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1. Buatlah dialog yang berisi ‘Greeting’ dengan tema perpustakaan.

Rani : (Entering the library, sees her friend at a table) "Hi, Maya! What are
you reading today?"

Maya : (Looks up from her book and smiles) "Hey, Rani! I'm just diving
into this new mystery novel. How about you?"

Rani : (Walks over to Maya's table) "Sounds intriguing! I'm actually here to
return some books and pick up a few more for my research paper. Have you
seen the librarian around?"

Maya : (Nods) "Yeah, she's at the front desk. Why, do you need anything?"

Rani: (Grabs the books from her bag) "Just need to drop these off and maybe
ask for recommendations. I'm feeling like exploring some non-fiction this

Maya : (Points towards the front desk) "Well, there she is. Let's go say hi."

Rani : (Approaching the librarian) "Hi, Mrs. Thompson! Busy day at the

Mrs. Thompson : (Looks up with a warm smile) "Hello, Rani! Not too busy
yet. How can I assist you today?"

Rani : (Hands over the books) "Just returning these, and I was wondering if
you have any recommendations on books about ancient civilizations?"

Mrs. Thompson : (Nods thoughtfully) "Certainly! Let me check our catalog

for you."

Maya : (Joins in) "While you're at it, Mrs. Thompson, do you have any
suggestions for historical fiction set in the Victorian era?"
Mrs. Thompson : (Jots down some titles) "Of course, Maya. Here are a few
options for both of you. Let me know if you need any further assistance."

Rani : "Thank you so much, Mrs. Thompson! These look perfect."

Maya : "Yes, thank you! I can't wait to start reading."

Mrs. Thompson : "You're welcome, girls. Enjoy your reading, and don't
hesitate to ask if you need anything else."

Rani : (Walking away with Maya) "I love coming to the library. It's like
entering a treasure trove of knowledge."

Maya : "Absolutely. And Mrs. Thompson always knows just what to

recommend. Let's find our next adventure in these books!"

Rani : "Yes, let's dive in!"

2. Buatlah dialog yang berisi ‘Introducing yourself’ dengan tema perpustakaan

Nadia : (Approaching someone browsing the shelves) "Hi there, I'm Nadia.
I'm new to this library. Do you mind if I ask where the science section is?"

Evan : (Looks up from the book he's holding and smiles) "Hi Nadia, I'm
Evan. Welcome to the library! Sure, I can show you where the science
section is. Follow me."

Nadia : "Thanks, Evan. I appreciate it. I'm working on a research project

and need to find some books on biology."

Evan : "No problem at all. The science section is right over here. You'll find
plenty of books on biology, ecology, chemistry, and more."
Nadia : (Nods, scanning the shelves) "Wow, there's quite a selection. Do
you have any recommendations for books on evolutionary biology?"

Evan : (Pulling out a book and handing it to her) "This one is a classic. It
covers a wide range of topics within evolutionary biology and is written in
a very accessible way."

Nadia : (Taking the book and flipping through it) "This looks perfect.
Thanks so much, Evan. I'm Nadia, by the way, nice to officially meet you."

Evan : (Shaking her hand) "Nice to meet you too, Nadia. Glad I could help.
If you need any more recommendations or assistance, feel free to ask."

Nadia : "Thanks, Evan. I'll keep that in mind. Happy reading!"

Evan : "You too, Nadia. Enjoy your time at the library!"

3. Buatlah dialog yang berisi ‘Introducing people’ dengan tema perpustakaan.

Rita : "Hi there, may I join you? I'm Rita, and I'm new to this library."

Daniel : "Hello, Rita! I'm Daniel, and these are my friends, Sarah and Adam.
Welcome to the library! Of course, you can join us."

Sarah : "Hi, Rita. Nice to meet you. I'm Sarah."

Adam : "And I'm Adam. Pleasure to meet you, Rita."

Rita : "Likewise, Sarah, Adam. Thanks for being so welcoming. I was

hoping to find some quiet space to work on my assignment."

Daniel : "You're in luck! We were just discussing our own projects. Feel
free to join us. What are you working on?"
Rita : "Thank you. I'm researching for a paper on environmental
sustainability. How about you all?"

Sarah : "I'm working on a presentation about renewable energy sources for

my environmental science class."

Adam : "And I'm diving into some literature on climate change mitigation
strategies for my geography project."

Rita : "Wow, sounds like we're all interested in similar topics. Maybe we
can bounce ideas off each other."

Daniel : "Absolutely! It's great to meet someone with shared interests. The
library is the perfect place for collaboration and knowledge sharing."

Sarah : "Definitely. And with all these resources at our fingertips, I'm sure
we'll find plenty of inspiration for our projects."

Adam : "Here's to productive research sessions and making a positive

impact through our work!"

Rita, Daniel, and Sarah : "Cheers!"

4. Buatlah dialog yang berisi ‘Describing things’ dengan tema perpustakaan.

Tasya : (Examining a book on the display shelf) "Wow, look at this book!
The cover art is absolutely stunning."

Rizky : "What book are you looking at, Tasya?"

Tasya: "It's called 'The Lost Kingdom' by Sarah Richards. The cover has
this intricate illustration of a mystical castle surrounded by fog. It's so
Rizky : "You're right, that's really impressive. It gives off a mysterious vibe,
like there's a whole adventure waiting inside."

