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TOSCA 12,13,14,15

TOSCA 16 Architecture

Folder Operations:

Copy folder and delete folder is only available in TOSCA 14 and below versions.

Delete, update, clear, excel 1:1 is only available in TOSCA 15 and above versions.

What are the types of workspace in Tosca?

Single User Workspace.

Multi-User Workspace.
When working in a single-user workspace, who can access this workspace?
The user who has access to the workspace's local file.
What is a subset?
A subset is a file containing artifacts that can be shared with other projects.
A subset can be exported from one workspace and then imported into another
How to view multiple sections in Tosca Commander?
By drag and drop a section into a docking destination.

Also, right click on the section tab and select New Vertical Tab Group, from the

Close All But This
New Vertical Tab Group
Move to Next Tab Group
What are the Best Practices for Tosca Workspaces?
Use Naming Conventions.

Use one component folder for each project.

Use a Component folder with Templates and references.

Use the 4 Eye Principle with Status:

Ready for Approval
What is the Tosca plug-in for Chrome browser?
Tricentis Automation Extension for Chrome.
What is Model-Based Test Automation?
Model-Based Test Automation is a software testing technique. During testing,
Models are created. They contain the
technical information and the expected behavior of the System Under Test. From
there, the model is fed business data
that is needed for steering the system and conducting the testing.
What are the advantages of Tricentis Model-Based Test Automation?
You can save effort because you can create models by scanning your SUT.

You can read an end-to-end test easily.

You can reduce maintenance due to the models being reusable.

What are the Tricentis Standard Modules?
Tricentis Standard Modules are a series of modules useful for performing common
execution tests within or outside
your SUT.

The Standard Modules are part of the Tricentis Standard Subset, a subset that
Tricentis provides you with.
What are modules?
The modules are Lego-like "building blocks" that can be combined and reuse to
create your tests. They can also be reused as many times as needed.

Modules store the technical information and therefore are the foundation of all test
automation in Tosca.

XScan is used to scan web pages whose technical information is stored in Modules.
Best Practices for Standard Modules?
Use Standard Module when possible.

Standard modules are created and maintained by Tricentis.

How do you launch XScan?
Right click on a module folder, select Scan > Application.
What are the recommended browser settings for scanning applications?
Make sure that your system display resolution is set to 100% and that the browser
zoom is set to 100% before starting the scan.
What are the basic steps for scanning an application page?
Navigate to the module Folder.
Right-click and select Xcan > Application.
Select Application Window.
Select "Select on Screen" to scan the objects on the page.
Change the Filter to see more properties.
Apply changes to uniquely identify control objects by properties.
Rename the scanned module.
Save the scanned Module.
Exit from XScan.
What are the 5 options to identify controls?
What is a Control?
A control is an element in your application
that the test can interact with. The test
ultimately steers these controls, i.e., interacts
with them.
Describe Identification by Property.
Identifying controls by their properties is the
default identification method in Tosca XScan.
If a selected control is not uniquely
identifiable, you can select additional
properties to identify the control or use a
different identification method.
Identification by Properties is independent of
Zoom Settings

Describe Identify by Anchor.
In Tricentis Tosca, you can use technical
properties of controls to identify other

During automation, Tosca will look first for the

anchor control, and then search for the target
control in relation to the anchor control.
It does this using two possible methods:
shortest path or coordinate.

The anchor must be unique.

What is the difference between using methods shortest path and coordinate?
With Shortest Path: the system searches
each tree level for the control to be identified
starting from the anchor control. The search
starts directly beneath the control and goes
from bottom to top up to the root element.

When using the coordinate method, the exact

position of the control to be identified is
searched via coordinates. This option is highly
dependent on the screen resolution. If the
initial resolution changed, the control might
not be found during test execution.
How to update a Module when the application has changed?
Open the application page.
Navigate to the Module to be changed.
Right-click and select Rescan.
Apply the changes to the control objects.
Save the scanned Module.
What is a ControlGroup?
Allows to organize group of buttons and radio buttons within a module.
What is a TestCase?
A TestCase is a path taken in your application. It consists of a sequence of steps
that you want to test. These steps are called TestSteps.

Test Cases are the basic elements containing the dialog sequence information.
What is a TestCase Folder?
A folder containing one or more items, i.e., TestCases, TestStep Folders, TestSteps.

TestCaseFolders are used to organize TestCases.

