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MADHYA PRADESH WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Design Series Technical Circular No. 38/97 (Issued vide memo No. 121/BODHI/Canal/97, Dated 24-6-97) Sub: Guidelines for use of quarry spalls below pitching in canals 1.00 INTRODUCTION 1 technical circular deals with the guidelines for use of quarry spalls below stone pitching to protect the slopes and bed of canal against scouring velocity . Though canal is dlesigned for non-scouring velocity but in the upstream and down streams of the structures, the flow is turbulent, which causes eddies, irregular currents, scour on bed and sides of the canal In the down stream and upstream reaches of canal structures, stone/boulder pitching is provided as a remedial measures. But the turbulent water enters in voids between stones/ boulders and leads to erosion of soil and formation of hollow pockets below pitching which result in disturbing the profile and damaging slopes and bed of canal. To stop this erosion, provision of quarry spalls below stone/boulder pitching is necessary. 2.0 THICKNESS OF QUARRY SPALLS AND STONE PITCHING: 2.1 15 Cm thick graded spalls to be provided below stone pitching as a filter cushion. This filter will act as a curtain between soil and flowing water in the canal. 2.2 However the thickness of quarry spalls may be provided uniformly irrespective of the velocity. 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS: 3.1 Individual spalls shall be broken from sound, hard and durable stones/ rocks and shall be such that they will be able to sustain weathering and water action. They shall be free from laminations, soft spots, cracks, seams and other defects. They should be free from flags, soft particles, shale, organic matter or other deterious materials, Engineer-in Chief“ Chief Engineer “(a Bureau of Designs for Hydel and eB Projects Water Resources Department Bhopal ,(M.P.) Govt. of MPP., Bhopal ‘GCPB—1214—-DDENCWRD—10-9-97—3, 4. Ad MP. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Design Series Technical Circular No. 39 (Issued Vide Memo No. 236 /BODHYR&C/TC/11/2000. Dated 29-5-2000), |LINES FOR PRE! ROUTING OF R¢ )UNDATION: INTRODUCTION Number of dam failures that took place in the early 20th century, invited the attention of dam builders on the importance of foundation competency for the safety of dam. Construction of any large dam is now undertaken only after ensuring that adequate geologic assessment of the dam site has been made. With the necessity for building high dams on less favourable sites, foundation treatment techniques have registered an accelerated development during the last few decades. Notable among them is the technique of drilling and pressure grouting which helps to reduce seepage and improve the load carrying properties of the rock. GROUTING: Grouting is the process of injecting suitable cement slurries or similar mate-ials into inaccessible places such as: - in foundation of dams, power houses and other structises for the purpose of sealing seams, cracks and fissures ot filling voids. In the construction of dirs, the principal purpose of foundation grouting is to establish an effective underground barrier 1.2inst flow of water thereby preventing leakage and reducing the hydrostatic uplift pressure under the dam. Secondly, grouting is also done to fill the voids in the substructure and thus secure a more uniform and monolithic foundation. SCOPE: The guidelines are intended to cover primarily the grouting of rock by cement with and without suitable admixtures and fillers such as sodium silicate, clay, sand and bentonite. As the properties of chemical grout vary over a wide range, the procedures and methods outlined herein may require modification according to the type of the chemical used and the purpose for which itis used. This technical circular supplements the W.R.D. specifications, TERMINOLOGY: Following definitions are pertinent to this circular. 1. _ Blanket or Area or Consolidation grouting: The process of grouting to a specified depth for the purpose of consolidation and/or impermeabilisation, 2 Circulating system: The piping arrangement by which grout is conveyed from the grout ‘pump to grout hole and through a return line from the hole to grout pump. 3 Coefficient of Permeability: The rate of flow of water under laminar conditions through unit cross-sectional area of porous medium under a unit hydraulic gradient and at a standard temperature of 27-degree C. 4. Curtain grouting: The process of grouting one or more lines of holes to specified depths in order to create a barrier against under seepage. 5. Full depth grouting: A method of grouting in which the entire depth of hole is grouted in one operation by connecting che grout supply line to the manifold at the top of the hole. 6 Grout Refusal: When rate of grout intake of a hole or stage reduces beyond a specified limit, averaged over a given time, at a particular pressure, the hole is said to have attained a state of grout refusal and grouting of a hole is said to be completed. 1 Jetting: Systematic washing of groups of holes in order to remove the erodible material jn the intervening rock mass. 8 Lugeons: It is the unit used to express water loss in litres per minute per meter depth of the drill hole under a pressure of 10 atmospheres maintained for 10 minutes in a drill hole of 46 to 76 mm diameter. 10. ML. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. Manifold or Header: The piping arrangement at the top of the hole for connecting the supply line to the hole. Packer: The device used in the hole to isolate a part of a hole for grouting. Packer Grouting: A method of grouting a hole, which has been drilled to its final depth, in any desired sequence of sections which are isolated by use of packers from the ungrouted sections. Pattern: Arrangement of holes in plan and vertical section. Percolation Test: Pumping of water into a hole through a direct connection or a packer to measure water acceptance under pressure. Primary Holes: In split spacing grouting, the first set of holes is referred to as “original holes” or “primary holes”. Single line system: The piping arrangement by which grout is conveyed from a grout pump to the grout hole through a single Line of pipe without a return fine. Split Spacing Grouting Method: A sequence of drilling and grouting holes in witich widely spaced holes are drilled and grouted initially and the spacing is subdivided by intermediate holes. The initial set of holes is called primary holes and intermediate holes are termed secondary, tertiary etc. according to the sequence of grouting operation. ‘Stage: A partial depth of hole, treated or to be treated. Stage Grouting: A method of grouting in which a hole is deepened and grouted in a descending sequence of stages. ‘Washing: Washing of the walls of the grout hole by water under pressure after completion of drilling but before grout injection. 