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The Ultimate Collection of

Cold Email Template

100+ Cold Email Templates to

Generate Warm Leads

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 02

2 Cold Email Templates 03

3 First Touch Templates 04

4 Follow-up Templates 65

5 Breakup Email Templates 98

6 Klenty 109

Cold emailing to prospects is one of the most widely used effective strategies for finding new

customers. All successful salespeople, in their repertoire of tools and techniques, will have

a set of cold email templates which they test and use with a high degree of success.

Cold email is just the first step in attempting to open conversation with your

prospect. Even if some one has a need for your product or offering, it often

takes 7-10 touches and followups before you get a response. So not only do

you need an effective email for your first cold approach, you also need to

have effective templates to followup and give them more reasons to start a

conversation with you.

Klenty brings to you the ultimate collection of cold email

templates that you can use to create a winning cold email

campaign. We have collected over 100+ successful email

templates that you can use from first touch to multiple follow

ups. Use these templates provided as an inspiration. More

importantly, edit them, adapt them and make them more

relevant for your own offering.

Cold Email Templates

1 First Touch Templates: Use these templates when sending the first cold email to your prospect.

7 Referral Templates: When you write to someone higher up in the prospect organization and
request an introduction to the right person

7 Direct Sales Outreach Templates: Write directly to the appropriate person in your target
company and engage in a sales conversation

7 Value Add Outreach Templates: Write directly to the appropriate person in your target
company, to share something of value and build a relationship

2 Followup Templates: Use these templates to follow up at scale.

7 Checking in: Remind the prospect gently that you have written to them earlier and you are
awaiting a reply

7 Adding Value: Add value to your prospect, and in the process - remind them of your
commercial intent

7 Use Humor: Add some humor to make your follow up email stand out

3 Breakup Email Templates: Topically the last touch in your outreach

First Touch Templates 04
Referral 1 : Who is the right person?
This is an example of a referral template that is pointed and direct. This template uses the subject line to do all the work -it is not sales and
does not attempt to convince the recipient of the benefits of your offering/ product etc. The subject line is used to provide context. And the
[leading general statement] provides additional information about the function/person you are trying to contact.

Subject: Implementing XYZ at {{Company}}

Hi {{FirstName}},

I am trying to figure out who is incharge of [leading general statement]there at


Would You mind pointing me towards the right person and the best way I might get
in touch with them?
Referral 2 : Value Proposition 05
This is a simple and direct template that goes straight to the point. It does not waste time with personal introductions or pleasantries.

If you have a strong value

Proposition where you helped a similar company achieve an important benefit, then this template might be a good way to ask for a referral.

Sub: {{FirstName}},

Hi {{FirstName}},

We recently helped a start up [insert result] by [what you do]. Can you point me to
the person who handles [what you do] to discuss further.
Referral 3 : Who is the best person? 06
This referral email template provides some additional context for the outreach. Again the reason this template stands out is that it is not
sales. Is not making a big ask (meeting/ call etc).

All you are trying to do is establish if there is a need for your solution. Also mentioning that you were doing research on the prospect
company to establish fit - makes it less pushy.

Subject: Looking for best [insert job area where you’d like to start] contact

Hi {{FirstName}},

I am doing some research on your company to determine if there is (or is

not) a need for [insert your strongest pain point].

Could you please help me by pointing me to the best person there for a

brief discussion?
Referral 4 : Open with a compliment 07
This is a referral email template that opens with a compliment to the prospect. Then you simply put forth four value propositions

and request to be pointed to the responsible person. This template works because you begin with a compliment and also brief them on how
you can add value and in return you make a simple ask to be guided to the correct person.

Hi {{First name}},

I really like the clean design and usability of your website. It’s really, really good.
{Your brief value proposition} and would like to speak with someone who is
responsible for this area of your marketing, at {prospect’s company}.

Are you the right person to speak about this? If not, who do you recommend I
should contact?

Many thanks
Referral 5 : Synergies 08
This is a referral template that you can use to reach someone who can help you introduce yourself to your prospect. The subject line does all

the talking. It is direct and questions if they are willing to help. The mail provides the reason why you want to connect. It helps you to make

your point stronger by stating how you helped the prospects’ competitor in the past similarly.

Subject: Can you put me in touch with {decision maker}?

Hey {{FirstName}},

Was hoping that you might be able to introduce me to {decision maker} at

{prospect’s company}?

I wanted to connect with {him/her} because our email lists target a similar demographic with limited overlap. Seeing

our products are noncompetitive, I wanted to touch base to see if {he/she} was up for brainstorming ways to leverage

our existing user bases to grow both of our lists.

We did this with {prospect’s competitor} in the past, and both parties received a 15% lift in new subscribers.

Any help is much appreciated.

Referral 6 : Scaling Customer Acquisition 09
This is another referral email template that you can use if you are approaching to help in scaling your prospect’s customer acquisition.

The mail is just trying to establish if your prospect is interested in scaling customer acquisition. And if yes then who

is the contact person.


One of our clients was able to acquire about 6,000 customers at half of their target cost
per acquisition number. Is this something that might interest you right now?

If so, can you point me in the direction of the person that

handles this?
Referral 7 : Connecting based on the online profile 10
This is a referral email template that you can use when trying to connect with someone whose profile you came across on the web. The
template is ideal for a first

touch as it begins with an intro to yourself and a brief pitch of your product and it simply closes with a request for a call to discuss how your
product can provide value.

Hi {{FirstName}},

My name is [my name] and I head up business development efforts with [my company]. We recently launched a new

platform that [one sentence pitch].

I am taking an educated stab in the dark here, however, based on your online profile, you appear to be an appropriate person
to connect with … or might at least point me in the right direction.

I’d like to speak with someone from [company] who is responsible for [handling something that’s relevant to my product].

If that’s you, are you open to a fifteen-minute call on _________[time and date] to discuss ways the [company name]
platform can specifically help your business? If not you, can you please put me in touch with the right person?

I appreciate the help!

Referral 8 : The Elevator pitch 11
This is an example of a referral template that is very specific and data-driven. The subject line states the metric you want to discuss.

This is a useful template when approaching a data/ metrics-driven prospect

Subject: Scaling Customer Acquisition


One of our clients was able to [improve metric by number] at half of their target cost

per acquisition number. Is this something that might interest you right now? If so, can

you point me in the direction of the person that handles this?

Referral 9 : I looked at your site 12
Indicating that you spent some time on their website and have done your research is a good way to start a cold email. The template

provided below is an example of one such approach.

Hi {{FirstName}}

This is {your name} with {your company name}. I just took a quick look at your site and noticed that

{prospect’s company} looks similar to many of the SaaS clients that we help every day.

I’m sure you’re already thinking about engagement metrics and ROI by acquisition source, but I’d love to

get a sense of how you’re uncovering that data and share some insights we’ve learned along the way

towards understanding the story behind your business.

Have I got the right person? If not, please recommend who I speak with?

Referral 10 : Good fit 13
This is another referral template that is simple and direct. It begins with a brief intro about you and your product. Without being too sales, it

establishes your market position and requests a referral to the right person.

