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Chapter 7
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks opens with the formation of sedimentary rocks by describing the detrital and
chemical sediments and how these are turned into rock by diagenesis. This is followed by a
discussion of the classification scheme for the major sedimentary rock types. Then, a discussion of
sedimentary rock types and structures reveals the importance of these rocks in determining past
environments on Earth. Following a presentation of how building materials and industrial minerals
that we rely upon are related to sedimentary rocks, the chapter concludes with discussion of the
carbon cycle and the importance of sedimentary rocks and processes in this cycle.

1. An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks
a. Importance
b. Origins
2. Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
a. Shale
i. How Does Shale Form?
ii. Thin Layers
iii. Shale, Mudstone, or Siltstone?
iv. Gentle Slopes
b. Sandstone
i. Sorting
ii. Particle Shape
iii. Transport Affects Mineral Composition
iv. Varieties of Sandstone
c. Conglomerate and Breccia
3. Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
a. Limestone
i. Carbonate Reefs
ii. Coquina and Chalk
iii. Inorganic Limestones
b. Dolostone
c. Chert
d. Evaporites
4. Coal: An Organic Sedimentary Rock
5. Turning Sediment into Sedimentary Rock: Diagenesis & Lithification
a. Diagenesis
b. Lithification
i. Compaction
ii. Cementation

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. Lutgens EOG13e IRM 71

6. Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
a. Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
b. Chemical and Organic Sedimentary Rocks
7. Sedimentary Rocks Represent Past Environments
a. Importance of Sedimentary Environments
b. Sedimentary Facies
c. Sedimentary Structures
8. Resources from Sedimentary Rocks
a. Nonmetallic Mineral Resources
i. Building Materials
ii. Industrial Minerals
b. Energy Resources
i. Coal
ii. Oil and Natural Gas
iii. Hydraulic Fracturing
9. The Carbon Cycle and Sedimentary Rocks

7.1 Explain the importance of sedimentary rocks and summarize the part of the rock cycle that
pertains to sediments and sedimentary rocks. List the three categories of sedimentary rocks.

7.2 Describe the primary basis for distinguishing among detrital rocks and discuss how the origin and
history of such rocks might be determined.

7.3 Explain the processes involved in the formation of chemical sedimentary rocks and list several

7.4 Outline the successive stages in the formation of coal.

7.5 Describe the processes that convert sediment into sedimentary rock and other changes
associated with burial.

7.6 Summarize the criteria used to classify sedimentary rocks.

7.7 Distinguish among three broad categories of sedimentary environments and provide an example
of each. List several sedimentary structures and explain why these features are useful to

7.8 Distinguish between the two broad groups of nonmetallic mineral resources. Discuss the three
important fossil fuels associated with sedimentary rocks.

7.9 Relate weathering processes and sedimentary rocks to the carbon cycle.

72 Lutgens EOG13e IRM Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

“Muddiest Points” – “Points for Clarification”
 Students deal better with sedimentary rock compositions, textures, and classification if they are
introduced to all of the diverse terminology after having seen hand samples. Before diving into all of
the terms, students should have samples to examine and discuss in groups or as a class. Be prepared
with plenty of hand samples to pass around the classroom. If possible, have igneous rock sample
that may have been used during Chapter 4 discussions so students can observe the differences.

Teaching Tips
7.1 Since 75 percent of the land is covered by sediments or sedimentary rocks, most students can
relate well because they can have a frame of reference for what has been seen, either in person
or in the media. However, for all sections of this chapter make use of as many opportunities as
possible to improve the students’ visual inventory and enhance the understanding of such
features even if those features are not visible in their geographical frame of experiences—see
section on “Web Resources.”

7.2 Utilize as many hands-on opportunities as possible to introduce sedimentary textures and
& compositions. Have enough hand samples for each student, or small groups of students, to
7.3 handle and make observations about general descriptive properties that reflect the composition
prior to any lecture about the terms used for naming and classification. Prior to class discussion
on rock compositions, have students complete some preparatory work such as SmartFigure 7.2.
For class discussion on sedimentary rock naming and classification, have students complete some
preparatory work such as SmartFigure 7.7 and SmartFigure 7.17.

