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Roots and Soils

Learning Outcomes
How Roots Develop
Root Structure
The Root Cap
The Region of Cell Division
The Region of Elongation
The Region of Maturation
Specialized Roots
Food-Storage Roots
Water-Storage Roots
Propagative Roots
Aerial Roots
Contractile Roots
Buttress Roots
Parasitic Roots
ECOLOGY: Plants Need Roots
Root Nodules
Human Relevance of Roots
Parent Material
Living Organisms and Organic
Soil Texture and Mineral Composition
Soil Structure
ECOLOGY: Metal-Munching Plants
Water in the Soil
Soil pH

Aerial roots of a banyan tree (Ficus sp.) near the

door of Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodia.
© Glowimages/Punchstock RF

This chapter discusses roots, beginning with their functions and continuing with the development of roots from a seed. It covers the function
and structure of the root cap, region of cell division, region of elongation, and region of maturation (with its tissues). The endodermis and
pericycle are also discussed.
Specialized roots (food-storage roots, water-storage roots, propagative roots, pneumatophores, aerial roots, contractile roots, buttress
roots, parasitic roots) and mycorrhizae are discussed. This is followed by some observations on the economic importance of roots. After a
brief examination of soil horizons, the chapter concludes with a discussion of the development of soil texture, composition, and structure; and

Learning Outcomes
1. State the primary functions and forms of roots. 4. State the differences among the various types of specialized
2. Describe root regions, including the root cap, region of cell roots.
division, region of cell elongation, and region of maturation 5. List at least 10 practical human uses of roots.
(including root hairs and all tissues) and list the function of 6. Describe how a good agricultural soil is developed from raw
each. materials.
3. Provide the specific functions of the endodermis and the 7. Explain how soil constituents affect the availability of water to
pericycle. plants and discuss the role of soil pH in nutrient availability.

ou have likely seen pictures of the destruction caused with the ground—e.g., orchids) produce aerial roots. The great
by a tornado as it passed through a village or a city, majority of vascular plants, however, develop their root systems
but have you seen what a twister can do to a forest? in soils. The soils, which vary considerably in composition,
Large trees may be snapped off above the ground or knocked texture, and other characteristics, are discussed toward the end
down, and branches may be stripped bare of leaves. Unless of this chapter.
the soil in the area happens to be thin, sandy, or loose, how-
ever, you will probably see relatively few trees completely
torn up by the roots and blown elsewhere. In the tropics, it
is indeed rare to find healthy palm trees uprooted even after
How Roots Develop
a hurricane. When a seed germinates, the tiny, rootlike radicle, a part
Roots anchor trees firmly in the soil, usually through an of the embryo (immature plantlet) within it, grows out
extensive branching network that constitutes about one-third and develops into the first root. The radicle may develop
of the total dry weight of the plant. The roots of most plants into a thick, tapered taproot, from which thinner branch
do not usually extend more than 3 to 5 meters (10 to 16 feet) roots arise, or many adventitious roots may arise from
down into the earth; those of many herbaceous species are the stem, which is attached to the radicle and continuous
confined to the upper 0.6 to 0.9 meter (2 to 3 feet). The roots with it. Adventitious roots are those that do not develop
of a few plants, such as alfalfa, however, often grow more from another root but develop instead from a stem or leaf.
than 6 meters (20 feet) into the earth. When the Suez Canal A fibrous root system, which may have large numbers of
was being built, workers encountered roots of tamarisk at fine roots of similar diameter, then develops from the adven-
depths of nearly 30 meters (100 feet), and mesquite roots titious roots (Fig. 5.1). Many mature plants have a combina-
have been seen 53.4 meters (175 feet) deep in a pit mine in tion of taproot and fibrous root systems.
the southwestern United States. Some plants, such as cacti, The number of roots produced by a single plant may
form very shallow root systems, but these systems still be prodigious. For example, a single, mature ryegrass plant
effectively anchor the plants with a densely branching mass may have as many as 15 million individual roots and branch
of roots radiating out in all directions as far as 15 meters roots, with a combined length of 644 kilometers (400 miles)
(50 feet) from the stem. and a total surface area larger than a volleyball court, all con-
Besides anchoring plants, roots absorb water and min- tained within 0.57 cubic meter (20 cubic feet) of soil. Root
erals in solution, mostly through “feeder” roots found in the hairs (discussed in the section “The Region of Maturation”)
upper meter (3.3 feet) of soil. Some plants have roots that, greatly increase the total surface area of the root.
as well as anchoring and absorbing, store water or food, or Many plants, such as peas and carrots, whose seeds
perform other specialized functions. have two “seed leaves”—commonly referred to as dicots—
Some aquatic plants (e.g., duckweeds and water hyacinths) have taproot systems with one, or occasionally more, pri-
normally produce roots in water, and many epiphytes (non- mary roots from which secondary roots develop (see the
parasitic plants that grow suspended without direct contact discussion of primary and secondary tissues in Chapter 4).
Roots and Soils 67

(a) (b)

Figure 5.1   Root systems. (a) A fibrous root system of a grass. (b) A taproot system of a California poppy.