5 Sa 52 THE PARAMETERS ASSOCIATED WITH GROUTING AND THE BASIC APPROACH influencing the grouting process are so many that it is rather impossible to fix up the relation between parameters and rock or dam type. Some of the variables are: - Purpose of grouting ‘Type and importance of structure Nature of rock ‘Number of rows of grout hole. Spacing of grout holes. Depth of grouting Inclination of grout holes. Grouting pressure Materials of grout Consistency of grout Durability of grout ‘Consumption of grout vis-a-vis continuing of grout Criteria for testing the effectiveness of grouting, ‘Special methods to prevent hole collapse Basic Approach It is evident that the successful installation of grout curtain is a process of trial and experimentation regardless of type of strata or method used. No “recipe book” approach to drilling and grouting will ever be possible. It is therefore obligatory for the engineers to- base their estimation in this regard on personal experience gained on their sites. And if need be, modify the scope of work during execution suitably so as to achieve the basic requirement. This implies improving our method of drilling and grouting to suit the site conditions on the basis of experience gained with previous work done at the same site. emphasis between control of the rate of seepage and control of upli Even when the overall objective is to reduce the permeability of the rock foundation, the depends on the value of water stored and the nature of foundation strata. In cavernous and highly jointed rocks the reduction of the rate of seepage is an important safety consideration. In massive & relatively Net unweathered rocks, the quantity of seepage may not be of much concem if the desired reduction in uplift pressure is achieved primarily by drainage. In such cases, the aim of grouting would be to ‘ensure the treatment of local concentrations of seepage that are liable to impair the efficiency of the drainage system, The grouting programme should aim at satisfying the design requirements economically and remain in conformity with the rest of the construction schedule. The design requirements for adopting grouting programmes are as under: - (a) Curtain grouting i) To safeguard the foundation against erodiblity hazard, and/or To reduce quantity of seepage. (b) Consolidation grouting. To reduce the deformability of jointed or shattered rock. 5.3 The Criterion for Grouting ‘The criterion given beiow are suggested for deciding whether or not to grout any portion or zone of rock. Overall design requirement, importance of the structure and the value of water as, ‘well as geological conditions should also be taken into consideration, 53.1 lity Hazard ig Lugeon values given in Tabie-1, are recommended for deciding the necessity or otherwise of grouting. Lugeon values in excess of those given in the table would indicate that grouting is desirable. Table 1 Suggested limiting Lugeon values from erodibility hazards (Adopted from clause 3.3.1 of IS 6066:1994 (II Revision)) Item Rock below Rock below Cut-off trench ‘Masonry dam Group A Laminar flow 5 to 10 Sto7 Group B Turbulent flow 3105 3105 Group C Dilation 103 1103 Group D ‘Washout and Hydraulic fracturing 1 to3 1103 Group E Void fills 3105 3105 53.2 To reduce Quantity of seepage: i) For dams exceeding 30-m height, curtain grouting should be carried out when the water loss exceeds one Lugeon. ii) For dams under 30-m height, curtain grouting should be carried out where the water loss exceeds 3 Lugeon. 6 CO-ORDINATION WITH OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: 6.1 Grouting operations are generally interdependent with other construction activities. Following, points need attention: (@) Excavation & blasting in the vicinity of the area being grouted may cause leakage of grout and render the grouting operation ineffective. It is preferable to complete blasting operations before taking up grouting operations. If blasting after grouting is unavoidable, thorough testing and regrouting is essential after blasting, “3+ 72 13 734 14 Tad 18 (©) Sometimes it may be necessary to complete the grouting operations first to enable sti? of onerete or masonry work. (© At times grouting is carried out before removal of overburden to obtain the necessary load of surcharge over the zone being grouted, . (@) _ In some cases removal of overburden may be necessary to facilitate sealing of the cracks prior to grouting. © Drainage holes should always be drilled only after grouting is completed within the expected distance of grout travel. ( A drainage and grouting gallery is a commonly used device to facilitate grouting after placing the masonry or concrete in the foundation and ensure that the necessary cover of concrete is obtained to enable the desired grouting pressures to be developed. (®) Generally holes are drilled in the foundation, GI pipes are left in place through the ‘masonry of concrete, which is raised, and the foundation grouted through these pipes later. (h) Careful planning of all associated construction activities, such as excavation, concreting, drilling of drainage holes and their co-ordination with grouting is essential for successful execution of grouting programme. RELATION 0F GEOLOGY TO GROUTING, THE IMPORTANCE OF FOUNDATION EXPLORATION AND INITIAL EXPERIMENTATION. Rock features giving rise to weak and pervious zones, which require grouting, are generally related to local geological structures. It is therefore necessary to obtain a reliable geological interpretation of the type, distribution, approximate size and direction of joints, voids, cavities etc. in the local foundation rock. ‘The depth and orientation of grout holes should be related to the geological features, e.g. inclined holes should be preferred, when the rock permeability is primarily due to closely spaced vertical system of joints. It is sometimes necessary to evolve a pattem of holes consisting of different sets of holes appropriate to each type of discontinuity, such as bedding planes, system of Joints and lava contacts. Rock exposures, when available, are an invaluable source of information on the rock structures and geological features relevant to grouting. Photographs using a bore hole camera, if available would give very useful information. The permeability of most rock foundations does decrease with the distance from the surface since the joints are generally opened wider near the surface due to stress relief and. weathering, However, in some type of roc, such as columnar basa» and some limestone, the cracks do not become appreciably smaller with distance from the surface. In such rocks, grouting may be almost completely ineffective even if the grout curtain extends several metres below the bottom of the valley and beyond the abutments. It is necessary to employ the initial stages of grouting operation for verification of the conditions revealed by the explorations. The grouting programme should be conducted in such a manner that the initial experimentation covers all typical geological situations. The areas for initial trials are carefully chosen and the observations recorded with sufficient care, so as to become familiar with the various rock structures and their response to treatment. Geological interpretations may only furnish a general grouting strategy. During work execution, a continuous analysis of intermediate results is necessary to adapt drilling and grouting activities to local conditions. ‘The following information should be obtained and shown on either a topographic or geologic map. (@) Boundaries and contacts of different geological units to be treated. 75.1 182 16 84 82 83 (©) Attitudes (dips and strikes) of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (©) Bedrock contours obtained from surface data (4) Physical conditions of rock indicated by drilling or surface mapping. (¢) Prominent joints systems, their spacing, openness and character of the material of in-fillings, if any, location and attitudes of prominent folds shear zones, faults etc. (1) Lines of geologic cross-sections and (e) Location and logs of all drill and auger holes, exploration tunnels and shafts, holes in the foundation area. A competent engineering geologist may detemnine the number of foles and theit depth. Percolation test should be conducted inthe holes and the open areas of the foundation for use in planning the grout treatment. When investigation holes have served ther Purposes, they should be completely filled with grout, Sufficient reference points on the ground should be described so that the system ean be located accurately in the field. A broad guideline of principles and significance of geological investigations for grouting in rock can be seen in Figure 1. GROUTING METHODS AND THEIR SELECTION, Pattern of holes: Rock grouting consists essentially of drilling a series of holes in rock and injecting grout under pressure which eventually sets in the openings and voids in the rock Fall depth grouting: in the Tull depth grouting method, each hole is drilled to the full desired depth, washed Piessure tested and grouted in one operation. This method is usually limited to short holes $ m or tess in depth or holes up to 10 m that have only small eracks and joints and there is no risk. of surface