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Bholi is a story written by K.A. Abbas. The story revolves
around a girl who due to an accidental fall and disease in
her childhood face a problem of being dull and ugly.
She’s always a target by everyone for not being good
looking and intelligent. Her life turns when she joins a
nearby school where her teacher encourages her and help
her to become a learned and confident person. Later in the
story, circumstances arise where Boli has to give
acceptance to the marriage with an unequal match, but
rejects it when she sees her father pleading to the
bridegroom when he demands dowry. The story shows the
rise of a girl against social injustice.
The effect of family on children is the main theme of the
story .Boli is a little child who lacks self confidence as a
result of her parents treatment of her. The narrative makes
things as to why emotional stability and family support
are crucial for a child healthy development. Children with
disabilities must receive the same encouragement., love
and education.
Question. Answer.
Q1. For what unusual reasons, Boli was sent to school?
Answer. The Tehsildar put the responsibility of sending
the girls of the village on Ramlal, the revenue official as
he was the representative of the village. Ram Lal had not
the courage to disobey him. He also felt that there was a
little chance of bholi’s getting married due to her ugly
face and lack of sense.
Q2 What makes Bholi feel that school was a better place
than home?
Answer Bholi did not know what school was. Like and
what happened there. The teacher told her that if she come
to school, no one would laugh at her and rather people
would respect her. She would also speak without a
stammer. This made her feel that she was going to a better
place than her home.
Q3. Bholi’s parents accepted Bishamber’s marriage
proposal for their own selfish needs. Why?
Answer. Bholi’s parents accepted marriage proposal of
because he was rich, did not ask for dowry and had a big
shop and House of his own thus they were fulfilling their
own selfishness without thinking about Bholi
Q4 Why was Ramlal worried about Bholi and not about
his other children?
Answer Ram Lal was more worried about Bholi because
she was the weakest child in their family while her
brother and sisters were healthy. He was worried about
her ugly looks because of the pock marks all over body
and also because of her stammering. He was also worried
that no one would come forward to marry Bholi because
of her being weak and ugly
Q5. What kind of mother Ramlal wife was?
Answer. Ramlal’s wife was an uncaring mother. she never
showed any affection to Bholi that she desires as a child.
She felt that the girl with pock Marks and lack of sense
was a burden. Even when it was the matter of our
marriage, the mother showed no sympathy and consented
to get her married to an old man.
Q6 For what reason did Bholi refuse to marry? What does
she claim she would do in her future?
Answer. The groom had asked for dowry upon seeing the
Pock marks on Bholi’s face. thus she refused to marry
him. She claimed that in her future she will work as a
teacher in the same school and take care of her old
Long question.
The story teaches us that education plays an important
role in making us aware of our right and duties. Should
people be aware of their rights and duties? What Are
some of the ways In which society treats girls
Answer. It is an unknown assertion that each and every
one of us must be aware of our rights and duties. The
problem, however, is that this awareness differs for both
boys and girls. Boys assert their right, while girls are
neglected. There exists a discrimination for both boys and
girls. Boys are given much preference over daughters.
They get good education while a girl is taught household
chores. Society treats women as inferiors .In such a case
education allow a female strata to work for their
upliftment. The story of Bholi comes out as a good
example. She at home is shy, timid and weak. Her
ugliness and stammering hinders her progress.
However when she is send to school she gains confidence,
she studies and grows into a confident young woman who
knows how and when to asset her rights. Girls like bholi
represents the entire female section of society who boldly
claims that girls are not less than boys .
Extract based questions
Then she began to cry -----------------still laughing at
(a) Who is ‘she’?
(b) Why were the girls laughing at her?
© What does the word ‘daring’ mean?
(d) What is the opposite of ‘laughing’?
(a) ‘She‘ is Sulekha, also known as Bholi.
(b) The girls were laughing at her because she had
stammered while speaking her name when asked by the
© It means ‘wanting’.
(d) It is ‘crying’.

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