Monocotyledonous plants (e.g., corn and rice, whose seeds The cells, which are replaced from the inside, constantly
have one “seed leaf”—commonly referred to as monocots), slough off, forming a slimy lubricant that facilitates the
on the other hand, have fibrous root systems. Adventitious root tip’s movement through the soil. This mucilaginous
and other types of roots may develop in both dicots and lubricant also provides a medium favorable to the growth
monocots. In English and other ivies, lateral adventitious of beneficial bacteria that add to the nitrogen supplies
roots that aid in climbing appear along the aerial stems, available to the plant (see the discussion of the nitrogen
and in certain plants with specialized stems (e.g., rhizomes, cycle in Chapter 25).
corms, and bulbs; see Fig. 6.14), adventitious roots are the The root cap, whose cells have an average life of less
only kind produced. than a week, can be removed from a living root, and when
this is done, a new root cap is produced. Until the root cap
has been renewed, however, the root seems to grow ran-
Root Structure domly instead of more or less downward, suggesting that
the root cap also functions in the perception of gravity (see
Close examination of developing young roots usually reveals gravitropism in Chapter 11). It is known that amyloplasts
four regions, or zones. Three of the regions are not sharply (plastids containing starch grains) act as gravity sensors,
defined at their boundaries. The cells of each region grad- collecting on the sides of root-cap cells facing the direction
ually develop the form of those of the next region, and the of gravitational force. When a root that has been growing
extent of each region varies considerably, depending on the vertically is artificially tipped horizontally, the amyloplasts
species involved. These regions are called (1) the root cap, tumble or float down to the “bottom” of the cells in which
(2) the region of cell division, (3) the region of elongation, they occur. The root begins growing downward again within
and (4) the region of maturation (Fig. 5.2). 30 minutes to a few hours. The exact nature of this gravita-
tional response is not known, but there is some evidence that
The Root Cap calcium ions in the amyloplasts influence the distribution of
growth hormones in the cells.
The root cap is composed of a thimble-shaped mass of
parenchyma cells covering the tip of each root. It is quite
large and obvious in some plants, while in others, it is
The Region of Cell Division
nearly invisible. One of its functions is to protect from Cells in the region of cell division, which is composed of
damage the delicate tissues behind it as the young root an apical meristem (a tissue of actively dividing cells) in
tip pushes through abrasive soil particles. The root cap the center of the root tip, produce the surrounding root cap.
has no equivalent in stems. The dictyosomes of the root Most of the cell divisions take place next to the root cap at
cap’s outer cells secrete and release a slimy substance that the edges of this inverted cup-shaped zone, located a short
lodges in the walls and eventually passes to the outside. distance behind the actual base of the meristem. Here the
68 Chapter 5

region of

region of ground meristem

apical meristem
(region of apical meristem
root cap cell division) (region of
cell division)

root cap

(a) (b)

Figure 5.2   A longitudinal section through a dicot root tip. (a) Regions of the root. (b) Locations of the primary meristems of the root.

cells divide every 12 to 36 hours, while at the base of the gives rise to an outer layer of cells, the epidermis; (2) The
meristem, they may divide only once in every 200 to 500 hours. ground meristem, to the inside of the protoderm, produces
The divisions are often rhythmic, reaching a peak once or parenchyma cells of the cortex; (3) The procambium,
twice each day, usually toward noon and midnight, with rela- which appears as a solid cylinder in the center of the root,
tively quiescent intermediate periods. Cells in this region are produces primary xylem and primary phloem (Fig. 5.3).
mostly cubical, with relatively large, more or less centrally Pith (parenchyma) tissue, which originates from the ground
located nuclei and a few very small vacuoles. meristem, is generally present in stems but is absent in most
In both roots and stems, the apical meristem soon sub- dicot roots. Grass roots and those of most other monocots,
divides into three meristematic areas: (1) The protoderm however, do have pith tissue.


epidermis pericycle
pith cell


(a) (b)

Figure 5.3   A cross section of a monocot (greenbrier—Smilax) root. (a) Complete view. ×40. (b) Enlargement showing partial section of the
root interior. ×100. (a-b) © James E. Bidlack
Roots and Soils 69

The Region of Elongation corn; they seldom exceed 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) in length.
A single ryegrass plant occupying less than 0.6 cubic meter
The region of elongation, which merges with the apical (20 cubic feet) of soil was found to have more than 14 billion
meristem, usually extends about 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) or root hairs, with a total surface area almost the size of a foot-
less from the tip of the root. Here the cells become several ball field.
times their original length and somewhat wider. At the same When a seedling or plant is moved, many of the deli-
time, the tiny vacuoles merge and grow until one or two large cate root hairs are torn off or die within seconds if exposed
vacuoles, occupying up to 90% or more of the volume of each to the sun, greatly reducing the plant’s capacity to absorb
cell, have been formed. Only the root cap and apical meri- water and minerals in solution. This is why plants should be
stem are actually pushing through the soil, because no further watered, shaded, and pruned after transplanting until new
increase in cell size takes place above the region of elonga- root hairs have formed. In any growing root, the extent of the
tion. The usually extensive remainder of each root remains root-hair zone remains fairly constant, with new root hairs
stationary for the life of the plant. If a cambium is present, being formed toward the root cap and older root hairs dying
however, there normally is a gradual increase in girth through back in the more mature regions. The life of the average root
the addition of secondary tissues produced by the cambium. hair is usually not more than a few days, although a few live
for a maximum of perhaps 3 weeks.
The Region of Maturation The cuticle (see Fig. 4.11), which may be relatively
thick on the epidermal cells of stems and leaves, is thin
Most of the cells mature, or differentiate, into the various enough on the root hairs and epidermal cells of roots in
distinctive cell types of the primary tissues in this region, the region of maturation (Fig. 5.5) to allow water to be
which is sometimes called the region of differentiation, absorbed but still sufficient to protect against invasion by
or root-hair zone. The large numbers of delicate hairs that bacteria and fungi.
develop from many of the epidermal cells give the root-hair The cells of the cortex, a tissue composed of paren-
zone its name. The root hairs, which absorb water and min- chyma cells lying between the epidermis and inner tissues,
erals, adhere tightly to soil particles (Fig. 5.4) with the aid mostly store food. This tissue, which may be many cells
of microscopic fibers they produce and greatly increase the thick, is similar to the cortex of stems except for the presence
total absorptive surface of the root. Differentiation is dis- of an endodermis at its inner boundary (Fig. 5.6). The endo-
cussed further in Chapter 11. dermis consists of a single-layered cylinder of compactly
The root hairs are not separate cells; rather, they are arranged cells whose walls are impregnated with lignin and
tubular extensions of specialized epidermal cells. In fact, suberin. These substances form bands, called Casparian
the nucleus of the epidermal cell to which each is attached strips, which can be found on the radial and transverse cell
often moves out into the root hair. They are so numerous that walls. The plasma membranes of the endodermal cells are
they appear as a fluffy mass to the naked eye, typically num- fused to the Casparian strips, which are perpendicular to
bering more than 38,000 per square centimeter (250,000 the root’s surface; they prevent water from passing through
per square inch) of surface area in roots of plants such as the otherwise permeable (porous) cell walls. The Casparian

epidermal cell

air space

root hair


(a) (b)