What is a TestCase Folder structure?
Within a TestCase, use Folders to separate logical sections. We recommend the
following structure: Precondition for starting the SUT and preparing test data,
Process for the actual test and Postcondition to perform clean-ups and close the
SUT. Within those Folders, a Folder structure should be used to group TestSteps.
What are the Best Practices for Test Cases?
Define Folder Structure that reflects the workflow.

Use Naming Conventions.

Four Eyes Principle:

- In Work
- Ready for Approval
- Approved or Completed
Use of TestSteps Folder Structure:
- Precondition
- Process
- Postcondition
What are the WorkStates for Test Cases in Tosca?
Once all work on a TestCase is done and ready for review, to which Status should
the Test Case WorkState be set?
How to customize columns in Test Cases?
Right-click on the header row and select "Column Chooser" select from available
columns to add to the view and double click to add the desired column.
How to create a Test Step?
Drag and drop a module into a TestFolder or TestCase.

Ctrl + T to open the fuzzy search for Module names.

Right-click on the Test Case Folder and select

"Search and Add TestStep".
What are the Best Practices for TestSteps?
Rename the TestStep to reflect its action.

Make sure your TestSteps are structured in a chronological

What is the Shortcut to expand TestSteps?
What is the Shortcut to collapse TestSteps?
What are the available columns when filling in TestStep Values?
Name, Value, ActionMode, and DataType are visible.
What are the ways to instruct Tosca to activate a button or a link?
By entering one of the following on the button or link value:


What are the 5 DataTypes?
How to hide and unhide unused TestStep Values?
Press F9 to hide and F9 again to unhide.
What is a Test configuration parameter (TCP)?
A Test configuration parameter is a parameter that you can set for Tosca objects.
This way, you can configure your tests further.
At what level a TCP can be defined?
You can set a TCP on different levels. These include TestCases, TestCase Folders,
and ExecutionLists, just to name a few.

The TCP set on the ExecutionList will override the one set on the TestCase.
How to create a TCP?
Open the Test Configuration tab, right-click on the TestCase, and select "Create Test
configuration parameter".

You can also use the shortcut "CTRL N + CTRL ."

True or False. You can use a TCP to add values for identifiers of various test
environments, This statement is ...
What are the available ActionModes?
The available ActionModes are:

How the ActionMode Input is used?
ActionMode Input is used to enter values like a name on the object or apply an
action such as clicking on the object.
How the ActionMode Insert is used?
The ActionMode "Insert" as it is only used for non-UI Automation such API Testing.
How the ActionMode Select is used?
"Select" is a passive ActionMode used for navigating tables or dropdown menus but
without engaging with the application. For example, you can use this ActionMode to
select the table that you want Tosca to focus on.
How the ActionMode Verify is used?
"Verify" is used to check on the value to validate against expected results in the
TestCase. For example, it might be important to verify that a particular shipping
method you chose for a product you had ordered adds the correct amount to your
How the ActionMode WaitOn is used?
You select "WaitOn" when you want to perform a dynamic wait for a control property
to reach a specified state. Alternatively, you use "WaitOn" to wait for an entered
value before continuing the execution. Once the condition is satisfied, Tosca reacts
and continues the automation workflow.

This is Best Practice over inserting a static wait, as this decreases the overall
execution time.
How the ActionMode Buffer is used?
Tosca uses the ActionMode Buffer to save any type of value generated during the
execution of the TestCase. It can either be a static or a dynamic value. This value
will be temporarily saved in Tosca and can be used later on in the same TestCase.
How the ActionMode Constraint is used?
The ActionMode Constraint can used on a specific list item to identify the respective
list item. A combination of selected values can be used to identify the list item.
How to run a Test Case?
Right-click on the Test Case and select Run in Scratchbook.

A section of the test case can be run by selecting objects and then press F6 to run
the selected objects.

Add and arrange objects in the ScratchBook and then run them.
What is the ScratchBook?
The ScratchBook is a Tosca built-in capability that allows you to perform trial runs of
your TestSteps and TestCases.

Such trial runs create only a temporary result. This temporary result is not saved and
will be overwritten once you'll run a new TestCase or TestStep in the ScratchBook.

