UK_Bahasa Inggris Perkantoran_Gloryanti Simamora

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1. Buatlah narasi percakapan ketika berinteraksi dengan rekan kerja menggunakan kalimat
sapaan, ramah tamah, meminta maaf, dan perpisahan! (narasi minimal 500 kata)!

This morning, in our office, I met my coworker named Karina. I greeted her in a friendly
manner, "Good morning, Karina! How are you today?" karina smiled and answered, "Good
morning too, friend! I'm good, thank you. How about you?" We started talking about various
things that were happening in our lives. While I was engrossed in conversation, I suddenly
realized that I had made a mistake in the work I was doing with Karina. I immediately
apologized to her, "I'm sorry, karina. I've made a mistake in our work. I'll fix it immediately."
karina just smiled and said, "It's okay, friend. We can all make mistakes. What's important
is how we learn from them and fix them." After that, we continued our work with great
enthusiasm. We help and support each other in completing our tasks. When it was almost
time to go home, I said goodbye to karina, "See you tomorrow, karina! Hopefully we have
done a good job today." karina replied, "See you tomorrow too, friend. Thank you for your
cooperation today. Hopefully we can work together better next time." We parted ways with
smiles on each of our faces. Our interactions today have made us closer and appreciate
each other. I feel grateful to have a colleague like karina who always supports and
motivates me at work. We hope that our working relationship will continue to run well and
in harmony.

2. Buatlah narasi percakapan ketika melaporkan status pekerjaan kepada atasan! (narasi
minimal 400 kata)

The boss is sitting at his messy desk, looking at his computer screen seriously. I, as his
subordinate, entered his room a little tense. I knocked on the door and entered the room.]

Me: "Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to discuss the project I'm working on?"

Boss: *Lifts head from his computer screen* "Oh, of course. Please sit down."

[I sit in a chair in front of the boss's desk, trying to organize my words as best as possible
before starting to speak.]

Me: "Thank you, sir. I would like to give you an update regarding a project I am working on, a
software development project for our client. We have successfully completed the design
and requirements analysis phase, and currently the team is focusing on the development
Boss: *Nods* "Okay, continue."

Me: "During the design phase, we were able to identify some technical challenges that we
might face. However, the team has worked well together to find the right solution and avoid
potential delays to the project schedule."

Boss: "Good, I'm glad to hear that. How's the schedule going?"

Me: "The project schedule is progressing as planned. We managed to complete several key
milestones on time, and we are currently on track to complete the development phase
according to the established schedule."

Boss: "Are there any particular risks or issues that need attention?"

Me: "At this time, we are not facing any major issues that could hinder the progress of the
project. However, there are some potential risks that need to be monitored, especially
related to integration between complex software modules. The team has prepared
mitigation plans to address these risks."

Boss: "I understand. What about the quality of the team's work?"

Me: "The quality of the team's work remains our top priority. We have carried out regular
trials to ensure that the products we develop meet established quality standards. In
addition, we also implement automated testing practices to speed up the testing process
and ensure device stability soft."

Boss: "Sounds good. Is there anything else I need to know?"

Me: "Nothing else at the moment, sir. I will continue to monitor the progress of this project
and let you know if there are any significant changes. If you have any additional
suggestions or input, I would appreciate it."
Boss: "Thanks for the report. Keep up the hard work, and feel free to contact me if you need
additional help."

Me: "Thank you, sir. I will continue to give my best in this project."

[After talking with the boss, I felt relieved that my report was well received. I left with
renewed enthusiasm to continue working hard and completing the project successfully.]

3. Buatlah narasi percakapan ketika berinteraksi lewat telepon dengan rekan kerja untuk
meminta informasi, mengatur janji, dan mengkonfirmasi janji! (narasi minimal 500 kata)
lewat telepon dengan rekan kerja untuk meminta informasi, mengatur janji, dan
mengkonfirmasi janji! (narasi minimal 500 kata)

Mark : Dials your coworker's number and waits for them to pick up

Coworker: Hello, this is Jeno.

Mark : Hi Jessica, this is Mark. How are you doing today?

Jeno : I'm doing well, thanks for asking. How can I help you?

Mark : I was wondering if you had a chance to look over the quarterly sales report I sent you
yesterday? I wanted to go over a few of the key figures with you before our team meeting
this afternoon.

Jeno : Yes, I did review the report. It looks good overall. There were a few items I wanted to
discuss further if you've got some time.

Mark : Absolutely. When would be a good time for us to review it together? I'm free for the
next hour before my next meeting.

Jeno : Let's see... How about 11:30? Does that work for you?

Mark : 11:30 sounds perfect. I'll put it in my calendar.

Jeno : Great, I'll plan on talking to you then. Was there anything else you needed from me?

Mark : No, that's all for now. I'll talk to you at 11:30. Thanks, Jeno.

Jeno : Sounds good. See you then, Mark. Bye for now.

Mark : Good bye.

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