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Page 1 of 29 – Module I

Basic of COMPUTER Networks

Computers have become an integral part of any organization, corporation,
business, government agency or university. These computers are at different
locations within the organization. Each computer is performing a different
set of tasks. For example, in a university with many buildings and campuses,
generally there are computers at each location to keep different records such
as student registration, courses offered, graduate students, employees,
payroll, research records on funded projects, administrative strategies,
guidelines, handbooks and many others. Each of these computers works in a
different environment without interacting with other computers. If these
computers can be connected and managed properly, many of the
overlapping operations can be avoided and a useful strategy can be
developed for the university. Similarly, for organizations sharing recourses,
databases, programs, costs, communications, utilization for short- and long-
term benefits may determine whether these computers should be connected
or not .

A network is basically a set of two
or more articles that are linked so
the computers can share resources,
such as printers, software, and
internet connections. Networked
computers can also share files
without having to transfer data
using a disk or data key. And users
of networked computers can also
communicate electronically without
use of the internet. Computer
networking provides the
communication tools to allow
computers to share information and

Computers within a network can be linked several ways: though cables,

telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared beams.

Every network includes:

 At least two computers Server or Client workstation.
 Networking Interface Card's (NIC)
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 A connection medium, usually a wire or cable, although wireless

communication between networked computers and peripherals is also
 Network Operating system software, such as Microsoft Windows 2003
or 2008, Novell NetWare, Unix and Linux.

Why Network Your Computers?

Networks can be used for simple tasks, such as sharing a printer, or they
can be used for more advanced applications, such as a complex point-of-sale
system and worldwide video conferencing. All networks, whether big or
small, are typically created so that users on the network can share resources
and communicate. The list that follows breaks down some of the reasons for
networking computers:

File Sharing: Networks offer a quick and easy way to share files directly.
Instead of using a disk or USB key to carry files from one computer or office
to another, you can share files directly using a network.

Software Cost and Management: Many popular software products are

available for networks at a substantial savings in comparison to buying
individually licensed copied for all of your computers. You can also load
software on only the file server which saves time compared to installing and
tracking files on independent computers. Upgrades are also easier because
changes only have to be done once on the file server instead of on individual

Security: Specific directories can be password protected to limit access to

authorized users. Also, files and programs on a network can be designated
as "copy inhibit" so you don’t have to worry about the illegal copying of

Resource Sharing: All computers in the network can share resources such as
printers, fax machines, modems, and scanners.

Communication: Even outside of the internet, those on the network can

communicate with each other via electronic mail over the network system.
When connected to the internet, network users can communicate with
people around the world via the network.

Flexible Access: Networks allow their users to access files from computers
throughout the network. This means that a user can begin work on a project
on one computer and finish up on another. Multiple users can also
collaborate on the same project through the network.
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Workgroup Computing: occurs when all the individuals have computers

connected to a network that allows them to send e-mail to one another,
share data files, and schedule meetings. Workgroup software like Microsoft
BackOffice enables many users to contribute to a document concurrently.
This allows for interactive teamwork.

Network can be divided in to two main categories:

 Peer-to-peer.
 Server – based.

Peer-to-peer networks are

more commonly implemented
where less than ten computers are
involved and where strict security
is not necessary. All computers
have the same status, hence the
term 'peer', and they
communicate with each other on
an equal footing. Files, such as
word processing or spreadsheet
documents, can be shared across
the network and all the computers
on the network can share devices,
such as printers or scanners,
which are connected to any one
Client/Server networks: are
more suitable for larger networks. A
central computer, or 'server', acts
as the storage location for files and
applications shared on the network.
Usually the server is a higher than
average performance computer.
The server also controls the
network access of the other
computers which are referred to as
the 'client' computers. Typically,
teachers and students in a school
will use the client computers for
their work and only the network
administrator (usually a designated
staff member) will have access
rights to the server.
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Computer networking technologies have developed because of the
requirements of the following computing models.
 Centralized computing
 Distributed computing
 Collaborated computing
Since the 1950s, people and organizations have used computers to
manage information at a rapidly increasing rate. Historically, technologically
that required that these computers be very large. Large centralized
computers, called mainframes, were used to store and organize data. People
entered data on mainframes using “local” devices called terminals. A
terminal incorporated an input device, such as a keyboard, with some
communication hardware so that a single mainframe could service requests
from multiple remote individuals.
The long distance connections between terminal and mainframe do not
involve a computer network (remember that the definition of networking
involves sharing information and abilities). In centralized computing, the
mainframe provides all the data storage and computational abilities while
the terminal is simply a remote input / output device. Computer networks
were created when organizations began to require that mainframes share
information and services with other mainframes.

