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Sr No Verb Meaning

1 to be
2 to have
3 to be able (can)
4 to do, to make

5 to put, to place
6 to say, to tell
7 to have to , must, to owe
8 to take, to catch, to capture
9 to give, to produce

10 to go
11 to want, to wish

12 to know
13 to have to
14 to see
15 to ask, to request
16 to find, to discover
17 to return (something), to give back
18 to come
19 to pass, to go past
20 to understand, to include, to comprehend
21 to stay, to remain
22 to hold, to keep
23 to carry, to wear
24 to speak, to talk
25 to show, to display
26 to continue
27 to think
28 to follow, to pay attention
29 to know, to be acquainted with
30 to believe (in)
31 to begin, to start, to commence
32 to count
33 to hear, to understand
34 to wait, to expect
35 to put back (on), to replace, to deliver
36 to call, to contact
37 to permit, to allow, to enable
38 to occupy, to take up (space/time)
39 to become, to grow (into), to turn (into)
40 to leave, to depart, to proceed
41 to decide, to persuade
42 to arrive, to happen
43 to serve
44 to seem
45 to return, to come back
46 to leave, to allow, to let
47 to receive, to welcome
48 to answer, to reply
49 to live
50 to call back, to remind
51 to present, to introduce
52 to accept
53 to act
54 to put down, to pose, to lay (something) down
55 to play, to act, to gamble
56 to recognize, to acknowledge
57 to choose, to select
58 to touch, to feel, to affect
59 to like, to love
60 to find, to regain, to meet up
61 to lose, to waste
62 to explain, to account for
63 to consider, to study
64 to open (up)
65 to win, to gain, to earn
66 to exist
67 to refuse
68 to read
69 to succeed
70 to change, to alter
71 to work
72 to represent, to depict, to portray
73 to secure, to assure, to insure
74 to try, to attempt
75 to prevent, to stop
76 to go out, to leave, to exit, to come out
77 to resume, to recover, to take back
78 to lead, to conduct
79 to belong, to concern
80 to risk
81 to concern, to affect
82 to learn, to teach, to hear of
83 to meet, to encounter
84 to create, to build
85 to obtain, to get
86 to look for, to seek
87 to enter, to go into
88 to suggest, to propose, to offer
89 to bring, to cause
90 to use, to employ
91 to reach, to attain, to achieve
92 to tempt
93 to import, to matter
94 to add
95 to produce
96 to prepare (something), to make
97 to raise, to stand up, to pick up
98 to write
99 to defend, to stand up for, to forbid
100 to pull, to draw (curtains, sword), to fire (gun), to print
Estar (To Be)
I am - Yo Estoy We are - Nosotros/Nosotras Estamos No soy
You are - Tú Estás You are - Usted Está

She-is - Él/ They are - Ellos/Ellas Están
It- Ella Está
Name- El/Ella no es

Ser (To Be)

Iam - Yo soy We are - Nosotros/Nosotras Somos
You are - Tú Eres You are - Ustedes Son

She-is - Él/ They are -Ellos/Ellas Son
It- Ella Es

The verb ser is used to talk about the following: -

Place of Origin -Occupation -Nationality
-Religious/Political Affiliation -Characteristics Etc.

Present (Simple/Continous) To Have/has - Tene

Je parle Nous parlons Yo tengo
Tu parles Vous parlez tú tienes
Il/Elle parle ils/elles parlet él/ella/ello/uno tiene

Je parlais Nous parlions
Tu parlais Vous parliez
Il/Elle parlait Ils/Elles parlaint

Je parlerai Nous parlerons
Tu parleras Vous parlerez
Il/Elle parlera Ils/Elles parleront
Nostras no somos Je vais Nous allons
Usted no tu seres Vous serez

