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GF - Soul-Snatcher Cults v2.


About OPR Background Story

OPR ( is the home of many free games Soul-Snatcher Cults are a collection of vicious aliens that invade
which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. human planets covertly, kidnapping the local population and
mutating them to fight for their cause. They are led by powerful
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only psychics that seek to take over all human planets under their
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community. reign and govern the Sirius sector.
If you’d like to support the continued development of our games A Soul-Snatcher Cult invasion starts with elite snatchers
you can donate on dropping onto planets in camouflaged drop pods. They then
kidnap part of the population and take them back to their ships
Thank you for playing! to brainwash and mutate them before releasing them again.
Once enough individuals have been brainwashed the main
invasion begins, with these minions aiding the snatchers in
fighting the local military from the inside out.
Don’t forget to check your closet before going to sleep, you never
know where the Soul-Snatchers might be hiding next…

Gaetano Ferrara
Brandon Gillam
Game Design:


GF - Soul-Snatcher Cults v2.50
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Soul-Snatcher Patriarch [1] 3+ 3+ Heavy Piercing Claws (A6, AP(1), Rending) Fast, Fear, Hero, Psychic(1), Scout, A 150pts
Strider, Tough(3)
Cult Leader [1] 4+ 5+ Pistol (12”, A1), CCW (A2) Hero, Scout, Tough(3) B 40pts
Cult Hitman [1] 4+ 5+ Pistol (12”, A1), CCW (A2) Hero, Scout, Takedown, Tough(3) C 70pts
Brute Champion [1] 3+ 4+ Sledgehammer (A2, Blast(3), AP(2)) Hero, Regeneration, Scout, Tough(3) A 95pts
Minions [10] 5+ 5+ Rifles (24”, A1), CCWs (A1) - D 120pts
Support Minions [3] 5+ 5+ Mortars (30”, A1, Blast(3), Indirect), Crews (A2) Tough(3) E 120pts
Neophytes [5] 4+ 5+ Rifles (24”, A1), CCWs (A1) Scout F, G 95pts
Acolytes [5] 4+ 5+ Pistols (12”, A1), Mutant Claws (A2, AP(1)) Scout, Strider G, H 115pts
Mutant Brutes [5] 3+ 4+ Heavy Picks (A2, AP(1), Rending) Regeneration, Scout I 155pts
Soul-Snatchers [5] 3+ 4+ Piercing Claws (A3, AP(1), Rending) Fast, Scout, Strider J 195pts
Elite Snatchers [5] 3+ 3+ Piercing Claws (A3, AP(1), Rending) Ambush, Fast, Regeneration, Strider J 235pts
Minion Bikers [3] 5+ 5+ Burst Pistols (12”, A3), CCWs (A2) Fast, Scout, Tough(3) K 120pts
Minion Quadbike [1] 5+ 5+ Burst Pistol (12”, A3), Fast, Scout, Tough(6) L 85pts
Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A6, AP(1)), CCW (A2)
A Upgrade with any:
Pet Familiar (Warning Cry)
H Replace up to two Pistols:
+10pts Flamethrower Pistol (6”, A6)
Psychic Spells
+5pts Mind Poison (4+): Target enemy unit within 12”
Psychic Idol (Resistance) +10pts Replace up to two Pistols and Mutant Claws: takes 3 hits with AP(1).
B Replace Pistol: Heavy Drill (A3, AP(1), Rending) +5pts Stimulant (4+): Target 2 friendly units within 6”
Burst Pistol (12", A3) +5pts Demo-Charges (A2, Blast(3)) +5pts get Furious next time they charge.
Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Sniper) +30pts Heavy Heavy
Buzz Saw (A3, AP(4))
Cutter (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3))
+5pts Brain Burst (5+): Target enemy model within 12”
+15pts takes 2 hits with AP(4).
Replace Pistol and CCW: Replace any Mutant Claws:
Sabotage Charges (A1, Blast(3), AP(1)) +5pts Piercing Claws
+5pts Toxic Whip Limb(A2, Rending) free Hypnosis (5+): Target 2 friendly units within 12”
Syringe Goad (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Array of CCWs (A3, AP(1), Poison) +10pts (A2, Poison) +5pts Mind Control (6+):next
get +1 to defense time they take hits.
