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Table of Contents

Hydrogen Electrolyzer................................................................................................................................ 2
What is Hydrogen Electrolyzer Technology? ........................................................................................... 2
What is Electrolyzer? ............................................................................................................................. 2
What is the main process? .......................................................................................................................... 2
What is necessarily required for the process? .......................................................................................... 3
What electrolytes and catalysts are used for such a purpose? ................................................................ 4
What is the general Process Flow? ............................................................................................................ 5
What are the general Assumptions?.......................................................................................................... 5
General Energy Balance ............................................................................................................................. 6
Energy balance for a typical hydrogen generation system using a Cummins hydrogen generator .... 7
Process flow for proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer used in Cummins hydrogen
generator ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
How the collected Hydrogen is purified? .................................................................................................. 9
Process Diagram........................................................................................................................................ 10
Single Line Diagram (SLD) for 10MW power Transmission in general ............................................. 11
Activities and Elements ........................................................................................................................ 11
10MW of Power generated by Hydrogen Electrolyzer can be used in what ways? ........................ 12
An infrastructure for this Sell electricity back to the grid ............................................................ 13
A process flow diagram for a hydrogen electrolyzer system that is similar to the Cummins
hydrogen generator................................................................................................................................... 14
How the hydrogen gas is fed into a fuel cell to generate electricity? .................................................... 15
Whole-Sum Summary .............................................................................................................................. 16
References:................................................................................................................................................. 17
Useful Links ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Hydrogen Electrolyzer

What is Hydrogen Electrolyzer Technology?

Hydrogen electrolyzer technology is a process that involves splitting water (H2O) into its
constituent elements, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), using an electrolytic cell. According to
Murthy et al. (2011), this process can be achieved through the use of an electrolytic cell, which
consists of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, separated by an electrolyte. Wang et al.
(2015) noted that the anode and cathode are connected to a power source that delivers an
electrical current to the cell. When the electric current is applied to the electrodes, hydrogen ions
(H+) are attracted to the cathode, where they react with electrons (e-) from the electric current to
form hydrogen gas. At the same time, oxygen ions (O2-) are attracted to the anode, where they
react with the electrons to form oxygen gas. This process of electrolysis has been extensively
studied, and the mechanism by which it occurs has been well-established. Gao et al. (2019)
further note that there are various types of electrolysis methods, including alkaline water
electrolysis, PEM water electrolysis, and hybrid water electrolysis, each with unique advantages
and disadvantages.

What is Electrolyzer?
The word "electrolyzer" is a noun that refers to a device that uses electricity to break down a
chemical compound through the process of electrolysis. In the case of a hydrogen electrolyzer,
the device splits water (H2O) into its component elements of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2)
using an electric current. The term "electrolyzer" is also sometimes used interchangeably with
the term "electrolytic cell," which is the apparatus in which the electrolysis reaction takes place.
Electrolyzers can come in different forms, including alkaline electrolyzers, polymer electrolyte
membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, and solid oxide electrolyzers.

What is the main process?

The main process for a hydrogen electrolyzer involves the use of an electrolytic cell, which is a
device that splits water into its component elements of hydrogen and oxygen using an electric
current. The basic process for a hydrogen electrolyzer involves the following steps:
1. Water is fed into the electrolytic cell, which contains two electrodes (an anode and a
cathode) separated by an electrolyte.
2. An electric current is passed through the electrodes, which causes the water to split into
its component elements of hydrogen and oxygen.
3. At the cathode, the electric current causes water molecules to split into hydrogen ions
(H+) and electrons (e-).
4. The hydrogen ions migrate through the electrolyte and react with the electrons at the
cathode to form hydrogen gas (H2).
5. At the anode, the electric current causes water molecules to split into oxygen ions (O2-)
and protons (H+).
6. The oxygen ions migrate through the electrolyte and react with the protons at the anode
to form oxygen gas (O2).
7. The hydrogen and oxygen gases are then separated and collected.

