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English Basics


1. The Alphabet

A ei
B bi laiquin Boston
C si
D di
F ef
G yi
H eich
I ay
J yei
K quei
L el
M em laiquin Money
N en laiquin New York

O ou

P pi
Q quiu
R ar
S es
T ti
U iu
V bi laiquin Víctori

W dábeliu
X ecs
Y uai
English Basics

Z si laiquin cibra

2. The days of the week

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English Basics

3. Colours
4. Animals

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5. Months of the year
English Basics

6. Numbers

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7. Family Tree
English Basics

8. Body Parts

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9. Questions

➢ What is your Name ? My name is Melissa

➢ Where Are you from ? I am from Colombia
➢ How old are you ? I am 20 years old
➢ How are you ? I am fine thank you
➢ How much is the book ? The book is 50$
➢ How long is the movie ? The movie is 2 hours long
➢ How far is your house ? My house is 5kmfrom here
English Basics

➢ When is your birthday ? My birthday is on the 29 of may

➢ Why are you happy ?

10. Jobs

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Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple

I am I was I will be

You are You were You will be

He is He was He will be

She is She was She will be

It is It was It will be

We are We were We will be

You are You were You will be

They are They were They will be

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future continuous

I am playing I was playing I will be playing

You are playing You were playing You will be playing

He is playing He was playing He will be playing

She is sleeping She was playing She will be playing

It is walking It was playing It will be playing

We are running We were playing We will be playing

You are speaking You were playing You will be playing

They are watching They were playing They will be playing

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

I have been I had been I will have been

You have been You had been You will have been

He has been He had been He will have been

She has been She had been She will have been

It has been It had been It will have been

We have been We had been We will have been

You have been You had been You will have been

They have been They had been They will have been

Present Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous

I had been playing I will have been playing
I have been playing You had been playing You will have been playing
English Basics

You have been playing He had been playing He will have been playing
He has been playing She had been playing She will have been playing

Big - Grande New - Nuevo
Small - Pequeño Long - Largo
Tall - Alto Thin - Fino
Short - Corto(bajo) Boring - Aburrido
Large - Grande Bold - Calve
Fat - Gordo Long hair - Pelo largo
Slim - Flaco Short Hair - Pelo corto
Ugly - Feo Straight hair - Pelo liso
Beautifull - Linda Curly hair - Pelo rizado
Handsome - Lindo Blonde - Pelo rubio
Attractive - atractivo Tired - Cansado
Cute - Lindo Confident - Seguro
Pretty - Guapo Sensitive - Sensible
Colors - Colores Calm - Calmado
Happy - Feliz Cheerful - Alegre
Sad - Triste Generous - Generoso
Angry - Bravo Kind - Amable
English Basics | 4/3/2024

Crazy - Loco Mean - Tacaño

Jelous - Celoso Serious - Serio
Annoying - Fastidio Honest - Honesto
Bad - Malo

Good - Bueno Moody - De humor
Smart - Inteligente cambiante

Intelligent - Inteligente Shy - Timido

Funny - Divertido Rude - Grosero

Clean - Limpio Impolite - Maleducado

Dirty - Sucio Brave - valiente

Selfish - Egoista Coward - Cobarde

Depressed - Deprimido Old - Viejo

Fed up - Harto Young - Joven

Middle age - De mediana
English Basics

Verb Spanish Past Past
To be Estar Was / Were Been
To have Tener Had Had
To like Gustar Liked Liked
To Dislike No gustar Disliked Disliked
To Hate Odiar Hated Hated
To Love Amar Loved Loved
To See Ver Saw Seen
To Watch Ver Watched Watched
To Look Mirar Looked Looked
To Speak Hablar Spoke Spoken
To Talk Hablar Talked Talked
To Tell Contar Told Told
To Eat Comer Ate Eaten
To Drink Beber Drank Drunk
To Sleep Dormir Slept Slept
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To Wash Lavar Washed Washed

To Clean Limpiar Cleaned Cleaned
To Brush Cepillar Brushed Brushed
To Work Trabajar Worked Worked