Hi {{FirstName}},

I hope this note finds you well.

I’ve been working for a company called {my company} that speciali1es in X, Y and Z. In thinking about your

role at {company}, I thought there might be a good fit for your group.

Our {product name} has garnered a lot of attention in the marketplace and I think it’s something that your

organi1ation might see immediate value in.

Can you help me get in contact with the right decision-maker?

Referral 11 : With a Blurb 14
This is a referral email template that you can use to ask for an introduction. In order to make it easy for the referrer, you may also provide a
blurb. The subject line clearly states the motive of the mail. The mail itself is direct. Reminds the conversation and then simply asks for an
introduction with the interested person mentioned in the conversation. You send a blurb to make it easier for them to introduce.

Subject: Introduction to {contact name}?

Hey {{FirstName}},

It was fantastic meeting you last week at [event]. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic discussed].

As we were discussing what I’m working on, you mentioned that you know [contact name] over at
[company name] and how [s/he]’s an expert in this space. If you’re willing, an introduction to [contact
name] would be greatly beneficial and [s/he] might be interested in learning more.

I understand you might have a lot going on so I attached a short blurb below to make the introduction as
easy as possible. Would you be able to take a moment to introduce me?

Referral 12 : Favourite Team 15

Hi {First Name},

I see that you’re a {team} fan, so you must be excited about {player} {player’s achievement}.

As {company} continues to scale, your {department} team needs {pain point that you solve for} just as
{how same point applies to team}.

We’re the {player} of {industry/market niche}…{funny comparison}.

{First Name}, I’d love (if possible) to be referred to the best person on your {department} team to

introduce {Your Company} as a means to hit your {goal}.

Direct Sales Outreach 16
While writing one level above and asking for a referral was a good (and perhaps necessary) approach a few years ago, these days with
social media tools like Linkedin and other sources of data, it is usually quite easy to find the appropriate person and write to them directly.
Here are a few templates where we write directly to the Prospect who is in charge and explain why they should talk to you.

Direct 1 : Mutual connection

This is a first-touch email template that you can use to get in touch with someone by referring to a mutual connection. The subject line is
easily noticeable with the mention of the name of the mutual connection. The template is simple and not sales. It gives a brief intro of
yourself and your company and then tries to establish the need for your product.

Subject: [mutual connection] recommended we get in touch.

Hi {{FirstName}},

[Mutual connection] recommended we get in touch. I work for a company called company name]

that does [X, Y, and Z].

In thinking about your role at [company}, I thought there might be a great fit for your group.

Our [product name] has been extremely well-received in the marketplace and I think it’s something that might be
helpful for you!

Do you have time to chat next week?

Direct 2 : Trigger based outreach 17
Triggers are a very effective way to personalise your cold emails. This template uses a recent event as a trigger to congratulate and connect
that with how you helped other similar companies adapt to the changes arising due to the event.

Subject: Congrats! Have you thought of [business value]?

Hey {{FirstName}},

Because I work so much with [your targeted industry], I constantly follow industry news. I’ve noticed that
you recently [company action]. Congrats!

Usually when that happens, [business value] becomes a priority. That’s why I thought you might be
interested in finding out how we helped [similar company] get going quickly in their new direction -

without any of the typical glitches.

If you’d like to learn more, let’s set up a quick call. How does [specific day and time] look on your calendar?


Direct 3 : Ideas for you 18
This is a first - touch email template that you can use to contact someone directly when you have done some research and have specific
ideas to improve their business. The subject line stands out and conveys what the mail is about. After a brief intro about you, your company,
and your client tell the mail jumps to explaining the idea to improve business and it closes with a meeting request to

discuss more such ideas.

Subject: A few ideas: How you can improve sales

My name is {{your name}} and we work with companies like {{Company names}} to improve their sales.

I’ve already started looking at {{Company name}} and I have a few ideas about how you can drastically
increase your {{type of sales}}. For example,{{how you can help with existing issues}}.

I have a lot more ideas that may be useful for you. Do you have time on {{Date and Time}} for a 15-minute
Hangout or Skype call?
Direct 4 : Resort to Outright Flattery 19
When approaching someone who is very well known in your industry, you can use this template as

inspiration to draft your cold email

Subject: It’s finally great to connect with a sales legend

Hi {{FirstName}}

I have to say this right off the bat: I really admire the work you’ve done at {{company}} and how you’ve
improved {{what they’ve done}}. I would love to pick your brain on {{Their specific skill}}.

I think you can continue to increase those sales with {{your services}}. Time is precious but I wouldn’t

as if there wasn’t some substantial benefit for you. Can I steal you away for a 15-minute phone call
tomorrow at {{insert time}}?

Direct 5 : LinkedIn article 20
This is a first-touch email template that you can use when you come across an article that your prospect has written on LinkedIn.

You can use this template to inform about coming across the article and how it can help others you know facing the same

challenge. Without being too pushy, it requests a meeting.

Hi {{FirstName}},

The article that you shared on LinkedIn yesterday addresses a challenge that I've heard two sales

directions mention this week. Your unique perspective would be beneficial for them to hear.

We help sales executives improve their rep’s success with a similar approach. Do you have 5 mins to speak

on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon this week?

Direct 6 : General Truth 21
This is a first-touch email template that you can use to approach a prospect directly. You can use this template if you want to get
straight to the point. With a one-line introduction and a value proposition, this template is simple and direct.

Hi {{FirstName}},

{Your Name} from {Your Company} here.

Companies make more sales with consistent marketing. {Your Company}

can put proven sales tools into the hands of everyone who sells your


If that sounds useful, I can explain how it works.

Direct 7 : Learn about you 22
This is another first-touch email template. The subject line shows your intent to connect and help. The template is direct with a brief
intro about you and your product. Then it pitches your intention to learn more about a particular point that you

can help with and closes a schedule for a call.

Subject:{Company Name} + {Your Company}

Hi {{FirstName}},

My name is {Your Name} with {Your Company}.

We help {specific company type} with {one liner}.

I wanted to learn how you handle {thing your company handles} at {Company Name} and

show you what we’re working on.

Are you available for a brief call at {time options}?

Direct 8: Use Numbers and Stats 23
This is another first-touch email template. The subject line shows your intent to connect and help. The template is direct with a brief
intro about you and your product. Then it pitches your intention to learn more about a particular point that you

can help with and closes a schedule for a call.

Subject:{Company Name} + {Your Company}

Hi {{FirstName}},

My name is {Your Name} with {Your Company}.

We help {specific company type} with {one liner}.

I wanted to learn how 0ou handle {thing your company handles} at {Company Name} and

show you what we’re working on.

Are you available for a brief call at {time options}?

Direct 9 : Quick Call 24
This is a first-touch email template that you can use to approach your prospect directly. The subject line provides an attractive
value proposition. Apart from being very clear on the benefit offered, this template provides social proof to make the

case more compelling.

Subject: 10x [prospect’s company name] traction in 10 minutes

I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get [company] its

next 100 best customers.

I recently used this idea to help our client [SaaS company/competitor]

almost triple their monthly run rate.