El/Ellas no son il/elle sera ils/elle vont

Au revoir Himani. Bon Voyage

To Have/has - Tener
Yo tengo nosotros tenemos
tú tienes vosotros tenéis
él/ella/ello/uno tiene ellos/ellas tienen
ALPHABET Pronounce
a ah like the a in "father"

b be bay

c ce say

ch che chay

d de day

e e ay
f efe ay-fay

g ge hay

h hache ah-chay
i i ee
j jota ho-ta
k ka kah
l ele ay-lay
ll elle ay-yay
m eme ay-may
n ene ay-nay
ñ eñe ay-nyay
o o oh
p pe pay
q cu koo

r ere ay-ray

rr erre ay-rray
s ese ay-say
t te tay
u u oo

v uve oo-vay

w uve doble oo-vay do-blay

x equis ay-kees

y ye yay

z zeta say-ta
like the English b but
pronounced very softly

before a, o, u, like the c in "can";

before e, i, like the c in "cent"

like the ch in "church"

like d in "bed" but with tongue

forward, almost like th in "the"

like the ay in "pay"

like the English f
before a, o, u, like g in "get";
before e, i, like an English h
always silent
like ee in "feet"
like the English h
like the English k
like the English l
like the y in "yes"
like the English m
like the English n
like the ny in "canyon"
like the o in "no"
like the English p
like the English k
like the English r but softer,
almost sounds like a d
strongly trilled
like the English s
like the English t
like the oo in "pool"
almost no difference
between b and v in Spanish
like the English w
like the English x
like the English y; like ee in
"tree" when used alone
like the English s
0 - cero
1 - uno
2 - dos
3 - tres
4 - cuatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - siete
8 - ocho
9 - nueve
10 - diez
11 - once
12 - doce
13 - trece
14 - catorce
15 - quince
16 - dieciséis
17 - diecisiete
18 - dieciocho
19 - diecinueve
20 - veinte
21 - veintiuno
22 - veintidós
23 - veintitrés
24 - veinticuatro
25 - veinticinco
26 - veintiséis
27 - veintisiete
28 - veintiocho
29 - veintinueve
30 - treinta
31 - treinta y uno
32 - treinta y dos
33 - treinta y tres
40 - cuarenta
41 - cuarenta y uno
42 - cuarenta y dos
50 - cincuenta
60 - sesenta
70 - setenta
80 - ochenta
90 - noventa
100 - cien
101 - ciento uno
102 - ciento dos
110 - ciento diez
111 - ciento once
200 - doscientos
201 - doscientos uno
202 - doscientos dos
211 - doscientos once
276 - doscientos
setenta y seis
300 - trescientos
400 - cuatrocientos
500 - quinientos
600 - seiscientos
700 - setecientos
800 - ochocientos
900 - novecientos
1.000 - mil
1.011 - mil once
1.111 - mil ciento once
2.000 - dos mil
3.000.003 - tres
millones tres
Padre father I am - Yo soy
Madre mother You are - tú eres
Hermano brother He/she/It is - él es
Hermana sister
Suegro father-in-law
Suegra mother-in-law
Cuñado brother-in-law
Cuñada sister-in-law
Esposo, marido husband
Esposa, mujer wife
Abuelo grandfather
Abuela grandmother
Bisabuelo great-grandfather
Bisabuela great-grandmother
Tatarabuelo great-great-grandfather
Tatarabuela great-great-grandmother
Hijo son
Hija daughter
Nieto grandson
Nieta granddaughter
Bisnieto great-grandson
Bisnieta great-granddaughter
Tataranieto great-great-grandson
Tataranieta great-great-granddaughter
Tío uncle
Tía aunt
Tío abuelo great-uncle
Tía abuela great-aunt
Primo cousin (male)
Prima cousin (female)
Primo carnal, prima
carnal, primo
hermano, prima
hermana first cousin
Primo segundo, prima
segunda second cousin
Sobrino nephew
Sobrina niece
Padrastro stepfather
Madrastra stepmother
Hijastro stepson
Hijastra stepdaughter
Hermanastro stepbrother
Hermanastra stepsister
Medio hermano,
hermano de padre,
hermano de madre half brother
Media hermana,
hermana de padre,
hermana de madre half sister
Concuñado husband of one's spouse's sister
Concuñada wife of one's spouse's brother
Consuegro father-in-law of one's son or daughter
Consuegra mother-in-law of one's son or daughter
Prometido, novio fiance, boyfriend, groom