After execution, the results will appear in the ScratchBook. If a TestStep fails, a red
X appears next to the step with log info, explaining what the error was. When
everything runs correctly, the steps are marked with a green check mark.
What is the syntax of the Buffer?
How to see the Buffer values?
To see the Buffers directly in the WorkSpace view, navigate to the Tool section on
the Ribbon. Here, you can find the "Buffer Viewer". In this window, you can see all
the Buffers stored in Tosca. On the left is the Buffer Name, and on the right is the
Buffer Value.
How could you use a randomly generated value again?
Buffering the value after its first creation.
How the Dynamic Expressions are used?
You'll use Dynamic Expressions if you need to specify values in your TestCases that
are not generated until those particular TestCases are executed.
What is the syntax of the Test configuration parameter TCP?
What is an XBuffer?
Used for reading out and buffering dynamic parts of a string for Dynamic
When using the command {XB[Value]}, what is the meaning of the value inside the
The name of the Buffer.
What is the syntax for Integer Random Values?
Syntax 1 - {RND[Length of random number]}
Example: {RND[7]} - Create a 7-digit number

Syntax 2 - {RND[Lower limit][Upper limit]}

Example: {RND[-789][123]} - Creates an integer number between -789 and 123
What is the syntax for Decimals Random Values?
Syntax 1 - {RNDDECIMAL[Length of random number][Decimal places]}
Example : {RNDDECIMAL[5][2]} - Creates a 5-digit random number with two decimal

Syntax 2 - {RNDDECIMAL[Decimal places][Lower limit][Upper limit]}

Example: {RNDDECIMAL[4][130][200]} Creates an integer number between 130 and
200 with four decimal places.
What is the syntax for Random Strings?
Syntax - {RANDOMTEXT[String length]}
Example: {RANDOMTEXT[12]} - Creates a random text of 12 characters

The maximum length of the string is limited to 1024.

What is the syntax for Random Strings with Regular Expressions?
Syntax - {RANDOMREGEX["Regular expression"]}
Example - {RANDOMREGEX["^[A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]{4}$"]} Creates a value that starts
with a capital letter between A and Z, followed by any number of lower-case letters
and exactly four digits between 0 and 9. The ^ character marks the beginning of the
line, and $ marks the end of the line.
What is the syntax for Dynamic Date Time expressions?
for example
{DATE} - Full date (30.04.2021)
{TIME} - Current time (15:09)
{DATETIME} - Current timestamp (20151230150914)
{DAY} - Current day (30)
{MONTH} - Current month ((12)
{YEAR} - Current year (two-digit) (15)
{MONTHFIRST} - First day of the month (01.12.2021)
{MONTHLAST} - Last day of the month (31.12.2021)
What are the Offset Notation for Dynamic Date time Expressions?
d - Days
w - Workdays (Exclude Sat, Sun, and user-defined Holidays)
M - Months
y - Years
h - Hours (From 1 to 12)
H - Hours (From 0 to 23)
m - Minutes
s - Seconds
fff - Milliseconds
What is the meaning of "w" in the date function?
What is the correct expression, if you want Tosca to enter a date that is: the last day
of the month, 3 years ago from the testing date, with 4 digits for years and a 3-word
abbreviation for month?
What is a Library?
In Tosca, this Library is called a "TestStepLibrary". The steps inside the Library that
you can reuse are called Reusable
TestStepBlocks. TestStepLibraries contain any number of reusable TestStepBlocks,
which then can be reused throughout
numerous TestCases.
How to create a Library?
Right-click on the folder and select "Create TestStepLibrary". You can also use the
shortcut "CTRL N + CTRL L". To create Reusable TestStepBlocks from the
TestSteps you have already created, simply drag and drop them from their original
location to the Library.

You will see that these TestSteps immediately become References to the Reusable
TestStepBlocks. Where the original TestStep was located, a white arrow now
appears to indicate that it is now a Reference to the Library.
How to remove a link to the Reusable TestStepBlock Reference?
Right-click on the Reusable TestStepBlock Reference and select "Resolve
Reference". Please note that, once you have resolved a Reference, you cannot
relink it back to the Library.

Use "Resolve Reference" to make edits to the TestSteps inside the TestCase when
you DO NOT want to change the Reusable TestStepBlock.
In which section of Tosca are Libraries used?
In the TestCase section.
After a Module is rescaned, how to avoid duplication of Modules?
Use "Module Merge", which brings the Attributes you select and their methods of
identification together into one Module and deletes the second Module.

