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PO No :PO1180038496-860

Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256

Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525340 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:16AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Whole Blood-EDTA Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:14PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Complete Blood Count

Hemoglobin 12.0 g/dL 12.0 - 15.0 Cyanide-free SLS-
RBC 4.45 mili/ 3.8-4.8 DC Impedence Method
HCT 38.2 % 36-46 RBC pulse height detection
MCV 85.8 fl 83 - 101 Calculated
MCH 27.0 pg 27 - 32 Calculated
MCHC 31.4 g/dL 31.5 - 34.5 Calculated
RDW-CV 12.5 % 11.5-14 Calculated
Total Leucocyte Count 6.2 10^3/µL 4 - 10 Flowcytometery/Microscopy
Differential Leucocyte Count
Neutrophils 57.9 % 40-80 Flowcytometery/Microscopy
Lymphocytes 33.4 % 20-40 Flowcytometery/Microscopy
Monocytes 7.7 % 2-10 Flowcytometery/Microscopy
Eosinophils 0.8 % 1-6 Flowcytometery/Microscopy
Basophils 0.2 % 0-2 Flowcytometery/Microscopy
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count 3.62 10^3/µL 2-7 Calculated
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 2.09 10^3/µL 1-3 Calculated
Absolute Monocyte Count 0.48 10^3/µL 0.2-1 Calculated
Absolute Eosinophil Count 0.05 10^3/µL 0.02-0.5 Calculated
Absolute Basophil Count 0.01 10^3/µL 0.02-0.1 Calculated
Platelet Count 280 10^3/µL 150-410 Electrical
MPV 11.9 fl 6.5 - 12 Calculated
PDW 13 fL Calculated

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

Page 1 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525340 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:16AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Whole Blood-EDTA Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:14PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method


As per the recommendation of International council for Standardization in Hematology, the differential leucocyte
counts are additionally being reported as absolute numbers of each cell in per unit volume of blood.
Test conducted on EDTA whole blood.

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

Page 2 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525340 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:16AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : EDTA Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:29PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 15 mm/hr 0-12 Modified Westergren


ESR provides an index of progress of the disease and is widely used as an indicator of inflammation, infection,
trauma, or malignant diseases. Changes are more significant than a single abnormal test
It is specifically indicated to monitor the course or response to the treatment of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis,
tuberculosis bacterial endocarditis ,acute rheumatic fever ,Hodgkins disease,temporal arthritis , and systemic lupus
erythematosis; and to diagnose and monitor giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica.
An elevated ESR may also be associated with many other conditions, including autoimmune disease, anemia,
infection,malignancy,pregnancy, multiple myeloma, menstruation, and hypothyroidism.
Although a normal ESR cannot be taken to exclude the presence of organic disease, its rate is dependent on various
physiologic and pathologic factors.
The most important component influencing ESR is the composition of plasma. High level of C-Reactive Protein,
fibrinogen, haptoglobin, alpha-1antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin and immunoglobulins causes the elevation of Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate.
Drugs that may cause increase ESR levels include: dextran, methyldopa, oral contraceptives, penicillamine,
procainamide, theophylline, and Vitamin A. Drugs that may cause decrease levels include: aspirin, cortisone, and

"Test conducted on Whole Blood - EDTA "

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

Page 3 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 01:14PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Calcium 8.6 mg/dL 8.7-10.4 Arsenazo III


Increased in: Hyperparathyroidism primary and secondary, Acute and chronic renal failure, Following renal transplantation,
Osteomalacia with malabsorption, Acute osteoprosis, Malignant tumours (specially of breast, lung and kidney), Drugs: Vit. D
and A intoxication, Diuretics, estrogen, androgen, tamoxifen, lithium

Decreased in: Hypoparathyroidism, Surgical and Idiopathic, Pseudohypoparathyroidism, Chronic renal disease with uremia
and phophate retention, Malabsorption of Calcium and Vit.D, obstructive jaundice, Bone Disease ( Osteomalacia and
rickets), Drugs: Cancer chemotherapy drugs, calcitonin, loop-actives diuretics, Hypomagnesemia,Hypoalbuminemia

