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Scale the Spire

An Adventure Module from the GM’s Secret Stash

Presented by Quickphix 2Q GM-SS Module No.21

Scale the Spire

A 6-12 Hour Adventure for 4'" to 5" Level Characters

Written and illustrated by Mauro Gotsch
Cover by Washington Allston (Public Domain)
Editing and Feedback by the Quickphix TTRPG Club


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Aeons ago,its builders proudly proclaimed: “Here we are building and neednotbuildit twice’. Arrogance
made stone, sublime and unashamedthey toiled; knowing their best can neversuffice. Their monument
keepsrising to this day, its progeny building it ever higher; believing the Gods are clearing their way all
just waiting for them to scale the spire.
Poem — The Hubris of Mito

Summary Premise — The Three Curses

One of the realm’s most mysterious places is Mito Val- The last thing each of the players remember is ascend-
ley - colloquially called the graveyard of towers. Its ing anever-ending staircase. While they were climbing,
steep cliffs and riverbeds arefilled with tall, ruined they felt an alien presence whisper to them. It cooed
buildings of mysterious make and purpose. All of them about the power lurking at the Spire’s peak. It mocked
are filled with crumbling stairs leading to high drops, them thattheir fate will be forever sealed by three un-
suggesting they were never used as parts of houses. breakable curses should they enter the Spire. On thefi-
Scholars took decades to conclude that apart from the nal step, these unbreakable curses will be forever
towers, no artefacts, burial mounds, or any traces of burned into their soul:
civilization could be found within the valley. Only a sin-
1. Curse of Ascension: The cursed cannot de-
gle piece of oral history survives about the Mito. It
scend the Spire until they have reached its
states that the Valley is hometo the Spire, an invisible
zenith or died trying.
ower stretching into the heavens. Anyonereaching its
2. Curse of Chains: The cursed will ascend the
zenith is granted the power to maketheir will manifest
Spire with companions, whom theywill cause
in the world. However, failed ascenders are doomed to
no intentional harm during their ascension.
wander through the Spirefor all eternity. Allegedly, to
3. Curse of Silence: You will choose one outof
enter the Spire, one only needs to climb any ofthe stairs
four vows whose promise you will take to your
in the valley, keeping their eyesfixed on the sky. While
grave. In exchange, you shall be rewarded
he instructions sound promising, a few deadly plum-
with a wish you will only be able to utter at the
meting accidents were enough to convince mostpeople
peakofthe Spire.
0 seethe instruction as an allegory for hubris or deter-
mination. Yet if that is the case - why do adventurers Nowthey find themselves dizzy on a cold stone floor.
keep vanishing from the valley without leaving any trace Their heads are humming, and they feel an uncomfort-
behind? able pull around their neck — like an invisible noose
th pulling them upwards. Before them they see four doors
n this 6- to 12-hour one-shot adventure, a party of 4
ly leading furth he Spire.
0 5th level charactersfind themselves in the baseof the presumably leading further up the Spire
Spire. All of them have sacrificed much to getthis far. All around them, they see their fellow ascenders awak-
All of them know that they will have to sacrifice even ening from their slumber. Their grave expressions be-
more to go on. To be slain and cursed - such is the tray the grim promises each of them has made to ge
potential fate of anybody foolish enough trying to here. Together they open the first door of many.
“Scale the Spire”.

In your Campaign:
Sinceit is likely that not all players survive this adventure, it is recommendedtoeither keep it as a one-shot or use
it as an origin story for a larger campaign’svillains or heroes. Mostof the homebrew magic items and modifications
are also likely too powerful to be used in other campaigns starting attier 2.

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How to run this One-Shot learnedto thetest. It is the only thing standing
between them andthetopof the Spire.
This one-shot is a modularly constructed dungeon-
crawl. It is designed to both provide the players with It is up to the GM to decide how many floors make up
meaningful choices on how they want to progress up each area. Using less roomsearly on makesthe adven-
the Spire and to improve replay value. The following ture go by quicker but also increases the difficulty of
chapters lay out how to run this adventure as a GM. later encounters. We recommend the following play
0 verall Structure
e Quick & Easy (4-6h): 6 floors & Boss in Area
The adventure consists of a series of floors across 3 1/4 floors & Boss in Area 2/3 floors in area
areas which the players musttraverse. Eachfloor offers 3 and final Boss
one encounter and can only bevisited once - then the e Long & Easy (6h+): 10 floors & Boss in Area
players must move on. Laid outfrom bottom to top, the 1/10 floors & Boss in Area 2 / floors in
t ower’s(and this document's) broadstructure looks like area 3 and final Boss
t is: e Quick & Difficult (4-6h): 5 floors & Boss in
Area 1/4 floors & Boss in Area 2 / floorsin
e Area 0 - The Foyer: The players start their
journey in the Foyer. Each player acquaints area 3 and final Boss
themselves with their party, trades infor- e Long & Difficult (6h+): 10 floors & Boss in
Area 1/8 floors & Boss in Area 2/7 floorsin
mation and equipment, etc. The GM usesthis

area to collect the players’ vows(explained in area 3 and final Boss

the subsequent chapter) and explains how to e Campaign (? h): 15 floors each
scale the Spire. Alternatively, GMs can also improvise, as mostfloors
e Area 1 - The Base: The first few floors consist could conceivably also be repeated. Meaning any area
of easier encounters with basic rewards could take as long as the GM wantsit to.
weapons, spells, etc.). At the end of this sec-
ion waits a champion, safeguarding the way
urther up into the tower. The players will be
Floor Selection
ewarded with a level-up, a powerful item and
along rest, should they be able to defeatit. To keep the adventure from becoming repetitive, the
e Area 2 - The Warrens: This section of the players getto decide whattype of floor they want to visit
ower consists of harder encounters with next. At the end of each encounter, the GM rolls 3d6 to
ewer but more powerful rewards.It is meant determine which floors (within the same area) are avail-
0 help the players specialize their function able to be visited next. Each die represents one door.
healer, tank, etc) within the party. The end i s Thefollowing typesoffloorsexist:
once again guarded by a champion standin g
e (1-3) Monster: A normal combat encounter
on the threshold to the next section. Its defeat
against one of the Spire’s monsters, with
is rewarded with a level-up, a powerful item
some gold and maybe a weak item as a reward
and a long rest.
(see Appendix |). For further differentiation, 1
e Area 3 - The Stages: The final area of the
can be used for small arenas (~20ft on each
Spireis filled with difficult encounters meat
side), 2 for medium arenas (~60ft. on each
to exhaustthe players beforethe final encou
side) and 3 for large arenas (~120ft. on each
ter. It offers few powerful rewards.
e Final Boss - Mito of the Spire: This final en-
e (4) Champion: A difficult combat encounter
counter will put everything the players have
against a previous ascension candidate who

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waskilled during their ascension. The reward Player Ghosts & The Curse of Chains
is a powerful artefact anda lotof gold.
Since death is a likely companionfor the players during
e (5) Event: An encounter which does not nec-
this one-shot, having the slain players just waiting for
essarily end in combat- it could be a quick
resurrection soon gets boring. Dead players are either
decision, a social encounter or even some-
still bound by the curse of chains(i.¢., waiting to be
thing beneficial.
resurrected) or have become a vengeful spirit (i.¢., the
e (6) Rest-site: A place where the players can
surviving players decided against reviving them once).
take a shortrest or if specified even a long rest
Bound Players
During quick games,it is recommendedto justtell the
players which number means what.In all other scenar- Bound players get the chanceto assist their compan-
ios, we recommend presenting the players with just the ions through spiritual intervention using the following
numbers and have them figure their meaning out over abilities:
time. e Divination: Each bound and deadplayer can
Once the players reach the end of an area, they will be flip two diceperfloor on their head(e.g., turn-
presented with a single die showing the number 7 — ing a one on a 1d6 into six). This also ap-
representing the area’s boss. plies to door dice — making it more likely to
be given access to a rest-site and being re-
e Possession: Bound and dead players can
Player Death & Revival
possess their companions’ bodiesif they are
The chances of player death are high throughoutthe ad- knocked unconscious. These bodies are sta-
venture since they can only take shortrests in a rest- bilized and are granted 5 temporaryhit points.
site and long restafter defeating the area’s boss. How- For the possession duration, the bound and
ever, dying does not have to be the endfor said players. dead player takes the character sheet of the
Dead players are bound totheir party and the game only possessed player.
ends once every player has died. Fallen players can be e Projection: Bound and dead players can con-
revived if: trol the spirit of their character. They have a
float speed of 40ft. and can be used to scout
e Each still living player sacrifices one still
the battlefield. These projections can com-
available hit dieata rest site insteadofresting
municate using the message cantrip.
e —Astill living player forgoestheir level-up after All these abilities are lost once the player in question
defeating an area boss. gets revived.
e Aneventoffers the possibility for the playe 0
Vengeful Spirits
revive themselves(e.g., at the trader).
Any player who gets betrayed by their companions
Being revived heals the player in question to up to half
turns into a vengeful spirit and are bound to the Spire.
their max HP and removesall still active status effects. They are tasked with stopping them from reaching the
It additionally counts as a short rest. However, once the top. To do this, they can use the following abilities:
still living player actively decide against reviving one of
their companions, they will have acted against the curse e Cursing: Each vengeful spirit can flip one
of chains and brought harm to their companion. In that dice per floor on their head (¢.g., turning a one
case, the dead player becomes a vengeful ghost. ona 1d6 into a six). This also applies to door
dice — making it morelikely to force living
playersinto a fight.

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e Championing: If the surviving players enter a of rooms available to he players. GMs can
champions’ chamber (door number 4), they then use the overview able for each area(at
can chooseto berevived to full strength for the beginning of the co responding chapters)
this floor. They use their deceased character to specify which encou ter lies behind which
and all the equipment they head at their mo- door.
ment of death to fight the players. They will Adjusting difficulty: T| € table also provides
also join the fray during the final bossfight. hints at how different mi onsters could be com-
e Projection: Vengeful spirits can control the bined for more deadly encounters. The details
spirit of their character. They have a float of each encounter are isted in a sub-chapter
speed of 40ft. and can be usedtoflit around below the table. If this document is read as
the battlefield. These projections can com- .pdf, the correspondi @ encounter can be
municate using the message cantrip. clicked to be taken to t e description.
Rewards: After everyfight, the players should
be rewarded with xd20+10 GP (x=area) and
the opportunityto selec’ 1 or 2 items (potions,
The Vows
items, weapons) out o 3 randomly selected
Before starting the adventure, each player is presented ones (GM's discretion).
a choice of four vows — a promise to the Spire which Roleplay: While the fig ts with monsters offer
grants them a benefit in exchange for a specific cost. little opportunity for roleplay, the fights
There are minor vows — small promises with small re- against champions or vengeful spirits offer
wards(¢.g., receiving +7 maximum HP in exchange to
the chanceto flesh out he backstories of both
starting the adventure damaged) and major vows(¢.g., the players and the previous ascenders. It is
getting to choose one of three magical weapons atthe recommendedinclude banter and shorttalks
beginning of the adventure in exchangefor giving up all with the Spire’sintelligent inhabitants to break
other equipment). At the start of the game, the players up the rhythm ofplay.
must choosea single vow out four (consisting of two
minor vows and two major vows). There are two vows
n total which stand in opposition to the Curse of
Chains — any player picking those automatically turns
nto a vengeful spirit upon death.

Since the players cannot disclose the content of their

vowsto their companions, the GM should discuss the
selection process in secret and individually with each
player. All the vowsarelisted in Appendix |— Vows.

GM Information
e Traversal: Once all the players have made
their vows and the GM hasset the scene, the
adventure can begin in earnest. The first floor
of any area will always feature 4 monster en-
counters. Once said monster has been de-
feated, the players are able to move on. The
GM nowthrowsthe 3d6 to determine the type

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Area 1: The Base

The Spire’s baseisfi led with a variety of creatures — notall designed by the Spire’s architect. These lower floors are
crawling with fauna a d flora trudgedi upon the boots of countless other ascenders which camebefore. The magic 0
he Spire corrupted t em all into terrib ¢ beasts. Rewards onthis floor should focus on many but less powerful items
€.g., a random potio and the selectio of 1 from 3 randomly rolled magic items or weapons).

Type & No. Abbr. & Name Short Description & Notes
onster (1-3) 1 Acidic Slime Fight with a small corrosive slime. Can be used as an individual encounter early on or paired
with the M2 Spiky Slime or M3 Feather Demon.
onster (1-3) 2 Spiky Slime Fight with a small aggressive slime. Should always be paired with itself, M1 Acidic Slime or
M4 Giant Maw.
onster (1-3) 3 Feather Demon A monster which slowly grows stronger as the fight goes on. Can be used as an individual
encounter, paired withitself or aM4 Giant Maw.
onster (1-3) 4 Giant Maw A monster which rapidly but not constantly grows stronger as the fight goes on. Can be used
as an individual encounter or paired with M5 Silky Worm
onster (1-3) 5 Silky Worm A monster which restricts the movementofits enemies. Usually paired withitself or with M4
Giant Maw.
onster (1-3) M6 Parasyte Shroom A monster which weakens its enemies upon death. Usually paired with itself.
onster (1-3) M7 Hording Imp A horde of small enemies, each specializedfor a specific function in combat. Usually appearing
in groupsof 4 or more.
onster (1-3) M8 Vanishing Spec- A monster which usually appearsin pairs, steals gold or non-valuable items from the players
tre and then vanishes.
onster (1-3) M9 Blue Cherno A monster which causesa variety of status effects, usually paired with M10 Red Cherno
onster (1-3) M10 Red Cherno A monster which triesto restrain the players, usually paired with M9 Blue Cherno
Champion (4) C1 Giant Imp A brutal monster which pummels its foes into submission
Champion (4) C2 Walking Nautilus Oneof the first ascendersto fall to the Spire — a noble knight from a faraway land.
Champion (4) C3 Ancient Sentry A being cursed by the Spire to be forever bound to a body which doesnot belong to it.
Event(5) E1 Shop The shop is a reoccurring event which allows the players to exchange their hard-earned gold
for magic items and other cool trinkets. It should be presented at least once per area.
Event(5) E2 Masked Trader The maskedtrader offers the players a change to obtain great power or a terrible curse.
Event(5) £3 The Woman in The woman in blue creates and sells potions. She is known for her short temper.
Event(5) E4 Adventurer's The corpse of another ascender lies in the middle of this room. Maybe he was carrying some-
Corpse thing still useful — but whatever killed him mightstill be nearby.
Event(5) E5 Bonfire Spirits A cosy room filled with friendly ghosts looking to makea fair exchange.
Event(5) E6 The Living Wall Three powerful spirits wish to test the players resolve and tactics before letting them move
RestSite (6) R1 The RestSite A placefor the party to take a short rest.
Boss B1 Giant Slime The area's guardian — the last thing most ascenders see before they are enslaved to the Spire.
Boss B2 Ghost Flame A powerful undead apparition which burns its prey to a cinder.
Boss B3 Spiked Cherno A sadistic flying devil, using it spiked hide to impale any would-beattackers.

M1 Acidic Slime STR: 16 (+3) / DEX: 5 (-3) / CON: 16 (+3)

The Acidic Slime resembles a quivering mound of INT: 1 (-5) / WIS: 1 (-5) / CHA:1 (-5)
green sludge. It dissolves most organic materials it Traits
comesinto contact with.
Resistances.acid, cold, lightning, slashing,
Ability Scores
Immunities. blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
AC: 7/ HP: 85 / Speed20 ft., Climb 20 ft. /CR3 frightened, prone

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Amorphous. The Acidic Slime can move through a Amorphous. The Spiky Slime can move through a
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Corrosive Form. Any nonmagical weapon made of Splintering Form. A creaturet at touches the Spiky
metal or wood that hits the Acidic Slime corrodes. After Slimeor hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of
dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cu- it takes 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
mulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops
Splitting (2 uses). After an a tack has brought the
to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammu
Spiky Slime below half its maxi um hit points, it will
tion made of metal or wood that hits the Acidic Slimei

useits reaction to split in two. Each new Spiky Slime
destroyed after dealing damage.
has hit points equal to the hit p oints the Spiky Slime
Splitting (2 uses). After an attacl has brought the had when it used this reaction. ew Spiky Slimes are
Acidic Slime below halfits maximum hit points,it wil one size smaller than the origina’ one.
useits reaction to split in two. Each new Acidic Slime
has hit points equal to the hit points the Acidic Slime
had when it used this reaction. New Acidic Slimes are Pseudopod. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one size smaller than theoriginal one. one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) pierci g damage.

