4. ECG and fingerprint bimodal authentication

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Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

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ECG and fingerprint bimodal authentication T

a,⁎ b a
Juan S. Arteaga-Falconi , Hussein Al Osman , Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
Multimedia Communications Research Laboratory, University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada
Multimedia Processing and Interaction Group, University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada


Keywords: Security research on smart cities mostly focuses on the communication of “things” and rarely focuses on the
Smart cities security interaction between “things” and people. Security breaches at this lower level will render higher-level security
Smart city control access measures ineffective. In this paper, we propose to use a multimodal biometric approach (ECG and Fingerprint) to
Bimodal secure the interaction between “things” and people. ECG biometrics is a relatively new technique and its per-
formance is still inferior to that of fingerprint biometrics. However, as opposed to ECG, fingerprint users touch
objects and inadvertently leave behind their invisible fingerprints marks. Hackers can lift these invisible marks
Fingerprint and gain illicit access to the devices of their victims. Moreover, ECG based authentication requires users to be
Authentication alive, a quality that can prove important for smart cities. The latter is not true for fingerprint authentication. In
ECG SVM this paper, we combine ECG and Fingerprint features in a bimodal biometric system. Our objective is to enhance
the advantages of both biometric methods while minimizing their weaknesses. For the ECG method, we use an
SVM classifier and for the Fingerprint technique we employ the minutiae extractor and matcher from NBIS. We
fuse the results of the ECG and Fingerprint authentication at the decision level to distinguish between genuine
users and impostors. The literature on ECG and Fingerprint bimodal biometrics is very limited, however, the
obtained results show that this work presents an improvement in terms of EER (Equal Error Rate) compared to
existing work.

1. Introduction suffer from the vulnerabilities of conventional password protected

systems. For instance, pin numbers and graphic patterns are popular
A smart city relies on the collection of data to respond to the needs authentication techniques that are vulnerable to shoulder surfing at-
of its inhabitants. The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a great source of tacks (i.e. people watching from a short distance) (Clark & Lindqvist,
information for smart cities. However, IoT has been associated with 2015). In 2012, a Visual Privacy Productivity Study sponsored by the
data privacy and security concerns (Yang, Wu, Yin, Li, & Zhao, 2017). 3 M Company found that 82% of IT professionals believe that em-
To address these concerns, researchers have mostly focused on solving ployees are careless about shoulder surfing attacks (Ponemon Institute,
security issues between communicating “things”. Yet, security concerns 2012). The same study revealed that 72% of commuters in the UK have
related to the interaction between “things” and people have seldom been able to observe passwords of commuters through shoulder surfing.
been addressed in the literature (Guo, Karimian, Tehranipoor, & Forte, Fingerprint biometrics eliminates the threat of shoulder surfing.
2016). Vulnerabilities in this area can compromise the entire security However, this approach presents other important vulnerabilities.
infrastructure of smart cities. Damaged fingers can lead to an authentication failure (Phillips, Martin,
Abundance of information is vital for the operation of smart cities. Wilson, & Przybocki, 2000) or attackers can duplicate fingerprints to
Smart Cities collects data from hard or soft sensors typically abstracted gain access (Espinoza, Champod, & Margot, 2011). A study by Guillen,
as “things” within the IoT infrastructure. Hence, to support smart cities, Alfonso, Martinez, and Mejia (2012) showed that duplicates obtained
the number of communicating “things” will continue to grow. This from fingerprints left behind on objects can result in 60% authentica-
growth necessitates users to interact regularly with an increasing tion success rate. The US Border Patrol have reported that some in-
number of devices. Hence, they have to maintain a memory-taxing dividuals damage their fingerprints to avoid authentication (Yoon,
amount of usernames and passwords. However, biometric schemes offer Feng, & Jain, 2012). The U.S. has been linking fingerprints to travel
an optimum alternative for the use of usernames and passwords for visas since 2002, aiming to authenticate individuals with their travel
authentication (Jain, Ross, & Pankanti, 2006). In addition, they do not documents and store the information in a national database (US

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: jarteaga@uottawa.ca (J.S. Arteaga-Falconi), halosman@uottawa.ca (H. Al Osman), elsaddik@uottawa.ca (A. El Saddik).

Received 16 August 2017; Received in revised form 10 December 2017; Accepted 19 December 2017
Available online 03 January 2018
2210-6707/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

Department of State, 2002).