leakage. For qerouting in heterogeneous strata and deep holes full depth grouting is not Tecommended and stage grouting is preferable Stage drilling and grouting: Stee grouting permits treatment of various zones individually by grouting successively increasing depths after sealing the upper zone. Following procedures are used (6) Drilling the holes to a predetermined depth and grouting this initial depth at an Shbtanriate pressure does grouting. Grout is then washed from the hole prior to its final set within and redrlling is carried out through the hardened grout and the hole extended to the nent stage {n an another procedure called one stage redrilled method, grout is washed ont within a anal depth of top ofthe stage being grouted and only one stage is tedrilled for proceeding to the next stage, In ach of the above procedures, the eycle of drilling -grouting-washing or sedrilling is repeated until the required depth of the hale is reached. (6) Another method consists of drilling the hole to the full depth and filling it with fine and. The sand is washed in suecessive stages and the sequence of washing and grouting is simile tothe stage drilling and grouting, This method is used when grout mix is elay-cement, (6) In an alternative procedure the grout pipe after completing the grouting operation is Wihdrawn by @ distance equal to depth of stages grouted. After the initial set occuts (half an hour), the portion ofthe hote above the stage grouted may be washed. In this method the grout sete in the length of one stage and itis necessary to redrill one stage before proceeding with further grouting, 84 85 9. 94 od 92 921 (@) For stage grouting the connection atthe top ofthe hole can be made directly to the header by seating a packer atthe top of the hole in the casing pipe. Its more convenient to install the packer atthe top ofthe hole when the one stage redrilling procedure is adopted. (See Figure 2 & 3). Use of Packers in groutins “The efficacy of packer is very much dependant on the method of drilling and the nature of rock, In compact rocks drilled by rotary method, packers are generally effective and a double packer aystem may be used with advantage. In such cases any sequence of drilling and grouting ray be followed, ue. in ascending stage with single packers or in any desired sequence with double packers to wash particular seams. When grouting with double packers or in ascending Stages with single packer, the pressures shal be restricted in order to prevent disturbante of the st mediately above the zone being grouted, It is recommended that the packers should be rechoved within 20 minutes of the completion of grouting, when the grout has not taken initial set acnefove the packers are grouted in hole.(See Figure 4,8 & 6 fr single, double packer and inflatable packer). Choice of method of grouting: (a) Grouting with double packer is suitable where a few welldefined seams of zones exist and the packers can be seated above and below such zones. Rotary driling method is preferable when double packers are used. {by When packers can be seated and there is no risk of upheaval grouting can be carried cout with single packer in ascending stages. (O The method of stage grouting in descending stage is more dependable method for badly jointed and fissured strata vulnerable to upheaval {In relatively compact rocks it may be more convenient to sea the packer atthe top oF tne stage being grouted. The hole may then be washed, as soon as the period of inital set of ‘cement is over, to the entire depth of the hole up to the bottom of the stage in progress. () Instrata vulnerable to upheaval, it may be necessary allow the grout to set and form 8 sheath arsund the hole in order to enable high pressures to be used in the lower portions of the hole, In such cases, the washing and single stage redrilling procedure would have to be adopted. PATTERN, DEPTH OF HOLES AND SEQUENCE OF GROUTING: Primarily the design requirements and the nature of rock govern the pattern and depth of hole, When the purpose is consolidation, the holes are arranged in a regular pattern over the entire ottice area required to be strengthened and the depth is determined by the extent of broken tok saretl as the structural requirements regarding the deformability and strength of foundation ‘When the purpose is impermeablisation, the grout holes are arranged in series of lines 40 for & intin approximately perpendicular 0 the direction of seepage. The depth of holes is dependent cer esian considerations as also on the depth of pervious rock and configuration of zones of relatively impervious strata “The size of grout holes is generally less important than the cost of drilling holes and the control of inclination. For grouting with cement 38-mm holes have been in common use. Lareer ‘eles are used when grouting with coarse materials or when abnormally high rates of injection are required Pattern of holes for curtain grouting Single line grout curtains are effective only in recks having a fairly regulae network of discontinuities with reasonably uniform size of openings. In such cases a curtain of adequate width iscontinatraved by grouting 8 single Tine of holes. Ja massive rocks with fine fissures, uplift soharol is primarily achieved by drainage and grout curtain is used only as a supplesneniary corre te avoid concentrations of seepage which may exceed the capacity of the drainage system, 92.2 92.24 9.2.22 9.2.3 93 9341 9.3.2 9.3.3 In single line curtains it is customary to drill widely spaced system of primary holes, subsequently followed by secondary and tertiary holes at a progressively smaller spacing. One of the criteria for deciding on the primary spacing is the expected intercommunication of grout between holes. Ifthe area is too limited, the setting time of the grout becomes important, since itis not desirable to drill too close to a freshly grouted hole. Before pressure grouting is started drilling of holes should be completed up to a reach of at least about 20 m ahead of the hole to be grouted. ‘The usual practice is to split the spacing from primary to the secondary and secondary to tertiary phase. The initial spacing usually varies between 6 m to 12 m but the choice of spacing should be based on the geological conditions and experience. At every phase of grouting operation, the results of percolation tests and grout absorption data should be compared with previous set of holes in order to decide whether a further splitting of the spacing of the holes is worthwhile. ‘Sometimes it may be advantageous to drill another line of holes at a different angle and orientation than to split the spacing further. Spacing below 1 m is rarely necessary and the requirement of spacing closer than 1 m may often indicate an unsuitable orientation and inclination of holes. Possibly multiple line curtains may be necessary. Depending upon the initial investigation and strata met with, the spacing of primary hole treatment should be decided. If primary holes were spaced more than 6 m, secondary holes shall be drilled and grouted. On completion of primary holes spaced closer than 6 m or secondary holes (when the primary holes are spaced more than 6 m), the percolation tests carried out in a few test holes indicate that further grouting of area is necessary, secondary or tertiary treatment, as the case may be, should be carried systematically. In addition to the systematic grouting of primary, secondary or tertiary holes it may necessary to drill and grout additional holes for treatment of peculiar geological features, such as. faults, shear zones, weathered rock seams and artesian conditions ete. Multiple tine curtains: In rocks with a wide range of sizes of openings, cavities and discontinuities that are also irregularly distributed, a single line curtain may not be effective. The larger openings may absorb excessive volume of grout if high pressures and thin grouts are used. On the other hand thicker grouts (1:1 or thicker or grout with fillers) used for sealing the larger openings may block the sides of holes and penetration of finer cracks. In such cases it