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What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following question.

? + 13 x 50 = 420 + 45% of 800 + 220

Correct Answer - 350
A man borrows 850,000 at 4% compound interest per annum. Then, the total
amount of money he has to pay after 2 years is
Correct Answer - 854,080
A man can row 6 km/h in still water. When the river is running at 1.2 km/h, it
takes him 1 hour to row to a place and back. How far is the place?
Correct Answer - 2.88 km
The circumference of a circle is 176 m. Then, its area is:
Correct Answer - 2464 m2
On dividing a certain number by 357, the remainder is 39. On dividing the same
number by 17. What will be the remainder?
Correct Answer - 5
The ratio of two numbers is 4:5. If both numbers are increased by 4, the ratio
becomes 5:6. What is the sum of the two numbers?
Correct Answer - 36
A and B together can do a piece of work in 6 days. If A can alone do the work in
18 days, then the number of days required for B to finish the work is:
Correct Answer - 9 days
A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in hours. He travelled partly on foot at
the rate of 4 km/hr. and partly on bicycle at the rate of 9 km/hr. The distance
travelled on foot is:
Correct Answer - 16 km
In a class of 60 students, 40% can speak only Hindi, 25% can speak only English
and rest of the students can speak both the languages. How many students can
speak English?
Correct Answer - 36

1|Pa ge
Find the number lying between 900 and 1000 which when divided by 38 and
57 leaves in each case a remainder 23.
Correct Answer - 935
If 6 years are subtracted from the present age of Veer and the remainder is
divided by 18, then the present age of his grand-daughter Sneha is obtained. If
Sneha is 2 years younger to his brother whose age is 5 years, then what is the
ratio of the age of Veer and Sneha after 6 years?
Correct Answer - 22:3
A man divides his property so that his son's share to his wife's and the wife's
share to his daughter are both in the ratio 3:1. If the daughter gets 210,000 less
than the son, find the total worth of the property.
Correct Answer - 216,250
What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following question.
112.5 x 5.95 + 7799 ÷ 26 + 124.8 = ?
Correct Answer - 1100
Mixture of milk and water has 7 litres of water. When 2 litres of milk and 11
litres of water are added to the mixture then concentration of milk in mixture
becomes 80%. Find total quantity of initial mixture.
Correct Answer - 77 litres
A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 5 years. Find in
how many years it will become 8 times.
Correct Answer - 15 years
A boy wanted to write the numbers from the smallest number to the greatest
number of three digits. How many times he needs to press the keys of the
computer to do this job?
Correct Answer - 2889
What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343,?
Correct Answer - 512

2|Pa ge
Three years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A
baby having been born; the average age of the family is the same today. The
present age of the baby is:
Correct Answer - 2 years
A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enable a purchaser to obtain 3kg more
for 2120. The original price of sugar per kg is:
Correct Answer - 710
Goods are sold so that when a discount of 4% is given on the sale price, a profit
of 20% is made. How much %, is the sale price higher than the cost price?
Correct Answer - 25%
Identify the word that is misspelt
Correct Answer - catastrophy
In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an
appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it
by selecting the appropriate option.
The ______ with which she manages the task is remarkable.
Correct Answer - ease
Select the correctly spelt word.
Correct Answer - Conscientious
Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase
It is difficult to have a sensible discussion with her as she flies off at a tangent
Correct Answer - Starts discussing something irrelevant
Choose the best appropriate antonym of given Word.
Correct Answer - pleased
In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech.
Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best express the
same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.
The teacher said, "Are you preparing well for the exams?"

3|Pa ge
Correct Answer - The teacher asked if I am preparing well for the exams
Select the appropriate synonym of the given word.
Correct Answer - Enmit
In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an
appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it
by selecting the appropriate option.
The warning bells __ several times before anyone realized the danger.
Correct Answer - had rung
Choose the one which express the meaning of given word:
Correct Answer - Workable
In question given below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can
be substituted for the given words/ sentence.
A person who can use both hands equally well
Correct Answer - Ambidextrous
Select the best appropriate antonym of given Word.
Correct Answer - increase