In contrast, authentication by electrocardiogram (ECG) cannot be
easily hacked without the consent of the user. Collecting ECG biometric
features requires the use of special hardware (i.e., electrocardiograph),
making this method difficult to imitate. However, while fingerprint
collection can be achieved almost instantaneously, the ECG method
typically requires 10 s or longer to capture ECG signals and achieve an
acceptable level of accuracy for authentication (Biel, Pettersson,
Philipson, & Wide, 2001; Chan, Hamdy, Badre, & Badee, 2008; Israel,
Irvine, Cheng, Wiederhold, & Wiederhold, 2005; Singh & Singh, 2012;
Wübbeler, Stavridis, Kreiseler, Bousseljot, & Elster, 2007).
In our previous work, we proposed an ECG authentication algorithm
that requires a 4 s long signal to achieve a False Acceptance Rate (FAR)
of 1.41% and a True Acceptance Rate (TAR) of 81.82% (Arteaga-
Falconi, Al Osman, & El Saddik, 2016). To improve these results, we
Fig. 1. Modules Of A Biometric System.
propose to adopt a multibiometric approach. We will fuse fingerprint
and ECG biometric methods to enhance the strengths and reduce the
impact of the weaknesses of each approach while increasing the accu- fingerprint, ECG, face. Then, the feature extractor module processes the
racy of the biometric authentication process. This will prevent attackers biometric trait and extracts features to generate a biometric template. A
from faking fingerprints and would allow users to authenticate securely biometric template is a collection of features that represents a biometric
within 4 s. The proposed method can be applied for airport traveler trait. If the biometric system is enrolling (registering) users, it stores the
authentication at border security. Travellers would place both thumbs template in a database. Otherwise, it sends the template to the matcher
on a single scanner that simultaneously captures ECG and fingerprints module. The matcher module typically generates a score that represents
for verification, thus achieving a secure and speedy multibiometric the similarity between the input and a stored biometric template(s). If
process. the biometric system is used for identification, then it generates a score
In this work, the ECG matcher uses an SVM classifier, whereas, in for each stored template. However, if the biometric system is used for
our previous work (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016), we employ a multi- authentication, then it generates a single score for the stored template
threshold approach for classification. We describe the rationale behind of the user. The decision maker module uses these score(s) to determine
this design decision in Section 3.1. Also, as opposed to other multi- the result of the process (Jain, Ross, & Prabhakar, 2004).
modal approaches that achieve fusion at the feature or score level
(Manjunathswamy, Abhishek, Thriveni, Venugopal, & Patnaik, 2015; 2.1. Biometric approaches
Singh & Singh, 2013), we fuse the biometric modalities at the decision
level. (See Section 2.2). Biometric authentication uses a variety of traits. For example, re-
We have structured the rest of the paper as follows: In Section 2, we searchers have proposed the use of iris-based authentication (Ho Cho,
present relevant concepts pertaining to existing ECG, Fingerprint, and Park, Rhee, Kim, & Yang, 2006). While this method is reliable, its
bimodal biometric algorithms. In Section 3, we describe our proposed sensitivity to changes in lighting conditions makes its deployment
ECG and fingerprint authentication algorithm. In Section 4, we present challenging (Scotti & Piuri, 2010). Voice is another trait used in bio-
the evaluation of our algorithm, where we describe our experiment and metrics (Markowitz, 2000). However, because the voice must be re-
provide an analysis of the obtained results. Finally, in Section 5, we corded, the primary concerns of this method is the surrounding noise
provide a brief summary of the contributions and ideas for future work. and easy duplication of the biometric features (Wang & Liu, 2011).
Accelerometer data can be used for gait authentication (Derawi, Nickel,
2. Background and related works Bours, & Busch, 2010). Admittedly, this technique still needs further
improvement to produce reliable results (Derawi et al., 2010).
The Encyclopedia of Biometrics defines Biometrics as “the science of While fingerprint authentication typically performs well, finger-
establishing the identity of a person based on the physical or behavioral prints left behind unintentionally on smooth surfaces can be easily
attributes associated with an individual” (Ross & Jain, 2015). Bio- duplicated by hackers to break into the system. In contrast, ECG
metrics traits such as eyes, iris, fingerprint or ECG are physical bio- methods conceal the biometric features, but require a lengthy signal for
metric attributes. In contrast, signature, voice, gait or keystroke pattern authentication. Decreasing the length of the signal affects the perfor-
are behavioral biometric attributes. Biometric systems typically support mance of the method negatively. The following two sections discuss
one or two important functions: identification and verification these two latter biometric approaches in detail.
(Wayman, 2015); verification is a synonym of authentication (National
Research Council, 2003). 2.1.1. Fingerprint biometrics
During identification, the biometric system searches for a person The study of fingerprints has a long history, originating in 1686
within a database. The user supplies a biometric trait and the system (Maltoni, 2015). Today, the use of fingerprint biometrics has become a
compares it against a database of user records. If there is a match, then well-established technology with an outstanding performance com-
the system is said to have identified the user. Identification follows a pared to biometrics of other traits (Phillips et al., 2000).
one-to-many scheme, where the system compares one user input Typical features used in fingerprint biometrics include minutia,
against all the user records in the database (Ross & Jain, 2015). local orientation, ridge shape, local frequency, singularity, and ridge
For authentication, the system stores biometric information that count. Ridges and valleys compose fingerprints and a minutia is the end
corresponds to genuine user(s). When a user supplies a biometric trait, (or bifurcation) of a ridge or a valley. Minutiae are the most used fea-
the system compares it against the stored biometric information and tures by fingerprint matchers. Minutiae can carry information about
determines if the user is genuine or an impostor. Authentication follows direction and spatial frequency. The minutia direction is a vector that
a one-to-one scheme whereby the system compares one user input defines the course of a ridge or valley. Spatial frequency defines the
against the genuine user record in the system (Ross & Jain, 2015). direction of the finger. To determine spatial frequency, algorithms
Fig. 1 shows the four principal modules in a conventional biometric usually uses the minutia direction as input information (Bigun, 2015).
system. First, the sensor module acquires the biometric trait, such as A recent study by Iancu and Constantinescu (2013), used a fuzzy