Figure 5.4   (a) A radish (Raphanus) seedling shortly after germination, showing the root hair zone. (b) A diagram of an enlargement of a
longitudinal section of a small portion of a root-hair zone, showing root hairs in contact with soil particles. Note that in most soils there is normally
considerably less air space between soil particles than is depicted in this image. (a) © Kingsley Stern
70 Chapter 5


epidermis primary xylem

primary phloem


passage cell

(a) (b)

Figure 5.5   A cross section of a dicot (buttercup—Ranunculus) root. (a) Complete view. ×40. (b) Enlargement of the root center (vascular
cylinder). ×400. (a-b) © James E. Bidlack

in solution, but lying directly against the inner boundary of

the endodermis is an important layer of parenchyma tissue
cortex known as the pericycle. This tissue, which is usually one
cell wide, may in some plants be a little wider. The cells of
endodermis the pericycle may continue to divide even after they have
matured. Lateral (branch) roots and part of the vascular
pericycle cambium of dicots arise within the pericycle (Fig. 5.7).
In most dicot and conifer roots, the primary xylem con-
sists of a solid central core of water-conducting cells (e.g.,
passage cell
tracheids; vessels). In cross section, this first root xylem
usually loosely resembles the rear view of a rocket with
fins. The fins, generally referred to as arms, tend to taper
Figure 5.6   A portion of the endodermis of a buttercup toward their tips and terminate just inside of the thin, cylin-
(Ranunculus) root. ×1,000. © James E. Bidlack drical pericycle layer. There are usually four of these arms,
with some plants having two, three, or several. Lateral roots
arise toward the outside of these xylem arms, from within
strip barrier forces water and dissolved substances entering the pericycle. Dividing cells cause the pericycle to bulge out
and leaving the central core of tissues to pass through the into the cortex and the endodermis usually ruptures before
plasma membranes of the endodermal cells or their plasmo- the lateral root emerges. As the new root emerges, it pushes
desmata. This regulates the types of minerals absorbed and aside or crushes the cortex cells and eventually breaks
transported by the root to the stems and leaves. The plasma through the epidermis. Parenchyma cells between the vas-
membranes tend to exclude harmful minerals while gener- cular tissues of the originating and lateral roots differentiate
ally retaining useful ones. into vascular elements and establish connections between
An endodermis is rare in stems but so universal in the old and new tissues.
roots that only three species of plants are known to lack a The primary xylem surrounds pith parenchyma cells
root endodermis. In some roots, the epidermis, cortex, and in monocot roots and those of a few dicots; in such plants,
endodermis are sloughed off as their girth increases, but in the arms may not be well defined. Primary phloem, which
those roots where the endodermis is retained, the inner walls conducts food, forms in discrete patches between the xylem
of the endodermal cells eventually become thickened by the arms of both dicot and monocot roots.
addition of alternating layers of suberin and wax. Later, cel- A vascular cambium develops from parts of the pericy-
lulose and sometimes lignin are also deposited. Some endo- cle and other parenchyma cells between the xylem arms and
dermal cells, called passage cells, may remain thin-walled phloem patches in most dicots and conifers. This cambium
and retain their Casparian strips for a while, but they, too, at first follows the starlike outline of the primary xylem as
eventually tend to become suberized. it starts producing secondary phloem to the outside and
A core of tissues, referred to collectively as the secondary xylem to the inside. Eventually, however, the
vascular cylinder, lies to the inside of the endodermis. Most position of the cambium gradually shifts so that instead of
of the cells of the vascular cylinder conduct water or food appearing as patches and arms, the secondary conducting
Roots and Soils 71



lateral root




Figure 5.7   A cross section through a dicot (willow—Salix) root showing the origin of a lateral (branch) root. Photomicrograph by G.S. Ellmore

tissues appear as concentric cylinders. The primary phloem,

in particular, may be sloughed off and lost as secondary tis- Specialized Roots
sues are added. As mentioned earlier, most plants produce a fibrous root
In woody plants, a second cambium, the cork cambium, system, a taproot system, or, more commonly, combina-
normally arises in the pericycle outside of the vascular cam- tions of the two types. Some plants, however, have roots
bium and gives rise to cork tissue (periderm). Cork cells, with modifications that adapt them for performing specific
which are dead at maturity, are impregnated with suberin functions as well as the absorption of water and minerals in
and are impervious to moisture; similar tissues are produced solution.
in stems. Although there are exceptions, monocot roots gen-
erally have no secondary meristems and therefore no sec-
ondary growth.
Food-Storage Roots
In both roots and stems (see Chapter 6), growth may Most roots and stems store some food, but in certain plants,
be determinate or indeterminate. Determinate growth is the roots are enlarged and store large quantities of starch and
growth that stops after an organ such as a flower or a leaf other carbohydrates (Fig. 5.8), which may later be used for
is fully expanded or after a plant has reached a certain size. extensive growth. In sweet potatoes and yams, for example,
Indeterminate growth occurs in trees and other perenni- extra cambial cells develop in parts of the xylem of branch
als where new tissues are added indefinitely, season after roots and produce large numbers of parenchyma cells. As a
season. result, the organs swell and provide storage areas for large
Natural grafting can take place between roots of dif- amounts of starch and other carbohydrates. Similar food-
ferent trees of the same species, especially in the tropics. storage roots are found in the deadly poisonous water hem-
The roots unite through secondary growth when they come locks, in dandelions, and in salsify. In carrots, beets, turnips,
in contact with one another, but the details of the uniting and radishes, the food-storage tissues are actually a combi-
process are not yet known. One unfortunate aspect of this nation of root and stem. Although the external differences
grafting is that if one tree becomes diseased, the disease can are not obvious, approximately 2 centimeters (0.8 inch) at
be transmitted through the grafts to all the other trees con- the top of an average carrot is derived from stem tissue that
nected to it. merges with the root tissue below.
72 Chapter 5