Actions How to run this encounter

Pseudopod. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, To scale the difficulty of this encounter, GMs canstart
one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage. with a single slime at maximum HP or twoslimesat half
HP. The Spiky Slimewill try to reach enemiesattacking
How to run this encounter it from afar.
To scale the difficulty of this encounter, GMs canstart
with a single slime at maximum HP or twoslimesat half
HP. The Acidic Slime will always attack players using
M3 Feather Demon
melee weapons first.
These feathered humanoids and their steely beaks can
be found throughoutthe Spire. They appearto draw en-
ergy from their surroundings during a fight, deliberately
M2 Spiky Slime drawing encounters out to become stronger.
Atfirst glance, the Spiky Slime might appearto be noth-
Ability Scores
ing more than a wet boulder. However, onceit starts
moving at a frightening speed, theillusion breaks. AC: 12/ HP: 32 / Speed 40 ft., F ly 201. /CR1

Ability Scores STR: 12 (41) / DEX: 14 (42) / CON: 12 (+1)

AC: 8/ HP: 64 / Speed 30 ft. / CR2 INT: (-2) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA: 12 (41)
STR: 12 (+3) / DEX: 10 (+0) / CON: 16 (+3) Traits

INT: 2 (-4) / WIS: 6 (-2) / CHA: 1 (-5) Weaknesses.Lightning

Traits Unholy Growth. The Feather Demon grow an additional

arm and gains an additional claw attack each round of
Resistances. acid, slashing, piercing, bludgeoning
Immunities. blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, prone

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Actions M5 Silky Worm

Multiattack. The Feather Demon makes twoattacks Thesefurry larvae are about as long and thick as a hu-
with its claws. The number of attacks increases by one man leg. Their colourful and fuzzy appearance might
each turn — regardless of whatthe players do. give potential enemies a wrong impression about the
lethality of their attacks.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: (2d4 + 1) slashing damage. Ability Scores
How to run this encounter AC: 13 / HP: 22 / Speed 30 ft, Climb 20 ft./ CR 1

The Feather Demons usually do notfight alone — they STR: 15 (+2) / DEX: 15 (42) / CON: 12 (+1)
usually stand in the background, growing stronger with
INT: 5 (-3) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA: 10 (+0)
each passing second.
Curl. The Silky Worm usesits reaction to gain 15 tem-
M4 Giant Maw porary HP the first time it gets hit in combat.
The Giant Maw consists ofa large round openingfilled Silk Walker. The Silky Worm can climb difficult sur-
with rows of rotating teeth and not much else. It has faces, including its sticky silk or upside down on ceil-
spindly legs and tiny blinking eyes which are always ings, without needing to make an ability check.
looking for its nextvictim.
Ability Scores
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
AC: 13 / HP: 33 / Speed 30 ft. / CR 1 creature. Hit: (1d10 + 2) piercing damage
STR: 14 (+2) / DEX: 8 (-1) / CON: 12 (+1) Spit Silk (Recharge 5-6). The Silky Worm spits a
INT: 5 (-3) / WIS: 8 (-1) / CHA:5 (-3) sticky substancein line that is 15 feet long and feet
wide. The ground in that line becomesdifficult terrain.
Traits Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Constitu-
Resistances. Cold, fire, lightning tion saving throw. On failed save the target takes 10
(3d6) magical piercing damage,or half as much dam-
Immunities. Charmed, frightened, poisoned
age on a successful one. If the piercing damage reduces
Twitchy. Each time the Giant Mawis attacked by a me- a creature to less than half hit its points, the creature
lee attack, it can use its reaction to make bite attack becomesparalyzed for 1d4 rounds.

Actions How to run this encounter

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach ft., one Silky Worms usually attack in a pack (e.g., one per
target. Hit: (2d8 + 2) piercing damage. player). They always open each fight with a barrage of
spit and then wait within the difficult terrain or the ceil-
How to run this encounter
ing until confronted or their spit silk ability recharges.
The Giant Mawis a single-minded creature.It either at-
tacks the creature nearestto it or the creature which at-
tacked it last.
M6 Parasyte Shroom
This purple fungus growsin strands across the corpses
of fallen adventurers or monsters. It uses these macabre
shells to shamble around and look for additional vic-
timsto infect.

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Ability Scores STR: 10 (+0) / DEX: 15 (+2) / CON: 10 (+0)

AC: 13 / HP: 40 / Speed 30ft / CR2 INT: 10 (+0) / WIS: 7 (-2) / CHA:8 (-1)
STR: 15 (+2) / DEX: 13 (+1) / CON: 16 (+3) Traits
INT: 1 (-5) / WIS: 12 (#1) / CHA: 1 (-5) Immunities. Fire

Traits Pack Tactics. The Hording Imp has advantage on an

Spore Explosion. Once the HP of the Parasyte Shroom attack roll against a creatureif at least one ofits allies
are reduced to zero, it explodesviolently. Every creature is within 5 feetof the creature and the ally isn’t incapac-
within a 10ft. radius must succeed in a DC16 Dexterity itated.
saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next Specialized. Each Hording Imp hasaccessto a variety
turn. of weapons, but they usually stick to a single attack
Actions once a fight has begun.

Multiattack. The Parasyte Shroom makestwo attacks: Actions

one with its mycelial threads and one with its body Club. Melee WeaponAttack:+4 to hit, reach5 ft., one
slam. target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Mycelial threads. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Small Fireball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4to hit, reach
reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d4 + 2) necrotic dam- 5/20 ft., one target. Hit: (16) fire damage. If the attack
age. The target must succeed on a DC 10 constitution hits, the damage repeats at the start of each of the tar-
saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn. get's turns. A creature can end this damageby usingits
Body slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4to hit, reach 5 ft., action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish
one target. Hit: (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. the flames

How to run this encounter Fire Cloak. Until the beginning of the Hording Imp’s
next turn, it is cloaked in fire. Whenever a creature
The Parasyte Shrooms were spread throughout the
within 5 feetofit hits it with a melee attack, the cloak
Spire to “recycle” all the dead material left behind by
erupts with flame. The attacker takes 2d8fire damage.
the ascending parties. As such, they are often either en-
countered with other enemies or in groups. Their only Blinding Flash. Ranged Weapon Attack:+4to hit, reach
motive is to infect additional ascenders. 5/20 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4) radiant damage.If it hits,
the target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.

M7 Hording Imp How to run this encounter

These imps werethe first guardians of the tower. They Hording Imps, as their name implies, alwaysattack ina
are some of the few non-champion enemies which ex- packat least equal to the number of players. They fight
hibit self-awareness and intelligence. While they are ca- tactically, usually sending an Imp with fire cloak and
pable of speech and deception, they are loyal to the one with a club ahead to block passages while their al-
Spire’s architect. Hence, their only objective is to halt lies pelt the enemies with small fireballs or blinding
the progress of any ascenders — even if it costs them flashes.
their lives.

Ability Scores
AC: 12/ HP: 13 / Speed 30 ft / CR %

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M8 Vanishing Spectre Ability Scores

These ghostly remains of failed ascenders dwell in the AC: 16 / HP: 28 / Speed 25ft. / CR 1
Spire’s dark corners. Having failed to ascend them-
STR: 16 (+3) / DEX: 10 (+0) / CON: 13 (+1)
selves, they are now roaming the structure in search of
riches they can steal from theliving. INT: 11 (+0) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA: 9 (-1)

Ability Scores Traits

AC: 12 / HP: 22/Fly 50 ft/ CR 1 Resistances. Poison, charmed, paralyzed

STR: 1 (-5) / DEX: 15 (+2) / CON: 10 (+0) Actions

INT: 10 (+0) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA: 10 (+0) Multiattack. The Blue Cherno makes two attacks with
its spear.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Immunities. Necrotic, poison, charmed, exhaustion,
target. Hit: (1d6 +3) piercing damage.
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, re-
strained, unconscious Shatter (1 use). Melee Weapon Attack:+5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6) bludgeoning damage. After
Resistances. Acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludg-
dealing damage, the opponents melee weapon takes a
eoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagicalattacks
permanent and cumulative -2 penalty to damagerolls.
Incorporeal Movement. The Vanishing Spectre can If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed.
move through other creatures and objects as if they
Howto run this encounter
weredifficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damageifit
ends its turn inside an object. Blue Chernos usually try to rush in and intimidate their
targets by breaking their weapon. They will then con-
Actions tinue to pummel their target to make extra sure that they
Steal. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach ft., one are dead.
creature. Hit: (3d6) necrotic damage. The target must
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or lose gold
up to an amount equal to the damage taken. If the target M10 Red Cherno
possesses no gold, it takes the targets’ equipped
These hunched demons appear like slender crones with
weapon or an attuned magic item instead.
horns instead ofhair. Their bright red skin and wavering
How to run this encounter movement makes them almostpainful to look at.
The Vanishing Specter will vanish through the floor in Ability Scores
the turn after it has either successfully stolen two
AC: 14/ HP: 21 / Speed 30 ft. / CR 1
things, or 3 rounds have passed. All stolen possessions
are lost forever. All stolen possessions are returnedif STR: 9 (-1) / DEX: 16 (43) / CON: 13 (+1)
the Vanishing Specter is defeated beforehand.
INT: 13 (41) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA:13 (+1)
M9 Blue Cherno Resistances. Poison, charmed, paralyzed
These brutish demons resemble fat men with horned Actions
heads and pale blue skin. While their eyes gleam with
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach ft., one
intelligence and hatred, their battle tactics are brutish
target. Hit: (14 + 3) slashing damage.
and blunt.

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Blinding Gas (Recharge 6). The Blue Cherno exhales Actions

a 15-foot cone of blinding gas. Each creature in that Multiattack. The Giant Imp makes two greatclub at-
area must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw tacks.
or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of eachofits turns, ending the Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
effect on itself on a success. onetarget. Hit: (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damageplus any
stored damagefrom its Fiery Anger.
Paralyzing Strings (1 use). The Blue Cherno throws a
bundle of translucent strings into the air. Each creature How to run this encounter
within a 5 ft. radius must succeed on a DC 12 Consti- The Giant Imp still behaves like it is challenging the
tution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A par- tower, fighting deceptively smart. It will try to soak up
alyzed creature can repeat the saving throw on each of small amounts of damage and then kill its squishiest
its turns, ending theeffect on itself on a success. adversary with a single strikeif possible.

How to run this encounter

Blue Chernosusually do not attack alone. They lurk at
the edge of the battlefield, waiting to pick of an individ- C2 Walking Nautilus
ual weak target to knock out and kill. The first ascender who stumbled across the Spire was
a disgraced knight from a southern province. His dis-
tinctive armour with a helmet fashioned after a nautilus
C1 Giant Imp shell and powerful magic almost carried him outof the
first area. Almost.
This hulking brute wasthe first challenger to the Spire
— forced to fight its brethren to test their defences and Ability Scores
resolve. It did not make it far and soon became the AC: 16 / HP: 69 / Speed 30 ft. / CR5
Spire’s first champion.
STR: 10 (40) / DEX: 12 (+1) / CON: 12 (+1)
Ability Scores
INT: 47 (43) / WIS: 17 (43) / CHA: 12 (41)
AC: 13 / HP: 120 Speed 40ft. / CR 4
STR: 21 (+5) / DEX: 9 (-1) / CON: 19 (+4)
Resistances.Bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing from
INT: 5 (-3) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA:6 (-2) non-magical weapons.

Traits Immunities. Charmed

Immunities. Fire Actions
Fiery Anger. Each time the Giant Impreceivesless than Hammer Toss. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6to hit, reach
10 damagefrom anattack, the same amountof damage 20/80ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning dam-
is addedto its next attack.If the Giant Imp is hit multiple age.
times for less than 10 damage, the damage bonus is
Overwhelm. Melee WeaponAttack: +6 to hit, reach 5
applied multiple times. Once the damage bonus ex-
ceeds 20 damage, it makes a greatclub attack with ad-
ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d10 +3) bludgeoning dam-
age.If the target is medium or smaller, it is grappled,
vantage against a target in range. After any attack, the
escape DC 15.
damage bonus is reset back to 0.
Siphon Soul. Melee Weapon Attack: +6to hit, reach 5
ft, one humanoid grappled by the Walking Nautilus.
Hit: 1d4 Strength damage + 1d4 Dexterity damage. If

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this damage reduces the target’s Strength or Dexterity Actions

to 0, they are killed. Both ability scores are restored after Multiattack. The Ancient Sentry usesall of three ofits
a shortrest. pulse attacks.
Tempest Aura (Recharge6). As a reaction the Walking Daze Pulse. The Ancient Sentry magically emits force
Nautilus magically emits force energy in a 25ft. foot energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature that area

cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be
14 Intelligence saving throw or be stunnedfor 1 minute. stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
A creature can repeatthe saving throw at the end of each throw at the end of each ofits turns, ending the effect
ofits turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. on itself on a success.
How to run this encounter Force Pulse. The Ancient Sentry shots an energy pulse
The Walking Nautilus will use its aura to take out as ina line that is 15 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each crea-
many enemies as possible and then sprint in to over- ture in that line must make a DC 14 Strength saving
whelm and soul siphon a single target. Afterwards he throw. On failed save the target takes 3 (1d6) force
repeats this processfor all other enemies. damage, is pushed back 10 ft., and knocked prone. On
a successful save the target takes no damage and is
pushed back ott.

C3 Ancient Sentry Energy Pulse. The Ancient Sentry emits a radial pulse
A dwarven inventor believed to have found a loophole from its center. Every creature within a 10ft. radius takes
to the Spire’s three curses. He challengedit by sending 1d10 thunder damage.
oneof the automated armourshe created up the Spire. How to run this encounter
As a punishment, his soul was bound to his invention
The trapped mind of the dwarven inventor is actively
upon its demise, making him the third champion of the
fighting to escape the Ancient Sentry’s shell while the
Spire: a confused soul in an unfeeling machine, still
Sentryitself still tries to attack anything in sight. As
following its programming.
such, the construct moveserratically while firing pulses
Ability Scores with a pinpoint precision at anything in range.
AC: 15 / HP: 69 / Speed 30ft. / CR 6

STR: 10 (+0) / DEX: 12 (+1) / CON: 16 (+3)

E1 Shop
INT: 18 (+4) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA: 10 (+0)
The players stumble across oneof thefewfriendly faces
Traits within the tower. This mysterious masked trader offers
Resistances. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from the playersits wares in exchange for gold (randomized
nonmagical weapons after each encounter). If the players attack it or try to
steal something, the trader will vanish alongside all the
Immunities. Force, necrotic, poison, blinded, charmed, gold or stolen waresthe player in question happens to
deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, possess.
He will always offer an assortment of the following
Magic Resistance. The Ancient Sentry has advantage things:
on saving throws against spells and other magical ef-
Magic Equipment (AppendixIII — Magic Weapons &
Appendix IV — Magic Items)

e 3common magic itemsfor 45-55 GP

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e 2uncommon magic itemsfor 68-82 GP obtained. Afterwards, the statue happily retreats into a
e 1 rare magic item for 135-165 GP dark corner of the room.

