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Philippine Standard Time

Monday, August 22, 2022, 11:14:29 AM

(WPA Downloadable form)


* Location - to determine if the source is

situated in an area:
+ which is critical
+ with adequate supply of water from water
service provider

* Purpose
+ provide appropriate list of requirements
+ determine the amount of filing fee

* Citizenship
+ For persons - citizen of the Philippines
+ For corporations - majority of stockholdres are
Filipinos (60/40)

+ Ground Water
+ Surface water

All applications shall be filed in the prescribed form,
sworn to by the applicants and supported by the
following documents:

a. Water Permit for Municipal Use

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Certificate of Conformance from LWUA

(for Water Districts only);

4. Certificate of Registration (if Barangay

Waterworks Association, Rural Waterworks
and Sanitation Association);

5. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:10,000 or 1:50,000 showing the exact
location of the point of diversion;

6. Subdivision Plan (if applicable);

7. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing

groundwater source authenticated by the
well driller) including Physical and Chemical
analysis of water;

8. Sangguniang Bayan/Regional
Development Council endorsement (for LGU-
managed water supply facilities);

9. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR -Regional
Office; and

10. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board

b. Water Permit for Irrigation Use

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

1.a For irrigators association, a certification

from the municipal assessor on the list of
farmer with corresponding irrigable area in

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:50,000 showing the exact location of the
point of diversion;

4. General layout of the system, including

delineation of area indicating hectarage for
which water will be used and adjoining lands
and their corresponding owners duly
indicated relative to the point of diversion;

5. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing

groundwater source);

6. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR -Regional
Office; and

7. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board.

c. Water Permit for Power Generation

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:10,000 or 1:50,000 showing the exact
location of the point of diversion;

4. Brief Description of the project stating

among others, how water will be used,
amount of water needed, power to be
generated, etc.;

5. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR-Regional
Office; and

6. Certificate of Registration from DOE and

Certificate of Indorsement.

7. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board.

d. Water Permit for Industrial Use

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:10,000 or 1:50,000 showing the exact
location of the point of diversion;

4. Brief Description of the project stating

among others, how water will be used,
amount of water needed, etc.;

5. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing

groundwater source);

6. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR-Regional
Office.; and

7. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board.

e. Water Permit for Fisheries

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:10,000 or 1:50,000 showing the exact
location of the point of diversion;

4. Brief Description of the project stating

among others, how water will be used,
amount of water needed, etc.;

5. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing

groundwater source);

6. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR -Regional

7. Clearance from existing dam/reservoir

operated by NIA, NPC and other government
entities (for fisheries located upstream not
within said existing dam/reservoir); and

8. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board.

f. Water Permit for Other Uses (Recreation,

Commercial, Memorial Park, etc.)

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:10,000 or 1:50,000 showing the exact
location of the point of diversion;

4. Brief Description of the project stating

among others, how water will be used,
amount of water needed, etc.;

5. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing

groundwater source);

6. Certificate of Potability (including Physical

and Chemical Analysis of water); (if

7. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR-Regional

8. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board.

g. Water Permit for Livestock Raising

1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or

right to use, the property where the water
source is situated;

2. Certificate of Registration from relevant

agencies i.e Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), Cooperative and Development
Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of
Incorporation (for Corporation or Association)
including Corporate Secretary’s Certification
on present capital structure stating the
citizenship and the number of shares of each

3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale

1:10,000 or 1:50,000 showing the exact
location of the point of diversion;

4. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing

groundwater source);

5. Brief Description of the project stating

among others, how water will be used,
amount of water needed, etc.

6. Environmental Compliance Certificate (for

projects considered as Environmentally
Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certificate
of Non-Coverage from DENR-Regional
Office; and

7. Such other documents that may be

required by the Board.

h. Other Requirements

1. For Well Drilling – All applications involving

extraction of groundwater shall include the
name of a duly registered well driller who will
undertake the drilling.

2. For Transfer of a Water Permit – A verified

petition for the transfer of a water permit
shall state the reasons for the transfer and
shall attach the contract or agreement for the

3. For Lease of a Water Right – A verified

petition for the lease of a water permit shall
be accompanied by a duly executed contract
of lease, Provided that no contract of lease
shall be for a continuous period exceeding
five (5) years, otherwise the contract shall be
treated as a transfer of permit in favor of the

4. For Bulk Water Supply - An agreement

MOA/Joint Venture Agreement between the
private water supplier and the buyer with
specific purpose on how water will be used.


