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CYBER SECURITY (CST-006) L:T:P: : 2:0:0 Credits-0

UNIT – I: Introduction to Cyber Security: Basic Cyber Security Concepts, layers of security,
Vulnerability, threat, Harmful acts, the motive of attackers, active attacks, passive attacks,
Software attacks, hardware attacks, Spectrum of attacks, Taxonomy of various attacks, IP
spoofing, Methods of defense, Security Models, risk management, Cyber Threats-Cyber
Warfare, Cyber Crime, Cyber terrorism, Cyber Espionage, etc., CIA Triad

UNIT – II: Cyber Forensics: Introduction to cyber forensic, Historical background of Cyber
forensics, Digital Forensics Science, The Need for Computer Forensics, Cyber Forensics and
Digital evidence, Forensics Analysis of Email, Digital Forensics Lifecycle, Forensics
Investigation, Challenges in Computer Forensics, Special Techniques for Forensics Auditing.
UNIT – III: Cybercrime (Mobile and Wireless Devices): Introduction, Proliferation of Mobile
and Wireless Devices, Trends in Mobility, Credit card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless
Computing Era, Security Challenges Posed by Mobile Devices, Registry Settings for Mobile
Devices, Authentication service Security, Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones, Mobile Devices:
Security Implications for Organizations, Organizational Measures for VEER MADHO SINGH
of B.TECH – Computer Science and Engineering PAGE 28 Handling Mobile, Organizational
Security Policies and Measures in Mobile Computing Era, Laptops and desktop.
UNIT – IV: Cyber Security (Organizational Implications): Introduction cost of cybercrimes and
IPR issues, web threats for organizations, security and privacy implications, social media
marketing: security risks and perils for organizations, social computing, and the associated
challenges for organizations. Cybercrime and Cyber terrorism: Introduction, intellectual property
in cyberspace, the ethical dimension of cybercrimes, the psychology, mindset and skills of
hackers and other cybercriminals.
UNIT – V: Cyberspace and the Law &Miscellaneous provisions of IT Act.: Introduction to
Cyber Security Regulations, International Law. The INDIAN Cyberspace, National Cyber
Security Policy. Internet Governance – Challenges and Constraints, Computer Criminals, Assets
and Threats. Other offences under the Information Technology Act in India, The role of
Electronic Evidence and miscellaneous provisions of the IT Act.2008.
UNIT – I: Introduction to Cyber Security

Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes, and

controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and
data from cyber attacks. It aims to reduce the risk of cyber
attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of
systems, networks and technologies.

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital

What are the many forms of cyber security?

Ten types of cybersecurity
 Application security. Application security prevents unauthorized access and use of
applications and connected data. ...
 Cloud security. ...
 Critical infrastructure security. ...
 Data security. ...
 Endpoint security. ...
 IoT (Internet of Things) security. ...
 Mobile security. ...
 Network security.
What is the basics of cyber security?
Use passwords for all laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Don't leave these
devices unattended in public places. Encrypt devices and other media that
contain sensitive personal information. This includes laptops, tablets,
smartphones, removable drives, backup tapes, and cloud storage solutions.

What is the full form of cyber?

CYBER Stands For : Changing Yesterdays Behavior For

Enhanced Results. cyber- a combining form meaning
“computer,” “computer network,” or “virtual reality,” used in
the formation of compound words (cybertalk; cyberart;
cyberspace) and by extension meaning “expressing
visions of the future” (cyberfashion)
What are the 7 layers of cyber security?

7 Layers of Cybersecurity

 Human Layer: The human layer, often regarded as the most

vulnerable layer, focuses on the human element within an
organization. ...
 Perimeter Security Layer: ...
 Network Layer: ...

 Application Security Layer: ...

 Endpoint Security Layer: ...
 Data Security Layer: ...
 Mission-Critical Assets:

Who needs cyber security?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems and networks

from unauthorized access or attack. Individuals, businesses, and
governments must invest in cybersecurity to protect their data and assets
from criminals. The importance of cybersecurity in this progressively
internet-centered world is supreme.

What is the basic concept of cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems
such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats. The
practice is used by individuals and enterprises to protect against
unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized

What are the basic topics of cyber security?

7 Of The Most Important Cyber Security Topics You Should

Learn About
 Secure Passwords: The keys to our digital kingdom, passwords
should be closely protected. ...
 Malware: Malware, malware, malware! ...
 Privacy: If this isn't an issue for you, it should be. ...
 Data Breaches: ...
 Safe Computing: ...
 Online Scams: ...
 Mobile Protection:

What are the five 5 basic principles of cyber security?

Let's break down the principles essential to a secure information system and go
through some information assurance examples for you to consider.


What are the 5 layers of cyber security?