Potions (AppendixI! — Potions)

e 3common potions for 48-52 GP E3 The Womanin Blue

e uncommon potion for 72-78GP
A mysterious womanin elegant blue dressis standing
e 1 rare potion for 95-105 GP
at an alchemist’s table in the middle of the room. She
Resurrection for 200 GP. aggressively asksthe players to buy somepotions from
here, so she can continue her research. She promises
e Revives a dead and bound player
thatall the potions are of high quality but refusesto tell
e Does not break the Curse of Chainsif it is not
the players what potion they are, until after they have
taken, unless one of the party memberstries
paid for a specific number. She offers them the follow-
to buy the service and the othersare explicitly
ing deals:
e 1 potion for 30GP
The trader will not buy anything from the players, but
e 2potions for 40GP
he might be swayed to haggle if the players are charm-
e 3potions for 50GP
ing enough.
e potions for 100GP
E2 Masked Trader Once a decision has been made, the GM rolls on the
The players walk by a giantstatue with four arms — each potion table to give the players random potions (Appen-
arm carrying a mask. With a rumbling voiceit offers a dix Il — Potions).
single player the chance to “trade faces”. It goes on to
elaborate, that it grew bored with the faces it currently
has. Half of the faces would be “dangerous” while the E4 Adventurer’s Corpse
other half would hold “great power”. The players would
In the middle of a sea of glass shards lies the corpse of
be able to choose a maskin exchangefor their face. The
a previous ascender. Clearly, something has punched
masks are cursed magic items, which cannot be re-
the unfortunate soul through a thick wall of glass, see-
moved. They are:
ing as its possessions are scattered all around it. The
e Mask of the Cleric: the player wearing th S stomping footfall of a giant monster can still be heard
mask gets healed its constitution modifier ai nearby. However, the path to the next floor is clear. Any
er each floor. player might choose to makea stealth checktoretrieve
e Mask of the Dwarf: the player is alwayslast someof the ascenders’ equipment. They can repeatthis
in the initiative order. process until they have received 2 magic itemsor the
e Mask ofthe Hungry: the player cannot spend monster returns:
it dice during a short rest.
e <DC 10: the players are immediately attacked
e Mask of the Serpent: the player can make a
by one of the area’s champions
DC 10 insight check each floor to know what
e <DC 14: the player in question creeps a bit
ies behind one of the doors.
closer and gains advantage on their next
Based purely on their appearance, one player can de- stealth check.
cide to trade their face(i.e., letting the statue create a e >DC 14: the player in question retrieves one
mask fashionedafter their face) for one of the masks. of the 2 magic items (AppendixIll — Magic
The mask cannot be unequipped onceit has been Weapons & Appendix IV — Magic Items).

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If they fail their stealth checks, they are immediately at- proficiencyoftheir choosing, but lose another
tacked by the C1 Giant Imp, who starts combatat the in exchange.
top ofthe initiative order. e “Are you well-armed? If you want to pass
me, then you must grow!” - if one of the
players chosesthis option, they are forcefully

E5 Bonfire Spirits equipped with the “Featherweight Gauntlets”

(see AppendixIV).
After walking through the door, the players find them-
selves in complete darkness.A single light is guiding As soon as one of the players has chosen one of the
their way to a bonfire. Little spirits dance within and ask faces, the others disappear. The doorsto the nextfloor
the players whether they'd be willing to give them are revealed shortly after.
something to burn— they'd be rewarded handsomely if
it is something the spirits like. The following exchanges
can be made (not to be disclosed to the players): Ri The Rest Site
e Nonmagicalitems / miscellaneous: heal the Spread throughout the Spread are these cosy rooms
party by 1d4 filled with ancient bedding and giantfireplaces. The rot
e¢ Common magicalitems / potions: fully re- of time seemsto have no effect on them— making them
store the parties’ HP someof the few places ascenders can rest and recover.
e Uncommon: fully restore the parties’ HP and There are two typesofrest sites:
reward a random other uncommon ite
e Minor RestSites: These islands of calm
e Rare: fully restore the parties’ HP and reward
are found behind the doors bearing the
a random other rare item
number 6. They allow players to attune
Afterwards, the spirits wish the ascenders good luck on magic items and take a short rest(i.¢.,
the next floors. They can usethe bonfire to make a short spend their hit dice).
rest. e Major Rest Sites: These luxurious
chambers are only found after defeating
an area’s boss. The allow players to take
a comfortable long rest.
E6 The Living Wall
Atfirst, this room seemsto be completely empty. How-
ever, after a while, three giant ghostly images emerge
from the walls around them. In unison they speak: “We
B1 Giant Slime
are your path to the top. Choose one of us to accom- This abomination is the last thing most ascenders see
pany you!”. The following choices are offered to the beforetheir demise: an enormouswalking pool of a ran-
players: cid liquid which dissolves almost everything it touches.

e “Are you familiar with the Arcane? Forget Ability Scores

what you know, and I'll let you go!” — if one AC: 8/ HP: 150/ Speed 20 ft., Climb 20 ft. / CR 8
of the players choses this option, they are
forcefully equipped with the “Veil of the Ar- STR: 16 (+3) / DEX: 5 (-3) / CON: 20 (+5)
canist” (see AppendixIV). INT: 1 (-5) / WIS: 6 (-2) / CHA:1 (-5)
e “Are you unsatisfied with your skills? You
may require change to see a new space.” — Traits
if one of the players chosesthis option, they Resistances.acid, cold, fire, lightning, slashing,
gain one armour, weapon, tool or skill

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Immunities. blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, enters the creature's space, and the creature takes 10
tightened, prone (3d6) acid damage andis engulfed. The engulfed crea-
ture can't breathe, is restrained, and takes 21, 6d6, acid
Corrosive Form. Any nonmagical weapon made of
damageat the start of each of the Giant Slime’sturns.
metal or wood thathits the Giant Slime corrodes. After
When the cube moves, the engulfed creature moves
dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cu-
with it. An engulfed creature cantry to escape by taking
mulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops
an action to make a DC 15 Strength check. On a suc-
0 -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammuni-
cess, the creature escapes and enters a spaceofits
ion made of metal or woodthathits the Giant Slimeis
choice within 5 feet of the cube.
destroyed after dealing damage.
How to run this encounter
Dissolving Pool. The Giant Slime takes up its entire
space. Other creatures can enter the space, but a crea- The Giant Slime is the mostly undefeated last guardian
ure that does so is subjected to the slime’s Engulf and of the Spire’s base. Its battle-strategy is simple: move
as disadvantage on the saving throw. Creaturesinside to engulf — dissolve any threats.
he Giant Slime can be seen but havetotal cover. A crea-
ure within 5 feet of the Giant Slime can take an action
0 pull a creature or object out of it. Doing so requires B2 Ghost Flame
a successful DC 12 Strength check, and the creature
A peculiar undead with the appearanceofa giant flam-
making the attempt takes 10 (3d6) acid damage. The
ing wheel. It burns any ascender unlucky enough to
cube can hold only one large creature or up to four me-
crossits path to a cinder.
dium or smaller creatures inside it at a time. Each crea-
re or objectinside the Giant Slime is subjectedtoits Ability Scores
corrosive form each round. AC: 11/ HP: 130 / Hover 40ft. / CR 7
Splitting (3 uses). After an attack has brought the Giant STR: 10 (+0) / DEX: 13 (+1) / CON: 10 (+0)
Slime below half its maximum hit points, it will use its
reaction to split in two. The original slime stays in place INT: 10 (+0) / WIS: 17 (+8) / CHA: 17 (+3)
while a copy shoots 30ft. into a random direction. Each Traits
new Giant Slime hashit points equal to the hit points
Giant Slime had whenit usedthis reaction. New Gi- Resistances.acid, ire, lightning, thunder; bludgeon-
ant Slimes are one size smaller than the original one ing, piercing, and sl ashing from nonmagical attacks
and do not recover usesof this power (i.e., after the first Immunities. cold, ecrotic, poison, charmed, exhaus-
use, each slime has 2 usesleft). ion, frightened, g appled, paralyzed, petrified, poi-

Actions soned, prone, restrained

Pseudopod. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 Incorporeal Movement. The Ghost Flame can move
ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage. hrough other creatures and objects asif they were dif-
icult terrain. It takes 5 (110) force damageif it ends
Engulf. The Giant Slime moves up to its speed. While
its turn inside an object.
doing so, it can enter large or smaller creatures’ spaces.
Wheneverthe Giant Slime enters a creature's space, the ConsumeLife. As a bonusaction, the Ghost Flame can
creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On arget one creature it can see within 5 feet ofit that has
a successful save, the creature can chooseto be pushed 0 hit points and is still alive. The target must succeed
5 feet back or to the side of the cube. A creature that on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw against this
chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of magic or die. If the targetdies, the Ghost Flame regains
a failed saving throw. On a failed save, the Giant Slime 10 (3d6) hit points.

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Deadly Accuracy. In responseto a visible enemy mak- Actions

ing a ranged attack, can use its reaction to make a Multiattack. The Spiked Cherno makesthree slash at-
Scorch attack against that enemy. tacks or a slash attack and a shoot spike attack.
Actions Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Multiattack. The Ghost Flame uses scorch threetimes. target. Hit: (1d6+3) piercing damage.

Scorch. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 60 ft., one Shoot Spike. Ranged WeaponAttack: +6 to hit, reach
target. Hit: (3d6) fire damage. 20/80ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage
plus (1d6) acid damage.
How to run this encounter
The GhostFlamestays at a distance, flinging fire at an- How to run this encounter
ything the comes nearit. It only moves into melee The Spiked Cherno singles outa single target to attack
rangedif it wants to use its ConsumeLife ability. and does so no matter whether it is currently flying
around the arena or hiding behind its spiky shell.

B3 Spiked Cherno
A giant Cherno with leathery wings and a spiked hide.
When it is not swooping downto decapitateits prey, it
usesits extremely thick skin to reflect incoming attacks.

Ability Scores
AC: 13 / HP: 140 / Fly 40ft. / CR 7

STR: 10 (+0) / DEX: 17 (+3) / CON: 12 (+1)

INT: 14 (40) / WIS: 14 (42) / CHA: 9 (-1)

True Sight. Magical darknessor invisibility doesn’t im-
pede the Spiked Cherno’svision.

Flyby. The devil doesn’t provoke an opportunity attack

when it flies out of an enemy'sreach.

Spiky Shell. If the Spiked Cherno receives more than

25 HP damagein single turn, it immediately usesits
reaction to land and hide beneathits wings until the end
of the turn after its next. While hiding beneathits wings,
its AC is 18 and half of all incoming melee damage
(rounded down)it receivesis reflected atthe attacker as
magical piercing damage. Whilein the shell, the Spiked
Cherno does not move and only uses its shoot spike

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Area 2: The Warrens

Only the strongest ascenders ever climbed their way up to the warrens. Heretheyfight a lot of the creatures the Spire’s
architect, the Bricklayer, has left behind to guard it. However, it is also the place where a lot of powerful artefacts were
idden to aid any ascenders strong enough to find them.

Type & No. Abbr. & Name Short Description & Notes
onster (1-3) M11 Winged Curse These horrible, winged pests usually attack in groupsofat least three — two distracting their
enemies while one tries to build up more power
onster (1-3) M12 Shelled Parasyte This hulking creature usually attacks alone or together with its less dangerous cousin, the M6
Parasyte Shroom.
onster (1-3) M13 Gazing Snake This creature was bred specifically to disrupt any opposing force relying overly on teamwork.
Its confusion ability makesit a frightening opponentto face.
onster (1-3) M14 Hydra-Angea An apexfloral predator, designed to block important passages. Sometimes paired with one or
two M11 Winged Curses
onster (1-3) M15 Spherical A rogue automaton which will team up with the C3 Ancient Sentry should the happen to meet
Guardian up in the warrens.
onster (1-3) M16 Grey Cherno A cunning demon looking for an interesting fight - sometimes paired with a M6 Parasyte
Shroom or a M11 Winged Curse.
Champion (4) C4 The Wizard’s As- This slain ascenderis and was very quick on hisfeet. Now he is just delighted to be a cursed
sassin eternal guardian — fighting interesting opponentsforall eternity.
Champion (4) C5 Cherno Taskmas- The progenitor of the Cherno race is just as mucha slaveto the Spire asits kin.
Champion (4) C6 The Mephit Con- A once promising young mage, knownfor being able to conjure a huge barrage of mephits.
Event(5) E1 Shop he shop is a reoccurring event which allowsthe players to exchange their hard-earned gold
or magic items and other cool trinkets. It should be presented at least once per area.
Event(5) E7 The Divine Foun- A magical fountain whichallowsthe party to sacrifice health to heal others.
Event(5) E8 The Colosseum he players are not only confronted with a tough fight, but also the chanceto earn eternal glory.
Event(5) E9 The Manin Blue he manin blue may be crazy, but he also offers the players interesting and experimentaltrin-
ets, which may grant them power.
Event(5) E10 The Knowing The self-styled oracle of the tower only offers solutions to those willing to pay for them.
Event(5) E11 The Bricklayer’s The final resting place ofthe legend who chained the genie Mito to the Spire. Maybe his grave
Grave still holds some powerful artefacts.
Event(5) E12 The Wheel of An imp invites the players to game of chance — offering great prices and horrible curses
Event(5) E13 The Cursed Tome A cosylibrary, offering the players the chance to take a short rest and learn some forbidden
RestSite (6) R1 The RestSite A place for the party to take a short rest.
Boss B4 The Forgotten An enigmatic magical beast welded into a thick armour. Usually paired with two M11 Winged
Champion Curse.
Boss B5 Soul Collector A necromantic entity which kills and absorbs any ascenderswith its powerful spells.
Boss B6 Brutish Armour A gigantic construct able to kill a party of ascenders in a single attack.

M11 Winged Curse Ability Scores

Any ascender lucky enough to climb up to the warrens
AC: 15 / HP: 36 / Speed, 5tt., Flying 40 ft. / CR2
will eventually be greeted by theseflying pests: small, STR: 15 (42) / DEX: 17 (43) / CON: 18 (+4)
grey birds with razor-sharp talons. Their harmless ap-
pearance is meantto lull their enemies into a false
INT: 8 (-1) / WIS: 13 (+1) / CHA: 8 (-1)
senseof security.

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Traits Traits
Uncanny Dodge. While airborne, the Winged Curse Brittle Shell. Every time the Shelled Parasyte takes me-
has resistance againstall damage types. lee-damage, it permanently loses 1 AC. If its AC sinks
below 10 before its HP does, it dies.
Fragile Wings. If the Winged Curseis hit 3 times in
one turn, it is knocked prone and can’tfly until the end Actions
of its next turn. Multiattack. The Shelled Parasyte makes 2 tendril at-
Actions tacks against the same target

Multiattack. The Winged Curse makestwoattacks: 0 Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

with its beak and one with its talons. one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. It re-
stores as much health as damage dealt with this attack.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., 0

arget. Hit: (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. Reflecting Shell (1 use). The Shelled Parasyte’s ar-
mour catchesthe Spire’s light in a peculiar way until the
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6to hit, reach 5 ft., 0

end ofits next turn. During this time, the shell sheds
arget. Hit: (2d10 + 3) slashing damage.
bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an ad-
Cursed Screech (1/Day). The Winged Curse emits ditional 30 feet, and creatures that can see the Shelled
R wp

horrific screech. Each creature within 20 feet of it tha Parasyte have disadvantage on attack rolls againstit. In
can hearit and that isn't a Winged Curse must succeed addition, any creature within the bright light and able to
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned see the Shelled Parasyte when this power is activated

until the end of the Winged Curse’s next turn. The must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
Winged Curse’s Dexterity is raised to 20 — adding +2 to blinded for 14 turns.
its attack and damagerolls.
How to run this encounter
How to run this encounter The Shelled Parasyte on its own is more of an annoy-
he Winged Curse neverattacks alone — it usually at- ance than a strong adversary. As such, it is usually
tacksin flocks. The first to attack usuallystartsthe battle paired with fastallies like the M11 Winged Curse to
with its Cursed Screech while the others attack any tar- hide behind its impenetrable shell.
gets which got paralyzed by the attack. Afterwards their
roles switch.
M13 Gazing Snake
This giant snakeslithers erratically through the Spire’s
M12 Shelled Parasyte many stairwells — always watching out for easy prey.
This well-armoured beast looks like a clump of angry
Ability Scores
mosstrapped within thick, glimmering shell. It attacks
its prey with mossytendrils shooting outof its (almost) AC: 12/ HP: 62 / Speed, 30ft. / CR 4
impenetrable shell. STR: 19 (+4) / DEX: 16 (+3) / CON: 12 (+1)
Ability Scores INT: 1 (-5) / WIS: 11 (+0) / CHA: 3 (-4)
AC: 22 / HP: 42 / Speed, 15ft. / CR 3
STR: 17 (+3) / DEX:5 (-3) / CON: 20 (+5) Hypnotic Movement. Each creature which can see the
INT: 3 (-4) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA:6 (-2) Gazing Snake can’t take reactions and mustroll a d10
at the start of eachof its turns to determineits behaviour
for that turn.