J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

logic control system for matching. They used “Atanassov’s intuitionistic They evaluated the algorithm with two ECG datasets from 25 and 45
fuzzy sets” to determine the number of minutiae that are required for a subjects; each record was 2 min long. They reported an EER of 0.83% to
match. They tested their algorithm with 89 users and attained an ac- 0.86%. Molina, Bruekers, Presura, Damstra, and van der Veen (2007)
curacy of 98.08%. Another study Cao et al. (2012) used the Ant Colony extracted features based on the fiducial points. They calculated a score
Optimization (ACO) scheme to find correspondence between minutiae. for the features in the stored template and input template. To perform
ACO builds a correspondence graph of a promising solution based on authentication, they applied a threshold to the score. For the evalua-
the most prominent features. Ants use this graph to find all minutiae tion, they used ECG records 5 min in length from 10 subjects and ob-
correspondences. They test their algorithm with 800 fingerprints, 100 tained an EER of 2%. Lourenço, Silva, and Fred (2012) applied the k-
fingers with eight images of each finger and report an Equal Error Rate nearest neighbours (k-NN) algorithm and an SVM classifier on ECG
(EER) of 2.79%. A third study Tan and Bhanu (2006) used a genetic features to perform identification and authentication. They used 5-min
algorithm (GA) for matching. They considered the starting population ECG records from 32 subjects. Authentication with the k-NN algorithm
to be the stored template(s) and used the input fingerprint to calculate achieved an EER of 9.39% while authentication with SVM scored a FAR
the fitness. The GA launches an iterative process that produces a new of 0% with a false rejection rate (FRR) of 4.55%. They found that SVM
generation from the previous one through selection, crossover and is better than k-NN for authentication; however, for identification, they
mutation. The GA finishes when it reaches a point where there is no found the k-NN algorithm to be the better method.
change in the fitness values for a number of generations. If the fitness
value is greater than a threshold, there is a match. They tested with 2.2. Multibiometrics
2000 pairs of fingerprints and according to the ROC curve; they obtain a
FAR of 0.05% and a TAR of approximately 84%. A fourth study Kovacs- Biometric systems can use a combination of sensors, algorithms,
Vajna (2000) divided the input fingerprint image into squares and each samples, instances (e.g. left and right iris) or modes (i.e., biometric
square into two triangles. They adjusted the orientation of the triangles traits such as fingerprints and ECG). Such systems are said to implement
in the stored template(s) and the input to minimize distortion. Then, multibiometric methods (Ross, 2009).
they proceeded with a minutiae match. They evaluated the algorithm Multibiometrics has some advantages: it enhances a unibiometric
with 2000 pair of images and reported a TAR of 85% with a FAR of (single biometric trait) system, reduces the probability of the system
0.05%. encountering two users with the same biometric information (non-
For over a decade, the National Institute of Standards and universality characteristic) and can speed up indexing for identification
Technology (NIST) has been working together with the FBI on devel- in a large-scale database. The use of multi trait can narrow down the
oping a biometric software application called the National Background amount of potential matching candidates and focus the search only
Investigation System (NBIS) (Watson et al., 2008). They constantly among a few stored templates. In addition, multibiometrics provides
improve and test the software application on a database of over robustness under noisy environments; if one trait fails, we can use an-
40,000,000 fingerprints. In 2015, they released the latest stable version other trait without disrupting the biometric process (Ross, 2009).
5.0.0, which is open source and publicly available (access is restricted Fusion in a multibiometric process can occur before or after
in some countries). The software has independent modules, including matching (Ross, 2009). Fusion that occurs before the matching stage
the feature extractor and matcher module. The feature extractor can be divided into two types: sensor-level fusion (multi-sensors) and
module uses minutiae features collected using the MINDTCT algorithm feature-level fusion (multi-samples) (Ross, 2009). Sensor-level fusion
(Watson et al., 2008). The matcher module uses the BOZOSRTH3 al- combines several samples of the same biometric trait from different
gorithm (Watson et al., 2008). Maddala, Tangellapally, Bartůněk, and perspectives or take samples of the same biometrics trait with different
Nilsson (2011) evaluated the NBIS with 100 fingerprints and 8 images sensors. Feature-level fusion normalizes, transforms and reduces fea-
of each fingerprint. According to its Detection Error Trade-off (DET) tures from multiple biometric algorithms. Feature-level fusion fits all
graph, they reported an EER of approximately 0.4%. the features into the same vector space to feed a matcher and yield the
result. Fusion that occurs after the matching stage can be divided into
2.1.2. ECG biometrics three categories: match score- = level fusion, rank level fusion and
An ECG displays the electrical activity of the heart. To obtain an decision level fusion. Match score level fusion combines the match
ECG record, a sensor collects, amplifies and filters an electrical signal scores of different biometric to generate a unique match score. Rank
obtained through electrodes in contact with the human body. These Level fusion narrows down the identification possibilities with one
electrodes are placed in specific arrangements called virtual vectors or biometric trait and confirms the identification with the second bio-
leads (Goldberger, 2012). There are 12 lead configurations. Lead-I re- metric trait. Decision Level Fusion uses unibiometrics results (Match or
quires only two electrodes placed on the chest, arms, or hands. ECG is a non-match) to indicate if a final match has been found.
unique signal for every person due to the variation in heart mass, or- Fusion at the decision level does not need the features or scores of
ientation, gender, conductivity, and order of activation of the cardiac the classifiers. This is an advantage when we are combining integrating
muscles (Hoekema, Uijen, & Oosterom, 2001; Van Oosterom, Hoekema, proprietary algorithms into the biometric system. In such scenario, we
& Uijen, 2000). This characteristic makes ECG biometrics possible solely have access to the decision as opposed to the score (Ross, 2009).
(Chan et al., 2008). Literature describes various fusion schemes at the decision level. Ma-
To the best of our knowledge, Biel et al. (2001) presented the first jority vote is the most used one; it returns the decision that the majority
approach for ECG biometrics. They extracted time-, amplitude- and of classifiers choose (Li & Jain, 2009). Linear weighted fusion is an
slope-based features for classification. They concluded that it is possible extension of the majority vote. It assigns a weight to the matchers based
to identify a person using ECG. They also concluded that three elec- on their performances (Li & Jain, 2009). Atrey, Hossain, El Saddik, and
trodes are enough for ECG authentication. In another study, Agrafioti Kankanhalli (2010) point out that weight assignment is the major
and Hatzinakos (2008) used linear discriminant analysis for filtering drawback of linear weighted fusion. Behavior Knowledge Space is a
before matching, then calculated the Euclidean distance and applied a statistical fusing rule that calculates the probability of a decision (match
threshold to determine authenticity. They evaluated the algorithm with or non-match) based on the combination of results from the individual
an ECG database of 27 subjects and a signal length of 2530 s. They matchers. The decision with higher probability in a specific combina-
reported an EER of 0.6%. Chiu, Chuang, and Hsu (2008) applied Haar tion of results is the final decision for the multimodal biometric (Li &
wavelet transformation to the ECG signal and used the obtained coef- Jain, 2009). This technique performs effectively for multi-class (deci-
ficients as ECG features. They calculated the Euclidean distances be- sions and matchers) problems where large datasets are available for
tween the template and the input fingerprint features for matching. training (Raudys & Roli, 2003).