To do this, you first need to select both Modules, then navigate

to the "Modules" tab in the top ribbon, and click on "Merge Modules". After clicking
on "Show", the two Modules will appear as the Target Module and the Source
When working with "Module Merge", which Module is Deleted? the Target Module or
the Source Module?
The Source Module is the one that will be combined into the Target Module and
subsequently deleted.

The Target Module is the one you will keep.

How to use a self-defined Test Configuration Parameter?
You may need to use a very specific parameter to run your Testcase. For example,
your own username and password. You can do so by creating a self-defined Test
Configuration Parameter.

What is the difference between a Buffer and a TCP?
While both TCPs and Buffers are used to generate values, they're different. A Buffer
is generated during run time and is stored locally. On the other hand, TCP values are
generated by a tester and are stored within the repository, even before the
TestCase is run.
What is the syntax for Business Parameter?
When using Business Parameters, how to show or hide unused values?
Remember that unused values will be hidden. "F11" can be used to show or hide
What are the correct steps for creating and using Business Parameters?
1. Create Business Parameters on the Reusable TestStepBlock itself.

2. Name each Parameter and ensure each is linked to a TestStep value.

3. Create a reference by dragging and dropping the Business Parameter to the

Reusable TestStepBlock within the TestCase.

4. Enter values for each Parameter in each reference to the Reusable

How often can you use a TestCase in the same ExecutionList?
Only once.
What is the benefit of running the TestCases from the ExecutionLists?
ExecutionLists do the important job of running the test cases and storing the results
for the executed TestCases. Unlike
this ScratchBook, the ExecutionLists store all historic results, which can be consulted
if necessary.
What are the ways to run TestCases in the ExecutionList?
Run - Green Play button

Run from here - CTRL + F6

Run as Manual TestCase - CTRL + SHIFT + M

To which level in the requirement structure are the TestCases linked?
At the Requirement level.
How do Tosca defines the final weight of a Requirement?
It is calculated using an exponential function that takes into consideration frequency
class and damage class.

Weight = 2^Damage class * 2^ Frequency class.

How to build a Requirement structure?
1. Create Requirement Folders from the Requirement section.

2. Create RequirementSet from the Requirement Folder.

3. Create a Requirement from the RequirementSet.

How can we manage Requirement Coverage in Tosca?
First, link TestCases to Requirements, drag and drop your TestCases, or Template
Instances, to the relevant Requirement. As soon as a TestCase is complete, it
should be linked immediately to the corresponding Requirement.

Then, link your ExecutionLists to the relevant Requirements. To do so, just drag and
drop the ExecutionLists, which are related to the TestCases you linked earlier, to the
RequirementSet. In this way, Tosca will automatically link them and display the
Execution Results along with the corresponding Requirements.
What does a red icon bar next to an object mean while working in a Multi-User
If it's a module you can still add it to your TestCases.

You cannot make any changes to that object.

What does a green icon bar next to an object mean while working in Multi-User
It means that you have checked that object out and you can now make changes to
the object.
Describe the WHILE statement.
A WHILE statement is a loop used for running TestSteps many times. It tells Tosca
to repeat a step as long as a particular condition is met. When the condition is no
longer met, the loop stops, and Tosca will move on to the next step.
Describe the DO statement.
DO is exactly like WHILE, but it will run the loop at least once before checking
whether the condition is met.
Describe IF statement.
IF will perform a function only once given a certain condition.
What is the difference between a "WHILE" and a "DO" statement?
In a DO statement, the loop is executed at least once.
Loops and conditions should be used
Only where absolutely necessary.
How to view the flow of the TestCase?
Click on the "Control Flow Diagram" tab on the TestCase. Here you can see how
Tosca checks whether a condition is met, yes or no, and then determines which path
to take.
What is a Recovery Scenario?
Recovery Scenarios are instructions that tell Tosca what to do in order to recover a
TestCase that might have failed while running a test during the final execution. If a
Recovery Scenario is run successfully, Tosca will retry the TestCase according to
the RetryLevel set. If the Recovery Scenario fails, Tosca will go into the next
Recovery Scenario available.
Where can we specify the Recovery settings?
To enable the Recovery settings, navigate to Project>> Settings>>TBox>>Recovery.
The first three define if "Dialog failures", "Exception failures", and "Verification
failures" should be recovered.
How to add Recovery Scenario to the TestCase?
Right-click on the level where you want the Recovery Scenarios, and then selecting
"Create Recovery Scenario Collection" from the context menu. This can be found
under the ellipsis button on the icon bar of the context menu. You can also use the
shortcut "CRTL+N+ CRTL+R". Now you can right-click again on the Collection and
create a Recovery Scenario. Make sure to set the RetryLevel on the Properties tab.
How the CleanUp Scenarios are used?
CleanUp Scenarios are very useful when a Recovery Scenario is unrecoverable. If
the Recovery Scenario fails, you want Tosca to reset and restart the SUT and put it
into the correct status for next TestCase. What is it exactly? A CleanUp Scenario is
like a Recovery Scenario, but instead of attempting to fix and re-run the TestCase,
the CleanUp Scenario attempts to reset the TestCase.
How to add a CleanUp Scenario?
Create a CleanUp Scenario by right-clicking on a Recovery Scenario Collection, and
select "Create CleanUp Scenario" or press the shortcut "CTRL N + CTRL C".
Which type of execution triggers the Recovery Scenarios and CleanUp Scenarios?
Recovery Scenarios and CleanUp Scenarios are triggered only during actual
execution in the ExecutionLists.
Recovery Scenarios and CleanUp Scenarios are NOT triggered from the
What is the syntax of XBuffer? and how it is used for a Dynamic Comparison?
Static Text {XB[BufferName]}