Step 1. Screening ( by Maryjane, Joy, Aiza)

- WPA form and Notices completely filled up and


- All basic requirements complied

- Coordinates (latitude and longitude) of water

source is determined by the Evaluation Section
Staff (Joy, Aiza)

- WPA Number / Reference Number assigned by

the Permit Section (Maryjane)

Step 2. Cashier

- Applicant pays to the Cashier ( Vita and Danny)

the corresponding WPA filing fee

Municipal - (1) Level I and II

P 550

(2) Level III P


Irrigation - (1) National/ Corporation

P 7,200

(2) Communal / Individual

P 550

Power Generation
P 7,200

P 7,200

Livestock Raising P

Industrial P

Recreation P

Other Purposes P

Step 3. Filing

- Applicant submits the accomplished WPA form

with Notices and documentary requirements to
the Records Section (Rhea, Cesar) of AFD

- Records Section routes the WPA to Water

Rights Division

Step 4. Application Endorsement and Posting of

Notices ( by Maryjane , Cath)

- Permit Section prepares the indorsement letter

- WPA indorsed to the nearest DPWH

Engineering District Office or the NIA Provincial
Irrigation Office where the water source point of
diversion is located

- Letter prepared for the the posting of Notices of

WPA to be sent to the following offices/agencies
to be posted on their bulletin board for a period
of 30 days

1. Barangay Chairman of the barangay where

the point of diversion of the source is located
2. City or Municipal Secretary of the city or
town where the point of diversion is located
3. The Secretary of the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan of the province where the point
of diversion is located
4. Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) District Engineer
5. National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
Provincial Irrigation Office
6. Regional office of DPWH
7. Regional office of NIA
8. National Power Corporation
9.Regional Office of DENR
10. Local Water District ( if available in the
11. NWRB

Step 5. Mailing of Endorsement and Notices

- The Record Unit of AFD mails the indorsement

letter and request letter for posting of the notices
to the abovementioned offices/agencies

Step 6. Field Investigation

- Water Rights Investigator of DPWH Engineering

District or NIA Provincial Office conducts site
ocular inspection, prepares report and submit to

- In some instances, NWRB Staff conducts the

field inspection/investigation if no report from
DPWH or NIA is submitted

Step 7. Protest

- After 30 days of posting of the Notices, another

30 days is alloted for the affected party/parties to
file its formal opposition on the WPA.

- Protestant/Oppositor submit to NWRB its

opposition letter together with payment of
protest fee in the amount of P3000.00

- Protest is docketed by WRD Staff (Margret,


- The Chief of the WRD assigns the case to a

Hearing Officer ( Perseus, Jane, Margret) who
conducts the hearing of the case

- Resolution of cases is recommended to the

Executive Director

Step 8. Evaluation (by Eva, Arlene, Chat, Roy, Joy)

- Determine water source whether surface water,

spring or deepwell source

- If the deepwell is not existing, Permit to Drill

(PTD) is issued wth a validity of 6 months

- After drilling Applicant submits to NWRB the

deepwell drilling data, pumping test results,
bacteriological test and/or water analyses of

- If drilling has not been completed during the

validity period, Applicant may request for an
extension of its PTD for another 6 months citing
the reason why drilling did not commence

- If the deepwell is existing, Applicant is issued

an Order penalizing him/her for drilling the
deepwell without the PTD

- Applicant pays to the Cashier the penalty and

inform the WRD staff the Official Receipt (OR)
Number and when it was paid

- Application is evaluated by considering the

water requirement of the Applicant, water
availability within the area, capacity of the water
source, effect of the applicants source to other

- Recommends to the Board the amount of water

to be granted to the Applicant

Step 9. Recommendation and Approval

- WPAs evaluated and recommended to the

Board is submitted to Director Tabios of NHRC
(NWRB Board Member) for his review, comment
and recommendation

- All WPAs with a recommended amount of water

of 100 lps and below is
approved/deferred/denied by the Executive

- All WPAs with a recommended amount of water

of more than 100 lps is deliberated and
approved/deferred/denied by the NWRB Board

- The Board Secretary prepares the Board

Resolution of the approved WPs and signed by
the Board members

Step 10. Conditional Water Permit (CPC)

- WRD assigns conditional water permit number

to the approved water permit applicant

- Billing Section (Jarick) computes the annual

water charge of the Permittee

- WRD staff ( Arlene Batac) prepares the

Conditional Water Permit

- Conditional Water Permit is signed by the

Executive Director after it was cleared by ( EVA,

- Applicant is notified thru letter and order of

payment is prepared EDO

- Applicant (now Permittee) pays the

corresponding Annual Water Charge to the

- Conditional Water Permit is released after

Permittee presented the OR payment to EDO

Step 11. Releasing of Water Permit

- CWP holders complies with the conditions

imposed in the Conditional Water Permit

- WRD staff (EVA, CMM) reviews the compliance

and prepares recommendation for issuance of
Water Permit to be approved by the Executive

- Water Permit is prepared by WRD (Arleen

Batac) and signed by the Executive Director after
it was cleared by EVA, EMB, JME

- Application is notified thru the Billing Statement

sent by Billing Unit (Jarick)

- Applicant pays the corresponding Annual Water

Charge to the cashier or to UCPB branches .

- Water Permit is released after permittee

presented the OR payment to EDO


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