The efficiency and performance of a hydrogen electrolyzer depend on several factors, including
the type of electrolyzer used, the voltage applied to the cell, the temperature and pressure of the
cell, and the purity of the water and electrolyte used.

What is necessarily required for the process?

The process of hydrogen electrolysis requires several key components and conditions to be

 Electrolytic cell: An electrolytic cell is required to conduct the electrolysis reaction. The
cell contains two electrodes (an anode and a cathode) that are separated by an electrolyte.
 Electrical power source: An electrical power source is needed to provide the electric
current that drives the electrolysis reaction. The power source must be able to provide a
specific voltage and current to the electrolytic cell.
 Pure water: Pure water is necessary for the electrolysis process. Any impurities in the
water can interfere with the reaction or cause unwanted side reactions.
 Electrolyte: An electrolyte is needed to conduct the electric current between the
electrodes. The electrolyte can be liquid or solid, and it must be chosen carefully to
ensure that it does not interfere with hydrogen production or cause unwanted reactions.
 Proper temperature and pressure: The electrolysis process is temperature and pressure
dependent. The temperature and pressure must be maintained at specific levels to ensure
that the reaction proceeds efficiently and without unwanted side reactions.
 Catalysts: Catalysts can be added to the electrodes to improve the efficiency of the
electrolysis reaction. The catalysts help to reduce the energy required for the reaction and
improve the speed and selectivity of the hydrogen production.

Overall, the successful operation of a hydrogen electrolyzer requires careful attention to these
key components and conditions.

What electrolytes and catalysts are used for such a purpose?

The choice of electrolyte and catalysts for a hydrogen electrolyzer depends on the specific type of
electrolyzer and the conditions under which it will be operated. Here are some examples:

 Alkaline electrolyzers: Alkaline electrolyzers use a liquid electrolyte consisting of

potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The electrolyte must be
highly conductive and have a high pH to ensure that the reaction proceeds efficiently. In
alkaline electrolyzers, the catalysts used are typically nickel or nickel oxide.
 Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers: PEM electrolyzers use a solid
polymer electrolyte membrane that conducts protons between the electrodes. The
electrolyte membrane is typically made of a perfluorinated sulfonic acid polymer, such as
Nafion. In PEM electrolyzers, the catalysts used are typically platinum or other noble
 Solid oxide electrolyzers: Solid oxide electrolyzers use a solid electrolyte, typically
made of a ceramic material such as yttria-stabilized zirconia. The solid electrolyte
conducts oxygen ions between the electrodes. In solid oxide electrolyzers, the catalysts
used are typically based on nickel or other metals.

In addition to these examples, many other electrolyte and catalyst combinations can be used in
hydrogen electrolyzers, depending on the specific application and requirements. The choice of
electrolyte and catalysts can have a significant impact on the performance, efficiency, and cost of
the electrolyzer.
What is the general Process Flow?
The process flow and diagram for a hydrogen electrolyzer can vary depending on the specific
type of electrolyzer and the conditions under which it is operated. However, here is a basic
process flow and diagram for a typical alkaline electrolyzer:

Process Flow:

 Water is fed into the electrolyzer and flows over the anode and cathode.
 A direct current (DC) power source is used to supply electricity to the electrodes.
 The electrical current causes water to split into hydrogen and oxygen at the anode and
cathode, respectively.
 The hydrogen gas is collected at the cathode, while the oxygen gas is collected at the
 The collected hydrogen gas is then purified and compressed for use in fuel cell
applications or other industrial processes.

What are the general Assumptions?