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e 1: The creature uses all its Movement to movein a Traits

random direction. To determine the direction, roll Multiple Heads. The Hydra-Angea has five heads.
a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The While it has more than one head, the Hydra-Angea has
creature doesn't take an action this turn. advantage on saving throws against being blinded,
e 2-5: The creature doesn't moveor take Actions this charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked
turn. unconscious. Whenever the Hydra-Angea takes 25 or
e 6-7: The creature usesits action to make a melee more damage in a single turn, one ofits heads dies. If
Attack against a randomly determined creature all its heads die, the Hydra-Angea dies. At the end ofits
within its reach. If there is no creature within its turn, it grows two heads for each ofits heads that died
reach, the creature does nothing this turn. sinceits last turn, unless it has taken fire damage since
e 8-10: The creature can act and move normally. its last turn. The Hydra-Angea regains 10 hit points for
Closing one’s eyes or being blinded ends theeffect im- each head regrown in this way.
mediately. Reactive Heads. For each head the Hydra-Angea has
Actions beyond one, it gets an extra reaction that can be used
only for opportunity attacks.
Bite. Melee WeaponAttack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
creature. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. Actions

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., Multiattack. The Hydra-Angea makes as many lash at-
one creature. Hit: (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The tacksasit has heads.
target is grappled, escape DC 16. Until this grapple Lash. Melee Weapon Attack:+7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
ends, the creature is restrained, and the snake can't target. Hit: (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
constrict another target
How to run this encounter
How to run this encounter
The Hydra-Angea wasplanted strategically around the
The Gazing Snake is a terrifying hunter which knows Spire — mostly in tight corridors, around corners or im-
that mostliving creatures cannot opposeit, due to the portant passages. The plantitself is barely sentient and
maddening effect of its hypnotic movement. As such it as such never moves much farther than 30ft. from its
hunts alone, picking out the weakest prey to constrict original planting spot.
and devour.

M15 Spherical Guardian

M14 Hydra-Angea
The Spire learned a lot from the dwarves who tried to
A deceptively beautiful and fragrant plant. From a thick ascend it. It took their designs and imbued them with
stem growseveral pink flowerheads and slowly ambu- an unholy life. Now these floating spheres patrol the
lating roots. However, just one slash from one of its warrens, looking for ascenders.
many heads sours the impression for any beholder.
Ability Scores
Ability Scores
AC: 18/ HP: 33 / Speed, 25ft. / CR 3
AC: 14/ HP: 125 / Speed, 10ft. / CR 6
STR: 14 (42) / DEX: 12 (41) / CON: 13 (+1)
STR: 18 (+4) / DEX: 12 (+1) / CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 1 (5) / WIS: 3 (4) / CHA: 1 (-5)
INT: 2 (-4) / WIS: 10 (40) / CHA:7 (-2)

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Traits Traits
Immunities. Poison, psychic, blinded, charmed, deaf- Imposing Presence. Any creature within 30ft. of the
ened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poi- Grey Cherno which can see it and is not incapacitated
soned must choose at the beginning of their turn, if they want
to move, use an attack action or a bonus action. They
Missile Defense.If the Spherical Guardianis attacked
can only do two ofthe three.
with a ranged attack (spell or weapon), it can useits
reaction to cast the spell “shield”. Actions

Actions Multiattack. The Grey Cherno makes two attacks: one

with its claws and one with its wings.
Multiattack. The Spherical Guardian makes two melee
attacks. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., 0

target. Hit: (2d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack:+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution sav-
target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
ing throw against disease or becomepoisoneduntil the
Oscillate (Recharge 6). A sudden loud ringing noise, disease is cured. Every 2 floors the players ascend, the
painfully intense, erupts the from the Spherical Guard- oO
target must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit
ian. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered point maximum by 5, 1410, on a failure. The disease is
around it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving cured on a success. The target dies if the disease re-
throw.A creature takes 2d8 thunder damage on a failed ducesits hit point maximum to 0. This reduction to the
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A target's hit point maximum lasts until the disease is
creature made of inorganic material such as stone, cured.
crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw.
Wings. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Any nonmagical weapon or armor also takes a perma-
one target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus
nent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls or AC.
(1d8) piercing damage. If the target is Medium or
If its penalty dropsto -5, the item is destroyed.
smaller, it is grappled, escape DC 13, and restrained
How to run this encounter until the grapple ends. The Grey Cherno can only grap-
The Spherical Guardian is usually employed alongside
ple one creature.
a foe capable of ranged attacks (e.g., M7 Hording Imp) How to run this encounter
it guards them with its Missile Defence and opportunity
Grey Chernos are arrogant. They were someofthefirst
attacks from being targeted.
ntelligent monsters created to guard the Spire. During
the battle, it will mock the ascenders with how many
had comebefore them. In battle, they will try to infect
M16 Grey Cherno as many ascendersas possible, before using its winged
These humanoid demonslike to drape themselves in embracetofinish them off.
their massive wings to appear smaller than they are.
They stalk through the Spire, looking for worthy adver-
saries. C4 The Wizard’s Assassin
Ability Scores Thefirst Ascender which madeit to and perished in the
warrens. Fleeing prosecution, this half-elf ended up in
AC: 14/ HP: 65 / Speed 30 ft. /CR5
the Spirein searchfor a safe place to perfecthis fighting
STR: 16 (+3) / DEX: 11 (40) / CON: 19 (+4) style. Paradoxically, despite never reaching the Spire’s
top, his eternal damnation as a champion granted him
INT: 6 (-2) / WIS: 13 (+1) / CHA: 6 (-2)
this wish.

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Ability Scores How to run this encounter

AC: 16 / HP: 96 / Speed 120ft. / CR6 The Wizard's Assassin is enjoying his afterlife. He will
chat with the ascenders abouttheir experiences in the
STR: 4 (-3) / DEX: 23 (+6) / CON: 13 (+1)
Spire beforeinitiating a formal duel. He may be merci-
INT: 10 (+0) / WIS: 13 (+1) / CHA: 10 (+0) less, but he’s also having a greattime.

Got to go. The Wizard's Assassin automatically passes
C5 Cherno Taskmaster
any Dexterity saving throws or Acrobatics checks.
The progenitor of the Cherno race was given the same
After Images. Attack rolls against the Wizard’s Assas-
chanceas the Giant Imp: to test the Spire’s defences. It
sin have disadvantage unless he is incapacitated or re-
surrendered in the Warrens, choosing to becomeoneof
the area's champions. Now any ascender unlucky
Nimble Feet. During the Wizard’s Assassin'sturn, if he enough will have to find their way around this giant
makes a melee attack against a creature, that creature horned devil and the Red and Blue Cherno accompany-
can't make opportunity attacks against them for the rest ing it.
of the Wizard's Assassin’s turn. Ability Scores
Actions AC: 16 / HP: 80 / Speed 25ft. / CR6
Multiattack. The Wizard’s Assassin makes three dagger
STR: 16 (+3) / DEX: 13 (+1) / CON: 20 (+5)
INT: 10 (+0) / WIS: 13 (+1) / CHA:8 (-1)
Dagger(Melee). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
ft, one target. Hit: (1d4 + 6) piercing damage. Traits

Dagger (Ranged). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Progenitor. The Cherno Taskmaster has advantage on
reach 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 6) piercing dam- an attack roll against a creature if at least one other
age. Chernois within 5 ft. of the creature and this Cherno
isn't incapacitated.
Legendary Actions
True Sight. Magical darkness or invisibility doesn't im-
The Wizard’s Assassin can take 2 legendary actions,
pede the Cherno Taskmaster’s darkvision.
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used ata time and only at the end Actions
of another creature’s turn. The Wizard’s Assassin re- Multiattack. The Cherno Taskmaster makes three me-
gains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn. lee attacks: one with its wings and two with its claws.
Alternatively, it can use its whip twice.
Dagger(Melee). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
ft, one target. Hit: (1d4 + 6) piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Dagger (Ranged). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
reach 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 6) piercing dam- Wings. Melee WeaponAttack:+6to hit, reach 5 ft., one
age. target. Hit: (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Target. The Wizard's Assassin's next attack is done with Whip. Melee WeaponAttack: +5to hit, reach 15 ft., one
advantage. target. Hit: (8d6) magical slashing damage.

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Legendary Actions e At will: conjure minor elemental (can only be
The Cherno Taskmaster can take 2 legendary actions, used to summon mephits)
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary e 1/day each: darkness, fog cloud
action option can be used ata time and onlyat the end Fast reaction time: The Mephit Conjurer’sinitiativeroll
of another creature’s turn. The Cherno Taskmaster re- is always 20
gains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.
True Conjuration: Any mephit conjured by the Mephit
Attack Command. The Cherno Taskmaster points at Conjurer attacks without verbal command and does not
one of its allies whichit can see andisn't incapacitated. vanish unless reduced to 0 HP.
at ally immediately takes an attack action against an
e emy within reach. Actions
Walking Stick (Melee). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
Healing Command. The Cherno Taskmaster points at
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning
one ofits allies which it can see. That ally immediately
recovers 1d6 HP. If the target was previously uncon-
scious, it can now fight again. How to run this encounter

Movement. The Cherno Taskmaster moves up to its The Mephit Conjurer believes to have created an un-
movement speed. beatable strategy. During the first round of combat, he
will use his fast reaction time to conjure 8 Mud Mephits
How to run this encounter who shield their master and buy him time by usingtheir
The Cherno Taskmaster travels with at least one M9 Mud Breath. Next round, the Conjurer draws back even
Blue Cherno and one M10 Red Cherno.During thefight further, conjuring 4 Dust Mephits to blind his enemies.
the Taskmaster will aid the one which is in more imme- His other spells are only used to shield himself. He will
diate danger. keep conjuring mephits until his opponents are over-

C6 The Mephit Conjurer

This conjuration mage perished at the feet of the war- E7 The Divine Fountain
ren’s guardian. Since being bound to the Spire, he has This floor is empty, apart from the dry fountain in its
lost the connection to other realms — only being able to middle. Before it stands an empty altar. A handprint is
conjure up the few Mephits he used during his ascen- carved into it, but tiny thorns protrude from its palm.
sion. However, the rate by which he can conjure them Anyplayer placing it hands on thealtar will take con-
has significantly increased. tinuous damage, but the fountain will turn on. The
longer a hand is placed on the fountain, the moreofits
Ability Scores
sacred water will gush forth. The amountof health sac-
AC: 15/ HP: 75 / Speed 25 ft. / CR 6 rificed vs. the amountof sacred water worksasfollows:
STR: 10 (+0) / DEX: 14 (+2) / CON: 14 (42) e Minimum - taking 2d6 damage: Water worth
INT: 16 (+3) / WIS: 15 (+2) / CHA: 10 (+0) 3d4 of healing for a single target.
e Medium — taking 3d6 damage: Water worth
Traits 3d4 of healing plus removingall status co
Innate Spellcasting. The Mephit Conjurer’s innate ditionsfor a single target.
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14). e Maximum — taking 4d6 damage: Water
He can innately cast the following spells: worth 3d4 of healing, 3d4 temporary hit

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points and removing all status conditions for If the players refuseall offers, he will shrug, offer each
a single target. of them a goodberry as a parting gift and shows them
e Resurrecting — reducing HP to5: Instead of the way out.
water a bound and dead player emerges from
the fountain’s ghostly waves.

The fountain can only be used twice — afterwards the E10 The Knowing Skull
thorns in the altar disappear and the fountain dries up The players walk into to a narrow room with now exit.
once again. In its middle stands a tiny replica of the Spire. As the
player approach, its top lights up and a fiery skull
shootsout of it. The room is suddenly filled with a loud
E8 The Colosseum roaring wind and incredibly heat. A booming voice asks
the players what they seek and if they would beable to
The players walk into a giant arena. Its ranks are packed
offer something in exchange. Specifically, he offers the
with dozens of chernos, imps and lost champions, all
players the following deals:
cheering loudly. The door closes behind the players,
and they are faced with a number of M9 Blue Cherno & e Wisdom: A player can ask the skull any ques-
M10 Red Cherno equalto their number. If they survive tion they want. As long asit pertains to the
the fight, the crowd will chant if they would like an en- Spire, they will get accurate answers.
core and fight for a bigger reward. If the players accept, e Riches: A player receives 90 Gold.
they will haveto fight the C1 Giant Imp and a number e Some Help: A player receives a common
of M7 Hording Imps equalto half the playersstill con- magic item
scious. If the players win, they will all receive inspira- e Weapons: player receives a common magic
tion, the “Champions Belt” (see Appendix IV) and rare weapon.
rewards at the GM's discretion. If they refuse to fight, e A Wayout: The skull opens a hidden door at
they are free to leave but loseall inspiration already ac- the other side of the room. This option has to
crued. be chosen to move on.

The players must pay 25% of their max HP when

choosing any option. Once an option has been picked,
E9 The Man in Blue it cannot be picked again. Each player can only pick one
A mysterious manin a torn blue tuxedo is standing at option & the way out.
an alchemist’s table in the middle of the room. He asks
the playersif they would be willing to help him advance
his studies. He offers them the following deals: E11 The Bricklayer’s Grave
e Test the “Needle of the Giant” in front of him, The players find themselves in a dimly lit mausoleum.
and receiveit as a result afterwards (see Ap- In the middle of the structure stands a giant sarcopha-
pendix IV - Event Magic Items) gus with a crystal lid. Through it the players can see the
e Melt down 2 common / uncommon magic skeleton of a well-dressed giant, clutching a rare magic
items or weaponsto receive a random uncom- weapon (see Appendix IV - Rare Magic Weapons). The
mon magic item or weapon. inscription on the lid reads:
e Permanently half your dexterity score
Here rests the Bricklayerof the Spire
(rounded down) to set your Strength score to
Creatoroffailed Ascender’s Hearse
Disturbing his rest invites ourire
Movealong or be struck down by his curse.

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Any player brave enough to open the sarcophagus to Should the player in question start reading, they must
retrieve the weapon will feel a ghostly hand close go through the following three steps. They know, thatif
around their throat. In addition to receiving the rare they stop at any of the steps,that they will have to start
magic weapon, theywill be forcefully equipped with the at the beginning.
cursed item “Bricklayer’s Burden” (see Appendix IV -
e Thefirst chapters: the player takes 1d4 psy-
Event Magic Items).
chic damage. The first few pages only talk
about the construction of the Spire by some-
one called the Bricklayer.
E12 The Wheelof Fate e The middle chapters: the player takes 2d4
A smiling imp in a blue robe greets the players upon psychic damage. The chapterstalk abouta be-
entering this room. A giant stone wheel is taking up ing called Mito, which was chainedto the top
mostof the space within the room. The imp informsthe of the Spire.
party that in order to move on, one of them would have e The last chapters: the player takes 3d4 psy-
to play a game. Wonderful rewards would await them or chic damage. The chapters talk about Mito’s
the Spire upon participation. Spinning the wheel may plan to avenge himself upon the bricklayer by
yield oneof the following six results — havethe players adding to his burden.
roll 1d6:
If a player manages to read through the entire tome
1. Riches: The players receive 300 gold without stopping, they will receive the magical tome,
2. Treasure: The players receive a random called the “Bricklayer’s Design” (see Appendix IV -
magic item (GM's choice) Event MagicItems).
3. Health: The HP of the player turning the wheel
gets fully restored
4. Curse: The player turning the wheel gets B4 The Forgotten Champion
forcefully attuned to the magical item “Imp’s
While it may resemble a four-armed humanoid statue
Fury” (see Appendix IV - Event Magic Items).
from afar, this ferocious abomination actually consists
5. Emptiness: The player loses their equipped
of a mass writhing muscles and orifices welded into a
giant suit of armour. Its unintelligible screeches echo
6. Blood: The player takes half of their current
throughoutits metal shell and its hateful eyes peeks out
HP as damage.
of several holesin its bipedal armour.
After spinning the wheel and facing the consequences,
Ability Scores
the imp in the robe vanishes, revealing the doorsto the
nextfloor. AC: 20 / HP: 152 / Speed 25 ft. / CR 11

STR: 20 (+5) / DEX: 9 (-1) / CON: 19 (+4)

INT: 15 (+2) / WIS: 14 (+2) / CHA: 13 (+1)

E13 The Cursed Tome
The players find themselves ina cozylibrary. A fireplace Traits
and comfortable armchairs invite them to a shortrest. Resistances. Poison, psychic, charmed, exhaustion,
While resting, one of the players feels one of the books frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
calling to them. The mysterious tome is boundin crack-
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The Forgotten Cham-
ling leather. Its pages are covered in narrow letters
pion’s innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell
which hurt to look at. A DC 12 Arcana check will reveal,
save DC 12). It can cast the following spells, requiring
that reading the book will probably physically hurt to
no components:
read — but that the knowledge might be worthit.