The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment
that contains a grammatical error.
Nowadays, common people take / interest in the manner / in which / they
were governed.
Correct Answer - they were governed
Select the most appropriate idiom (in the context ) to fill in the sentence.
College cannot _____ to ragging because of the Anti ragging act.
Correct Answer - turn a blind eye

4|Pa ge
Choose the one which express the meaning of given word
Correct Answer - Wrong
Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Rohit bats very well, (didn't he)?
Correct Answer - doesn't he
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank
The gate ______ by the watchman on duty
Correct Answer - Was opened
Select the best appropriate antonym of given Word.
Correct Answer - Steady
In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out
which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a
sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.
I was taken by surprise (A)/when I came(B)/face to face with my school friend.
(C)/No error (D)
Correct Answer - D
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank
Technology can be _
Correct Answer - Addictive
and people seem to be more attached to screens than ever before.
In question given below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can
be substituted for the given words/ sentence.
A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to
place and lives by begging:
Correct Answer - Vagrant

5|Pa ge
In a row, 75 boys were standing. Param was standing at the 42nd position form
the left and Vikram was standing at 49th position from the right. Find out, how
may boys were standing between Param and Vikram in the row?
Correct Answer - 14
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word 'VULGARIZED' each of
which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English
Correct Answer - 3
Ankush walked 50 m towards north then turned left and walked 68 m. He then
turned to south and walked 22 m then he took a left turn and walked 44 m.
After that he turned right and walked 18 m and finally, he turned left to and
walked 48 m. What is the total distance travelled by Ankush in south direction
during the entire journey?
Correct Answer - 40 m
Study the information given below carefully and then answer the following
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting round the circle and are facing the Centre:
P is second to the right of T who is the neighbour of R and V.
S is not the neighbour of P.
V is the neighbour of U.
4. Q is not between S and W. W is not between U and S.
What is the position of S?
Correct Answer - To the immediate right of W
In a certain code language,
'dee due tic' is written as 'rose are red',
'bil doe' is written as 'yellow car'
and 'tic dur doe' is written as 'car are pink'.
What is the code for 'pink' in that language?
Correct Answer - dur

6|Pa ge
Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
Correct Answer - akhi
Arrange the following words in a logical and meaningful order.
Promotion; Application Job; appointment; Written test; Merit list.
Correct Answer - 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
Sameer moved 20km towards east in car from his home to reach hospital. From
there he turned left and moved 30km and again move 20km left to reach his
school. How far is his school from hospital?
Correct Answer - 30 km
Five students P, Q. R, S and T are sitting on a bench. Q is to the left of P and
right of T. S is at the extreme right end and R is to the left of S. Who is sitting
third from the left?
Correct Answer - P
Ram said, pointing to a girl, 'She is the only daughter of the father of my sisters
brother'. If so, how is the girl related to Rajiv?
Correct Answer - Sister
Read the following information carefully to answer the following question:
A - B means A is wife of B A ÷ B means A is brother of B A + B means A is
daughter of B
A × B means A is son of B
How is A related to D in the given expression?
Correct Answer - Granddaughter
A person starts walking in north to his house and walks 50m. Now he took a
right turn and walks 20m and after that he took another right and walks 20m.
Now he is moving towards his house. In which direction he is walking?
Correct Answer - south west

7|Pa ge
In a code language, "LOGITECH" is written as "CFCEBAYD". How will
"INFORMATION" be written as in that language?
Correct Answer - EEBFIDWBEFE
Study the following information and answer the given question:
Among the 6 persons - A, B, C, D and E. Each have different weight. A is heavier
than 3 persons, C is lighter than E, D is lighter than only B. C is not the lightest.
The second heaviest person is of 68kg and the second lightest person is of
Which of the following represents the ascending order of the weight of the 6
Correct Answer - FCEADB
What will come at the place of question mark?
53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, ?
Correct Answer - 14
Which two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it
35 + 7-5×2 ÷ 25 = 20
Correct Answer - + and ÷

If in a certain code language 'SUCCESS' is coded as 'HFXXVHH', 'GREAT' is

written as 'TIVZG', Then how will 'VICTORY' be coded in that language?
Correct Answer - ERXGLIB
Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions
logically follow from the given statements using all statements together.
I. All Book are story.
Il. No story is painting.
III. All painting are history.

