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English literature
(Saved by a Dolphin)
Cross () the correct answer.

1. Where did a wonderful musician live?

A. Corinth
B. Sicily
C. Paris

2. Who was Arion?

A. artist
B. musician
C. poet

3. Who was Arion’s friend?

A. the king of Corinth
B. the king of Paris
C. the king of Sicily
4. Which musical instrument did Arion play?
A. piano
B. lute
C. pipe
5. Sicily was an ____________.
A. island
B. country
C. village
6. In the musical competition, Arion got _______.
A. the first prize
B. the second prize
C. the third prize

7. Who wanted to kill Arion?

A. the king

B. the captain

C. the villagers

8. Who wanted a favour from the pirates?

A. Arion

B. the king

C. the sailor

9. Who played his lute and sang a song?

A. the captain

B. the king

C. Arion

10. Who saved Arion from drowning?

A. the dolphins

B. the king

C. the officers

State whether true or false.

1. Arion lived in the city of Paris.
2. Arion played the lute so beautifully.
3. In those days, a musical competition was held at Corinth.
4. The king of Corinth was Arion’s friend.
5. Arion threw himself into the sea.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Arion played the ___________.
2. Arion overheard their _________.
3. “But I request you to first grant me a _____________.
4. They fell upon their knees and confessed their __________.
5. Arion told the king the adventures that he had ______________.
6. He was the most _________ musician.

Short questions answer:

1. Who was a wonderful musician?
2. What musical instrument did he play?
3. Where did Arion live?
4. Where did he go to take part in the musical contest?
5. Who would not believe Arion?
6. Who saved Arion’s life from drowning?
7. Who was the most gifted musician?
8. Where did Arion go from Sicily?
9. Who overheard the captain and sailors plotting?
10 Who threw himself into the sea?
Board questions answer:
1. Read the lines from the story “Saved by a Dolphin” and answer the
questions with reference to the context.
“He told his story to the king, but the king would
not believe him.”
a) Who are ‘he’ and the ‘king’ referred to in this line?
b) What was the story that he told?
c) Why did the king not believe him?
2. How was Arion saved from drowning?

Short note
Arion was a wonderful musician. He lived in the city of Corinth. He
played the lute. The king of Corinth was his friend. He travelled several
cities. In musical competition at Sicily he won the first prize for his
music. He was the most gifted musician.

(Shining Things)
Cross () the correct answer.
1. Who wrote the poem “Shining Things”?
A. S.T Eliot
B. William Shakespeare
C. Elizabeth Gould

2. The poet loves ________ stars at night?

A. gold
B. silver
C. lovely
3. Where does the poet find the glow-worm’s elf-light?
A. in the pond
B. in the lane
C. in the sky
4. What does “gloom’ mean?
A. shadow
B. fairy light
C. semi-darkness
5. Where does the poet find glistening drops of water?
A. on the leaves
B. in the lane
C. on his coat

 State whether true or false.

1. Elizabeth Gould wrote the poem “Shining Things”.

2. The glow-worm has elf-light.
3. A glowing rainbow in a cloudy sky.
4. My purring pussy’s red and shining eyes.

 Fill in the blanks:

1. A glowing _________ in a stormy sky.
2. The ________ wings of bees and butterflies.
3. The _______ stars at night, _________ sun at noon.
Short question answer:
1. What things that we see in the sky does the poet like?
2. What does she like in birds and insects?
3. When do the leaves shine?
4. Who wrote the poem “Shining Things”?
Board question answer:
1. Read these lines from the poem “Shining Things” and answer the questions
with reference to the context.

“I love the glow-worm’s elf- light in the lane,”

a) Where does the poet see the glow-worm?
b) Why does she put it in the list of shining things?

c) What do you thing the expression ‘elf-light’ means?


2. Make a list of shining things that you find in the poem ‘Shining


3. What is alliteration? Give an example of alliteration from the poem

“Shining Things”.

(Tom Thumb)
Cross () the correct answer.
1. Who were not happy?
A. fisherman
B. courtiers
C. farmer and his wife

2. They named the boy _________.

A. Tom
B. Tomy
C. Jerry

3. Tom always remained __________.

A. big
B. small
C. none of these
4. Who was often in mischief?
A. fisherman
B. farmer
C. Tom
5. He fell into the_________ jug and almost drowned.
A. milk
B. water
C. oil
6. Who was making pudding?

A. cook
B. fisherman
C. Tom’s mother

7. With whom Tom went to the field?

A. his father

B. his uncle

C. his mother

8. Where was Tom immediately swallowed by a giant fish?

A. in the kitchen

B. into the river

C. in the field

9. Who grabbed Tom in its claws and flew off?

A. crow

B. hawk

C. hen
10. Who were so pleased with Tom?

A. king and queen

B. cook

C. fisherman

True / False

1. A farmer and his wife had many children.

2. They named the boy ‘Tom’.
3. Tom was a weak and ugly child.
4. Tom always remained small.
5. Tom’s mother was making juice.
6. Tom went to the field with his father.
7. A crow saw the boy sitting on a horse’s shoulder.
8. A hawk grabbed Tom in its claws.
9. Tom did not remember his loving parents.
10. The king and queen were so pleased with Tom.

Fill in the blanks:

1. A farmer and his wife were not __________.
2. The couple was __________ with the baby.
3. The __________ Queen was passing by and she granted the
woman her wish.
4. They saw a ___________ cradle on the kitchen table.
5. Tom was a __________ and merry child.
6. But Tom always remained __________.
7. Tom was often in __________.
8. One day, he fell into the _________ jug.
9. Tom’s mother was making ___________.
10. A __________ saw the boy sitting on a horse’s shoulder.
Short questions answer:
a) Why were the farmer and his wife unhappy?


b) What did the farmer’s wife tell her husband?


c) Who granted the woman her wish?


d) Why the child was named Tom Thumb?

