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MATH 201





APRIL 04, 2024

The survival of any human being in this competitive world is

impossible without the knowledge and skill in Mathematics because it

plays a vital role in everyday life. Mathematics is one subject that

affects all aspects of human life at different levels (Enu, JA, Agyman,

OK, and Nkum, D.). A study by Sa’ad, TU, Adamu, A, and Sadiq, AM,

claimed that both education and human life do not effectively function

without the knowledge of Mathematics. That is why Mathematics is

one of the leading core subjects in the secondary schools’ curriculum.

There would be no disciplines at all without it. It is used in the

scientific domains of biology, chemistry, and physics. It also a key role

in business analytics and statistics in commerce accounting.

Mathematics has a significant impact on our daily life. It is always

present, no matter where we are or what we are doing.

This term paper explores the enormous benefits of Mathematics

education in the Philippines, identifying the primary roadblocks to

advancement, evaluating current theories and methods, and

formulating long-term solutions to deal with this pressing problem.

The main challenges the Philippines faces in improving Math

instruction at the elementary and secondary levels will be briefly

discussed, along with how the country's Math education compares to

other countries in the region or the world, what plans and policies the

Philippine government has implemented to raise the standard of Math

instruction and what progress has been made in this area, the impact

that educators have on the quality of Math instruction in the country,

and what support they require,the ways in which cultural factors

influence students' perceptions of Math, strategies for encouraging

students to have a more positive outlook, the long-term consequences

of providing Filipino students with a strong or weak foundation in

math, particularly with regard to their future academic and career

prospects, and whether socioeconomic disparities have an impact on

the accessibility of high-quality math instruction.

The Philippine government has implemented several initiatives

and programs aimed at enhancing math education outcomes. These

efforts primarily focus on improving curriculum standards, teacher

training, and providing resources for both educators and students.

The K to 12 curriculum aimed to improve the quality of basic

education by enhancing the curriculum, particularly in math and

science subjects. This program added two years to the basic education

cycle, allowing for a more in-depth coverage of math concepts. To

provides professional development opportunities for math teachers

and promotes innovative teaching methods to make math more

engaging for students Mathematics Enhancement Program (MEP) is a

implemented to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics in

Philippine public schools.

The effectiveness of implementation, resource allocation, and

socioeconomic disparities are some of the elements that may affect

how these initiatives affect math education outcomes in the

Philippines. Even while there might have been some progress in some

areas, there might still be issues to be resolved, such making sure

that all communities and regions have equal access to high-quality

math education. Continuous observation and assessment of these

programs are necessary to determine their efficacy and pinpoint areas

in need of development.

The Philippines faces several challenges that requires

comprehensive reforms, including improving teacher training and

retention. The quality of instruction is being impacted by the lack of

qualified math teachers, especially in rural areas. Inadequate

textbooks, technology, and instructional materials in classrooms can

cause extreme distress on the students and teachers which makes it

difficult to conduct effective teaching and learning, they are unable to

learn to their fullest potential because they are not being given the

proper resources . It can be difficult yet necessary to make sure that

the math curriculum emphasizes the development of critical thinking

and problem-solving skills while adhering to international standards.If

children speak a local dialect at home, they may find it difficult to

understand arithmetic ideas taught in English, the language of

instruction, in particular places. Negative attitudes about arithmetic:

A lot of parents and students see math negatively, believing it to be

irrelevant or difficult, which can lower motivation and engagement


DepEd is aware of how critical it is to solve problems and gaps

in order to provide basic education of the highest caliber. In 2018, the

Philippines took part in the Programme for International Student

Assessment (PISA) for the first time. Out of 79 participating nations

and economies, the Philippines ranked lowest in reading and second

to last in science and mathematics. PISA results also take into

account how well students performed on the National Achievement

Test. The department said that it will implement the "Sulong

EduKalidad," which entails changes in four important areas, in order

to achieve high-quality basic education (1)K to 12 review and

updating,(2)Improvement of learning facilities, (3) Teachers and school

heads’ upskilling and reskilling through a transformed professional

development program and (4) Engagement of all stakeholders for

support and collaboration. It envision that no Filipino learners should

be left behind and it takes a nation to educate a child. Hence, DepEd

calls the entire nation to take active involvement, cooperation, and

collaboration in advancing the quality of basic education in the


Unfortunately, while implementing “Sulong EduKalidad”