MasteringGeology and LearningCatalytics resources/ideas/activities

MasteringGeology activities that utilize video, interactive animations, and gigapans (high-resolution
panoramic images) are effective in giving students preparatory opportunities that are directly
correlated with the chapter content. Have students complete MasteringGeology activities in
advance of class time to help them learn the material.
 All of the end-of-section Concept Check type items from the MasteringGeology item library are
excellent preparatory questions. In addition, especially focus on the following additional items
for this chapter:
Section Item Type Title
7.1 Coaching Activities Give It Some Thought: Sedimentary Processes
Coaching Activities SmartFigure: Depositional Environments
7.2 Coaching Activities SmartFigure: Sorting and Rounding
7.3 Coaching Activities SmartFigure: Bonneville Salt Flats
7.4 Coaching Activities SmartFigure: Coal
7.7 Coaching Activities Gigapan Activity: Identification and Characterization of
Sedimentary Rocks
7.7 Coaching Activities Gigapan Activity: Sedimentary Structures and the Origin of
Graded Bedding
Coaching Activities Mobile Field Trip Video Quiz—The Sedimentary Rocks of
Capitol Reef National Park
7.8 Coaching Activities SmartFigure: Oil Traps

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. Lutgens EOG13e IRM 73

LearningCatalytics activities can provide an assessment of students’ understanding in real-time to allow
opportunities for review or discussion (either in small groups or the entire class).
 Using images similar to those in the text, assess students’ identification of sedimentary
structures. In the LearningCatalytics activity shown below, students match the image to the
correct sedimentary structure name (ripples, mud cracks, graded beds, and cross-bedding) and
enter the answer on their mobile device, tablet, or laptop and the real-time results are shown in
the matrix in the upper right—more green in the diagonal relates to more students with 100%
correct matching answers. In this result, the student responses for image C and D are less green
indicating less understanding, possibly a confusion between graded bedding and cross-bedding.
This provides an indication that more discussion may be needed to clear up confusion between
the two sedimentary structures.

Web Resources:
 Keys to the Identification of Sedimentary Rocks:
 Sedimentary Environments Activity:
 Overview and extensive details regarding sedimentary rocks and their formation. Excellent
identification keys and classification tables:
 Sedimentary Rocks Tutorial:
 Sedimentary Structures and Bedforms From UC Davis:
 SEPM Sedimentary Image Gallery:

74 Lutgens EOG13e IRM Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

 U. S. Geological Survey Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation:
 Sedimentary Rock Gallery From Univ. WI, Milwaukee:

7.1 The Importance of Sedimentary Rocks
1. The bulk of Earth’s crust is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks; therefore, only
about 5 to 10 percent of the outer 10 miles of crust consists of sedimentary rocks. However,
at Earth’s surface, sediments and sedimentary rocks make up 75 percent of the rocks we see
on the continents.
2. Sedimentary rocks are important because they record many characteristics of the surface
environment when they formed and allow us to understand and reconstruct Earth’s history
through the study of layers and formations that represent past conditions. Fossils aid in this
study, allowing us to understand the environmental history of an area as well as the life
present in the geologic past and how it has changed through geologic time. Sediments and
sedimentary rocks are also important reserves for many resources used by humans,
including coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium for energy production and many useful
construction materials such as metals, aggregates, and cement ingredients as well as
phosphates for fertilizers. Sediments and sedimentary rocks also contain important
groundwater resources.
3. An exposure of granite in the mountains would be mechanically weathered from frost
wedging and sheeting (producing solid particles of quartz and perhaps some feldspar), and
chemically weathered through hydrolysis (producing clay minerals and ions in solution). This
material would move downslope through running water, gravity, and perhaps glacial ice or
wind, and be deposited in some other location. Burial, compaction, and diagenesis would
create detrital sedimentary rocks from the solid particles, and chemical sedimentary rocks
from the dissolved ions.
4. Detrital sedimentary rocks are formed from solid sediments derived from both chemical and
mechanical weathering (mud, sand, and gravel, for example). Chemical sedimentary rocks
are formed from ions in solution that precipitate by inorganic or biological processes (silica
and calcite, for example). Organic sedimentary rocks form from the diagenesis (compaction
and lithification) of the carbon-rich remains of organisms.

