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|Dhairyashul Bhandlage Page No.

21 bds017 Date.


Eege_deuelepes uws ecently irud jes Ahtulalung tha

A chat.hothawea "A0ul" whith has breight AL hack
nto neLDA The philssophicc dehate o theCemnqCLntusy
m.ay be deminateel hy 1hiu centil
uA Wutunn cuttuse has Ahouon ttselli
LoAsoLue AL_clehate
unthtuLel_ta The Lwue lall micluoay
etwen tho DLUS a the19 th centuuhy and cult
aeaen L he udents-ia
fes aLume cuLew m turnhatk tht clock masds
he olkriAlonACNeral yeaca _aQ o recd Lohat 0DLula bu
1tgardeAL thehút Litesctuue in the tld e4 NeL Theught
Sasoidusing00sda Lke thataince dsjuncleas d
AReLo shiK meleApecikitally about indungsam Jh
AtademLa o Yrhitalahiius haahaycoteg eultung
edgehlacehostLclies Ake thsre_cassLed out y Lhe
Programin PLarh Atudiu & Theca^eutioincouhth (iis)
Hasvasd MdienAchanbj heALCLLsw en neusoleqsloskici
ansmnd_bodlybodymidieinei and em the mese
Cempellun nthrekatien hercehkzenQad barut phyaizs
Ahhetiade oitnesand
ams tauahtme L
de thaAam Nerume Tuttneny takas en thAhake
aAetoud ke nsÍANLL AMAth eliuiLnLS
pAyLephakmalogicol ia kutimeny
Theclisussien O AMuKtLakè intn aLceunt th
Lindinqa a LAtaith o 1he extrthysicallty and
mind caiisutron 6n Lohith"1usiu elahecade
ceDAcisusnesA2aLenes t h LOL.o Lntettigenre itse
larks_ A QLneralu a1Led Lbenolelinatuon LLLire
here reAame LdeisLhat haule
Aineel uicleshiR& ol
continies elude usAs w
ALLLptant but ALLLacy
houghteuGht he aiurae
LRasn maSAchaut cahiluies

e inttance habilualthaugkt.
hLain pcounssha_hathahilual heugk
dtsn gsaduntLy dhange the hathways hseugh wkish
Ledaieal Ahth he
im^utettvelAn tho hiaina
neusaLaakucikyield toheeh LS neLoApoRimakaly qunenline

JA it nek lisincuishunq taul entuligente

theught Ran be Aheuon iehangg hddy Alfhe maLeeul
el Nas a Lemputthiar tuoork o1 emhutas p
thu hointshes0n that planne.ckand deueithiag_nguyats -
can changA ht malulA natus o meehanam
orMa thiu Meani_aLonomie batttsnA faateu
qAMA hincteun Ahasetmu aaf Jamesidentita i
andAonatroM Ayasiety a LepcA Hatu thi
ueu mbdekhas neasuyalwa hetnailent on matt
ARRn Aiiual uAsahilikyko aE Centhaclieienary
LNidencRhos eenhaimedhytks1 iaE RLtlLLALGn Nhith
oun ded en the
oviholul yehtnolien that Atliaian
ahaurs pathehthandistlesea AA A ALAutt dehat
ahouh the enicdent kaL alzqARnaALYRIheriment_hwe been
eAiAtrd in utsnADCLety Jorage
mnet equenE quotth oiiaAx ut ha huel A
eempein naightsthat _intathe CLAAent dehate In
Jart maclesn mcLteialwm mhichh2gan A A Vickay-
hA eLO INed nto An Qmatcanal 0sibien
MasAasAm pcovec oJhec AAuiol vituoint n 1ns0A
And1604LDhen 1 u s e " maleune clemnaltel th
SocialAULnLes Quantumthtesy A nok yets uwidelu
ALeLARel ancd ikpAyeakogy ws n
d Ail_the

eAARAulL h matyhialuAtLC iuohoin hrwavlrcd_Ln-
atademls and thu inmectia thu ia Atuil the Lase in
acaclemiesthe media that shaheel Lhehuhue
Ointon Andl Pyen among welt -iked eleaiALonhosts.
ike Rachel Maclelauo andBiLU Biu Maheh
ikauDise to heD ARligien olcd_n he lath Ctntuuy
maltsialismhos hald dleminan.cshetauseithta
enouatstd le Cullysal ahalaekks cleailt theLaluha.ol
Centh.asylata 10 Arnk ih xisting neim masxuaf
fly anCuutusal tusALn ih mediA Auh as pthskcal
ublicaticns news AOLUsLRA iki te Ye LilLkash
that atuelaas htu heen vehilied y Mpleotcnk anel_msta
ESP CasdeLhesimentiand SonyA 6emA_mail centimsortr
hseco.onuluen ut haae beenALLiLaked
A neLAiintiio utbdos het hait_hy Aginq
kponehisand makingALL theJLghtBut Aahe
dhpenenl3 eNentualuy Aeand AMuw
egnen.atusn uphaiA imuai itb it as natecl
Lhy NehetPaiz 4oinnthADPhyaits flaz plank., oho
This is_whue mataialusm_aohieh Loas m un AA Lh
herald LLAoonis nO)ExludunathRAuljut o t
uhernaiutal os u duihe ALand otheiusating
macleca Aaciety LecLcdA LA LALht equuvalknt al Lun hhnd min
clesci bing an hhantAnd dsAit all i t lauámankind
aiu nat tntecatehlindess4aL ve
Page No.
Gogl enqunet aAushendecashoatlulatunq_that an
Al chathat miiht huue AsulThiusliapuieand akhaca
uke it may dlarianalkphilaanphuy in: Lunalcung cntuy
h problam Liu AsmeLohkre bitneen1qh tenkuru and 214t_centuru
cult oa _Itasen" The rusratuan oAtulyingAL ahAhord
umizd to us o 1ums LkuA0ul. This preciaien_ qaws as
eexjand ou undecatandingo
Stheughialts Mau bncly th aut ak A molALua
eNe tha aot dalyangpharaterALO a intkLignte
Andhs aCemhtutA AA yut - demdnstratid fhe abiiky
nmecAnda.ving analyala L0allu iti mo Lkcukay
natus not (on mashinejwt he talie.cdinleltigant
kor gentratuonkLwRstetn uttuce has heen Lockae jnto Aherut
DD oguments oVer NidenceAB eKtrasinsaryeretuen
his plm.aae 2clusianbaneel en the indulgeat htlue
thak Teligien ebduscateA rathe thanrepadls
gn 1asd and 1960
materlalismrNe l a challenging.
and uiumphlistheint alViuo Mateciculuam humaintauned i -
brimacy mutb uk19th Rnturyfigto n ense z duds
AGLRA o Cultuktd
hallenqesAAAik_fhe Lweiqhk and
Quality oCDuntring PNicleneeesThe Atalu quo is hieaking
plewn The QuRstuën hQ O Loh&tht A machine i
ntaigent LoiL and_aLaluy is=eLce s to deine cu
ferma it thoiedlinithans
AoEA.qLArLDith hs
Lnsigase4 LumulaidweAtiencaAndLtAimany AlLoi
con4aund s _hut _exentuals we will
handAn motsaialism

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