures, videos and other inspirational quotes and stories.

Behavior is the way how one acts or conducts oneself especially towards others.

1.10 Conclusion
The impact of Facebook and TikTok on the youth’s behavior is generally objective to its study
and I covered all the concepts and made sure that I come up with solutions to the prevalent

Chapter Two

2.1 Introduction
This section comprises the review of relevant literature as written by various authors. The review
indicated the research objectives as follows; To establish positive content from Facebook and
TikTok accessed by the youths of Bwotansimbi village in Busiro Sub-County, To establish
negative content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths of Bwotansimbi Village
Busiro Su-County, and finally, To determine the influence of positive and negative content from
Facebook and TikTok to the behaviors of the youths in Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County.
The literature was arranged in line with the research objectives for this topic.

2.2 Content of literature arranged in subheadings of objectives.

2.2.1 Social Networking Sites (SNSs)
In this century, social media sites are quickly becoming one of the most popular mediums for
social interaction and information exchange and social networking (Hughes net al., 2012). Social
media is part of everyone's life and has grown significantly and became popular irrespective of
age, gender and ethnicity. As argued by Raacke (2010), social media is not only a medium to
keep in touch with our close and loved ones, but also provides them with opportunities to make
new social connections.

2.2.2 Facebook and TikTok as one of the social media sites

Among many social media sites, Facebook and TikTok is one of the most popular social media
in many countries and regions. According to Pempek et al., (2009) Facebook was developed in
2004 by the founder Mark Zuckerberg and later joined by co-founders Chris Hughes, Eduardo
Saverin and Dustin Moskovitz all of whom were students of Harvard University. And TikTok
was launched in 2017 of which it was a video sharing social media sites. This study was backed
by Junco (2011) providing the evidence that time spent on Facebook and TikTok was
significantly negatively related to overall Grade Point Average (GPA), however, only weakly
related to time spent preparing for class especially for the youths and students.

2.2.3 Negative Facebook and TikTok content

Facebook and TikTok users reported studying fewer hours per week than non-users. However,
(Rouis, Limayem, and Salehi-Sangari, 2011) argued that an extensive presence on Facebook and
TikTok prohibits youths from focusing appropriately on the academic task, therefore negatively
affecting the academic performance. As such this study considered GPA as the outcome or the
dependent variable.
(Mouakket, 2018) says that users who have Neuroticism has a negative influence while using
social media apps like Facebook and TikTok.

The essential reason for cell phones use is to permit individuals on Facebook to speak with one
another (Wang et al., 2017).

Facebook content limit users from face to face interaction which has caused most people to
forget how their friends look like in real-life. This therefore has brought about forgetfulness
among each other.

TikTok has effectively brought about negative influence and addiction especially among the
youths. One watches a video of naked people and he or she gets addicted to it, and once used, he
or she starts to upload videos of the same kind all in the name of getting likes and money. This
therefore kills ones dignity.

2.2.4 Positive Facebook and TikTok content

The amount of time that the youths or students spend engaged in academic work is highly related
to academic success (Chickering & Gamson, 1987). This study predicted that the number of
Facebook friend list has positive relation with the time spent on the site. It is logical to think that
more friends on Facebook and TikTok will signify socializing nature of oneself, therefore
spending more time on the site. The Conceptual Framework was illustrated in chapter one in
figure 1.8 assumed that the Ease of Use (EoU) causes high positive Efficiency (Eff) and quick
Responsiveness (Res) from the Facebook Advertisements (FAd) for youths, students and other
concepts such as Interaction (Int), Brand Awareness (BA), Demographic Targeting (DT), and
Flexibility (Fle). By using two models which are Five-Factor Models and Expectation-
Confirmation Model, claimed that Extraversion has a positive influence while using Facebook
(Mouakket, 2018),.

There was connection of one person to the other since it’s an online platform, whereby one
person can talk to the other within a shorter period and sometimes people do meet other new
friend on the sites like Facebook and TikTok. Content from Facebook and TikTok sometimes
helps in community development which increased togetherness among the youths, and the

Facebook content at times brings awareness to the youths or the users and this helps and being
vigilant for all the circumstances that take place in the country. Like the COVID-19 pandemic,
information was put all over the social media sites and this helped the users to get to know all the
happenings in the country.

2.3 The Use of Media

The uses and gratification theory investigate how individuals use media to satisfy their needs
(Katz, E., Blumler, J. G., & Gurevitch, M., 1974). The most crucial function of media for
humankind was to satisfy needs. Youths and other people used media for contact, information,
understanding, escape, stimulation, and interpersonal communication, as well as entertainment.
Unlike other analytical views, UGT suggests that consumers are in control of selecting Facebook
and TikTok to satisfy their interests and needs. In addition, other theories were extensively
studied, thus User Gratification Theory was used, since there was only one study on TikTok and
Facebook related to this topic and therefore, there was not enough information about it.

