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DocuSign Envelope ID: 17FB6E94-7AD5-41EF-8CC1-712208A840DE

Environment, Health and Safety



Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Rodelito Ocampo (Oct 18, 2021 15:48 GMT+8)

AT Nievera GR Saunders / VH Medina DL Salipsip / EC Mananquil / RJ Ocampo

EHS Director QEHS Head / OMCG Head COG Head

Table of Contents

I. Situationer

A. Incident Record and Statistics ………………………………………………… 2

B. Accident Investigation Results…………………………………………………. 2
C. Existing requirements…………………………………………………………... 3
a) Guidelines and procedures…………………………………………….. 3
b) EHS Bulletin……………………………………………………………… 5
c) Work methodology………………………………………………………. 5
d) Implementation status…………………………………………………... 5

II. Program

A. Determination/Selection of Appropriate Hazard Control…………………….. 6

i. Engineering……………………………………………………………… 7
ii. Administrative…………………………………………………………… 7
iii. PPE……………………………………………………………………… 8
B. Roles, Responsibilities and Commitment…………………………………....... 8
i. Project Manager/Project In Charge…………………………………… 8
ii. Project Superintendent/Supervisor/Field Engineer…………………. 8
iii. EHS Superintendent/EHS Associate…………………………………. 9
iv. Foreman/Leadman……………………………………………………… 9
v. Workers…………………………………………………………………... 9
C. Training and Engagement………………………………………………………. 9
i. Training Method………………………………………………………….. 10
ii. Target Participants/Facilitator/Schedule………………………………. 10
iii. Promotional Posters and video………………………………………… 10
D. Feedback Mechanism…………………………………………………………… 10
i. Provision of suggestion box…………………………………………….. 10
ii. Electronic Feedback Form……………………………………………… 10
iii. Peer to peer Safety Feedback…………………………………………. 11
iv. Open Forum……………………………………………………………… 11
E. Compliance/Adoption Monitoring……………………………………............... 11
F. Penalty/Sanction…………………………………………………………………. 11
i. MDC Code of Discipline………………………………………………… 11
ii. Approved CSHP Rules and Regulation………………………………. 12
G. Recognition and Reward System………………………………………………. 13

DocuSign Envelope ID: 17FB6E94-7AD5-41EF-8CC1-712208A840DE

Environment, Health and Safety



I. Situationer:

Injuries caused by lifting incident can be life threatening. Lifting incident could affect anyone including the
public that can lead to injuries, loss time incident or fatality. It can also cause property damage inside the
project or public property. Lifting incident still rank as one the most common accident in the construction

A. Incident Record and Statistics

Lifting incident accounts to a total of 59 incidents recorded from 2019 to 2021, 47% from struck by
object with breakdown as shown on the graph below

B. Accident Investigation Results

 Incident no. 1

Brief Description:
A 210cm length x 13cm width aluminum beam weighing approximately 5kg fell from a height
approximately 8meters onto the back of victim’s head, breaking his hard hat and causing major
head trauma and bleeding

Contributory Factors:
 Lifting procedure was not followed (ensuring no person/workers below the load during
 Pre-lift were not performed to check stability of load or loose materials
 Pre-assembled formwork was not in compliance with the approved methods drawing
 Pre-use inspection / checks were not performed
 Task Launch Meeting was conducted but not all key person / involved in the activity

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Environment, Health and Safety



 Lack of requirement to perform checking of pre-assembled formwork prior to lifting

Incident no. 2

Brief Description:
Rebar cage with 2.3 meter diameter and 15 meter length was being lifted for splicing when 1 of 4-
leg lifting cable attached to the spreader bar got detached after weld of the stiffener ring loosened
from main bar. Crane operator immediately laid down the cage towards the direction of the
sudden swing hitting the fence and telecom cables along Cavitex.

Contributory Factors:
 Quality of welding for stiffener not properly check prior to lifting
 No documented inspection conducted by QA/QC personnel prior to installation
 No clear location for installation of lifting gears during rebar cage insertion in method

 Incident no. 3

Brief Description
At around 2143H, after cleaning of tremie pipe (removal of hardened concrete inside the pipe)
that while lifted to lean on ground, pipe was detached in lifting chain. Unfortunately, rigger
assisting was struck initially his shoulder but mainly on his upper thigh left body part.