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e —Atwill: mind sliver, thunderclap, chill touch, it will use all four of its physical attacks to obliterate
wrathful smite, firebolt them.
e 3 time a day: counterspell (6" level)

Dying Screech. When the Forgotten Champion suffers

acritical hit or is reducedto 0 hit points, psychic energy B5 Soul Collector
erupts from its armor to deal 14 (4d6) psychic damage A mysterious hooded entity able to wield significant
to each creature which can hear it within 15 feetof it. necromantic power.

Actions Ability Scores

Multiattack. The Forgotten Champion makestwoflail- AC: 15/ HP: 102 / Speed 30 ft. / CR 10
ing fist attacks and two slashing palm attacks. It can re-
place up to four of these attacks with uses of its at will STR:9 (-1) / DEX: 14 (42) / CON: 14 (+2)
spells. INT: 47 (43) / WIS: 14 (42) / CHA: 14 (42)
Flailing Fist. Melee Weapon: +9 to hit, reach ft., One Traits
target. Hit: (2d8+5) Bludgeoning damage. If the target
Immunities. Necrotic, charmed, frightened
is a large or smaller creature, it must make a successful
DC 17 Strength saving throw or be thrown up to 30 feet Innate Spellcasting (Necromancy). The Soul Collec-
away ina straight line. The target lands prone and then tor is a 12th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is
takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell at-
tacks). It can cast the following spells, requiring no
Slashing Palm. Melee Weapon: +9to hit, reach ft.,
One target. Hit: 3d8+5 slashing damage or 4d8+5 to a
pronetarget. e —Cantrips(at will): chill touch, dancing lights,
mage hand, mending
Whip. Melee WeaponAttack:+5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
e 1st level (4 slots): false life, mage armor, ray
target. Hit: (36) magical slashing damage.

Legendary Actions nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, ray

The Forgotten Champion can take 2 legendary actions, enfeeblement, web
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary td level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow
action option can be used ata time and onlyat the end urse, vampiric touch
of another creature’s turn. The Forgotten Champion re- h level (3 slots): blight, dimension door,

gains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.

h level (2 slots): Bigby’s hand, cloudkill
Spellcasting. The Forgotten Champion casts one of its h level (1 slot): circle of death
at will spells.
Grim Harvest (1/Turn). When the Soul Collector kills
Movement. The Forgotten Champion movesup toits a creaturethat is neither a construct nor undead with a
speed. spell of 1st level or higher,it regains hit points equalto
How to run this encounter twice the spell’s level, or three times if it is a necro-
While the Forgotten Champion has the appearanceof a
mindless beast, it is probably one of the most cunning Actions
guardians of the Spire. It usually starts by keeping its Casting. The Soul Collector casts oneofits spells.
distance and hurling a barrage of at-will spells atits
prey. Once a few enemies have enteredits melee range,

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Legendary Actions Brutish Armor, the target must succeed on a DC 18

The Soul Collector can take 3 legendary actions, choos- Constitution saving throw against this magic ranged
ing from the options below. Only one legendary action weaponattack or take 21 (6d6) thunder damage and
option can be used at a time and only at the end of an- then be paralyzed for 1 minute, unlessit is immuneto
other creature’s turn. The Soul Collector regains spent thunder damage. The target can repeat the saving throw
legendary actions at the start of their turn. at the end of eachofits turns, ending theeffecton itself
ona success. If the target’s saving throw is successful,
Spellcasting. The Soul Collector casts oneofits at will or if the effect ends on it, the target is immune to the
spells. Brutish Armor’s stunning blow,for 1 hour.

Movement. The Soul Collector movesup to its speed. Hyperbeam (Recharge6). The Brutish Armor exhales
How to run this encounter a 25-foot cone of unbearable noise. Each creature in
that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw,
The Soul Collector knowsthatit is more feeble than
taking 45 (10d8) thunder damage on failed save, or
other champions, whichis whyit uses its most powerful
half as much damage on a successful one.
spells to open each battle.
Legendary Actions
The Brutish Armor can take 2 legendary actions, choos-
B6 Brutish Armour ing from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end of an-
Another one of the Spire’s unholy constructs. This huge
other creature's turn. The Brutish Armor regains spent
thing lookslike a siege tower on legs. Its massive arms
legendary actions at the start of their turn.
are sure to crush anything hit by them.
Roll to Recharge. The Brutish Armor rolls 1d6 to try
Ability Scores
and recharge its hyperbeam.
AC: 15 / HP: 37 / Speed 40ft. / CR 10
Movement. The Soul Collector moves up toits speed.
STR: 24 (+7) / DEX: 11 (+0) / CON: 22 (+6)
How to run this encounter
INT: 9 (-1) / WIS: 14 (+2) / CHA: 9 (-1)
The Brutish Armor starts each encounter by blasting the
Traits party with its hyperbeam. Afterwards, it slowly movesin
to finish whatis left of the party.
Immunities. Poison, poisoned.

Immutable Form: The Brutish Armour is immune to

any spell or Effect that would alter its form.

Magic Weapons:The Brutish Armour’s weaponattacks

are magical.

Multiattack. The Brutish Armor can use its stunning
blow and makes twoslam attacks.

Slam. Melee WeaponAttack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus (2d6)
thunder damage.

Stunning Blow. The Brutish Armor targets one creature

it can see within 30feetofit. If the target can hear the

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Area 3: The Stages

Only few creatures and even fewer ascenders makeit this far. A cold wind blows through these halls — perfectly compli-
menting the cold-hearted and ancient creatures guarding it. The few rewards found here are usually worth the risk though.

Type & No. Abbr. & Name Short Description & Notes
onster (1-3) M17 Shade Slime A pitch-black creature usually attacking in groups ofat least three. Theyare all linked in sym-
biosis — either all of them die in a single turn or the regenerate.
onster (1-3) M18 Ancient Maw The ancient mawis a fully grown version of the M4 Giant Maw.It usually attacks alone.
onster (1-3) M19 The Transient This horrible curse mayonly last for 30 seconds — butsurviving these 30 seconds is a challenge
for any party encountering it.
onster (1-3) M20 Fire Walker An imp who has survived a bit too many fights. Sometimes fights with a partner, but usually
onster (1-3) M21 Spire’s Embrace A mysterious massoftentacles, draining the life force ofits characters
Champion (4) C7 Vanishing Neme- The ghost of an ascender — making the mostof their new-found immortality.
Champion (4) C8 Mito’s Gladiator A valiant warrior confidentin his ownskill
Champion (4) C9 Dagomancer A deadly mage who hasnotreleased that she already perished in the Spire
Event(5) E1 Sho The shop is a reoccurring event which allows the players to exchange their hard-earned gold
for magic items and other cool trinkets. It should be presented at least once per area.
Event(5) E14 Consuming Head An imp offers the playersa full heal in exchange for their life essence
Event(5) E15 Shifting Corri- This maze physically hurts the playersto traverseit.
Event(5) E16 Tombof the Van- A huge treasure chamber, guarded by M8 Vanishing Spectres
ishing Specters
Event(5) E17 Dangerous At this wishing pond, each wish comes with a cost
Event(5) E18 Cache of the The Bricklayer's chamber —a rest site whichstill contains someof his magical possessions
RestSite (6) R1 The RestSite A place for the party to take a short rest.
Boss B7 The Unawakened terribly foe which only showsits true strength after it has been killed once.
Boss B8 Time Hag This cruel hag is guarded the Spire’s top not out of a senseof obligation, but just to see other
ascender’s dream get crushed by her considerable magical powers.
Boss B9 Twin Golems Twoautomataofincredible strength, dutifully guarding the path to the Zenith.

M17 Shade Slime Resistances. acid, fire, necrotic, thunder; bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Lurking on thefirst few floors of the stages are these
symbiotic slime creatures which hide in the shadows Immunities. cold, lightning, poison, exhaustion, grap-
and ambush unsuspecting ascenders. pled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained

Ability Scores Amorphous. The Shade Slime can move through a

space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
AC: 13 / HP: 36 / Speed 30ft. / CR 4
Perfect Dark. While in dim light or darkness, the Shade
STR: 9 (-1) / DEX: 17 (43) / CON: 12 (+1)
Slimeis invisible.
INT: 14 (42) / WIS: 13 (41) / CHA: 14 (42)
Life-Link. The Shade Slimeis not dead onceit reaches
Traits 0 HP. If the Shade Slime’s HP are 0 at the beginning of
Vulnerabilities. radiant its turn and at least one other Shade Slime with more
than 0 HP is within 60ft., the Shade Slime recovers 24

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Actions How to run this encounter

Pseudopod. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., There is nothing to the Ancient Maw apartfrom its hun-
one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. ger. If it senses prey, it will keep on pursuing it until it
Pseudopod(f attacking at advantage). Melee weapon
attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (6d6)
necrotic damage.
M19 The Transient
How to run this encounter
Probably not even the Spire’s inhabitants know what the
Shade Slimes usually attack in groupsofthree or more.
Transient really are. A runaway curse? The souls oflost
Once they enter combat, they all share an initiative
ascenders? A by-product of the Spire’s resurrecting
score. They like to gang up on their targets to devour
magic? This mass of darkness and hate might refuse
them in the dark.
classification, but itis clearly one of the mostdisturbing
defencesthe Spire hasto offer.

Ability Scores
M18 Ancient Maw
AC: 10 / HP: o / Floating 40 ft. / CR 7
The progenitor of the Giant Mawsfound at the Spire’s
base. One ofthe Spire’s simpler creations: a floating set STR: 11 (+0) / DEX: 13 (+1) / CON: 20 (+5)
of teeth with the will to devour anything it comesacross.
INT: 20 (+5) / WIS: 12 (+1) / CHA: 18 (+4)
Ability Scores
AC: 13 / HP: 160 / Floating 30 ft. / CR 4
Immunities. Any status-conditions
STR: 20 (+5) / DEX: 10 (+0) / CON: 20 (+5)
Transient. Any time the Transient manifest, they only
INT: 5 (-3) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA:5 (-3) do so for 30 seconds(i.¢., 5 rounds). Afterwards, they
vanish withouta trace
Resistances. Cold, fire, lightning Repelled. Any damage the Transient receive before
their turn reduces the amountof damage they deal when
Immunities. Charmed, frightened, poisoned, grappled attacking. This damage reduction is reset after each at-
prone tack.
Twitchy. Each time the Ancient Maw is attacked by a Summoned in waves.The Transient are summoned in
melee attack, it can useits reaction to makea bite attack waves — hencetheir curse attack grows stronger by 10
damage each round.
Rampage. Whenit reducesa creatureto 0 hit points or
lands a critical hit with a melee attack on its turn, the Actions
Ancient Maw can take a bonus action to moveup to half
Curse. Melee Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
its speed and makea bite attack.
target. Hit: 30 force damage. This damage cannotbe re-
Actions duced by any means other than the Transient’s own Re-

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach ft., one pelled ability.
target. Hit: (3d8 + 5) piercing damage. How to run this encounter
The Transient follow no will or agent— theyarrive, lash
outat anything alive within reach and then disappear.

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M20 Fire Walker M21 Spire’s Embrace

This masked imp might appear as weakasitskin at the This tentacled “thing” emerges from the walls of certain
base — until it lights itself on fire and grows to about rooms — mindlessly slashing at anything nearit.
five timesits original size.
Ability Scores
Ability Scores AC: 16 / HP: 85 / Teleport 10ft. / CR 9
AC: 18/ HP: 74 Floating 25 ft. / CR 6
STR: 20 (45) / DEX: 9 (-1) / CON: 15 (+2)
STR: 13 (+1) / DEX: 18 (+4) / CON: 15 (+2)
INT: 4 (-5) / WIS: 15 (42) / CHA: 4 (-5)
INT: 9 (-1) / WIS: 12 (41) / CHA: 9 (-1)
Traits Immunities. Paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone
Resistances. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
Mass of Arms. The Spire’s Embrace can grapple as
nonmagical attacks
manycreatures as it wants and does not need to use a
Immunities. fire, poison, paralyzed, petrified, poi- reaction when making attacks of opportunity.
soned, prone
Grasping. A creature that touches the Spire’s Embrace
Magic Weapons. The Fire Walker's weapon attacks are or that hits it with a melee attack while within 5 ft. of it
magical. must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw. On failure,
the creature is grappled.
Heatwave. Any creature in physical contact within 5ft.
or in physical contact with the Fire Walkertakes 1d8fire Crushing. Any creature grappled at the beginning of
damage at the end oftheir turn. If this creature receiving Spire’s Embrace’s turn suffers 2d6+5 bludgeoning
damage is holding or wearing a metal object, the crea- damage.
ture must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw or drop the objectif it can. If it doesn’t drop the
object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability Multiattack. The Spire’s Embrace makesthreetentacle
checks until the start of the Fire Walker’s next turn. attacks. Alternatively, it makes one tentacle attack and
uses embrace.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Multiattack. The Fire Walker makes three Sword at-
onetarget.Hit: (2d6+5) bludgeoning damage. If the tar-
get is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
Sword. Melee Weapon: +7to hit, reach5 ft., One target. saving throw or be pulled up to 10ft. closer to the
Hit: (1d6+4) Slashing damage. Spire’s Embrace.

Ignite (Recharge 5-6). The Fire Walker uses Multiat- Embrace (Recharge 5-6). Additional tentacles sprout
tack. Each attack that hits deals an extra 5 (1d10)fire out ina 10 feet radius around the Spire’s Embrace. Each
damage. creature in that area must make aDC 14 Strength saving
throw. Ona failed save, a target takes 2d6 necrotic dam-
How to run this encounter
age and can’t take the disengage action until the end of
The Fire Walker has fought against some of the most its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes
promising ascenders to grace the Spire. As such, it half damage, but suffers no other effect.
knowsthatit shouldfirst take care of any enemies using
spell attacks, by getting close to them and burning them
to acrisp.

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How to run this encounter succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6
The Spire’s Embracepulls any adversary closer to itand cold damage.
uses its Embrace to make sure they do not leave again Legendary Actions
until they are dead.
The Vanishing Nemesis can take 3 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used ata time and onlyat the end
C7 Vanishing Nemesis of another creature’s turn. The Vanishing Nemesis re-
Once a goliath druid ascender, now an undead cham- gains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
pion of the Spire. Having lost her connection to mother Recharge. The Vanishing Nemesis tries to recharge her
nature and its spirits, the Vanishing Nemesis now Exhale Nothingnessattack
drawsits power from all the living things around it
Flyby. The Vanishing Nemesis movesup to her speed
Ability Scores without provoking any attacks of opportunity
AC: 16/ HP: 100 / Speed 30/ CR 10
Claw. The Vanishing Nemesis makes oneclaw attack
STR: 19 (+4) / DEX: 12 (+1) / CON: 16 (+3)
How to run this encounter
INT: 10 (+0) / WIS: 16 (+3) / CHA: 15 (+2)
The Vanishing Nemesis is an endurancetest. She is not
Traits as deadly as someof the other Champions, but she is
greatto reduce the deplete any ascenders resources. As
Weaknesses. Fire
such, she usually tries to kill spell-users in any party
Magic Being. The Vanishing Nemesisattacks are mag- last.