J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

2.3. Bimodal biometrics using fingerprint and ECG

While research on bimodal or multimodal biometrics is vast, little

research currently exist on the combination of ECG and Fingerprint
biometrics, possible due to ECG as a relative new topic in biometrics.
Manjunathswamy et al. (2015) used ECG and fingerprint in a bi-
modal biometric system. They combined the features from ECG and
fingerprint and authenticated or identified a subject when 11 out of the
14 features was above a threshold of 75%. They obtained an FRR of 0%
with a FAR of 2.5%. However, they collected ECG and fingerprint data
separately and provided no information on the number of users in the
study. They perform fusion at the feature level. They extract 12 ECG
features and 2 fingerprint features. They set a threshold of 75% on all
these features. The algorithm reaches a match when 11 out of the 14
features pass the threshold.
Singh and Singh (2012) presented a study that shows the feasibility
of using ECG as a biometric. In the same study, they evaluated a bi- Fig. 2. Unibiometric ECG Authentication Diagram.
modal biometric system that used ECG and fingerprint traits on 73
subjects. They collect ECG and fingerprint data separately: the ECG (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016) is possible, SVM based matching for the
records are obtained from the Physionet database (Goldberger et al., ECG features is advantageous in a multibiometric context because it
2000a, 2000b) and the fingerprints were collected from NIST-BSSR1 eliminates the thresholds associated with the ECG biometric method.
(National Institute of Standard and Technology, 2011). The NIST- Furthermore, we evaluate the matcher from our previous work with the
BSSR1 database does not provide fingerprint data; instead, it provides one using SVM in Section 4.2.
matching scores from the NIST Bozorth3 matcher. To perform fusion, In accordance with Arteaga et al. (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016), we
they applied a score transformation using a weighted sum rule, and use 4-s long signals for the ECG authentication. Such a signal length
then, they used a threshold for matching. They reported an EER of typically includes several complete heartbeats. The number of heart-
1.52%. beats depends on the heart rate of the subject during signal collection.
Fig. 2 shows our ECG biometric method which consisted of the fol-
2.4. Summary lowing steps:

Previous studies have shown that the ECG trait can be used as 1. Detect the fiducial points (i.e., QRS complex, LP & TP valleys and P
biometric (Agrafioti & Hatzinakos, 2008; Biel et al., 2001; Chiu et al., & T peaks) from each heartbeat in the ECG signal;
2008; Molina et al., 2007). ECG biometric methods do not reach the 2. Extract each complete heartbeat from the signal and align it around
performance level of fingerprint approaches if the ECG signal length is a reference point, (in this case the R peak) (Fig. 3).
kept short. Nevertheless, ECG features are more difficult to spoof. 3. Normalize each ECG heartbeat to eliminate disparities caused by
Related works presented in this section confirm that multibiometric heart rate variations by dividing each feature by the total length of a
systems can perform better than unibiometric ones. Although the lit- heartbeat (Israel et al., 2005);
erature is quite limited on bimodal biometric approaches that combine 4. Extract the ECG features as previously described (Arteaga-Falconi
ECG and fingerprint biometrics, we believe these methods produce et al., 2016) (Fig. 4) to obtain eight features that represent the
promising results. distance in time between peaks and valleys and amplitudes dis-
In this study, we present an ECG and Fingerprint bimodal biometric tances;
authentication algorithm. We fuse the biometric results at the decision 5. Generate the template, a set of all features extracted in step 4, ne-
level and evaluate the system using data obtained from public datasets. cessary for enrollment or authentication;
6. If the system is enrolling a user, the template from step 5 is stored in
3. Design of ECG and fingerprint bimodal algorithm a database or memory. If the system is authenticating a user, the

In this section, we describe our ECG and fingerprint authentication

approaches and the fusion mechanism used for the bimodal algorithm.

3.1. Fingerprint and ECG biometric algorithms

For the fingerprint biometric method, we use the MINDTCT algo-

rithm as the minutiae extractor and the BOZORTH3 algorithm as the
minutiae matcher (Watson et al., 2008). The latter algorithm will
output a score reflecting the match level between the input and stored
The ECG process employed in this work is adapted from our pre-
vious work (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016). However, we have replaced
the matcher module to account for the bimodal nature of the current
system. Therefore, we propose a matcher that uses an SVM classifier
with an RBF radial basis function kernel. Our previous work (Arteaga-
Falconi et al., 2016) presented a unibiometric approach that requires
associating each feature with a threshold. Therefore, such approach
entails a tedious search for the optimal combination of all thresholds. A
multi-biometric system further exacerbates this issue by increasing the
number of thresholds. Hence, although using the matcher from Fig. 3. ECG Heartbeat Alignment (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016).

J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

Fig. 5. Bimodal Authentication Algorithm.

Fig. 4. Features Extracted From ECG (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016).

3.2. Bimodal authentication algorithm

template is fed to the ECG matcher that then compares it with the
stored template. The SVM classifier running within the matcher
The bimodal authentication algorithm uses two independent uni-
produces a binary result of match or non-match. SVM sets a
biometric results and fuses them to reach a final decision on authenti-
boundary around the N-dimensional training set data points col-
cation (Fig. 5). We employed a decision-level fusion scheme because the
lected during enrollment (where N corresponds to the number of
matchers of unibiometric methods produce two types of results: a
features). The algorithm considers any input template that corre-
binary output for ECG and a score for the Fingerprint. As we explained
sponds to a data point (N-dimensional space) within the boundary to
in Section 3.1, the ECG matcher uses an SVM classifier to perform au-
be a match; otherwise, it is a non-match.
thentication. Rather than calculating a match score; the SVM classifier
produces a binary result: a match or a non-match. The Fingerprint
Because this work focuses on authentication, we want to determine
matcher returns a score that measures the similarity between the stored
if certain biometric features correspond to a genuine user (one on one
and input templates. To fuse at the score level, both matchers need to
match). Therefore, we train the SVM classifier on a single class since we
provide score values. However, because ECG-SVM only provides a
only collect data for genuine users during enrollment; we cannot obtain
binary value, we could not combine these results at the score level.
data for all the possible impostors. Hence, we solve the classification
Instead, these results could only be fused at the decision level, which
problem with a one-class SVM classifier.
requires compatible results from the matchers. Hence, we converted the
The arrangements of features in the SVM space makes it difficult to
fingerprint score value into binary results using a threshold (any score
accurately classify them with a linear kernel or polynomial kernel. In
above the threshold, is a match; otherwise, it is a non-match).
our preliminary tests, we considered using the linear kernel, polynomial
Fig. 6 illustrates the mechanism of decision-level fusion, which can
kernel and Radial Basis Function (RBF/Gaussian) kernel. The RBF
achieved using two alternative approaches:
kernel performed better for our ECG authentication approach. We are
using time and amplitude ECG features that result in an SVM space
where the RBF kernel produces a boundary that does not seem to under • Fusion Method A: Use the fingerprint results first and the ECG re-
sults second.
or over fit the training set.
The RBF kernel that we use is: • Fusion Method B: Use the ECG results first and the fingerprint results
K (x , xi) = e− x − xi (1)
We evaluate these two approaches in Section 4.3 to identify which
one produces the lowest EER.
where, x is the feature vector stored in the template and xi is the feature
Fig. 6 represents our approach. We adopt this approach because
vector corresponding to a user attempting authentication. We place the
other decision level fusion schemes are not applicable for the proposed
kernel (Eq. (1)) in the general SVM classifier equation to obtain Eq. (2):
algorithm. For instance, the majority votes technique is unfeasible since
n we only have two classes (i.e. genuine and impostor) with two
f (x ) = sgn ⎛∑ αi e− x − xi 2 − ρ⎞ matchers. In the case of a tie, the algorithm would not be able to render
⎝ i=1 ⎠ (2) a final decision. A linear weighted fusion scheme is also not applicable,
as we need to assign a weight for each classifier that corresponds to its
where αi is the Lagrange multipliers (calculated when solving the performance. To measure the performance we need to calculate weights
minimization formulation of SVM); ρ is a soft margin parameter that based on the results of the fusion. Section 2.2 describes that weight
controls how wide is the classification margin. calculation is the major drawback on this scheme. In this study, we do
The SVM classifier in Eq. (2) provides a matching result based on not have a suitable number of matchers (i.e., ECG-SVM and Fingerprint)
the features extracted at the input and the features stored in the data- or classes (i.e., match or non-match) to calculate an appropriate weight.
base. The system sends the result to the bimodal authentication algo- Similarly, Behavior Knowledge Space requires a large number of classes
rithm to perform fusion at the decision level. and datasets to work properly. In this work we have two classes (match
or non − match), this is a limitation in applying Behavior Knowledge