Prometida, novia fiancée, girlfriend, bride
Compañero male partner in a couple relationship
Compañera female partner in a couple relationship
Padrino godfather
Madrina godmother
Ahijado godson
Ahijada goddaughter
Amigo friend (male)
Amiga friend (female)
Conocido acquaintance (male)
Conocida acquaintance (female)
We are - Nosotros somos
You are - Vosotros sois
They are - ellos son
the house
the flat (UK)
the apartment (US)
the bedroom
the room
the sitting room
the dining room
the living room
the bathroom
the toilet
the kitchen
the study
the garage
the basement
the cellar
the attic
the balcony
the door
the doormat
the doorbell
the letter box
the window
the roof
the chimney
the staircase/stairs
to brush one’s hair
to brush one’s teeth
to do one’s nails
to put on make-up
to shave
to wash
bubble bath
dental floss
make-up remover
nail clippers
nail file
nail polish
nail polish remover
sanitary napkin
shaving (the act of)
shaving cream
student estudiante
teacher maestro
seat butaca
desk escritorio
chair silla
book libro
notebook cuaderno
pencil lápiz
pen pluma
eraser borrador
chalk gis
chalkboard pizarrón de gis
whiteboard pizarrón de marcador
marker marcador
pencil sharpener sacapuntas
ruler regla
colored pencils colores
sheets hojas de papel
classroom salón de clases
floor piso
wall pared
ceiling techo
window ventana
pencil case lapicera
trash can bote de basura
exam examen
door puerta
homework tarea
exercise ejercicio
teamwork trabajo en equipo
oral presentation exposición
computer computadora
glue pegamento
scissors tijeras
model maqueta
practice práctica
study estudio
school subjects materias escolares
uniform uniforme
classmates compañeros de clase
paper punch perforadora de papel
stapler engrapadora
to write escribir
to read leer
school desk pupitre
backpack mochila
calculator calculadora
crayons crayolas
page página
poster cartel
sign símbolo
paper papel
ceiling fan ventilador de techo
doubt duda
question pregunta
explanation explicación
air conditioner aire acondicionado
lock cerradura
key llave
switch interruptor
plug clavija
clock reloj de pared
locker armario
thumbtacks tachuelas
textbook libro de texto
tape cinta
math matemáticas
science ciencia
geography geografía
history historia
chemistry química
algebra álgebra
biology biología
geometry geometría
physics física
schedule horario
folder carpeta
dictionary diccionario
bookshelf estante
hall pass pase
class clase
board eraser borrador de pizarrón
whiteboard marker marcador para pizarrón
highlighter marker marcador de texto
workbook libro de ejercicios
to ask a question hacer una pregunta
to clean the board limpiar el pizarrón
to open the book abrir el libro
to close the book cerrar el libro
to raise one´s hand levantar la mano
to work in pairs trabajar en parejas
to work in groups trabajar en grupos
to swap places cambiar lugares
to swap places cambiar lugares
calendar calendario
map mapa
numbers números
alphabet alfabeto
course curso
globe globo terráqueo
grade calificación
quiz prueba
scholarship beca
Alemania (Germany) — alemán
Argentina — argentino
Australia — australiano
Austria — austriaco
Bélgica (Belgium) — belga
Belice (Belize) — beliceño
Bolivia — boliviano
Brasil — brasileño
Canadá — canadiense
Chile — chileno
China — chino
Colombia — colombiano
Corea del Norte (North Korea) — nortecoreano, norcoreano
Corea del Sur (South Korea) — sudcoreano
Costa Rica — costarricense, costarriqueño (uncommon)
Cuba — cubano
Croata (Croatia) — croata
Dinamarca (Denmark) — dané
Ecuador — ecuatoriano
Egipto (Egypt) — egipcio
El Salvador — salvadoreño
Escocia (Scotland) — escocés
España (Spain) — español
Estados Unidos (United States) — estadounidense, norteamericano, americano
Filipinas (Philippines) — filipino
Francia (France)— francés