From perimeter to data: The five layers of cyber security

 Perimeter security: the first line of defence. ...
 The transformation of network security defence. ...
 Endpoint security: where a network's safety begins. ...
 Application security: defending apps and users. ...
 Data security: the heart of protection.

A vulnerability is a weakness in an IT system that can be exploited by

an attacker to deliver a successful attack. They can occur through
flaws, features or user error, and attackers will look to exploit any of
them, often combining one or more, to achieve their end goal.
What is vulnerability with example?
In essence, vulnerability is a weakness, it is a flaw in software or hardware or process
that can be exploited by an attacker. a metal detector gate. a body scanner. X ray
scanner for belongings.

What are the 4 main types of vulnerability?

Types of vulnerability include social, cognitive, environmental, emotional or military. In
relation to hazards and disasters, vulnerability is a concept that links the relationship
that people have with their environment to social forces and institutions and the cultural
values that sustain and contest them.

Threat:- A cyber security threat is a type of threat that targets

computer networks, systems, and user data. These threats can come
in the form of malware, phishing, and other malicious activity.
What are threats?
threat. / (θrɛt) / noun. a declaration of the intention to inflict harm, pain, or misery. an
indication of imminent harm, danger, or pain.

What are the three types of computer threats?

Types of Computer Security Threats and How to Avoid Them
 Computer Viruses. Computer viruses are the most common threat to your system's
security. ...
 Spyware Threats. Spyware seems to be pretty ubiquitous. ...
 Computer Security Threats from Hackers. ...
 Phishing.

What are the 7 types of cyber security threats?

Types of cyber threats your institution should be aware of include:
 Malware.
 Ransomware.
 Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
 Spam and Phishing.
 Corporate Account Takeover (CATO)
 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Cash Out

What is a software attack?

Software threats are malicious pieces of computer code and applications that can
damage your computer, as well as steal your personal or financial information. For this
reason, these dangerous programs are often called malware (short for “malicious
What are the 4 types of attacks in a software?
 Malware. Malware attack. Malware is the name given to hostile or dangerous elements
that usually breach a network through vulnerability. ...
 Phishing. Phishing attack. This type of attack usually occurs over emails and targets
personal information. ...
 Drive-by. Drive-by attack. ...
 Password. Password attack.

What is an example of a software attack?

Malware is the most common type of cyberattack, mostly because this term
encompasses many subsets such as ransomware, trojans, spyware, viruses, worms,
keyloggers, bots, cryptojacking, and any other type of malware attack that leverages
software in a malicious way.

What Is a Cyber Attack?

A cyber attack is an attempt by cybercriminals, hackers or other digital adversaries
to access a computer network or system, usually for the purpose of altering,
stealing, destroying or exposing information.

Cyberattacks can target a wide range of victims from individual users to enterprises
or even governments. When targeting businesses or other organizations, the
hacker’s goal is usually to access sensitive and valuable company resources, such
as intellectual property (IP), customer data or payment details.

What are the 10 Most Common Types of Cyber

1. Malware
2. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks
3. Phishing
4. Spoofing
5. Identity-Based Attacks
6. Code Injection Attacks
7. Supply Chain Attacks
8. Insider Threats
9. DNS Tunneling
10. IoT-Based Attack
What is a hardware attack?
To carry out hardware attacks, hackers must be on-site and have undisturbed access to
computers — or at least enough time to insert a tracking device and gain remote access
to data. These attacks target machines and other physical systems and include human
tampering and destruction.

What is hardware security in cyber security?

Hardware security is vulnerability protection that comes in the form of a physical device
rather than software that's installed on the hardware of a computer system. Hardware
security can pertain to a device used to scan a system or monitor network traffic.
Common examples include hardware firewalls and proxy servers.

What hardware is used in cyber security?

Hardware: A computer: A computer is the most basic tool you need to study cyber
security. You should have a relatively modern computer with a good processor and
enough memory to run virtual machines (VMs) and other tools.

What is an example of a hardware attack?

For instance, a criminal might install a keylogger to record every keystroke the victim
enters or implant a USB device with device modification software onto a powered-down
computer. Cybercriminals breach the security of a hardware device to perform a man-in-
the-middle attack by circumventing the device's limitations

What is a hardware vulnerability?

A weakness in system security procedures, hardware, design, implementation, internal
controls, technical controls, physical controls, or other controls that could be
accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited and result in a violation of the system's
security policy

What is hardware risk?

Hardware risks and vulnerabilities are factors that can compromise the performance,
security, or availability of your computer systems and devices. They can result from
physical damage, environmental hazards, power failures, malware attacks,
configuration errors, or outdated component

What malware damages hardware?