7.2 Detrital Sedimentary Rocks

1. Quartz and clay are the most abundant minerals found in detrital sedimentary rocks. Quartz
is predominantly found in the sandstones and to a lesser degree in siltstones. Clay minerals
are the main component of the shales and mudstones.
2. The primary basis for distinguishing among detrital rocks is the size of the constituent
particles. Shales and mudstones/siltstones are composed of silt- and clay-sized grains, 1/256
to 1/16 millimeter in size. Sandstones are composed of sand-sized grains, 1/16 to 2 millimeter
in size. Conglomerates and breccias are composed of gravel-sized grains, >2 millimeter in size.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. Lutgens EOG13e IRM 75

3. Detrital sediments become sorted based on their transport with different transport agents
sorting sediments differently. Wind-blown sand is generally very well sorted because wind
can only transport the smallest sizes for any distance. Sediment transported by waves is
better sorted than that carried by streams. Glaciers and turbulent streams generally deposit
poorly sorted sediments. Sorting can also indicate length of transport with large grain sizes
being deposited near the source of the rock fragments, and fine grain sizes having more
time to be transported far from the source.
4. Conglomerate and breccia are both sedimentary rocks composed of particles of gravel size,
generally within a mud or sand matrix and sometimes cemented with calcite or silica
cement. Conglomerates are characterized by rounded grains, indicating significant transport
by water, while breccia is characterized by sharp, angular grains, indicating little or no
transport by water.

7.3 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

1. Chemical sedimentary rocks that are biochemical form when water-dwelling plants and
animals extract dissolved ions from the water to build shells or other skeletal parts. When
the organisms die, their mineral-based skeletal material collect on the floor of a lake or an
ocean. An example of a biochemical sedimentary rock is chalk, which is created from the
calcite shells of tiny organisms, mostly plankton. Inorganic chemical sedimentary rocks form
when chemical activity or evaporation causes a water body to precipitate minerals.
Evaporites, sediments formed when seawater evaporates and precipitates minerals, are an
important example of inorganic chemical sediment formation.
2. Limestone is a chemical sedimentary rock composed essentially of calcium carbonate
(CaCO3) either by inorganic means or as the result of biochemical processes. Dolostone is
closely related to limestone but composed primarily of the mineral dolomite—CaMg(CO3)2.
Chert is a general name for a number of rocks made from microcrystalline quartz, including
jasper, flint, petrified wood, and agate.
3. Given warm, tropical to subtropical latitudes and a shallow arm of a sea that only has
limited connection to the open ocean, seawater continually moves into the bay to replace
the water lost by evaporation. Eventually the water of the bay becomes saturated with
respect to certain chemicals and mineral precipitation begins. The minerals that will
commonly precipitate in the largest volume include halite and gypsum. On a small scale,
examples can be seen in places such as Death Valley, California.

7.4 Coal: An Organic Sedimentary Rock

1. The raw material for coal is the accumulation of large quantities of plant remains. It must
accumulate under oxygen-poor conditions to prevent the rapid decomposition of the
material prior to burial; these conditions (abundant plant material and oxygen-poor water)
are best accommodated in a swamp environment.
2. Dead plant matter accumulates in an oxygen-poor environment, such as a swamp, where it
is attacked by bacteria and partially decomposes, liberating oxygen and hydrogen and
concentrating carbon. This partial decomposition forms peat, a soft brown material that
represents partially altered plant material. As the peat is buried under more sediment, it will
slowly change to lignite, a soft, brown coal. Continued burial increases the temperature of

76 Lutgens EOG13e IRM Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

the material, and brings about chemical reactions that produce water and organic acids.
Continued burial presses out this water and volatiles, and the amount of fixed carbon
increases. The coal becomes increasingly compact with burial, and may eventually
transform into the hard, black rock bituminous coal. If continued burial and deformation
add more heat and pressure to the coal, it may become anthracite, metamorphosed coal.

