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Acknowledgments :

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Ms.Cilla as

well as our deen Nowara Emsalim who gave me the golden opportunity to do this

wonderful project on the topic

Teaching two main approaches of teaching writing Product and Process for sixth

grade students

which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so

many new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in

finalizing this project within the limited time frame.


Writing is the most complex of the four language skills which are reading,

speaking, comprehension and writing. Writing incorporates almost all the other

three elements. Given the reality of our highly dynamic and interconnected world,

to be able to write effectively and precisely is an imperative competence that

must be aimed at. This makes teaching writing a significant activity.

The product approach to writing works best when we aim to teach texts which

have a fixed format, predictable language use, organization, grammar aspects and

style, for e.g., Reports, blogs, newspaper articles, formal letters and emails,

memos etc.

Th process approach to writing was evolved in the 1980s to support students

whose first language was different from the language of instruction at school and

the one they were their texts were in.

This process requires much more effort and meticulous planning but is far more

effective in developing writing skills in general.

Research aims :

Objectives : In this research we will argue the actual use of these two approaches
and the differences between them.

As well as doing real world objectives for example shops and supermarkets and
pedagogical objectives .

Both the product and process approaches hope to improve results and increase
the consistency and predictability of output.

Research question:

What is your understanding about the product and process approaches?

What is the process- based and product-based approaches?

What is the process and product oriented approach?

Problem statement:

Writing is a deciding factor for academic success among tertiary-level students.

Developing the writing skill of learners at the foundation level plays a significant
role in their academic career.

In teaching writing, a debatable issue has been whether to use a process or

product approach.

While some researchers contend that a process approach helps develop writing
among sixth grade learners, others argue that the product is more important than
the process.

However, process without product would be aimless and a product without a

process would be hollow. This chapter deals with the writing module taught
across the three levels of the Foundation Program at Oman's Dhofar University.

It focuses on how writing course content, learning outcomes, writing portfolios,

and assessment procedures are addressed and how the process and product
approaches are blended to achieve learning outcomes. Teacher and student
perceptions on how this approach helps are analyzed and discussed.
Chapter 2

This chapter presents the research method used, the respondents, the

instrumentation, administration of instruments, and the procedure of


Writing is a deciding factor for academic success among sixth grade students.
Developing the writing skill of learners at the foundation level plays a significant
role in their academic career.

In teaching writing, a debatable issue has been whether to use a process or

product approach.

While some researchers contend that a process approach helps develop writing
among ESL/EFL learners, others argue that the product is more important than the
Literature Review:

The main aim of this qualitative study was to determine the influence of using the
Process and Product approaches— as a dual-method approach— in order to
enhance writing skill in an EFL English class at Language Center of Technical
University of Cotopaxi.

This action research was carried out during the academic term April- August 2017,
with 11 participants.
Teachers’ observation was applied as data collection method; an anecdotal note
was used to observe students’ written compositions focusing on six
components: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and
The research was developed in three phases, the diagnosis, the teaching of
writing by combining the two approaches and the evaluation phase.

Results show that students’ written compositions improved significantly after

applying the approaches mentioned.
The process approach helped students to generate ideas and to organize those
ideas in a text composition; and the product followed by the process approach
helped students to learn the linguistic knowledge (grammar, spelling,
vocabulary and punctuation).
A balanced integration of the writing process approach and the product approach
allowed enhancing writing skills and changing students’ attitude towards writing.
Therefore, it is suggested that English teachers apply process and product
approaches—as a dual method in order to give students more opportunities to
develop their writing skill, and to make them feel more confident when
doing writing compositions.


The researcher utilized the descriptive method using quantitative approach in

gathering information about the present condition.

This method aims to anticipate furthering the information needed in this research.
Essentially, the method is suitable to this study because it aims to define the
current condition of practical analysis as it is used in actual practice and real-life
demand of the proposed structure The research is envisioned to carry quantitative

ANDREW P.JHONSOSN - ( Academic writing process and product 2006 )

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