8|Pa ge
I. All book are painting.
Il. No history is book.
III. Some history are book
Correct Answer - Either II or III
What will come at the place of question mark?
9, 25, 49, 121,?
Correct Answer - 169
Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of
the given letter series will complete the series.
Correct Answer - debac
Who was the founder of 'Adhai Din Ka Jhopda' situated in Ajmer?
Answer - Qutub-ud-din Aibak
Who among the following was the first chairman of the Planning Commission?
Correct Answer - Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
Where is the Headquarters of World Health Organization?
Correct Answer - Geneva, Switzerland
The C. K Nayudu Trophy is related to the sport of Correct Answer - Cricket
Which of the following river does not originate in Indian Territory?
Correct Answer - Brahmaputra
Which of the following of Silicon Valley of India?
Correct Answer - Bangalore
Which institution fixes Repo Rate and the Reverse Repo Rate in India?
India Correct Answer - Reserve Bank of India
Insulin is a kind of _
Correct Answer - Hormone

9|Pa ge
Which of the following will be the official language of Jammu and Kashmir as
per the J&K Official Languages Bill, 2020?
Correct Answer - All of the these
SEBI is a
Correct Answer - Statutory Body
Who is the author of the book The Buddha and his Dhamma ?
Correct Answer - B R Ambedkar
The Panchayat Samiti remains accountable for its functions
Correct Answer - Zila Parishads
The movement of the local farmers of Bardoli in Gujarat against the British in
1928 was led by Correct Answer - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
In 1939 Subhash Chandra Bose was elected as president of the Congress Party
Answer -: - Pattabhi Sitharamayya
Which colour is formed when Red and Green are mixed?
Correct Answer - Yellow
A plant known only in cultivation having arisen under domestication is referred
to as:
Answer -; - Cultigen
Who was the Viceroy of India when the British India's capital was shifted from
Calcutta to Delhi?
Correct Answer - Lord Hardinge
Which of the following is not a Union Territory?
Correct Answer -: - Nagaland
The first summit of SAARC held at
Correct Answer - Dhakka
Who was the Viceroy of India when the British India's capital was shifted from
Calcutta to Delhi?

10 | P a g e
Correct Answer - Lord Hardinge
Which of the following is not a Union Territory?
Correct Answer -: - Nagaland
The first summit of SAARC held at
Correct Answer - Dhaka
Which hill station's name means place of Thunderbolt?
Correct Answer – Darjeeling
The average of 30 girls is 13 years. The average of first 18 girls is 15 years. Find
out the average age of remaining 12 Girls.
Correct Answer - 10 years
A and B can do a piece of work in 10h. B and C can do it in 15h, while A and C
take 12 h to complete the work B independently can complete the work in
Correct Answer - 24 hours
What is the difference between compound interest and simple interest for 2
years on the sum of Rs 1250
at 4% per annum?
Correct Answer - Rs. 2
A boatman rows 1 km in 5 min along the stream and 6 km in 1 hour against the
stream. The speed of stream is
Correct Answer - 3 km/h
The average of six observations is 12. The average decreases by 1 when a new
observation is included.
What is the seventh observation?
Correct Answer - 5
A person travels a certain distance at 3km/h and reaches 15 min late, if he
travels at 4 km/h, he reaches 15 min earlier. The distance he has to travel is
Correct Answer - 6 km/h

11 | P a g e
7 years ago, the age of A and B were in the ratio 4: 5 and 7 years hence, they
will be in the ratio 5: 6. The present age of B is
Correct Answer - 77 years
The ratio between two members is 3: 7 . if their LCM is 210, find the numbers.
Correct Answer - 30,70
A two-digit number is such that the product of the digit is 8. When 18 is added
to the number, then the digits are reversed. The number is
Correct Answer - 24
which ratio, tea at Rs. 90 per kg should be mixed with another tea Rs. 120 per
kg to get a tea of Rs.
100 per kg?
Correct Answer - 2:1
A person's salary increased from Rs. 7200 to Rs. 8100. What is the percentage
increase in his salary?
Correct Answer - 12 %
One local and another express train were proceeding in the same direction on
parallel tracks at 29 km/h and 65 km/h respectively. The driver of the former
noticed that it took exactly 16 second for the faster train to pass by him. What
is the length of the faster train?
Correct Answer - 160 m
A father is nine times as old as his son and the mother is eight times is old as
the son. the sum of the father's and the mother's age is 51 years. What is the
age of the son?
Correct Answer - 3 years
A father is nine times as old as his son and the mother is eight times is old as
the son. the sum of the father's and the mother's age is 51 years. What is the
age of the son?
Correct Answer - 3 years
Pipe A can fill a tank in 30 hours and B in 45 hours. if both pipes are opened in
an empty tank, how much time will it take to fill it?