7.5 Turning Sediment into Sedimentary Rocks: Diagenesis and Lithification

1. Diagenesis is all the chemical, physical, and biological changes that take place after
sediments are deposited, and during and after lithification, but prior to metamorphism.
2. Coarser sediments are less compressible than clay-based sediments. Therefore, compaction
is most important as a lithification process in fine-grained sediments.
3. The three most common cementing agents are calcite, silica, and iron oxides. Calcite can be
identified by its reaction to dilute hydrochloric acid, silica is hard cement and does not react
with acid, and iron oxide cements can be identified by yellow, red, and orange colors in the
sedimentary rock.

7.6 Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

1. Chemical sedimentary rocks are named mostly based on mineral composition and what
form the particles take (for example, oolites, fossil fragments, and microscopic crystals).
Detrital rocks are named mostly based on the particle size.
2. Clastic texture describes those rocks that consist of broken fragments and particles that are
cemented together. Nonclastic textures consist of interlocking crystals of minerals,
sometimes referred to as a crystalline texture. All detrital rocks are clastic in texture.

7.7 Sedimentary Rocks Represent Past Environments

1. Continental, marine, and transitional (shoreline) are the three broad categories of
sedimentary environments. Examples of each include:
a. Continental: streams and lakes
b. Marine: coral reefs
c. Transitional: beaches and tidal flats
2. A single rock layer may exhibit different types of sedimentary rocks as a representation of
successive changes in environmental conditions in a particular place over time. The different
parts of such a layer are called facies. Facies are sets of sediments that deposit adjacent to
each other at the same time but different characteristics that reflect the condition in a
particular environment.
3. The most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks is the layering of the sediments. These
layers are called “strata” or “beds.”
4. Cross bedding is a layer of sediment, within a bed, inclined to the horizontal, resulting from
movement of sediment in currents of wind or water. Graded bedding is a layer of sediment
that grade from coarse-grained at the bottom of the layer to fine-grained at the top. Graded
bedding forms from rapid deposition of mixed-size sediment; largest particles drop out first
upon rapid energy loss, and then successively finer grains settle out later.

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5. Mud cracks and ripple marks both form in specific environmental conditions, and thus can
be used to reconstruct past environments. Mud cracks form in sediment that is alternatively
wet and dry and suggest environments such as tidal flats, shallow lakes, and desert basins.
Ripple marks are small waves of sand formed by the action of moving water or air, and their
symmetry can suggest whether the air or water was moving one direction or back and forth.
Certain ripple-mark structures can be used to determine the direction of movement of
ancient currents.

7.8 Resources from Sedimentary Rocks

1. The two common groups of nonmetallic mineral resources are building materials and
industrial/agricultural minerals. Examples of materials that belong to these two groups are:
a. Building materials: limestone/calcite, gypsum, clay, and sand and gravel
b. Industrial/agricultural minerals: limestone/calcite, quartz, fluorite, apatite, and talc
2. Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are called fossil fuels because when we combust them, we
are using energy from the Sun that was stored by plants millions of years ago. All three take
millions of years to form and are related to the breakdown of organic matter of ancient life
(fossils). The percentage of U.S. energy consumption that each represents is:
a. Petroleum: 36.2%
b. Natural gas: 25.5%
c. Coal: 20.4%
3. Disadvantages of coal use are that surface mining extensively scars the landscape,
underground mining has significant risks to health and life, and coal combustion releases
emissions that can produce acid rain and may contribute to global warming.
4. A geologic environment that allows for economically significant amounts of oil and/or gas to
accumulate is called an “oil trap.” Examples of traps that could be sketched are shown in
Figure 7.32. All oil traps have a porous, permeable reservoir rock and an impermeable cap
5. Hydraulic fracturing is used where significant reserves of natural gas exist in low
permeability rocks. This process injects fluids at high pressures into the subsurface, breaking
the shale rock, opening up cracks where the natural gas can flow into wells and be brought
to the surface.