Contributroy Factors:
 Used defecticve lifting chain sling
 Chain sling wrapped around the tremie pipe instead of using a threaded puller
 Inadequate risk assessment to the activity
 Activity not properly coordinated and lack of supervision

C. Existing Requirements

a) Guidelines and Procedures

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Environment, Health and Safety



Based on existing EHS Guidelines and procedures, there are provisions that are intended to
prevent accident involving lifting as specified in the following:

 GL-01-EHS-015 Guidelines on Lifting and Rigging

 On-going review

 GL-01-EHS-05 Guidelines on Good Housekeeping maintenance and 5s program

Section 2 Project Site

 Performed housekeeping before, during and at least 15 minutes before leaving
the work area “Linis Bago Alis”.
 All workplace areas are to be maintained clear of debris and other rubbish, which
shall be disposed of in segregated containers for disposal
 No work shall proceed when poor housekeeping is observed in the area
 Work areas and means of access shall be maintained safe and orderly.
a. Sufficient personnel and equipment shall be provided to ensure
compliance with all housekeeping requirements.
b. Work areas shall be inspected daily for adequate housekeeping and
findings shall be recorded on daily inspection reports.
c. Work will not be allowed in those areas that do not comply with the
requirements of this Section.
 Loose or light material shall not be stored or left on roofs or floors that are not
closed in, unless it is safely secured.
 Tools, materials, and equipment subject to displacement or falling shall be
adequately secured.

 GL-01-EHS-009 Guidelines on Protection of Public and Adjacent Property during


 Each project shall incorporate in Project Execution Plan (PEP) the detail of plan for
protection of public and adjacent property during construction and demolition.
 For areas commonly use or shared with public and when constructing temporary
structures intended for protection of public, coordination with LGU and other
concerned officials must be made and if required, secure necessary permits. Also,
necessary traffic management materials such as, but not limited to: Hard Barriers,
blinkers, rope lights, signage’s, including designated traffic enforcers must be
prepared/assigned to.
 Net/screen shall be provided from the upper most part of the construction/ demolition
to ground level when the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the
building and the outer edge of the sidewalk is less than one-half (1/2) of the height of
the building (National Building Code Rule XI section 1106 no.4h ).
 100% supervision by competent or technical people will be upheld during execution
of these activities to reduce imminent danger situation for public or by passer during

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Environment, Health and Safety



b) EHS Bulletin

 EHS Bulletin - none


Issues and Challenges

- none

c) Work Methodology
A system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a
discipline. Different methodologies have different strategies that aid in managing issues
should they arise during the project's delivery

 Required in WAS/WAT, PEP, list of basic EHS requirements during kick off meeting with
 Prepared by process owner, reviewed and approved by project team

Issues and Challenges

 Different from one project to another
 Copy paste data and information
o References and previously approved methodology are used for documentation
without consideration to their adaptability to actual and differing conditions
 Competency, communication and awareness
o Not always properly communicated to all stake holders
o Field Supervisors and workers do not have clear awareness and understanding
 “Safety Precaution and Environmental Protection Measures”
o No specific EHS requirements per job steps
o No specific EHS risk assessment

d) Implementation Status
EHS Initiatives monitoring statistics related to lifting incident

Issues and Challenges

 consistent implementation
 enforcement
 timely close out

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Environment, Health and Safety



II. Program

A. Determination/selection of appropriate hazard control.

The process of removing the hazard from the workplace. It is the most effective way to
control a risk because the hazard is no longer present. It is the preferred way to control a
hazard and should be use whenever possible

The second most effective hazard control, involves replacing something that produces a
hazard with something that does not produce a hazard or lowers the risk

are strategies designed to protect workers from hazardous condition by placing a barrier
between the worker and the hazard. Methods that are built into the design of a plant,
equipment or process to minimize the hazard. A very reliable way to control human
exposures as long as the controls are designed, used and maintained properly. These do
not eliminate hazards but rather isolate people from hazards

are training, procedure, policy, or shift designs that lessen the threat of a hazard to an
individual. Administrative controls typically change the behavior of people rather than
removing the actual hazard or providing PPE

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

includes items such as respirators, protective clothing such as gloves, face shields, eye
protection, hard hat and footwear that serve to provide a barrier between the wearer and

DocuSign Envelope ID: 17FB6E94-7AD5-41EF-8CC1-712208A840DE

Environment, Health and Safety



the chemical or material. The least effective control because it only provide a barrier but
does not remove the hazard. (GL-01-EHS-008)

i. Engineering

are strategies designed to protect workers from hazardous condition by placing a barrier
between the worker and the hazard. Methods that are built into the design of a plant,
equipment or process to minimize the hazard. A very reliable way to control human
exposures as long as the controls are designed, used and maintained properly. These do
not eliminate hazards but rather isolate people from hazards