Regeneration. The Vanishing Nemesis regains 10 hit

points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit C8 Mito’s Gladiator
point. Mito’s Gladiator was a human ascender — summoned
Flickering. The Vanishing Nemesisturns into a gase- by Mito in his dreams. Thirsty for the thrills of the Spire
ous version of herself every second turn. While in her he mowed through the Spire’s base only to die to the
gaseous form, the Vanishing Nemesis receives no dam-
Vanishing Nemesis. Since his demise he has found that
an afterlife as one of the mightiestfighters in the world
age and cannotbeinflicted with any spell effects.
is mostly one thing: boring.
Ability Scores
Multiattack. The Vanishing Nemesis makestwoattacks
— depending on her form.
AC: 20/ HP: 250 / Speed 30/CR 11

Claw (normal form). Melee WeaponAttack:+7to hit, STR: 21 (45) / DEX: 16 (+3) / CON: 16 (+3)
reach 10 ft., onetarget. Hit: (2d10+4) slashing damage. INT: 40 (40) / WIS: 14 (40) / CHA: 14 (42)
Claw (gaseousform). Melee Weapon Attack:+7to hit, Traits
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10+4) piercing damage.
Immunities. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
Exhale Nothingness (Recharge 5-6). The Vanishing nonmagical attacks, charmed, sleep, frightened.
Nemesis creates a warp in the fabric of space within a
Arrogant. Mito’s Gladiator will useits first 5 actions to
15ft. cone of herself. The areais difficult terrain. Any
do nothing but loudly count back from 5.
creature that startsits turn in the area takes 2d6 necrotic
damage. Any creature that endsits turn in the area must

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Ferocious Surge (Recharge 6). When Mito’s Gladiator between Mito’s Gladiator and his javelins must make a
its with an attack thatisn’t a critical hit, it can turn the DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 2d8 magical
it into a critical hit. piercing damage.

Concentration (Recharge 5). As a bonusaction, Mito’s Move. Mito’s Gladiator moves up to his speed.
Gladiator gains a bonusto the damage roll ofall his
Recharge. Mito’s Gladiator rolls to recharge any of his
melee weapon attacksthat hit within the next 6 seconds.
The bonus equals its Strength modifier (minimum of
+1). How to run this encounter

Parry (Recharge 4). As a reaction, Mito’s Gladiator Mito’s Gladiator will proudly proclaim what he will be
adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit doing during the fight. He will count back from 5 and
To do so, the Gladiator must see the attacker and be do nothing while the players can do what they want. Af-
wielding a melee weapon. terwards, he will kill the person which first dealt damage
to him.
Multiattack. Mito’s Gladiator makes three melee at-
tacks or three ranged attacks. C9 Dagomancer
Counting. Mito’s Gladiator uses his action to count This unassuming gnomish mageis one of the more re-
backwards from 5 or to mocktheplayers. cent champions. She has notyet realized that she died
Pike. Melee Weapon: +8to hit, reach 10 ft., Onetarget. and is now bound to the Spire. As such, everyone she
Hit: (2d10+5) piercing damage. encounterswill feel the wrath of her thousand blades as
if she werestill fighting to reach the top.
Javelin (6). Ranged Weapon: +8tohit, reach 20/60ft.,
Onetarget. Hit: (2d8+5) piercing damage. Ability Scores
AC: 18/ HP: 89 / Speed 40 / CR 12
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon: +8to hit, reach 5 ft., One
creature. Hit: (2d4+5) Bludgeoning damage. If the target STR: 16 (+3) / DEX: 20 (45) / CON: 14 (42)
is a medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a
INT: 16 (+3) / WIS: 14 (42) / CHA: 14 (42)
DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Legendary Actions
Resistances. Cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, pierc-
Mito’s Gladiator can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
from the options below. Only one legendary action op-
tion can be used at a time and onlyatthe end of another Magic Daggers. The Dagomancer’s weapon attacks are
creature's turn. Mito’s Gladiator regains spent legend- magical.
ary actions at the start of her turn.
Lightning Reflexes. The Dagomancer can take one re-
Counting. Mito’s Gladiator uses his action to count action on every turn in combat.
backwards from 5 or to mocktheplayers.
Magic Oil. Mito’s Gladiator coats his arms with a pow- Multiattack. The Dagomancer can make six attacks
erful magical oil. His next 3 attacks deal magical force with her daggers — either thrownor in melee range.
damage instead of their normal damage.
Dagger. Melee WeaponAttack:+9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Recall. Mito’s Gladiator beckonsto his javelins. If they target. Hit: (1d6 + 5) slashing damage. If a single target
are within 30ft. of him, they come shooting back into
is Successfully hit 5 times withthis attack, they gain the
his hand within a straight line. Any creature in the path
condition heavily bleeding — which corresponds to 4

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levels of exhaustion. This condition can be healed with E14 Consuming Head
a DC 14 medicine check outside combat or by using
The party happens across a peculiar scene. A fat Cherno
restoration magic.
has been buried up to its neck in the floor. It is obvious
Dagger (thrown). Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, that it cannot move or attack.It is completely stuck.It
reach 20/60ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 +5) slashing dam- tells the players with a smile, thatit is incredibly hun-
age. If a single target is successfully hit 5 times with gry. Hence, it would offer the players the following deal:
this attack, they gain the condition heavily bleeding —
e Heal. Lose 20%(rounded down)of your max.
which corresponds to levels of exhaustion. This con-
HP to befully healed.
dition can be healed with a DC 14 medicine check out-
e Bless. Lose 20% (rounded down) of your
side combator by using restoration magic.
max. HP to destroy any cursed items.
Legendary Actions e Revive. Take 75% (rounded down)of your HP
The Dagomancer can take 2 legendary actions, choos- as damageto revive a bound and deadplayer.
ing from the options below. Only one legendary action A DC 10 insight check will reveal, that the Cherno is
option can be used at a time and only at the end of an- quite honest with his offer and possesses the power to
other creature’s turn. The Dagomancer regains spent follow through on it. Of course, should the players re-
egendary actions atthe start of her turn. fuse and move on, there is not much it can do to stop
Die Die Die. The Dagomancer fills the air with spinning
daggers in a cube5 feet on eachside, centred on a point
within 15ft. of her. A creature takes 6d4 slashing dam-
age when it enters the spell’s area for the first time ona E15 Shifting Corridors
n or starts its turn there. The cloud magically stays The party find themselves in a shifting mace of corri-
n place for 30 seconds— regardless of the Dago-
dors. A few minutes of walking make it abundantly
mancer’s actions.
clear, that the place itself is hostile to the players. A
Afterimages. The Dagomancer creates 4 after images probing psychic presenceis constantly trying to invade
of herself within 4 points she can see until the start of the players’ minds — which makes just traversing the
her next turn. A DC 14 Perception check is necessary labyrinth painful. There are several waysthe players can
to identify the real Dagomancer. Any attack made overcomethe labyrinth:
against one of the after images does nothing.
e Let the psychic presence in: Should one of
Dagger. The Dagomancer makesan attack with one of he players decide to just give in to the pres-
her daggers. ence,they will suddenlyfind the labyrinth in-
credibly easy to traverse. They are ableto just
Move. The Dagomancer movesup to her speed.
move walls aside and move directly onwards
How to run this encounter 0 the next doors. However, the player in
question suffered 3d6 psychic damage with-
The Dagomancer fights in a panic, trying to bleed as
out noticing and wasforcefully equipped with
manytargets dry as possible. Thelast thing she remem-
he magic item “Spire Madness” (see Appen-
bersis fighting something terrifying on top of the Spire
dix IV - Event Magic Items).

—and since then she has been getting in one deadly

e Retrace your steps: The players wander
fight after another.
hrough back through the mazein search of an
exit. All of them take 2d6 psychic damage.
e Doathorough search: The players search the
abyrinth for treasure. Theyall role an investi-
gation check. If the highest roll is 18 or

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higher, the players find one rare magic item Toss a coin into the water to make a wish.
and receive no damage. If the highestroll is But be careful, wishes are neverfree.
between 15 and 17,they find one uncommon
Indeed, the four coins each feature a light side describ-
magic item and take 1d6 psychic damage
ing a scene and a dark side describing a consequence.
each. If the roll a 14 or lower, they take 3d6
The coinsare:
psychic damage and find the exit.
e Glory: The coin showsa tiny thief fighting a
At the end of the shifting corridors wait the four doors
monster near the Spire’s base. The backside
to the nextfloor.
showshim receiving a treasure chest. If the
players toss this coin into the water, they will
haveto fight one of the champions of the Base
E16 Tombof the Vanishing Specters and receive a rare magic item as well as an
This room has an incredibly high ceiling. A giant uncommon magic item as a reward.
golden monolith standsin its center — hundreds of M8 e Power: The coin shows a tiny knight near a
Vanishing Spectres are constantly floating in and out of forge, receiving new armor and weapons. The
it. They appear not to notice the players. Approaching backside shows the same knight angrily toss-
the monolith, the players noticethat it is not golden, but ing aside health potions, asif they had no ef-
transparentandfilled with riches. At its base is a small fect. If a player tossesthis coin into the water,
hole in the form of an open mouth with an inscription their equipped weapons and armor get up-
around itslips. It reads: graded (+1), but they receive the magic item
“Mark of the Fountain” (see Appendix IV-
Give me all your gold and | grant you a boon
Event MagicItems).
orto take from me as | have from you e Riches: The coin showsa tiny mage bathing
by matching the giant monolith’s tune in a pool of gold. The backside showsthe tiny
and being prepared to see things through mage struggling outofthis pool, becausehis
Meaning, the players have the following choices: hands have been bound by shackles. If a
player tosses this coin into the water, they re-
e Give up all the gold in their collective posses- ceive a bag of holding containing 1000GP and
sion to receive the magic item “Monolith’s are forcefully equipped with the magic item
Blessing” (see AppendixIV). “Golden Shackles” (see Appendix IV - Event
e Attack or damage the monolith, to receive a Magic Items).
random rare magic item and 1d10*100 Gold. e Health: The coin showsa tiny crone with
They are attacked by the same number of M8 nasty wounds turning into a young and
Vanishing Spectres as in their previous d10 healthy woman. The backside showsher with
roll. furrowed brows and a puzzled expression. If a
Alternatively, the players can move on and completely player tossesthis coin into the water, they are
ignore the monolith. fully healed, any status conditions removed,
and curses lifted. They are also forcefully
equipped with the “Chain of Doubt” (see Ap-
pendixIV - Event Magic Items).
E17 Dangerous Wishes
The players are free to ignore all these wishes and just
Theentirefloor from the entrance downis flooded. Sil-
very glistening water comesup to the ankles of each
player. The floor is empty apart from a basketfloating
on the gentle waves.It contains 5 coins and a note:

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E18 Cacheof the Bricklayer Immunities. Psychic, bludgeoning, piercing, and

slashing from nonmagicalattacks, charmed, frightened
The players find themselves in a cozy sleeping cham-
ber. A fire is burning in a fireplace opposite an opulent Magic Being. The Unawakened’sattacks are magical.
bed. Time seemsto stand still within this room offer-
Restricted. The Unawakened has noaccessto legend-
ing them the chanceto take a short rest. The roomitself
ary actions or spellcasting while in its restricted form.
is remarkably unremarkable — apart from one object.
Onceits hit points are reduced to 0 thefirst time, it re-
Near the foot of the bed floats a blue cube. Touching it
gains 200 HP, loses all status conditions or ongoing
will cause a chiming voice to proclaim: “Welcome
effects, and unlocksthe ability to use legendary actions.
home master. Do you wish to retrieve someof your be-
longings? How many would you wish to retrieve? Spellcasting (unrestricted form only). The Unawak-
Please be aware, that large numbersof objects might be ened is a 12th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability
more taxing to retrieve. Choose the numberofobjects: is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell at-
tacks). It requires no material components to castits
e 1 Object: The player giving this answer gets
Spells. It can innately cast the following spells without
to choose between a common magic weapon
requiring any material components:
and a common magic item.
e 2 Objects: The player giving this answer gets e —Cantrips(atwill): sacred flame, spare the dy-
to choose between a common magic weapon ing, thaumaturgy
and a common magic item twice. They suffer e 1st level (4 slots): command, dissonant whis-
2d6 psychic damage afterwards. pers
e 3 Objects: The player giving this answer gets e 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, crown
to choose between a common magic weapon of madness
and a common magic item three times. They e 3rd level (3 slots): conjure barrage, counters-
suffer 3d6 psychic damageafterwards. pell
e 4th level (3 slots): banishment, phantasmal
After any object has been retrieved, the cubewill slowly
float to the ground and the light within dims.
e 5th level (2 slots): flamestrike, greater resto-
e 7th level (1 slot): chain lightning
B7 The Unawakened
This feathered beast has stood largely unopposed since
the construction of the Spire. Much of its power has Multiattack. The Unawakened makes two claw attacks
been sealed by a prior ascender — butthis power will be Claw. Melee WeaponAttack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
reawakened should a sufficiently strong adversary ar- target. Hit: (2d10 +5) slashing damage.
Legendary Actions
Ability Scores
After the Unawakened’s Restricted ability is activated, it
AC: 17/ HP: 150 / Speed 40 ft., Fly 60ft. / CR 17 cantake 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
STR: 20 (+5) / DEX: 10 (+0) / CON: 19 (+4) below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
atime and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
INT: 15 (+2) / WIS: 18 (+4) / CHA: 20 (+5) Unawakened regains spent legendary actions at the
Traits start of their turn.

Saving Throws. Dex +6, Con +11, Int +9, Wis +10 Claw Attack. The Unawakened makes oneclaw attack.

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Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). The Unawakened magi- e 1/day each: stop time
cally teleports, along with any equipmentit is wearing
or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied spaceit
can see. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack:+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: (2d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus (1d6)
Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Unawakened casts force damage.
a Spell from its list, using a spell slot as normal
Casting. The Hag casts two of her at-will spells.
How to run this encounter
Ravages of Time. The Time Hag accelerates time for
Beforeits restricted ability is triggered, the Unawakened
one unconscious enemywithin 5 feet of her. The target
just clumsily attacks using its claws. Onceit gets trig-
immediately dies and decomposes. Each creatureofthe
gered, it immediately cast chain lightning against all the
ime Hag’s choicethatis within 60 feet of her and able
creatures surrounding it.
to see her must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving
throw or be frightened of her for 1 minute. While fright-
ened in this way, a creature is incapacitated, can’t un-
B8 Time Hag derstand whatothers say, can’t read, and speaksonly in
The time hag with the name “Auntie Snail”is technically gibberish; the DM controls the creature's movement,
still an ascender. She battled her way up the Spire, only which is erratic. A creature can repeat the saving throw
to wait on the final platform to stop any other ascender at the end of each ofits turns, ending the effect on itself
from reaching its zenith. Despite this petty motive, this ona success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
chronomantic hag should never be underestimated. or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the
frightened condition for the next 24 hours.
Ability Scores
Li egendary Actions
AC: 17 / HP: 144 / Speed 30 ft. / CR 15
The Time Hag can take 2 legendary actions, choosing
STR: 13 (+1) / DEX: 16 (+3) / CON: 16 (+3) from the options below. Only one legendary action op-
INT: 15 (+2) / WIS: 14 +, / CHA: 19 (+4) ion can be used at a time and only at the end of another

eature’s turn. The Time Hag regains spent legendary


Traits actions at the start of her turn.