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Page 4 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525341 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : FLUORIDE PLASMA Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:33PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Glucose - Fasting 85.2 mg/dL 70-99 Hexokinase

Fasting Plasma Glucose 2 hr plasma Glucose Diagnosis

(mg/dL) (mg/dL)
99 or below 139 or below Normal
100 to 125 140 to 199 Pre-Diabetes (IGT)
126 or above 200 or above Diabetes

Reference : American Diabetes Association

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) fasting, means a person has an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes but does not
have it yet. A level of 126 mg/dL or above, confirmed by repeating the test on another day, means a person has diabetes.
IGT (2 hrs Post meal ), means a person has an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes but does not have it yet. A 2-
hour glucose level of 200 mg/dL or above, confirmed by repeating the test on another day, means a person has diabetes

Plasma Glucose Goals For people with Diabetes

Before meal 70-130 mg/dL
2 Hours after meal Less than 180 mg/dL
Less than 7%

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Page 5 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 01:14PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Iron Studies, Basic

Iron Serum 52.0 µg/dL 50-170 Ferene
Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity 310.00 µg/dL 111-343 Ferene
Total Iron Binding Capacity ( TIBC) 362.00 µg/dL 228-428 Calculated
Transferrin Saturation 14.36 % 16-50 Calculated


Iron is an essential trace mineral element which forms an important component of hemoglobin, metallocompounds and
Vitamin A. Deficiency of iron is seen in iron deficiency and anaemia of chronic disorders.
Increased iron concentration are seen in hemolytic anaemias, hemochromatosis and acute liver disease. Serum Iron alone is
unreliable due to considerable physiologic diurnal variation in the results with highest values in the morning and lowest
values in the evening as well as variation in response to iron therapy .

Total Iron Binding capacity (TIBC) is a direct measure of the protein Transferrin which transports iron from the gut to
storage sites in the bone marrow. Increased levels of TIBC suggest that total iron body stores are low, increased
concentration may be the sign of Iron deficiency anaemia, polycythemia vera ,and may occur during the third trimester of
pregnancy. Decreased levels may be seen in hemolytic anaemia, hemochromatosis, chronic liver disease, hypoproteinemia

Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC) is increased in low iron state and decreased in high iron concentration such as
hemochromatosis. In case of anaemia of chronic disease the patient may be anaemic but has adequate iron reserve and a
low uIBC.

Transferrin Saturation occurs in Idiopathic hemochromatosis and Transfusional hemosiderosis where no unsaturated iron
binding capacity is available for iron mobilization. Similar condition is seen in congenital deficiency of Transferrin.

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Page 6 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 01:14PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Lipid Profile
Cholesterol - Total 95 mg/dL Desirable <200, Enzymatic
Borderline High 200 -
High >=240
Triglycerides 62 mg/dL Normal: < 150, GPO, Trinder without
Borderline: 150 - 199, serum blank
High:200 - 499, Very
High >=500
Cholesterol - HDL 39 mg/dL Low (undesirable, high Elimination/catalase
risk): < 40 mg/dL
High (desirable, low
risk): >= 60 mg/dL
Cholesterol - LDL 43 mg/dl Desirable: <100 Calculated
Above desirable: 100 -
129 Borderline high : 130
- 159 High : 160 - 189
Very high : >=190
Very Low Density Lipoprotein 12 mg/dl 10.0-30.0 Calculated
Cholesterol : HDL Cholesterol 2.4 Ratio Calculated
LDL / HDL Cholesterol Ratio 1.10 Ratio Calculated
Non HDL Cholesterol 56 mg/dl Desirable:< 130, Calculated
Above Desirable:130 -
159, Borderline High:160
- 189, High:190 - 219,
Very High: >= 220


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Page 7 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 01:14PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

