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Prepared by
Ir Kamarul Ariffin Yahya
UPT-P27 Lead Electrical Engineer
P27 AMT Supervisor – Electrical

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1.0 Objective

The objective of this test is to verify the correct CT arrangement, cable connection and protection relay
setting for the following protections: 87T, 64REF, 50G SBEF for TR-321-C-02A, feeding from SB-321-C-01-
SP-11A to SB-321-D-02A.

2.0 Testing Team

PETRONAS (UPT P27) : Ir Kamarul Ariffin Yahya

TecnimontHQC (EPCC P27) : Christian Naval
Tecnimont E&I (Sub-contractor E&I) : Rajesh Kanna
ELECTEST (Elec. Service Contractor) : Santosh Kumar
Vendor (ABB distributor) : Peter Phang

3.0 Basic Data and Testing Consideration

3.1 Transformer detail

Rated Power 10MA

Rated voltage 11kV / 3.45kV
Tap position 0%
Impedance 8%
Rated HV amps 524.9A
Rated LV amps 1673.5A
HV CT @ HV switchgear 600/1A
LV CT @ LV switchgear 2500/1A
REF CT @ transformer star-point grounding 2500/1A
SBEF CT @ transformer star-point grounding 400/1A

3.2 Protection relay setting: RET615 @ SB-321-D-01A

TR2PTDF1 | 87T | 3dI>T(1)

Operation On
CT connection type Type 2
CT ratio Cor Wnd 1 1.14
CT ratio Cor Wnd 2 1.49
Low operate value 30%
Slope section 2 30%
End section 2 200%
Slope section 3 100%

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LREFPNDF1 | 64REF | dIoLo>(1)
Operation On
CT connection type Type 2
Operate value 5%xIn
Min. Operate Time 50

3.3 Protection relay setting: REF615 @ SB-321-D-01A

EFLPTOC1 | 50N | Io>(1)

Start value 300 0.120xIn
Start value Mult 1
Operate delay time 700
Operating curve type DT (IEC)
Operation On
Io signal Sel Calculated Io

EFLPTOC1 | 50G SBEF | Io>(2)

Start value 20 0.050xIn
Start value Mult 1
Operate delay time 1000
Operating curve type DT (IEC)
Operation On
Io signal Sel Measured Io

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4.0 Test 1: Verification of 87T stable, 64REF stable, 50G SBEF stable, 50N stable

1. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A rackout
2. Earth Switch SB-321-C-01-SP-11A open
3. VCB-SB-321-D-02-SP-01A closed
4. Earth Switch BUS-A SB-321-D-02-BB-A closed (simulating fault)
5. External 415Vac supply to cable section inside VCB compartment of SB-321-C-01-SP-11A

a. NER is bypass so that there is no limitation on earth fault current.
b. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A provided with temporary jumper to give closing permissive to
c. VCB-SB-321-D-02-SP-01A bypass its mechanical interlock to make possible VCB close in service
position while Earth Switch Bus-A SB-321-D-02-BB-A closed

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4.1 Result: Measurement of ABB RET615

4.2 Result: Measurement of ABB REF615

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4.3 Analysis fault current

The theoretical fault current is calculated as below:

Calculated ratio on HV:

Ik3 (HV) = Applied voltage x rated HV current = 247.3A

impedance voltage HV

Calculated power transform HV to LV:

Ik3 (LV) = V1 x Ik3 (HV) = 788.5A


4.4 Analysis 87T

IL1-A = (246.4A / 524.9A) = 0.47 pu

IL1B-A = (792.8A / 1673.5A) = 0.47 pu

IL1-diff = IL1-A – IL1B-A = 0

IL1-bias = IL1-A + IL1B-A = 0.47 pu


Result: 87T stable since biased differential falls inside not operate zone.

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4.5 Analysis 64REF

As per RET615 measurement data, IoB-A = 0.0A. Since IoB < Is, as such 64REF stable.

4.6 Analysis 50G SBEF and 50N

50G SBEF is the 400/1 SBEF CT, installed at transformer star-point grounding; it is the measured Io for
the return earth fault current to power transformer (source).

50N is the 3P 2500/1 CT, correspond to the vector sum of 3P current on Incomer SB-321-D-01A; it is the
calculated Io due to unbalance of 3P current.

As per REF615 measurement data, Io-A = 12.9A. This due to small unbalance L1-L2-L3. The return earth
fault current to power transformer (source) is less than Is of both 50G SBEF and 50N. As such both 50G
SBEF and 50N stable.