Assumptions for the hydrogen electrolyzer process can vary depending on the specific system
being considered. However, here are some common assumptions that may be made when
modeling or analyzing the process:

 Perfect mixing: It may be assumed that the electrolyte and water are perfectly mixed so
that the concentration of ions is constant throughout the electrolytic cell.
 Ideal gas behavior: It may be assumed that the hydrogen and oxygen gases behave as
ideal gases so that their volume and pressure can be calculated using the ideal gas law.
 Constant temperature and pressure: It may be assumed that the temperature and
pressure are constant throughout the electrolyzer cell and that there are no significant
variations or gradients.
 High purity of feedwater: It may be assumed that the feedwater is of high purity and
free from impurities that could interfere with the reaction or cause unwanted side
 No leaks or losses: It may be assumed that there are no leaks or losses of hydrogen or
oxygen gas during the electrolysis process.
 Perfect catalytic efficiency: It may be assumed that the catalysts used in the electrolyzer
are perfectly efficient and do not degrade over time.

These assumptions can simplify the analysis of the hydrogen electrolyzer process, but it is
important to note that in reality, there may be deviations from these assumptions that can affect
the performance and efficiency of the electrolyzer.

General Energy Balance

The basic energy balance for a hydrogen electrolyzer involves accounting for the energy inputs
required to drive the electrolysis reaction and the energy outputs in the form of hydrogen gas.
Here is a simplified energy balance:

Energy Input:

 Electrical energy is supplied to the electrolyzer cell to drive the reaction

 Heat losses due to inefficiencies in the system (e.g., resistance losses in the electrolyte,
heat losses from the electrodes)

Energy Output:

 Chemical energy stored in the hydrogen gas produced by the reaction

Overall Energy Balance:

 The basic energy balance for a hydrogen electrolyzer involves accounting for the energy
inputs required to drive the electrolysis reaction and the energy outputs in the form of
hydrogen gas (Gao et al., 2019).
 The energy input required to produce a certain amount of hydrogen gas must be equal to
or less than the energy output from that same amount of hydrogen gas (Wang et al.,
 In practice, the energy balance for a hydrogen electrolyzer is more complex than this
simple example, as it may involve multiple stages of electrolysis, heat recovery and
management, and other system considerations (Murthy et al., 2011).
 However, the basic concept of balancing the energy inputs and outputs remains the same
(Al-Karaghouli and Rosen, 2011).

For example, if an electrolyzer requires 50 kWh of electrical energy to produce 1 kg of hydrogen

gas, and that hydrogen gas contains 141.8 MJ of chemical energy, the energy efficiency of the
electrolyzer would be:

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 =
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡

= (141.8 𝑀𝐽/1 𝑘𝑔 𝐻2)/ (50 𝑘𝑊ℎ/1 𝑘𝑔 𝐻2)

= 56.7%

Energy balance for a typical hydrogen generation system using a

Cummins hydrogen generator
An overview of the energy balance for a typical hydrogen generation system using a Cummins
hydrogen generator:

Energy Input:

Electrical energy from an external power source drives the electrolysis reaction

The heat energy to maintain the operating temperature of the system

Energy Output:

Chemical energy stored in the hydrogen gas produced by the reaction

Energy losses:

Joule heating losses in the electrolyzer cell due to the resistance of the electrolyte and the

Heat losses due to thermal radiation and convection from the electrolyzer cell and other system

The Cummins hydrogen generator typically uses a proton exchange membrane (PEM)
electrolyzer to produce hydrogen gas. The PEM electrolyzer requires an external DC power
source, which can be supplied by a grid connection or renewable energy source such as solar or
wind power. The operating temperature of the PEM electrolyzer is typically around 70-90 °C,
which requires a source of heat energy such as an electric heater or waste heat recovery system.

The overall energy efficiency of a Cummins hydrogen generator system depends on several
factors, including the efficiency of the PEM electrolyzer, the efficiency of the power supply, and
the efficiency of the heat management system. In general, PEM electrolyzers have an efficiency
of around 70-80%, meaning that for every 1 kWh of electrical energy input, approximately 0.7-
0.8 kWh of chemical energy is stored in the hydrogen gas output.