 Maintain 100% load moment indicator (lmi) and anti-collision (as applicable)

 Standard lifting points (precast panels and rebar cage)

 Overhead street protection (GL-01-EHS-017 section 7.6)

 Secure load being lifted. Ensure that appropriate lifting devices are in good condition
and properly installed
 Use standard skip bins
 Barricade area during lifting

ii. Administrative
are training, procedure, policy, or shift designs that lessen the threat of a hazard to an
individual. Administrative controls typically change the behavior of people rather than
removing the actual hazard or providing PPE

 High Risk Activity Permit (Lifting Permit) ( FR-01-EHS-027)

 Safety signages (GL-01-EHS-026)
 Daily inspection of tools, equipment and materials (GL-01-EHS-023 section 2)
 Assessment of Health condition prior to any work activities (NEW)
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Environment, Health and Safety



 Conduct of Work Activity Training

iii. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Includes items such as respirators, protective clothing such as gloves, face shields, eye
protection, hard hat and footwear that serve to provide a barrier between the wearer and
the chemical or material. The least effective control because it only provide a barrier but
does not remove the hazard. (GL-01-EHS-008)

Note: Riggers must be wearing orange safety helmet with tagging on behind “RIGGER”

B. Roles, Responsibilities and Commitment

i. Project Manager/Project In Charge

 Ensure that safe work procedures and all safety requirements are complete and
specified in work methology
 Ensure that proper risk assessment is carried out and requirements for
application of appropriate hazard controls are budgeted, available, communicated
and consistently implemented
 Act and ensure timely close out of SOR and NOV
 To be the role model in promoting safety in the project
 Ensure that the requirments of this programs are implemented
 Ensure the Project Team commitment to this program
 Do not allow activity to start or continue when any of approved and agreed
hazard controls are not implemented
 Obtain and provide feedback as required or as necessary

ii. Project & MEQ Supervisor/Superintendent /Field Engineer

 Ensure that all Safety requirements are complied prior to commencement of
 Perform risk assessment and update as necessasry
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Environment, Health and Safety



 Conduct site inspection and identify hazards in the work area

 Act on findings and ensure that no work will commence until findings were close
 Monitor the activity and workers compliance to safety
 Give instruction to Foreman/Leadman regarding safe work method
 Ensure “Linis Bago Alis” is conducted 15 minutes before and after the activity
 Conduct toolbox talk prior to activity
 To be the role model in promoting safety in the project
 Do not allow activity to start or continue when any of approved and agreed
hazard controls are not implemented
 Obtain and provide feedback as required or as necessary

iii. EHS Superintendent/EHS Associate

 Facilitate and review the risk assessment of the project
 Conduct site inspection and communicate to operations the identified hazard in
the work area
 Monitor the activity and notify responsible person for any EHS related concern
 Issue SOR on identified hazards
 Provide recommendation or guidance on the identified hazard
 Discuss the findings during EHS Committee meeting
 Validate and monitor timely close out of issued SOR and NOV
 To be the role model in promoting safety in the project
 Do not allow activity to start or continue when any of approved and agreed
hazard controls are not implemented
 Obtain and provide feedback as required or as necessary

iv. Foreman/Leadman
 Inspect workers and work area prior to start of work
 Report any hazard in the work area
 Conduct “Linis bago Alis” before and after the activity
 Monitor and control the workers
 Participate in risk assessment
 Facilitate daily training
 Supervise and coordinate all activities in their areas
 To be the role model in promoting safety in the project
 Do not allow activity to start or continue when any of approved and agreed
hazard controls are not implemented
 Obtain and provide feedback as required or as necessary

v. Workers
 Report all hazard in the work area (unsafe act, unsafe condition)
 Follow instruction from the supervisor to comply with EHS requirements
 Regular conduct housekeeping “Linis Bago Alis”
 Participate in risk assessment discussion
 Attend daily toolbox meeting
 To be the role model in promoting Safety in the project
 Do not start or continue activity when any of approved and agreed hazard
controls are not implemented
 Obtain and provide feedback as required or as necessary

C. Training and Engagement

To ensure that the program will be understand and implemented rightly the following training
and engagement will be used:
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Environment, Health and Safety



 Training method
 Power point presentation
 Actual demo/Role playing
o Build confidence: Different on-site scenarios will be given to participants.
This will provide a safe environment to encounter these scenarios for the
first time, which builds confidence in team members that can help them in
their day-to-day roles.
o Creative problem-solving: This will give each participants the chance to
get some experience in handling difficult situations and in developing
creative problem-solving skills.