2.4 Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT)

Uses and Gratification Theory is a theory that clarifies why people enthusiastically try to find
various media to achieve their particular wants and needs. According to Katz et al (1974), “Users
and Gratifications theory asserts that people are active users of media and select how they will
use it.” UGT suggests that the gratified consumers through the media choose it to fulfill a range
of social, leisure and informational requirements. The crucial proposition of UGT was that users
are goal-targeted in their channel choice and aggressively understand and incorporate media
messages that contain ads, within their daily activities, to attain peak scales of gratification for
their wants and needs. Research applying UGT discovered that users enthusiastically find
different channels to attain their needs, whether these needs are entertainment, informational,
escapism, or social needs, with self-regulation, media self-efficacy, prior attitudes, habitual
behavior, and other elements distinguishing their channel choice. But more specific was
Lattimore et al., (2007) that people used media as an entertainment, scan the environment, a
diversion, a substitute for personal relationships and a check on personal identity and values.
Recently, academic studies applied UGT to assess users' goal-directed utilization behaviors in
Social Networking Sites (SNSs) context.

Uses and Gratification criticisms abounds especially for its overly assumptions, which Wimmer
& Dominick (1994) listed as media selection initiated by the individual, expectations that are
produced from individual dispositions, social interactions, and environmental factors and active
audiences with goal-directed media behavior, though these had very limited acceptability
amongst scholars (Ruggiero, 2000).

Scholars may argue on the side of strong media effect as in Hypodermic Syringe model or Magic
Bullet theory effect (Berger, 1995, Croteau & Hoynes, 1997) or the little effect (Klapper. 1960),
but Uses and Gratification theory in all the positions maintain that the audience was the key, and
takes the critical decision of what was wanted out of the medium.

2.5 The Impacts Affecting Social Media (TikTok and Facebook)

It was noted that the majority of prior research focused on the following elements for social
media use and gratification, and these were affection, part-time, sharing problems, fashion, social
information, sociability, contribution, discovery, social interaction and entertainment.

Some impacts were merged due to the similar context but we're made more relatable to this
research and some phrases were changed such as fashion being changed to trendiness, where the
idea was to keep up with the latest trends on TikTok and Facebook. Consequently, there are
increased concerns regarding the possible negative impacts associated with social media usage
addiction (Swar & Hameed, 2017, Kircaburun et al., 2020), particularly on psychological well-
being (Chotpitayasunondh & Douglas, 2016, Jiao et al., 2017, Choi & Noh, 2019, Chatterjee,

Individuals used social media for many reasons, including entertainment, communication, and
searching for information. Notably, adolescents and young adults were spending an increasing
amount of time on online networking sites, e-games, Facebook, TikTok, and other social media
(Twenge & Campbell, 2019).

Furthermore, sharing problems was changed to become sense of belonging, and social
information was changed to become informative, which included contribution and discovery.
Last but not least, self-expression included discovery.

2.5.1 Part-time/Entertainment
Studies showed that past time can affect a youths’ use of social media (Facebook and TikTok).
This referred to stepping further away from duties and burdens and used a form of
amusement/entertainment. This impact consisted of initial factors: escape, relaxation and
entertainment. Economists defined entertainment or part-time simply, based on its business
model. Andersson & Andersson, 2006, for example, believe (with prominent entertainment
economist Harold and Vogel) that the internal characteristics of a product cannot define its status
as entertainment.

In addition, although key enjoyments for all social media are an escape, relaxation, and
entertainment, these appeared to be more conspicuous in TikTok and Facebook. Entertainment
tends to be based on the building a stale of income producing youths that continue to generate
new ideas throughout their life cycle and provide business continuity (Casali & Mazzarol,

Students and the youths looked at these media sites as a type of past time, as a practical hobby in
their hectic schedules. Kendrick 1991, 33, argues that for such entertainment to exist there must
first be a reliable audience who want to consume a certain kind of entertainment. Moreover,
several studies show that this impact related to individuals killing time, having fun, having away
to escape from daily stress and a busy schedule, and as well as to relax. Therefore, escape,
relaxation, and entertainment are ICQ (I see you) motives to use, while presence, sociability, and
affection are intrinsic motives. “What we everyday people recognized as entertainment was
something that provided a pleasurable distraction from our more important concerns” (Maltby
2003, 34).

2.5.2 Affection
Affection relates to thanking people, letting people acknowledge that you cared for them,
showing others encouragement, aiding and assisting others, and showing others that you were

concerned about them. The items that were stated were studied by linking them to Facebook and

Facebook and TikTok communications concentrated on the trade of information, even though
there was no uncertainty that Facebook and TikTok connections offered a sense of link, they
intimately seemed like a combination of online media, where messages were seen by the entire
community (Quan-Haase, A., Young, A. L, 2010).

2.5.3 Trendiness
The consumption of social networking sites became widespread and therefore, the use of digital
technologies and adoption of digital technologies followed a social trend. This meant that if a
medium becomes popular among users, other users were to start using it since everyone else was.
When Facebook and TikTok started, people started downloading them and using them as well, at
the time, their friends and family members used it. This brought us to the fact that people were
attracted to trends and like to stay fashionable, especially the youths. According to a study that
explains the habits of youths that were using social media and how they were using it, results
showed how being trendy was very important to them and how it affected their satisfaction
because being trendy led to better belonging for specific groups.

There appeared an enhanced trend among users to embrace the above social media sites which
Facebook and TikTok particularly at university level. It seemed to have changed communication
patterns even at local level.