[First name], let’s schedule a quick 10-minute call so I can share the idea

with you. When works best for you?

Direct 10 : Analysis on your product 25
This template works because your email copy is focused on how you analyzed and found that your new product can provide value
to the prospect. Also, the objective of the call is positioned as "getting your opinion" - which is always an easier CTA than

a sales pitch.

Hi {{FirstName}},

I really like what you’ve done so far with {company} and we genuinely believe it has great potential.

Earlier this week we’ve basically done an analysis with a new product that we recently launched and

found that you have an easy 15% revenue improvement. We were a bit surprised as the average

result that we get with similar websites is around 9%.

I’d really like to give you a quick call sometime next week to show you the results and get your opinion.

Let me know your thoughts.

Direct 11 : Focus on Benefits 26
Use this template to demonstrate your understanding of the industry and key issues that your prospects deal with.

{{First Name}},

In working with other (INSERT INDUSTRY OR POSITION), one of the key issues they’re struggling with is


This past year we helped numerous companies to (INSERT BUSINESS DRIVER), resulting (in MONEY SAVED,

If this is something you’re challenged with too, let’s set up a quick call. I have some ideas that might help.

All the best,

{your name}
Direct 12 : Talk down your competition? 27
Want to find a list of companies that use InfusionSoft? Tools like Builtwith allow you to make a list of companies who use a given
product (eg: your competition). You can then approach these companies and talk about how (you are better than your

competition. This template would be ideal in such a scenario.

Subject: What do you think of {Your competitor’s product}?

Hi {FirstName},

Just ran across your website and noticed you were using {Your competitor’s product}.

How are you liking it?

I run a {service} called {your company}. It’s just like {Your competitor’s product}, only {key differentiator}

If you’re up for it, I would love to jump on a quick call with you and get your opinion on how we could make {the
prospect’s company} better (and see if it would make sense for us to work together).

Would {insert 2 times} be a good time for you?

(if not, I’m flexible, just let me know)

Direct 13 : Head to Head against your competitor 28
This is another email template that you can use to connect with someone using your competitor’s product. After a brief introduction
of the product mention the key differentiator from your competitor. Focus on how you can solve an issue and not on the features to
differentiate. You close it with a request for a call.


Just ran across your website and noticed you were using (COMPETITOR NAME).

How are you liking it?


If you’re up for it, I would love to jump on a quick call with you and get your opinion on how we could make
(COMPANY NAME) better (and see if it would make sense for us to work together).

Would (TIME OPTIONS) be a good time for you? (if not, I’m flexible, just let me know)

Direct 14 : Help us…help you 29
This is a good example of a well structured direct email template. It communicates your understanding of their role/function, your
track record in being able to solve their problem/ challenge. The approach is helpful and not pushy

Subject: Can we help you achieve [goal] too?

Hey {{FirstName}},

In working with other [job title]s, one of the key issues they’re struggling with is [key issue].

This past year we helped numerous companies to [business driver], resulting [money saved, revenue added,
productivity increases].

If this is something you’re challenged with too, let’s set up a quick call.

I have some ideas that might help.

All the best,

Direct 15 : Personalised Demo 30
A lot of times, prospects don't want to jump on another sales call with a pushy sales rep. But if you have a product that promises to
help them, they are open to exploring and learning more on their own time - without being sold to. The engagement with

these emails can be order of magnitude higher compared to pure sales development emails.

Subject: Check out this personalised demo for {prospect’s company}!


I love {prospect’s company} and I’m also a big fan of your blog.

I work with companies like {prospect’s competitors} and help them {key benefits}. Here’s an example of {give an

Just wanted to email you and see if {prospect’s company} might be interested in a {similar type of solution}.

I made a demo for you based on {what it was based on} to show you what it might look like.

{paste the demo attachment}

Is this something you guys would be interested in?

Direct 16 : Be Upfront 31
This is a first touch email template that you can use if who are someone who likes being upfront with your customer if things are not
working out. The subject line provides the reason for the outreach. The mail template does not sound salesy; it begins with an intro
about you and then provides a list of your clientele to establish credibility. Then you mention about being upfront and

request for a meeting.

Subject: Revenue Growth

Hi {{FirstName}},

My name is {your name} and I’m with {your company}, a [what you do].

We’ve worked with venture-backed startups to Fortune 500 companies like [companies you’ve worked with].

We take a different approach to growing companies and aren’t like [other companies in a competitive niche].

We move quickly and if we don’t think we can kick butt for you, we’ll be upfront about it.

Are you free for a chat this week or next about marketing? If so, I’ll be available at {insert two times}.

Direct 17 : Saw your careers page 32
This is an ideal template that you can use to approach someone if you can eliminate the need for a manual resource to solve a
specific need. Bonus points for showing that you took the time to go through their careers page.

Subject: Hiring {title of your end users}

Hi {{FirstName}},

I noticed on your careers page that you’re hiring {title of your end users} who {describe the problem}.

Would love a few minutes to discuss how {your company} removes this burden.

{your company} helps clients like {prospect’s competitors} to {solution}.

{List some benefits}

Would you be open to a call {insert two times} to see how we could help

your team?

Direct 18 : Competitor just did X 33
Drop your prospect's competitor's name in the subject line and you are guaranteed to get your email opened. This template works
wonders if you can use specific news about the prospect's competitor.

Subject: Hiring {title of your end users}

Hi {{FirstName}},

I noticed on your careers page that you’re hiring {title of your end users} who {describe the problem}.

Would love a few minutes to discuss how {your company} removes this burden.

{your company} helps clients like {prospect’s competitors} to {solution}.

{List some benefits}

Would you be open to a call {insert two times} to see how we could help

your team?

Direct 19 : Trigger Event 34
A lot of successful sales people setup Google Alerts and keep an eye out for specific triggers - such as key hires, funding
announcements etc. Using triggers will continue to be an increasingly successful outreach strategy

Subject: {Trigger Event}

Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m reaching out because {trigger event - hiring new person dealing with vendors of the category you’re in}.

I know sometimes that causes people to want to switch {service you provide} vendors to get {benefit}. I wanted to

see if you would like to make more informed decisions quicker.

If this is of interest to you, can you please let me know either way?


{your name}

Direct 20 : Trigger Event and a Common Connection 35

Sub: {Congrats on X, connection to Y}

Hi {First Name},

Your {LinkedIn description, company’s recognition in the Inc. 500, connection with XYZ colleague} inspired

me to reach out.

Other staffng firms like A, B, and C leverage {product} to accomplish X and Y.Within six months of working
with {company}, client {saw X results}.

I’d be happy to share a few ideas about how {prospect company} could accomplish the same.If you’re
open to it, when would be a convenient time to chat? Say, {XYZ time}?


[Your name]
Direct 21 : The Referral Warmup 36

Sub: Contributing to [Company Name] ([Connection] referral)

Hey [First Name],

I've been loving the [relevant (true) complement based on the work in your discipline] coming out of the [Company
Name] for the past few months, especially the recent [relevant post, design, rebrand, feature, update and a

quick note showing you actually looked at it].

