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8 Study of Compounds

(B) Ammonia

About 80% of the ammonia produced on industrial scale is used in agriculture as fertilizer.
Ammonia is also used as a refrigerant gas, for puri! cation of water supplies, and in the
manufacture of plastics,explosives,textiles, pesticides and otherchemicals.

Chapter Notes
Preparation and Manufacture of Ammonia
Properties and Uses of Ammonia


Molecular formula of Ammonia is NH3. Its relative molecular mass is 14 +
1(3) = 17.
Lewis diagram of NH3 is represented below:

H × N× H
There is covalent bonding in ammonia.
In free state, ammonia occurs in small amount in air and in traces in natural
Ammonia occurs in combined form in many compounds like ammonium
chloride, ammonium sulphate, etc.
Different Forms of Ammonia
(1) Dry ammonia gas —Gaseous ammonia
(2) Liquid ammonia — Dry ammonia liquiefied at high pressure
(3) Liquor ammonia —Saturated solution of
fortis (880 ammonia)  ammonia in water (Relative density =
—It is stored in a cold place in
tightly stoppered bottles.
(4) Laboratory bench — Dilute solution of liquor ammonia.
Example 1. Name the saturated solution of ammonia in water.
Ans. Liquor ammonia fortis.
Laboratory Preparation of Ammonia
From Ammonium chloride
Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl)
Calcium hydroxide [(Ca(OH)2] in excess
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 Heat
 → CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2NH3�

Ammonium Calcium Calcium Water Ammonia

chloride hydroxide chloride

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Laboratory preparation of dry ammonia
Example 2. Give balanced chemical reaction for the laboratory
preparation of ammonia.
Ans. 2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 ¾® CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2NH3�
Ammonium Calcium Calcium water Ammonia
chloride hydroxide chloride
Drying of Ammonia gas
Ammonia gas is passed through drying tower containing lumps of quicklime
Preparation of Aqueous Solution of Ammonia
An aqueous solution of ammonia is prepared by dissolving ammonia
(obtained from ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide) in water.
NH3 + H2O ¾® NH4OH
Ammonia Water Ammonium hydroxide

Aqueous solution of Ammonia

Study of Compounds: (B) Ammonia 3

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4 ICSE Chemistry Class X

OBJECTIVE Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
 [ 1 mark ]
1. An aqueous solution of ammonia is:
(a) Neutral (b) Acidic
(c) Basic (d) Amphoteric [ICSE Sem-2, 2022]
Ans. (c)Basic.
Explanation: Ammonia is considered basic because its nitrogen atom
has an electron pair that readily accepts a proton, from water and forms
ammonium ion and hydroxide ion.
NH3 + H2O ¾® NH4+ + OH–
2. Ammonia hydroxide is a solution of ammonia in water. It is a
colourless solution with pungent odour. It plays an important role
in daily life activities. It is used in fertilisers, household cleaners,
photography, pharmaceuticals, and also used as a refrigerant.
Ammonia hydroxide produces a reddish-brown colour when added to
a solution of:
(a) CuSO4 (b) Zn(NO4)3
(c) FeSO4 (d) FeCl3
[ICSE Specimen, 2022]
Ans. (d)FeCl3
Explanation: A precipitate of reddish-brown colour is obtained when
ammonium hydroxide is added to the solution of FeCl3.
FeCl3 + 3NH4OH → Fe (OH)3 + 3 NH4Cl
Yellow Reddish-brown

SUBJECTIVE Type Questions

Fill in The Blanks

[ 1 mark ]
3. Liquor ammonia fortis is a saturated solution of ............... . [HOT ]
Ans. NH4OH

Study of Compounds: (B) Ammonia 5

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Explanation: When ammonia is dissolved in water, it results in formation

of ammonium hydroxide known as liquor ammonia fortis.
4. Ammonia in the liquefied form is ................ . [neutral / basic]
[ICSE Specimen, 2022]
Ans. basic
Explanation: Because the nitrogen atom has an electron pair that easily
accepts a proton.
Name the Following
[ 1 mark ]
5. Name the metal which directly combines with nitrogen on heating.
Ans. Magnesium , Calcium, Aluminium
3Mg + N2 ¾® Mg3N2
3Ca + N2 ¾® Ca3N2
6Al + 3N2 ¾® AlN
6. Name the experiment which demonstrates the extreme solubility of
ammonia. [HOT ]
State one property of ammonia demonstrated in the fountain
[ICSE Specimen, 2022]
Ans. Fountain experiment is done to prove that NH3 is soluble in water.