The advocates of social including Palen (2008); Palen, Vieweg, Liu, & Hughes (2007) asserted
that social media “...can provide [new] ways for people to interact both within and outside the
spatial bounds of the event” (p.468). Some international events have proved the above assertion
that social media can form opinion and bring about social change. These events along others
include London Riots (2011), change of Libyan and Egyptian Rule (2011) etc. Palen, Vieweg,
Liu, & Hughes (2007) further stated that media particularly social media is used as a tool for
publicizing information and enhancing access of masses to it at the right time.

2.5.4 Self-Expression
Self-expression through social media was defined as "the level of consumer uses social
networking sites" to show their personalities, values, and characteristics to the public. Self-
expression motivated users to express their thoughts through distinct platforms. In addition, self-
expression was relatively important as many if not all since users prefer to express their own
identity and individuality. Self-expression values increased substantially in the last four decades,
especially among young cohorts (Inglehart, 2008, Inglehart & Oyserman, 2004).

Note that accuracy and positivity in interpersonal perceptions can be independent of one another
(Funder & Colvin, 1997, Gagne` & Lydon, 2004), including when positivity is indexed as
normativity (Human & Biesanz, 2012).

Many studies believe that there was a strong correlation between self-expression and
satisfaction. For instance, (Anderson et al., 2019) showed that with satisfaction and self-
expression, the popularity of social media can grow immensely.

2.5.5 Informative
People used Social Networking Sites (SNSs) for a variety of purposes, one of which was to
obtain information (Arli, D, 2017). Individuals, entities, and agencies all benefited from
information exchange in several ways (Shipps, B., Phillips, B, 2013). TikTok and Facebook and
other SNSs were reforming the learning artistic skills experience with visually appealing
resources and communication characteristics, and it also enabled people to socialize with others
who have common interests.

People were more optimistic about learning collaboration on social media because it gave them a
more engaging environment and motivated them to participate in knowledge-related events.
Based on the previous discussion, it was postulated that: In formativeness in TikTok and
Facebook has a significant positive influence on the users' satisfaction with using TikTok and

2.5.6 Sociability
Sociability refers to individuals engaging socially for bonding, interacting, and sharing through
social media. In today's culture, sociability is evolving, with social media serving as a big
facilitator and a platform for people to shape friendships or relationships.

(Osazee-Odia, 2017) “Explained that social media sociability gives the chance to develop
connections, and the number of friends, contacts, and confidantes has grown at a rapid rate.” (Hu
et al., 2019) “mentioned that the level of using social media strong impact on users' happiness
with their online social relationships, in which TikTok and Facebook can help decrease
loneliness through the users' everyday social connectedness, as well as provide social
psychological advantages for social interactions and emotional well-being.” Based on this, it can
be suggested that: Sociability in TikTok and Facebook has a significant positive influence on the
users ‘satisfaction with using TikTok and Facebook. Eckstein, M, 2021, “stated that social media
is media without social contact. People use social media as a two way social instrument.”

2.5.7 A sense of belonging

As mentioned earlier in the study (Anderson, M., Jiang, J, 218), youths according to their habits
on social media, would like to be trendy, this is also connected to the sense of belonging where
the more they become trendy, the more they will be considered as a part of a specific group of
people, giving them a better sense of belonging (Qiyang, Z., Jung, H, 2019). In addition to the
fact that the feeling of personal participation in a system or atmosphere that let people feel like
they are an intrinsic part of the system or environment is known as a sense of belonging.
(Papp et al., 2020) mainly focused on Facebook and TikTok and mentioned how using Social
Networking Sites might lead to an increase in the possibility of social rejection, which can lead
to loosening the sense of belonging to a specific group in people's lives in addition that it might
lead to a chance in an individual's attitude to the strong influence it has on it. Based on this, it can
be stated that one's sense of belonging may have a strong impact on users’ satisfaction of using
TikTok and Facebook (Qiyang, Z., Jung, H, 2019).

2.5.8 Satisfaction and continuous Intention to Use

Satisfaction is described as an emotional state or a noticeable level of gratification an individual
has from a product, service, and social online environment (Chea, S., Luo, M. M, 2008).
Satisfaction can be gained from social interactions on different platforms; this social media
interactions increase satisfaction (Labrecque, L. I, 2014). Satisfaction has been said to be one of
the most potent and significant relational outcomes. Satisfaction encourages creating an
improved relationship between consumers and social media platforms (Blanchard, A. L, 2008).

Therefore, user satisfaction has a major effect on behavioral intentions (Corrada, M. S., Flecha,
J. A., Lopez, E, 2020). When users are pleased with their social media interactions, they more
frequently visit and will use the social media platforms again. Therefore, they become more
likely to be more engaged when satisfied.

2.6 Research Model

The research model shown below represents the impacts that influence the satisfaction of users
using different SNSs and the influence of satisfaction on the continuous Intention of TikTok and

Sense of
Trendiness Belonging Sociability

Affection Informative

n Self-
Past Time

Continuous Intention to use

Figure 2 Research Model

2.7 Conclusion
People use Social Media for several purposes especially the youths (Anderson, M., Jiang, J,
2018). Moreover, they use different social media tools to communicate with each other such as
TikTok and Facebook and other tools.

