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Project title

IoT Data Acquisition for DC DC Converter

Description and background

Processes, machines, personnel, and products can all be linked into a single integrated network for
data gathering, data analysis and performance improvement of chosen machine. Internet of Things
(IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, cloud computing, and big data are all emerging
improvements in the manufacturing process. IoT will be used to improve reliability, to process data,
to monitor circuit health, and to help monitor electrical parameters. This project will focus on
designing a data acquisition device to help study the effect of variable frequency on MOSFET circuits.


The project idea Involves building and developing ultra-low power battery powered IoT
measurement device. The device will measure and record voltages and currents of other electrical
circuits under test. This can be used for fault detection and condition monitoring and further analysis
as the data will all be sent to the cloud and saved in a database.

The project aims to provide distant live monitoring and logging of high frequency circuits like
transistor switching circuits. Monitoring current, voltage and calculating losses in MOSFETs under
high frequency. A buck converter (step-down converter) is a DC-to-DC power converter that reduces
voltage while increasing current from its input (supply) to match the load demand. The buck
converter chosen is a type of switched-mode power supply (SMPS) that has at least two
semiconductors (a diode and a transistor, though modern buck converters frequently replace the
diode with a second transistor for synchronous rectification) and at least one energy storage
element, such as a capacitor, inductor, or both in combination. Filters built of capacitors (occasionally
in combination with inductors) are typically added to such a converter's output (load-side filter) and
input (input-side filter) to reduce voltage ripple (supply-side filter) The switch will be a MOSFET
transistor. The project will involve a circuit design and manufacturing of a printed circuit of the
monitoring device. It is also the process of using a microcontroller to measure physical or electrical
terms such as voltage, current, pressure, temperature, and sound.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new area that promises Internet connectivity, transforming everyday
things into connected devices. The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming how individuals interact
with the world around them. The idea of connecting, monitoring, and capturing data from machines
in real-time is conceptualized by the Internet of Things (IoT) based automated data acquisition and
controlling system. The system will use numerous sensors to monitor the condition of machines and
collect process parameters before sending the data to the cloud, where it will be presented.
Wireless data acquisition using open-access software is important these days. Industrial applications
with sensors that collect data solves one of the main issues in today’s world. Easy network access is
the is more practical to be present when a machine product is faulty. It enables manufacturing
processes to become more reliable, efficient, and cost-efficient all this data can be viewed in real
time to optimize efficiency and process automation and control. The system will monitor the
condition of machines from various sensors and capture the parameters, displayed and processed
using IOT framework.

The Internet of Things (IoT) can be divided into three layers. Physical layer, network layer, and
application layer are the three layers. Sensors and actuators, which are often employed for sensing
and actuation, are found in the physical layer. The gateways servers in the network layer collect data
from the physical layer and communicate it through the servers to provide the output. Storage,
processing, analytics, and management models are all part of the application layer. The data acquired
in the first two layers is saved in the cloud, where it is later regulated and managed. These three
layers of IoT architecture enable sensing, analysis, and actuation. We can keep track of the condition
of machines this way.

The data will be stored in the cloud and be accessed easily anywhere, it contains real time exchange
of data digital collaborating and integration.

Key aims and objectives of the project


• Wireless monitoring of electrical equipment condition.

• Predictive Maintenance.
• Globally compatible technology.
• Automate manual processes.
• Automate report generation.


• Monitoring electrical data, current, voltage and losses in different types of circuits and
components like MOSFETs.
• Design a long life and low data cost portable device.
• Design and manufacture a circuit board (PCB).
• Real-time data acquisition logged locally on the device.
• Communicate through cellular network to send recorded data.
• Log data in a database for further analysis.
• Real-time data visualization.
• Create a CAD design for an enclosure.
• 3D print the enclosure that houses the circuit board and other components.

Project initiation: This is the start of the study; a goal is specified, and a general research plan is
outlined. All of the research begins here, as do the goals and objectives. In this phase, the study will
determine whether or not the project is practical and should be pursued.

Background reading and literature review: Investigate and research all relevant resources available
online or in the library to help build a base for the project and help in making decisions about
technologies, protocols, materials, software, and components to be used in the project.

Project planning: This is where the strategy is laid out and established, and the objectives are
extensively examined. The objectives are clearly defined, with ramifications and learning outcomes
taken into account. Specific, quantifiable, achievable, reasonable, and timely goals/objectives are
set. The project's scope is specified at this phase, and a project management plan is created. It
includes determining the cost, quality, resources available, and a realistic timeline. Establishing
baselines or performance benchmarks is also part of the project planning. The scope, timeline, and
cost of a project are used to create these. A baseline is necessary for determining whether or not a
project is on schedule. Getting ready to write the proposal In a Gantt chart, I, work breakdown plan
graphically displays the split of the project into parts to tackle. Milestones must be reached
throughout the project (a visual timeline). A communication strategy is essential because it serves
as a point of contact for the advisor and the student to discuss deliverables and milestones. Finally,
hazards are identified and documented, and a risk assessment and ethics report are prepared.