To Write Escribir Wrote Written
To Read Leer Read/Red Read/Red
To Listen Escuchar Listened Listened
To Hear Escuchar Heard Heard
To Run Correr Ran Run
To Walk Caminar Walked Walked
To Jump Saltar Jumped Jumped
To Study Estudiar Studied Studied
To Go Ir Went Gone
To Do Hacer Did Done
To Make Hacer Made Made
To Play Jugar Played Played
To Touch Tocar Touched Touched
To Water Regar Watered Watered
To Fall Caer Fell Fallen
To Open Abrir Opened Opened
To Close Cerrar Closed Closed
To Think Pensar Thought Thought
To Drive Manejar Drove Driven
To Ride Manejar Rode Ridden
To Sing Cantar Sang Sung
English Basics

To Dance Bailar Danced danced

To Draw Dibujar Drew Drawn
To Paint Pintar Painted Painted
To Swim Nadar Swam Swum
To Buy Comprar Bought Bought
To Take Cojer Took Taken
To Put Poner Put Put
To Catch Atrapar Caught Caught
To Wake up Despertar Woke up Woken
To Stand Levantar Stood Stood
To Sit Sentar Sat Sat
To Cry Llorar Cried Cried
To Scream Gritar Screamed Screamed
To Throw Lanzar Threw Thrown
To Kick Patear Kicked Kicked
To Hit Pegar Hit Hit
To Punch Golpiar Punched Punched
To Cook Cocinar Cooked Cooked
To Stay Permanecer Stayed Stayed
To Arrive Llegar Arrived Arrived
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To Visit Visitar Visited Visited

To Travel Viajar Travelled Travelled
To Smile Sonreir Smiled Smiled

To Fly Volar Flew Flown
To Show Mostrar Showed Showed
To push Empujar Pushed Pushed
To pull Jalar Pulled Pulled
To come Venir Came Come
To forget Olvidar Forgot Forgotten
To bring Traer Brought Brought
To cut Cortar Cut Cut
To begin Iniciar Began Begun
To break Danar Broke Broken
To burn Quemar Burned Burnt
To give Dar Gave Given
To know Saber Knew Known
To learn Aprender Learned Learnt
To lend Prestart Lent Lent
To lose Perder Lost Lost
To meet Encontrar Met Met
To send Enviar Sent Sent
To ask Preguntar Asked Asked
To win Ganar Won Won
English Basics


Adjectives order

English Basics | 4/3/2024

English Basics

Preposition: AT / On / IN
1. Places:

At: we use at for a specific address, a building

Example: I am at my house
I am at school
I am at work
I am at 32-35 Carrera 1

On: we use on for streets, roads, avenues and bridges.

Example: I am on Carrera 1

In: we use in when there is no specification, big places.

Example: I am in Colombia
I am in Quibdo
I am in the city
I am in South America

2. Time:
At: we use at for a specific time (hour, min)
Example: I will see you at 5 o’clock
I will see you at half past three
I will see you at noon (12:00pm)
I will see you at Midnight (12:00am)
I will see you at dinner.

On: We use on for a specific day

Example: I will see you on Monday
I will see you on Tuesday
I will see you on the 29 of May
I will see you on Christmas day
I will see you on your birthday
I will see you on the weekend

In: We use in for Weeks, months, years, etc.…

Example: I will see you in 2 weeks
English Basics | 4/3/2024

I will see you in April

I will see you in 2017

3. Exceptions: I am in the hospital ( I am a patient)

I am at the hospital (I work there)
I am in prison (I am a client)
I am at prison (I work there)

Comparative and superlative

1. Comparative
AS + Adjective + AS

Example: Carolina is as tall as Andress

Carolina is as intelligent as Andress
Carolina is as short as Andress
Carolina is as beatifull as Andresitta

2. Superlative (2 personas)

A :(Adjective+er) + Than por los adjectivosquetiene 1 silaba

Example: Karim is stronger than Andress

Karim is Taller than Andress
Andress is Fatter than Carolina
Andress is bigger than Louis