Nowadays, organizations, whether they are public or private, use social media tools to keep in
contact with their residents or customers. TikTok and Facebook are increasingly used to
communicate with customers (Blanchard, A.L, 2008), at the same time, many factors affect
TikTok and Facebook users, affecting users’ satisfaction and continuous Intention to use TikTok
and Facebook. Therefore, this research was conducted to answer the research questions that were
stated in chapter one.

Chapter Three

3.1 Introduction
This chapter described the methods that I used in the fulfillment of the research objectives. The
chapter includes the study design, area of the study, population of the study, sample size and
sampling technique, data collection methods and instruments, quality control methods, data
analysis techniques, ethical considerations and limitation of the study.

3.2 Research Study design

The research study looked at the quantitative approach of both the secondary and primary source.
The secondary data was obtained by reviewing the relevant literature available on the subject

The first-hand information (primary data) was obtained by interviewing the three categories of
respondents (Youths, parents, and teachers who teach some of these youths).

The study used cross-sectional design due to the limited time of the study. Cross-sectional design
study people at one point in time. The research was quantitative. The quantitative approach was
used because the study involved structured questions to collect the data which was analyzed in
the form of numbers and statistics.

3.3 Area of the Study

The study covered Bwotansimbi village which is in the Eastern part of the city of Kampala, and
is one of the villages that make up Wakiso in Busiro Sub-County. Administratively, Busiro
County is made of 13 parishes 183 villages and 14 municipalities.

The sub regions in Busiro County are Bussi, Kakiri, Masulita, Kasanje, Nsangi, Katabi, Kakiri
Town Council, Mende, Masulita Town Council, Ssisa, Namayumba Town Council, Kikajo,
Kisozi/Kitemu, Namayumba Sub-County, Katereke and Buddo.

The earliest sub region is said to have been established as early as 1893 while the most recent
was first settled in 2000.

3.4 Area and Population of the study
Population was the total number of people the researcher investigated while collecting data. The
targeted population was the youths who use social media sites like TikTok and Facebook with a
combination of these selected randomly from different places in Bwotansimbi village. These
SNSs prohibit them from focusing appropriately on the academic tasks.

These youths also have different gadgets like mobile smart phones where they spend much of
their time watching movies and uploading videos. The estimated number of the youths in
Bwotansimbi village is about 50. These youths also represent a larger population in the village.

3.5 Sampling size and Sampling Techniques

The study used purposive sampling to select 20 youths from the village as the key informants
because they had a wealth of experience on how to use social media sites, 20 parents from the
village were selected through a stratified sampling method, and also 10 teachers of some
different schools were selected through simple random technique because the technique ensured
that there was no personal bias on the researcher.

The sample comprised 50 respondents among which 20 were the youths in Bwotansimbi village,
20 were parents of some of the youths and 10 were the teachers of different schools who teach
some of these youths.

3.6 Data Collection Methods and Instruments

I used the purposive sampling method, the simple random method and the stratified sampling
method to collect data.

Data collection was divided into research instruments and procedures. The method used in this
research was structured interview. Structured interview was used to gather quantitative data from
the respondents. And also structured interview was chosen in order to standardize the interview
and make sure that the answers were comparable within and between groups.

The interview schedule was used as the research instrument. In the interview schedule, questions
were asked in the same order to standardize the interview.

These two instruments guarantee privacy of the respondents, get accurate data that is needed and
also saves time. They also provide the opportunity to gather rich information on the views and

perceptions of the youths, and important duty bearers including: parents, teachers, community
leaders and the local government representatives.

3.7 Quality Control Methods

Data was analyzed and presented using the descriptive statistics. Analysis entailed editing,
coding and also tabulation. In editing the researcher looked at completeness to ensure all
questions were answered. Editing again was conducted in three steps

The interviewer edited the interview before talking to the respondents, data was edited when all
the information was assembled together, and the data was edited after being assembled in the

In tabulation, data was tabulated manually because the respondents were few and all the tables to
be made were few.

The actual coding involved the reading through the questionnaire and also reading a particular
answer in order to access which code the answer belonged.

3.8 Data Analysis Techniques

Data was collected from the study area using the quantitative approach and the sample size was
40 respondents after the calculation. The researcher used the questionnaires which she
distributed to the youths, parents and the teachers and also interview guides where the researcher
met the youths face to face to gather the information concerning the research topic.

3.9 Ethical Considerations

The study was conducted with fairness, justice and also maintaining confidentiality of all the
participants in the research especially to the youths where the researcher wrote to some of the
parents seeking permission to conduct the study from their homes. And the teachers where these
youths study from. The researcher gave them time without discriminating and also ensured that
there is total respect despite all their response.

3.10 Limitations of the Study/Anticipated Constraints

The researcher encountered insufficient financial resources especially money for transport to
various localities where the respondents were based, and printing of the questionnaires. This
affected the researcher so much during the period when she was conducting the study. Giving out
and Collecting those questionnaires was costly both in time and also finances.