In all adults (>=20 years of age), a fasting lipoprotein profile should be obtained at least every 5 years. The
measurement and monitoring of atherogenic cholesterol levels remain an important part of a comprehensive ASCVD
prevention strategy. An elevated level of cholesterol carried by circulating apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins
(non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C], termed atherogenic
cholesterol) is a root cause of atherosclerosis, the key underlying process contributing to most clinical atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) events.
Reducing elevated levels of atherogenic cholesterol will lower ASCVD risk in proportion to the extent that atherogenic
cholesterol is reduced. This benefit is presumed to result from atherogenic cholesterol lowering through multiple
modalities, including lifestyle and drug therapies.
Atherosclerosis is a process that often begins early in life and progresses for decades before resulting a clinical
ASCVD event. Therefore, both intermediate-term and long-term or lifetime risk should be considered when assessing
the potential benefits and hazards of risk-reduction therapies.
Nonlipid ASCVD risk factors should also be managed appropriately, particularly high blood pressure, cigarette
smoking, and diabetes mellitus.

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Page 8 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum2 Report Date : 01/May/2022 01:32PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Rheumatoid Factor - Quantitative < 10.0 IU/mL <30 - Normal Immunoturbidimetric

30-50 - Weakly positive
>50 - Reactive


The detection of Rheumatoid factor (RF) is one of the criteria of the American Rheumatism Association (ARA) for the
diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
RF are heterogeneous group of auto antibodies directed against Fc- region of IgG molecules.
They are useful in diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, but can also be found in other inflammatory diseases and in
various non-rheumatic diseases.
These occur in all the immunoglobulin classes, although the usual analytical methods are limited to the detection of
Rheumatoid Factors of the IgM type.Healthy individuals >65 years of age may also show positive RF results.

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Page 9 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 02:06PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

CA-125 12.10 U/mL 0 - 35 CMIA


CA 125 is a glycoprotein ,normally expressed in coelomic epithelium,which lines body cavities and envelopes the
ovaries .
CA 125 levels are elevated in approx.85%of women with ovarian cancer (especially serous epithelial tumors ),but only
50%of those with stage I disease .It monitors the course of disease in patients with invasive epithelial ovarian
Not useful in some types of ovarian cancers that do not produce CA125( baseline levels of CA 125 are normal in such
cases. .
Persistently high values may indicate a poor response to therapy.Serial and periodic assessments are helpful in
diagnosing recurrence.
A low value does not rule out absence of residual ovarian tumor.

Increased levels

Primary epithelial ovarian carcinoma

ealthy individuals ( 1-2 %)
First trimester of pregnancy
Follicular phase of menstrual cycle
Non malignant conditions – Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Endometriosis, Ovarian cysts, Pelvic Inflammatory disease,fibroids
Non Ovarian malignancies - Endometrial, Pancreatic, Lung, Breast, Colorectal & other Gastrointestinal tumors.


This test is not recommended to screen Ovarian cancer in the general population.
False negative / positive results are observed in patients receiving mouse monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis or
Patients with confirmed Ovarian cancer may show normal pre-treatment CA 125 levels. Hence this assay, regardless

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Page 10 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 02:06PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

of level, should not be interpreted as absolute evidence for the presence or absence of malignant disease. The assay
value should be used in conjunction with findings from clinical evaluation and other diagnostic procedures.
Please note test values may vary depending on the assay method used.

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Page 11 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 10.6 mIU/mL Females (>21) CLIA

Normally menstruating
Follicular Phase: 2.5–
10.2 mIU/mL
Midcycle Peak: 3.4–33.4
Luteal Phase: 1.5–9.1
Pregnant: < 0.3 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal: 23.0–
116.3 mIU/mL

Interpretation: FSH and LH are glycoprotein hormones which play a critical role in maintaining the normal function of the
male and female reproductive systems.FSH levels vary throughout the menstrual cycle in response to estradiol and

Testing is useful for :

Predicting ovulation
Evaluating infertility
Diagnosing pituitary disorders.
An adjunct in the evaluation of menstrual irregularities
Evaluating patients with suspected hypogonadism

Increased FSH in :

Primary gonadal failure
Complete testicular feminization syndrome
Precocious puberty (either idiopathic or secondary to a central nervous system lesion)
Primary ovarian hypofunction in females
Primary hypogonadism in males
Gonadotrophin secreting pituitary tumours.

