Worksheet Week 2 Respirasi_English

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Physiology of Respiratory System

Name: TELAUMBANUA NIM:01501220035 Group: IT

1. What does it mean by (total 2 points):

a. Tidal volume (TV) adalah pernapasan normal 500 ml udara dalam setiap nafas.

b. Vital Capacity: jumlah total udara yang dapat bertukar. Rumursnya vc= tv+irv+erv

c. Residual volume: udara yang tetap ada dalam paru paru dari udara setelah
mengeluarkan nafas. Jumlah udara 1200 ml.

d. Dead space volume:udara yang tetap ada dalam zona penghantaran dan tidak pernah
mencapai alveoi ,sekitar 150 ml.

2. Write the meaning of the term below (1 point):

Perfusion (Q) is:

Ventilation (V) is:

3. State what is included in the respiratory zone (1 point):

4. Name the two main areas of the brain involved in the control of breathing (1 point):

Complete the following paragraphs with the answers below. Keywords can be used
more than one time.
Total 12 points

Alveoli Red blood cells Hemoglobin Carbonic acid Oxyhemoglobin

Carbon dioxide Plasma Bicarbonate ions Water

External respiration is gas exchange between (5) _alveoli_____ and blood. Oxygen is

transported in two ways. Most oxygen binds to (6) __hemoglobin____ molecules in red

blood cells to form (7) ____oxyhemoglobin___ (HbO2).

Oxygen in small amounts is dissolved and carried in (8) ______. Most carbon dioxide is

transported in the plasma as (9) ___bikarbonats ions___ (HCO3-), which plays a vital role

in the blood buffer system. The conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate ions occurs

in (10) ______, and the newly formed bicarbonate ions diffuse into plasma. A smaller

amount, between 20 and 30 percent of the carbon dioxide transported, is carried in (11)

______ to bind to hemoglobin.

Carbon dioxide carried in red blood cells binds to (12) ________ at a different

location from the oxygen bond in hemoglobin, so it does not affect oxygen transport.

Before carbon dioxide can diffuse from the blood into the alveoli, it must be released

from the bicarbonate ion form. For this process to occur, bicarbonate ions must enter the

red blood cells, where the bicarbonate ions combine with hydrogen ions (H +) to form

(13) __________ (H2CO3). Carbonic acid is rapidly broken down to form (14) ______

and (15) ____________ and carbon dioxide then diffuses from the blood and enters the

(16) _______.

Match the statements below correctly! Total 4 points.

17 The process of transporting oxygen from the lungs A External respiration

to the body’s tissue cells, and carbon dioxide to the
lungs through the cardiovascular system. D.
Gas transport
18 Movement of oxygen from the blood to the cell of B Pulmonary
tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissue cells to ventilation
the blood.C.
internal respiration
19 Air movement in and out lungs .B. C Internal respiration
Pulmonary ventilation
20 Movement of the oxygen from the blood to the D Gas transport
lungs and from the lungs to the blood.A.
external respiration
Complete the following paragraphs with the answer below. Keywords can be used more
than one time.
Total 4 POINTS

Tissue cells Red blood cells Oxygen

Internal respiration is the exchange of gases that occurs between the blood and (21) _______.

Carbon dioxide diffuses from the tissue cells into the blood. Carbon dioxide combines with

water in the blood to form carbonic acid, which quickly releases bicarbonate ions. Most of

the conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate ions occurs in (22) __________. The

bicarbonate ions then diffuse into plasma, where they are transported . At the same time,

(23) _______ is released from hemoglobin, and oxygen rapidly diffuses out of the blood

and into (24) ________. Consequently, the blood in the veins of the systemic circulation

is poorer in oxygen and richer in carbon dioxide than in the veins leaving the lungs.

Maximum Total Points = 25 POINTS

Student Point = _____ POINTS

SCORE = (Student Point / 25) x 100%

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