may be advantageous to use a multiple line curtain consisting of outer lines which are drilled and grouted initially with thicker grouts. ‘After completing the grouting of the outer holes, intermediate line of holes may be drilled and ‘grouted at comparatively higher pressures with thinner grouts. Grouting of the outer rows, which is carried out initially facilitates confinement of grout and thus ensures effective subsequent treatment of finer cracks at higher pressure through the central row or rows of holes. The final spacing of inner and outer rows may be different in a multiple ine pattern, the spacing in each row being governed by the nature of rock discontinuity intended to be treated by the particular row. In any case in the central row the split spacing method should be followed until the desired degree of impermeabilisation is achieved Pattern of holes for consolidation grouting: ‘The choice of pattem of holes for consolidation grouting depends on whether it is necessary to wash and jet the hole systematically. When washing has to be carried out a hexagonal pattem is preferred as this admits for flow reversal. When it is desirable to test the efficacy of consolidation grouting by comparing the grout absorption in primary and secondary holes a rectangular or square pattem of holes is preferred. (See Fig 7). Numbering of Grout Holes: Each hole would be assigned a number which would be used for all future references. Number would include details viz. block number, stage, serial number of the hole and Phase(Primary-Secondary-Tertiary ete). For an example, a grou: fio'c in: masonry block 17 is ‘numbered as under: 17G15(P) Where 17= Block 17 G~ Grout hole I stage 5 = Serial number of hole P = Primary hole (Thus there would be for Secondary and T for Tertiary etc. as deemed necessary), In addition the holes (primary, secondary & tertiary) shall be shown on a drawing Showing location and number of these holes in plan. Special grout holes proposed an geelusical considerations would have prefix "RG" instead of "G" All grouting operations would follow in sequence according to serial numbers of the hole. 94 Sequence of grouting 941 While carrying out the grouting operations it is necessary to ensure that no hole is drilled so close to a hole being grouted thatthe interconnections develop. Spacing between primary holes {5 generally so selected that the driling could be carried out without interference fiom grouting due tc interconnections from adjoining holes. Sometimes a situation arises when drilling of upper stages of secondary holes may be in progress concurrently with the grouting of the deeper stages of primary holes. In such cases interconnections would not be prevented if a sufficient cover of rock is 20! available between the portion which is being grouted and the zone in which the drilling of secondary holes may be in progress. As a rule the drilling of secondary holes in any zone of the foundation shall not be taken up until sufficient cushion of already grouted stages of primary holes in the same area is not available. 942 In multiple line curtains relative sequence of outer and inner rows shall also be strictly followed as described in 9.2.3. 943 When grouting rock overlain by pervious soil itis necessary to complete grouting of the Contact zones of the rock and soil before commencing the grouting of rock otherwise grout would scape into the soil and it may not be possible to control or detect excessive leakage. 10. GROUTING MATERIALS AND ADMIXTURES: tot Rock grouting is usually performed with a mixture of neat cement and water with or without additives. \0.2 Cement generally used is any of the following:- 1) Ordinary Portland 18 269:1989 or AIS 8112:1989 or -IS 12269:1987 i) Portland Pozzolana -IS 1489(Part 1): 1991 IS 1489(Part I): 1991 Portland Slag AIS 455:1989 Supersulphated Cement IS 6909:1990 Sulphate resisting Portland IS 12330:1998 103 ls may be used as additives to the grout mixture which are the following: Pozzolanas such as flyash (see IS 3812:1981) and calcined shale (see IS 1344:1981). As early strength is important on most grouting jobs, the pozzolana ‘may behave only as inert non-cementing fillers. 103.1 103.2 103.4 104 10.5 10.6 wl m2 b) Fine sands (see IS 383:1970) are economical additives widely used in grouting. The use of coarse sand grout mixtures is particularly advisable when large voids or cavities are to be grouted. ©) Other fine non-cementitious materials like bentonite (see IS 12584:1989), clay and silt may also be used. These materials add to the bulk of the grout mixture and reduce the cost but also reduce the strength and may reduce the ‘watertightness of the hardened grout. However, bentonite when used in small quantities offers certain advantages in reducing bleeding and segregation. ‘While using additives, constant field checks and review should be undertaken to achieve the desired results in respect to permeability and strength. If neat cement grout is injected into a system of joints, the cement will tend to settle in the lower portions of the joints, leaving the upper portions ungrouted. Consequently, for effective grouting, additives must be used to keep the cement in suspension until the grout has hardened. (2% addition of bentonite may be good enough, however, proportions arrived by performing actual experiments at the site shall be adopted.) Accordingly the use of bentonite in all cement ‘grout mixtures is recommended. Cement grout will usually block in gaps less than 0.6 mm; clay-bentonite grouts can penetrate smaller openings, but for very fine cracks a chemical grout is necessary. For determining the mix proportions the viscosity & bleeding of the grout, strength and ‘economy shall be the main consideration. ‘Admixtures: Used in small quantities the following admixtures impart certain desirable characteristics: (a) Retarders to delay setting time (b) Accelerator to hasten setting time (©) Lubricants for increasing workability (@) protective colloids to minimise segregation (©) expansion materials to minimise shrinkage Water ‘The water for grout mixture should be clean and generally free from organic materials that affect hardening or durability. The ground water should be tested for salt contents and pH value while grouting below water table. Whatever be the constituents the grout shall fulfil following requirements. (a) the set product shall be strong enough to resist extrusion under hydrostatic pressure (b) the set product gives sufficient degree of performance to satisfy site needs. (©) particles in the liquid should be small enough to penetrate pore spaces of fissures. DRILLING AND GROUTING EQUIPMENT. ‘The drilling equipment in use are (a) percussion drilling & (b) rotary drilling. Percussion drilling: - In this method rock is broken by impact from repeated blows. The various percussion drilling equipment are — Standard drifter/Wagon drill ii)Down the hole drilling type iii) Overburden drilling machine Rotary drilling: - In this method the drill grind the rock into small particles through abrasive effect of bit that rotates in the hole. It includes drilling rigs using diamond bits etc. and calyx drilling. 124 11.22 11.23 3 134 113.2 11.3.3 M4 141 Percussive drilling methods are generally more economical in all types of rocks. For deep holes it may be advantageous to use the overburden drilling equipment. By virtue of the separate rotation drive, greater speed and economy can be achieved, also by virtue of the greater rigidity of the casing tube combined with the drill rods, better ‘control on inclination of holes can generally be achieved in the overburden drilling equipment. Down the hole hammer is also capable of maintaining a better control on the inclination. However, the hammer may get clogged when the drill cutting forms slush in soft saturated strata and can not be removed by air flushing. During percussive drilling in stratified rocks which are prone to variation, the holes may get curved and control on inclination may be lest. In such cases guide tubes may be used for ensuring verticality of the holes or alternatively rotary drilling may be used. Irespective of whether air or water is used for flushing of the hole during drilling, thorough cleaning by water flushing is essential before starting grouting operations. Grouting system arrangement Manifold or header ‘A grout manifold is a "T” arrangement of pipe. Various fittings, couplings, nipples, unions, tees, valves and pressure gauge are attached to the collar of the grout hole. Manifold is used to regulate flow of grout into hole, maintain allowable pressure, allow drainage of excess grout back to the agitator tank and close off the holes when washing.