As the computer industry, smaller personal computers were created that
allowed individuals total control over their own computer. This personal
computing power resulted in a new computing structure called distributed

Instead of centralizing all computer processing into a single mainframe,

distributed computing uses multiple smaller computers to achieve the same
processing goals. Separate computers work on a subset of tasks without
relying upon a single computer for processing. To compete with centralized
computing, distributed computing uses computer networking to share the
vast amounts of information and services available form each distributed
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A new model called collaborative computing (also called cooperative
processing) is becoming an important trend. Collaborative computing is a
synergistic type of distributed computing where networked computers
actually share processing abilities. Instead of simply communicating data
between computers, collaborative computing uses two or more computers to
accomplish the same processing task.


Today’s computer networks include computers and computer operating
systems associated with all of the computing models. A typical network
includes mainframes, personal computers, and a variety of other computers
and communication devices. Computer networks fit the general definition of
networking since they share electronic data and computing services.
Computer networks are often classified by size, distance covered, or
structure. Even though the distinctions are rapidly fading, the following
network classifications are commonly used:
 Local area network (LAN)
 Metropolitan area network (MAN)
 Wide area network (WAN)


A Local Area Network (LAN) is basically a smaller network that's confined to
a relatively small geographic area. LAN computers are rarely more than a
mile apart. Examples of common LANs are networked computers within a
writing lab, school, or building.

Within a LAN network, one computer is the file server. This means that it
stores all software that controls the network, and it also stores the software
that can be shared among computers in the network. The file server is the
heart of the LAN.

The computers attached to the file server are called workstations.

Workstations can be less powerful than the file server because they don't
have to store as many files and applications as the file server, and they are
not always on and working to keep the network up and running. However,
workstations may also have additional software stored on their hard drives.
Most LANS are connected using cables. The LANs may be configured in many
ways. The peer-to-peer configuration is the simplest form. In this
configuration computers are connected together to share their recourses
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among themselves. In such configurations it is very difficult impose security



A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) connects 2 or more LANs together but
does not span outside the boundaries of a city, town, or metropolitan area.
Within this type of network is also the Campus Area Network (CAN), which is
generally smaller than a MAN, connecting LANs within a limited functional
area, like a college campus, military base, or industrial complex.

Typical Metropolitan area network

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A WAN is a data communications network that covers a relatively broad
geographic area, often a country or continent. It contains a collection of
machines intended for running user programs. These machines are called
The hosts are connected by subnet. The purpose of subnet is to carry
messages from hosts to hosts. The subnet includes transmission facilities,
switching elements and routers provided by common agencies, such as
telephone companies. Now a day’s routers with satellite links are also
becoming part of the WAN subnet. All these machines provide long distance
transmission of data, voice, image and video information. Unlike LAN which
depend on their own hardware for transmission, WANs may utilize public,
leased, or private communication devices when it come across and therefore
span an unlimited number of kilometers. A network device called a router
connects LANs to a WAN.

Network Components

Network Cables
Cable is the medium through which information usually moves from one
network device to another. There are several types of cable which are
commonly used with LANs. In some cases, a network will utilize only one
type of cable, other networks will use a variety of cable types. The type of
cable chosen for a network is related to the network's topology, protocol,
and size. Understanding the characteristics of different types of cable and
how they relate to other aspects of a network is necessary for the
development of a successful network.