Finding participants who use different social media sites like TikTok and Facebook within the
age range was quite challenging, the researcher struggled to find youths who use Facebook and
TikTok. Getting different respondents in the rural areas like Bwotansimbi village was not easy,

as the majority seemed not to understand what these media sites like TikTok and Facebook

Table 1: Illustration on the methods and sample used

Methods and Samples used

Purposive Sampling 20 youths

Quantitative Structured Interview

Simple Random Sampling 10 Teachers
these youths

Stratified Sampling 20 Parents of

the youths



4.1. Introduction
This chapter presents, the presentation of data, analysis, interpretations, and discussion of the
findings of the study. It presents data as they were collected from the field by the researcher and
gives a clear insights into the study.

4.2. Characteristics of the Sample

This study was conducted in Bwotansimbi Village Busiro Sub-County. Structured questionnaires
were administered to 50 respondents in the selected area. This section of the analysis examined
the socio-economic characteristics and educational background of the participants. This was very
important to understand how factors such as the marital status, age, and educational level of the
respondents contributed to the issues that this study was designed to investigate.

A graph showing the Marital Status of Respondents

50 40
40 30 30
30 20 20
Single Married Divorced


Figure 4:1. Martial status of respondents

Figure 4:1 above, indicates that the frequency of 30 (60%) of the total respondents were single
men, while 20 (40%) were single women. Married couples (men) were at 10 (20%), while
married women stand at total percentage of 15 (30%). And lastly some of the respondents were
divorced (the men) had a frequency of ten (10) with a percentage of 20% and the women
respondents who were divorce had a frequency of 15 (30%).

The researcher concluded that, singles were the main researcher participants in this with the total
percentage of 60% for single men and 40% for single women. This was followed by couples who
stands at 50%. Therefore majority of people who engage on social media activities mostly
TikTok are singles people with less responsibilities.

Agraph showing the age pecentage of the Respondents








20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40

Age Bracket

Figure 4:2. Age of respondents

As indicated in the graph above, 26% of the respondents were students journalists in the age
bracket of 25 and 30 years and 36% were students of mass communication in the age bracket of
20 and 25 years. This influenced the study because majority of the respondents who were
students of mass communication and journalists came within this age bracket hence there was a
positive response because they yielded much information. The least number of respondents were
in the age between 35 and 40 years.



Primary 0 0

Secondary 8 16

Tertiary 16 32

University 26 52

TOTAL 50 100

In table 4:1 above explaining the education level of the respondents, it indicates that eight (8) of
the respondents where in Secondary level and this gave a percentage of 16%. The respondents
that came from tertiary were sixteen (16) and this gave a percentage of 32% of the respondents.
As it is indicated in the table above, it shows that the largest number of the respondents were
University students with a frequency of twenty six (26) giving a percentage of 52%, and this is
because the majority were falling under the youths who mostly use these social media sites in my
area of study.

Therefore this demonstrates that a large proportion of the respondents had studied up to
university (52%) and tertiary (32%) levels of education. There was no respondent below the
Secondary level. This was a positive indicator because it meant that the respondents were highly
informed and gave in-depth insights on the problem being researched.

4.3. The role of the Social Media platforms in promoting positive content from Facebook
and TikTok.
The respondents feel that the media can promote positive content on these social media sites by
influencing youths' behavior through conducting civic education to enable them understand and
exercise the use positive content from such media platforms.

They also want the media to play its surveillance role of exposing the information in public
offices especially exposing vices like nepotism, tribalism, bribery and many other vices from
these sites in order to ensure there is transparency on these media platforms.

There was also a general consensus that the media should continue educating the society about
the use of social media platforms by creating time to educate the masses in their coverage in all
mainstream media. The youths also want the media to sensitize youths on how to present certain
health deficiencies and other diseases on the platforms.

Many respondents want the media in conjunction with civil rights groups to lobby and pressurize
the government particularly Parliament to scrap some people who misuse media in such for likes
and comments.

In essence, the media whether public or private owned should not only concentrate in making
profits but should also try to ensure the public especially the youths know what they have to post
or upload on the different media platforms they use.

4.4. Potential risks and consequences of exposure to negative content on Facebook and
TikTok on the youths

Table 4:2. Illustration of the potential risks and consequences


Imprisonment and Death 11 22

Drug addiction and abuse 13 26

School dropout Abortion among 26 52


TOTAL 50 100

In table 4:2 above, the potential risks and consequences after collecting data seemed to be more
among the youths and other individuals as well. Some of the respondents said that there is too
much imprisonment and death that result in the poor conduct after being exposed to videos and
pictures on TikTok and Facebook. By this, eleven (11) of the respondents gave the same
response and this came up with the percentage of 22%. Other respondents thirteen (13) said that
drug addiction and abuse is now common and this is as a result of poor videos of drug dealers
that the youths watch on these media platforms and they end up abusing them and become
addicted to these drugs which is uncontrollable in case they become used. This frequency of the
respondents gave a percentage of 26%. The table shows that most of the respondents who had a
frequency of twenty six (26) mentioned school dropout, and abortion especially among the girls.
This was the largest consequence and it gave a percentage of 52% of which all this came as a
result of being exposed to social media sites TikTok and Facebook among others.