Participants Facilitators Method/Venue September October November December
W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4
EHS Directors
Per OpCen Echo Training
Echo Training
Project Team EHSO/EHS Supt PPT/AVP
On-site role playing
Echo Training
Coop/Subcon PIC & Supv PIC/PS PPT/AVP
On-site role playing
Workers Foreman/Leadman On-site role playing
PD/PIC (Bootcamp) PPT/AVP c/o CLU
EHS Head/EHS Directors

 Promotional materials (videos)

- To align with latest Rigging & Lifting Procedure c/o STO

D. Feedback Mechanism
A system to gather information about reactions to the program which is used as a basis for
improvement of workplace safety, It is a helpful tools to get the Supervisor and workers to tell
what they feel, what they have done well, and which areas they need to tighten up in order for
this program to be successful. Benefits of feedback are the folllowing;
 It improve the situation or the person’s or organization performance
 It promotes and ensure engagement of all concern
 It evaluate the effectiveness of Zero Accident Program implementation.
 It obtain ideas collectively from other departments for the improvement of the
 It obtain the pulses of different individuals working on the project
All collected feedback shall be discussed and analyzed by Project Team for continual
improvement of the program

i. Suggested feedback mechanism

a) Provision of Suggestion box
 Required all project site to provide standard size suggestion box placed near the
entrance and toolbox area.
 Encourage everybody during toolbox meeting to express their opinion regardless
of positive or negative feedback.
 Project key personnel shall collect and review the content of the box every week
b) Electronic Feedback form
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Environment, Health and Safety



The IT Department may develop system generated survey/feedback forms that

directly enter on the data base and can be access by key EHS personnel.
c) Peer to peer Safety feedback
 EHS Personnel may conduct survey/interview on personnel during their
routine/random site inspection

d) Open Forum (in person/online)

 EHS personnel must initiate to create an online community group for the purpose
of getting the feedback on the program.
 All Project Personnel, Subsidiaries and Subcon personnel representative are
welcome to express their opinion, observation, suggestion to the implementation
of the program

E. Compliance/Adoption Monitoring
100% Implementation of all committed applicable controls shall be regularly monitored every
month and reported through the implementation/adoption monitoring that would also be a
basis for
 Concerned to act on deficiencies for immediate close out
 Remind and reprimand those concerned accountable for the non-conformance
 Reward and recognition of good performance

Zero Lifting Incident Adoption Rate

Hierarchy of Controls
Project Engineering Administrative PPE
Name TC Lifting Points Barricade Lifting Daily Tool Health Conduct Rigger's Orange
LMI Anti Collision Precast Rebar Cage lifting/drop Permit Inspection Assessment WAS-WAT Safety Helmet
Sample 1 1 1 NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Sample 2 1 1 NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

1 Compliant
0 Non compliant
NA Not applicable

F. Penalty/Sanction
This program provides specfic penatly and sanction stated in MDC Code of Discpipline and
DOLE approve CSHP EHS Violation. The violation includes

 Unsafe condition – Hazardous circumstances or condition that exposes an employee to

potential accident. Safety Observation Report shall be issued
 Unsafe act – Unsatisfactory behavior which could lead to accident. Notice of violation will
be issued and reference will be Code of Discipline for MDC and EHS Violation for

i. For MDC Staff

 Class B: Minor Infractions (1st offense – Written warning, 2nd offense – 3 days
suspension, 3rd offense – 10 days suspension, 4th offense – Termination)

Section 5. Failure to observe company rules, regulations including Environmental Health

Safety measures and policies

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Environment, Health and Safety



 Class C: Less Serious Infractions (1st offense – 3 days suspension, 2nd offense – 10
days suspension, 3rd offense – Termination)

Section 4. Causing injury to another employee due to carelesness

Section 5. Wilful disregard of company polies, rules, regulations; including environmental,
safety & health measures
Section 8. Not wearing prescribed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as but not
limitede to hard hat, safety shoes, eye or face protection, safety harness, ear protection,
welding mask, respirator etc
Section 9. On the part of the Superior, deliberately condoning, tolerating or participating
in an offense commited by a subordinate
Section 11. Causing loss or destruction to company property, materials and resources of
compant officer or co employees within the company premises

 Class D: Serious Infractions (1st offense – Termination)

Section 5. Willful violation of environmental, safety, health and security instructions,

procedures, practices and regulations resulting to grave personal injury & or involve huge
amount of money or property
Section 12. Gross Inefficiency in the performance of duty & habitual neglect of duties,
insubordination/ willful failure to follow lawful and reasonable orders as given supervisors

ii. For Coop/Subcontractors Supervisors

 Minor EHS Violations (1st Offense – Formal written warning, 2nd Offense – 3 days barred,
3rd Offense – 10 days barred, 4th Offense – permanently barred)

Section 6. Failure to provide adequate and required Construction Safety

Section 9. Failure to act / respond to issued Safety Observation Report (SOR)
within agreed time
Section 12. Deliberately not attending scheduled EHS related meeting, trainings
and orientation without a valid reason.