For example,
Order Number: {XB[OrderNumber]}
using ActionMode: Verify
What is a Parent Control?
Parent Control is the control that is higher up in the object tree, and within which the
control that we actually want to use is located. You can use tables and containers as
Parent Controls.

Parent Controls allow us to identify objects that were previously not uniquely
identifiable, or unidentifiable entirely based on their technical properties alone.

For example by selecting the DIV container where the object is located, then the
object becomes uniquely identifiable.
What is a Dynamic ID?
Dynamic ID is a term for a value of a property on a Module Attribute that can change
during each distinct run, or even step to step. This can be achieved by using various
dynamic expressions in Tosca, such as Date, MATH, or Buffer Operations.

If controls have dynamic properties, as in this case, you should reflect this by
creating Dynamic IDs in the properties of that control. And, you can create Dynamic
IDs by editing the properties of your Module Attributes.
How to add ExplicitName? and How to use it?
Open the Properties Tab, right-click on the header, and select the grey box from the
Context Menu, to add a new Parameter or Press CTRL N CTRL O. In the left
column, type ExplicitName, and in the right column, type True.

Ideally, this is a ModuleAttribute that is generic and has multiple instances, such as a
list of items.

Then, replace the name with an index number like #1 on the name of the step with
multiple values.
What are the correct steps for using ExplicitName?
1. Add the configuration parameter "ExplicitName" to the Module Attribute.

2. Set the value to True or define a value range.

3. Rename the corresponding TestStep value if applicable.

How to use TBox Set Buffer?
TBox Set Buffer is a Standard Module that allows you to set a value to a Buffer
manually, or remove the value of the Buffer. Tbox Set Buffer is useful in situations
when you may want to reset a Buffer's value, set a Buffer to a specific value, store a
timestamp, or even perform calculations within a Buffer's value.

For example, you can reset the value of a Buffer at the beginning of your TestCase
and then continue to reuse that Buffer throughout your TestCase to perform

Remember, to always leave the ActionMode as "Input" which is what it is by default.

What is ResultCount and How to use it?
ResultCount is a property that enables you to count how many times a certain value
or item appears within an HTML page.

You can use the ResultCount property in the property section of any TestStepValue
field. The properties field is where you have selected the InnerText property

ResultCount==NumOfOrders ActionMode is Buffer.

Using Dynamic ID, When you tell Tosca to find the ResultCount, it will return the total
number of items that match that criterion on the page. This was done by setting the
"InnerText" to "Order Number:*".
Which are the available counts in Tosca?


How to use Repetition?
Repetition is a parameter that instructs Tosca to repeat the steps within a particular
level, a specified number of times.

You can define the Repetition only on the TestStepFolder level, which tells Tosca to
repeat the steps within the folder. You can actually instruct Tosca how many times to
repeat that action.
Where does the Repetition property exist by default?
In the TestStepFolder.
How do you define repetitions for TestSteps in a TestCase?
Change the number of Repetitions in the properties of a TestStepFolder within the
What is the best definition of the ActionMode Constraint?
It's a type of ActionMode used to identify one specific item in a list of similar items.

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