another disaster struck the world where there was no other choice but

to have Modular Distance Learning (MDL). It is a way of learning in

the Philippines' basic education that allows students to access printed

self-learning modules (SLM) and modules that can be accessed

digitally or via electronic devices such as laptops, computers, tablets,

and smartphones. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the

current education crisis and widened the learning gap in mathematics

among young students (Sooknanan & Seemungal, 2023). The

situation has led to a decline in math learning, as students may need

more remediation to progress to new lessons, leading to learning gaps

(Torres, 2021). The COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact

on educational systems around the world, including in the Philippines.

It has made already-existing arithmetic learning disparities worse and

presented additional difficulties for educators, students, and

politicians. Introduction: In Mathematics, introduction learning gaps

are differences in students' math knowledge and skills that are

frequently caused by unequal access to resources, high-quality

education, and encouraging learning settings.

The pandemic made it difficult for the teachers to educate and

not only solve arithmetic problems but to impart moral principles like

societal responsibility. Being intelligent in numbers alone is

insufficient; one must also apply intelligence to advance society. After

the epidemic, teaching Mathematics to sixth-graders might pose a

number of difficulties. Following the epidemic, some typical issues

with teaching arithmetic to the learners of Colunguan Elementary

School, students have suffered significant learning loss as a result of

the pandemic's disruptions. There could have been major gaps in

their understanding as a result of their lack of exposure to essential

Mathematics teaching, practice, and reinforcement. Inequalities in

resource availability have been brought to light by the epidemic;

certain pupils have greater access to technology, internet connectivity,

and supplemental educational materials than others. Students'

capacity to interact equally with mathematics may be impacted by this


Returning to in-person instruction after an extended time of

remote or hybrid learning may prove to be difficult. The regularity and

structure of in-person instruction may take some getting used to for

students, which could affect their focus and ability to pay attention in

class.The epidemic has had a significant negative influence on

students' emotional health, as evidenced by rising stress and anxiety

levels and falling interest in math and other disciplines. The uneven

effects of the epidemic on individual children mean that teachers must

deal with kids who have different learning styles and degrees of

arithmetic comprehension in the same classroom. After the disruption

caused by the epidemic, it can be harder to keep kids motivated and

involved in the classroom.

It has become increasingly challenging to identify and address

each student's individual requirements in the wake of the pandemic.

Some students require more support and direction in order to fill up

the knowledge gaps and regain confidence in their arithmetic ability.

Teachers will need to combine remedial support, social-emotional

learning tactics, creative teaching techniques, and personalized

instruction to help grade 6 pupils improve their arithmetic skills and

make the transition back to a regular school setting. It will be

essential to be flexible, patient, and empathetic in order to meet

students where they are in their learning process.

Due to the unprecedented challenges that learners have

encountered in math, it's critical to move past any possible negative

effects on their academic achievement. Instead, use this experience as

motivation to close the learning gap and enhance the way that

educators instruct and are instructed in mathematics. Instructors will

adjust their strategies to provide resources and assistance that are

especially suited to the unique difficulties that students have faced

during this time. It will use innovative teaching techniques, provide

each student individualized attention, and place a strong emphasis on

resilience development to help students overcome any challenges and

excel in their mathematics education. Use this to your advantage by

seeing the outbreak as an opportunity to evaluate and enhance your

teaching methods rather than as an insurmountable barrier.Make the

most of this challenging period to encourage children to enhance and

progress their mathematical skills by offering assistance and fostering

a positive learning atmosphere.