The Chernobyl virus

The Chernobyl virus is most notably recognized as the first virus known to have the
power to damage computer hardware.
What is the spectrum of cyber attacks?
Despite individual differences, these attacks can be ar- ranged into five categories or
levels that build upon one another to form a spec- trum: Network Denial, Enterprise
Denial, Enterprise Manipulation, Mission Denial, and Mission Manipulation.

What is full-spectrum cyber?

Full-spectrum cyber operations are

the employment of the full range of cyberspace operations to support combatant

command operational requirements and the defense of DOD information networks. This
includes efforts such as computer network defense, computer network attack, and
computer network exploitation.

IP spoofing:- IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets which have a modified
source address in order to either hide the identity of the sender, to impersonate another
computer system, or both.

What is IP spoofing cyber crime?

IP spoofing, or IP address spoofing, refers to the creation of Internet Protocol (IP)
packets with a false source IP address to impersonate another computer system. IP
spoofing allows cybercriminals to carry out malicious actions, often without detection.

What is the IP spoofing method?

IP address spoofing in application layer attacks

The process consists of the following exchange of synchronization (SYN) and

acknowledgement (ACK) packets: Visitor sends a SYN packet to a host. Host replies
with a SYN-ACK. Visitor acknowledges receipt of the SYN-ACK by replying with an ACK

What is spoofing in cyber security with example?

Spoofing definition. Spoofing, as it pertains to cybersecurity, is when someone or
something pretends to be something else in an attempt to gain our confidence, get
access to our systems, steal data, steal money, or spread malware. Spoofing attacks
come in many forms, including: Email spoofing.

What is the name of IP spoofing?

IP address spoofing: This is a straightforward obfuscation of the attacker's IP address to
conduct denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and more. Domain name server (DNS)
spoofing: This will modify the source IP of the DNS to redirect a domain name to a
different IP.

What are the benefits of IP spoofing?

Unauthorized access: An attacker can use IP Spoofing to bypass access controls and
gain unauthorized access to a system or network. Data interception: An attacker can
use IP Spoofing to intercept sensitive data, such as login credentials, financial
information, or personal information.
Security Models:- Security models are used to evaluate and
authenticate the security policy to map the intellectual
property of the information system. They are used to
represent the mathematical and analytical ideas that are
developed by programmers. These ideas are mapped with
the system specifications through programming code.
What are the three types of security?

There are three primary areas or classifications of security controls. These

include management security, operational security, and physical security controls.

Why is a security model important?

Once the system has been built, the security model serves the evaluation and
accreditation processes. It contributes to the evaluators' judgement of how well the
developers have understood the security policy being implemented and whether there
are inconsistencies between security requirements and system design.

What is the best form of security?

4 Forms Of Best Security
 Prevention. The best police in the world are effective solely because they prevent
crimes before it actually happens. ...
 Add a Security System. A security system can work wonders to help enhance your
security at home or at the office. ...
 Hire a Security Guard. ...
 Personal Security.
 What is security full form?
 Full form of Security is: S-Sensible E-Efficient in work C-Claver U-
Understanding. R-Regular I-Intelligent T-Talent Y-Young.
Risk Management:- Cyber risk management means identifying, analysing, evaluating and
addressing your organisation's cyber security threats. The first part of the cyber security
risk management process is a cyber risk assessment.
What are the five elements of cyber risk management?
There are five key functions of the NIST framework, which are identify, protect, detect,
respond, and recover.

What is cyber risk management process?

Cyber risk management, also called cybersecurity risk management, is the process of
identifying, prioritizing, managing, and monitoring risks to information systems.
Companies across industries use cyber risk management to protect information
systems from cyberattacks and other digital and physical threats.

CIA TRIAD:- The three letters in "CIA triad" stand for Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability. The CIA triad is a common model that forms
the basis for the development of security systems.

Security Principle: CIA Triad

One of the most important security principles is the CIA triad, which
stands for Confidentiality, Availability, and Integrity.
CIA Triad: Confidentiality
In Cybersecurity, Confidentiality is the pillar of the CIA triad which
refers to the principle that only those who should have access to
information can access it.

CIA Triad: Integrity

In Cybersecurity, Integrity is the pillar of the CIA triad which
refers to the principle that data is wh

at we expect it to be.

In other words, data should not be able to be edited by

unauthorized parties.
CIA Triad: Availability
In Cybersecurity, Availability is the pillar of the CIA triad which
refers to the principle that data is reliably available.
What is the CIA triad in cybersecurity?

The CIA Triad—Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability—is a

guiding model in information security. A comprehensive
information security strategy includes policies and security
controls that minimize threats to these three crucial components.

What are the three principles of the CIA triad?

The CIA triad refers to confidentiality, integrity and availability, describing a model
designed to guide policies for information security (infosec) within an organization.

What is the importance of CIA triad?