Target 2 enemy units within
Replace one Mutant Claws:
Prime (Agitator)
Upgrade with one:
+20pts SwordReplace Claw (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +5pts 6”timegetthey
-3" next time they Advance, or -6" next
Mad Scientist (Experiments) +20pts Whip Limb andoneSword Pistol and Mutant Claws:
Claw +5pts Psychic Blaze (6+): Target 2 enemy units within
Mage (Psychic(1)) +25pts 6” take 6 hits with AP(1) each.
Propagandist (Megaphone) +45pts (A2, Rending, Deadly(3))
Commander (Tactical Console) +50pts I Replace any Heavy Pick:
Warden (Banner) +75pts Heavy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) free
Upgrade with: Pick Hammer (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +5pts
Combat Bike (Fast) +10pts Replace one Heavy Pick:
C Replace Pistol: Great Weapon (A3, AP(4)) +15pts
Burst Pistol (12”, A3) +5pts J Upgrade one model with:
Duelist Pistols (12”, A2, Sniper) +15pts Mind Snatcher (Psychic(1)) +25pts
Replace Pistol and CCW: Replace any Burst Pistol:
Dual Swords (A4, AP(1), Rending) +10pts K
Toxin Blade (A4, AP(1), Poison) +20pts Shotgun (12”, A2, AP(1))
Rifle (24”, A1)
D Replace up to two Rifles: Grenade Launcher (24”,A1,Blast(3)) +5pts
Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(4)) +5pts Replace one CCW:
Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +10pts Heavy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) +5pts
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts Heavy Pick (A2, AP(1), Rending) +5pts
Shred Rifle (18”, A3, Rending) +10pts Heavy Axe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +5pts
Grenade Launcher (24”,A1,Blast(3)) +10pts Heavy Mace (A2, AP(4)) +5pts
E Replace any Mortar: L Replace Heavy Flamethrower:
Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1)) +5pts Mining Laser (18”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) free
Missile Launcher +10pts Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +5pts
(30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
Laser Cannon
(36”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
+15pts Special Rules
Agitator: The hero and its unit get +1 attack in
Autocannon (36”, A3, AP(2)) +15pts melee when charging.
F Replace any Rifle: Banner: The hero and its unit get the
Shotgun (12”, A2, AP(1)) +5pts Regeneration special rule.
Experiments: When in melee, roll one die and
Replace one Rifle:
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts apply1-3: one bonus to models with this rule:
Attacks get Rending
Grenade Launcher (24”,A1,Blast(3)) +10pts 4-6: Attacks get AP(+1)
Web Carbine (18”, A2, Blast(3)) +15pts Megaphone:
Mining Laser (18”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) +15pts Advance, andThe hero and its unit move +2” on
+4” on Rush/Charge actions.
Quake Cannon +15pts Resistance: Counts as having Regeneration on
(24", A1, Blast(3), Rending)
Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +25pts rolls of 4+ against spell attacks, and on rolls of
Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Sniper) +25pts 6+ against non-spell attacks (this stacks with
Replace one Rifle and CCW:
Pistol (12", A1), CCW (A2) free Tactical Console: Once per activation, before
Web Pistol (12", A1, Blast(3)), CCW (A2) +5pts attacking, pick one other friendly unit within 12”
of this model, which may move by up to 6".
Replace one CCW:
Heavy Pick (A2, AP(1), Rending) +5pts Takedown: When this model attacks in melee,
Heavy Mace (A2, AP(4)) +10pts you may pick one model in the unit as its target,
G Upgrade one model with: and make 1 attack at Quality 2+ with AP(1) and
Cult Standard (Fear) +20pts Deadly(3), which is resolved as if it's a unit of 1.
Warning Cry: Enemy units can’t be set up within
18” of this model when using Ambush.

