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EVS Worksheet

I] True or False.
1) Air is around us ( )
2) All living things do not need air to breathe. ( )
3) Moving air is wind. ( )
4) Unclean air causes air pollution. ( )
5) Factories makes the air around us clean. ( )

II] Fill in the blanks.

Trees, shape, occupies, air, warm.
1) Air _____________ all the space.
2) Air is used to keep us ___________.
3) ___________ can move things.
4) Planting more ___________ can lower the pollution.
5) Air takes the ___________ of the things.
III] Choose ALL the things that are filled with air.




IV] Which picture shows strong winds?


V] Look at the pictures of the 2 places. Which place will have clean air?
Choose the correct picture.



VI] Answer in one word.

Air, biggest balloon, factories, unclean air, windsocks
1) The biggest balloon or the smallest holds the more
2) What is used to light fire?
3) What are used to find the direction of wind?
4) Smoke from which place makes the air unclean.
5) Name the air which cause coughing.
Block- 17

I] Fill in the blanks.

Different , land, pet, sound, ponds
1) Animals that live on land are called _______ animals.
2) Ducks and swans live in _________.
3) Animals have __________ body parts.
4) Animals use _________ to talk about danger.
5) Dog is a ________ animal.

II] Match the following.

1) Frog a) bow bow
2) Crow b) trr trr
3) Horse c) caw caw
4) Cow d) neighs
5) Dog e) moos
III] There are different types of animals. Write and give
one example.


IV] Write the different animals names they live in.

1) Duck lives in ________.
2) Crocodiles lives in __________.
3) Whales lives in ____________.
4) Turtles and fishes __________ ( houses)

V] Write the body parts of animals.

1) Cat
2) Birds.
3) Fishes

VI] True or False.

1) Animals use sounds sound to talk about their
location. ( )
2) Whales can live on land. ( )
3) We can keep a fish in a fish tank. ( )
4) We should show love and affection to pet animals. (
5) We do not get different things from farm animals. ( )
Block - 18

1)Fill in the blanks

Transport, diesel, travels, station master and traffic

a) Cars run on petrol, electricity and _____________

b) Jai ___________ to different places.
c) The _______________ gives a green signal.
d) We see many vehicles struck in _____________.
e) Vehicles help us to ___________ people and

2) True or False.
a) People who drive a bus are called conductors ( )
b) On the train the care taker give us bed sheets and
pillows ( )
C) The pilot controls an aeroplane ( )
D) The captain of the ship serves food on the
Ship ( )
E) The cleaners keep the train and station clean ( )

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3) Read the clues and name the vehicles
a) I have two wheels and run on land. You move me
with your legs.

b) I run on land and have a siren. I come for help when

people are stuck in a fire.

c) I have wings and fly in the air, but I am not a bird.


4) Answer in sentences.
a) Write 1 similarity and 1 difference between a police
van and a car

b) Rani wants to go to near by places which vehicle she

uses to go?
C) Name some people who make our travel
comfortable and safe.

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D) If we don’t follow traffic signals or rules what will
happen? Write your answer.

f) Write the names of special vehicles.


5) a) Draw any vehicle that has 4 wheels and name it.

b) Draw a traffic signal at the road crossing.

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6) Meena learned to drive, but she doesn’t know the
traffic signs and signals. Choose all that apply.
a) She may cause a traffic jam.
b) She will be able to drive easily.
c) She may take a wrong turn.
d) She will drive safely.
e) She can meet with an accident.

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EVS Worksheet

1] True or False-
1) At night we can see moon and stars ( )
2) Sun looks small and bright in the sky ( )
3) Earth looks like an orange ( )
4) The weather is same all the day ( )

2] Fill in the blanks-

Season, fire, water, rainbow
1) In the day time we can see _______________
2) The sun is a big ball of ________________
3) Earth has ___________ on it.
4) Weather of a place does not change it is ___________

3] Answer in one word-

1) At night we can see ________ and _________.
2) Sun gives us __________ and ___________.
3) __________ does not have light of its own.
4) In the month of December the weather is _____________ ( cold/hot)
5) Living things live on ___________.
6) We live on Earth as it has _____________,_________ ( water, air and books)

4] Draw the weather symbols-

1) Rainy -
2) Sunny-

3) Windy-

4) Sunny and cloudy-

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