7.9 The Carbon Cycle and Sedimentary Rocks

1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3),
which dissociates and soluble carbonate, (CO3)-2, is formed. This soluble carbonate is carried
to the ocean by streams and groundwater, and organisms living in the ocean convert it to
solid calcium carbonate shells. When these organisms die, their shells settle on the seafloor
and eventually form biochemical sedimentary rock. This effectively takes carbon (as carbon
dioxide) out of the atmosphere, and stores it as rock (biochemical limestone) in the
2. Carbon may move from the geosphere to the atmosphere when chemical weathering of
exposed limestone releases CO2. Additionally, whenever there is combustion at the surface,
whether natural or caused by humans, CO2 is released to the atmosphere.

78 Lutgens EOG13e IRM Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

7.1 Solar energy is primarily responsible for the formation of sediment and sedimentary rock. This is
due to solar energy driving the surface processes of weathering that is heavily influenced by

7.2 Particle C has traveled the farthest from its source. This conclusion is evidenced by the spherical
nature of the particle, farther travel will round the particle more.

7.3 The rock salt is more likely an inorganic origin.

7.4 The ultimate source of energy in the coal is solar energy.

7.6 A limestone made of shell fragments is a chemical/biochemical sedimentary rock, and its texture
would be clastic.

7.7 The broad category of sedimentary environment represented is the transitional category.

7.8 It is not likely that any dinosaur carbon ends up in oil. Most all crude oil is formed from organic
remains of marine plankton and dinosaurs lived on land.


1. As the igneous rock is exposed to the surface environment, most of the silicate minerals in it will
undergo chemical weathering to produce clay and ions in solution, both of which will enter the
drainages and move downstream. If the bedrock contains quartz, it will be released, becoming
sand in the drainages, and move downstream as well.
If the material is deposited close to the bedrock source within a semi-arid environment, we
would expect to find arkosic sandstone with fragments of feldspar that were not completely
hydrolyzed to clay and quartz sand that is angular and poorly sorted. If the material were
deposited at some distance, we would find cleaner sandstone with more rounded and well-
sorted quartz sand grains. The bedding planes of the sandstone might contain structures such as
ripple marks that tell us about the current type and direction, and the sandstone may contain
cross bedding as well, which reveals information about the sedimentary environment.
2. In the chapter on minerals, the term “clay” described a silicate mineral having a sheet structure.
In Figure 7.3, the term is used to indicate the detrital particle size category with particles less
than 1/256 millimeter in size. The two different usages of the term are related in that clay
minerals are usually clay sized.
3. The angular grains indicate the detrital particles did not travel significantly far from the source
rock. The igneous source was likely granite because of the light-colored feldspars and quartz
that are present. The sediment in the rock did not undergo much chemical weathering because
the feldspar grains are intact rather than being transformed to clay.
4. A limestone at the top of a mountain indicates the area was once covered by water, either
freshwater or seawater, where the limestone was precipitated inorganically or due to
biochemical processes. Since that time, mountain building through some type of tectonic
activity lifted the sedimentary rock higher above the land surface.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. Lutgens EOG13e IRM 79

5. It is not necessary to indicate the texture of detrital sedimentary rocks because all detrital rocks
have a clastic texture.
6. A sedimentary rock rich in quartz will effervesce with acid if its cementing agent is calcite.
Calcite effervesces in dilute acid. This rock is most likely quartz sandstone, in which the sand
grains are cemented with calcite.
7. These layers are graded beds that form when sediment-laden water quickly loses energy, often
as currents of water enter a large quiet basin. When the water loses velocity, large grains settle
out first, followed by smaller and smaller grains. This is likely part of a deep sea fan, where
sediment-laden turbidity currents slowed and deposited sediment as they entered deep ocean
8. The wavelike ridges on the surface are ripple marks. Because these are asymmetrical, we can
determine that a current moving in one direction created them. Current ripple marks have a
steeper side in the down-current direction; thus, based on the shadow on the steep side of the
marks, the current that produced these ripples was moving from the left to the right in the
9. The mineral composition of the crystals will reveal whether a rock is igneous or sedimentary.
For the rock to be sedimentary, the intergrown crystals need to be halite, calcite, gypsum, or
fine-grained quartz, which would not be expected in igneous rocks. If the composition reveals
the rock to be sedimentary, we would classify the texture as nonclastic (crystalline).
10. In this chapter, the term mineral has a much broader meaning than the strict definition of a
geologic mineral from earlier chapters. Mineral resources refer to any earth material not used
as a fuel. Mineral resources can include limestone, sands, and gravels, all of which are not true
minerals by the geologic definition.
11. Innumerable answers are possible, but one scenario might be that the carbon atom is erupted
from a volcano as a carbon dioxide molecule. It then combines with water in the atmosphere to
form carbonic acid in the water and rains down and dissolves limestone creating a cave. The
water flows out to a river which ends in a swamp where plants take up the carbon and stores it
in the plant’s tissues until the plant is eaten by a dinosaur which dies and is buried in the swamp
to contribute the carbon to a coal seam. The coal is dug up and burned in a coal-fired power
plant where the carbon is emitted into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide that is absorbed by
the ocean and then taken in by cyanobacteria and secreted as calcite in a coral reef.