In addition to the energy inputs and outputs, the system also requires water as a feedstock, which
must be of sufficient purity to avoid contaminating the electrolyzer cell and causing unwanted
side reactions. The hydrogen gas output must also be purified to remove any impurities or
byproducts of the electrolysis reaction before it can be used as a fuel or energy source.

Process flow for proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer

used in Cummins hydrogen generator
The process flow of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer can be summarized as

1. Water treatment: The feed water is typically treated to remove impurities and ensure
high purity water is fed to the electrolyzer cell.
2. Electrolyzer cell: The PEM electrolyzer cell splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen
gases using an external power source and catalysts.
3. Hydrogen purification: The hydrogen gas produced at the anode is collected and
purified to remove any impurities or byproducts of the electrolysis reaction, such as
oxygen, moisture, or carbon dioxide.
4. Hydrogen storage: The purified hydrogen gas is typically stored in pressurized tanks or
cylinders for use as a fuel or energy source.
5. Fuel cell or other application: The stored hydrogen gas can be used as a fuel for a
variety of applications, such as fuel cells, combustion engines, or industrial processes.
6. Oxygen venting or capture: The oxygen gas produced at the cathode is typically vented
to the atmosphere, although it may be captured for use in other applications, such as
medical or industrial processes.
7. Waste heat recovery: Waste heat generated during the electrolysis reaction can be
recovered and used to maintain the operating temperature of the system, reducing energy
consumption and operating costs.

Throughout this process, the operating temperature and pressure of the electrolyzer cell are
maintained within a specified range to optimize the efficiency of the electrolysis reaction. Heat
management systems may be used to recover waste heat and maintain the operating temperature,
while pressure management systems control the pressure of the electrolyzer cell to ensure
optimal gas production and purity.

Overall, the PEM electrolyzer process flow is designed to split water into hydrogen and oxygen
gases using an external power source and catalysts, with a focus on high efficiency, low
operating costs, and minimal environmental impact.

How the collected Hydrogen is purified?

After hydrogen is generated by an electrolyzer, it typically requires purification before it can be
used in various industrial or energy applications. The purification process involves removing
impurities such as water, oxygen, and other gases.

There are several methods used for purifying hydrogen, including:

1. Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) - This method involves compressing the hydrogen
gas and passing it through a bed of adsorbent material, which selectively removes
impurities. The purified hydrogen is then released at a lower pressure.
2. Membrane Separation - In this method, a semi-permeable membrane is used to
selectively separate hydrogen from other gases based on their molecular size and
properties. The impurities are removed, and the purified hydrogen is collected.
3. Cryogenic Separation - This method involves cooling the hydrogen gas to a very low
temperature, causing impurities to freeze and separate from the hydrogen gas. The
purified hydrogen is then collected and warmed up to room temperature.
4. Palladium Diffusion - This method uses a palladium membrane to selectively allow only
hydrogen molecules to pass through while blocking other gases. The impurities are
removed, and the purified hydrogen is collected.

The specific purification method used will depend on the purity requirements and the intended
use of the hydrogen gas.

Process Diagram
Single Line Diagram (SLD) for 10MW power Transmission in

Activities and Elements

10 MW Electrical Input → Main Electrical Substation → Transformers→ Primary
Transmission line → Receiving station→ Secondary Transmission → Medium Voltage
Switchgear → Sub station → Low Voltage Switchgear → End User Equipment.

An example breakdown of power for each step in the distribution process:

 10 MW Electrical Input from Hydrogen Electrolyzer unit which will be further

 Main Electrical Substation: Assume a step-up transformer increases voltage to 132kV
for transmission to the distribution network. Assuming 2% losses, this step would result
in a power output of 9.8 MW.
 Transformers: Assuming 98% efficiency, each transformer (step-down) could output
around 9.6 MW.
 Medium Voltage Switchgear: Assume a step-down transformer reduces voltage to 11
kV, with 1% losses, resulting in an output of 9.4 MW.
 Low Voltage Switchgear: Assume a further step-down transformer reduces voltage to
415 V for distribution to end-user equipment, with 1% losses, resulting in an output of
9.2 MW.
 End User Equipment: The final 9.2 MW of power would be distributed to various end-
user equipment, such as lighting, motors, or HVAC systems. The distribution of power
among these end uses would depend on the specific needs and usage patterns of the
facility or system.