(See Figure 8 for a header assembly) Single line system The single line system consists of one grout supply’ tine from the pump to the grouting manifold. A constant watch is Kept on the pressure gauge and pressure is regulated to needs by changing pump speed. The supply line should be flushed/washed whenever it gets sluggish with arout.(See fig. 9). Circulating system ‘The circulating system requires two pipe lines, a supply line from the grout pump to the grout hole and a return line from the grout hole to the agitator pump. By opening the supply and grout hole valves, grout is forced into the hole as required. Pressure is maintained by adjusting either the supply valve or the return valve or both. Complete control of pressure is maintained at the hole. ‘There should be a pressure gauge at the delivery end of the pump. No grout is wasted when washing out the grout lines and close control of the grouting operation is maintained. When direct electric or diesel driven pumps are employed, use of a retum line is necessary. Long supply lines should be avoided to reduce clogging and change in grout consistency. General requirement of grouting equipment (a) Of sufficient size to meet maximum demand of grout. (b) Capable of prolonged operation at expected maximum pressure. (©) Rugged construction (@) Permit quick cleaning and (©) Amenable to quick repairs. Grouting equipment shall be capable of effectively batching, mixing and maintaining grout mixes in suspension as specified, and of delivering and pumping grout into the grout holes and concrete joints through connections in a continuous uninterrupted flow at any constant pressure up to the limiting pressures supplied. However each grouting installation supplied for the work shall include the following minimum equipment:~ 1. Operating and one stand by pump each capable of operating at a maximum discharge pressure of 25 ke/em’ and of pumping and injecting grout, including grout to which sand has been added if required as specified, at rates up to at least 0.15 m° per minute without pressure fluctuations at the collar of the hole. A suitable water connection shall be installed on the -10- 2. Ra 122 123 intakes of the pumps to facilitate flushing of the system and injection of water into the grout holes. IL A high speed (Colloidal) type mixer designed primarily for mixing grout materials, including ‘grout to which sand has been added if required and capable of mixing a minimum of 0.3 m° per ‘minute of grout mixture. HL An agitator consisting of a mechanically agitated sump graduated in cubic meters and measuring to an accuracy of 0.01 cum and capable of maintaining the solids in the grout in suspension, The agitator shall be equipped with adequately sized screens to remove from the grout the agitator from the mixers and the grout retum line any hardened grout or foreign material not passing a 150 micron Indian standard sieve if a non-sanded mix is being used or @ 1.18 mm Indian standard sieve if a standard n < is used. The capacity of the agitator shall not be less than that of the mixer. IV. An approved water meter graduated in tenths of 0.03 m’. YV. All valves, water flow meters, grout flow meters, pressure gauges including pressure hose pipe, flush coupled diamond drill casing where applicable, sleeves, packers, fitting and small tools necessary to complete the grouting as specified. An accurately calibrated high precision pressure gauge shall also be arranged for checking accuracy of all pressure gauges used in the grouting system. VI Packers consisting of pneumatic or hydraulic expansible tubes, or of mechanically manipulated rings of rubber, leather or other suitable material which can be set singly in a grout hole at any depth required up to a maximum of 76 m or, where required by the Engineer-in-charge in pairs to isolate a section of hole. Packers shall be so designed that they can be expanded to seal the holes at the specified elevations and that when expanded, they shall be capable of withstanding without leakage, for a period of at least 10 minutes, water pressures equal to the maximum expected grout pressures which they will have to withstand. ‘The arrangement of the grouting equipment shall be such as to provide a continuous circulation of grout of uniform consistency through out the grouting system and to permit accurate pressure control at the collar of the hole being grouted at all rates of grout in take. Pressure gauges and valves shall be supplied at the pump, at each hole being grouted and elsewhere as required to ensure the necessary control of grouting, ‘A flow meter in the supply line and a flow meter in the return line shall be arranged in such a manner that a continuous and accurate record of the amount of liquid flowing to each hole and being retumed to the agitator can be obtained. WASHING, TESTING OF HOLES AND SURFACE PREPARATION. Washing is carried out (i) to clean the hole to remove the material deposited on the surface during the drilling operation and (ji) to provoke deliberate inter-connections between adjoining grout holes to remove known deposits of erodable material. A distinction is made between washing of holes at the end of drilling operation and systematic washing of groups of holes in order to remove the erodable material in the intervening area. The latter operation is termed as "jetting/special washing” and is explained in para 12.6, Washing of holes ‘After drilling of a stage and before injection, the hole should be washed by allowing drilling water not less than 15 litre / minute to run until reasonably clean water returns from the hole. The hole should be washed for reasonable period of 10 - 15 minutes. If an abrupt loss of drill ‘water occurs and similarly when a strong artesian flow is faced the drilling should be stopped and grouted even if it has not reached its final depth. Jetting procedures are used for forcing inter- connections between adjacent holes in order to remove erodable material. Percolation Test ‘A simple or cyclic water percolation test is used to measure efficacy of grivuting treatment. ie 123.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 124 AA simple percolation test is carried out by isolating segment of a hole, 3 to 5m in length, by neans of single or double packers and pumping in water ata steady rate and constant pressure for § to 10 minutes, The resulting water loss is expressed in litres/m/minute at the pressure tased. It may be expressed in Lugeon units when pressure of 10 kg/sqem is used. ‘A cyclic test consists of a series of simple tests performed in succession on the same stage 3 Gassing pressures of P/3, 2P/3,P2P/,0/3 where P stands for maximum safe pressure for the Maze of 10 kg/sqem whichever is lower. Pumping shall be continued until the pressure of Way to be injected is maintained with flow into the hole in a steady state, The pressure test shall be performed in one continuous operation using the following steps of pressure and times. Step No._| Pressure(P) Elapsed time minutes T PI=P33 5 2. P2=2PB 3 3 P= Maximum pressure attained limited To prescribed | 10 grouting pressure. 