Figure 5.9   A manroot (Marah) water-storage root that weighs

over 25.3 kilograms (60 pounds). Courtesy of Robert A. Schlising

investigated (see Appendix 2) may be an answer to the prob-

lem in the future.
Figure 5.8   Sweet potato (Ipomoea) plants. Note the food-
storage roots. © Martin Harvey/Getty Images RF
Water-Storage Roots Water, even after air has been bubbled through it, contains
less than one-thirtieth the amount of free oxygen found in
Some members of the Pumpkin Family (Cucurbitaceae) pro- the air. Accordingly, plants growing with their roots in water
duce huge water-storage roots. This is particularly charac- may not have enough oxygen available for normal respira-
teristic of those that grow in arid regions or in those areas tion in their root cells. Some swamp plants, such as the black
where there may be no precipitation for several months of mangrove (Avicennia nitida) and the yellow water weed
the year. In certain manroots (Marah), for example, roots (Ludwigia repens), develop special spongy roots, called
weighing 30 kilograms (66 pounds) or more are frequently pneumatophores, which extend above the water’s surface
produced (Fig. 5.9), and a root of one calabazilla plant and enhance gas exchange between the atmosphere and the
(Cucurbita perennis) was found to weigh 72.12 kilograms subsurface roots to which they are connected (Fig. 5.10).
(159 pounds). The water in the roots is used by the plants The woody “knees” of the bald cypress (Taxodium disti-
when the supply in the soil is inadequate. chum), which occurs in southern swamps (see Fig. 22.19),
were in the past believed to be pneumatophores, but there is
Propagative Roots no conclusive evidence for this theory.

Many plants produce adventitious buds (buds appearing in

places other than stems) along the roots that grow near the
Aerial Roots
surface of the ground. The buds develop into aerial stems Velamen roots of orchids (Fig. 5.11), prop roots of corn and
called suckers, which have additional rootlets at their bases. banyan trees, adventitious roots of ivies, and photosynthetic
The rooted suckers can be separated from the original root roots of certain orchids are among various kinds of aerial
and grown individually. Cherries, apples, pears, and other roots produced by plants. It was formerly assumed that the
fruit trees often produce suckers. The adventitious roots of epidermis of velamen roots, which is several cells thick,
rice-paper plants (Tetrapanax papyrifera) and tree-of-heaven aided in the absorption of rain water. It appears, however,
(Ailanthus altissima) can become a nuisance in gardens, it may function more in preventing loss of moisture from
often producing propagative roots 10 meters (33 feet) or the root. Corn prop roots, produced toward the base of the
more from the parent plant. Horseradish (Rorippa armora- stems, support the plants in a high wind. Some tropical
cia), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), and some other weeds plants, including the screw pines and various mangroves,
have a remarkable ability to reproduce in this fashion as well produce sizable prop roots extending for several feet above
as by means of seeds. In the past, this capacity has made the surface of the ground or water. Debris collects between
them difficult to control, but some biological controls being them and helps create additional soil.
Roots and Soils 73

Figure 5.11   The aerial (velamen) roots of orchids have a thick

epidermis that reduces water loss from internal tissues. © Kingsley

(a) Many of the tropical figs or banyan trees produce roots

that grow down from the branches until they contact the soil.
Once they are established, they continue secondary growth
and look just like additional trunks (Fig. 5.12). Banyan trees
may live for hundreds of years and can become very large.
In India and southeast Asia, there are several banyan trees
that have almost 1,000 root-trunks and have circumferences
approaching 450 meters (1,476 feet). The oldest is estimated
to be about 2,000 years old.
The vanilla orchid, from which we obtain vanilla fla-
voring, produces chlorophyll in its aerial roots and, through
photosynthesis, can manufacture food with them. The
adventitious roots of English ivy, Boston ivy, and Virginia
creeper appear along the stem and aid the plants in climbing.

Contractile Roots
Some herbaceous dicots and monocots have contractile
(b) roots that pull the plant deeper into the soil. Many lily bulbs
Figure 5.10   (a) Pneumatophores (foreground) of tropical are pulled a little deeper into the soil each year as new sets
mangroves rising above the sand at low tide. The pneumatophores of contractile roots are developed (Fig. 5.13). The bulbs con-
are spongy outgrowths from the roots beneath the surface. tinue to be pulled down until an area of relatively stable tem-
Pneumatophores facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon perature is reached. Plants such as dandelions always seem
dioxide for the roots, which grow in areas where little oxygen to have the leaves coming out of the ground as the top of the
is otherwise available to them. (b) Close-up photograph of stem is pulled down a small amount each year when the root
pneumatophores. (a-b) Majority World/Getty Images contracts. The contractile part of the root may lose as much
as two-thirds of its length within a few weeks as stored food
is used and the cortex collapses.
74 Chapter 5

Figure 5.12   A banyan (Ficus) tree with many large prop roots that have developed from the branches. © Kingsley Stern

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 5.13   A lily bulb over three seasons is pulled deeper into the soil by the action of contractile roots. (a) A small bulb produced
during the first growing season. (b) Contractile roots pull the newly formed bulb down several millimeters during the first season. (c) The bulb is
pulled down farther the second season. (d) The bulb is pulled down even farther the third season. The bulb will continue to be pulled down in
succeeding seasons until it reaches an area of relatively stable soil temperatures.

Buttress Roots Parasitic Roots

Some tropical trees growing in shallow soils produce huge, Some plants, including dodders, broomrapes, and pinedrops,
buttresslike roots toward the base of the trunk, giving them have no chlorophyll (which is necessary for photosynthesis)
great stability (Fig. 5.14). Except for their angular appear- and have become dependent on chlorophyll-bearing plants for
ance, these roots look like a part of the trunk. their nutrition. They parasitize their host plants via peglike
Roots and Soils 75

the air and rain. Indian pipe is referred to as an epiparasite

KEY THEME : ecology because it is a parasite of fungi in the soil; some scientists
also use the term myco-heterotroph to describe Indian pipe
because this plant obtains some or all of its carbon from the
fungus rather than from photosynthesis.
Plants Need Roots

projections called haustoria (singular: haustorium), which (a)

develop along the stem in contact with the host. The haustoria
penetrate the outer tissues and establish connections with the
xylem and phloem (Fig. 5.15). Some green plants, including
Indian warrior and the mistletoes, also form haustoria. These
haustoria, however, apparently aid primarily in obtaining
water and dissolved minerals from the host plants, because
the partially parasitic plants are capable of manufacturing
at least some of their own food through photosynthesis. The
term saprophyte, which refers to organisms that lack chloro-
phyll and obtain nutrients from organic matter, is most appro-
priately used to describe the way many fungi obtain nutrition.
It has been used in the description of some plants, but this is
not correct, and more accurate terminology can be applied,
depending on where plants obtain their nutrients. Orchids,
for instance, are often considered as epiphytes because they
grow on other plants and obtain moisture and nutrients from