10MW of Power generated by Hydrogen Electrolyzer can be used in what

There are a few different options for using or delivering the 10MW of power stored from a
hydrogen electrolyzer process. Here are a few possibilities:

 Sell electricity back to the grid: If you have the infrastructure in place to connect your
hydrogen electrolyzer system to the local power grid, you may be able to sell the
electricity you generate back to the utility company. This can be done through a process
called net metering, which allows you to receive credit for the excess electricity you
generate and feed back into the grid. However, there may be some losses associated with
the transmission and distribution of electricity over the grid, which can vary depending
on the distance between your system and the end user.
 Use the power onsite: If you have a facility or operation that requires electricity, you
could use the power generated by your hydrogen electrolyzer system onsite. This could
involve directly connecting your system to your facility's electrical system, or using
batteries or other energy storage systems to store the electricity for later use. In this case,
you would need to carefully manage the power output of your system to ensure that it
meets your facility's needs without overloading the system or causing other issues.
 Transport the hydrogen: If you are generating hydrogen as a byproduct of your
electrolyzer process, you could potentially transport the hydrogen to end users who need
it for fuel or other purposes. This would involve compressing the hydrogen and storing it
in tanks for transportation, and then using a separate system to extract the energy from
the hydrogen at the end user's location. This process can be quite complex and may
involve significant losses due to the compression and transportation of the hydrogen.

In terms of power losses, the amount will depend on the specific system you are using and the
method of delivery or use. For example, if you are using batteries to store and deliver the power,
you can expect some losses due to the conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy and
back again. Similarly, if you are transporting hydrogen, there may be losses due to compression
and other factors. It's important to carefully evaluate your system and calculate the potential
losses to ensure that you are delivering the maximum amount of usable power to your end users.

An infrastructure for this Sell electricity back to the grid

To sell electricity back to the grid, you will need to have infrastructure in place that allows you
to connect your hydrogen electrolyzer system to the local power grid. Here are some key
components of that infrastructure with power loss can given as:

Sure, here are the estimated power losses for each step:

 Step-1 Hydrogen Electrolyzer: The efficiency of a typical hydrogen electrolyzer system

is around 60-70%. This means that 30-40% of the electrical energy supplied to the system
is lost as heat or other forms of energy. For example, if you have a 10 MW hydrogen
electrolyzer, you can expect to lose around 3-4 MW of electrical energy as heat or other
forms of energy.
 Step-2 Inverter: The efficiency of a typical inverter is around 95-98%. This means that 2-
5% of the electrical energy is lost as heat or other forms of energy. For example, if you
have a 10 MW hydrogen electrolyzer, you can expect to lose around 0.2-0.5 MW of
electrical energy as heat or other forms of energy when converting the DC power
generated by the electrolyzer to AC power.
 Step-3 Metering Equipment: Modern metering equipment has a high accuracy rate,
typically around 0.5-1%. This means that there is minimal power loss at this stage.
 Step-4 Interconnection Equipment: The efficiency of interconnection equipment is
typically around 99-99.5%. This means that there is minimal power loss at this stage.
 Step-5 Grid Connection: The efficiency of the grid varies depending on a variety of
factors, but it is typically around 95-98%. This means that 2-5% of the electrical energy
is lost as heat or other forms of energy when the electricity is transmitted through the
 Step-6 Contracts and Agreements: There is no power loss at this stage.
 Step-7 Monitoring and Control: There is no power loss at this stage.

Please note that these are rough estimates and the actual power loss may vary depending on the
specific components and conditions of the system.
Assuming a 10 MW hydrogen electrolyzer with an efficiency of 60%, the system would be able
to generate around 6 MW of electrical power. If the inverter has an efficiency of 98%, this would
result in around 5.88 MW of AC power being generated.