GF - Soul-Snatcher Cults v2.50
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Attack Vehicle [1] 4+ 2+ Twin Heavy Machinegun (30”, A6, AP(1)), Fast, Impact(6), Scout, Tough(6) A 245pts
Heavy Mining Laser (24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Light APC [1] 4+ 2+ 2x Heavy Flamethrowers (12”, A6, AP(1)) Fast, Impact(6), Tough(6), Transport(11) B, C 215pts
Grinder Truck [1] 4+ 2+ Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)), Fast, Impact(9), Strider, Tough(6), Transport(6) D 235pts
Heavy Mining Laser (24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Mining Truck [1] 4+ 2+ Twin Autocannon (36”, A6, AP(2)), Fast, Impact(6), Tough(6), Transport(11) - 295pts
Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1))
Battle Tank [1] 4+ 2+ Nova Cannon (36”, A1, Blast(6), AP(1)), Fast, Impact(6), Tough(12) B, E 345pts
Twin Heavy Flamethrowers (12”, A12, AP(1))
Light Walker [1] 4+ 2+ Twin Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A12, AP(1)), Fear, Tough(6) F 170pts
Stomp (A2, AP(1))
+5pts Flare Gun: OnceSpecial Rules
A Replace Heavy Mining Laser:
Heavy Mortar per activation, pick one friendly
(30”, A1, Blast(3), AP(1), Indirect) unit within 12”, which gets +2" on Advance and
Upgrade with one: +4" on Rush/Charge actions next time it moves.
Spotter +20pts Spotter: Once per activation, before attacking,
Survey Vehicle +30pts
Flare Gun +45pts pick one friendly unit within 6”. That unit’s
weapons get +6” range next time it shoots.
B Upgrade with any: Survey Vehicle: Once per activation, before
Dozer Blade (Strider) +20pts attacking, pick one enemy unit within 24”. Next
Camouflage Netting (Stealth) +60pts time that a friendly unit shoots at it, that units
Hunter Missiles +35pts gets +1 to its hit rolls.
(24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
Upgrade with one:
Storm Rifle (24”, A3, AP(1)) +25pts
Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +35pts
C Replace any Heavy Flamethrower:
Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +5pts
Replace one Heavy Flamethrower:
Laser Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(3)) +20pts
D Replace Heavy Mining Laser:
Heavy Incinerator (18", A6, AP(1)) +5pts
Heavy Quake Cannon +10pts
(24", A2, Blast(3), Rending)
E Replace Nova Cannon:
Battle Cannon (30”, A2, Blast(3), AP(2)) +15pts
Gatling Cannon (24”, A12) +15pts
Anti-Tank Cannon +15pts
(30”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(6))
Heavy Plasma Cannon +25pts
(30”, A1, Blast(6), AP(4))
Heavy Autocannon (36”,A6,AP(2)) +45pts
Siege Cannon +80pts
(24”, A3, Blast(3), AP(3), Indirect)
Replace Twin Heavy Flamethrowers:
Twin Heavy Machineguns +15pts
(30”, A6, AP(1))
Twin Plasma Cannons +40pts
(30”, A2, Blast(3), AP(4))
Twin Heavy Fusion Rifles +45pts
(18", A2, AP(4), Deadly(6))
Upgrade with one:
Heavy Flamethrower (12”,A6,AP(1)) +25pts
Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +35pts
Laser Cannon +50pts
(36”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
F Replace Twin Heavy Flamethrower:
Twin Heavy Machinegun +10pts
(30”, A6, AP(1))
Twin Missile Launcher +35pts
(30", A2, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
Twin Plasma Cannon +35pts
(30”, A2, Blast(3), AP(4))
Twin Laser Machinegun +45pts
(30”, A6, AP(3))
Twin Laser Cannon +45pts
(36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Twin Autocannon (36”, A6, AP(2)) +45pts

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