Figure 5.15   (a) Pale stems of a parasitic plant (dodder—Cuscuta)

twining about other vegetation. (b) A close-up view of dodder, showing
the peglike haustoria that penetrate the tissues of the host plant. ×5.
Figure 5.14   Buttress roots of a tropical fig tree. © Kingsley Stern (a-b) © Kingsley Stern
76 Chapter 5

Mycorrhizae upon the association for survival. (Mutualism is a form of

sym­biosis; see page 299.) For some mycorrhizae the fun-
More than 95% of land plants have fungi associated with gal hyphae penetrate the root cortex but the hyphae do not
their roots and these associations are termed mycorrhizae enter the cells. On the root surface, the hyphae form a thin,
(Fig. 5.16). The association is mutualistic; that is, both encrusting layer called the mantle. This type of mycorrhiza is
the fungus and the root benefit from it and are dependent termed ectotrophic and is found in trees like pines and oaks.

normal mycorrhizal fungal hyphae

roots roots
longitudinal section
through part of the epidermis
cortex of root




root root
endodermis phloem xylem cortex ectomycorrhizae


(c) (d)

Figure 5.16   Mycorrhizae. (a) A longitudinal drawing of a root with ectomycorrhizae (visible on the right outside of the root). (b) A diagram
of a cross section of a root with ectomycorrhizae. See Figs. 5.5b and 5.6 for definitive photomicrographs of most of the tissues in this diagram.
(c) Photomicrograph of a cross section of a root around which ectomycorrhizae have formed a mantle ×40. The fungal cells have not penetrated
deeper than the outermost layers of root cells. (d) A cross section of a few root parenchyma cells with endomycorrhizae ×100. The endomycorrhizae
develop and flourish within the parenchyma cells. (c-d) © Kingsley Stern
Roots and Soils 77

In another type of mycorrhiza, the hyphae invade the cells of

the cortex and a mantle is not present. This type of mycor-
rhiza is called endotrophic and is found in the majority of
woody and herbaceous land plants.
Mycorrhizae are essential to the normal growth and
development of forest trees, as well as most herbaceous
plants, and they facilitate the uptake of water and inorganic
ions. The fungus is able to absorb and concentrate phospho-
rus much better than it can be absorbed by the root hairs.
In fact, if mycorrhizal fungi have been killed by fumigation
or are otherwise absent, many plants appear to have consid-
erable difficulty absorbing phosphorus, even when the ele-
ment is abundant in the soil. Hence, making phosphorus
readily available for absorption is a very important function
of these fungi. In exchange for the phosphorus made avail-
able to the plant by fungi, sugars and amino acids are pro-
vided by plants, which are essential for the fungi to survive.
Some plants do not seem to need mycorrhizae unless there
are barely enough essential elements for healthy growth pres-
ent in the soil. Plants with mycorrhizae develop few root hairs
compared with those growing without an associated fungus.
Mycorrhizae have been shown to be particularly susceptible
to acid rain (discussed in Chapter 25); this may signal major
problems for our coniferous forests in the future if the problem
of acid rain is not solved. Methyl bromide, used in the past to
sterilize seed beds, kills all soil organisms, including mycor-
rhizae; its continued use in the United States has been banned.

Root Nodules Figure 5.17   Root nodules on the roots of bur clover (Medicago
Although almost 80% of our atmosphere consists of nitrogen polymorpha). The somewhat popcorn-like nodules contain bacteria that
gas, plants cannot convert the nitrogen gas to usable forms. convert nitrogen from the air into forms that can be used by the plant. ×15.
© Kingsley Stern
A few species of bacteria, however, produce enzymes with
which they can convert nitrogen into nitrates and other nitrog-
enous substances readily absorbed by roots. Members of the beneficial, and the activities of the parasites within them can
Legume Family (Fabaceae), which includes peas, beans, eventually lead to the premature death of the plant.
alfalfa, and a few other plants such as alders, form associa-
tions with certain soil bacteria that result in the production of
numerous small swellings called root nodules that are clearly
visible when such plants are uprooted (Fig. 5.17). The nod-
Human Relevance of Roots
ules contain large numbers of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Roots have been important sources of food for humans since
A substance exuded into the soil by plant roots stimulates prehistoric times, and some, such as the carrot, have been
Rhizobium bacteria, which, in turn, respond with another in cultivation in Europe for at least 2,000 years. A number
substance that prompts root hairs to bend sharply. A bacte- of cultivated root crops involve biennials (i.e., plants that
rium may attach to the concave side of a bend and then invade complete their life cycles from seed to flowering and back
the cell with a tubular infection thread that does not actually to seed in two seasons). Such plants store food in a swollen
break the host cell wall and plasma membrane. The infection taproot during the first year of growth, and then the stored
thread grows through to the cortex, which is stimulated to food is used in the production of flowers in the second sea-
produce new cells that become a part of the root nodule; here son. Among the best-known biennial root crops are sugar
the bacteria multiply and engage in nitrogen conversion. (See beets, beets, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, horseradishes, and
also the discussion of the nitrogen cycle in Chapter 25.) carrots. Other important root crops include sweet potatoes,
Root nodules should not be confused with root knots, yams, and cassava. Cassava (Fig. 5.18), from which tapioca
which are also swellings that may be seen in the roots of toma- is made, forms a major part of the basic diet for millions of
toes and many other plants. Root knots develop in response inhabitants of the tropics. With a minimum of human labor,
to the invasion of tissue by small, parasitic roundworms it yields more starch per hectare (about 45 metric tons, the
(nematodes). Unlike bacterial nodules, root knots are not equivalent of 20 tons per acre) than any other cultivated
78 Chapter 5