Different types of cables are as follows

 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable
 Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Cable
 Coaxial Cable
 Fiber Optic Cable
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Twisted Pair Cable

It is mostly used for telephone communications and modern Ethernet

networks. It consists of pairs of cables that transmit data. The pairs of
cables are twisted so as to prevent the cross talk (noise generated by other
pairs of cables). Each pair of copper wire is twisted together and is encased
in a unique color-coded plastic jacket for insulation. An outer jacket is put
encasing all the twisted pair into one single bundle that consists of all the
pairs for effective transmission of data. Generally, an RJ-45 connector
(discussed in communication links) is connected at the ends of the cable to
provide an interface for communication to nodes. There are two types of
twisted pair cable:

 Unshielded twisted-pair cable (UTP)

 Shielded twisted-pair cable (STP)

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable

It is the most
widely used cable in
network cabling (Ethernet
networks) due to low cost
and relatively easy
installation. The number of
pairs of cables varies
between two and four. This
type of cable has no
insulation against signal
degrading EMI (electro-
magnetic interference) and
RFI (radio frequency
interference) except the
overall shield jacket for
protection from external interference and so solely depends on the noise
cancellation effect produced by twists in the cable to limit signal degradation
produced by adjacent pairs. UTPs used in computer network with four pairs
use RJ-45 connector for connection interface and those used in home
telephone system with two pairs use RJ-11 connectors for connection
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Advantages of UTP:
1. It is cheaper than other communication media.
2. It is easy to install and repair.
3. It provides good data transmission in short distance networks.

Disadvantages of UTP:
1. It is more susceptible to crosstalk, EMI and RFI.
2. It is not suitable for outdoor use and long distance networks.

Categories of Unshielded Twisted Pair

Category Speed Use
1 1 Mbps Voice Only (Telephone Wire)
Local Talk & Telephone (Rarely
2 4 Mbps
3 16 Mbps 10BaseT Ethernet
4 20 Mbps Token Ring (Rarely used)
100 Mbps (2
pair) 100BaseT Ethernet
1000 Mbps (4 Gigabit Ethernet
5e 1,000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet

Shielded twisted-pair cable (STP)

It is similar to
unshielded twisted pair
cable except it has better
insulation against signal
interference. Each pair of
wire is wrapped in
metallic foil to further
reduce noise. The four
cables as a whole bundle
are then wrapped in an
overall metallic foil or
braid. With extra
insulation STP reduce
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crosstalk (electrical noise produced by adjacent pairs) and EMI as well as

RFI. However, it is more than UTP cable and difficult to install as it requires
the metallic shielding to be grounded at both ends. Improper grounding can
result in more EMI and RFI due to the shield acting like an antenna catching
unwanted signals. It is generally used in areas more susceptible to EMI, RFI
and relatively longer distance network than possible to create by UTP.

Advantages of STP
1. It is less susceptible to EMI, RFI and crosstalk than UTP.
2. It provides good data transmission in short distance networks.
3. It is easy to install than other media.

Disadvantages of STP
1. It is more expensive than UTP.
2. It is relatively hard to install and repair than UTP.

Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cabling has a single copper

conductor at its center. A plastic
layer provides insulation between
the center conductor and a braided
metal shield (See figure given). The
metal shield helps to block any
outside interference. Although
coaxial cabling is difficult to install,
it is highly resistant to signal interference. In addition, it can support greater
cable lengths between network devices than twisted pair cable.

The two types of coaxial cables are:

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Thin coaxial cable is also referred to as thinnet. 10Base2 refers to the

specifications for thin coaxial cable carrying Ethernet signals. The 2 refers to
the approximate maximum segment length being 200 meters. In actual fact
the maximum segment length is 185 meters. Thin coaxial cable has been
popular in

Thick coaxial cable is also referred to as thicknet. 10Base5 refers to the

specifications for thick coaxial cable carrying Ethernet signals. The 5 refers
to the maximum segment length being 500 meters. Thick coaxial cable has
an extra protective plastic cover that helps keep moisture away from the
center conductor. This makes thick coaxial a great choice when running
longer lengths in a linear bus network.

Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber optic cabling consists of a center

glass core surrounded by several layers
of protective materials (See figure
given). It transmits light rather than
electronic signals eliminating the problem
of electrical interference. This makes it
ideal for certain environments that
contain a large amount of electrical
interference. It has also made it the
standard for connecting networks

Fiber optic cable has the ability to transmit signals over much longer
distances than coaxial and twisted pair. It also has the capability to carry
information at vastly greater speeds. This capacity broadens communication
possibilities to include services such as video conferencing and interactive
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services. The cost of fiber optic cabling is comparable to copper cabling;

however, it is

The center core of fiber cables is made from glass or plastic fibers (See
figure given).A plastic coating then cushions the fiber center, and kevlar
fibers help to strengthen the cables and prevent breakage. The outer
insulating jacket made of teflon or PVC.

Network interface cards

Network interface cards (NIC), also called network cards and network
adapters include a cable socket allowing computers to be connected to the
network. All NICs have a unique address (sometimes called a MAC address),
placed in them by their manufacturer. Before sending data onto the network,
the network card also organizes data into frames and then sends them out
on the network. Notebook computers often use NICs that are plugged into
the PCMCIA port. Wireless LAN adapters are needed for WLANs.

NIC card
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NIC card functions:

 Monitoring activity on the communication medium

 Providing each workstation/server with a unique identification address
 Recognizing and receiving data transmitted to the computer
 Creating (building) the frames needed to transmit data on the
communication medium
 Controlling LAN transmission speed
 Transmission error detection and recovery


Hubs are used in networks that use

twisted-pair cabling to connect
devices. Hubs can also be joined
together to create larger networks.
Hubs are simple devices that direct
data packets to all devices
connected to the hub, regardless of
whether the data package is
destined for the device. This makes them inefficient devices and can create a
performance bottleneck on busy networks.

In its most basic form, a hub does nothing except provide a pathway for the
electrical signals to travel along. Such a device is called a passive hub. Far
more common nowadays is an active hub, which, as well as providing a path
for the data signals, regenerates the signal before it forwards it to all of the
connected devices. A hub does not perform any processing on the data that
it forwards, nor does it perform any error checking.
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Hubs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Small hubs with five or eight
connection ports are commonly referred to as workgroup hubs. Others can
accommodate larger numbers of devices (normally up to 32). These are
referred to as high-density devices. Because hubs don't perform any
processing, they do little except enable communication between connected
devices. For today's high-demand network applications, something with a
little more intelligence is required. That's where switches come in.


Like hubs, switches are the connectivity points of an Ethernet network.

Devices connect to switches via twisted-pair cabling, one cable for each
device. The difference between hubs and switches is in how the devices deal
with the data that they receive. Whereas a hub forwards the data it receives
to all of the ports on the device, a switch forwards it only to the port that
connects to the destination device. It does this by learning the MAC address
of the devices attached to it, and then by matching the destination MAC
address in the data it receives. Figure shows how a switch works.

Figure: How switch works

By forwarding data only to the connection that should receive it, the switch
can improve network performance in two ways. First, by creating a direct
path between two devices and controlling their communication, it can greatly
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reduce the number of collisions on the network. As you might recall,

collisions occur on Ethernet networks when two devices attempt to transmit
at exactly the same time. In addition, the lack of collisions enables switches
to communicate with devices in full-duplex mode. In a full-duplex
configuration, devices can send and receive data from the switch at the
same time. Contrast this with half-duplex communication, in which
communication can occur in only one direction at a time. Full-duplex
transmissions speeds are double that of a standard, half-duplex, connection.
So, a 10Mbps connection becomes 20Mbps, and a 100Mbps connection
becomes 200Mbps.


A bridge is a device that allows you to segment a large network into two
smaller, more efficient networks. If you are adding to an older wiring
scheme and want the new network to be up-to-date, a bridge can connect
the two.

A bridge monitors the information traffic on both sides of the network so that
it can pass packets of information to the correct location. Most bridges can
"listen" to the network and automatically figure out the address of each
computer on both sides of the bridge. The bridge can inspect each message
and, if necessary, broadcast it on the other side of the network.