J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

Fig. 6. Bimodal Decision Level Fusion. a) Fusion Method A. b) Fusion Method B.

Space. each time we enroll a subject, we evaluate their fingerprint image

against that of 1 genuine subject and 72 impostors. We repeated this
4. Evaluation process with each new subject until we complete the enrollment of all
subjects. Each evaluation yielded a score and we applied a threshold to
We evaluate the proposed algorithm in four stages. In the first stage, the score to obtain a matching decision. We evaluate a range of
we evaluate the MINDTCT minutiae extractor and BOZORTH3 finger- thresholds that goes from 0 to 100 in steps of 1. We plotted these results
print matching algorithm (Watson et al., 2008) with the same finger- in a DET graph (Fig. 7).
print images used to evaluate the bimodal authentication algorithm. In The evaluation of the unibiometric fingerprint system produces a
the second stage, we compare our previous ECG-Threshold matcher FAR of 1.05% and FRR of 1.37%. We use the approach presented by
(ECG matching method described by Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016) with Jain, Ross, and Nandakumar (2011) to obtain an approximate EER of
the ECG-SVM matcher (ECG matching through an SVM classifier, pre- 1.18%.
viously described in Section 3.1). In the third stage, we identify the best
fusion method for the bimodal authentication. Finally, in the fourth 4.2. ECG with SVM evaluation
stage, we compare our algorithm to existing approaches.
Biometric authentication systems have several operating points We compared this proposed ECG-SVM matcher with our previous
pertaining to the threshold(s) of the biometric matcher. Each operating ECG-Threshold matcher using 4 Physionet databases (Goldberger et al.,
point represents a trade-off between errors; an operating point that 2000a, 2000b): MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database (Moody & Mark, 2001),
decreases the FAR also typically reduces the TAR. A low TAR results in MIT-BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm Database (Goldberger et al., 2000a,
a higher False Rejection Rate (FRR) (FRR = 1 − TAR) as more genuine 2000b), European ST-T Database (Taddei et al., 1992) and QT Database
users are rejected. Conversely, if the operating point produces a lower (Laguna, Mark, Goldberg, & Moody, 1997). For this evaluation, we
FRR, less genuine users will be rejected, but more impostors will be randomly selected a total of 73 ECG records from the databases. We
accepted. An effective biometric system should minimize the FAR and divided the signal of each subject into seven fragments of data: the first
FRR. DET graphs displays the relationship between FAR and FRR to
allow us to choose the best operating point (Martin, Doddington,
Kamm, Ordowski, & Przybocki, 1997). Hence, to compare biometric
matchers, we can find the DET point where FAR is equal to FRR. We call
this DET point the Equal Error Rate (EER). Hence, in this section,
whenever possible, we will use the EER metric to assess the effective-
ness of the biometric matcher.

4.1. Fingerprint evaluation

We used fingerprint images from 73 subjects in the DB1 category of

the FVC2006 database (Cappelli, Ferrara, Franco, & Maltoni, 2007).
Each subject has 7 images, consisting of 1 image for enrollment and 6
images for authentication. These images were extracted using an elec-
tric field sensor (AuthenTec) (Cappelli et al., 2007). The size of each
image is 96 × 96 pixels with a resolution of 250 dots per inch (dpi). The
purpose of this evaluation was to assess the performance of the fin-
gerprint authentication algorithm. Later in Section 4.3, we combine this
data with ECG data to evaluate the bimodal authentication algorithm.
We will use the results of this evaluation to compare the performance of
the state of the art unibiometric fingerprint method with the proposed
bimodal biometric technique.
We ran the evaluation in a batch mode, enrolling the subjects one by
one and evaluating them against all non-enrolled subjects. Therefore, Fig. 7. Direct Error Trade-off (DET) Graph For Fingerprint Performance.

J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

Fig. 8. DET Approximation for ECG-Threshold Algorithm.