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5.1 Test 2: Verification of 87T trip, 64REF stable

1. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A rackout
2. Earth Switch SB-321-C-01-SP-11A open
3. VCB-SB-321-D-02-SP-01A test position & open
4. Earth switch INC-A SB-321-D-02-SP-01A closed (simulating fault)
5. External 415Vac supply to cable section inside VCB compartment of SB-321-C-01-SP-11A

a. NER is bypass so that there is no limitation on earth fault current.
b. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A provided with temporary jumper to give closing permissive to

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5.2 Result: RET615 fault recorder

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5.3 Analysis 87T

Diff current IL1 = 0.491 pu

Bias current IL1 = 0.245 pu

As per fault recorder, 3dI>T(1) which referring to 87T pick-up in 0mS since bias-differential current falls
inside operate zone, refer to graph below:

5.4 Analysis 64REF

Current IoB = 0xIn = 0.0A

As such, 64REF not pick-up since IoB < Is

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6.1 Test 3: Verification of 87T stable, 64REF trip

1. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A is rackout
2. Earth Switch SB-321-C-01-SP-11A open
3. VCB-SB-321-D-02-SP-01A open
4. Temporary cable connected between L1-E in side cable compartment SB-321-D-02-SP-01A
(simulating fault)
5. Earth switch INC-A SB-321-D-02-SP-01A open
6. External 415Vac supply to cable section inside VCB compartment of SB-321-C-01-SP-11A

a. NER is bypass so that there is no limitation on earth fault current.
b. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A provided with temporary jumper to give closing permissive to

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6.2 Result: RET615 fault recorder

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6.3 Analysis 87T

Diff current IL1 = 0.257 pu

Bias current IL1 = 0.119 pu

Such, 87T not pick-up since bias differential falls inside not operate zone, refer to graph below:

6.4 Analysis 64REF

Current IoB = 0.277xIn = 692.5A

As per fault recorder, dIoLo>(1) which referring to Current IoB (64REF) pick-up in 15mS since 64REF
protection is set at 5%xIn = 125A.

50G SBEF protection by REF615 not pick-up since its Operated Delay Time is set at 1000mS; as such,
protection 64REF by RET615 will respond first.

50N protection by REF615 does not see any fault current since the simulated earth fault is located
before its CTs while VCB-SB-321-D-02-SP-01A is open condition, thus submission of Io equal to zero.

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7.1 Test 4: Verification of 87T stable, 64REF stable, 50G SBEF trip

1. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A is rackout
2. Earth Switch SB-321-C-01-SP-11A open
3. VCB-SB-321-D-02-SP-01A closed
4. Temporary cable connected between L1-E on busbar section inside VCU compartment at one of SB-
321-D-02-SP-01A Motor Feeder (simulating fault)
5. External 415Vac supply to cable section inside VCB compartment of SB-321-C-01-SP-11A

a. NER is bypass so that there is no limitation on earth fault current.
b. VCB-SB-321-C-01-SP-11A provided with temporary jumper to give closing permissive to
c. 50N protection at REF615 SB-321-D-02-SP-01A set to OFF.

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7.2 Result: REF615 fault recorder

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7.3 Analysis:

Current IL1 = 0.276xIn = 690.0A

Current Io = 1.733xIn = 693.2A

As per fault recorder, Io>(2) which referring to Current Io (50G) pick-up in 984mS since 50G protection is
set at 0.05xIn = 20A @ DT 1000mS.

50G is the 400/1 SBEF CT, installed at transformer star-point grounding; it is the measured Io for the
return earth fault current to power transformer (source).

Also to note that from fault recorder, Current Io-Calc = 0.277xIn = 692.5A. Even though 50N time grading
is set at DT 700mS, this protection does not pick-up since it is purposely set to OFF for this test.

50N is the 3P 2500/1 CT, correspond to the vector sum of 3P current on Incomer SB-321-D-01A; it is the
calculated Io due to unbalance of 3P current.

Whenever both 50G protection ON and 50N protection ON, Io>(1) which referring to Current Io-Calc
(50N) pick-up in 689mS since 50N protection is set at 0.12xIn = 300A @ DT 700mS. Refer to fault
recorder below for the addition test being done to verify protection coordination between 50N and 50G:

Result of REF615 fault recorder (with 51G protection ON, 51N protection ON):

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8.0 Troubleshooting

Issue encounter: During performing 64REF unstable test for INC-A, both INC-A and INC-B 64REF pick-up.
This is a nuisance tripping for INC-B.

Analysis: On further checking, it is found-out that CT’s secondary wire having 2 point earthing. This
create a current flow path to both INC-A RET615 and INC-B RET615 whenever there is an earth fault at
one of the Power Transformer. This defeat the in-zone unit protection for a Power Transformer.

Rectification: One of the CT’s secondary wire earthing have been removed, which result successful in-
zone 64REF unstable test for INC-A.

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