The bridge manages the traffic to maintain optimum performance on both

sides of the network. You might say that the bridge is like a traffic cop at a
busy intersection during rush hour. It keeps information flowing on both
sides of the network, but it does not allow unnecessary traffic through.
Bridges can be used to connect different types of cabling, or physical
topologies. They must, however, be used between networks with the
same protocol.
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A router translates
information from one
network to another; it
is similar to a super
intelligent bridge.
Routers select the best
path to route a
message, based on the
destination address and
origin. The router can
direct traffic to prevent
head-on collisions, and
is smart enough to
know when to direct
traffic along back roads
and shortcuts.

While bridges know the

addresses of all
computers on each side
of the network, routers know the addresses of computers, bridges, and other
routers on the network. Routers can even "listen" to the entire network to
determine which sections are busiest they can then redirect data around
those sections until they clear up.
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Routers can:

 Direct signal traffic efficiently

 Route messages between any two protocols
 Route messages between linear bus, star, and star-wired
ring topologies
 Route messages across fiber optic, coaxial, and twisted-pair cabling

Network Topology

A network topology is how computers, printers, and other devices are

connected over a network. It describes the layout of wires, devices, and
routing paths. Essentially there are six different common topologies you
should familiarize yourself with: Bus, Ring, Star, Extended Star, Hierarchical,
and Mesh.
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Bus Topology

The bus topology was fairly

popular in the early years of
networking. It’s easy to
setup- not to mention
inexpensive. All devices on
the Bus Topology are
connected using a single
cable. If you need help
remembering how the Bus
Topology operates, think of it
as the route a bus takes
throughout a city. It is extremely important to note that both ends of the
main cable need to be terminated. If there is no terminator, the signal
will bounce back when it reaches the end. The result: a bunch of
collisions and noise that will disrupt the entire network. The Bus Topology
is less common these days. In fact, this topology is commonly used to
network computers via coaxial cable

Advantages of a Linear Bus Topology

 Easy to connect a computer or peripheral to a linear bus.

 Requires less cable length than a star topology.

Disadvantages of a Linear Bus Topology

 Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable.

 Terminators are required at both ends of the backbone cable.
 Difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
 Not meant to be used as a stand-alone solution in a large building
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Ring Topology

In a ring network, every device has

exactly two neighbors for
communication purposes. All
messages travel through a ring in
the same direction (either
"clockwise" or "counterclockwise").
A failure in any cable or device
breaks the loop and can take down
the entire network. To implement a
ring network, one typically uses
FDDI, SONET, or Token Ring
technology. Ring topologies are
found in some office buildings or
school campuses.


 Cable faults are easily located, making troubleshooting easier.

 Ring networks are moderately easy to install.


 Expansion to the network can cause network disruption.

 A single break in the cable can disrupt the entire network.

Star / Extended Star Topology

One of the most popular

topologies for Ethernet LANs
is the star and extended star
topology. It is easy to setup,
it’s relatively cheap, and it
creates more redundancy
than the Bus Topology. The
Star Topology works by
connecting each node to a
central device. This central connection allows us to have a fully functioning
network even when other devices fail. The only real threat to this topology is
that if the central device goes down, so does the entire network.
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The Extended Star

Topology is a bit more
advanced. Instead of
connecting all devices to a
central unit, we have sub-
central devices added to
the mix. This allows more
functionality for
organization and subnetting
yet also creates more
points of failure. In many
cases it is impractical to
use a Star Topology since
networks can span an entire building. In this case, the Extended Star
Topology is all but necessary to prevent degraded signals.Whereas the Star
Topology is better suited for small networks, the Extended Star Topology is
generally better for the larger ones.

Disadvantages of a Star Network

 Twisted pair cables typically used in star topologies are not as immune
to interferences as coaxial cable
 Expensive because of additional cabling and central hub require
 If the centralize device fails the entire system is affected.

