Entrepreneurship Development Assignments Answers by Kailash_watermark

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10/12/23, 11:19 PM CampusERP

Assignment: 1

Number of Questions: 30
Maximum Marks: 30
Each question carries 1 Mark.
All questions are compulsory.
Attempts: 1
Which of these traits best describes the entrepreneur? Select the incorrect option.


Which of these characteristics has not been associated with entrepreneur's

Commitment and determination

Creativity, self-reliance and ability to adapt
Motivation to fail

All of the following are true about entrepreneurs except:

Starting a business is risky and often ends in failure.

Money is the most important start up ingredient.
Entrepreneurs are their own bosses and completely independent.
All of these are myths about entrepreneurs.

It is all about rules governing the way in which we determine what is 'right' or
'wrong', 'good' or 'bad'


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Which is not one of the Project management processes?

Monitoring and Controlling
Integration function

What is a comprehensive document that outlines a company's overall marketing
effort called ?

business process
Marketing plan
Business plan
production plan

What is the full form of SME?

Small-to-Management Enterprise
Small-to-Medium Enterprise
Small-to-Mandatory Enterprise
Small to Micro Enterprise

What is full form of SISI

Small Industries Service Institute

Spot Industries Service Institute
Sky Industries Service Institute
Small Industries Service Incorporation

It faces non-transparent and often unpredictable regulatory and tariff regimes.

Exports and imports

Intellectual property protection
Recruitment in India
Investor protection and enforcing contracts

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"To write the perfect plan, you must know your company, your product, your
competition and the market intimately.” Name the step of business plan.

Determine the purpose of your plan

Create a company profile
Document all aspects of your business

What is full form of EDII

Employee Development Institute of India

Employee Digital Institute of India
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
Employer Development Institute of India

It refers to the flow of goods through a distribution channel not
authorized or intended bythe manufacturer.

Grey market
Wholeseller market
Retail Market
Black market

He is one of the most influential social thinkers to have studied bureaucracy
in detail.

Peter Drucker
Henry Fayol
Max Weber

It is taking of as not only a way of doing business but as a movement, it is also
attracting growing amounts of talent and even venture capital attention.

Social entrepreneurship

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----------------- is a set of systems and practices to ensure that the affairs of the
business are being managed in a way which ensures accountability, transparency,
fairness in all its transactions in the widest sense and meet its stakeholders
aspirations and societal expectations.

business process
Corporate Governance
operations management
business ethics

_____________ remains complex, because of the difficulties in establishing legal
ownership and a 'clean' holding for purchase.

Construction permits
Land acquisition

'Financial institution' is established mainly to provide long-term capital for

Share holders
Educational Societies
Industries & agriculture.

NIESBUD plays a supportive role in
developing the efficiency of organisations which aredirectly or indirectly engaged in
promoting entrepreneurship.


“Devising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business need” is
not a planning process.


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The focus of an entrepreneur lies in starting the business and later expanding the


Which of these statements is not true with respect to entrepreneurship?

They need to be very methodical in business activities

They are people with personal values.
Entrepreneuers are scared of competitors
They get motivated by pull influences

What are the primary financial objectives of any firm?

Efficiency, effectiveness, strength, and flexibility

Efficiency, effectiveness, power, and success
Liquidity, control, effectiveness, and power
Liquidity, profitability, efficiency, and stability

Which of the following shows the process of creating something new?

Creative flexibility

What if full form of NIESBUD

National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Spot Business Development

National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
National Institute for Entry and Small Business Development
National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Dealing

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The basic purpose of ____ is to generate more employment opportunities for rural

District Industries Centers (DIC).

Central small industries organization (CSIO)
Small industries service institute (SISI's).
State Bank of India (SBI)

Small businesses are _____ and can respond to changing economic conditions by
refocusing their efforts on personal service.


________ communicate effectively not only to their teams but also to external


NIDC stands for National Institute of Development corporation


The entrepreneur is more than a manager. He or (she) is an innovator and
promoter as well. Forrest H. Frantz said it


Government does not plays a very important role in developing entrepreneurship.


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Assignment: 2

Assignment 2 is based on the following text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. You
first need to read this text and then answer the following MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple
response questions.
Number of Questions: 10
Each question carries 2 Mark
All Ten Questions are Mandatory.
Attempts: 1

Title: Blue Ventures' Innovative and Sustainable Approach to Marine Conservation Background:
Blue Ventures (BV) is a social organization founded by marine ecologist Alasdair Harris in 2003.
The organization was established to address the various problems associated with marine
conservation through business-based solutions and community-led approaches. BV works with
locals to encourage temporary fishing closures, increase catches, and double incomes. This
approach has led to the creation of Madagascar's first locally managed marine area (LMMA),
which has now been replicated in over 65 locations worldwide. Challenge: BV recognized that
conservation efforts would not be sustainable if they did not address the pressing issues facing
the communities they served. Health, family planning, education, and alternative livelihoods
were inter-linked with conservation efforts. To address these multi-dimensional issues, BV came
up with a unique, innovative, integrated holistic approach based on sound research, factual
evidence, partnership, and networking, which would enable them to replicate and scale up.
Solution: BV launched an ambitious and innovative project called Tahiri Honko, which was the
world's largest mangrove carbon conservation project in southwest Madagascar. The project
promoted the sustainable use of 1200 hectares of mangrove forest, protecting the community
from natural calamities, providing alternative livelihoods, and earning carbon credits. This
project would put the local communities on the international forum and enable greater
representation of poor communities in conservation management. The success of the project
would give BV a head start in replicating the model around the world and help thousands of
communities along the coasts. Result: The case exposes the challenges and issues facing a social
enterprise in its efforts to build innovative, sustainable approaches to make a lasting impact on
millions of lives in remote parts of the world. BV's approach has been successful in creating
community-led conservation initiatives and addressing the pressing issues facing the
communities they serve. The Tahiri Honko project has the potential to transform the way
conservation is approached around the world and could have a significant impact on the lives of
thousands of people.