Tasya : "Exactly! And the title font has this ancient, almost magical feel to
it. It really sets the tone for the book."

Rizky : "And look at the summary here. It's all about a young archaeologist's
quest to uncover the secrets of an ancient civilization. Sounds like an
exciting read."

Tasya : "Yes, I read a review of it online. It's supposed to be full of twists

and turns, with rich historical detail. I can't wait to dive in."

Rizky : "Sounds like my kind of book too. Let me know how you like it
once you've started reading."

Tasya : "Will do, Rizky. And hey, if you're interested, we could always read
it together and discuss our thoughts."

Rizky : "That sounds like a great idea. It's always more fun to share the
reading experience with someone else."

Tasya : (Returning the book to the shelf) "Alright, it's a plan then. Let's make
a date to start 'The Lost Kingdom' together."

Rizky : "Looking forward to it, Tasya. It's going to be an adventure right

here in the library."

5. Buatlah dialog yang berisi ‘Giving Opinion’ dengan tema perpustakaan.

Alya : (Flipping through the pages of a book) "Hey, Rifki, have you read
this novel before? It's called 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak."
Rifki : "Yeah, I've read it. It's one of my all-time favorites. What do you
think of it so far?"

Alya : "Well, I'm only a few chapters in, but I'm already hooked. The writing
style is so unique, and the narrator being Death adds such an interesting

Rifki : "Absolutely, it's definitely a refreshing take on storytelling. And the

characters, especially Liesel and Max, feel so real and complex."

Alya : "Yes, Liesel's journey from a young girl learning to read to a brave
soul in the midst of war is incredibly moving. And Max's story adds another
layer of depth to the narrative."

Rifki : "Couldn't agree more. Plus, the way Zusak weaves in themes of love,
loss, and the power of words is just masterful. It really makes you reflect on
the human experience."

Alya : "Definitely. It's one of those books that stays with you long after
you've finished reading it. I can see why it's considered a modern classic."

Rifki : "Absolutely. It's a book that touches your heart and challenges your
perspective. I'm glad you're enjoying it, Alya."

Alya : "Thanks, Rifki. And thanks for recommending it to me. It's always
great to discuss books with someone who appreciates them as much as I do."

Rifki : "Anytime, Alya. That's what friends are for, right? Now, let's keep
reading and maybe we can chat about it once you've finished the book."

Alya : "Sounds like a plan, Rifki. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds."

6. Buatlah satu dialog tentang ‘Describing Things’ dengan tema Perpustakaan

Dian : (Standing in the grand foyer of the National Library, gazing around
in awe) "Wow, Rifki, look at this place. It's absolutely magnificent."

Rifki : (Joining Dian and admiring the architecture) "I know, right? The
towering columns, the intricate ceiling frescoes, it's like stepping back in

Dian : "And look at that chandelier! It's so grand and elegant."

Rifki : "It's stunning. And the way the light filters through it, casting a warm
glow over everything, it creates such a cozy atmosphere."

Dian : "And the collection of books here is just breathtaking. I've never seen
so many volumes in one place."

Rifki : "Each book seems to have a story of its own, waiting to be

discovered. It's like being surrounded by a treasure trove of knowledge."

Dian : "And look at those cozy reading nooks. They're perfect for getting
lost in a good book."

Rifki : "Definitely. The comfortable chairs, the soft lighting, it's the ideal
spot to immerse yourself in a world of imagination."

Dian : "Being here makes me realize just how important libraries are.
They're not just buildings filled with books, they're sanctuaries of learning
and discovery."

Rifki : "Absolutely, Dian. Libraries like this one are the heart and soul of a
nation, preserving knowledge and inspiring generations to come."
Dian : "Thanks for bringing me here, Rifki. It's an experience I'll never

Rifki : "My pleasure, Dian. And hey, the adventure's just beginning. Let's
dive into these books and see where they take us."

7. Buatlah satu dialog tentang ‘Asking and Giving Advice and opinion’ dengan
tema Perpustakaan Nasional.

Nina : "Hey, Maya! Do you have any recommendations for books on ancient
civilizations? I'm doing research for my thesis."

Maya : "Hi, Nina! Absolutely, there are a few great ones I can suggest. Have
you checked out 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' by Jared Diamond?"

Nina : "No, I haven't. What's it about?"

Maya : "It's a fascinating book that explores how geography and

environmental factors shaped the course of human history, from the rise of
civilizations to the spread of cultures. It provides a unique perspective on
the development of ancient societies."

Nina : "That sounds perfect for my research. Thanks, Maya! I'll definitely
give it a read. Any other recommendations?"

Maya : "Another one you might find interesting is 'Sapiens: A Brief History
of Humankind' by Yuval Noah Harari. It covers a wide range of topics,
including the emergence of Homo sapiens and the rise of civilizations, in a
very accessible way."

Nina : "Great, I'll add that to my list too. Thanks for the suggestions, Maya!
You're a lifesaver."
Maya : "Anytime, Nina. I'm always happy to help fellow researchers. Let
me know if you need any more recommendations or assistance."

Nina : "Will do, Maya. Thanks again! Now, I'm off to explore these ancient
worlds through the pages of these books."

Maya : "Enjoy your journey, Nina! Happy reading."

BMP, PUST2228/Bahasa Inggris untuk Pustakawan/3SKS, Universitas Terbuka. 2014
PPT Sesi 7 Materi_Konsep_Esensial_PUST4422_7

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