 Less Serious EHS Violation (1st Offense – 3 days barred, 2nd Offense – 10 days barred,
3rd Offense – permanently barred)

Section 1. Allow workers to work without EHS Orientation, Induction.

Section 2. Allow workers to work on critical activities without valid and certified skills
certificate (National Certificate).
Section 4. Failure to maintain and perform proper Housekeeping, Maintenance and LINIS
Section 5. Not wearing prescribed PPE in PPE Zone and required special PPE for a
particular activity
Section 9. Performing lifting activity without adequate Rigger.
Section 15. Work related incident resulting injury and property damage to public.
Section 17. Wilful violation of EHS Procedure, Guidelines and Policy that caused near
Section 20. Allowing workers to perform activities in an unsafe condition.
Section 22. Allowing work activity to start or continue without adequate supervision.

 Serious EHS Violation (1st offense – Permanently barred)

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Environment, Health and Safety



Section 1. Performing High Risk Activity without WAS and WAT.

Section 2. Failure to secure high-risk activity permit before commencement of activities
Section 7. Unauthorized entry to restricted area.
Section 9. Allowing workers to hook up and unhook the lifting gear load to the lifting
equipment (Tower Crane, Mobile Crane, etc.).
Section 12. Failure to provide protection, barricades or barriers at high risk activity
Section 14. Unauthorized removal/ tampering of safety signs / traffic signs /
barricades or barriers / protective coverings.
Section 15. Failure to reinstall safety protection after completion of works.
Section 16. Wilful violation of EHS Procedure, Guidelines and Policy that
resulted to injury and damage to property
Section 19. Forcing workers to perform activities in an imminent danger
Section 23. Deliberately not cooperating during scheduled/random
inspections/audits to check compliance against EHS

iii. For Coop/Subcontractors Workers

 Minor EHS Violations (1st Offense – Formal written warning, 2nd Offense – 3 days barred,
3rd Offense – 10 days barred, 4th Offense – permanently barred)

Section 6. Failure to provide adequate and required Construction Safety


 Less Serious EHS Violation (1st Offense – 3 days barred, 2nd Offense – 10 days barred,
3rd Offense – permanently barred)

Section 4. Failure to maintain and perform proper Housekeeping, Maintenance and LINIS
Section 5. Not wearing prescribed PPE in PPE Zone and required special PPE for a
particular activity
Section 7. Using substandard, worn out or damage lifting gear.
Section 8. Lifting load without Tag Line.
Section 14. Deliberately throwing tools, materials that could result/ has resulted to
property damage &/ or personal injury.
Section 15. Work related incident resulting injury and property damage to public.
Section 17. Wilful violation of EHS Procedure, Guidelines and Policy that caused near
Section 21. Performing activity in unsafe condition or in imminent danger

 Serious EHS Violation (1st offense – Permanently barred)

Section 1. Performing High Risk Activity without WAS and WAT.

Section 2. Failure to secure high-risk activity permit before commencement of activities
Section 7. Unauthorized entry to restricted area.
Section 8. Moving the suspended load over the top of workers.
Section 12. Failure to provide protection, barricades or barriers at high risk activity
Section 14. Unauthorized removal/ tampering of safety signs / traffic signs /
barricades or barriers / protective coverings.
Section 15. Failure to reinstall safety protection after completion of works.
Section 16. Wilful violation of EHS Procedure, Guidelines and Policy that
resulted to injury and damage to property

G. Recognition and Reward System

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Environment, Health and Safety



 To encourage group or individual to work safely through an incentive award program for
safe workplace performance.
 To improve the "Safety Culture" of the organization by providing award to group or
 To recognize the contribution of group or individual for having safety in the work place.
 Performance evaluation merit
 Rewards and recognition can be through corporate level, per COG, per OpCen, per
Project, per Group, per Individual which may create detailed criteria (eligibility,
nomination, selection, token/prize, etc)

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