One of my acquaintances, [name of connection] is a contributor to the [Company Name] and she recommended I
reach out to you to see if it'd be a good fit for me to contribute as well.

Right now, I typically [one liner about the services you offer and niche that it's in, showing your clearly a

good potential hire for them].

[If possible, add an extra sentence highlighting relevant past work or offering up more industry credibility

boosters.]Let me know if this sounds interesting and I'd be happy to put together a few ideas on a [deliverable]

we can test out!

[Your Name]
Direct 22 : Refer to a Superstar 37

Sub: Be a superstar like {idol}

Hi {First Name},

Based upon your {social media}, you’re a fan of {idol} - inspiring me to reach out to you here.

What would {idol} be without {point of relation}? {Funny commentary}.{My company} is the {idol} of

{industry or market niche}.

Our platform provides {benefit 1} and {benefit 2}. Features like {feature 1},{feature 2}, and {feature 3} make

your team {benefit 2} - making them ready to boost their fame (much like {idol} and their team).

{First name} - might you be willing to connect for just a few minutes to talk about how we can get

your team onto {idol}’s level?

Direct 22 : Refer to a Superstar 38

Sub: Be a superstar like {idol}

Hi {First Name},

Based upon your {social media}, you’re a fan of {idol} - inspiring me to reach out to you here.

What would {idol} be without {point of relation}? {Funny commentary}.{My company} is the {idol} of {industry or
market niche}.

Our platform provides {benefit 1} and {benefit 2}. Features like {feature 1}, {feature 2}, and {feature 3} make your team
{benefit 2} - making them ready to boost their fame (much like {idol} and their team).

{First name} - might you be willing to connect for just a few minutes to talk about how we

can get your team onto {idol}’s level?

Direct 23 : New Blog Content 39

Sub: Your feature on my blog body

Hey [First Name],

I've been a fan of what you've been doing with [Company Name] over the past couple of years.

I'm reaching out because I'm working on a new piece geared towards [topic of the blog post you're writing] from

those who've already been through this experience themselves and I'd love to hear your take on it.

The post will be publishing to my blog [optional-that gets x # of readers] and I'd love to get a quick quote from

you to include in the piece if you're up for it.

If you'd be able to answer this question in a few sentences, that would be amazing:[Relevant question/challenge

that will give them an opportunity to showcase their expertise]

How do you advise people on overcoming that challenge?

[Your Name]
Direct 24 : Love your Articles 40

Sub: [Company Name] [Service] (and mention)

Hey {First Name},

I wanted to reach out and give you a heads up that I've been loving the {your service medium} coming out of

{Company Name} these past few months.

I can appreciate great {your service medium} when I see it

Direct 25 : Big Fan 41

Sub: A big fan of {prospect company}

Hey {First Name},

I hope that this email finds you well. I know you are busy, so I won’t take up a lot of your time. The purpose of this

email is to introduce myself, as I enjoy connecting with people who work in the same industry.

My company, {XYZ Corporation}, speciali1es in {your speciali1ation}. I am a big supporter of {prospect company}

and keep close tabs on all your latest news.

If you have the opportunity, don’t hesitate to reach out via email. Of course, you can also connect with me via

Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I hope we cross paths in the future!

Direct 26 : Demo Video for Prospect's Blog 42

Sub: {Company Name}, a free demo video for your blog

Hi {First name}

I am a huge (compan) name} fan. I especially liked your recent video on {abc}.

I take a keen interest in making videos and work with companies like {competitor} and make weekly videos

for their blog.

Here is a video that was published last week on their site - {link url}. Would {company name} be interested in a

similar series? I have made a demo for you to get an idea of what it will look like.

Check the video here {link url}.

Just say the word and I will set up a meeting to discuss the finer details.


{First name}
Direct 27 : Reach an Influencer using Common Connections 43

Sub: Interview for {your blog post}

Hey {First name}

Thanks for your tweeting my blog post {link url} mentioning you. I am overwhelmed. I am actually working on an

another similar blog post {idea/topic}.

The basic idea of this blog post is {your value proposition}. I wanted to see if I can grab 5-10 mins of your time

to talk about experiences that I can share with my readers.

Let me know if you are interested and I will set up the call.


{first name}

PS: Here's me quoting our mutual friend {ABC} in Forbes {url link}

PPS: Here's a piece that I wrote for Inc featuring your buddy {XYZ}

PPPS: I love tacos just like you, so I am can't be a bad guy!

Direct 28 : Writing to an Influencer 44

Sub: {First name}, you are so awesome!

Hey {First name}

Hope you are doing great. I have been a big fan of yours since I saw you speak at {some event} about how you

turned down a $xxxxxx job offer at {some company} to start your own company with $yyyyy in your bank

account and grow it to where you are was so inspiring.

I was wondering if you will be interested in being a headline speaker at {your conference}, an annual startup

conference for B2B startup founders.

You can set up a recruiting booth at the event if {prospect's company} is hiring or just spread the Marini gospel,

but I will do whatever it takes to make speaking at {your conference} worth your time and easy for you.

I can give you a more in depth run down if you had like: here is a gist of it

{link url}


{your name}
Direct 29 : Reaching out to Competitor's customer 45

Sub: Alternative to {Your Competitor name}

Hey {First Name}

Just ran across your website and I notice that you are using {your competitor}.How are you liking it? We have

built a {service you provide} called {your product}.

It is similar to {your competitor} but only simpler and powerful to use. If you are up for it, I would love to jump

on a quick call to get your opinion on

how we can improve {your product} and check if it makes sense for us to work together.

Would {date and time} be a good time for a call? (If not, I am flexible. Just give me buzz anytime)


{Your Name}
Direct 30 : Approach for a Backlink 46

Sub: {First Name}, {Favorite Article}

Hey {First Name}

I was searching for some articles about {topic} and I came across this page on your blog {url link}I noticed that you

linked to one of my favorite articles {title of the topic}.

I reference this post a lot.Just wanted to give you a heads up that I published something similar. It is like

{title of the topic} but more thorough and up to date.

Here is the link to my article {title - url link}I'd love to hear your feedback on it.

Also might be a worth to mention on your page?Either way, keep up the awesome work.


{your name}
Direct 31 : Help to Double down a goal 47

Sub: Are you doubling down on {goal}?

Hi {First Name},

I came across {prospect's company} recently and was going through your website and thinking how

{prospect's company} can really accelerate sales and lead generation.

I did a quick search and found over 16,000 people on Linkedin with the title {designation} in the US alone.

Imagine that you can find a super easy way to:

1. Collate a list of these {designation} who are potential prospects for {prospect's company}

2. Find accurate contact information for these prospects and

3. Reach out to them in a personalised and targeted manner to talk about how {prospect's company} can help them.

Well, {your product} is a tool that can help you solve the 3 challenges outlined above to deliver new

prospects on a consistent basis.

If that sounds useful, would you be interested in a quick call/ or a free trial to help you get started?

Direct 32: Reach your Niche Market 48

Sub: Elementary, my dear {First Name}

Hi {First Name},

“Data. Data. Data. I cannot make bricks without clay.” Sherlock Holmes said it about detective work.