Fig. 9. DET Graph For Bimodal Fusion Method A and Method B.

fragment was 60 s in length and was used for enrollment and the six
by the type of matcher (fingerprint and ECG) that was used first. As
remaining fragments were 4 s in length and were used for authentica-
illustrated in Fig. 6, we first evaluated Fusion Method A and second we
tion. Each fragment corresponded to a random portion of the ECG re-
evaluated Fusion Method B. Because ECG uses SVM, then a threshold is
cord. We did not set a threshold for evaluation because ECG-SVM yields
only applicable to the fingerprint method. We evaluated the bimodal
a matching result (genuine or impostor) and not a score; therefore, we
authentication algorithm for several thresholds (ranging from 0 to 100
only had one operating point and do not generate a DET graph. We
in steps of 1) and we plotted a DET graph (Fig. 9) with the obtained
measure the number of true positives (TP) and false positives (FP) to
calculate the TAR and FAR.
In Fig. 9, we see that fusion method A performs better than fusion
We evaluated the best performing algorithm by measuring the TAR
method B. Fusion method A displayed a FAR of 0.47% with a FRR of
when both algorithms had the same FAR value. The ECG-Threshold
0.46%, which give us an approximate EER value of 0.46%. Method B
matcher (Arteaga-Falconi et al., 2016) reported a TAR of 84.93% with a
displayed a FAR of 6.78% with a FRR of 6.39%, which give us an ap-
FAR of 1.29%. The ECG-SVM matcher only has one operating point,
proximate EER value of 6.58%. The difference between fusion method
therefore the TAR and FAR cannot be calibrated. The ECG – Threshold
A and fusion method B is around 6% in terms of EER. We conclude that
matcher has several operating points (see Fig. 8), therefore we can
fusion method A is the better mechanism for bimodal authentication
adjust the thresholds of this algorithm to generate a DET graph. The
using ECG and fingerprint.
DET graph for the ECG-Threshold matcher shows that a FAR of 7% has
Fusion method A produced better results than fusion method B since
a FRR of 4.5%. This FRR represents a TAR of 95.5%
the fingerprint algorithm uses a threshold on the score, which allows us
(TAR = 100 − FRR). The ECG-SVM achieves a TAR of 100% with a FAR
to maximize the TAR at the expense of the FAR. Then, the ECG algo-
of 7%. Therefore, for a FAR of 7%, the ECG-SVM performs better than
rithm decreases the FAR, which results in a lower EER. This is not the
case when the ECG matcher executes before that of the fingerprint. The
ECG matcher does not have a threshold to adjust and hence the TAR
4.3. Bimodal algorithm evaluation cannot be maximized by moving the threshold.
The bimodal approach is more effective than the fingerprint or ECG
To evaluate our bimodal biometric algorithm, we used the dataset biometric methods alone. In Section 4.1 we found an EER of 1.18% for
previously described in Section 4.1 for the fingerprint images and the the fingerprint unibiometric scheme. Fusion method A had an EER of
dataset previously described in Section 4.2 for the ECG records. We 0.46%; this shows an improvement of 0.72% for the EER. These results
combine an ECG record with a fingerprint image to generate a “virtual” showed that our bimodal biometric method performs 2.5 times better
subject for the bimodal authentication evaluation. Therefore, our final than the fingerprint unibiometric approach. Moreover, in Section 4.2
database consisted of 73 subjects, where each subject had 7 ECG re- we show that ECG-SVM has a FRR of 0% (FRR = 1 − TAR) with a FAR
cords and 7 fingerprint images. We use one fingerprint image with one of 7%. We cannot generate a DET graph for the ECG-SVM unibiometric
ECG record (60 s long) for enrollment and the other 6 ECG records (4 s scheme because the SVM matcher returns a decision (match or non-
long) with the corresponding 6 fingerprint images for authentication. match) and not a score. Therefore, we examine the FAR of our bimodal
We performed the evaluations with Matlab 2016a running on a authentication method when the FRR is 0%. To do this, we use the DET
Windows 7 64 bits PC with an Intel Core i7 CPU of 2.8 GHz, 8 GB RAM graph of the fusion method A (see Fig. 9) and we obtain a FRR of 0%
memory. We ran our experiments in a batch mode; we enrolled (with when FAR is 2.96%. These results show that our bimodal method also
one 60-s ECG record and one fingerprint image) all the subjects one by performs better than the unibiometric ECG-SVM unibiometric scheme.
one and evaluated them against the non-enrolled subjects. Therefore,
each time we enrolled only one subject we evaluated our algorithm 4.4. Comparison to existing works
against 1 genuine subject and 72 impostors. We repeated the process
with each subject until we enrolled them all. In this section, we compared our proposed scheme to those of
As previously defined in Section 3.2, we evaluated two fusion Manjunathswamy et al. (2015) and Singh and Singh (2012). However,
schemes, fusion Method A and fusion Method B. These schemes differed Manjunathswamy et al. (2015) and Singh and Singh (2012) used

J.S. Arteaga-Falconi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 40 (2018) 274–283

Table 1
Comparison of Multimodal Results.
Manjunathswamy Singh and Singh This Proposed
et al. (2015) (2012) Work

Number of ECG: 11 features ECG: 20 features ECG: 8 features

Features FP: 2 set minutiae FP: 1 set of FP: 1 set of
– 1 ridge endings minutiae (ends minutiae (ends
– 1 bifurcations and bifurcations) and bifurcations)
Level of Fusion Feature level Score level Decision level
Reported Results FRR: 0% EER: 1.52% EER: 0.46%
FAR: 2.5%
Results with EER: 25.25% EER: 12.61% EER: 0.46%