Graph showing the potential risks and consequences for negative
social media platform conetnt
Risks and Consequences

Imprisonment and death 11 22

Drug addiction abuse 13 26

School dropout & Abortion among girls 26 52

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Figure 4:3. Potential risks and consequences for negative social media platform
52% of respondents who comprised journalists view the task of reporting issues of misconduct
like school dropout and abortion among girls on these social media platforms as very sensitive
because harsh and draconian laws like sedition, invasion of privacy, defamation, and others are
used by individuals in the name protecting national security and privacy and therefore act as a
hindrance in their quest to expose the poor behaviors such as drug abuse and addiction, school
dropouts, deaths and imprisonment, corruption and big scandals in public offices.

The respondents felt that some laws like stopping the media from accessing important
information about these media platforms from the government is not a good act, therefore
making journalists use other methods of getting information such as buying sources to access
certain information which when they publish they are accused of illegal possession of
government information.

26% of the respondents who comprised students of mass communication mentioned drug
addiction and cited the police as the barrier to social media sites. This is evident especially
during riots where the police take advantage and for fear of being exposed for their brutal
treatment of protesters they turn their rage to journalists beating them, using live bullets and
destroying their cameras in order to destroy evidence of their brutality.

A number of respondents pointed out numerous incidents where some youths and other
individuals use social media information to threaten the public and act as robbers and
cyberbullies to the communities they live in.

In addition 22% of the respondents comprising members of the public said the independent
media like the Daily Monitor should always put platforms or time and space for the youths to
talk about the dangers that are there in using social media platforms which lead to imprisonment
and sometimes deaths and also the positive content that is got from these platforms.

This becomes increasingly difficult for the media to perform its role of promoting positive
content from Facebook and TikTok platforms.

4.5 Measures to prevent the negative effects from the content on Facebook and TikTok
20% of the respondents said that the creators of these social media platforms should teach people
on how to properly use these platforms in order to influence their growth and development. They
still added on that some parents should have talks with their children and tell them the dangers
that are in the use of these media platforms and also the positive outcomes from them in order to
create a good growing society in them.

These results are to some extent similar with the literature review sectioned under the use of
media where we saw how different media platforms can promote the society that we live in. In
this it talks about how media is used for contact, education and understanding of the different
concepts of the world.

15% of the respondents, said that there should be strict laws imposed on the youths due to their
poor conduct to the public after being exposed to negative content from Facebook and TikTok.
And they said that this alone would be a guideline to the rest of the youths that they have to
behave well to maximum in order to avoid themselves trapped with the laws.

However, about 5% of the respondents said that the only way to mitigate the negative effects on
the content from Facebook and TikTok is to prevent the young from the using such platforms
because they are a scam to the environment and limit them from doing the right thing.

Some respondents said that the state owned Uganda Broadcasting Corporation should give wide
coverage to the public about the use of social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok which
would help the youths to also mitigate the negative effects from these platforms.

20% of the respondents said that UCC should develop a system that regulates the pornographic
content on TikTok and Facebook and this alone would help to eradicate the negative effects that
may come from Facebook and TikTok and this would help the youths to be more careful with
what they upload or post on these platforms.
A number of respondents said that all the administrators of TikTok and Facebook should restrict
the type of content that is to be put on the display of the public to view. This would help different
people to be more serious with their content that they upload hence a positive measure to
mitigate negative effects on these platforms.
It is important for the media to be always vigilant and watchful and also act in a fearless manner
to expose what is not of good use to the public because it's only through the media that the public
can get informed on how they are supposed to behave after watching certain content on these
media platforms.
4.6 Positive content that exhibit in the youths in the society
Some respondents said that there is creativity and innovation that has exhibited in the youths due
to exposure to positive content. They said that this creativity helps the youths to be
developmental in their different various communities and this helps to make the society grow.
20% of the respondents said that there is learning of the bible quotes and scriptures from these
media platforms and these help the youths to know about the Father and His word which is used
in church and to preach the gospel to the society hence a positive impact.
Many of the respondents said that they learn different activities like hair dressing, building
experiences, hygiene videos which help the youths to keep their hygiene to the maximum of their
health. By this the respondents said that the videos and pictures uploaded on these platforms that
are about the above content, help the youths and the rest of the people in the society to start up
their own businesses and avoid being idol in the society.
One of the respondents said that for her she attends church service through live TikTok videos
which is a good conduct and this helps her to know more about God and also teach or preach the
message to the other people in the society and be a living testimony.
One parent among the respondents said that sometimes he searches for how to learn how to bake
from these TikTok videos that it helps him to concentrate on his job as a baker in the community,
which is one of the positive content that help him to develop in his business and also increase his
finances and attract a number of customers in the society.
Therefore it is always important to learn the good that comes out the media platforms like
Facebook and TikTok because these are the main root for development and fastest means of
communication in the community for the business people, companies, schools among others
hence development.

Chapter Five


5.1 Introduction
This chapter as a whole gives the summary, the recommendations, and the conclusion of the

5.2 Summary of Findings

The study aimed at assessing the impact of Facebook and TikTok on the youth’s behaviors in
Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County.

Findings have shown that the media play a critical role in promoting the positive content that
comes from the different social media platforms that enable the youths to be productive in their
various villages and society.

It was revealed that most of the people especially the youths heavily become cyberbullies after
watching the content from these social media platforms and they usually end up disturbing the
society that they live in.