Figure 5.18   Cassava (Manihot esculenta) plants. Note the food-storage roots on the plants that
have been dug up. © Shelley H. Jansky

crop. Minor root crops, including relatives of wild mustards, silt; clay; humus; dead leaves and twigs; clods consisting of
nasturtiums, and sorrel, are cultivated in South America and soil particles held together by clay and organic matter; plant
other parts of the world. roots; and small animals, such as ants, pill bugs, millipedes,
Several well-known spices, including sassafras, sar- and earthworms. Also present, but not visible, would be mil-
saparilla, licorice, and angelica, are obtained from roots. lions of microorganisms, particularly bacteria, fungi, and, of
Sweet potatoes are used in the production of alcohol in course, air and water.
Japan. Some important red to brownish dyes are obtained The soil became what it is today through the inter-
from roots of members of the Madder Family (Rubiaceae), action of a number of factors: climate, parent material,
to which coffee plants belong. Drugs obtained from roots topography of the area, vegetation, living organisms, and
include aconite, ipecac, gentian, and reserpine, a tranquil- time. Because there are thousands of ways in which these
izer. A valuable insecticide, rotenone, is obtained from the factors may interact, there are many thousands of differ-
barbasco plant, which has been cultivated for centuries as ent soils. The solid portion of a soil consists of mineral
a fish poison by primitive South American tribes. When matter and organic matter. Pore spaces, shared by variable
thrown into a dammed stream, the roots containing rotenone amounts of water and air, occur between the solid parti-
cause the fish to float but in no way poison them for human cles. The smaller pores often contain water, and the larger
consumption. In tobacco plants, nicotine produced in the ones usually contain air. The sizes of the pores and the
roots is transported to the leaves. Other uses of roots are dis- connections between them largely determine how well the
cussed in Chapter 24. soil is aerated.
If you were to dig down 1 or 2 meters (3 to 6 feet) in an
undisturbed area, a soil profile of three intergrading regions
Soils called horizons would probably be exposed (Fig. 5.19). The
horizons show the soil in different stages of development,
The soil is a dynamic, complex, constantly changing part of and the composition varies accordingly. The upper layer,
the earth’s crust, which extends from a few centimeters deep usually extending down 10 to 20 centimeters (4 to 8 inches),
in some places to hundreds of meters deep in others. It is is called the topsoil. It is usually subdivided into a darker
essential not only to our existence but also to the existence upper portion called the A horizon and can have a lighter
of most living organisms. It has a pronounced effect on the lower portion below it called the E horizon. The E horizon is
plants that grow in it, and they have an effect on it. not always present and usually occurs in older, well-developed
If you dig up a shovelful of soil from your yard and soils. The A portion contains more organic matter than the
examine it, you will probably find a mixture of ingredients, layers below. It can be divided into different parts such as
including several grades of sand; rocks and pebbles; powdery the A1 and A2 horizons.
Roots and Soils 79

rocks); and changes in igneous or sedimentary rocks

A1 horizon (crushed fine sandy loam,
dark brown)
brought about by great pressures, heat, or both (meta-
morphic rocks).
A2 horizon (crushed fine sandy
loam, brown)

Bt 1 horizon (crushed sandy

loam, brown)
Climate varies greatly throughout the globe, and its role
in the weathering of rocks varies correspondingly. In des-
ert areas, for example, there is little weathering by rain,
2Bt 2 horizon (broken face sandy and soils are poorly developed. In areas of moderate rain-
clay loam, reddish brown) fall, however, well-developed soils are common. In some
areas of high rainfall, the excessive flow of water through
the soil may leach out important minerals. Similar leach-
ing out of important minerals may occur when gar-
den sprinklers are left on all night. Many gardeners and
house-plant enthusiasts have stunted or killed the very
2Bt 3 horizon (broken face sandy
clay loam, yellowish red) plants they were trying to foster by “drowning” them with
too much water or too frequent watering. As a general
rule, plants should not be watered unless the soil surface
feels dry.
In areas where there are great temperature ranges, rocks
may split or crack as their outer surfaces expand or con-
2C horizon (crushed stratified
tract at different rates from the material beneath the surface.
coarse sand, strong brown) When water in rock crevices freezes, it expands and causes
further cracks and splits. The breaking up of rocks contrib-
utes to the development of soil.

Figure 5.19   A soil profile showing horizons that depict different

Living Organisms
stages of development. Steven McGowen, USDA-NRCS and Organic Composition
There are many kinds of organisms in the soil, as well as
The next 0.3 to 0.9 meter (1 to 3 feet) section is called roots and other parts of plants. In the upper 30 centimeters
the B horizon, or subsoil. It usually contains more clay and (1 foot) of a good agricultural soil, living organisms con-
is lighter in color than the topsoil. As with other soil hori- stitute about one-thousandth of the total weight of the soil.
zons, lowercase letters after the uppercase letter may be This may not sound significant, but it amounts to approxi-
used to describe characteristics within the horizon, such as mately 6.73 metric tons per hectare (3 tons per acre).
Bw (weakly colored or structured) and Bt (translocation of Bacteria and fungi present in the soil decompose organic
silicate clay), as well as numbers after these labels to des- matter, which accumulates when leaves fall and plants and
ignate layers within the horizon. A number preceding the animals die. (This process is further discussed under the
horizon letter may also be used if the soil consists of differ- section on composting in Chapter 17.) Roots and all other
ent parent materials. The C horizon at the bottom may vary living organisms produce carbon dioxide, which combines
from about 10 centimeters (4 inches) to several meters (6 to with water in the soil and forms an acid, thereby increasing
10 feet or more) in depth; it may even be absent. It is com- the rate at which minerals dissolve. Ants and other insects,
monly referred to as the soil parent material and extends earthworms, burrowing animals, and birds all alter the soil
down to bedrock. through their activities and add to its organic content, either
through wastes that they deposit or through the decomposi-
Parent Material tion of their bodies when they die. Humus, which consists
of partially decomposed organic matter, gives some soils a
The first step in the development of soil is the formation dark color.
of parent material from existing rocks that have not yet The total organic composition of a soil varies greatly.
been broken down into smaller fragments. Parent mate- An average topsoil might consist of about 25% air, 25%
rial accumulates through the weathering of three types of water, 48% minerals, and 2% organic matter. Soils in low,
rock, which originate from various sources. These sources wet areas, where a lack of oxygen keeps microorganisms
and types include volcanic activity (igneous rocks); from their normal activities, may contain as much as 90%
depositing by glaciers, water, or wind (sedimentary organic matter. Except in legumes and a few other plants,
80 Chapter 5