4 P4 = 2P/3 3 _ 3. PS= PB 3 in some cases after steps 4 && 5, the hole valve shall be closed and the pressure drop observed ‘and recorded for a maximum period of three minutes in each instance, By plotting of results against pressures, itis possible to determine whether material is being eroded oF rock heaved, Instrumentation with uplift meters canbe installed prior co resting, Percolation tests may be done in primary stages before injection to amplify information obtained through site investigation. ‘Test carried out at any time indicate the results of all treatment done before that time. They also give some guide to the initial grout mix. Jetting/Special washing Jetting operation is dane in order to deliberately provoke inter-connestions between bore holes and sen ope pnown deposits of the erodable materials. Jetting is carried out on groups of holes steanged on a squate, triangular or hexagonal pattem called cells. For successful jetting hole Spacing within each cell should not exceed 1.5 m. All holes in a cel is fitted with stand pipes and Faae ine Had to te level oF the fist seam fo be treated. Where a network of seams exist, all holes creed be dried tothe short ist stage depth of 3m 10 6m, The standpipes should then be capped svi three way plug cocks and the cell then ready for jetting, A manifold is then fied to the aan ane oy crranged that the compressed air and high-pressure water can be fed to the hole jp rapid alteration. Ainfwater pressures should not exceed the specified pressure Tor that stage. To cperve any upheaval uplift meters may be installed. All other cocks in the eel are then opened coe a lewd by ai is applied altemately until a connection is made. Jetting is continued iil Tl erodeble material is removed. Should any other hole connect to the many-folded hole doring the operation, its cock should be closed. Wore he fist connection has been cleaned out, the cock gn the connected hole should be closed and the process repeated until connections have been established, if possible, to all holes ia the cell from the original hole, “The following altemative procedure may also be used for washing the ‘cells: Trashing a eell water is comected to one hole and sir tothe adjacent hole, on each side “The water and ar connections are changed at frequent intervals to cause the water to flow in every possible direction through the seam. Application of air and water pressure is ‘continued until all possible inter-connections between adjacent holes are established ‘As many combinations of holes as necessary, are used to ensure the cleaning ofall seams “The washing of any set of holes is continued until all loose materials are removed from the sears see a vieee, It is neither desirable nor practicable to continue washing until the discoloration in ah citivent disappears completely, bu ts continued till reasonably clear water emerges ror The isles Washing. & done generally for a minimum period of 20 minutes for each hole. In some -12- 128 13. Bt 132 BA 13.4.1 zones, washing operations may have to be extended for several hours. Surface preparation {top material is weak rock and can be removed without blasting, the packer for grouting may be Kept 1 of 2 m below the surface and the overburden removed after grouting. Surface Preparation is carried out by one of following methods, (2) Removal of overburden and badly jointed rock followed by sealing of the exposed Joints of openings by mortar. Sometimes a masonry or conerete pad is placed to create the Necessary overburden pressure for grouting at high pressure. Wherever it is uneconomical or inconvenient to place the masonry or concrete pad. itis desirable to treat the surface zone for 3 to 6m by a system of closely spaced holes grouted at low pressure. (©) The overburden may be left in place and the contact of rock and the overburden may be treated by a system of holes drilled through the overburden. GROUT INJECTION Grout is, injected into the holes by direct connection to the grout pump. Each hole is Provided with a short stand pipe threaded at its outer end to accept a manifold which is provided with a pressure gauge, a relief valve and a valve enabling the delivery from the pump to be cut-off from the hole. 4 return grout line, equipped with a pressure relief vaive which can he sctto open ai any required pressure is connected to the manifold as a precaution against the application of excessive pressures, which might result in upheaval. The retum line should be led back to the mixing tanks so as 10 avoid discharge of grout into tie working area Grouting of a stage or group of holes, once commenced should be completed without interuption jn general @ stage may be considered complete when the grout consumption is less than 2 litves/minute averaged over a period of 10 minutes. When it becomes necessary to interrupt grout injection before itis completed, eg, on account of plant breakdown, about 500-1000 Titres of clean water should run into the hole and allowed to stand. Should any hole connect to another during connection, the grout should allowed to escape from the coupled hole until itis of the same consistency as that being injected, the coupled hole should then be capped and the combined holes brought up to pressure. After the first hole has been grouted, all the other holes are successively connected to the grouting header to subject them to {ull pressure, Where leakage of grout occur on the ground surface, they should be resisicted by caulking with wooden wedges, lead wool ete or by thickening the grout followed by re-treatment with thinner grouts and through fresh holes, if necessary Grouting shall be stopped whenever pressure gauges show a sudden drop of pressure or the grout consumption increases abruptly ot there is any indication of upheaval, disturbance or leakage. Additional holes have to be drilled and grouted in the vicinity for sealing fine eracks which may not be effectively treated due to premature blocking of holes by interrupting of ‘grouting operations, The control of grout mixtures is not amenable to rules, which can be fixed in advance, and sufficient discretion should be left to the field personnel. Grouting normally starts with a thin mixture, which is gradually thickened until about 75 percent of the final desired pressure has been ‘obtained with the pumps operating at normal speed, As the hole approaches refusal. the thick grout 's replaced with thinner grout which is used until the hole refuses. In para 14, the guiding principles for controlling pressures and selecting grout mix proportions are discussed. As a general Principle grout mixture should not be thickened if pressure starts to rise after continuous injection over @ period of 10 minutes. Hasty changes in mix proportions are not desirable and the response OF the hole tothe selected mix proportions or pressure should be juclged only after observing for a Sufficient period. The choice of the initial mix proportions should be based on the water in take tests. There are no general rules on the basis of which the initial mix proportions can be decided -1B- 13.5 13.6 14, 14.1 Ad directly in terms of the percolation iest results. Experimentation, at the start of the work, should be used to establish the guidelines for choice of mix proportions. Use of excessively thin mixes in the initial stages is generally wasteful and may sometimes cause softening of rocks, like shale. Therefore, a starting mix of 5:1 is recommended and in exceptional cases 10:1 may be adopted. ‘The ratio of water to solids, of the grout deposited finally in-situ is generally quite different from the water content of the mixed grout during injection. The excess water from the ‘grout is removed during the grouting process by filtration except in exceptional circumstances, as Well as when the grout contains admixtures (such as clay) resulting in formation of stable suspensions, the grout properties should be tested at the water-solid ratios used for the mixed grout, in order to verify the suitability of the grout vis-d-vis the criteria mentioned in 10.6. For neat Cement grouts, with non-cohesive admixtures, it is generally found that the set grouts are very denser than grout specimens prepared in the laboratory from the mixed grout, hence due allowance should be made for the removal of water in-situ while interpreting the laboratory test data. ‘To start with, a thin grout mix is used which is gradually thickened until about 75% of the final desired pressure has been obtained with the pumps operating at normal speed. As