But it fits for sales too. If you know exactly who to reach, when to reach them and the little things about who they

are, then all you need to do is click 'Send'.

I see that you sell to {industry}. At {your company}, we speciali1e in that very vertical and can get you the

prospects that you are most likely to convert.

How about a quick call to talk more? Can I block 15 minutes on your calendar sometime this week?

Direct 33 : Loved the Article 49

Sub: Re: Loved your article about {topic} - here's my results

Hey{First Name},

I have been following your blog post for the past 3 years, so many great insights.

Your recent post on {post title/topic} really resonated with me, I followed it step and step and {brief on how

the article was helpful for you}.

I have written a post about it here {url link}If you are so inclined, I'd love for you to share it with your audience.


{Your Name}
Direct 34: I Just met you Email 50

Sub: {First name}, it was nice to meet you

Hi {First Name},

It was nice to meet you at {Occasion where you met}. I loved learning more about {!Something discussed}.

I’m really interested in learning more about your role as {Job title} at {Company}, as {Reason why you’re interested}.

If you have time in the coming weeks, I’d love to {Follow up action} and hear more about

{Something you’d like to ask about}.

Glad to meet you.

Direct 35 : Poach Competitor's Customer 51

Sub: {Company X} acquires {competitor} - keep using all the {X features}you love

Hey {First Name}

As you may have heard, {Company X} acquires {Competitor} .

Sometimes acquisitions work out and sometimes ... the product gets shut down.

Or starts drifting from its vision. Or the new owners increase its price by a lot. Over at {your company}, we have

all the {X features} you love:

1. Feature 1

2. Feature 2

3. Feature 3

Plus, we can do a lot more to 10X your {goal}

1. Benefit 1

2. Benefit 2

3. Benefit 3

Give us a try. {Link url}


{Your name}
Value Add Outreach 52
When you are making a direct outreach to the person whom you have identified as your ideal prospect, you may want to

"warm them up" with a couple of non-salesy emails - just to establish rapport and add some value to them, before you hit them

with a request for a sales conversation

Value Add 1: Email Template for Sharing a Blog Post

This is a first touch email template where you share a recent blog post with your prospect. This "warms up" your prospect up by allowing
them to take a look at your blog, from there to your website etc. So that when you do make a "sales" approach,

they have some context about you and your offering

Sub: {Name}, {Blog Post Name}

Hello {{FirstName}}!

I’m just writing to let you know that our latest post, about {what your blog post is about}. In it, I share {what it’s about}.

As a digital marketer, I believe it will be very valuable to you.

Here’s a link to the latest post: {Post link}

I hope you enjoy it and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

All the best,

{Your name}

Value Add 2 : Template for Sharing Resources 53
This is another first touch up email template which you can use to approach someone directly. The mail works because you are
establishing your claim of being an experienced player by providing valuable resources to the prospect. It also works

because you are not asking for anything in return.

Sub: {Name}, {Resources} for you.

Hey{First Name},

We founded our business back in {date of founding} which means that we’ve had a lot of time to learn the ins and out of
{type of business you’re in}.

I wanted to use this as a time to shoot you some ideas that you could implement in Your business. I’ve compiled a
document of resources including tests that we’ve run on our website and blog posts containing information about our
business that will hopefully give you the inspiration you need to get started on the right foot.

You can find those resources here: {Link to resources}


{Your name}
Value Add 3 : Recommend a Tool 54
This is another first touch email template that you can use to approach the prospect directly. It provides a suggestion about a tool
that will help your prospect achieve her goals.

Subject: have you tried using [tool] for [goal]?

Hi {{FirstName}},

I came across your tweet recently on [problem you are facing]. Have you tried using [recommendation]?

I use that with my team and it has been incredibly successful.

Happy to chat more about it or send over some templates and examples if you’re interested.
Value Add 4: Visited Our Website 55
This is a first touch email template that you can use to approach someone who has visited your website. The template jumps
straight to the point without any pleasantries or introductions. This template will work great when you suggest a good

opportunity based on your research.

Subject: Ready to talk?

Hi {{FirstName}},

I noticed that you and some of your colleagues at [their company] visited our website and downloaded

a white paper on [topic].

I was wondering whether you were trying to learn more about how you might improve [business solution]. So, I would be
happy to setup a no strings attached 30 minute consultation with our expert team on [topic].

Let me know if you think this might be useful? Hope to hear from you.

Value Add 5 : Additional Resources 56
This is another first touch email template that you can use with someone who has visited your site or visited your blog post. The
template works because you are sharing more resources. Also because you are requesting time for a call to share valuable

information and not for a sales pitch.

Subject: Here are some resources for [topic]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m just writing to let you know that our latest post, about {what your blog post is about}. In it, I share

{what it’s about}.

As a digital marketer, I believe it will be very valuable to you.

Here’s a link to the latest post: {Post link} I hope you enjoy it and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

All the best.

Value Add 6 : Responding to an online post 57
This is another first touch email template that you can use to approach someone directly and answer a question they have posted
online. The subject line piques thatinterest of the prospect because he needs an answer for the same. The template is

also not sales as you are only providing a value proposition to help the prospect.

Subject: Ideas for generating leads


I saw that you recently posted a question on LinkedIn about how to generate new leads for your company.

I’ve found that [solution] has been successful for several companies in your space. I would love

to set up some time to chat about this solution if it strikes your interest.


Value Add 7 : Helpful resources 58
This template provides a lot of value upfront. By sharing additional resources. Further, it also establishes that you took the time to
conduct research and finally you are setting up a call to talk about industry benchmarks. What's not to like about this template?

Sub: {First name}, more resources for you

Hi {FirstName},

I noticed that you recently visited our {Page or Blog Post}. I wanted to quickly check in and make sure that you were
able to find the resource you were looking for?

I also thought you might find these additional resources helpful:

-{link to helpful resource}

-{link to helpful resource}

I actually also took a minute to look at your company, and I thought you might be interested in how your current
performance compares to the industry benchmarks that we regularly see.

Would you like to talk tomorrow at {insert 2 times you’re available}?

Value Add 8 : A Presentation 59

Sub: {Prospect name}, Your site isn't optimized!

Hey {Prospect name},

I noticed that your blog/site isn't optimi1ed for mobile! Here is how you can improve it: {share the visual

presentation}{Your company} has a plugin that can easily optimi1e wordpress blogs/sites to enhance the

reading experience of your readers on phones and tablets.

We would love to connect over the phone for few minutes and get this fixed for you.

Alternatively, you can also download our plugin here {url link}


{First Name}
Value Add 9 : Gamification 60

Sub: Idea to gamify {Company}’s sales team

Hi{First Name},

I’d like to share a quick idea with you that has helped {Clients} gamify their sales team and exceed their revenue
goals.The concept is fairly simple, and leverages the game mechanics of competitions like Fantasy Football, and

has powerful results.

When can we have a quick call so I can explain?


Value Add 10 : Industry / Competitor event 61

Sub: Saw the {recent industry/competitor event}

Hi {First Name},

I saw that the {new industry event} will result in {negative effect for the company's revenue}.