almost all of the nitrogen utilized by growing plants, as well Silt consists of particles that are mostly too small to be seen
as much of the phosphorus and sulfur, comes from decom- without a lens or a microscope.
posing organic matter. In addition, as organic matter breaks Clay particles are so tiny that they can’t be seen with
down, it produces acids, which, in turn, decompose miner- even a powerful light microscope, although they can be
als. Other roles of organic matter in the soil are discussed in seen with an electron microscope. Individual clay parti-
the “Soil Structure” section. cles are called micelles. Micelles are somewhat sheetlike,
negatively charged, and held together by chemical bonds.
Topography The negative charges attract, exchange, or retain posi-
tively charged ions. Many of the positively charged ions,
If the land is steep, soil may wash away or erode through such as magnesium (Mg++) and potassium (K+), which
the action of wind, water, and ice as soon as it is weath- are needed for normal plant growth, are absorbed with
ered from the parent material. It has been estimated that water by the roots. Clay is plastic in nature because the
more than 20 metric tons of topsoil per hectare (8.2 tons water that adheres tightly to the surface of the particles
per acre) are washed away annually from some prime acts both as a binding agent and a lubricant. Physically,
croplands in the central United States. clay is a colloid—that is, a suspension of particles that
If an area is flat and poorly drained, pools and ponds are larger than molecules but that do not settle out of a
may appear in slight depressions when it rains. If these bod- fluid medium.
ies of water cannot drain quickly, the activities of organisms The best agricultural soils are usually loams, which are
in the soil are interrupted, and the development of the soil is a mixture of sand, clay, and organic matter. The better loams
arrested. The ideal topography for the development of soil is have about 40% silt, 40% sand, and 20% clay. Light soils
one that permits drainage without erosion. have a high sand and low clay content. Heavy soils have
high clay content. Coarse soils, which have larger particles,
Soil Texture and Mineral are porous and don’t retain much water, while clay soils have
Composition high water content and allow little water to pass through.
Over half the composition by weight of mineral matter
Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt, is oxygen. Other elements commonly present are hydrogen,
and clay in a given soil (Table 5.1). silicon, aluminum, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
Sands are usually composed of many small particles and sodium. However, soil obtains hundreds of different
bound together chemically or by a cementing matrix material. mineral combinations from its parent material.

Table 5.1   Soil Mineral Components as Classified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
KEY THEME : ecology
Metal-Munching Plants

Soil Structure the individual granules do not become coated with organic
matter, they may continue to clump until they become
Soil structure refers to the arrangement of the soil particles clods.
into groups called aggregates. Aggregates in sands and Productive agricultural soils are granular soils with
gravels show little cohesion, but most agricultural soils pore spaces that occupy between 40% and 60% of the total
have aggregates that stick together. Structure develops volume of the soil. The pores contain air and water, and
when colloidal particles clump together, mostly as a result their sizes are more important than their total volume. Clay
of the activities of soil organisms, freezing, and thawing. If soils, for example, have more pore space than sandy soils,
82 Chapter 5

but the pores are so small that water and air are restricted clay soils, the permanent wilting point is reached when the
in their movement through the soil. When the pores are full water content drops below 15%, while in sandy soils, the
of water, air is kept out, and there is not enough oxygen for permanent wilting point may be as low as 4%. Available
root growth. Sandy soils have large pores, which drain by water is soil water between field capacity and the perma-
gravity soon after they are filled. The water is replaced by nent wilting point.
air, but too much air speeds up nitrogen release by micro-
organisms. Plants can’t use the nitrogen that quickly, and
much of it is lost. Soil pH
Water itself, as we have noted, can be harmful. Under
anaerobic conditions (marked by the absence of oxygen), The pH (acidity or alkalinity) of a soil affects both
too much water leaches mineral nutrients and slows the the soil and the plants growing in it in various ways.
mineralization process. Too much water also slows the Cranberries, for example, thrive under acidic conditions,
release of nitrogen, interferes with plant growth, and but a soil that is unusually acid or alkaline may be toxic to
accelerates the breakdown of nitrates to the extent that the roots of other plants, and mycorrhizae do not survive
virtually all the nitrates may be lost in as little as half in soils having pH extremes. These conditions, however,
an hour. do not normally directly affect plants nearly as much as
they affect nutrient availability. For example, alkalinity
causes minerals, such as copper, iron, and manganese,
Water in the Soil to become less available to plants, while acidity, if high
enough, inhibits the growth of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Water in the soil occurs in three forms. Hygroscopic water Acid soils tend to be common in areas of high precipita-
is physically bound to the soil particles and is unavailable tion where significant amounts of bases are leached from
to plants. Gravitational water drains out of the pore spaces the topsoil.
after a rain. If drainage is poor, it is this water that interferes It is a common agricultural practice to counteract soil
with normal plant growth. Plants are mainly dependent on acidity by adding compounds of calcium or magnesium in a
the third type, capillary water, which is water held against process known as liming. Alkaline soils can be made more
the force of gravity, in pores of the soil. The structure and acidic by the addition of sulfur, which is converted by bacte-
organic matter of the soil—which enable the soil to hold ria to sulfuric acid. The addition of some nitrogenous fertil-
water against the force of gravity—the density and type of izers may have the same effect.
vegetational cover, and the location of underground water
tables largely determine the amount of capillary water avail-
able to the plant. SUMMARY
The ancient Incas of Peru knew that water would rise
just so far in some areas. Where the water table was close
1. Roots anchor plants and absorb water and minerals
to the surface, they removed the upper 0.6 meter (2 feet)
in solution. A germinating seed radicle becomes the
of soil and planted their crops down in the hollowed-out
first root. Taproots with branch roots, or adventitious
areas so that the roots would be able to reach the capil-
roots that become a fibrous root system, develop from
lary water. They knew that in some areas having sandy
the radicle or the stem just above it. Many plants have
soils and low annual precipitation, soils could be com-
combinations of both systems.
pacted by a heavy roller to create finer capillaries to raise
water from below. This technique is effective only if the 2. Four zones, or regions, of young roots are recognized:
available water is within 1.5 to 3.0 meters (5 to 10 feet) (1) A protective root cap that also aids in the perception
of the surface and if the soils do not contain too much silt of gravity. (2) A region of cell division. Its apical
or clay. meristem subdivides into a protoderm, which produces
After rain or irrigation, water in the soil drains away by the epidermis; a ground meristem, which produces the
gravity. The water remaining after such draining is referred cortex; and a procambium, which produces primary
to as the field capacity of the soil. Field capacity is mainly xylem and primary phloem. (3) A region of elongation
governed by the texture of the soil, but the structure and in which the cells produced by the apical meristem
organic content also influence it to a certain extent. Plants become considerably longer and slightly wider. (4) A
readily absorb water from the soil when it is at, or near, region of maturation in which the cells mature into the
field capacity. As the soil dries, the film of water around distinctive cell types of primary tissues.
each soil particle becomes thinner and more tightly bound 3. Some of the epidermal cells in the region of
to the soil particle and less likely to enter the root. If water maturation develop root hairs; the root hairs greatly
is not added to the soil, eventually a point is reached at increase the absorptive surface of the root. The
which the rate of absorption of water by the plant is insuf- tissues that mature in this region are similar to those
ficient for its needs, and the plant wilts permanently. The of stem tips, but pith is absent in most dicot roots and
soil is then said to be at the permanent wilting point. In originates from the procambium in monocot roots.
Roots and Soils 83

