Session Roadmap

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1. Perception Analyses
2. Session Outline
3. Psychology of Attraction
4. Initial Attraction
5. Attraction Amplification
6. First Interaction
7. Three Arts to Master
8. Dating Dynamics
9. Compatibility Analysis
This session aims to bring forth a clearer view of your actual needs through a
Personalized Perception Analysis and by giving you a peak into all the skills and
know how you need, to Date successfully. By the end of this session, we will
have a comprehensive understanding of your Gifts and Gaps, and a Road-Map
to help me guide you through your journey to finding Love.
 Source of Information – Psychology, Anthropology, Biology, & Personal
Almost all the information shared in this session is directly or indirectly derived
from researches and studies conducted by experts.

 Focus and Objectives

- Better Self-awareness
- Past Experiences
- Gauging your current skills and what we’ll need to develop.
- Gifts and Gaps
- Create a Precise and Detailed Road-Map

 Outcomes
o Mindset & Perception development + Analysis Report
o A mental roadmap to approach dating
o Lifestyle Changes
o Improved Decision-Making Skills
o Self-refection – Gaps & Gifts
o Develop a set of personalized steps to improve your dating game
o Worksheet to Maximize Initial Attraction
o Compatibility Analysis Report
o Answer to all your Questions.
What do girls find attractive in guys?
-is directly derived from the Evolution of Desire, reproductive success, and
sexual selection.

Guys charm while girls choose. This is because reproduction is expensive for
women and cheap for men.

What do girls want?

Girls choose their partners based on two sets of qualities- Sexy genes and
Parental genes.

Indicators of sexy genes – height, strength, broad shoulders, V-shaped torse,

broad lower jaw, strong brow ridge, facial and body hair, deep voice,
symmetrical features, high energy level, athleticism, health, oral fluency, social
skills, and intelligence.
Women seek men with good genes so that they can pass these genes on to
their children.

Indicators of Parental genes – Willingness to commit, emotional stability,

kindness, compatibility, generosity, mature age, ambition, wealth, and social
Women seek men with good parental ability so that their children can get a
good start in life and, ultimately, reach their full genetic potential.

When seeking casual sex, girls prioritize indicators of sexy genes, but when
seeking a long-term relationship, they prioritize indicators of parental ability.
Why are we attracted to the people we are
attracted to?
Attraction itself is described as a power for eliciting emotions, including finding
interest, evoking feelings of like, or developing a desire or forces that pull
people together.
These forces can be things like liking, sexual desire, similarity, or even just
physical proximity.
Sexual attraction, for example, is dictated by the desire to engage in intimate
acts with a person and can be influenced by physical cues alone.
Romantic attraction is deeper, spurred by feelings of wanting a relationship
with someone.


Factors that lead to Attraction-

1. Proximity
2. Physical Attractiveness
3. Familiarity
4. Reciprocity of Desire

Some things you can pay attention to if you’re getting vibes from someone:
 Hiding the fact they’re grooming for you
 Mimicking you
 Body temperature rises
 Dilated pupils when making eye contact
 Lean in when speaking with you
 Flush or blush when interacting
 Body language is wide open
 Changes in voice tone
The Halo Effect

Initial Attraction-
Initial attraction refers to the immediate interest, chemistry, or
fascination that can occur when two individuals first encounter each

Factors that influence Initial Attraction –

 Physique
 Dress sense
 Proximity
 Odor
 Hygiene
 Body Language
 Confidence
 Similarity
 Voice and Tone
 Social Intelligence
 Social Status
 Sense of humor
We are actively going to work on these factors.
First Interaction -
How to have that first chat with the girl you’re attracted to?
-More than what you do, what matter is how you do it.

Two most probable scenarios are –

-there is a common factor between the two of you, a common friend, at the
same party, similar interests, so you actually have something to open with.
-there is NO common factor between the two of you, maybe you saw her a
couple of times in your area, or saw her for the first time and want to approach

Indicators of Interests (IOIs) -

 Increased eye contact
 Smiling and laughter
 Proximity and body language
 Initiating conversation and engagement
 Playful teasing
 Physical touch
 Active listening or engagement
 Increased communication
 Compliments and admiration
 Seeking opportunities for further interactions
 Many more…

Recommended methods of approaching a girl.

The Common Factor scenario - After getting more than 3 IOIs (Indicators of
Interest), it’s advisable to get a little more casual, playful and flirtatious.
The NO Common Factor Scenario – A simple and confident “Hi” and a logical
reason to talk can go a long way. Focus on refining your body language, tonality
and overall looks. The more you fail the better you get at it.
Compatibility Analysis –
What are the prerequisites or things to take note of when
considering her as a romantic partner?

This is where it gets a little tricky.