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

Page 12 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method


Normal or decreased FSH in:

Drugs (Oral contraceptive pills and Steroids)

Ectopic steroid hormone production
Anorexia nervosa.
Poly cystic ovarian disease
Pituitary or hypothalamus failure

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Page 13 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Prolactin 27.85 ng/ml Nonpregnant: 2.8–29.2 CLIA

Pregnant: 9.7–208.5
Postmenopausal: 1.8–
20.3 ng/mL

Prolactin, a polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary, initiates and maintains lactation in postpartum period.

Clinical utility: Primarily in work-up of suspected pituitary tumor,Menstrual Irregularities,Infertility,Impotence and


Increased in: Sleep (levels rise rapidly during sleep and peak in early hours), nursing, breast stimulation, exercise,
hypoglycaemia, emotional stress, exercise, ambulation, protein ingestion, hypothyroidism, pituitary tumors (prolactinomas
and others), hypothalamic/pituitary stalk lesions,renal failure. HIV infection (21%), CHF, SLE, advanced multiple myeloma,
Rathke cleft cyst. Drugs intake of dopamine antagonists- phenothiazines, haloperidol , risperidone , reserpine, methyldopa ,
estrogens, opiates,cimetidine.

Decreased in: Pituitary deficiency: Pituitary necrosis / infarction, Drugs: Bromocriptine, Levodopa,

* Macromolecular prolactin (macroprolactin), a complex of prolactin with IgG antibodies may lead to apparently high values
in some patients
with maintained fertility.
* PRL levels usually remain stable over time.
* Hypothalamic secretion of dopamine inhibits secretion of prolactin.
* Prolactin is secreted episodically, so multiple sampling technique i.e. pooling equal volume of sera from specimen's
drawn at 20-30 min interval is advantageous.

*In case of High Prolactin, repeat testing with pooled sample in fasting state is advised
* Please note test values may vary depending on the assay method used.

Kindly correlate clinically

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Page 14 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Thyroid Profile
T3, Total 1.0 ng/mL 0.60 - 1.81 CLIA
T4, Total 7.0 µg/dl 5.5 - 10.8 CLIA
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - Ultra 1.55 uIU/ml 0.55 - 4.78 CLIA


Below mentioned are the guidelines for pregnancy related reference ranges for TSH, total T3 & Total T4.

TSH (μIU/mL) (as per
American Thyroid Total T3 (ng/mL) Total T4(μg/dL)
Association )
1st trimester 0.1-2.5 0.81-1.90 7.33-14.8
2nd trimester 0.2-3.0 1.00-2.60 7.93-16.1
3rd trimester 0.3-3.0 1.00-2.60 6.95-15.7

TSH levels are subject to circadian variation, reaching peak levels between 2 - 4.a.m. and at a minimum between 6-10
pm .
The variation is of the order of 50%, hence time of the day has influence on the measured serum TSH concentrations.
TSH is secreted in a dual fashion: Intermittent pulses constitute 60-70% of total amount, background continuous
secretion is 30-40%.These pulses occur regularly every 1-3 hrs.
Total T3 & T4 concentrations are altered by physiological or pathological changes in thyroxine binding globulin (TBG)
capacity .
The determination of free T3 & free T4 has the advantage of being independent of changes in the concentrations
and binding properties of the binding proteins.
Changes in thyroid status are typically associated with concordant changes in T3, T4 and TSH levels.
Unexpectedly abnormal or discordant thyroid test values may be seen with some rare, but clinically significant
conditions such as central hypothyroidism, TSH-secreting pituitary tumors, thyroid hormone resistance, or the
presence of heterophilic antibodies (HAMA) or thyroid hormone autoantibodies.
Kindly correlate clinically
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Page 15 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

For diagnostic purposes, results should be used in conjunction with other data.