B: More + Adjective + than = por los adjectivosquetiene 2 o mass silabas

Example: Carolina is more beautiful than loraina
Carolina is more intelligent than Andress

3. Superlative (much personas )

A: The + Adjetive+EST =por los adjectivosquetiene 1 silaba

Example: Karim is strongest of quibdo

Karim is Tallest in the class
Andress is Fattest of Catalina
Andress is biggest in his house

B : THE + Most + Adjective = por los adjectivosquetiene 2 o mass silabas

Example :Andress is the most intelligent of Catalina
Andress is the most confident of his house
Andress is the most Handsome of the world
English Basics

4. Exceptions

1. Countable

-Many = Mucho
-Lots of = Mucho
-A large number of = Mucho
-Several = Mucho
-Few = Poco
-Plural and singular forms : a girl , girls

Apple , egg , thing, boy, girl, window, chair, etc…….

2. Uncountable

-Much= Mucho
-A lot of=Mucho
-Lots of=Mucho
-A great deal of=Mucho
-Little= Poco
-A bit of = Poco
-No Plural
-No a/an = Some is used

Milk, Water , Bread , Cheese, Coffee, Salt, Rice, Flour, sand , Money, Sugar, Truth,
Health, Happiness, Lemonade , Ice, Intelligence ,etc……
English Basics | 4/3/2024

▪ Some is used to mean ‘a little’ and ‘a few’.
When used with countable nouns, it means a few, when used with uncountable
nouns, it means a little.

Some is generally used in a positive ( affirmative) sentences.


▪ I asked her to lend me some money

▪ I have got some money in my purse.
▪ She needed some medicine yesterday but we didn’t find any open pharmacy last night.
▪ He will bring some friends to the party next week.
Exception To The Rule: ‘Some’ can also be used in questions if you are offering,
suggesting something to someone or asking, requesting for something by thinking
that the answer is yes or hopes for such an answer.

▪ Would you like some more coffee? (offer)
▪ Can you give me some apples? ( request)
▪ How about some tea? ( suggest)
▪ May I have some of your cakes? ( asking)
Some can be used anywhere in a sentence.

▪ Any is used to mean ‘no’ or ‘zero’.
▪ When it is used with countable nouns, they are always plural.
▪ When it is used with uncountable nouns, they always become singular.
Using ‘ any’:
Any is generally used in a negative sentences.

▪ I will not see him any more.

▪ There isn’t any butter.
▪ There aren’t any clothes in the wardrobe.
▪ We don’t have any money.
Exception To The Rule: Any can only be used in positive sentences if it is used with
conjunctions such as If and weather.

▪ We’ll always help you if you have any problems or troubles.

English Basics

▪ I’m not sure if/weather the teacher give any homework.

▪ If you have any problems, please call me.
▪ I will take what you want if/weather you do any good things.

Any is used in questions.

▪ Are you allergic to any medicine?

▪ Are there any childrens in the garden?
▪ Is there any jam in the refrigerator?
▪ Have you got any information about it?
Any can not be used at the beginning of a sentence.
Any can be used with uncountable and plural countable nouns.

▪ Did you notice any changes? ( countable)

▪ Did you get any mail about your application? ( uncountable)
▪ You can borrow any books of me. ( countable)
▪ There isn’t any milk in the bottle. ( uncountable)

English Basics | 4/3/2024

Frequency adverbs

Always 100% of the time

Frequently about 90% of the time

Usually about 80% of the time

Often about 70% of the time

Sometimes about 50% of the time

Occasionally about 40% of the time

Seldom about 20% of the time

Rarely about 10% of the time

Never about 00% of the time

Note: The percentages here are rough estimates only.