Advantages of Star Network

 Easy to Install: Each device on network simply requires a cable run

between it and the concentrator device.
 Flexible: Devices can be added or removed without affecting the other
devices on the network.
 A single device or cable failure will not bring down the network
 Easy to set up and to expand as each device on the network simply
requires a cable run between it and the concentrator device
 Any non-centralized failure will have very little effect on the network,
whereas on a ring network it would all fail with one fault.
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 Data Packets are sent quickly as they do not have to travel through
any unnecessary nodes.
 Performance is greater with speeds capable of 10mbps to 100mbps or
 The ability to isolate individual devices in troubleshooting An intelligent
central hub or switch that can help diagnose and manage the network
Adjusting traffic levels so that computers that place heavy loads on the
network are moved to separate hubs.

Tree (Hierarchical) Topology

The Hierarchical Topology

is much like the Star
Topology, except that it
doesn’t use a central
node. Although Cisco
prefers to call this
Hierarchical, you may see
it as instead referred to
as the Tree Topology.

This type of topology

suffers from the same centralization flaw as the Star Topology. If the device
that is on top of the chain fails, consider the entire network down. Obviously
this is impractical and not used a great deal in real applications.

Advantages of a Tree Topology

 Point-to-point wiring for individual segments.

 Supported by several hardware and software venders.

Disadvantages of a Tree Topology

 Overall length of each segment is limited by the type of cabling used.

 If the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.
 More difficult to configure and wire than other topologies.
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Mesh Topology

A Mesh topology provides

each device with a point-to-
point connection to every
other device in the network.
These are most commonly
used in WAN's, which
connect networks over
telecommunication links.
Mesh topologies use routers
to determine the best path. Mesh networks provide redundancy, in
the event of a link failure; meshed networks enable data to be
routed through any other site connected to the network. Because
each device has a point-to-point connection to every other device,
mesh topologies are the most expensive and difficult to maintain.

Mesh networks differ from other networks in that the component parts can
all connect to each other via multiple hops, and they generally are not
mobile. Mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET), featured in many consumer
devices, is a subsection of mesh networking. Mesh networks are self-
healing: the network can still operate even when a node breaks down or a
connection goes bad. As a result, a very reliable network is formed.

This concept is applicable to wireless networks, wired networks, and

software interaction. There are three distinct generations of wireless mesh
architectures. In the first generation one radio provides both backhaul
(packet relaying) and client services (access to a laptop). In the second
generation, one radio relayed packets over multiple hops while another
provided client access. This significantly improved backhaul bandwidth and
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latency. Third generation wireless mesh products use two or more radios for
the backhaul for higher bandwidth and low latency. Third generation mesh
products are replacing previous generation products as more demanding
applications like voice and video need to be relayed wirelessly over many
hops of the mesh network.

Advantages of Mesh topology

 Extremely reliable. Data has access to fastest paths and can load
 Provides redundancy and fault tolerance between devices and
ensures the best possibility that the network is always available.

Disadvantage of Mesh
 Uses the most cabling to implement.
 Has a high administrative overhead.


The Internet, sometimes called the “Information Superhighway” or “the Net”

is basically a global computer network. Computers are connected via wires,
cables and satellite
connections so that
they can communicate
no matter where you
may reside in the
world. People from
the most remote
areas have the ability

Typical internetwork connecting LANs and MANs to communicate and gather

information from virtually anywhere in the world all within seconds. You can
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send files, photos, email, letters, programs, music and much more. It allows
you to have access to current news, reference material, chat with other
users, shop, and basically have fun. The Internet is always open and
available on any day of the year and at any time.

The modem is a peripheral device that allows computers to communicate

with one another by way of telephone lines or cables. In order to receive a
facsimile transmission or an email or to access the Internet, a modem will be
required. The digital signal which computers use is transformed into analog
for the telephone lines and then vice versa. A high speed connection
transmits and receives the information digitally. The speed of a modem is
measured in bits per second (bps). Cable, digital subscriber lines (DSL)
and wireless modems can transfer information 10-40 times faster than a dial
up modem connection. The library uses a DSL T-1 Line. In order to have
internet access you will need to have an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Once your computer connects to the Internet for the first time, a small
program will automatically run that will create a TCP/IP interface. The

Transmission Control Protocol “TCP” breaks up the information sent by

your computer into small packets based on a set of rules for this procedure.
Each computer has a unique address called the Internet Protocol “IP.”