State the Observation

 [1 mark ]
7. Ammonia gas is passed over heated copper (II) oxide. [ICSE 2019]
Ans. The black coloured copper (II) oxide turns into reddish pink substance.
Chemical Equation:
3CuO + 2NH3 →3Cu + N2 + 3H2O
The black copper (II) oxide turns into a pink or reddish brown
[Marking Scheme]
What Examiners Say
 Several candidates incorrectly wrote the colour of copper as red or reddish

6 ICSE Chemistry Class X

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Give Balanced Chemical Equation
[ 1 mark ]
8. Ammonium hydroxide is added to ferrous sulphate solution.
 [ICSE 2019]
Ans. FeSO4 + 2NH4OH ® (NH4)2SO4 + Fe(OH)2
[Marking Scheme]
What Examiners Say
 A large number of condidates made errors in writing the formula of
ammonium sulphate or ferrous sulphate. In several cases, equation was
not balanced.
9. A
 n equation to illustrate the reducing nature of ammonia. [HOT ]
[ICSE 2016]
Ans. 3CuO + 2NH3 → 3Cu + 3H2O + N2

Give Reason
 [1 mark ]
10. This gas is used as a reducing agent in reducing copper oxide to
[ICSE 2015]
Ans. Ammonia gas is used as a reducing agent in reducing copper oxide to
3CuO + 2NH3 → 3Cu + 3H2O + N2

Very Short Answer Type Questions [VSA]

 [ 1 mark ]
11. Distinguish between ammonium sulphate and sodium sulphate by
using calcium hydroxide. [ICSE Specimen, 2022]
Ans. Ammonium Sulphate on warming with Calcium Hydroxide solution
liberates ammonia gas.
(NH4)2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 → CaSO4.2H2O +2NH3↑
While Sodium Sulphate does not liberate ammonia gas.

Study of Compounds: (B) Ammonia 7

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Short Answer Type-I Questions [SA-I]
[ 2 marks ]

12. State the observation for the following:

(A) Dry ammonia gas reacts with oxygen in the presence of catalyst.
(B) Excess chlorine gas reacts with ammonia gas.
[ICSE Sem-2, 2022]
Ans. (A)Reddish brown vapours of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are seen in the
flask due to the oxidation of nitric oxide (NO).
Hydrogen chloride and yellow coloured highly explosive liquid
nitrogen trichloride are formed.

What Examiners Say

 Students while writing observation should mention the colour and the
odour of the product formed.

Long Answer Type-II Questions [LA-II]

[ 5 marks ]

13. The diagram shows an experiment set up for the laboratory

preparation of a pungent smelling gas. The gas is alkaline in nature.
Mixture X

(A)Name the gas collected in the gas jar.

(B)Write a balanced chemical equation for the above preparation.
(C)How is the gas being collected?
(D)What is the purpose of using Y?
(E) How will you find that the jar is full of gas?

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[ICSE Specimen, 2022]

Ans. (A)Ammonia

(B) 2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 + Heat → CaCl2

Ammonium Calcium + 2H2O + 2NH3↑

chloride hydroxide Ammonia

(C) Ammonia gas is collected in inverted gas jar by the downward
displacement of air.
(D)Y is quicklime (CaO) which is used as a drying agent in the preparation
of ammonia.
(E) Bring a glass rod dipped in conc. HCl near the mouth of jar containing
ammonia gas, it gives dense white fumes.

Study of Compounds: (B) Ammonia 9

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