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Opening & Welcome Speech

Anchor 1: Good Morning!, Sacred Heart Family

Anchor 2: We are delighted to welcome you all to this very special farewell party.

Anchor 1: Today, we come together to celebrate the journey and achievements of our seniors.
It's the time to reflect on the wonderful memories we've shared.

Anchor 2: So, without further ado, let’s get this party started! I am [Jaspreet Kaur], and I am
[Manas Singh Chauhan], and we will be your hosts for the day.

Lamp Lighting

Anchor 1: To mark the auspicious beginning of this day, we will start with the traditional lamp
lighting ceremony.

Anchor 2: We request our esteemed Principal [Fr. Johny], along with our honored Head of
Departments [Neha Ma'am & Kamal Sir], and 1 senior from each department, to come forward
and light the lamp.

Welcome/Prayer Dance

Anchor 1: Thank you everyone. Now, to invoke the blessings of the Almighty, we have a serene
prayer dance performance by our talented batchmate [Sanjana Kanaujia].

Anchor 2: Let’s welcome her with a big round of applause.

Principal's Message

Anchor 1: That was truly beautiful. Now, we would like to invite our respected Principal, [Fr.
Johny], to share a few words of wisdom and encouragement.

Anchor 2: Please welcome [Fr. Johny] with a big round of applause!

Dance: Boys & Girls

Anchor 1: Thank you so much, [Father], for those inspiring words. Now, it's time to bring some
energy into the room with the dance performance!

Anchor 2: Yes, indeed. We have an electrifying dance performance by the boys & the girls.
Let’s give them a big round of applause!
Round 1: Dress, Introduction, Tongue Twister

Anchor 2: Now, let's move on to our first fun round: Dress, Introduction, and Tongue Twister.
We invite our participants to the stage.

Anchor 1: Participants will showcase their attire, give a brief introduction, and then tackle a
tongue twister. Let’s get started!

Paper Game - Dice

Anchor 2: Next up, we have an exciting paper game involving dice. We invite [Gajendra Pratap
Singh] to explain the rules and conduct the game.

Anchor 1: Let’s have some fun and roll those dice!

Poetry Performance

Anchor 2: Now, let’s shift to something a bit more artistic. We have a beautiful poetry recital by
Manas Singh Chauhan. Please give a warm welcome to him.

Round 2: Bangle and Balloon Game

Anchor 2: That was wonderful, Manas! Now, we will move on to Round 2: The Bangle and
Balloon Game. Participants, please get ready.

Anchor 1: Let’s see who can complete the challenge fastest. Over to the game coordinator!

Song Performance

Anchor 1: After that fun game, it’s time for a melodious treat. Please welcome Anshi Patel to
the stage for a musical performance.

Anchor 2: Let’s give her a big round of applause!

Round 3: Q&A

Anchor 2: Thank you, Anshi, for that beautiful performance. Now, we proceed to Round 3: The
Q&A session. Participants, please come forward.

Anchor 1: This round will test your wit and presence of mind. Let’s get started!
Dance - Girls

Anchor 2: Next, we have another lovely dance performance by the girls. Let’s welcome them to
the stage!

Announcement: Mr. & Ms. Farewell Winner

Anchor 1: Now, the moment we've all been waiting for: the announcement of Mr. & Ms.

Anchor 2: We request Principal [Fr. Johny] to come forward and announce the names of the

National Anthem

Anchor 1: To conclude this memorable evening, let us all stand for the National Anthem.

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone. Have a wonderful day!

[*Anchor1 - Manas]
[*Anchor2 - Jaspreet]
[11:00 AM - 01:00 PM]

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