4. At its inner boundary, the cortex has an endodermis 16. The field capacity of the soil is the amount
with Casparian strips made of lignin and suberin. of water that remains after the rest of the water
5. Next to the endodermis toward the center of the root has drained away by gravity. Soil reaches the
are parenchyma cells constituting the pericycle. permanent wilting point when plants wilt
Branch roots and the vascular cambium arise in the permanently because they can no longer extract
pericycle. enough water from the soil for their needs.
Available water is soil water between field capacity
6. In dicot roots, the primary xylem usually first forms a
and the permanent wilting point.
solid core with two to several arms in the center of the
root; a pith may be present in monocot roots.
7. Primary phloem is first produced in discrete patches REVIEW QUESTIONS
between the primary xylem arms, but the tissues
eventually appear as concentric cylinders. In woody
1. Distinguish between a tiny root and a root hair. What is
plants, a cork cambium usually arises in the pericycle
the function of a root hair?
and produces cork tissues similar to those of stems.
Roots may graft together naturally. There are no leaves 2. What is the difference between parasitic roots and
in roots. mycorrhizae?
8. Specialized roots include those for food or water 3. If you were shown cross sections of a young root and a
storage; pneumatophores; aerial roots (velamen roots, young stem from the same dicot plant, how could you
prop roots, photosynthetic roots, and adventitious tell them apart?
roots); contractile roots; and buttress roots. Haustoria 4. What is the function of the root cap, and from which
are peglike, parasitic roots. Mycorrhizae are meristem does it originate?
mutualistic associations between roots and fungi. 5. How do endodermal cells differ from other types of
Some plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules cells?
on their roots.
6. Where do branch roots originate?
9. Root crops include sugar beets, beets, turnips,
7. List some spices and drugs obtained from roots.
rutabagas, parsnips, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams,
and cassava. Several spices are obtained from roots. 8. What is soil parent material? Where does it come from,
Other uses of roots include the production of alcohol and how does it become soil?
and the extraction of dyes, drugs, insecticides, and 9. What is the difference between soil texture and soil
poisons. structure?
10. Soils contain a mixture of ingredients, including 10. What types of soil water are recognized? What is
sands, rocks, silt, clay, humus, dead organic available soil water?
matter, plant roots, small animals, microorganisms,
plus air and water, within pore spaces of various
11. A vertical column of soil exhibits horizons; the
topsoil is divided into an upper A horizon and a lower 1. Japanese gardeners regularly trim away parts of the
E horizon. The B horizon (subsoil) usually contains root system to assist in dwarfing a Bonsai plant. A
more clay and is lighter in color than the topsoil. The plant’s food is obtained through photosynthesis in the
C horizon (bottom portion) constitutes the weathered leaves; can you suggest why trimming the roots can
soil parent material. cause dwarfing?
12. Living organisms in the soil decompose organic matter, 2. It was suggested that roots perceive gravity
the source of most important plant nutrients. Animals through the root cap. Would it really matter if roots
also cultivate the soil. Soil erosion is affected by grew randomly in the soil instead of responding to
topography. gravity?
13. Soil texture pertains to the relative proportions of sand, 3. From the viewpoint of the plant, can you suggest a
silt, and clay. More than half of the composition by practical reason for branch roots originating internally
weight of mineral matter is oxygen. instead of at the surface?
14. Soil structure is the arrangement of the soil particles 4. When you eat a yam or a sweet potato, what kinds of
into aggregates. Good soils are highly granular and compounds and cells are you consuming?
have pore spaces that constitute about half the total 5. Persons associated with commercial nurseries and
volume. greenhouses often sterilize their soil by heating it to get
15. Water in the soil occurs as hygroscopic water, rid of pests, but then they have to wait for a short time
gravitational water, and capillary water. after it has cooled to use it. Why?
Rev.confirming Pages

84 Chapter 5

Miller, R., and D. T. Gardiner. 2000. Soils in our environment,

9th ed. Paramus, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ridge, R. W. W., and A. M. Emons (Eds.). 2000. Root hairs: Cell
Altman, A., and Y. Waisel (Eds.). 1998. Biology of root formation
and molecular biology. New York: Springer-Verlag.
and development. Hingham, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Varma, A. (Ed.). 2008. Mycorrhiza: State of the art genetics and
Brady, N. C., and R. R. Weil. 2007. The nature and properties of molecular biology, eco-function, biotechnology,
soil, 14th ed. Paramus, NJ: Prentice-Hall. eco-physiology, structure and systematics. New York:
Charman, P., and B. Murphy (Eds.). 2007. Soils: Their properties Springer-Verlag.
and management, 3d ed. New York: Oxford University
Davis, T. D., and B. E. Haissig (Eds.). 1994. Biology of
adventitious root formation. New York: Plenum Press.
Evert, R. F. 2006. Esau’s plant anatomy: Meristems, cells, and
tissues of the plant body: Their structure, function, and Visit our website at for additional
development, 3d ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience. information and learning tools.

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