Assuming there is no significant loss in the metering equipment and interconnection equipment,
and the grid has an efficiency of 95%, the amount of power delivered to the grid would be
approximately 5.59 MW.

Once we have power connected to grid station, we can follow that Single line genera
diagram to supply this power to end user.

A process flow diagram for a hydrogen electrolyzer system that is

similar to the Cummins hydrogen generator
How the hydrogen gas is fed into a fuel cell to generate electricity?
Hydrogen gas can be fed into a fuel cell to generate electricity through a process called
electrochemical reaction. Here are the basic steps involved:

1. The purified and compressed hydrogen gas is fed into the anode (negative electrode) of
the fuel cell.
2. At the anode, the hydrogen molecules are separated into protons and electrons through a
process called oxidation. The protons pass through a proton exchange membrane (PEM)
to the cathode (positive electrode), while the electrons flow through an external circuit,
generating an electrical current that can be used for power.
3. At the cathode, the protons and electrons recombine with oxygen molecules from the air
that enters the cathode. This reaction produces water vapor and heat as byproducts.
4. The water vapor and heat are released as waste products, and the electrical current
generated by the flow of electrons can be used to power electric vehicles or other

The overall reaction can be represented by the following chemical equation:

2𝐻2 (ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑛) + 𝑂2 (𝑜𝑥𝑦𝑔𝑒𝑛) −> 2𝐻2𝑂 (𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟) + 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦

The process of feeding hydrogen gas into a fuel cell to generate electricity is a clean and efficient
way of producing electrical power. It has many applications, such as powering electric vehicles,
backup power systems, and distributed power generation.

Whole-Sum Summary
The hydrogen electrolyzer process involves the use of an electrolyzer system to split water into
hydrogen and oxygen gas using an electric current. The hydrogen gas is then purified and
compressed for later use as fuel. The purified hydrogen gas is fed into a fuel cell to generate
electricity through an electrochemical reaction.

Energy balance is an important consideration in the hydrogen electrolyzer process. The energy
required for the electrolysis process comes from an external power source, which can be
renewable or non-renewable. The energy efficiency of the electrolysis process depends on the
efficiency of the electrolyzer system, the purity of the water, and the level of compression of the
hydrogen gas.

Assumptions in the hydrogen electrolyzer process include the availability of a reliable and low-
cost power source, as well as the availability of sufficient water resources for the electrolysis

The process flow diagram for a hydrogen electrolyzer system typically includes water filtration,
electrolysis, hydrogen purification, compression, and storage, as well as the use of the hydrogen
gas in a fuel cell to generate electricity.

The Cummins hydrogen generator system is a type of hydrogen electrolyzer system that uses
proton exchange membrane (PEM) technology to produce hydrogen gas through the electrolysis
of water. The Cummins system is known for its high efficiency, reliability, and ease of use.

Compared to a typical hydrogen electrolyzer system, the Cummins hydrogen generator system is
more compact and requires less maintenance. It is also more energy-efficient, with a lower
energy consumption per unit of hydrogen produced. However, the Cummins system may have a
higher initial cost compared to other hydrogen electrolyzer systems
 Gao, X., et al. (2019). Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis: A Review of Alkaline
Water Electrolysis, PEM Water Electrolysis and Hybrid Water Electrolysis. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
 Wang, K., et al. (2015). Energy Analysis of Hydrogen Production via Water Electrolysis.
Energy Conversion and Management.
 Murthy, S., et al. (2011). Energy Efficiency of Hydrogen Production by Alkaline Water
Electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
 Al-Karaghouli, A., & Rosen, M. A. (2011). Thermodynamic and Energy Efficiency
Analysis of a PEM Electrolyzer for Hydrogen Production. International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy.

Useful Links
(89) The Hydrogen Electrolyser - YouTube

(89) Grey to Green Hydrogen with Cummins - YouTube

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