12 | P a g e
Correct Answer - 18 hours
The profit earned after selling an article foe Rs. 878 is the same as loss incurred
after selling the article for Rs. 636. What is the cost price of the article?
Correct Answer - Rs. 757
If X: Y = 4:7 and Y: Z = 5: 11, then X : Y : Z is
Correct Answer - 20: 35 : 77
The number of terms in the series 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ... + 73 + 75 is
Correct Answer - 38
The simple interest on a sum of money at 8% per annum for 6 years is half of
sum. What is the sum?
Correct Answer - Data is inadequate
The least number, which when divided by 12, 15, 20 or 54 leaves a reminder of
4 in each case is:
Correct Answer - 544
Two cities A and B are 360km apart. A car goes from A to B with a speed of 40
km /hr. and returns to A with a speed of 60 km / hr. What is the average speed
of the car?
Correct Answer - 48 km/hr
Choose the most appropriate Preposition to fill in the blank.
Visitors in the garden are prohibited ____ walking on the grass.
Correct Answer - from
Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given sentence.
A word no longer in use
Correct Answer - Obsolete
Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
He rides the high horse because of his high connection.
Correct Answer - puts on airs

13 | P a g e
Fill in the blank with a suitable Preposition.
He boasted———his riches.
Correct Answer - of
Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
To show the white feather
Correct Answer - To show signs of cowardice
Fill in the blanks:
I saw ____ bears in Yellowstone National Park.
Correct Answer - No article
Fill in the blank with a suitable Preposition.
The boy ____ red hair is my brother.
Correct Answer - with
The Antonym of ECSTASY
Correct Answer - Misery
Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given sentence.
One who lends money at high rate of interest
Correct Answer - Usurer
Spot the correct sentence :
Your Answer - I have not seen her since long.
The Synonym of the underline word is-
The data COMPILED by the organization was very useful.
Correct Answer - Collected
Fill in the blanks:
Our sir teaches Mathematics
Your Answer - besides
Correct Answer - I have not seen her long since.
14 | P a g e
Correct Answer - besides
Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given sentence.
Ravi impressed everyone with his persuasive and fluent speech.
Correct Answer - Eloquence
Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given sentence.
Paying back injury with injury
Correct Answer - Reprisal
The Synonym of ABASH
Correct Answer - Embarrass
In the following question select from among the four alternatives, the word
nearest in meaning to the word given in capitals.
Correct Answer - Hatred
Select the grammatically correct sentence from the given options:
Correct Answer -
I want to apologize for locking you up alone in the building.
Correct the following sentence:
My hair stood off ends when I saw the horrible sight.
Correct Answer - stood on ends
Find the Antonym of bold word.
Sanjay's point of view was correct but his behaviour with his father was quite
Correct Answer - Respectful
The Antonym of ATTACH
Correct Answer - Detach

