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Jalan Bintara Raya 2, Blok B No. 43, Bekasi Barat
Achieving bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at Bakrie University who has an interest in IT, business
development, marketing and data analysis. Have an organizational experience such as being a departmental
staff SDM at HMTI Bakrie University and have had internship experience at PT BAKRIE AUTOPARTS as a
PPIC Production Planning and Inventory Control and have had working experience at PT MEGA FINANCE as a
Credit Marketing Analist. As well as having basic skills in operating applications such as admin data entry,
Microsoft Access and Microsoft Project.

Work Experiences
PT. Marsuan.GO - J a k a r t a , Indonesia Jan 2018
Event Organizer
Organizing Events for several companies such as Pt Unilever, National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Pt PLN, Ministry of Social
Affairs and others.

ASIAN PARA GAMES 2018- J a k a r t a , Indonesia Agus 2018 - Sep 2018

Accommodation division Volunteer
Providing and preparing athletes’ equipment for competition needs

PT. Bakrie Autoparts - B e k a s i , Indonesia Apr 2019 – Jun 2019

Production Planning and Inventory Control (PPIC)
Prepare the manufacturing process and manage the stock of raw materials until they are finally produced into finished goods

PT. BCA Multifinance - Jakarta, Indonesia Apr 2021 – Jun 2022

Credit Marketing Head
Collect customer data, analyze customer data, build relationships with customers, achieve monthly sales targets, build good relationships
with dealers

PT. MEGA Finance - Jakarta, Indonesia Aug 2022 - Jun 2023

Credit Marketing Staff
Collect customer data, analyze customer data, build relationships with customers

Education Level
Universitas Bakrie - Jakarta, Indonesia Sep 2016 - Aug 2023
Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering, 2.74/4.00
o HMTI get 1nd place at senate ormawa 2018
o Breaking Industrial Limit 2018 as Koodinator dekorasi and komuntasi
o Industial Engineering get 2rd place of Futsal league at Liga Merah MAroon 2019

Organisational Experience
Rohani Kristen Bakrie University - Jakarta, Indonesia Aug 2018 - Apr 2019
Leader of Rohani Kristen Bakrie University
o Lead the running of spiritual activities and management duties
o Form a cabinet to manage Rohkris for one year
o Lead the running of the Rohkris government
o Lead Rohkris meetings and attend other student meetings
o Responsible for all Rohkris organizational activities
o Determine accountable management policies

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri - Jakarta, Indonesia Jul 2017 - Sep 2018
Human Resources Department Staff
C onducting Orientation and introducing the disciplinary values of the Industrial Engineering Study Program to new Industrial
Engineering Students at Bakrie University
The mentoring program is a program to share experiences and knowledge
between foster siblings and foster siblings through interactions in academic and
non-academic fields
Liga Merah Maroon 2019 - Jakarta, Indonesia Aug 2018 - Apr 2019
Research & Development
Collecting student data from every contingen in the event
Checking and verification data to make sure the players are valid to represent their major
Providing the data to register every player who won the league in every single competition

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Soft Skills: Communication, Analytical Skill, Negotation, Team Work, Leadership & Team Management

Hard Skills: Ms Word, Ms Power Point, Ms Excel, Google Docs, Google Analytics

English: TOEFL Score: 460

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