Findings also revealed that many of the youths have become drug addicts and this was due to the
excessive use of these unhealthy medicines that are not good to their health and they turn into
world druggist which is a bad example to the young ones who have not yet been exposed to the

Findings further reveal that the social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok have become a
scam to the society because it has turned the youths into school drop outs and some of the young
girls have resorted to abortion and early marriages that they are not prepared for.

Findings also revealed that positive social media content has enabled the youths to start up their
own business and not be idol in the societies that live in. it has also revealed that the youths have
got to know more about the church and the word of God due to the bible content that is uploaded
by the different people that use these media platforms.

Findings have also shown that the social media platform negative content has turned many
youths into lesbians, masturbation, and gay which is the issue now running across the entire
nation, and this is due to exposure to negative content that inappropriate to the young people.

It was also revealed that social media negative content on these media platforms like Facebook
and TikTok has caused depression, stress, mental illness, low self-esteem, reduced face-to-face
interaction, caused death, imprisonment, eye defects among others which is now common among
the youths and other people in the society.

Findings have also revealed that the social media platform creators should teach the youths on
how to properly use these media platforms in order to influence growth and development in the

Findings have revealed that the youth leaders in the different societies, the parents and the rest of
the guardians should sensitize and counsel the youths about how to use social media platform
content in order to move away from the rightful line they are supposed to follow as youths whom
the generation is looking up to.

5.3 Recommendations
The social media platforms should continue playing there role of promoting positive content by
educating the masses on how to grow in business and also develop their society as well as their
lives and sensitizing the public on issues concerning positive and negative content on Facebook
and TikTok.

The social media platforms should not only concentrate on covering issues concerning politics
but should adopt a holistic approach of covering different issues across the entire world that
might be resourceful to the youths and the rest of the people in the society.

The social media platforms should give equal coverage to the society and they shouldn’t always
focus on one side especially when it comes to politics, and the ruling parties of in the
government, the government tends to fall on one side and majorly forget about the other side,
which is a poor act to show to the youths in the society who may like to join politics.

The people using these media platforms should stop harassing people in form of rape, murder in
search for money and living which all comes due to exposure to negative content on Facebook
and TikTok.

Youths should be trained on how to properly use social media platforms in order to prevent them
to turn into world narcissist but rather to teach them and educate them as well on how to be
developmental while using positive social media content.

Also the teachers in the different schools should educate these youths about the dangers of that
come from the negative content on social media platforms because they are the ones that spend
most of the time with these youths than their parents.

Youths should avoid themselves from joining the poor peer pressure groups that force them to
act as they watch on these media sites, for example the gays, and lesbians it’s all about bad peer
pressure influence from the society. This therefore can mitigate the negative effects from the
content on Facebook and TikTok.

In addition, the law should be amended to stop the youths from acting especially to the negative
content that they always watch on Facebook and TikTok which can be a driving force to
development and growth among the youths and the society.

Further research should be conducted across the entire nation to see and check how other
countries upload different videos and what the penalties to misconduct on social media are.

Also further research should be carried out to assess whether the youths and other people in the
society can live according to the positive content that is uploaded on the different social media

In addition, more research should be conducted on the numerous media platforms especially
Facebook and TikTok to find out what their goals are and whether they are trying to promote the
youth’s behaviors in different societies and not promoting just their own interests.

5.4 Conclusion
The media is a critical component in the society because of the big role it plays in educating and
informing the masses on various issues including social media use, its positive effects, the
negative effects and the consequences of violating the information. This can be done by devoting
enough space and airtime to promote positive content issues among the youth and society.
Seminars and workshops can also be organized by schools, societies according to the village
youths in conjunction with the media to educate the public different social media platforms like
Facebook and TikTok.

It is therefore imperative for the elders like parents, teachers and great leaders including social
media personnel’s to maximum support of promoting positive content among the youths in the
various places that they stay in, including telling them about the dangers in adopting to negative
social media content.
The social media also referred to as the "Fourth Estate" plays a big role in shaping the morals
that are exhibited on the media platforms in the country. In countries where the media does exist
or active, it fills in the gap and plays the watchdog role of holding the behavior of the youths in
the society. Therefore, there can never be poor conduct among the youths because the media
plays its major role in promoting good behaviors among the youths.

In order to earn respect from the public and the government, social media should practice
responsible journalism of transparency, accountability and objectivity. This means social media
should not just criticize the public and the work done by the Government but also report the
positive things the people do amongst themselves that foster development in the society.

The research has added value to the existing bank of knowledge on the existing current social
media platforms in Uganda. The challenge for the government is to admit and appreciate the
power of social media in promoting positive behaviors among the youths and scraping or

mitigating the negative effects among the youths as well. The youths should accept to change
with time or change will change them.


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AfRU Research Supervision Form
AfRU expects teaching staff to provide academic guidance to students so they complete studies
on time. A teaching staff is expected to promote research at AfRU together within their
department. The supervisor and the student should both sign this form every time they meet.
Registration number: 21/022BJMC/U
Research Supervisor’s Name: MR. JULIUS GIZAMBA
Date of Topic/issues Action to be Date of Topic to be Students Lecturer’s
meeting discussed undertaken next discussed in next sign sign
meeting meeting.
26th Jan, Chapter To include the 7th March, Chapter
2023 one( and citations and 2023 three(Research
chapter write the methodology)
two(Literature abbreviations
Review) in order.