TSH T3 T4 Interpretation
High Normal Normal Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Low Normal Normal Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
High High High Secondary Hyperthyroidism
Low High/Normal High/Normal Hyperthyroidism
Non thyroidal illness / Secondary
Low Low Low Hypothyroidism

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Page 16 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Vitamin D (25-OH) 8.7 ng/ml Deficiency:< 20, CLIA

Sufficiency:30 - 100,
Hypervitaminosis:> 100


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble steroid prohormone involved in the intestinal absorption of calcium and the regulation of calcium homeostasis.
Two forms of vitamin D are biologically relevant - vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol).
Both vitamins D3 and D2 can be absorbed from food but only an estimated 10-20% of vitamin D is supplied through nutritional intake.
Vitamin D is converted to the active hormone 1,25-(OH)2-vitamin D (Calcitriol) through two hydroxylation reactions. The first
hydroxylation converts vitamin D into 25-OH vitamin D and occurs in the liver. The second hydroxylation converts 25-OH vitamin D into
the biologically active 1,25-(OH)2-vitamin D and occurs in the kidneys as well as in many other cells of the body.
Most cells express the vitamin D receptor and about 3% of the human genome is directly or indirectly regulated by the vitamin D
endocrine system.
The major storage form of vitamin D is 25-OH vitamin D and is present in the blood at up to 1,000 fold higher concentration compared to
the active 1,25-(OH)2-vitamin D. 25-OH vitamin D has a half-life of 2-3 weeks vs. 4 hours for 1,25-(OH)2-vitamin D. Therefore, 25-OH
vitamin D is the analyte of choice for determination of the vitamin D status.
Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include low sun exposure, inadequate intake, decreased absorption, abnormal metabolism, vitamin D
resistance and and liver or kidney diseases.
Vitamin D deficiency is a cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism and diseases resulting in impaired bone metabolism (like rickets,
Recently, many chronic diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and several autoimmune diseases have been linked to
vitamin D deficiency.

Quantitative determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH vitamin D).

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

Page 17 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 38.7 mIU/mL Children : <0.1 - 6.0 CLIA

Adult Females
Follicular: 1.9-12.5,
Mid Cycle Peak: 8.7-
Luteal Phase: 0.50-16.9,
Post Menopausal: 15.90-
Pregnant: 0.10-1.50
Oral Contraceptives:


Interpretation: FSH and LH are glycoprotein hormones which play a critical role in maintaining the normal function of the
male and female reproductive systems.

Testing is useful for :

Predicting ovulation
Evaluating infertility
Diagnosing pituitary disorders.
An adjunct in the evaluation of menstrual irregularities
Evaluating patients with suspected hypogonadism

Increased LH in :

Polycystic Ovarian disease.

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

Page 18 of 20
PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Primary gonadal failure

Complete testicular feminization syndrome
Precocious puberty (either idiopathic or secondary to a central nervous system lesion)
Primary ovarian hypofunction in females
Primary hypogonadism in males
Gonadotrophin secreting pituitary tumors.

Decreased LH in :

Anorexia nervosa
Ectopic steroid hormone production
GnRH Analog treatment
Drugs(Digoxin,Oral contraceptive pills ,Phenothiazines)
Advanced Prostate cancer.
Primary hypergonadism in males
Primary ovarian hyperfunction in females
In failure of pituitary or hypothalamus

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

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PO No :PO1180038496-860
Name : Ms.TINAMUNAM SAHOO Order ID : 4589256
Age/Gender : 26/Female Registration Date : 01-May-22 10:06 AM
Patient ID : 1MG214085 Collection Date : 01/May/2022 09:02AM
Barcode ID : A7525342 Sample Receive Date : 01/May/2022 11:38AM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 01/May/2022 12:28PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method

Vitamin B12 172.0 pg/ml 211 - 911 CLIA


Vitamin B12 along with folate is essential for DNA synthesis and myelin formation.
Decreased levels are seen in anaemia, term pregnancy, vegetarian diet, intrinsic factor deficiency, partial
gastrectomy/ileal damage, celiac disease, oral contraceptive use, parasitic infestation, pancreatic deficiency, treated
epilepsy, smoking, hemodialysis and advanced age.
Increased levels are seen in renal failure, hepatocelluar disorders, myeloproliferative disorders and at times with
excess supplementation of vitamins pills.

*** End Of Report ***

Kindly correlate clinically

Results relate only to the sample, as received

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