Dial Up, Broadband and Wireless

To connect to the Internet, you will need a computer with a modem, a

physical connection such as a cable or phone jack near your computer, an
Internet Service Provider and Internet software. There are three basic
options for connecting your computer to the Internet which are “dial-up,”
“broadband” and “wireless.”
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 Dial-up:-basically utilizes a typical phone jack and telephone lines. It

is relatively less expensive than broadband or wireless; however, it
does transmit information much slower. Also, you cannot use your
telephone and internet connection at the same time.
 Broadband connections: - can be up to 100 times faster than
regular dial-up. You may need to purchase different
hardware for your computer to run broadband and your
monthly service will be more expensive than regular dial-up. The
following are the three different types of broadband connections:
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) which uses your telephone lines for
connection, cable services which use fiber-optic cables, and last there
is satellite dish connection.

 Wireless connections:-allow you to be more mobile. You may use a

cell-phone which will require a special modem built into the phone or
installed on your laptop. You will need to connect your cell-phone to
the laptop via a cable, infrared or Bluetooth. Your connection will be
slow with Global System for Mobile Communications (GMS), so you
may want to consider a network that offers General Packet Radio
Service (GPRS). You could install a wireless network card to your
laptop and find a location that provides wireless laptop hook ups such
as airports, coffee shops, hotels and some libraries.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a high performance, cell oriented

switching and multiplexing technology that utilizes fixed length packets to
carry different types of traffic.
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ATM format

ATM differs from more common data link technologies like Ethernet in
several ways. For example, ATM utilizes no routing. Hardware devices known
as ATM switches establish point-to-point connections between endpoints and
data flows directly from source to destination. Additionally, instead of using
variable-length packets as Ethernet does, ATM utilizes fixed-sized cells. ATM
cells are 53 bytes in length that includes 48 bytes of data and five (5) bytes
of header information.

Asynchronous TDM
ATM uses asynchronous time division multiplexing that is why it is called
asynchronous transfer mode ATM technology is designed to improve
utilization and quality of service (QoS) on high-traffic networks. Without
routing and with fixed-size cells, networks can much more easily manage
bandwidth under ATM than under Ethernet, for example. The high cost of
ATM relative to Ethernet is one factor that has limited its adoption to
"backbone" and other high-performance, specialized networks.
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Most serial communications and practically all LAN communications are

asynchronous, but most data transfers in and out of your microprocessor,
the traffic on your parallel port, and the traffic on your computer's bus, are
synchronous. Given a steady stream of data, synchronous transmission
tends to be more efficient than asynchronous, while asynchronous
transmission tends to be more flexible and resilient.

Benefits of ATM
 High performance via hardware switching
 Dynamic bandwidth for bursty traffic
 Class-of-service support for multimedia
 Scalability in speed and network size
 Common LAN/ WAN architecture
 Virtual circuit architecture
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Fill in the blanks

1. LAN covers ………….area.
2. WANs are spread over ………….
3. The Internet is living example for …..
4. Normally backbones are of ……… topology
5. UTP stands for ……….
6. MAC address stands for ……..
7. ATM stands for …
8. The ATM packet size is …..

Short questions:

1. State any two benefits of networking.

2. Site an example for distributed processing
3. Why peer-peer configuration is not preferred?
4. Advantage of star topology ?
5. State the functions of NIC?
6. Justify the benefits of ATM.

Long questions:

1. Why networking?
2. Discuss about client/server model
3. What are value added networks?
4. How many types of networks are there?
5. State the characteristics of LAN
6. Describe WAN and its associated terms ?
7. Compare a break in the medium of a LAN with a bus topology to a
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break in a star topology?.

8. State the various topologies that are possible with LAN
9. Discuss in detail about hybrid topology?
10. How many ways a MAN is different from LAN and WAN?
11. What are the hardware components of LAN?
12. Contrast hubs with repeater.
13. What are the advantages of shielded wire?
14. State the advantages of switches over hubs
15. Where shielded wire is preferred over ordinary wire?
16. Describe various speeds available on Ethernet
17. How switched Ethernet improves the net?
18. Discuss in detail about ATM.

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