Frequency adverbs can be placed at various points in the sentence, but

are most commonly used before the main verbs and after be verbs.
English Basics


1. **Gato** — Cat

2. **Perro** — Dog
3. **Vaca** — Cow

4. **Cerdo** — Pig
5. **Caballo** — Horse

6. **Conejo** — Rabbit
7. **Gallina** — Chicken

8. **Gallina** — Hen
9. **Gallo** — Cock

10. **Oveja** — Sheep

11. **Cabra** — Goat

12. **Pato** — Duck

13. **Polluelo** — Chick

14. **Burro** — Donkey

15. **Ganso** — Goose
16. **Pavo Real** — Peacock
17. **León** — Lion

18. **Tigre** — Tiger

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19. **Leopardo** — Leopard

20. **Puma** — Puma

21. **Lobo** — Wolf
22. **Zorro** — Fox

23. **Hiena** — Hyena
24. **Oso** — Bear

25. **Panda** — Panda

26. **Jabalí** — Boar

27. **Elefante** — Elephant

28. **Rinoceronte** — Rhino

29. **Hipopótamo** — Hippo

30. **Jirafa** — Giraffe

31. **Canguro** — Kangaroo

32. **Mono** — Monkey

33. **Koala** — Koala

34. **Cebra** — Zebra

35. **Perezoso** — Sloth

36. **Ciervo** — Deer

37. **Reno** — Reindeer

38. **Alce** — Elk

39. **Ratón** — Mouse

40. **Hámster** — Hamster

41. **Topo** — Mole

42. **Hormiguero** — Anteater
43. **Gorila** — Gorilla

44. **Mofeta** — Skunk

45. **Ardilla** — Squirrel

46. **Mapache** — Raccoon

47. **Camello** — Camel
English Basics

48. **Serpiente** — Snake

49. **Cocodrilo** — Crocodile

50. **Rana** — Frog
51. **Lagartija** — Lizard

52. **Tortuga** — Turtle

53. **Águila** — Eagle

54. **Búho** — Owl

55. **Loro** — Parrot

56. **Paloma** — Pigeon

57. **Pelícano** — Pelican

58. **Avestruz** — Ostrich

59. **Buitre** — Vulture

60. **Colibrí** — Hummingbird

61. **Pingüino** — Penguin

62. **Murciélago** — Bat

63. **Tiburón** — Shark

64. **Delfín** — Dolphin

65. **Manta raya** — Manta ray

66. **Ballena** — Whale

67. **Cangrejo** — Crab

68. **Camarón** — Shrimp

69. **Langosta** — Lobster
70. **Medusa** — Jellyfish

71. **Foca** — Seal

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72. **Caballito de mar** — Seahorse