The CIA triad is vital to information security since it enhances

security posture, helps organizations stay compliant with complex
regulations and ensures business continuity.

Who is the father of cyber security?

Bob Thomas
Bob Thomas is a computer scientist who is widely regarded as the father of
cybersecurity. He gained notoriety in 1971 when he created the first computer virus,
called the "Creeper virus." The virus was not malicious and was designed to
demonstrate the vulnerability of computer

CYBER CRIME:- Cybercrime is illegal activity involving

computers, the internet, or network devices. Cybercriminals
commit identity theft, initiate phishing scams, spread malware,
and instigate other digital attacks.

What is cyber crime and its types?

cybercrime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends,
such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual
property, stealing identities, or violating privacy.

What are the top 5 cyber crime?

Here are the top 5 cyber-crimes.

 Phishing. Phishing is a technique used by cyber criminals to trick people into installing
some malicious software, most likely through a link. ...
 Fraud. Fraud is a very common occurrence in today's digital world. ...
 Malware and Ransomware. ...
 Spoofing. ...
 Hacking.
What are examples of cybercrime?
Common forms of cybercrime

hacking: shutting down or misusing websites or computer

networks; spreading hate and inciting
terrorism; distributing child pornography; grooming:
making sexual advances to minors.
CYBER TERRORISM:- Hacking of servers to disrupt communication and steal sensitive information.
Defacing websites and making them inaccessible to the public thereby causing inconvenience
and financial losses.

What is cyber terrorism with example?

Examples are hacking into computer systems, introducing viruses to vulnerable
networks, web site defacing, Denial-of-service attacks, or terroristic threats made via
electronic communication.
What are the types of terrorism?
Like the definition of terrorism, significant attention has also been given towards
explicating the different kinds and types of terrorism. In general, research shows that
there are three basic forms of terrorism – international terrorism, domestic terrorism and
transnational terrorism

What are the causes of terrorism?

Precursors to ter- rorist acts include poverty, persecution, lack of human rights,
oppression, occupation, and ideologies, such as secular beliefs, and religious and
ethnic discrimination.

Which state has most terrorism in India?

Overview: In 2021, terrorism affected the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K),
the northeastern states, and parts of central India.

CYBER WARFARE:- Cyberwarfare is a series of strategic cyber attacks against a

nation-state, causing it significant harm. This harm could include disruption of vital
computer systems up to the loss of life

What is called cyber warfare?

Cyberwarfare is the use of cyber attacks against an enemy state, causing comparable
harm to actual warfare and/or disrupting vital computer systems. Some intended
outcomes could be espionage, sabotage, propaganda, manipulation or economic
What is information warfare in cyber security?
Information Warfare (IW) is a struggle to control or deny the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of information in all its forms, ranging from raw data to complex concepts and

What are the characteristics of information warfare?

Recalling the definition, information warfare consists of activities that deny, exploit,
corrupt, destroy, or protect information. Traditional means of conducting information
warfare include psychological operations, electronic warfare, military deception, physical
attack, and various security measures.

CYBER ESPIONAGE:- Cyber espionage is the malicious theft of data, information, or

intellectual property from and/or through computer systems. Some methods include
social engineering, malware distribution, advanced persistent threat (APT), watering
hole attacks, and spear phishing, but this list is by no means all-inclusive.
What are the different types of espionage?
Pages in category "Types of espionage"
 Clandestine cell system.
 Clandestine HUMINT operational techniques.
 Counterintelligence.
 Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism organizations.
 Counterintelligence failures.
 Cyber espionage.
 Cyber spying.
 Cyber spying on universities.

What is cyber espionage with examples?

Cyber espionage (cyberespionage) is a type of cyber attack that malicious hackers
carry out against a business or government entity. The goal of cyber espionage, also
referred to as cyber spying, is to provide attackers with information that gives them
advantages over rival companies or governments.

Which best defines cyber espionage?

Cyber espionage is a form of cyber attack that steals classified, sensitive data or
intellectual property to gain an advantage over a competitive company or government

What are the aims of espionage?

Espionage focuses on gathering non-public information through covert means.
Classified information is kept secret in the first place because its disclosure might harm
national security, jeopardise the country's economic well-being or damage international

What are cyber espionage groups?

What are cyberespionage groups stealing from the United States? Cyberespionage
groups are stealing intellectual property that belongs to the United States. These groups
collect various economic and technological information from the US systems.

What are some examples of espionage?

An example of espionage is when one country sends spies to gather military information
about another country. Another example of espionage is when someone hacks into a
computer network to steal information.

What are the rules of espionage?

The rules
 Assume nothing.
 Never go against your gut.
 Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
 Do not look back; you are never completely alone.
 Go with the flow, blend in.
 Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.
 Lull them into a sense of complacency.
 Do not harass the opposition

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