the hole approaches refusal, the thick mix is repraced with thinner one which is used until the hole refuses. ‘A starting, mix ratio of 5:1 is prudent and in exceptional circumstances ratio of 10:1 may be adopted. ‘After grouting is completed, the grout holes should be closed by means of @ valve to maintain the grout pressure for a sufficient period to prevent escape of the grout due to back pressure and flow reversal due to causes like artesian conditions. CONTROL OF GROUTING OPERATION. Pressure ‘The pressure should be adequate to achieve the desired grout and the pressure should be limited so as to avoid disturbance and upheaval of the ground and should take into account reservoir pressure. For structures on rock foundations it is a basic requirement that no disturbance is caused to surface zones of the foundation by the grouting operation, When grouting is undertaken below ‘an existing structure no upheaval of the foundation can be allowed, as it would have very harmful consequences on the structure and/or equipment. The disturbance caused by grouting is dependent ‘more on the manner in which the pressure is developed and the nature of rock than on the absolute magnitude of the pressure. By building up pressures gradually damage to foundation can be avoided. It is always advisable to begin with a low pressure of 0.1 to 25 kg/sqem (I to 2.5 N/sqem) per metre of the overburden and build up pressure gradually, Pressure is increased when the rout intake falls below a lower limiting value of 5 litres/minute. When surface leaks develop, pressure should be immediately reduced. Sub-surface cracking may sometimes be indicated by an Abrupt rise in the rate of intake after grouting at a constant value of pressure for a considerable period. ‘The most common difficulty experienced in consolidation grouting is surface leakage. It is therefore customary to pipe through the required height of concrete or masonry and carry out the ‘grouting after the rock has been completely covered. This not only eliminates surface leakage but permits use of higher pressures so that even the smaller seams can be grouted effectively. The true pressure at any depth should take into account the pressure head caused by the weight of the grout in the hole. This correction in kg/sqem may be computed by multiplying the depth of the hole in metre by factors relative to the water cement ratio given in Table-2 to the pressure gauge reading at the top of the grout hole. -14- ‘Table 2_- Multiplying Factors Water cement Ratio Factor ‘Water cement Ratio Factor rm Q) im Q) 0.75 Oust 25 0.118 1.00 0.140 275 O17 12s 0.131 3.00 0.112 150 0.127 4.00 o.110 175 0.123 5.00 0.107 2.00 0.121 10.00 0.102 2.28 0.119 14.1.2 Control of pressure should be exercised according to the following guidelines: (@) ‘The limiting value of pressure for each zone and depth of stage may be established i Zrouting, along with observations of upheaval by UPIIR gauge. (See Fig.t0 for upliR gauge). A graph for mee ne guide for grouting trial grouting. (©) Pressure limits may be decided by analysis of results of eyclic percolation tests (©) Limiting pressure may be decided by continuous review of the trends of pressure and rate of intake during grouting, ihe pressure limits initially established as per should be further reviewed by The nine trends of grout intake and pressures during initial stages of actual grouting operations {Lie method of interpretation of tends of grouting preswan fc described in Annexure I. It should Pe tecognised that the resistance to flow of zrout Pressure is built up gradually. Consequently, higher pressures may be used in water tess withouy causing hydrauli¢ fracturing. Normally, the aim should be to obtain "A" type trends. This trend signifies increase of resistance of flow as the Frramcracksicleavages are filled by the grout. "3" type can ie permitted since they imply a Auctuating response. Grouting with "B” type wends may be continued till the limit of consumption rion ay refusal may attain eventually by restricting the Pressures or by thickening the grout wpe "BY trends develop. "B" trends thas constitute a pemmactas deviation from the ideal, which should be minimised by careful control. When pressure are properly chosen, "A" type trend Nowtd predominate, Under no circumstances "C" type trends should be permitted since they imply hydraulic fracturing. The pressure controf criteria initially chosen as per 14.1.2 should be modified ne basis of the analysis of the trends of grouting pressures and intake. The chosen pressure limits ensure that "A" trend are generally achieved anti Ses trends are eliminated. the control of grouting operation would differ from used fo prevent over travel and to block the more thinner aout ai he inner or central lines grouts is thickened very gradually and comparatively thinner grout can be used at the start, Similarly the thickening of grouts may be carried out more ‘gradually in tertiary holes as compared to primary and secondary holes, In order to prevent over travel of grout in the case of wide joints, sodium silicate c. sodium hexa imetaphosphate is percent saa aidded, while for increasing the workability in the care af thin joints, Two to three Percent bentonite is added. For more details IS 606.1994 may be referred, =i. 143 144 Practice of diluting the grout at the end of grouting operation is sometimes used as it is helpful to prevent clogging of equipment. However thinning of grout is not permissible when stable suspensions are used that do allow exclusion of the excess water by filtration. A. recommended method is to arrange for grout refusal to occur while a thin mix is being pumped even though 3:1 or L:1 mixes were used temporarily Control of Grout consumption When pressure does not build up despite using a thick grout (0.6:1 by weight-water: cement ratio) or grouts with fillers (lay, sand and bentonite) itis advisable to stop grouting after the predetermined limit of consumption is reached. The choice of limit of consumption depends on the length of a stage and the size of the cavities, open joints and fissures. After grouting a hole in which grouting has to be stopped because the consumption limit was reached, it is necessary to drill additional holes in the vicinity and grout them more fluid grouts in order to penetrate the finer cracks and joints which may not have been grouted in the initial operation. In such situations a multiple line curtain is used and sequence of grouting shall be as given in para 14.1.3 Guidance regarding method of recording the details of grouting operations and determining the quantity of ‘grout consumed are described in Annexure II. Grout holes are back filled with grout having a water-cement ratio of 0.7:1 with 3 percent of bentonite. A delivery pipe of minimum 25-mm diameter is lowered to the bottom of the hole. Grout is pumped in the delivery pipe until it flows from the hole, then the delivery line is slowly withdrawn while pumping continues. If settlement of grout occurs after initia set, the holes are again back filled with grout. TECHNICAL FIELD RECORDS. ‘An accurate and up-to-date technical field records of all survey, drilling, testing, grouting ‘and control operations required to be performed in connection with this work, shall be maintained Tor each hole in chronological order in the proforma given in Annexure-H11, QO Garey ‘yom ~Bs}03|2000 (JK. Tiwari) (AK. Rishi) Director (Dam) Chiet Engineer BODHI, W.R.D., Bhopal. BODHI, W.R.D., Bhopal Water Resources Department Bhopal -16- ‘weayeapraco poo Aen pur pavand vq fat ap] {stows paronments Aprouneco ayy peo arora 3043 Andi joe ‘Bd oj autre 99 Sb pom a END Ande on aeons ane Sade ‘ioe aot seer aimjna sageona roedse pom Aee age5) 0N4 “ves 0g At spay Ino payco AE NA Sore saceme “Go6ky apes megrten ‘re sen nto} gost eds andar fa pw sno ina 9g pa 20ND oe satay ord ome oR ORY STR} TT Ty ssdeqoo 1 ep soy I TR RL Ty soengmts eq pre sda 2 3 a 2OOUNI ONILNOW YOU SNOLLYOMSZAN] 430 wea ad aang soa por Ati S05 mae RR, me EE pom apa pen ‘cs 107p senate “heat sare sae Sar OS eur cr ya AERO Corepequs deren 0 E80) Si, cost ame stow 93 a AE Bp sassy 9 eas eq yes pany -so8 way Apes mecs A OOM, ORR IED MRTARR + TROL PIE won teerop oer pees aa ea apn nae ona ‘Agee Dor axons ton amet joe “pone 8 Feary Aiea Sea pour gmt moe sree> jo wep TI, uso ate” c~ ce pugs on Pope dena oH ee oo, ETI RRA CERT TTD oT same ponds sop, aS ds roe 9 ayy SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SHOWING GROUTING BY DESCENDING STAGES FIGURE 2 PHASE-3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SHOWING GROUTING BY ASCENDING STAGES FIGURE 3 TWoNYIDAN u@IOva TIenod Sano on WoLLOg —_} . 