73. **Ostra** — Oyster

74. **Nutria** — Otter

75. **Pulpo** — Octopus

76. **Estrella de mar** — Starfish

77. **Atún** — Tuna
78. **Calamar** — Squid

79. **Castor** — Beaver

80. **Morsa** — Walrus

81. **Araña** — Spider

82. **Mariposa** — Butterfly

83. **Libélula** — Dragonfly

84. **Mosca** — Fly

85. **Escarabajo** — Beetle

86. **Saltamontes** — Grasshopper

87. **Escorpión** — Scorpion

88. **Gusano** — Worm

89. **Hormiga** — Ant

90. **Mariquita** — Ladybug

91. **Abeja** — Bee

92. **Polilla** — Moth

93. **Cucaracha** — Cockroach

94. **Oruga** — Caterpillar

95. **Ciempiés** — Centipede

96. **Mantis religiosa** — Mantis
97. **Grillo** — Cricket

98. **Mosquito** — Mosquito

99. **Garrapata** — Tick

100. **Piojo** — Lice

English Basics

1. **Ático** — Attic

2. **Sótano** — Basement
3. **Bañera** — Bath tub

4. **Baño** — Bathroom
5. **Cama** — Bed

6. **Dormitorio** — Bedroom
7. **Manta** — Blanket

8. **Estantería** — Bookcase
9. **Alfombra** — Carpet

10. **Techo** — Ceiling

11. **Silla** — Chair

12. **Armario** — Closet

13. **Sofá** — Couch

14. **Cortina** — Curtain

15. **Escritorio** — Desk

16. **Comedor** — Dining room

17. **Puerta** — Door

18. **Ventilador** — Fan

19. **Suelo** — Floor

20. **Muebles** — Furniture

21. **Garaje** — Garage
22. **Pasillo** — Hall

23. **Vestíbulo** — Hallway

English Basics | 4/3/2024

24. **Llave** — Key

25. **Cocina** — Kitchen

26. **Lámpara** — Lamp

27. **Sala de estar** — Living room

28. **Cerradura** — Lock

29. **Espejo** — Mirror
30. **Cuadro** — Picture

31. **Pórtico** — Porch

32. **Techo** — Roof

33. **Habitación** — Room

34. **Alfombra** — Rug

35. **Estante** — Shelf

36. **Fregadero** — Sink

. **Sofá** — Sofa
38. **Escaleras** — Stairs
39. **Mesa** — Table

40. **Inodoro** — Toilet

41. **Pared** — Wall

42. **Ventana** — Window

1. **Aeropuerto** — Airport

2. **Edificio de apartamentos** — Apartment building

3. **Banco** — Bank

4. **Barbería** — Barber shop

5. **Librería** — Book store

6. **Bolera** — Bowling alley

7. **Parada de autobús** — Bus stop
English Basics

8. **Iglesia** — Church
9. **Tienda de conveniencia** — Convenience store

10. **Grandes almacenes** — Department store

11. **Departamento de bomberos** — Fire department
12. **Gasolinera** — Gas station

13. **Hospital** — Hospital

14. **Casa** — House

15. **Biblioteca** — Library

16. **Cine** — Movie theater

17. **Museo** — Museum

18. **Edificio de oficinas** — Office building

19. **Oficina de correos** — Post office

20. **Restaurante** — Restaurant

21. **Escuela** — School

22. **Centro comercial** — Mall

23. **Supermercado** — Supermarket

24. **Estación de tren** — Train station

1. **Pizarra** — Blackboard
2. **Borrador de pizarra** — Blackboard eraser

3. **Libro** — Book
4. **Estantería** — Bookcase

5. **Tablón de anuncios** — Bulletin board

6. **Calendario** — Calendar
English Basics | 4/3/2024

7. **Silla** — Chair
8. **Tiza** — Chalk

9. **Reloj** — Clock
10. **Computadora** — Computer
11. **Escritorio** — Desk

12. **Diccionario** — Dictionary
13. **Borrador** — Eraser

14. **Mapa** — Map

15. **Cuaderno** — Notebook

16. **Pluma** — Pen

17. **Lápiz** — Pencil

18. **Sacapuntas** — Pencil sharpener

19. **Libro de texto** — Textbook

20. **Pizarra blanca** — Whiteboard

1. **Cinturón** — Belt

2. **Botas** — Boots
3. **Gorra** — Cap

4. **Abrigo** — Coat
5. **Vestido** — Dress

6. **Guantes** — Gloves
7. **Sombrero** — Hat

8. **Chaqueta** — Jacket
9. **Jeans** — Jeans

10. **Pijama** — Pyjamas

11. **Pantalones** — Pants

12. **Impermeable** — Raincoat

13. **Bufanda** — Scarf

14. **Camisa** — Shirt

English Basics

15. **Zapatos** — Shoes

16. **Falda** — Skirt

17. **Pantalones de traje** — Slacks
18. **Pantuflas** — Slippers

19. **Calcetines** — Socks

20. **Medias** — Stockings

21. **Traje** — Suit

22. **Sweater** — Sweater

23. **Sudadera** — Sweatshirt

24. **Camiseta** — T-shirt

25. **Corbata** — Tie

26. **Pantalones** — Trousers

27. **Ropa interior** — Underclothes

28. **Calzoncillos** — Underpants

29. **Camiseta interior** — Undershirt

1. **Hornear** — Bake

2. **Hervir** — Boil
3. **Asar a la parrilla** — Broil

4. **Abrelatas** — Can opener

5. **Freír** — Fry

6. **Asar a la parrilla** — Grill

7. **Taza medidora** — Measuring cup
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8. **Cuchara medidora** — Measuring spoon