I think our company may be able to help you deal with the situation. With {your company}, you should be able

to {your value proposition}.

Should we talk or is there someone else that I can connect with for a quick 15 - 20 minutes call? Our company

{name}, helps {brief about the pain point your product/offering will resolve}.

We have helped other companies {companies list} increase their revenue by x% in just 3 months.

Are you or someone from the team available to hop on a quick call sometime over the next week or two?


Value Add 11 : When you're a stranger 62

Sub: 26 seconds (or less)

Hi {First Name}

I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 26 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.).

As a {job title} at {company}, I get to speak with people like you about {achieving X}.

{Prospect's company} is on my radar because we've helped a lot of companies in [industry/space]

with {business area}.

Could we schedule a 15 to 20 minute call to discuss your strategy for {achieving X} -- what excites you,

which challenges you see, and how you envision your plan changing down the road?

Even if you decide not to continue the conversation after our call, you'll leave with some advice for {business area}

that will make an immediate impact.


[Your name]
Follow-up Templates
Following up is the most important lever to improve the response rate of your cold email campaigns. Many
studies have shown that it takes an average of five follow ups to close a sale. So do not stop after a couple of
follow ups; keep following up till you get a response.

"Checking In" - to see if you got my previous email

Occasionally, as part of your email followup/ cadence, you may want to simply refer to the previous email and
bring it back to your prospect's attention/ casually float it to the top of their inbox.

Giving them another opportunity to read your previous outreach/ message and respond. While we do not
recommend excessive usage of the "Checking in" variety of followup, it is common practice to mix it up in your
followup sequence and add one of these - especially during the early stages.
Checking In 1 : Simple follow up 64
This is a simple follow up template that you can use in your cadence. It adds little value beyond reminding them that you have
approached them on the same topic a few weeks ago. But it is an effective way to bring your previous approach to the top of

their inbox

Subject: RE: {same subject}

HeY {{FirstName}},

{Your name} again.

Just touching base from few weeks ago.

Would love to have a quick conversation to see if I could You help You with your {give a solution to their problem}

Are you available {insert two times} for a quick 10 minute call?

{your name}

Checking In 2 : Confidence + Empathy 65
Some times a mix of confidence + empathy can move the needle. This template stands out because you are empathetic to the
prospect and the fact that they may not want to start a conversation with you. At the same time, your confidence in being able to

solve their problem can power through this hesitation.

Hi {{FirstName}},

I understand your position, but I wouldn’t follow up with you if I didn’t strongly think that {your company}

can help {their company} solve {challenge #1} by {product benefit #1} and {product benefit #2}.

I can promise you that {your product} is going to be an industry standard. By choosing to not implement it, you’re
putting your business and your ability as a {their department} person at a disadvantage.

Let me know if you want me to jump on a call so I can walk you through

what we do.
Checking In 3: The early follow up 66
This is a follow up email template that you can use to follow up on your prospect earlier than the scheduled time. By checking in a
few days/ weeks earlier than they had requested is a subtle way to demonstrate that you value the relationship and the

opportunity. Some thing that differentiates the top sales people from the rest.

Subject: let’s take another look

Hi {{FirstName}},

Last we chatted, you requested that I get in touch in November. I may be a month early, but I figured it’d

be worth checking-in.

Have you given any additional thought to my proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the

phone and answer any pending questions.

What does your calendar look like to talk?

Checking In 4 : Post Voicemail 67
Just left a voice mail? Don't stop there. Drop an email letting them know that you left a voice mail. +1 for persistence

Subject: sorry i just missed you

Hi {{FirstName}},

I just called to [explain your purpose].

In my voicemail, I mentioned that I’ll try you again on [date and time], but feel free to reach me whenever

works best for you at [phone number] or shoot me any questions via email.

Checking In 5 : Just missed you 68
This is another example of a voicemail + email combination.

Hi {{FirstName}}

Must have just missed you! I just left a voice mail on your cell.

Please shoot me an email or call me when you get a chance at (xxx xxx xxx)

looking forward to connecting.

Best Regards
Checking In 6 : Offer to help 69
This template can be an effective followup to a more detailed first touch - and also has the benefit of being more

open ended and helpful in general.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Drop me a note if you caught this {{FirstName}}. Would love to chat some more about your sales / provide any
assistance I can there. Discussing your plans for [your area of expertise] (even if it’s just advice I can pass on!)

would be great too.

Hope you’re having an excellent start to the week.

Checking In 7 : One step at a time 70
This is another open ended followup that allows the prospect to dictate what the next steps should be

Subject: Next Step?

{{FirstName}}, I’m writing to follow up. I’m not sure what our next step is.Let me know what makes

sense as a next step, if any?

Thanks for your input.

Checking In 8 : Btw, we were in the news 71
This is a follow up email template that you can use if you were in the news recently and for good reasons. Use that as an excuse to
share the good news with your prospect. Then request for a chat to take your conversation forward.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Hey {{FirstName}}, we got some new press coverage [link] that I wanted to

share with you. I’d love to pick up on our conversation.

When’s a good time to chat?

Checking In 9 : For a busy prospect 72
Often, you may just wish to forward your previous (more detailed email) with a slight variation on the call to action. This template is
well suited for such a situation.

Subject: Re:[same subject]

Drop me a note if you caught the email below {{FirstName}}; I know you’re a busy man!

I’d love to talk a little bit more about {your company}, yourself, and any ways in which we can be collaborating.

A phone call / Skype would be a pleasure.

Hope you had an excellent weekend,

Checking In 10 : Didn’t hear back 73
If your original referral email didnt get a response, you can use this template to make another attempt.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I didn’t hear back from you last week when I was looking for the appropriate person managing your [statement].

That’s not a problem.

If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks.If not, who is the appropriate person?
Checking In 11 : Follow up and ask for referral 74
Once you have followed up a few times, it may be a good time to ask the recipient to connect you with the right person - incase you
have been barking up the wrong tree. This email template begins with a recap of your value proposition and then it tries to

either get a response or get a referral.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I didn’t hear back from you last week when I was looking for the appropriate person managing your [statement].

That’s not a problem.

If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks.If not, who is the appropriate person?
Checking In 12 : When Waiting for an Answer 75

Re: {Same subject line}

Hi {First Name},

In case you missed my email {week/day you sent it}, {restate why you’re reaching out}. {Value statement

specific to recipient}.

My ask for you:

{First part of ask}{Second part of ask}

{Any additional information}.

Looking forward to your reply,

Checking In 13 : Social Proof 76

Sub: Re: {Same Subject}

Hey {FirstName},

I wouldn't be reaching out again but I strongly think that we can work together and we can help you {achieve goal}

Freshtrip, Intercom and Autopilot, three of the fastest growing SaaS startups in the bay area use us

{core benefit of your product} every day.

I suspect that we could be helpful for {prospect company} as well. Can we schedule some time to talk this week?

