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Để chuẩn bị tốt cho kỳ thi cuối HKI, phụ huynh vui lòng nắm lịch thi dự kiến môn Tiếng Anh của
các em như sau:
Tuần 16: Từ ngày 21-25/12: Ôn tập và kiểm tra nói một số em.
Tuần 17: Từ ngày 28/12-01/01: Kiểm tra nói các em còn lại và kiểm tra nghe, đọc, viết. (Ngày thi cụ
thể giáo viên sẽ thông báo sau)
I. Speaking: Gồm có 3 phần
1. Find 5 differences between 2 pictures:


- There is one fish in picture A but there are two fish in picture B.

2. Tell a story which bases on some pictures:
Teacher is going to tell the first picture; students have to complete the story with the other pictures.

- On Sunday morning, Fred gets up and has breakfast with his family. His mom gives him some
fries and fish. Fred is happy because fries is his favorite food.

3. Choose the odd-one-out picture:
Students must choose the most different picture and say why. Example:

- In the first line, the book is odd because it’s not a kind of fruit, you read it, you don’t eat it but the
lemon, the pineapple and the orange are fruits, you can eat them.

Sample Test:


II. Listening, reading and writing:
1. Vocabulary:
- Các em cần học thuộc các từ vựng từ Theme 1- Theme 5 ( sách Ilearn Smart Start 3), đồng thời
hiểu được định nghĩa của các từ vựng này.
1. You move this with your hand when you do things on a computer. ....................
2. That is a small computer that you can put in a bag. ....................
3. You put it in a computer to watch a movie. ....................
4. This is the first day of the week. ....................
5. This is the seventh day of the week. ....................
6. You walk on these to go up or down. ……………
7. It’s in the wall and helps you see what is outside. ……………
8. This is what you use to go up or down. ……………
9. This is the room under the house. ……………
10.You use this to make bread and cakes. It’s white. ……………
11.This is a brown drink. ……………
12.We use this to dry something. ……………
13.You make this food with apples, flour and sugar. ……………
14.You do this when you move to music. ……………
15.You do this when you move to music. ……………
16.You do this in a park with special boots with wheels. ……………
17.You read stories with lots of pictures. ……………
18.You do this at the cinema or at home. ……………
19.Something you can do in your free time on your computer. ……………
20. You do this on ice. ……………
- Vận dụng các từ vựng để đưa vào các cụm từ và đoạn văn.
2. Grammar:
- Các em cần ôn lại các cấu trúc ngữ pháp từ Theme 1- Theme 5 ( sách Ilearn Smart Start 3)
* Một số bài tập vận dụng:
Dạng bài đọc câu hỏi chọn câu trả lời chính xác nhất.
1. What’s your mom’s phone number?
A. Her phone is beautiful.
B. It’s number 10.
C. I don’t know but I can ask her.
2.How old are you and your friends?
A. We are ten.
B. They are ten.
C. They are young.
3. How many laptops do you have?
A. Only one.
B. My dad has one laptop.
C. He has one.
4. What do you like best about school?
A. I like art class.
B. I can swim.
C. I am going to the zoo.
5. When do you have P.E class?
A. We have P.E class on Tuesday.
B. In the art room.
C. We do exercise in the playground.
6. Is the picture above the sofa?
A. Yes, there is.
B. Yes, it is.
C. No, it doesn’t.
7. Where’s grandmother?
A. She’s in the kitchen.
B. He’s upstairs.
C. She’s reading book.
8. Which pillow is yours?
A. The orange one.
B. The pillow is on the bed.
C. I have two pillows.
9.Would you like some juice?
A. I’m not hungry.
B. Yes, please. I’m thirsty.
C. It’s sweet.
10. Do you want to go skateboarding?
A. Yes, you may.
B. Yes, I like.
C. Yes, I do.
Dạng bài đọc đoạn văn , chọn từ đúng điền vào câu:
Many children like going to summer school. It is really fun. You can try many new things and
(1)……………………. new friends. At summer school, children (2)………………….. on field
trips. They can (3)………………. sports on the beach.They can learn (4)……………….. animals.
Summer school (5) ………………. a lot of fun for everyone.
1. made make makes
2. goes went going
3. playing play plays
4. in about on
5. are is have

Many children like to (1)……………… pets at home. Lot of people have pet cats. Cats are very
friendly. They (2)…………….. live with people in their house or in a small house. They
(3)……………… easy to look after. People think cats don’t like swimming because
they(4)…………… water. Some cats (5)………………… water and you can wash them.
They love pet cats.
1. Has do have
2. Can are do
3. Are is can
4. Don’t doesn’t can’t
5. Like likes liked

Dạng bài nhìn tranh, điền từ còn thiếu để hoàn thành các câu:

Complete the sentences:
1. The boy is___________ soccer on the sand.
2. One girl is___________ .
3. The man on the chair is___________ a newspaper.
4. There is one___________ on the rock.
5. The house is___________ the mountain.
Answer the questions:
1. Where is the bag?...............................................
2. How many people in the picture?...................................
3. Where are the people?.........................................
4. What’s the girl doing?.......................................
5. How’ s the weather?..........................................

Dạng bài đọc đoạn văn, điền 1,2,3 từ còn thiếu để hoàn thành câu.

My weekend
Hello, my name is Tom. Last Saturday my dad took me to the zoo. We travelled by car. We had
great time there. We saw a lot of animals and took some photos with them. My favorite animals are
birds. I love them because they can fly. My dad bought sandwiches and orange juice for lunch. It
was fantastic.

Ex: They went to the zoo last Saturday.

1. They went to the zoo by...............................................................
2. They saw...........................................................animals at the zoo.
3. Tom loves birds because.............................................................
4. They had........................................................................................for lunch.
My favorite sport
Hello, my name is Danny. I am from High School. I like sports so much. In my school, there is a
large school yard and a gymnastic room, so the students like to go there in break time. They can
play basketball, soccer and also table tennis. My favorite sport is soccer because I want to be a
football player when I am a grown-up.
Example: Kim’s home is in a___ big city___

1. Danny comes from_______________School.

2. The school has a big ________________________and a gymnastic room.
3. The boy like playing____________________
4. When he grows up, he wants to be a_________________________

Food around the world

People from around the world eat different food. Chili is a dish from the USA. People eat it for
lunch or dinner. It has meat, beans, and some vegetable in a spicy sauce. It is very spicy. Americans
eat it with bread or with rice. Some people like to add cheese, too. Curry is a dish from India. It is
spicy. People eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is vegetables, meats or fish in a spicy sauce. In
India, people eat curry with rice or with bread.
1. People from around the world……………………………..
2. …………………….. is from the USA.
3. ………………………is spicy.
4. people can eat curry with……………………………

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