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Chapter 1


Health Statistics
Definition: Health Statistics is the science
concerned with scientific methods for
collecting data, organizing, summarizing,
presenting and analysis data as well as
drawing valid conclusion and making
reasonable decision.
There are two types of statistics as following:
1-Descriptive Statistics
The D.S is concerned with the primary data of group such
the collection, summarizing and presentation which allow to
describe and analysis the same without drawing any
conclusion or inferences about the large group.

In medical D.S is very useful to describe and analysis what is

being observed in the group of patients
2-Inferences statics
Inferences statics is concerned with sample group of
patient s, and allows to make decisions about the values that
are calculated with the sample in regard to the population
from which this sample is drown.

Its provide different techniques and procedure for analysis

the causes, relations between variables and generalization
over a large group among other aspects.
The statistical method
Definition: the organized way of applying the
different techniques and procedures of statistics for
the collection, summary, presentation, and analysis
of data as well as draw valid conclusion and making
reasonable decision in regarded to a given problem
Stages of the statistical
• Planning.
• Data collection.
• Data processing.
• Analysis and interpreting
Aspects of Planning
• Statement of the problem
• Definition of objective
• Reviewing and evaluation of existing
• Hypotheses formulation
• Planning of the work
Aspects of Data collection
•A sample elements is needed

•The source of information is reliable

•Avoided errors during the collection

•Used the suitable techniques

Aspects of Data processing
•Organization and classification of data

•Data summary

•Data presentation
Analysis and interoperation
This stage will be discuses in chapters 6, 7,8 and 9
Fundamental concepts
statistical terminology
• Populations
• Sample
• Random sample
• Variables
• Random variables
• Sample statistical
Principle application of the
statistics in public health
The public health deals with the organization and
management of the different sources needed for health
services and health programs.
Then the role of statistics in all public health activities is
necessary to
1- know the health status of the population t. this achieved
✓Describing the composition, characteristics and growth of
population (demographic statistics).
✓Describing the principle factors affecting the population in
relation to births and causes of death (vital statistics)
Principle application of the
statistics in public health
✓Giving information about the most prevalent diseases in the
population, (morbidity statistics)
✓Housing and environmental statistics allow to know the conditions of
the houses. Work places, environmental hygiene which affecting the
health of population.
Principle application of the
statistics in public health
2- know the quality and effectiveness of public health services offered
to the population. This is achieved through
✓Resources and services statistics allow to the quantity and quality of
the resources, the usage of these resources, the health programmers
fulfillment ..
✓Hospitals statistics that allow to know and evaluate the quality and
quantity of services offered by these institutions
✓Statistics analysis of health indicators of population
3- solve some of the problems by research studies in public health.
In relation to this, the (WHO) in report No.510 of 1972 stated that; “ the
application field studies in public health services can be readily applied
to solve some of the problems involved in the development of health
Thank You !

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