80 Lutgens EOG13e IRM Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Book
Review Digest, v. 16, 1920
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Title: The Book Review Digest, v. 16, 1920

Sixteenth annual accumulation. Reviews of 1920 books

Author: Various

Editor: Mary Katharine Reely

Pauline H. Rich

Release date: February 20, 2024 [eBook #73004]

Language: English

Original publication: Minneapolis, MN: The H. W. Wilson

Company, 1905

Credits: Richard Tonsing and the Online Distributed

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REVIEW DIGEST, V. 16, 1920 ***
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Publications from which Digests of Reviews are

Book Review Digest Devoted to the Valuation of
Current Literature Reviews of 1920 Books
List of Documents for Use in the Smaller
Quarterly List of New Technical and Industrial
Subject, Title and Pseudonym Index To Author
Entries, March, 1920—February, 1921
Directory of Publishers

Vol. XVI February, 1921 No. 12

New York City 958–964 University Avenue

Entered as second class matter, November 13, 1917 at the Post

Office at New York, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Terms of Subscription

One year $12.00

Single numbers 1.00
Semi-annual cumulation (August) 2.00
Annual cumulated number, bound (February) 5.00

Terms of Advertising
Combined rate for Book Review Digest, Cumulative Book Index
and Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature $60 per page per month;
two of these publications $50; one of these publications $40 per page
per month. Smaller space and contract rates furnished upon request.

The editorial staff for the year has consisted of

Mary Katharine Reely, Pauline H. Rich, Emma Heller
Schumm, Elsie Jacobi, Wilma Adams and Selma
Sandler. Acknowledgments are also due to Miss
Corinne Bacon who contributed the classification
numbers for the first months of the year, and to Miss
Eleanor Hawkins who succeeded her; to Miss Mary
E. Furbeck of the New York Public Library for the list
of documents for small libraries; and to the Applied
Science reference department of Pratt Institute
Library for the quarterly list of technical books.
In addition to the periodicals listed on the reverse
side of this page the following magazines have been
drawn on for occasional reviews: Mississippi Valley
Historical Review, Social Hygiene, Mental Hygiene,
Socialist Review, Nation [London], Theatre Arts
Magazine, Drama, World Tomorrow, Chemical &
Metallurgical Engineering, and a few other technical
journals. The literary supplement to the New York
Evening Post, now issued under the editorship of
Professor Henry Seidel Canby of Yale University, is
an important permanent addition to the list of
periodicals. During the year the magazine which
began its career as the Review, changing later to
Weekly Review, has been listed under its original
The year just past has been notable for a number of
novels of unusual quality. Among them is a group of
books by and about women: Clemence Dane’s
“Legend,” Catherine Carswell’s “Open the Door,”
Miss de la Pasture’s “Tension,” and Mrs Holding’s
“Invincible Minnie.” Three others are novels of the
Middle West: Sherwood Anderson’s “Poor White,”
Floyd Dell’s “Moon-calf,” and Sinclair Lewis’s “Main
Street.” Zona Gale’s “Miss Lulu Bett” might be named
in either class.
“George Santayana has recently spoken of the
barbarian realities of America. ‘The luckless
American who is born a conservative, or who is
drawn to poetic subtlety, pious retreats, or gay
passions, nevertheless has the categorical excellence
of work, growth, enterprise, reform and prosperity
dinned into his ears: every door is open in this
direction and shut in the other; so that he either folds
up his heart and withers in a corner—in remote
places you sometimes find such a solitary gaunt
idealist—or else he flies to Oxford or Florence or
Montmartre to save his soul—or perhaps not to save
it.’ That is and has been the traditional conception of
aesthetic fate in barbaric America, especially in the
hinterland beyond the Hudson. But the past ten
years, and particularly the years since the war, have
shown new possibilities to the present literary
generation. The Bohemian immigrant in Nebraska,
the local dentist in Wisconsin, the doctor’s wife in a
small Minnesota town, the young newspaper man in
Iowa, the co-educated farmer’s daughter in Ohio—all
these figures can be seen with the same meditative
zeal, the same creative preoccupation, as the ripened
spiritual personalities of Europe.”—New Republic.
We now have anthologies and year books for the
short story, for the best plays, for magazine and even
for newspaper verse. The annual volume of the
Digest might be added to the list as the year book for
book reviews. Without entering into elaborate
summaries and statistics we may say that the two
most reviewed books of the year are Keynes’s
“Economic Consequences of the Peace” and Wells’s
“Outline of History.” And without attempting to
create a new category of “best” reviews we may
suggest that the following will be found well worthy
of reading: Richard Burton’s review of “The Ordeal of
Mark Twain” by Van Wyck Brooks in the Bookman of
January, 1921; W. S. Braithwaite’s review of “Smoke
and Steel” by Carl Sandburg in the Boston Transcript
of October 16, 1920; the reviews of Sinclair Lewis’s
“Main Street” by Carl Van Doren in the New York
Evening Post, Nov. 20, 1920, and by Francis Hackett,
in the New Republic, Dec. 1, 1920; and J. Saywyn
Shapiro’s review (with footnotes) of Wells’s “Outline
of History” in the Nation of Feb. 9, 1921.
Publications from which Digests of
Reviews are Made