Checking In 14 : Testimonials 77

Sub: {First Name}, you will love us like others do

Hi {FirstName}

Incase you are still on the fence about whether automated prospecting makes sense for you,

I wanted to share a few quotes on what our customers are saying about us:

“{Your Company} is now the backbone of our sales prospecting process” -

VP Demand Gen at {Company Name}, a leading digital marketing firm

“The prospector works like a charm and integrates beautifully with our

CRM to keep all data in sync {Customer}” - VP Sales at {Customer


Intrigued why so many sales people love to use {your Product Name}? We

should talk!

Every Follow Up is an opportunity to Provide Value 78
Rather than perpetually "checking in", mail after mail, we strongly recommend using each followup as an opportunity to add more value to
your prospect. Rather than seek your prospect's attention without offering any thing in return, if you can offer some

thing of value - it significantly increases the chances of initiating a conversation.

Adding Value 1 : Post Event, In depth

Use this template to share additional content with your prospect on a topic of interest. Set the stage for a more

detailed conversation on the topic.

Subject: Excited about [thing] at [company name]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m sure improving your [objective] is a top priority for you. I thought I’d send you [piece of content] for you to go
through. In this post, we discuss the 5 key ways of improving your [objective]

Would love to know if [piece of content] was helpful to you. Let me know if you would like to discuss

this in greater detail over a call

Adding Value 2 : Educate Your Prospect 79
Often, depending on the type of product/ service that you offer and based on the "awareness level" of your prospect,

you may need to share educational content that helps them understand the problem better. This template

helps you achieve this objective.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I didn’t hear back from you last week when I was looking for the appropriate person managing

your [statement]. That’s not a problem.

If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks.If not, who is the appropriate person?
Adding Value 3: Share something + follow up 80
This is another follow up email template where you can follow up with your prospect by sharing a useful link and request for a quick
call. The useful link has to be really valuable to your prospect for this template to work effectively.

Subject: Key challenges in implementing [xyz]

Hey {{FirstName}},

Following my previous email on how we can help {{Company}} implement [xyz], I wanted to share this [piece of
content] that talks about the key challenges companies face in this context.

Let me know if you have any questions about [topic]. I would love to get on a call to discuss this in greater detail
Adding Value 2 : Educate Your Prospect 81
Often, depending on the type of product/ service that you offer and based on the "awareness level" of your prospect, you may need
to share educational content that helps them understand the problem better. This template helps you achieve this objective.

Subject: Key challenges in implementing [xyz]

Hey {{FirstName}},

Following my previous email on how we can help {{Company}} implement [xyz ], I wanted to share this [piece of
content] that talks about the key challenges companies face in this context.

Let me know if you have any questions about [topic]. I would love to get on a call to discuss this in greater detail
Adding Value 3 : Share something + follow up 82
This is another follow up email template where you can follow up with your prospect by sharing a useful link and request for a quick
call. The useful link has to be really valuable to your prospect for this template to work effectively.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Hey {{FirstName}}, can we hop on a quick call Wednesday 4pm or Thursday 11am?



PS: thought you might find this article interesting [link]

Adding Value 4 : Final Email+Last In Series 83
This template can be used as the last step in your mail cadence in which you have been sending mails providing valuable content

to the prospect as a part of your lead nurturing efforts. The template works because you are asking for a sign up since you

have been providing valuable content and established that you helped similar companies.

Hi {{FirstName}},

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve sent you a series of emails that I hopehave been valuable to you. This is the final

email you’ll be receiving as a part of the series.

If you’ve been enjoying the emails I’ve been sending, then I’ve got one more thing I’d like to share that

I think you’ll find useful:

Our {product}, which we built to help {your target audiences} deliver(s) {the thing that you sell}.

If you’re struggling to {first thing your product will fix}, or feel overwhelmed by {second problem your

product will fix}, I encourage you to give us a try.

{This is where you will say the length of your free-trial and what is required to sign up} You can try it

free here: {link to your free trial}

Enjoy, and once again, welcome to the {Your company} community

Adding Value 5: If they opened your mail but never replied 84

Sub: Resources used by {competitor #1} and {competitor #2}

Hi {First Name}

Following on my previous email, as they have a tendency to slip through the cracks.

At the very least, I wanted to provide you with the top resources that your peers at other {prospect's industry}
companies found helpful: [Helpful link] [Case study]Would it be helpful if we scheduled 15 - 20 minutes to discuss

how some of these topics may align with {prospect company's} 2017 strategy?

Just book some time on my calendar here: {Meetings link}


[Your name]
Adding Value 6 : If you just called them 85

Sub: {First Name} -- just gave You a ring

HeY {First Name},

Saw that You were checking out our {product}, and wanted to give you a quick shout after checking

out the {company} site.

The last thing I want to do is waste your time or mine, but I thought it would be helpful to quickly speak and learn a bit
more about what you hope to get from {product} and share some best practices.

Most of our successful users will have a quick set up like this to get things started in the right direction

Is there a good time for you today or the next few days? You can book some time directly on my calendar here:
{Meetings link}.


{Your name}

P.S. Thought you might like this as well while getting started:

[Helpful link #1]

[Helpful link #2]

Adding Value 7 : Using Free or Trial Version 86

Sub: What's next?

Hey {First Name},

How are you finding {your product} so far now that you've tested it pretty well?

You've locked down the basics of getting {your product} to work for you -A, B & C.A few tips I thought

fou might find useful.

- Tip 1

- Tip 2

- Tip 3

I'd love to hear how we're meeting your expectations. If there's anything that you haven't found

compatible yet, do let me know.


{Your Name}
Adding Value 8 : Prospect's gone dark 87

Sub: {First Name}, Are we meant for each other?

Hi {First Name},

But it still stings :(Sounds like we weren't meant for each other. But I wanted to reach out to you one last time.

I have a few suggestions on how {prospect company} can {accomplish X and Y}. If I don't hear back,

I'll assume that the timing isn't right.

In the meantime, here are two {links, resources} I thought you might {enjoy, find value in}

because {reason why they're relevant}:[Link #1][Link #2]


[Your name]
Adding Value 9 : Product Updates 88

Sub: {First name}, quick update from {your company}

Hi {First Name}

Hope all is well.

Last time we spoke you didn't think that {your company} was a not a goof fit for your

needs because {reason why they didn't close}

The good news is that we now {new feature which addresses their concern}. Based on our past

conversations, I think we are in a better position to help you to {achieve X by doing Y}

Just say the word and we will set up a trial account for you and your team.

Adding Value 9 : Product Updates 89

Sub: {First name}, quick update from {your company}

Hi {First Name}

Hope all is well.

Last time we spoke you didn't think that {your company} was a not a goof fit for your

needs because {reason why they didn't close}

The good news is that we now {new feature which addresses their concern}. Based on our past

conversations, I think we are in a better position to help you to {achieve X by doing Y}

Just say the word and we will set up a trial account for you and your team.

Add some humor to your followup 90
Your prospect is constantly bombarded with notifications, social media feeds, Youtube videos, not to mention tons of email every

single day. In this age of over communication, if you can make your prospect smile, then you can stand out among the countless bland
emails that hit your prospect's inbox. Humor if well architected, can make even the most defensive prospect lower their guard and engage
with you in a favorable disposition. Adding one funny email template in your followup cadence is a highly recommended idea.

