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Mirror Images of Objects

Aim: Draw the symmetrical figures by drawing the mirror images of points in a
Cartesian plane.

Mirror Image/ Reflection of a point in a plane

The reflection of the point (x, y) across the X-axis is (x, -y). The reflection of the point

(-x, -y) across the X-axis is (-x, y).

The reflection of the point (x, y) across the Y-axis is (-x, y). The reflection of the point

(-x, -y) across the Y-axis is (x, -y).

Materials required: Graph papers, colour pencils, Geometry box, Glue-stick etc.


1.Plot the given points in the Cartesian plane.

2.Join these points in order to get a shape.

3.Draw the reflection or mirror images of the points drawn across X-axis or Y-axis
whichever is specified in the question.

4.Join these mirror points in order to get the mirror image of the object drawn on the
other side of the axis.

5. Thus, we will get a symmetrical figure.


1.Plot the points A(-5,5), B(-3,5) ,C(-3,3),D(-1,3) ,E( -1,1) and F(-5,1). Join them in order
and draw the mirror image A’B’C’D’E’F’A’ of it across the Y axis.

2. Plot the points: P(3,-2), Q(5,-2),R(6,-4),S(4,-5) and T(2,-4). Join them in order and
draw the mirror image P’Q’R’S’T’P’of it across the X axis.

Result: The symmetrical figures by drawing the mirror images of

points obtained in the Cartesian plane.

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