ChronomancyStaff. The Time Hag carriesa staff which
Casting. The Time Hag casts one of her at will spells.
looks like pendulum. She can ride the staff as if it were
a broom offlying. While holding the staff, she gains an Attack. The Time Hag makes one slam attack.
additional action to cast at will spells with her Innate
Teleport. The Time Hag magically teleports, along with
spellcasting trait.
any equipmentit is wearing or carrying, up to 120feet
Time on her Side. When the Time Hag’s HP reach 72 to an unoccupied spaceit can see.
for the first time, she can immediately use a legendary
How to run this encounter
action after every enemy’s turn.
The Time Hagis a terrifying enemy who only fights out
Innate Spellcasting. The hag’s innate spellcasting abil- spite and hatred for others. She will target the player
ity is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell with the lowest HP with her at will spells until they are
attacks). She can innately castthe following spells,re- dead. She will then use her ravages of time ability to
quiring no material components: maddentherest of the party.
e —Atwill: acid arrow, chromatic orb, hold person
e 3/day each: haste, cone of cold, conjure ani-

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B9 Twin Golems
These two constructs dutifully guard the passage to
Mito. They are the perfect soldiers — the never tire,
never complain and are only seldomly defeated

Ability Scores
AC: 20/ HP: 120/ Speed 30 ft. / CR 8 each

STR: 24 (+7) / DEX: 9 (-1) / CON: 20 (+5)

INT: 1 (-5) / WIS: 10 (+0) / CHA:3 (-4)

Immunities. fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, pierc-
ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks, charmed,
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Immutable Form. The Twin Golemsare immune to any

spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance. The Twin Golems have advantage

on saving throws against spells and other magical ef-

Multiattack. The Twin Golems make two melee attacks
or two ranged attacks each.

Slam. Melee WeaponAttack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: (3d6+7) bludgeoning damage.

Javelin. Ranged Weapon: +13 to hit, reach 20/60 ft.,

Onetarget. Hit: (2d8+7) piercing damage.

Legendary Actions
Each Twin Golem Time Hagcantake 1 legendaryaction,
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used ata time and onlyat the end
of another creature's turn. Each Twin Golem regains
spent legendary actions atthe start of their turn.

Attack. The Twin Golem makes one slam attack.

Move. The Twin Golem movesup to his speed.

How to run this encounter

The Twin Golems are always encountered together.
While theyutilize no fancy tactics or magical effects, the
raw power oftheir attacks is enough to break mostpar-

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Finale: The Top of the Spire himself and will accept, that he has to grant each player
one wish.
After fighting their way out of the Spire, the players
move on to a giant staircase leading their way to the
zenith. From up here, the players see the skyfor the first
time since entering the Spire. The blinking stars and Reward
thin air welcome them to the freezing top. The land be- Each player gets to speak his wish and Mitowill try his
low them is barely visible through the clouds. best to accommodateit (see the wish spell’s description
in the 5e basic rules, pp. 288). Afterwards, they simply
disappear from the top of the tower and reappear in a
Mito of the Spire random spoton the continent, unless stated differently
in their wish. They keep all the magical gear accrued
Upon entering this finalfloor, the players are stopped within the tower andtheir three curses are broken.
by a booming voice. A giant creature appearsoutof thin
air before them. This looking genie is presenting

earsome and giant image ofitself. Literally. The real


Mito has been chained to the tower by the Bricklayer What’s next?
eons ago. He is a withering, undying body magically Legend hasit, that once someonehas reached the top

ackled to one of the columnsat the Spire’s Zenith. It of the Spire, they cannotfind it again. However, with the

ememberslittle of its endless magic power — apart magic gifts of the Spire andtheir fulfilled wish, any ad-
4H >a

om the spell’s thaumaturgy, project image and wish. venturer might draw the attention of desperate would-
e latter being the reason why the Spire was built be ascenders looking for the Spire themselves.
ound him. Long before the Spire wasbuilt, Mito was


own as a benevolent ruler — granting wishes to any-

ody able to make him laugh. Unfortunately, almostall
these carelessly worded spells produced negative

tcomes somewhere in the world — which only made

laugh even harder. To ensure only the wisest,
rongest, or most driven minds could everprofit from

ito’s wishes, the Bricklayer created the Spire and its

eatures and used his wish to bound Mito to the tower

all eternity. Unable to refuse a wish once granted,

ito has resided here ever since.

ow he is tired and wants to use the illusion of his

ighty body to scare the players into accepting just a

gle wish. Hetries to provoke the party by revealing


heir wishes to their companions and (if possible)

points out how these wishes are selfish or conceded.
He will try with all his rhetoric to get the playersto fight
each other. If all the players accept the “one wish”
clause, he will grant that wish and teleport all other
players outof the valley.

If the players discover his real bodyor try to fight him,

this illusion falls apart. Mito has no power left to defend

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Appendix | - Vows
Major Vows
# Reward Vow
1 Raise your highest ability score by 1 Lower your lowestability score by 2
Minor Vows
2 Choose one out of three rare magical weapons Loseall your other equipment (weapons, ar-
# Reward Vow mor, gold, etc.)
1 You permanently gain +7 maximum hit points You start your ascension with a damage equal 3 Gain the Magic Initiate feat Permanently lose 12 max HP
(max. HP) to half your new max. HP 4 You permanently gain +10 max. HP for each of Each of your companions loses 7 max. HP*.
2 You gain 3 random potions Only you can use them on yourself your companions
3 You gain 100 GP You loseall your starting weapons 5 You gain the Luckyfeat You start your ascension unconscious and sta-
4 All your companions permanently gain +5 You permanently lose 5 maximum hit points ble (0 HP)
maximum hit points 6 You gain a level-up Loseall your other possessions (weapons, ar-
5 Gain a random magical item Loseall your gold mor, gold, etc.) and spell slots.
6 Choose oneof three random magical items Gain onelevel of exhaustion 7 The next time you would die, recover all HP in- You cannot take short rests while you are as-
7 Gain inspiration Be poisonedfor the first 2 floors of your ascen- stead cending (long rests work)
sion 8 All potions you consume double their effect You cannot restore HP with short or long rests
8 You permanently gain +5 to movement speed Loseall your starting armor (time and dice involved)
9 Gain +1 to your Constitution score Lose 7 max. HP 9 You raise your proficiency bonus by 1 You skip the next time you would level up
10 Choose oneofthree potions to receive Lose half your gold 0 You cannot be knocked prone or grappled You cannot use the dash or disengage action
11 You permanently gain +5 maximum hit points All your companions receive 10 damage* 1 You permanently gain +2 to AC Your base movementspeedis halved
(max. HP) 2 All your meleeattacks are made with advantage All attacks made against you have advantage
12 You know whatlurks behind the first four doors You cannot tell your companions how you 3 You can use your bonus action to disengage, You cannot use your bonus action for anything
of the Spire knowthis dash or hide else
13 You gain proficiency with a chosen weapon You lose proficiency withall other weapons 4 You start the journey with 500GP You must spendall of it in the first area of the
14 You start your ascension with 10 temporary HP Loseall your gold Spire or die
15 You gain 5 random potions You start your ascension poisoned 5 Your attacks heal you up to half the damage Permanently lose 25 max HP
16 Gain a +1 to your weapon (i.e., you have a +1 Loseall your starting armor (down to common dealt (rounded down)
bonus to attack and damagerolls made with clothes) 6 You have advantage onall saving throws You have disadvantage on all ability checks
this magic weapon.) 7 Chose2 out of 5 rare magic weapons Permanently lowerall your stats by one
17 Gain +1 to your Strength score Lose -2 to your Dexterity score 8 You get an extra attack action in combat The spell Confusion with a spell attack DC of
18 Gain +1 to your Dexterity score Lose -2 to your Strength score 14 is cast on you at the beginning of eachfight
19 Gain +1 to anability score of your choice Lose -3 to an ability score of your choice 9 Gain the Skilled feat Lower your Dexterity by one
20 You gain 1 random magical item Your size permanently decreases by one size 20 All your companions think you are very cool Monsters always attack you first
*Stands in opposition to the curse of chains — this player turns into a vengeful spirit upon first death

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Appendix ll _ Potions 5 Potion of Iron Raise your AC to 18 for 1 minute

6 Gambler's Potion Every creature you can see (including yourself) randomly and in-
stantaneously switch places with each other.
Common Potions 7 Potion of Regeneration Heal all status-effects and damage to your attribute scores
8 Potion of Resistance Gain Resistance to a damage type of your choice for 1 minute
# Name Effect 9 Potion of Confusion You andall creatures within 15 ft. of you gain the effect of the con-
1 Surefire Potion Gain advantage on your next attack action fusion spell for 1 minute
2 Forgeblessed Potion A piece of equipmentgains +1 for one floor 10 Potion of Magical Power Thefirst time you cast a damage-dealing spell within 1 minuteafter
3 Armor Potion Raise your AC by 2 for 1 minute drinking the potion, instead ofrolling dice to determine the damage
4 Energy Potion Gain an extra attack action for 12 seconds dealt, you can insteadusethe highest number possible for each die.
5 Flex Potion Your Strength score becomes 20 for 12 seconds — afterwards you 1 Potion of Smoke Once you drink this potion, all monsters in vicinity disappear in a
are stunned for 12 seconds puff of smoke. Works only on monsters, not champions, or bosses.
6 Dexterity Potion Your Dexterity score becomes 20 for 12 seconds — afterwards you You receive no rewards on this floor.
are stunnedfor 12 seconds 12 Potion of the Lucky The next three times you roll a 3 one die or less, you canreroll said
7 Potion of Healing Recover 2d4 + 2 HP die, but musttake the next result.
8 Fire Potion For 12 seconds, all your attacks deal regular damage plus half as
muchfire damage
9 Reaching Potion Your melee-attack range becomes10ft. regardless of weapon for Rare Potions
10 Glimmer Potion For one floor, your speed increases by 5ft. & you can moveoutof # Name Effect
an enemy's melee range withoutprovoking anattackof opportunity 1 Potion of Superior healing Recover 8d4 + 8 HP
"1 Potion of Explosion When you drink this potion, you castthe fireball spell centered on 2 Potion life imitation Gain 8d4 temporary HP
yourself 3 Distilled Chaos Gain 3 effects of any other potion
12__| Potion of Potential Recoverall of hit dice 4 Duplication Potion Duplicatestheitem hold in yourleft handfor 3 floors
5 Liquid Thorns All incoming melee damage is halved and reflected back on the at-
tacker, if they are standing within 5ft. of you 30s.
Uncommon Potions 6 Liquid Memories Cast a spell you have already cast this fight again at the same level,
without consuming anyspell materials or slots
# Name Effect 7 Potion of Diminution When you drink this potion, you chose to gain the "reduce"or “en-
1 Potion of greater healing Recover 4d4 +4 HP large” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concen-
2 Potion of false healing Gain 4d4 temporary HP tration required).
3 Potion of lesser chaos Consumeto gain theeffect of two common potions 8 Potion of Speed When youdrink this potion, you gain the effect of the haste spell for
4 Potion of Ghosts You becomeinvisible and intangible. You cannotinteract with the 1 minute (no concentration required).
world apart from walking through it. Pay 5HP to endthe effect.

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Appendix Ill - Magic Weapons possible targets, they attack one at random. They are berserk until
they start their turn with no creatures within 15 feet of them.
11 Mirror Dagger This magical dagger +1 can besplit into two identical daggers, us-
Common Magic Weapons ing a bonus action to speak a command word of the wielder's
choice. The same command word can also be used to combine
# Name Effect them into a single weapon again, vanishing the dagger farthest
1 Weapon +1 Any weapontype which grants its wielder a +1 bonus toattack and awayfrom its wielder.
damage rolls 2 Flurry Staff While attuned to this magical quarterstaff +1, the wielder can use
2 Light Halberd Half as heavy as anormal halberd with the finesse and thrown prop- an attack of opportunity even against enemies who are disengaging.
erty (range 15/30) 3 Anchoring Sword While attunedto this longsword+1, the wielder cannot be paralyzed
3 Swirling Blade A shortsword which allowsits wearer to usetheir reaction to make or stunned.
an attack of opportunity whena target enters their melee range. 4 Chilling Warhammer While attuned to this magical warhammer, the wielder deals 1 ad-
4 Sunlight Bow When attuned, the wielder of this magical shortbow+1 can shoot ditional cold damage onall attacks. Add an additional 2d10 cold
arrowsof pure sunlight, which deal magical radiant damage. damage to anycritical hit.
5 Biting Handaxe Double-bladed handaxe +1. When thrown with an attack roll of 15 5 Rapier of Swiftness While attunedto this rapier+1, the wielder's movementspeedis in-
or more, the blade returns to the wielders hand like a boomerang. creased by5 ft.
6 Booming Club A wooden cudgel, which on a hit deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage 6 Lance of Comfort While attunedto this lance+1, whenever the wielder takes a short
and 1d6 force damage a second later. rest, they gain temporary health equal to their level + their Con mod.
7 Sticky Whip A magical whip+1. Asan action the wielder can use the whip to grab This does not stack and lasts up to 8 hours.
an object weighing 25 pounds orless within 10ft. and then dragit 7 Chaotic Flail While attunedto this flail, once per floor the wielder mayreroll an
to themselves. If the item is held by another creature, it must make attack, saving throw,or ability check. They must take the second
a Dexterity saving throw to be contested by the wielder’s opposing result.
Athletics check.If the wielder succeeds, the item is drag towards 8 Climbing Warpick While attunedto this warpick+1, the wielder gain proficiency in Ac-
them. robatics. If they are already proficientin this skill, they gain exper-
8 Javelin of Lightning A javelin+1 which transformsinto a bolt oflightning when thrown, tise in it instead.
dealing lightning damage. 9 Enormous Pike Pike +3, the wielder's movement speedis reduced by 20ft.
9 Vicious Dagger Deals triple the amount of damage ona critical hit or sneak attack 20 Lance of Misplaced Con- While attuned to this lance, the wielder gains advantageon all attack
10 Blind Rage Battleaxe Whenever a hostile creature damagesthe wielder while the axe is in fidence lls, if one of their companionsis unconscious or the wielder's HP
their hand, they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or are equal to or lower than 10.
go berserk. While berserk, they havean extra Attack action and must
useall their actions each round toattack the creature nearest to
them with the axe. Ifthey can makeextra attacks as part ofthe Attack
action, they use those extra attacks, moving to attack the next near-
est creature after theyfell their current target. If they have multiple

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Uncommon Magic Weapons 0 Forge Hammer This magical light hammer has 6 charges. Its wielder may use 1
charge to cast Burning Hands (DC 15) at first level or use 3 charges
# Name Effect to cast Fireball at third level (DC 15). This item regains 1d4+1
1 Weapon+2 Any weapontype which grantsits wielder a +2 bonus to attack and charges each long rest.
damage rolls 1 Persistent Greataxe While attuned to this Greataxe+1, after 6 consecutive non-critical
2 Glittering Maul This maul has 5 gems embeddedin it (a ruby, jade, emerald, dia- hits, the wielders seventh attack is guaranteedto be a critical hit.
mond, and topaz). These may be pried off and thrownat an enemy 2 rickster's Sidearm This dagger+2 does not count towards its wielder's maximum at-
at a+7 bonus. When thrown, these act as a Level 1 Chromatic orb tunement count for magic items and increasesit by one.
of an element matching the gem. (Ruby- Fire, Jade - Acid, Emerald 3 Horrifying Morningstar While attuned to this Morningstar+1, wheneverits wielder rolls
- Poison, Diamond - Cold, Topaz - Lightning). These gemsare re- minimum damage on their attack roll, their opponent becomes
storedat after a long rest and have no monetary value. Frightened until the start of the wielder’s next turn.
3 Run-through Spear While attuned to this spear, the wielder's initiative bonus is in- 4 he Expert's Quarterstaff While attuned to this quarterstaff, its wielder deals 1 additional
creased by 2. Whenever they roll initiative higher than 20, they damagewith all attacks and spells
move so swift that they get an edge up on their opponents. On the 5 Falconer's Longbow While attunedto this longbow,its wielder’s critical strike range in-
first round of combat, they act at their normal Initiative value and creasesby 1
get a second turn at your Initiative value minus 20. 6 Parrying Rapier While attuned to this rapier+1, its wielder cannot be critically hit
4 Sickle of Premonition While attunedto this sickle+2, you gain +1 to al saving throws 7 Cleansing Bow While attuned to this shortbow, its wielder can cast druidcraft and
5 Sword of the Chosen While attuned to this shortsword+1, wheneverits wielder hits an detect evil and good at will and calm emotions, dispel evil and
enemywith an attack, they may use available inspiration to turn that good, and entangle once per day each. In addition, once per long
attack into criticalhit that deals triple damage. rest, the wielder may chooseto do an additional 1d8 radiant dam-
6 The Assassin's Dagger Every time the wielder of this dagger deals a killing blow to an en- age whentheyhit an enemy.
emy which has dealt damage to them prior, it is improved by +1 at 18 Eternal Glory This shortsword+1 cannot be broken or changed by any normal
the end ofthe fight. The dagger reverts to a normal dagger after a means.
long rest or if its wielder is incapacitated. 19 Foe Seeker While attunedto this battleaxe+1, each creature hit byit must pass
7 The Necromancer’s While attuned to this spear+1, whenever its wielder kills an enemy, a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or use all their movementand attack
Needle a blast of energy is released from the target's corpse.All creatures actions against its wielder.
(including the wielder) within 10 feet of the body must make a DC 20 The Imp’s Trident Thistrident+3 deals onlyfire damage.
13 Constitution save or be stunned until the end of their next turn.
8 Akimbo Crossbow Two magicallight crossbows which can only be wielded together -
one in each hand. Both do not have to be reloaded and add the
wielders’attribute score to their damagerolls. If both attacks hit a
single target in one round, the target must pass a DC 15 Constitu-
tion saving throw or be knocked prone.
9 The Master's Quarterstaff While attuned to this magical quarterstaff, the wielders Constitution
scoreis increased by 2