While some kids may find arithmetic difficult at first, with the

correct approach and the support that the teacher will offer, it can be

made into an approachable and fun subject. Encouraging students to

understand and study arithmetic is a major responsibility as a teacher

to make sure all learners may overcome the dyscalcula or fear/notion

about the subject. Make sure to assist students in developing a

positive attitude toward the subject by fostering a friendly and

encouraging learning environment, demystifying difficult topics,

offering examples from real life, and accommodating various learning


Students' learning can be revolutionized by using game-based

training, which makes math an interesting and fun topic. Students

forget that math is a tough topic by introducing play components like

math-based games and interactive activities. Instruction that is based

on games offers a special chance to foster enthusiasm and curiosity

about math. In order to promote a positive attitude and dispel

arithmetic anxiety, urge students to engage with concepts in a

pleasant and absorbing manner. Students learned fundamental

mathematical concepts while having fun and feeling accomplished

with the help of game-based learning. Students developed a fresh

appreciation for arithmetic and gave the confidence to take on new

challenges by incorporating competitiveness and humor into the

teaching process.

Research in the Philippines has provided valuable insights into

the effectiveness of various math education strategies and highlighted

areas for improvement, such as the need for culturally relevant

instruction, teacher support, technology integration, and assessment

reform. Future efforts should continue to build on this research base

to enhance mathematics education and promote equitable learning

opportunities for all students.research in the Philippines has provided

valuable insights into the effectiveness of various math education

strategies and highlighted areas for improvement, such as the need for

culturally relevant instruction, teacher support, technology integration,

and assessment reform. Future efforts should continue to build on

this research base to enhance mathematics education and promote

equitable learning opportunities for all students.

Research in the Philippines has shed light on the effectiveness

of various math education systems and indicated areas for

development, including the need for culturally relevant instruction,

teacher support, technological integration, and assessment reform.

Future initiatives should build on this findings to improve

mathematics instruction and provide fair learning opportunities for all

pupils. Research in the Philippines has shed light on the efficacy of

various math education systems while also identifying areas for

improvement, such as the need for culturally relevant training,

teacher support, technology integration, and assessment reform.

Future initiatives should build on these findings to improve

mathematics education and ensure equitable learning opportunities

for all children.

To those aspiring to become a teacher out there, although

teaching is a great vocation, there are difficulties in the field. Some

teachers had a lot of bad experiences as a teacher, which have put

their tolerance, fortitude, and love of learning to the test. Nevertheless,

they managed to turn their experiences into a source of inspiration

rather than letting them break their heart. Obstacles and issues

provide strong incentive to bring about constructive change and

enhance the educational system. They wouldn't be able to recognize

and properly enjoy our accomplishments without it.

Teachers’ living legacy are the learners. Teachers positively

influence one student's life via instruction, mentorship, and support,

that student may go on to positively influence others in the future.

Changing the world for one person has the inherent potential to

change the world through that person's actions and influence, as

reflected by the pay-it-forward notion. They comprehend the

cascading impacts that can occur when it recognize the enormous

potential to alter the life of a one person. These perspective motivates

the teachers to make important and enduring contributions to the

lives of others, knowing that these good deeds can resonate and

resound globally, eventually changing the world.


PISA 2018., “Programme for International Students Assessment

Philippine”., Country Report Word Bank.June 2020.


Sa’ad, TU, Adamu, A, and Sadiq, AM. The causes of poor performance

in mathematics among public senior secondary school students in

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Front.Appl. Math.Stat., 23 April 2021 Sec. Mathematics of

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Enu, JA, Agyman, OK, and Nkum, D. Factors influencing students’

mathematics performance in some selected colleges of education in

Ghana. Int J Edu Learn Develop (2015).

Ali, HH, and Jameel, HT. Causes of poor performance in mathematics

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International Journal of Educational Management and Development

Studies Volume 4 Issue 1 March 2023

International Journal of Arts and Social Science (IJASS) ISSN: 2581-

7922, Volume 5 Issue 2, Page 110-123, February 2022



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