Gales (Wales) — galés
Gran Bretaña (Great Britain) — británico
Grecia (Greece) — griego
Guatemala — guatemalteco
Haití — haitiano
Honduras — hondureño
Hungría — húngaro
la India — indio, hindú
Inglaterra (England) — inglés
Irak, Iraq — irakí, iraquí
Irán — iraní
Irlanda (Ireland) — irlandés
Israel — israelí
Italia (Italy) — italiano
Japón (Japan) — japonés
Marruecos (Morocco) — marroquí (Moro is sometimes used but can be considered offe
México, Méjico — mexicano, mejicano (the first spelling is used in Mexico, while usage
Myanmar/Birlandia (Myanmar/Burma) — myanma/birmano
Nicaragua — nicaragüense
Noruega (Norway) — noruego
Nueva Zelanda (New Zealand) — neozelandés
Países Bajos (Netherlands) — holandés
Palestina (Palestine) — palestino
Panamá — panameño
Paraguay — paraguayo
Perú — peruano
Polonia (Poland) — polaco
Portugal — portugués
Puerto Rico — puertorriqueño
la República Dominicana (Dominican Republic) — dominicano
Rusia — ruso
Sudáfrica (South Africa) — sudafricano
Suecia (Sweden) — sueco
Suiza (Switzerland) — suizo
Taiwan — taiwanés
Uruguay — uruguayo
Venezuela — venezolano
nsidered offensive.)
while usage varies elsewhere)
abogado lawyer
acerero steel worker
agrimensor surveyor
albañil brick layer (mason)
almacenero, tendero grocer
anfitriona, azafata airline hostess
arquitect architect
bombero fireman
botones bellhop
cajero cashier
camarero, taberno, mesero,
camionero truck driver
campesino, trabajador farm worker
carnicero, cortante butcher, meat cutter
carpintero carpenter
cartero postal worker
casero(a) landlord
cazador hunter
científico scientist
cirujano surgeon
cocinero, chef cook, chef
comerciante merchant
conductor, chofer driver, chauffer
consejero counselor
consierge consierge
constructor construction worker
consultor consultant
contador, contable accountant/bookkeeper
criada, doméstico, asistente,
delineante, dibujante draftsman
dentista dentist
dependiente clerk
dependiente de gas gas station attendant
despachador de gas gas station attendant
detective detective
director principal
director, revisor, redactor editor
dueño(a) owner
electricista electrician
empleado employee
encargado de banquetes caterer
enfermero nurse
escritor / autor writer / author
estibador, portuario, obrero longshoreman
farmacéutico pharmacist
ferroviario railroader
gaucho, vaquero, tropero cowboy
gerente, director, mayordomo,
granjero, campesino farmer
guardavía, recorredor de la
herrador, chispero blacksmith, farrier
herrero blacksmith
hostia hostess
ingeniero engineer
jardinero, hortelano gardener
jefe de grupo, capataz,
cachicán, gerente
jefe, supervisor, capataz boss
juez judge
lavandero laundry person
lechero milkman
licensiado university graduate
maestro teacher
maquinista train engineer
maquinista, trabajador de
marinero, marino merchant marine
mecánico mechanic
médico doctor
mesero, mozo, camarero waiter
padre priest
panadero baker
paramédico paramedic
pastor, ministerial pastor/minister
periodista reporter/journalist
pescador fisherman
pintor painter
plomero plumber
policía policeman
portero doorman
profesión profession
profesional professional
profesor professor
programador computer programmer
propietario, patrón, dueño owner
psicólogo psychologist
psiquiatra psychiatrist
químico chemist
quiropráctico chiropractor
rabino rabbi
ranchero, ganadero,
rebuscador researcher
reparador repairman
revisor train conductor
soldador welder
taxista taxi driver
técnico de laboratorio lab technician
tendero, baratero shopkeeper
trabajador de fábrica factory worker
trabajador, obrero laborer, workman
veterinario, albéitar veterinarian
English French Use Or use
television (TV)
television (TV)
a movie
Telling time in French
What time is it?
It’s one o’clock
It’s two o’clock
It’s 3:15
It’s 4:30
It’s 4:45