Table 1 presents the results reported by these works and the results
from our evaluation of the algorithms. We do this to present a fair
comparison. We used the following parameters for all three compared
methods: Enrollment time of 60 s; authentication time of 4 s; number of
Subjects was set to 73, fingerprint data from the FCV2006 database
(Cappelli et al., 2007), and ECG data from the Physionet database. The
physionet database contains several databases. From those we use the
Fig. 10. Multimodal DET Graph: Related Works Comparison. European ST-T Database, the MIT-BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm Data-base,
the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and the QT Database (Goldberger
different databases to evaluate their algorithms. For Manjunathswamy et al., 2000a, 2000b). Our proposed bimodal method has an EER of
et al. (2015), they captured their own ECG and fingerprint dataset. This 0.46%, which is lower than Singh and Singh (2012) (EER of 12.61%)
dataset is not publicly available and the number of testing subjects is and Manjunathswamy et al. (2015) work (EER of 25.25%).
not specified. Singh and Singh (2012) used ECG data from Physionet Furthermore, our approach uses decision level in contrast to the
and fingerprint scores from NIST-BSSR1 (National Institute of Standard approach by Singh and Singh (2012) which fuses with a weight sum
and Technology, 2011). In our work we used ECG data from the same rule at the score level. Fusion at the decision level provides in-
source as Singh and Singh (2012); however, for fingerprint we used the dependence between the matchers (i.e., each matcher works as a uni-
FVC2006 database (Cappelli et al., 2007). biometric until fusion). An independent matcher is the one that gen-
Reported evaluation conditions and datasets are different among all erates a score and makes the matching decision. When fusing at the
three algorithms; therefore, to achieve a proper evaluation, we imple- score level, matchers are not independent because each matcher gen-
ment the other two algorithms and evaluate them with the same da- erates a score and another decision module fuses all these scores and
tasets. makes a matching decision. When fusing at the decision level, matchers
Manjunathswamy et al. (2015) described their results in terms of are independent and another decision module provides a final decision
FRR (0%) and FAR (2.5%). The dashed line in Fig. 10 shows the DET (match or non-match) based on the decision results of the unibiometrics
curve of their algorithm with the dataset we employ to evaluate our matchers. Prabhakar and Jain (2002) found that, in a multibiometric
work. We can observe in Fig. 10 that the EER was approximately 25%. approach, independent matchers perform better; therefore, that is one
Among the many factors a high EER value, one of them is normal- of the reasons that decision-level fusion improves the performance in
ization. Because Manjunathswamy et al. work did not normalize the our multibiometric approach.
ECG signal; changes in the heart rate would have affected the matcher
results. In contrast, our data is composed of users with different heart 5. Conclusion
rates, which affects the response of their algorithm.
The dotted line in Fig. 10 shows the DET curve for the evaluation of Our results shows that fingerprint biometrics perform better than
multimodal algorithm by Singh and Singh (2012). Similarly, to evaluate ECG biometrics; however, if we combine them in a bimodal biometric
this algorithm we used the same datasets used in our algorithm. While method, we significantly improve the results of the system. The EER for
the authors reported an EER of 1.52% for their algorithm, our evalua- the bimodal method was 0.46%., which was is less than the 1.18% EER
tion with our data revealed that their algorithm has an EER closer to of the unibiometric fingerprint. The DET graph of our bimodal bio-
12%. The number of features and length of ECG records are the reason metric showed a FAR of 2.96% with a TAR of 100%. These results are
for the discrepancy between these results. They extracted 20 features better than those of the ECG-SVM unibiometric, where TAR was 100%
from the ECG signal. The extraction of some of these features is not with a FAR of 7%. In terms of security, ECG complements fingerprint
always possible. Filtration of the noise in the ECG signal can render vulnerability of leaving marks behind. With fingerprints, a hacker can
some fiducial points very difficult to locate; therefore, it will prevent to lift marks left behind and gain access to the biometric system. However,
extract a feature. If a feature is missed, then the whole heart beat is the task of hacking the system becomes more difficult with the addition
discarded. This loss of information causes the EER to be higher. Another of ECG. A hacker cannot easily take an ECG record without prior
aspect that affects the EER is the length of the ECG records that they knowledge of the subject. In addition, ECG requires a user to be alive, a
used. The minimum length they used for enrollment and authentication quality that provides a new dimension of security to the fingerprint
is 3 min; some records can be as long as 12 h for enrollment and 12 h for biometrics. This bimodal biometric system is a solution for improving
authentication. In contrast, our dataset consists of 60 s for enrollment the security in the interaction between things and users. This approach
and 4 s for authentication. provides a secure replacement of password management for users in-
Table 1 compares the characteristics of our work with that of the teracting with IoT for smart cities. Users would no longer need to
previously cited works. To compare fairly and accurately the results of concern with memory taxing about their passwords. Smart cities data
all three studies, our evaluation used the same data and parameter sets. collection can be more accurate since there is a reduced risk of im-
postors to use unauthorized IoT devices. While this work focused on

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