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Rare Magic Weapons 10 Watcher's Warhammer his warhammer has 5 charges. Whenever its wielder hits an enemy
with a damaging attack, they may expend one of those charges to
# Name Effect force the target to make a DC 17 Charismasave. On failed save,
1 Weapon +3 Any weapontype which grants its wielder a +3 bonus to attack and that target is teleported to a point you can see within 60 ft and takes
damage rolls 5d8 Psychic damage. On a success, the target takeshalf that much
2 The Nautilus Trident While attuned to this trident+1, the wielder's melee attacks and amage and remains in place.
spells deal an additional 2d6 psychic damage. They also deal an 1 Blessed Rapier While attuned to this rapier+1, the wielder rolls an additional d4
additional 6d10 psychic damage onany critical hit. This item whis- whenever theyroll for initiative. On a result of 4, they feel a stroke
pers thoughtsto their wielder on occasion and allows them to pick of luck sweep over you. During this encounter, their critical hit
up on telepathic conversations. On critical hit, a blast of visible hreshold becomes 16-20.
psychic energyflies at your enemyin the form oftheir greatestfear. 12 The True Blade While attuned to this shortsword+3, the wielder may ignoreall re-
3 Mark of the Damned While attuned to this dagger+1, the wielder may usetheir action to sistances or immunities for damage dealt with this sword.
mark an enemyfor 1 minute. While marked, they have advantage on 13 The Dragon's Tooth his maul+4 requires a Strength scoreofat least 18 to be wielded
all attacks against that target and their attacks with the dagger deal and reducesits wielder’s speedby 5tft.
an additional 3d6 damage psychic damage. Attacks against any 14 Fiery Passion While attuned to this flail+2, its wielder can expendtheir available
other enemies are made with disadvantage. This mark is only re- hit dice to add to any successful attack. If this attackkills their tar-
moved after 1 minute or when the markedtarget is killed. et, all hit die get restored.
4 Scimitar of Speed While attuned to this scimitar+2, the wielder may use their bonus 15 One Shot Dart his dart+5 always deals critical damage. On a hit, its wielder must
action like an attack action. hrow 1d4 (after damage has already been dealt). On a 1 the dart
5 The Champion's Avenger This greatsword+3 grantsits wielder advantage on all attack rolls vanishes and deals 6d6+6 necrotic damage to the target. Otherwise,
made against constructs orslimes. it remains stuck and can be collected again after the target has been
6 Ralph's Hammer While attunedto this light hammer+1, whenever the wielder scores incapacitated.
a critical hit, they deal an additional 21 force damage. Additionally, 16 Magic Syphon his quarterstaff+1 can hold 3 charges. Each timeit is used to re-
whenever theyland a criticalhit, they roll 1d20.If the result of the luce a target's HP to 0, it gains 1 charge. Its wielder can use an
second die is a 17 or higher, they destroy a piece ofthe target's action to use 1 charge to cast magic missile atlevel 4.
body or armor (to be randomly determinedat the timeofthe attack). 17 Perfection A beautiful magical lance+5
7 The Taskmaster's Whip While attunedto this whip+1, the wielder’s proficiency bonus is in- 18 Magician's Club While attunedto this club, its wielder can usetheir attack action to
creased by 1. imbue the weaponwitha targetedspell at their disposal. Ifthe attack
8 Sentry Ballista This heavy crossbow+2 needs twoattack actions (or an assist ac- hits, the spell also hits, and a spell-slot is consumed.
tion of an ally) to befired. If it hits it deals critical damage. The 19 N'loth’s Mace While attuned to this mace+1, the wielder's natural 1s are consid-
target must pass a DC18 Strength saving throw or be moved 20ft. ered to be natural 20s
ina straight line and then knocked prone. 20 Timekeeper's Sickle This sickle has 2 charges. The wielder may use one charge to cast
9 The Awakened Bow This short bow alwayshits its target with arrows of pureforce. It Time Stop. This item regainsall charges at the wielder's death.
cannotdeal critical damage.

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Appendix IV — Magic Items 3 Blood-Vial Can be drunk to recover 2HP. Magically refills if it is empty each
time an enemyis killed.
4 Jenewein’s Gloves While wearing these gloves, the wearers Strength scoreis increased
Common Magic Items by 1.
5 Magical Ticket If presented at the Spire’s Shopor to the Woman in Blue, the player
# Name Effect mayreceive 2 potions of healing. Can be shown on more than one
1 Armor +1 Any armor or clothing type which grantsits wielder a +1 bonusto floor.
AC. 6 Hero’s Light While attuned to this magical bracelet, its wearer gets an extra ac-
2 Nautilus Armor This suit of heavy plate armoris reinforced with adamantine, one of tion during the first round of combat.
the hardest substancesin existence. While someone is wearing it, 7 Regal Pillow During a short rest, the person resting upon the pillow may recover
any critical hit against them becomesa normal hit. an additional hit die (even if all other hit dice have already been
3 Imp’s Flameshield The wielder gains a +2 bonus to AC against ranged attacks while used).
wielding this flaming shield. This bonus is in addition to the 8 Red Skull While attuned to this magical totem, the owner’ s Strength score
shield’s normal bonus to AC. In addition, whenever an attacker becomes20 if their HP sink below 6.
makes a ranged attack against a target within 5 feet of the wielder, 9 Alchemist'sFilter While drinking any potion through this filter, the effect of healing
they can use their reaction to become the targetof the attack instead. 1d6 is added.
4 Newton's Ring While attuned to this ring, its wearer hasresistance to force dam- 20 Midas Touch While attunedto this glove, its wearer may touch any magical object
age. to turnit into 50GP — destroying the objectin the process.
5 God's Favor While attuned to this bracelet, its wearer may store up to two
6 Ring of Sacrifice If the wearer's HP get reducedto 0, the ring shatters and the wearer
recovers 10HP instantly
7 Burning Blood Diamond While attunedto this earring, its wearer recovers 4HP uponentering
8 Attunement Ring While attuned to this ring, the wearer's attunement maximum be-
comes 5
9 Challenger’s Gauntlet Thefirst successful melee attacks each combat deals an additional
1d6 bludgeoning damage.
10 BagofInfinite Marbles When rolling initiative, the wielder of this bag may chooseto start
at the backof the initiative order to reduceall enemies’initiativeroll
by 2.
11 Bronze Scale Necklace While attunedto this necklace, any creature dealing melee damage
to them suffer 2 damage themselves.
12 Succulent Strawberry Consuming this magicalfruit increases max HP by 7

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Uncommon Magic Items to cast Dimension Door.This item regains 1d4 charges each long
# Name Effect 15 Lucky Die While attunedto this item, after 6 consecutive non-critical hits, the
1 Armor +2 Any armor orclothing type which grantsits wielder a +2 bonus to owner's seventh attack is guaranteed to bea critical hit.
AC. 16 Capeofthe Gifted While attunedto this item, an attribute of the wearer's choiceis in-
2 Imp Horn While attunedto this item,its wearer gains an additional turn after creased by one. This item does not count towards their maximum
dealing the killing blow to an enemy attunement count for magic items.
3 Shimmering Pendant While attunedto this item, its wearer starts each combat with an AC 17 Nail of the Scarred While attunedto this piercing, any healing the wearer receives dur-
of 20. Afterwardstheir AC revert to their normal value ing combat is 50% (rounded down) moreeffective.
4 Peculiar Pear A giant pear which permanently grants plus 12 max HP when eaten 18 Fragrant Pestle & Mortar These instruments can be used by a person to destroy a magic item
5 Bone-sleeve While attuned tothis iter, if the wearer's is conscious and their HP and receive +2 max HP in exchange. This process takes 2 minutes.
fall below 10 HP, they immediately recover 1410 HP. 19 Bootsof the Brave The wearer of these bootsheals half their HP when entering a floor
6 White Beast Totem While attunedto this item, the wearer magically finds a potion after with a boss-fight.
eachbattle. 20 Happy Flower Pendant While attunedto this item, the wearer gains an extra attack action
7 Last Meal This peculiar cookie permanently grants +7 max HP when eaten and every three turns of combat. This countresets at the end of combat.
heals the person to max HP.
8 Dolly's Mirror Any object thrown through the mirror is duplicated. The mirror
shatters upon impact.
9 Witcher’s Pouch Contains 5 random potions
10 Smart Spectacles While attunedto this item, your Intelligence becomes18.
11 Padded Vest While attunedto this item, you gain +1 to all saving throws
12 Yoshikage’s Gloves While attunedto this item, the wielder has the ability to charge mun-
dane objects with explosive capabilities. They may usetheir bonus
action to infuse an object with this energy. For the next 6 seconds,
they may throw this item and it will detonate upon impact. This
deals 2d6 + (half their level) fire damage to any creature hit. Throw-
ing any object larger than 4 inches in diameter will cause an explo-
sion of 2d6 + (your level) fire damage to enemies in a 10-footdi-
ameter area, but they will have disadvantage to successfully throw
the object at the target.
13 Charged Piercing While attuned to this item, the wearer can cast Lightning Bolt at
third level once per day. The DC for this spell is 13.
14 Capeofthe Silent This item has 9 charges. The wielder may use 1 charge to cast Jump
or may use 3 chargesto cast Misty Step. They may use 6 charges

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Rare Magic Items 13 Reflective Pendant While attuned to this item, whenever its wearer suffers from a status
effect from a creature's spell or attack, that is not prone, incapacita-
# Name Effect tion or death, they get to reflect the sameeffect upon the creature —
1 Armor +3 Any armor or clothing type which grantsits wielder a +3 bonus to regardless of immunities or distance.
AC. 14 Mito’s Old Helmet While attuned to this helmet, its wearer has advantage on all saving
2 Stone Calendar While attunedtothis item, if the wearer enters the 7" round of com- throws against spells and magical effects.
bat, the calendar emits a 15 ft. wave of force, which deals 4d12 15 Armor of the Guardian While attuned to this heavy plate armor,its wearer gains resistance
magical force damage to any creatureinside. to all elemental damage. If they already have resistance to an ele-
3 Divine Blessing While attunedto this ring, any damage from a single source in com- ment, they become immuneinstead.
bat less than 5 is reduced to 1. 16 Tungsten Pendant While attune to this pendant, whenever its wearer rolls for initiative,
4 Mighty Helix While attunedto this shell-bracelet, the first damage from a single they may gain temporaryhit points equal to the difference between
source is completely negated. All othereffects still apply. their maximum and currenthit points or equal to their level.
5 Hex Ginseng Whoever consumesthis fantastical root gains a permanent immun- 17 Mito’s Conviction Whoever becomesattuned to this ring rolls two d20s(Reroll on a
ity to poison damage, the poison status effect and cannot be para- result of 1 or 20 or two identical numbers). As long as they are
lyzed attunedto this item, whenever theyroll one of the displayed values
6 Winged Boots While attunedto this item, its wearer gainsa fly speed equal to their itis considered critical hit. These two numbers cannot be changed
movementspeed. even if the item becomesattuned to someone else.
7 Cherno Armor While attuned to this chainmail+1, its wearer reduces any damage 18 Shoesofthe last Thief While attunedto these shoes, its wearer gains climbing speed equal
taken from a single source by one to their walking speed and may use their bonusactionto disengage,
8 Hearty Turnip Whoever consumesthis turnip gains a permanentresistance to ne- dash, or dodge.
crotic damage and cannotbe stunned, paralyzed. 19 PendantoftheEternal While attunedto this item, its wearer cannot be blinded, deafened,
9 Timekeeper's Watch While attuned to this pendant, its wearer can choose not to move petrified, or stunned.
during a round in combat. During the next round their movement 20 Sacred Bark While attuned to this item, its owner receives double the beneficial
speedis tripled and they provoke no attack of opportunity. effects of all potions (¢.g., doubling healing dice, doubling dura-
10 Magical Incense This item has 2 charges. Its wielder canuseit to castthe spell “In- tion, etc.). The GM decides the exact effect in unclear cases.
vulnerability” on themselves for 12 seconds (2 rounds, without re-
quiring concentration or material components). One charge is re-
stored after a long rest.
11 Lizard’s Coat While attunedtothis item, if the wearer's HP hit 0, they are imme-
diately fully restored, and all status effects are healed. If in combat,
its wearer gets an immediate bonus roundafterwards. The coatis
destroyed in the process.
12 Heavenly Mango Whoever consumesthis glowing fruit immediately and permanently
raises their max HP by 20.

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Event Magic Items to 4 spells. The spells remain inscribed in

the book with their original level, spell
The magic itemsare not featured as rewards but are “awarded” by certain events. save DC and attack bonus, even if the
original caster is no longer attuned to it.
Event Name Effect During combat, anyone attuned to the
E6 The Living Wall Veil of the Arcanist While attuned to this cursed veil, its book can use their bonus action to cast a
wearer's proficiency score is +2, but it spell inscribed in the book.
counts double when calculating their spell E15 Shifting Corridors Spire Madness This tiny, cursed horn grows out of the
save DC and Spell Attack modifier neck of its wielder and can only be re-
E6 The Living Wall Featherweight Gauntlets While attuned to these cursed gauntlets, moved upon its wielder's death or through
its wearer cannot use reactions in combat a special event. Its wielder is immune to
but ignore the two-handed and heavy psychic damage but gains a disadvantage
properties of any weapon without reduc- to all intelligence and wisdom saving
ing their effectiveness. throws.
E8 The Colosseum The Champion’s Belt Its wearer cannot befrightened and looks E16 Tomb of the Vanishing Monolith’s Blessing While attuned to this magical mask, its
incredibly tough. Specters wearer can cast the spell misty step with-
E9 The Manin Blue The Needle of the Giant While attunedto this item, whenrolling for out requiring spell slots or arcane
initiative (or outside turn order) its owner knowledge.
can receive 2d10 damage to set their E17 Dangerous Wishes Mark of the Fountain This cursed mark appears on the skin of
Strength score to 20 for 1 minute. its wielder and can only be removed upon
E11 The Bricklayers Grave The Bricklayer's Burden This cursed collar takes up two attune- its wielder’s death or through a special
mentslots and can only be removed upon event. Its wielder cannot recover HP
the death of its wearer or using high-level through any means.
magic such as greater restoration. Its E17 Dangerous Wishes Golden Shackles While wearing these cursed shackles, its
wearer is immune to the effects of exhaus- wielder is immune to the petrified condi-
tion level 1-5. Whenfirst attuned, they tion, but cannot use bonus actions.
gain 5 levels of exhaustion. E17 Dangerous Wishes Chain of Doubt While wearing this cursed necklace, the
E12 The Wheel of Imp’s Fury While attuned to this cursed bracelet, all firstattack during anyfight deals only half
of the wearer's attacks during combat only damage.
deal fire damage. Each time the wearer has
made no attack at the end of their turn in
combat, they receive 4 damage.
E13 The Cursed Tome The Bricklayer's Design While attuned to this magic book, its
wielder can inscribe any spell they know
into it by casting it. The book can hold up

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