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Class-wide Peer-Tutoring Strategy in Teaching Practical Research 2

among G12 TVL Learners

The "MATATAG Agenda" was initiated by the Department of Education (DepEd) to
address the issue of basic education quality in the Philippines. Nevertheless, there are still
certain obstacles that impede student success. These factors encompass challenges in
adapting to the curriculum, limited rapport with educators and classmates, and inadequate
proficiency in writing and research abilities. The challenges in question have been highlighted
in studies conducted by Fan and Wolters (2014), Sahin et al. (2016), Pablo and Lasaten
(2018), and Mazo (2015). According to Amoroso and Bajo (2014), they are a contributing
factor to the increasing dropout rate.
According to Fan and Wolters (2014), students dropping out of school are specifically
caused by the difficulty of adjusting to the school curriculum. Conversely, Sahin, Arseven, and
Kilic (2016) reported that students who do not establish good relationships with their friends,
teachers, and school administration and who do not like the school and the subjects have a
higher tendency to be absent from school and drop out eventually.
On the other hand, Pablo and Lasaten (2018) said that mastering written skills can be a PRE- TEST AND POST-TEST SCORES
The graph displays the learners' mean again
daunting task for learners. This is because it requires a lot of careful thought, discipline, and a
average pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test II
good understanding of the conventions of the English language. In fact, only 5% of 12th
scores. This study found that the learners' pre-
graders perform above the basic writing proficiency level, as noted in a study conducted by
test was 7.45. Post-test 1 scores increased by
Grunke et al. (2016).
Meanwhile, the study by Mazo (2015) revealed that the major stressor for students is 3.85, while post-test II scores increased by
research writing, which requires knowledge and skills in academic writing. Further, their 5.66. This study supports Abdelkarim and
studies disclosed that students commonly find academic writing a challenging activity. Fadda Abuiyada (2016), who said that peer tutoring
(2012), as cited by Torres (2020), found out in his study that students are having difficulties in increases student time and mutual
spoken and written language and some skills in writing like outlining, word choice, and other engagement, which may promote cognitive and
strategies. social gains.
In the Philippines, the dropout rate in secondary schools has been increasing from 7.45%
in 2007 to 7.82% in 2012, as reported by Amoroso and Bajo (2014). Bernardo (2020)
Table 1: Significant difference in the pre-test and the post-test I mean scores
unwrapped that the educational sector in the Philippines has been facing significant challenges
in improving its academic performance across various disciplines.
Based on research by Al Badi (2015) and Pineteh (2013), students face challenges in
achieving coherence and cohesion in their writing, as well as referencing and citation. These
Results of the paired-t test indicated that there is a significant large difference between Before
difficulties are influenced by their literacy backgrounds and attitudes towards academic writing.
(M = 7.5 ,SD = 3) and After (M = 11.3 ,SD = 2.2), t(61) = 10.2, p < .001.
Ayçiçek (2018), stresses that the traditional instructional methods are no longer sufficient
to address the fast-paced technological and environmental changes. To address this dispute,
Greenberg and Abenavoli (2017) suggested that an intervention in the classroom must be Table 2: Significant difference in the pre-test and the post-test II mean scores
introduced as a low-cost and effective way to mitigate multiple risk factors and promote
protective factors among learners.


Results of the paired-t test indicated that there is a significant large difference between Before
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM (M = 7.5 ,SD = 3) and After (M = 17 ,SD = 3.5), t(61) = 16.7, p < .001.

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of class-wide peer-tutoring Table 3: Significant difference in the post-test I and the post-test II mean scores
strategies as an intervention in teaching Practical Research 2 among G12 TVL learners

1. What is the demographic profile of Grade 12 Students in terms of:

a. sex Results of the paired-t test indicated that there is a significant large difference between
b. age Before (M = 11.3 ,SD = 2.2) and After (M = 17 ,SD = 3.5), t(61) = 14.9, p < .001.

2. What is the level of Practical Research 2 class achievement when class wide-peer tutoring The findings of this study revealed that class-wide peer tutoring strategy among G12 TVL increases the scores
was employed among G12 Learners TVL? of almost all the students. This means that class-wide peer tutoring is highly effective in increasing the level of
students' understanding of concepts because the students performed significantly better as evidenced in their post-
3. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test mean scores of the students? test scores after administering class-wide peer tutoring strategy intervention, which allows them to interact and
share ideas.
While the findings of this study were encouraging and supported the benefits of a class-wide peer tutoring
strategy, one possible improvement would be to consider expanding the duration and period of the peer tutoring
METHODOLOGY intervention sessions.
The result of this study corroborates to the study of Rosanti (2018), wherein he concluded that the use of peer
tutoring empowered students which awakened the class into a learning atmosphere of a cooperative group.


There is a pressing need for further research on how class strategies influence achievement in class and the
use of standardized procedures, as they apply to students’ activities. Allowing students to perform tasks in
groups, helping to assist fellow students, encouraging students to rely on fellow students and groups, and
encouraging students to organize themselves socially for better efficiency giving them the strength to work
responsibly on their tasks.
They were able to take pride in the tasks they contributed to their classmates. They feel empowered and way
more confident about the task assigned to them. Learners of this generation learn best when they feel they
are entrusted with other learners hence the feeling of being empowered is what they feel best.
To make this endeavour more comprehensive, a complete package of the strategies must be developed, like
a lesson plan, set activities, set of rubrics, and assessment. Conduct of similar research must be conducted on
other tracks/strands among learners. This activity must be applied to the next school year coupled with a
complete plan. Encouraging other teachers to explore this strategy LAC session. Such activities may help us the
importance of social interaction if vital in a world where gadgets domain the physical world. The budget of work is
important to ensure sustainability.

Ethical Considerations
Obtained consent from students and school authorities.
Ensured student confidentiality.
Followed child protection protocols.
Guarantee the voluntary participation of the participants
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics (mean, SD)
Paired-sample t-test to compare pre-test and post-test scores.

Ayçiçek, B., & Yanpar Yelken, T. (2018). The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students’ Classroom Engagement in Teaching English. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 385–398.

Bajo, V. A. and A. (2014, June 12). Phl dropout rates rising since 2007.

Greenberg, M. T., & Abenavoli, R. (2016). Universal Interventions: Fully Exploring Their Impacts and Potential to Produce Population-Level Impacts. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 10(1), 40–67.

Koch, Rob. “Action Research Cycle for Improving Instruction.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 3 Aug. 2015,

Mazo, G. (2015, February). (PDF) Causes, Effects of Stress and the Coping Mechanism of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in a Philippine University. ResearchGate.


Rosanti, D. 2018. Application of Peer Tutor Learning Methods to Improve Student Activities and Learning Results at SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 9(2), 1-11

Sahin, S., Arseven, Z., & Kiliç, A. (2016). Causes of Student Absenteeism and School Dropouts. International Journal of Instruction, 9(1), 195–210.

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