 You need to be well aware of your own expectations from your
potential partner and your own insecurities, before you
consider her as your girlfriend.
 Availability – It goes without saying that she has to be single.
 Past experiences – It is good to know when, how and why her
last relationship ended.
 Compatibility – A general idea of if your expectations and goals
from a relationship align well or not.
 Priorities – It is vital to be aware of her priorities, it helps you
gauge her seriousness and general personality when it comes to
having a relationship.
 Lifestyle – If she’s an outgoing party girl and you’re the stay-at-
home type. Or maybe you like adventure sports but she’s
terrified of heights.
 Quality of people in her life - Her friend circle and an idea of the
atmosphere at her home will tell you a lot about her as a
Three Arts to Master –
Flirting, Humor and Effective Communication.
Note – These will only work as indented when used in a
complimentary manner.

Why is each of the art important?

Flirting – Creates Chemistry over connection
Humor – Pleasurable and releases endorphins, is a sure-short way of amplifying
Effective Communication – is vital in order to build a deep emotional

Note - Each of these arts are worthy of having a book of its own, so we’ll
discuss only the basic concepts and practical steps to take in order to inculcate
these arts in your conversational style and start a cycle of consistent learning.

Flirting - at its most basic, is playfully showing you are romantically

attracted to someone. Remember that flirting isn't about hitting any
preconceived personal goal, it’s just giving someone else a good
Things to do-
 Make Eye Contact
 Smile
 Present yourself
 Initiate Conversations Often
 Keep it light
 Use Body language to communication your intentions
 Break the touch barrier
 Compliment & Tease Playfully
 Keep interactions short and sweet

Humor – the ultimate tool for building attraction!

A ‘good’ sense of humor means tactful, pleasant fun that does not
cause offence in those who are listening.
If you naturally possess a good sense of humor, it’s nothing less than
a blessing. Humor is the most effective of conversational tools and
it’s a skill that can be learned and honed.

Things to do –
 Learn to identify when someone is joking
 Respond to Other’s humor
 Learn to Banter
 Learn to take a joke
 Learn what jokes cross the line
 Tell jokes that you personally find funny
 Create jokes – Absurdity, Illogic, or funny story
 Joke about shared experiences
 Don’t use Derogatory or Deprecating Humor
 Be a consumer of Humor
 Include Gestures, Physical Signs and Expressions
 Try to see the funny side to almost everything
Effective Communication – in a relationship is vital for fostering
understanding, resolving conflicts, and building a strong emotional
Things to do –
 Active listening
 Expressing emotions
 Empathy and understanding
 Non-verbal communication
 Timing and context
 Conflict resolution
 Avoiding assumptions and mind-reading
 Respectful communication
 Regular check-ins
 Appreciation and positive reinforcement
 Avoid Manipulation
Dating –
It is a phase of exploration and building a potential romantic or
intimate relationship.
Dating allows people to engage in various activities, such as going on
outings, sharing meals, participating in hobbies, or simply spending
quality time together, to foster a deeper connection and determine

When to ask her out on a date?

When you are actively using the three arts mentioned previously, you’re
constantly fueling the attraction between you and your potential partner.
Additionally, when you’re done with the Pre-requisites checklist, it’s time to ask
her out.

How to ask her out on a date?

Be straight forward but not blunt. Do not talk or play in spirals. Girls want you
to take the lead, plan, pick-drop, and think the whole thing through. Moreover,
it gives you an opportunity to exhibit your creativity and thoughtfulness.

What to do on the first date?

There are a few things to keep in mind, however, the two main
objectives of the first date are ‘scoring a second date’ and ‘leave her
wanting more.’
Other things to take care of on the first date –
 Dress Appropriately
 Be Punctual
 Show Confidence and Decisiveness
 Plan the date
 Be a great listener
 Engage Fully
 Respect Personal Boundaries
 Practice Good Hygiene
 Be a Gentleman
 Practice good Table Manners

Note – Moving on from the first date.

Green Flags & Red Flags –

Red flags usually come in the form of toxic traits like aggression or
narcissism and manipulative behavior. Green flags, on the other
hand, show healthy behavior and opportunities for deeper

List of Green Flags –

 You can express and discuss emotions
 You can have difficult conversations about the relationship
 They aren’t afraid to apologize
 They’re your safe space
 They validate your emotions
 Respect your boundaries
 They’re comfortable talking about the future
 Share the same values
 They make you want to be your best self
 There’s consistent communication
 They pay attention to the little details

List of Red Flags –

 Overly controlling behavior
 Lack of trust
 Feeling low self-esteem
 Physical, emotional, or mental abuse
 Substance abuse
 Narcissism
 Anger management issues
 Codependency
 Inability to resolve conflict
 Constant jealousy
 Gaslighting
 Lack of emotional intelligence
 Negatively affecting your relationship with family and friends
 Inability to communicate openly
 Lack of social connection or friends

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