Submission of the initialization report

Project execution: The deliverables and objectives are defined and accomplished during this phase.
The majority of milestones have been completed and accomplished, and project management
strategies have been implemented. If necessary, the project will be modified.

Design a circuit: Compare components and choose appropriate pieces for the project, beginning
with a low-power microcontroller as the system's brain. The first step is to locate an evaluation
board on which to test the microcontroller's and as well as to set up the software development

Write a firmware that makes the device operate as required: Begin by producing all of the drivers
and start-up code required for the microcontrollers to function, then experiment with operating
modes to optimise deep-sleep vs. run mode, Multimeters were used to measure voltage and
current, and a serial terminal was used to read device logs.

We can now develop the code to pass information to the GPS to memory and then send it to the
cloud via a cellular network, as well as receive configuration and requests from the cloud and have
the device act accordingly, now that we have a fully functional circuit connected on breadboard and
wires. This will be accomplished by using a state machine instead of a multi-thread operating system
to handle operations in a sequential if/else fashion.

Save a local log of measurements: We will need a non-volatile memory to store data that will be
sent to the cloud later. This will be accomplished by connecting an external memory module (i.e.
EEPROM) to the microcontroller on a breadboard and testing the module in software by initialising
the module using I2C, SPI, or other protocols, and if necessary, a logic analyser. Once functionality
is verified, it will then be built into the PCB design.
Design a power management circuit: This will be built with analogue components or PMICs, and
will include a DC-DC conversion stage that will be tested with multi-meter to ensure stable

Integrate a communication module (Cellular/WIFI/BLE): We need to buy an evaluation board and

attach the modem to our microcontroller after we've decided on cellular and GPS technologies and
identified the modem. First, we interface with the modem and test GPS capabilities by creating
code to read and save location. Next, we construct a cloud end point and test cellular
communication by sending and receiving faked data.

Schematic capture and PCB layout: Due to the intricacy of the system, certain components of the
circuit, such as the sensor circuit, will be simulated, while others, such as the microcontroller or
memory chip, will be represented by creating inputs and measuring outputs. The schematic will
subsequently be utilised to construct the PCB layout, which will require careful thought when
putting down regulated impedance and high-speed signal lines.

Create a custom circuit board: Generate all manufacturing files (gerber files, drill files, and bill of
materials) required to construct the PCB, find a manufacturer that fabricates PCBs and assembles
components, the boards must be programmed and tested using a basic boundary scan

Project writing

Create an enclosure for the device (3d printed): Find CAD modelling software, then design a simple
case for the PCB. This may then be exported to an STL file, which can subsequently be 3D printed.

Project closure.

Risk Description of Risk Mitigation of Risk Risk Chance of
evaluation occurring
1 Loss of data Multiple back-ups in multiple locations M L
2 PC/license issues etc. Use university computers for simulation M L
3 Sample rate might Use of external ADC with high sampling M M
not be sufficient for rate instead of the internal ADC in the
use case MCU
4 First iteration of PCB Manufacture the first prototype with H M
might have errors sufficient time to make changes
5 Software libraries Investigate using a cross-platform H H
provided by chip environment with active support and
manufacturers are forums
not verified
6 Shortage of Verify availability at suppliers at an early H H
components in the stage of design
7 Calibration offset of Provide a process to verify calibration L L
8 Not enough time to Assessment of tasks needs to be a M M
complete the project continuous process any issues need to
be communicated
9 High costs Investigate alternative methods to M M
reduce costs (e.g. breadboard instead of
a PCB)

The training undertaken comes from my bachelor’s degree and the work I have done throughout
the years. I have done two main projects throughout my practice the “KINDUS project” in my
second year and my third-year dissertation “Vitals monitoring”, where most of the training and
skills were gained, such as coding, simulation and designing a circuit that will read various sensors.
the main modules that helped me are:
- Electrical Systems and the information obtained from electrical energy sources and distribution system
modelling and closed-loop control, single and three phase circuit analysis.

- Electronic systems, the information obtained from topics like digital electronics (counter, FSM), Power
electronics (regulators) and analogue electronics (amplifiers, Op-amp) all played an important part to prepare
me for my Masters degree project.

I enrolled in two extra online courses outside my university that helped me polish my electronic
design skills. The courses were offered by a well-known platform called Udemy where I enrolled in
“Altium designer” course and “Arm Mbed OS” course, below the certificate is attached. I learned to
produce a schematic capture and a PCB layout. A schematic editor can now record the same circuit
that was designed on a breadboard/evaluation kit using Altium Designer well-known and widely
used CAD programme for schematic design and PCB layout. The developed schematic would then
be used for PCB layout design, where regulated impedance traces and high-speed signal traces
must be laid out with care. I am now able to draw schematic, create schematic symbol and
footprint libraries, route my PCB and do a layout and generate the essential documents needed to
manufacture my desired PCB, I attached a picture of my project last year. Mbed is used for
programming, Mbed is a platform and operating system for internet-connected devices based on
32-bit ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. Such devices are also known as Internet of Things devices.

During last summer I have been training to use CAD modelling to create an enclosure for the device
in Solidworks, then 3D-print the model to mount electronics inside

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