1 What was the main motivation behind the establishment of Blue Ventures? (Select all that apply)
To study coral reef in Madagascar
To come up with community-led marine conservation approaches
To increase catches and double incomes
To set up locally managed marine areas

2 How did Blue Ventures address the multi-dimensional issues facing the communities they served?
Select two
By promoting fishing closures
By providing education and healthcare
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By creating alternative livelihoods

By conducting scientific research on marine life

3 What was the objective of the Tahiri Honko project? (Select all that apply)
To establish a locally managed marine area
To increase catches and double incomes
To promote the sustainable use of mangrove forest
To set up a community-led conservation initiative

4 What potential impact could the success of the Tahiri Honko project have on conservation efforts
around the world? (Select all that apply)
Replicating the model in other locations
Transforming the way conservation is approached
Increasing representation of poor communities in conservation management
Encouraging communities to take up temporary fishing closures

5 What were the pressing issues that Blue Ventures recognized were interlinked with conservation
efforts? (Select all that apply)
Profit making
Maximising shareholders wealth
Economic growth

Rural Entrepreneurship in India Background: India is a country with a vast rural population,
where a majority of the population is engaged in agriculture-related activities. Despite the
growth in the urban sector, the rural sector continues to play a vital role in the Indian economy.
However, the lack of infrastructure, education, and employment opportunities in rural areas has
led to a widening gap between the urban and rural sectors. In recent years, rural
entrepreneurship has gained significance, as it provides an opportunity to address the challenges
faced by rural communities. Case: Rahul, a young entrepreneur, was passionate about creating a
positive impact on the lives of people in rural India. He decided to start a social enterprise that
would empower rural communities and create job opportunities. Rahul had identified a village
called Nandpur, which was located in a remote area, where the majority of the population was
engaged in agriculture-related activities. The village lacked basic amenities such as good
transportation facilities and 24-hour electricity, which led to inadequate infrastructure and
limited employment opportunities. Rahul's idea was to create a self-help group (SHG) that would
produce handmade products such as pottery, textiles, and handicrafts. He believed that this
would not only provide employment opportunities to the villagers but also promote traditional
Indian art and craft. Rahul formed a partnership with a local NGO, which had experience in
working with rural communities. Together, they conducted a survey to identify the skills and
resources available in the village. The survey revealed that the women in the village had
exceptional skills in weaving and stitching. However, they lacked access to raw materials and
markets to sell their products. Rahul decided to set up a small workshop in the village, where the
women could work together and produce high-quality handmade products. He provided them
with the necessary training, raw materials, and equipment. To ensure the sustainability of the
project, Rahul focused on creating a market for the products. He identified potential customers in
nearby towns and cities and conducted a market analysis to understand their preferences and
needs. Based on the analysis, Rahul developed a marketing strategy that included social media
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campaigns, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, and tie-ups with local stores. The
initiative was a success, and the self-help group in Nandpur became a model for other villages.
Over time, the group expanded its product range and started producing new products such as
organic soaps and candles. The group also started offering training programs to other villages,
which helped create more employment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship. Conclusion:
Rural entrepreneurship has the potential to create sustainable employment opportunities,
promote traditional art and craft, and empower rural communities. Initiatives like Rahul's
provide a blueprint for creating successful social enterprises that can address the challenges
faced by rural communities. With the right support and guidance, rural entrepreneurship can help
bridge the gap between the urban and rural sectors and create a more inclusive and equitable
society. 0

1 Which challenges did Rahul's social enterprise in Nandpur aim to address?

Lack of infrastructure in rural areas
High demand for urban jobs
Limited access to education
Lack of medical facilities in the village

2 What were the key steps taken by Rahul to establish the self-help group in Nandpur?
Conducted a survey to identify the skills and resources available in the village
Set up a large factory in the village to produce goods
Provided the women with necessary training, raw materials, and equipment
Developed a marketing strategy to create a market for the products

3 What were the products produced by the self-help group in Nandpur?

Automotive parts

4 What were the benefits of Rahul's social enterprise in Nandpur?

Increased agricultural production in the village
Reduced the gender gap in employment opportunities
Promoted traditional Indian art and craft
Created sustainable employment opportunities for the women in the village

5 What were the marketing strategies used by Rahul's social enterprise in Nandpur?
Social media campaigns
Participation in trade fairs and exhibitions
Partnership with multinational companies
Tie-ups with local political leaders

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