9. **Microondas** — Microwave

10. **Bol para mezclar** — Mixing bowl

11. **Toallas de papel** — Paper towels

12. **Escalfar** — Poach

13. **Agarrador de ollas** — Potholder
14. **Asar** — Roast

15. **Rodillo** — Rolling pin

16. **Batir** — Scramble

17. **Cocer a fuego lento** — Simmer

18. **Cuchillo** — Knife

19. **Cuchara** — Spoon

20. **Espátula** — Spatula

21. **Vapor** — Steam

22. **Colador** — Strainer

23. **Temporizador** — Timer

24. **Tenedor** — Fork

1. **Cuenta** — Bill
2. **Desayuno** — Breakfast

3. **Cheque** — Check
4. **Taza** — Cup

5. **Postre** — Dessert
6. **Cena** — Dinner

7. **Aderezo** — Dressing
8. **Bebida** — Drink

9. **Tenedor** — Fork
10. **Hamburguesa** — Hamburger

11. **Cuchillo** — Knife

English Basics

12. **Almuerzo** — Lunch

13. **Menú** — Menu

14. **Servilleta** — Napkin
15. **Pedido** — Order

16. **Sal** — Salt

17. **Cuchara** — Spoon

18. **Agua** — Water

19. **Café** — Coffee

20. **Té** — Tea

1. **Fahrenheit** — Fahrenheit

2. **Celsius** — Celsius
3. **Caliente** — Hot

4. **Tibio** — Warm
5. **Fresco** — Cool

6. **Frío** — Cold
7. **Congelante** — Freezing

8. **Grados** — Degrees
9. **Termómetro** — Thermometer

10. **Hielo** — Ice

11. **Niebla** — Fog

12. **Bruma** — Mist

13. **Nube** — Cloud
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14. **Nublado** — Cloudy

15. **Sol** — Sun

16. **Soleado** — Sunny

17. **Lluvia** — Rain
18. **Lluvioso** — Rainy

19. **Viento** — Wind
20. **Ventoso** — Windy

21. **Nieve** — Snow

22. **Nevando** — Snowing

23. **Granizo** — Hail

24. **Ventisca** — Blizzard

25. **Relámpago** — Lightning

26. **Trueno** — Thunder

27. **Inundación** — Flood

28. **Húmedo** — Humid

29. **Seco** — Dry

30. **Arco iris** — Rainbow

31. **Aguanieve** — Sleet

32. **Tornado** — Tornado

33. **Cielo despejado** — Clear sky

34. **Parcialmente nublado** — Partly cloudy

35. **Brisa** — Breeze

36. **Huracán** — Hurricane

37. **Tiempo** — Weather

38. **Pronóstico** — Forecast
39. **Ciclón** — Cyclone

40. **Tifón** — Typhoon

41. **Tsunami** — Tsunami

42. **Estación** — Season

43. **Invierno** — Winter
English Basics

44. **Verano** — Summer

45. **Primavera** — Spring

46. **Otoño** — Fall

Sitios web geniales para practicar tu ingles

Sound Grammar Lessons

Voice of America - Learn American English with VOA Learning English (
BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English
Breaking News English Lessons: Easy English World News Materials - ESL
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - English Listening (
Homepage | Go Natural English
Lessons Worth Sharing | TED-Ed | ESL Video | ESL Chattybots
HOME - English Practice Test
Extra English episode 1 Hectors arrival (part1) (
(3) MrBeast - YouTube
(3) Unbox Therapy - YouTube
(3) Mrwhosetheboss - YouTube
(3) Mark Rober - YouTube
English Basics | 4/3/2024

Tips to practise your English listening and

• If you're out and about, listen to songs or a podcast.

• When you're at home, Watch movies or Series in English
• Change the language of your phone and any device to English
• Practice talking to yourself in English when you're alone.
• Record yourself speaking.
• Join us in our conversation club
• You should try to only speak in English at Uni.
• Study a Little Bit at a Time: a few minutes a day can make a
difference. Consistency matters more than long study sessions.
English Basics

English Basics | 4/3/2024

Written by Karim Olabi Redondo


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