 Board questions answer:

1. Read the lines from the story “Tom Thumb” and answer the
questions with reference to the context.

“Everybody ran to see the little wonder.”

a) Who was ‘the little wonder’?


b) Why is he called so?


c) Where was he?

______ _____________________________________________
2. Did the farmer’s wife really want a child no bigger than her
husband’s thumb? Then why did she say so?


3. Write 10 words with silent b.

4. Write the “er” forms of the following adjectives.


5. Fill in the blanks using by the past form of the verb given in
a) The room was stuffy so I _______ the windows. (open)
b) The driver __________ the car and _______ for directions.
(stop, ask)
c) The audience _______ for a long time for the show to begin.
d) My grandparents ______ me a watch on my birthday. (give)
e) Mother ___________ tomato and cheese sandwiches for
everyone. (make)
f) I ______ and __________ too much at the party. I _______
sick. (eat, drink, feel)
g) Mrs Patel _____________ her old car and
______________________ a new one. (sell, buy)

Short Note
Tom Thumb

(A Dinner of Smells)

Cross () the correct answer.

1. Who is mullah in this story?
A. Alif
B. Nasrudin
C. Basheer

2. Who was a popular restaurant owner?

A. Nasrudin
B. Alif
C. Basheer

3. Many wealthy men went there for its _________food.

A. sweet
B. fast
C. tasty
4. Who was a poor man?
A. Alif
B. Nasrudin
C. Qazi
5. Who said ‘I have no money’?
A. Basheer
B. Nasrudin
C. Alif

6. Who is a judge in an Islamic court?

A. Basheer
B. Alif
C. Qazi

7. The Qazi found Alif___________.

A. sad

B. happy

C. guilty

8. Nasrudin shook the __________ so that the coins jingled.

A. milk

B. bag

C. water
9. Who had no option but settle the case?

A. Qazi

B. Alif

C. Basheer

10. Who was a clever man?

A. Qazi

B. Alif

C. Nasrudin

State whether true or false.

1. A mullah, a person who is a judge in an Islamic court.
2. Basheer was a rich man.
3. Alif was an owner of a popular restaurant.
4. The Qazi smelled the delicious food.
5. Alif did not sleep one wink that night.
6. Nasrudin was a clever man.
7. Alif and Basheer were good friends.
8. The Qazi took a bag of coins from his belt.
9. ‘Well, is your payment,’ said the mullah.
10. The Qazi was a good hearted person.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Alif, a person, was walking past the ___________________.
2. He smelled the _________________ food being cooked.
3. Alif was tired and ___________________.
4. The ________________ of the restaurant came charging after
5. A _______________ is a judge in an Islamic court.
6. _______________ was a clever man.
7. The Qazi found _____________ guilty and ordered him to
pay a large fine.
8. The mullah took a ___________ of coins from his belt.
9. Well, that is your ____________________.
10. The ________________ is paid.

Short questions answer:

1. What was Nasrudin well- known for?


2. Who was Alif?

________ ___________________________________________
3. Why did he stop while walking past the restaurant?


4. Why was Basheer’s restaurant popular?


Board questions answer:

1. Read the lines from the story “A Dinner of Smells” and
answer the questions with reference to the context.

“Alif could see that they were friends. The judgment must
surely go against him”.
a) Who were ‘they’?
b) What was the case being hear?
c) Why would the judgment go against Alif?

2. Why do you thing Alif smilled sadly when he smelled the

delicious food?
3. Write 10 words with silent l.

1. Use is,am or are in the blanks to complete this passage.

This ______ Swimmy.

He ____a tadpole. There _____ many tadpoles in the pond.

Swimmy ___ my pet and lives in a fishbowl. A tadpole ___ a
baby frog but they ____ very different.
2. Choose the correct verb from the brackets to complete the
a) Tadpoles (has/have) tails and (live/lives) in water.
b) A frog (has/have) no tail and it (live/lives) on land.
c) I (like/likes) to play games on the computer.
d) Mother (wash/washes) our clothes in the washing machine.
e) Food (stay/stays) cold and fresh in the refrigerator.
f) We (use/uses) more electricity in summer than in winter.
g) Cow (give/gives) milk and bees (make/makes) honey.

(The Miller of Dee)

Cross () the correct answer.
1. Who wrote the poem “The Miller of Dee”?
A. Charles Mackay
B. John Keats
C. T.S Eliot

2. Who sang from morning till night?

A. king
B. miller
C. poet
3. Who was happy?
A. miller
B. king
C. boatman
4. Where did the miller live?
A. near by a jungle
B. beside the river Dee
C. beside the town

State whether true or false.

1. Charles Mackay wrote the poem “The Miller of Dee.”
2. The king Hal was very happy.
3. The miller envied the king.
4. The miller’s mealy cap is worth than king’s crown.
5. The miller has two children.

Fill in the blanks:

1. There ___________ a miller, hale and bold.
2. No lark more __________ than he.
3. I thank the river ________.
Short questions answer
1. Where did the miller live?


2. What bird is he compared to?


3. Who envied the miller?


Broad question answer:

1. Read these lines from the poem “The Miller of Dee’ and
answer the questions with reference to the context.
“But say no more, if thou’dst be true,
That no one envies thee.”
a) Who is the speaker and who is he addressing?

b) What was not true?


c) Who envied him and why?

Short Note
The Miller









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