When it comes to funny templates, we highly recommend that you create your own template based on your target persona and use the
ones provided below as inspiration only

Humor 1: The Super Hero

Use this template to share additional content with your prospect on a topic of interest. Set the stage for a more

detailed conversation on the topic.

Subject: Re: [same subject]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I’ve reached out a few times regarding your sales prospecting strategies there at {company}. My guess

is that we’re out of touch for one of three


- You don’t see a fit

- You have another solution to create predictable outbound prospecting numbers

- You are secretly a superhero and have been too busy fighting crime to reply

If any of these are correct then they may be the exact reason why we

should talk now…

Humor 2 : The T-Rex one 91
This is another funny follow up email template. The quasi-anxious subject line stands out. The absurdity of being chased

by a T-Rex makes this one funny. Again, guaranteed to evoke some laughs if your prospect has not seen this before.

Subject: Are you ok?


I reached out previously regarding [WHAT YOU DO] and haven’t heard back

from you yet.

This tells me a few things:

• You’re being chased by a T-rex and haven’t had time to respond.

• You’re interested but haven’t had time to respond.

• You aren’t interested.

Whichever one it is, please let us know as we’re getting worried!

Humor 3 : New Chapter 92

Sub: C-H-A-N-G-E-S

Hi {First Name},

I’ve reached out to [company] several times over the past few weeks. What I talked about clearly didn’t resonate.

I heard the collective yawn and have made some changes.

This partnership is now about three simple things: Helping you improve [X area of business]Helping you solve [X
challenge] Helping you achieve [X results] If the above sounds interesting, let's connect so I can provide more

information on how we have started a new chapter.


{Your name}
Humor 4 : Adele 93

Sub: Hello from the other side

Hello [prospect name],

I must have called a thousand times... On a more serious note, last time we talked about [pain] and how [product]

could help [drive X results/accomplish X goal] over [specific timeframe].

Are you still interested in continuing our discussion? If not, please let me know so I can stop being Adele.


[Your name]
Humor 5 : The Blunt Ask 94

Sub: {First Name}, how do we proceed?

Hi {First Name}

I'm in salesman hell a.k.a "Radio Silence"

I have of officially stalked you via phone, and now I thought I'd try emailing you.

How would you like me to proceed?

1. Keep calling you

2. Email you every two days

3. Take the opportunity out of the pipeline

Just reply the option number.

Humor 6 : Comment on your Blog Post 95

Sub: {First Name}, thanks for your comment

Hi {First Name}

Thank you for the lovely comment for my article on {topic}. Glad that it helped you solve {problem x}.

Just remember, we are always an email away if you need help. (Well, help with our app. I have no clue about good

vacation spots in Alaska.}

Breakup Email Templates 96
As a category, breakup email templates have gained a fair bit of notoriety over the last few years. The basic premise behind

these emails is to tell your prospect that you are "giving up" on them. Usually, you are banking on the pseudo-psychological

manipulation (also known as scarcity effect) - that people want what they can't have. Our experience has been that "Breakup emails" they
tend to work more often than not. Be sure to try them out in one of your cadences and measure the impact.

Breakup Email Template 1 : Close Your File

Here you use the threat of "closing your file" to tell the prospect that if they don't show interest, you will be moving on.

Subject: permission to close your file


We are in the process of closing files for the month. Typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they’re
either really busy or aren’t interested.

If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?

If you’re still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

Thanks for your help.

Breakup Email Template 2 : Courteous and Firm 97
This breakup email template starts on a courteous note. The subject line stands out with a "thanking you" message. By pointing

out that you respect the prospect's time, it adds another courteous note. And finally puts the ball in the prospect's court if they

wish to speak on this.

Subject: Thanks from [company]

Hi {{FirstName}},

I know we haven’t been able to connect, which usually means one of two things: Either the timing may not be

right or you no longer have a need.

In either case, I want to respect your time so I’m going to go ahead and close your file.

Otherwise, if you would still like to talk, let me know a good time.

Thanks again.

Breakup Email Template 3 : One line 1inger 98
To be clear, this is not a template that we recommend using with CEO of large companies or with very senior people. But if you are reaching
out to some more junior in the organization, the over confident tone of this breakup email template might do the trick.

Subject: Re: {{Client company name}} + {{your company}}

Hi {{FirstName}}

Any interest here or is it time for me to hang up the towel?

Breakup Email Template 4 : The professional breakup 99
This is a fairly professional approach to the breakup. You graciously provide your number/ contact details. And inform

them that this will be your last followup.

Subject: Thanks from {company}

{{FirstName} - I wanted to reach out to you one more time regarding {Subject Matter}. If I don’t hear

back from you, I’ll assume that the timing isn’t right and I won’t contact you again.

If I can be of assistance, you can always contact me at the number below.

Breakup Email Template 5 : The Classy Breakup 100
We like this one because it is a rather subtle breakup. The template is simple/ open ended and it leaves scope for

further conversation if the prospect doesn’t respond to this one email.

Subject: Re: {same subject}

Hey {{FirstName},

Haven’t heard back from you. Thank you for the opportunity. Can I put it on hold for now?

Breakup Email Template 7: Corny Subject line 101
While this one is not a complete breakup, it sets the expectation that you will reach back in about a month and check in with your prospect.

Hi {{FirstName}},

Okay, I get it. It sounds like it’s not the best timing right now. However, I’m convinced that {your product}

is something that is going to help your business be even more successful.

That’s why I’ve included some examples (include 2-3 case studies) of how {your product} can help you

{product benefit #1} and {product benefit #2}, and I’ll touch base in a month or so to

update you on what’s new.

Breakup Email Template 8 : 1 , 2 or 3. Thats it. 102
This is a follow up email template that you can use as a last resort. The subject line demands an answer from the prospect.

The mail without wasting any time just lists 3 options and requests the prospect to choose one - Leave or Talk later or Talk now.

Subject: Should I stay or should I go?

Hi {(FirstName}},

I know you’re busy. Just give me a 1, 2, or 3

1. We’ll pass on partnering with [company] this year, thanks for the offer!

2. We’re interested in the [product], but it’s not a good time, reach back out to me in 1 month.

3. I’m interested - let’s talk!

Breakup Email Template 9 : The Polite Ask 103

Sub: Is {your company} the best fit for {prospect company}?

Hi {First Name}

We are always working on ways to improve, and conversations with prospective clients like you are

essential to the success of our business.

I recently spoke to you about our product and we seemed to be a good fit for your needs. But since

then my attempts to reach you have failed.

No matter the reason for the halt in communication, I hope that you would fell comfortable telling me

if we are not a fit.

Let me know if this is still an opportunity that you are interested in pursuing? If not, I completely

understand and wish you all the best.

Breakup Email Template 10 : The Last Email 104

Sub: {First name}, would love your feedback

Hey {First name}

This is my last email, but I'd love your feedback so our product can get better.

What's the main reason you didn't want to hop on a call with us? {Prospect first name}


{Your name}
Before you go,

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