15 | P a g e
A clock is set at 5 am. The clock loss 16 min in 24 h. What will be the right time
when the clock indicates 10 pm on the 4th day?
Correct Answer - 11: 00 pm
In a certain code, 'TERMINAL' is written as 'NSFUMBOJ' and 'TOWERS' is written
as 'XPUTSF. How is 'MATE' written in the same code?
Correct Answer - BNFU
If 9 × 3 + 8 = 24,10 × 2 + 7 =35 and 80 × 40 +3 =6, then find of value of 12 × 4 +
3 =?
Correct Answer - 9
Find the angle traced by hour hand of a correct clock between 8 O' clock and 2
O' clock.
Correct Answer - 180°
63: 21 :: 27:?
Correct Answer - 9
Anamika who is the Facing south walks 20 m, then she turns to her right and
walks 15 m, then she turns to her right and walks 16 m, Again, she turns to her
right and walks to 12 m. How far is she from her starting point?
Correct Answer - 5m
Looking into a mirror, the clock shows 9: 30 as the time. The actual time is
Correct Answer - 3:30
Rakesh leaves from his house. He walks 10 m in North-West direction and then
20 m in South-West direction. Next, he moves 20 m in South-East direction.
Finally, he turns towards his house. In which direction is Rakesh going?
Correct Answer - North-east
Looking at a woman sitting next to him, Amit sad, 'She is the sister of the
husband of my wife'.
How is the woman related to Amit?
Correct Answer - Sister
Complete the given series:

16 | P a g e
Correct Answer - LJT
30, 68, 130, 222, ? 520, 738
Correct Answer - 350
165135 is to 'PEACE' as 1215225 is to
Correct Answer - LOVE
If in a code language, 'PARENT' is written as 'BDFGJK', and 'CHILDREN' is written
as 'MOXQUFGJ', then how is 'REPRINT' written in the same code?
Correct Answer - FGBFX.JK
A is wife of B. D is the brother of A, P and Q are the children of E.. who is wife
of D. How is B related to Q?
Correct Answer - Uncle
How many letters of the English alphabet appears same when looked at in a
Correct Answer - 11
There are five different houses, A to E, in a row. A is to the right of B and E is to
the left of C and right of A, B is to the right of D. Which of the house is in the
Correct Answer - A
Who among P, A, R, S, T, is in the exactly middle while standing in a line?
I. Q is to the immediate right of R.
II. T is exactly between P and R.
IlI. Q is exactly between R and S.
Correct Answer - R
There are six books A, B, C, D, E and F. B, C and E have blue covers while the
rest have red cover. D and F are new books while the rest are old books. A, C
and D are law reports while the rest of physics.
Which is the red covered new law report book?

17 | P a g e
Correct Answer - D
'Pitch' is related to 'Cricket', in the same way as 'Arena' is related to
Correct Answer - Wrestling
Sohan ranks seventh from top and twenty-sixth from the bottom in a class.
How many students are there in the class?
Correct Answer - 32
Which part of Indian Constitution deals with 'Fundamental Rights'?
Correct Answer - Part III
Which States in India is estimated to have the largest coal reserves in India?
Correct Answer - Jharkhand
During the period of the Indian freedom struggle, who among the following
started the Central Hindu School?
Correct Answer - Annie Besant
National Development Council (NDC) deals with -
Correct Answer - The approval of five years plans
Day and Night are equal at the -
Correct Answer - Equator
In which state was the Nalanda university located in India?
Correct Answer - - Bihar
The function of bureaucracy is - Your Answer - All of the above
Correct Answer - All of the above
Name the longest river in Asia.
Correct Answer - Yangtze
In India planned economy is based on-
Correct Answer - Socialist System
The number of members included in the Constitution Drafting Committee was-
Correct Answer - Seven

18 | P a g e
When the coins appeared first in India?
Correct Answer - 600BC
Which of the following States is a member of the 'seven sisters'?
Correct Answer - Tripura
Per Capita Income of country derived from-Your Answer -
Correct Answer -
The number of members included in the Constitution Drafting Committee was-
Correct Answer - Seven
When the coins appeared first in India?
Correct Answer - 600BC
Which of the following States is a member of the 'seven sisters'?
Correct Answer - Tripura
Per Capita Income of country derived from-
Correct Answer - National Income and Population both
Which one of the following is not a rabi crop?
Correct Answer - Rice
When it is 12 noon at London the local time 15º east of London will be-
Correct Answer - 01:00 pm
Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for the institution of
Panchayati Raj?
Correct Answer - Article 40
Which one among the following States is the leading producer of salt in India?
Correct Answer - Gujarat
Which States of India has the largest area?
Correct Answer - Rajasthan
In the Federation under the act of 1935 residuary powers were given to the:
Correct Answer - Governor General
19 | P a g e
Earthquake is caused by -
Correct Answer - Disturbance of earth surface

20 | P a g e

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