It’s 5:10
It’s 6:50

It’s 7:20
It’s 8:40

It’s 8 a.m.
It’s 5 p.m.

It’s 8 p.m.

It’s noon
It’s midnight
fashionable / trendy
to attract
to choose
to cost
the brand image
the price range
full price
the retail price
the market price
consumer goods
manufactured goods
to offer
a floor price
a bargain
a price tag
a range
an incentive
a brand
a bonus
a discount
Weather Le Temps
Weather Forecast La Météo

How's the Quel temps fait-il ?

It's ... Il fait ...
Nice Out
Bad Weather


It's ... Il ...



Du Vent
Du Soleil
Du Brouillard


Pleut (Pleuvoir)

Pleut à Verse

Neige (Neiger)
Gèle (Geler)
English French Pronounced
Monday lundi lun-dee
Tuesday mardi mar dee
Wednesday mercredi mare crer dee
Thursday jeudi zheur dee
Friday vendredi von-drer- dee
Saturday samedi sam-dee
Sunday dimanche dee-monsh
Other phrases
Today aujourd'hui oh-zhoor dwee
Yesterday hier ee-air
Tomorrow demain deur-ma
The day before yesterday avant-hier avon-tee-air
The day after tomorrow après-demain appray- deur-ma

In three days time dans trois jours don trwar zhoor

Four days ago il y a quatre jours eel ee are katr zhoor

The next day le lendemain leu londer man

The previous day la veille la vaye

A week une semaine une sir-main

A fortnight - two weeks quinze jours cans-zhoor
What day is it today?
On est quel jour aujourd'hui? on ay kel zhoor oh-zhoor-dwee

Twenty-four hours a day

Vingt-quatre heures par jour. Van-katr-eur pa zhoor

As soon as possible
Dès que possible day keu poss-eeb-leu
au plus vite oh plu veet

Whenever you like

Quand vous voudrez con voo voudray

Not yet
pas encore parse oncor

Bientôt bjann tow

Summer l'été
Le printemps: spring
Fall l'automn
L’été (m): summer e
Winter l'hiver
L’automne (m): fall
Spring le
L’hiver (m): winter printem

on the left à gauche /a goʃ/

on the right à droite /a dʀwɑt/
straight ahead tout droit /tu dʀwɑ/

North le nord /lə nɔʀ/ Northeas


South le sud /lə syd/ Northwe


East l'est /lɛst/ Southea

West l'ouest /lwɛst/ Southwe
English French
January janvier
February février
March mars
April avril
May mai
June juin
July juillet
August août
September septembre
October octobre
November novembre
December décembre
month le mois /lə mwa/
year l'an / l'année /lɑ̃/ /lane/

decade la décennie /deseni/

century le siècle /lə sjɛkl/
millennium le millénaire /milenɛʀ/

/lete/ in the su en été /ɑ̃ nete/

/lotɔn/ in the fall en automne /ɑ̃ notɔn/

/livɛʀ/ in the en hiver /ɑ̃ nivɛʀ/

/lə pʀɛ̃tɑ̃/ in the au printemps /o prɛ̃tɑ̃/

le nord- /lə
est nɔʀ(d)ɛst
le nord- /lə
ouest nɔʀ(d)wɛ
le sud- /sydɛst/
le sud- /sydwɛst/
Yellow Jaune
Blue Bleu
Turquoise Turquoise
Green Vert
Orange Orange
Purple Violet
Brown Marron/brun
Pink Rose
Black Noir
Grey Gris
White Blanc
Gold Doré
Silver Argenté
Red Rouge
l’hôtel de ville / la mairie – city hall,
town hall
le musée – the museum
le restaurant – the restaurant
l’hôpital – the hospital
l’hôtel – the hotel
la poste – the post office
le commissariat / le poste de police –
the police station

le palais de justice – the courthouse

l’aéroport – the airport
la gare – the train station
le garage – the garage / car park
le parc – the park
l’église – the church
la cathédrale – the cathedral
le grand magasin – the department
le monument – the monument
le cinéma – the movie theater / the
le théâtre / la salle de spectacle – the
theater (for plays and shows)
la tour – the tower
le centre commerical – the mall /
shopping center
le stade – the stadium
la piscine – the pool
la plage – the beach
l’école – the school
le lycée – the high school
l’université – the university
un bâtiment – a building
le gratte-ciel – the skyscraper
une maison – a house
un appartement – an apartment / flat
la station (de… bus / métro) – the bus
stop / metro station
la rue – the road
l’avenue – the avenue
le boulevard – the boulevard
le rond-point – the round-about
le carrefour – the intersection
la place – square / court (not in a legal
le pont – the bridge
la route – the street
la voie – the lane of a road
le passage piéton – the crosswalk /
le trottoir – the sidewalk
l’autoroute – the highway / motorway
la ville – the city
le village – the town
le centre ville – downtown / city centre
la banlieu – the suburbs
un quartier – neighborhood, quarter
urbain(e) – urban

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