Am. Econ. R.—American Economic Review. $5. American

Economic Association, New Haven, Conn.
Am. Hist. R.—American Historical Review. $4. Macmillan
Company, 66 Fifth Ave., New York.
Am. J. Soc.—American Journal of Sociology. $3. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.
Am. J. Theol.—American Journal of Theology. $3. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.
Am. Pol. Sci. R.—American Political Science Review. $4. Frederic
A. Ogg, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Ann. Am. Acad.—Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Science. $5. 39th St. and Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Astrophys. J.—Astrophysical Journal. $6. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago, Ill.
Ath.—Athenæum. $5.60. 10 Adelphi Terrace, London, W. C. 2.
Bib. World—Biblical World. $3. University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, Ill.
Booklist—Booklist. $2. A. L. A. Publishing Board, 78 E.
Washington St., Chicago, Ill.
Bookm.—Bookman. $4. G. H. Doran Co., 244 Madison Ave., New
Boston Transcript—Boston Evening Transcript. $5.50.
(Wednesday and Saturday). Boston Transcript Co., 324 Washington
St., Boston, Mass.
Bot. Gaz.—Botanical Gazette. $9. University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, Ill.
Cath. World—Catholic World. $4. 120–122 W. 60th St., New York.
Class J.—Classical Journal. $2.50. University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, Ill.
Class Philol.—Classical Philology. $4. University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, Ill.
Dial—Dial. $5. 152 W 13th St., New York.
Educ. R.—Educational Review. $3. Educational Review Pub. Co.,
care of G. H. Doran Pub. Co.
Elec. World—Electrical World. $5. McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.,
10th Ave. at 36th St., New York.
El. School J.—Elementary School Journal (continuing Elementary
School Teacher). $2.50. Dept. of Education, University of Chicago,
Chicago, Ill.
Engin. News-Rec.—Engineering News-Record. $5. McGraw-Hill
Company, Inc., 10th Ave. at 36th St., New York.
Eng. Hist. R.—English Historical Review. $6. Longmans, Green &
Co., 4th Ave. and 30th St., New York.
Freeman—Freeman. $6. The Freeman, Inc., 116 W. 13th St., New
Hibbert J.—Hibbert Journal. $3. LeRoy Phillips, 124 Chestnut St.,
Boston, Mass.
Ind.—Independent. $5. 311 Sixth Av., New York.
Int. J. Ethics—International Journal of Ethics. $3. Prof. James H.
Tufts, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Int. Studio—International Studio. $6. John Lane Co., 786 Sixth
Av., near 45th St., New York.
J. Geol.—Journal of Geology. $4. University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, Ill.
J. Home Econ.—Journal of Home Economics. $2. American Home
Economics Assn., 1211 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md.
J. Philos.—Journal of Philosophy. $4. Sub-Station 84, New York.
J. Pol. Econ.—Journal of Political Economy. $4. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.
J. Religion (Bib. World and Am. J. Theol. merged under this title
Ja ’21) $3. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.
Lit. D.—Literary Digest. $4. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 354–360 Fourth