Date of Topic/issues Action to be Date of Topic to be Students Lecturer’s
meeting discussed undertaken next discussed in next sign sign
meeting meeting.
7th Chapter three To add 12th April, Questionnaires
March, (Research citations and 2023 and Data
2023 Methodology) also indicate Collection
the methods of
data collection
12th Questionnaires To make sure 3rd May,
April, and Data that I submit 2023
2023 Collection my
to the
respondents to
collect valid

3 May, four(Data
2023 analysis,
Findings, Data




1 Development of research
topic, objectives, problem

2 Proposal writing

3 Data collection

4 Data analysis

5 Submission of dissertations

6 Defense of dissertations

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Nakasumba Maria Monica pursuing a Bachelors’ Degree in Journalism and Multimedia

Communication at Africa Renewal University. I am undertaking a study; to assess the impact of
Facebook and TikTok on the youths’ behaviors in Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County. You have
been selected as a Resourceful person to provide data on this study. The Information in this study will be
treated as confidential and restricted to only academic purposes. Tick where necessary and answer all
questions in the spaces provided.

Thank you for accepting to provide the data needed to analyze this topical issue. For any
Inquiries or further information

Ms’ NAKASUMBA MARIA MONICA. Tel: +256 740382870


Kindly provide answers to the following questions by ticking (√) against the most suitable
alternative of your choice.


1. Age:
(40 and above)

2. Sex: Male( ) Female( )

3. Marital Status:

4. Educational Level:

5. What is your Position?

1 ( ) Student

2 ( ) Village Youth

3 ( ) Parent

4( ) Social Media personnel

6. Education

What is your highest level of education?

1 ( ) Certificate

2 ( ) Diploma

3 ( ) Degree

4 ( ) none

Others (please specify) ……………………………………………....



Please indicate suitable and appropriate answers to each question, by giving answers which best
represents your personal feelings and understanding towards establishing positive content from
Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths’ in Bwotansimbi Village Busiro Sub-County.

1. What types of positive content do you think are most popular among youths on
Facebook and TikTok?

2. Can you give some examples of positive content that you have seen on these
platforms that have resonated with young people?

3. How do you think positive content from Facebook and TikTok can influence the
behavior and mind-set of young people?

4. Do you think there is a particular type of positive content that is most effective
in influencing young people’s behavior and attitudes? If so, what is it?

5. In your opinion, what role should social media platforms like Facebook and
TikTok play in promoting positive content for young people?



Please indicate suitable and appropriate answers to each question, by giving answers which best
represent your personal feelings and understanding towards establishing negative content from
Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths of Bwotansimbi Village Busiro Sub-County.

1. What types of negative content do you think are most prevalent among young
people on Facebook and TikTok?
2. Can you give some examples of negative content that you have seen on these
platforms that have concerning to you?
3. How do you think negative content on Facebook and TikTok can impact the
behavior and mind-set of the youths?
4. What do you think are the potential risks and consequences of exposure to
negative content on these platforms for young people?
5. In your opinion, what measures should be taken to prevent or mitigate the
negative effects of content on Facebook and TikTok for the youths?



Please indicate suitable and appropriate answers to each question, by giving answers which best
represent your personal feelings and understanding towards determining the influence of positive and
negative content from Facebook and TikTok to the behaviors of the establishing youths of Bwotansimbi
Village Busiro Sub-County.

1. How do you think positive content on Facebook and TikTok can influence the
behavior of young people?
2. What are some positive behavior that you have observed in the youths as a
result of exposure to positive content on these platforms?
3. In contrast, how do you think negative content on Face and TikTok can influence
the behavior of young people?
4. Have you seen any negative behaviors exhibited by young people that you think
might be related to exposure to negative content on these platforms?
5. What do you think can be done to help the youths navigate the potentially
harmful effects of content on Facebook and TikTok and promote positive behavior?


What is the positive content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths in Bwotansimbi village
Busiro Sub-County?

1. How does the availability of positive content on social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok
impact the socialization and communication skills of young people?
2. What are some strategies that social media companies can use to promote positive content on
their platforms?
3. How can young people themselves contribute to creating and sharing positive content on social
media platforms?

What is the negative content from Facebook and TikTok accessed by the youths in Bwotansimbi
village Busiro Sub-County?

1. What is the role of peer pressure in the consumption of negative content on social media
platforms, and how can this be addressed?
2. How can young people themselves contribute to combating negative content on social media
3. How does exposure to negative content on social media platforms affect the youths, and how
can this be addressed?

What is the influence of positive and negative content from Facebook and TikTok to the behavior of
the youths in Bwotansimbi village Busiro Sub-County?

1. What role do algorithms play in the dissemination of negative content on social media
platforms, and how can this be mitigated?
2. What impact does the spread of negative content on social media have on young people’s
socialization and communication skills?
3. How can young people themselves take an active role in countering negative content on social
media and promoting more positive and constructive interactions?

ACTIVITY Quantity Unit cost Total

Stationery and Internet 10,000Shs


Transport 40,000Shs

Communication 20,000Shs

Printing 12,000Shs

Food 100,000Shs

Grand tOTAL 182,000Shs only



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