Ave., New York.
Modern Philol.—Modern Philology. $5. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago, Ill.
Nation—Nation. $5. Nation Press. 20 Vesey St., New York.
Nature—Nature. $14. Macmillan Company, 66 Fifth Ave., New
New Repub.—New Republic. $5. Republic Publishing Co., Inc., 421
W 21st St., New York.
N. Y. Times—New York Times Book Review. $1. N. Y. Times Co.,
Times Square, New York.
No. Am.—North American Review. $5. North American Review, 9
East 37th St., New York.
Outlook—Outlook. $5. Outlook Co., 381 Fourth Ave., New York.
Pol. Sci. Q.—Political Science Quarterly. $5. (including
supplement). Academy of Political Science, Columbia University,
New York.
Pub. W.—Publishers’ Weekly. Zones 1–5, $6; 6–8, $6.50. R. R.
Bowker Co., 62 W. 45th St., New York.
Review—Weekly Review. $5. National Weekly Corporation, 140
Nassau St., New York.
R. of Rs.—American Review of Reviews. $4. Review of Reviews
Co., 30 Irving Place, New York.
Sat. R.—Saturday Review. $5.60. 9 King St., Covent Garden,
London. W. C. 2.
School Arts Magazine—School-Arts Magazine. $3. Davis Press,
Inc., 25 Foster St., Worcester, Mass.
School R.—School Review. $2.50. Dept. of Education, Univ. of
Chicago, Chicago. Ill.
Science, n.s.—Science (new series). $6. Science Press, Garrison. N.
Spec.—Spectator. $7.80. 13 York St., Covent Garden, London. W.
C. 2.
Springf’d Republican—Springfield Republican. $10.50. The
Republican, Springfield, Mass.
Survey—Survey. $5. Survey Associates, Inc., 112 E. 19th St., New
The Times [London] Lit. Sup.—The Times Literary Supplement.
$7.40. The Times, North American Office, 30 Church St., New York.
Yale R., n.s.—Yale Review (new series). $3. Yale Publishing Ass’n.,
Inc., 120 High St., New Haven, Conn.

In addition to the above list the Book Review

Digest frequently quotes from New York Call; New
York Evening Post; Bulletin of Brooklyn Public
Library; Cleveland Open Shelf; N. Y. Best Books; N.
Y. Libraries; N. Y. City Branch Library News; New
York Public Library New Technical Books; Pittsburgh
Monthly Bulletin; Pratt Institute Quarterly Book List;
St. Louis Monthly Bulletin; Wisconsin Library
Bulletin (Book Selection Dept.), and the Quarterly
List of New Technical and Industrial Books chosen by
the Pratt Institute Library.

Abbreviations of publishers’ names will be found in the Publishers’

Directory at the end of this number.
An asterisk (*) before the price indicates those books sold at a
limited discount and commonly known as net books.
The figures following publisher’s name represent the class number
and Library of Congress card number.
The descriptive note is separated from critical notices of a book by
a dash.
The plus and minus signs preceding the names of the magazine
indicate the degrees of favor or disfavor of the entire review.
An asterisk (*) before the plus or minus sign indicates that the
review contains useful information about the book.
In the reference to a magazine, the first number refers to the
volume, the next to the page, the letters to the date and the last
figures to the number of words in the review.
Book Review Digest
Devoted to the Valuation of Current
Reviews of 1920 Books

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