4 T#OINVEOUN CVE TIONIS > RUNDLE i if SS SS | Ht Wy y Ka L SuaaSNI eaaEMH or AY SETHSVEA IAGO SH 10H fois Ln0%9 40 TVA 7 i \“ HLONGT 3x1 40 aald ORIS¥D GaLvuonzawaino —| ala. .n049 caLywona BaNNI =a f SUIASVAA WROD SH. VA 4 ‘Adldaaino “ i Cc 5 TRE \ TNGOL — -——> a | THON lavax onuunow/Gromnern ‘The S.P.M. inflatable packer has been developed in view of performing LUGEON type water tests, but it is commonly used for injections in rock 2s well LEADING PARTICULARS ‘The S.P.M. inflatable packer can be used in rocks with poor mechar advantages : t properties of cracked. It has # lot of Cannestinn $0 Quick ane easy positioning, ‘nieetion pipes Guat catensibtity of the stewve, = Very rugged stoave, = Inflation with compressed alr, oil or water (plus end piece soluble oil). Infating nose DESCRIPTION The packer consists of three main components : = 2 central tube, ~ a reinforced rubber sleeve, 40, 60 or 77 mm in diameter, = an inflating device. Reiniorces ‘rubber sieeve ‘The sleeve is provided with two end pleces. One of these end pieces is integral with the packar support, and the other one slides froely slong the central tube. ‘The sleeve is rein‘orced by metal cables embadded {in the rubber. Tha outer lining Is designed to with- stand the wear caur:ed by friction against the walls, boreholes), (for 65 to 110 mm dia, boreholes), . lor 82 to 185 mm dia, boreholes), and in two lengths (actual sealed length) : = 500 mm, + 800 mm envat tube FIGURES 20 SHTOH INOW NIVEUND JO TIMOWA TOIAAI Vi aun xx NOWDaS -— aNoz Is axoz axooas saviano snox9 NI xox cam swvpuno H¥aH om © go vs. ss1 asain viva you MIVLAND SIVARETY ae fe _ NTT 3204 WE HIM STIOH a sav VOUA | mamngy 30000 wet perenne f= ~ ssavanits aX OMMINTOE NO ‘SNAG STIOH AO ONTTONY swwrouao avamirsoxo> ~~ T es AETES ‘DNULOWD ‘ NOWOAESNT x aN Va a0 401 FOVINNS GNNOUD TYMIDTTO’ SmIOH Ino¥o skuMLIVa TINOU DNINOND NOMLVaFIOsNOD AMLLVa TWNOOWXAH AMoaNoous AAI snap on ‘COUPLING ‘CHECK VALVE, CHECK VaLvE BLOW OUT RETURN VALVE crourimcr SOCKET CONNECTION ‘TO MAKE CONNECTION ‘TO THE THREADED PACKER TOP END FIGURES GROUTING HEADER ASSEMBLY 2B Arrangements ae Single Hole Grouting nese valves control the quantity of 9f fos (othe bee ation ine gotstn Section of Ciruletion Ling ff SM Stendnipe — Fittings Ware Meter (for measuring to the 24 gonva Laman of THIOL | i anox ‘ novo AOE STALE = HBS anouony mala MAEVE ‘aa SNISVO O =O i | cuvap oNnas #3009 TV10) < a aa as L. avnnonNvaT | Wo wvaTEIIS Ow ST OUNT carmsd SIO 9 HL Fron Fw pa CRIA Pcie 8ald MOHONY we 090 wav we SOUND STRATIFIED ROCK ELTON “ “(Tauern [7 vi TA | DEPTH 35] Ps 4 THE surface 7° ere mk 7 15 a 1 o = sae 007 07 12735 5257 108 te 2 40S APPROXIMATE PRESSURE IN kg /¢m? AT GIVEN DEPTH GUIDE FOR GROUTING PRESSURES Figure 11 26 ANNEXURE I ‘Method of terpretation of trends of Grouting ‘The categorisation should be done as follows by computing the ratio of rate of grout intake and grouting pressure and examining the trend of variation as the grouting operation continues: a) Ratio of [Rate of intake/Grouting pressure] Decreasing : "A" trend b) Ratio of [Rate of intake/Grouting pressure] Constant : "B" trend €) Ratio of [Rate of grout intake/Grouting pressure ] Increasing " trend, ANNEXURE IL TI-1 For measurement of the quantity of grout injected in each hole, a grout history sheet on proforma given ‘on next page should be recorded giving grout intake per minute, viscosity of grout mix in form of solids and ‘water ratio, pressure of injection, time of pumping in water for lubrication , event of blowing grout to keep the grouting system alive. In addition, various other points of importance observed during the operation of grouting are recorded for every 5 minutes to 10 minutes intervals and thus the grout history sheet when plotted as shown in Figure 12 should depict the exact amount of grout injected. Actually this graph from the grout history sheet should be plotted to depict the factual amount of grout injected. The area under the curve would represent the quantity of grout actually injected, A register should be maintained of 100 such sheets. Each sheet should be machine numbered on both sides. 11-2 _ Recording of the surface leakage, if any, should be made in the remarks column of the grout history sheet showing the location. The leakage should be immediately stopped by reducing the pressure and caulking suitably, The grout should not be allowed to leak more than 5 percent by visual judgement. 11-3 Measurement of cement, blown off and circulated in the grout lines, should be separately recorded in ‘mass of the cement used for purposes of accounting the cement actually used for the work Tl-4 In case of stage grouting of the hole, cement grouted in each stage should be summed up. IL-5 Many of the holes often require regrouting and this should be recorded in linear metre separately. 1-6 For work of grouting anchors (plain or cylindrical) stubbed with under-reaming, the quantity of grout should be in mass of cement. Aluminium powder should be according to quantity actually used. The length of holes and anchor bars should be referred in tinear metres. For under-reaming for stubbed anchor, the unit for bulbs should be in numbers for record of the under-reaming done with section of bulb provided. 27 UPHEAVAL/SETTLEMENT, mw GROUT INTAKE Vs ie: PLOT UPHEAVAL/SETTLEMENT Vs TIME oS Ww ad as ad as ao us SO SS mS OS 20 TIME IN MINUTES/HOURS ~ [NOTE — Area under the curve ‘azo jnlake Vs Tims" also includes the amount of grovt blown off ia ease stout intake Vs Tine plot accounts for blowing of Imeem m= Water: Solid ratio Feature Hole end RD No. of Hole "Pm Pressure = Grout iotake FIGURE 12 GRarH From Gxour History SHEET ‘Typical Proforma of Grout History Sheet Depth Method Pressure Grout ‘Time Rate” Remarks Dried poe Come of About Type Specified Used tency Consiomp. of tion” Leakage 28 ‘000'1—0000"S-08 CEM (IEA ‘yuc} 08 pue, pajesduio9 ajoH, °, "~~ 0} enp papuadsns Bugnoso, ‘mop dund yno19 , padded ‘rOH « .pexineo wee? . ,210H INBLL, Se Yons ‘uonevedo Bunnas6 oun GuyDaye Tuaprou| 10 ebueYD fue popsooad oq HeYS 6) YUUNjOD U.SHEWY 49PU ‘ebueys ajqesojou Alano Je pue suojesedo ain Jo BuluuiGaq auy 7e sjulod uoneNasgo win Jo sOupea/ MoUs IM OL * GF UUuNIo: "aBueYo XIU yn01B Jo aunssaid Yoee 40} papi0D94 eq |eYS |, LLUNIoD Ul UOAUINsUdD juOLLE yenreIuy sajnun g| Alene ye papiogss 24 |!e4S ZL UUuNIOD Ul @YEIULJO Sted ot ‘papuooe1 aq uh uogevado Bugnos6 au) ul exeyul o einssaid "xu ws etuayo yore pue ‘180) ameseid JoIeM ou) U eye y aiNssaid oBueYD at ‘uoneIado auf Ul JUBNS JUEOYIUBS Aue Jo OUIN SEP OU PLODSA IW O'R S YUN ana} alge) se}em punow6 uy mays oste yim Z wb wUiNIOd (2) ‘umoys 2q osje feus sio}eoIpUI Yene@udh Jo UON|Sog euUeW “mmpuin Us 08, J8H21 @tn Aq peveojpu! 99 ym paynaIB 909 SEU 2IOY aU. “2-C, Se UONS ‘sIO4 OUI Jo yidap 24) BuUMOYS FoquUNU OLY YMC. Aq PereDIDur O° MN PSI Meee cic teig coven "S07 fepeou jo UoMpueS pue LoneDD} tn JeUTeb RaynosB BuiNg o1oy au Jo UOEOO] aM MOUS WeUS 18U/CO PUEN YEU do} oXn UO UOIAKS (L) :SOION e ab a [ets [s je [a pw To ope [zyts|sy * ej ey,t wennssy ‘g1uo! anu, eynuus ‘on ayoH | eoepns | z°0N| LON po} sad] on wed pay eu} Bur ssojoy fa} way | WO | yuIog | Aouay | ~wnsucd.| sar | -ssaid | ewnjon| samy |_pasn | pads gnaig | anoig | 607 seu woy | e6exea}| sao | ‘S90 | sisuoo | wowed | exewi| pasn| Aqui | evewy | einsseid yo| 40] sveino | Boy sets | steyeny | jowexa [with | oro [7 Gunnoip emsseia wna [ser emssaig seem | aw | aea| sobeis | edAi| “ued | 10H, seqowela 10H Jo aA. idea ppunoip FeAMMEN, (uoyexs 103 e0eds) Sadie Buse0 ‘suonene’3 uuonenar3 dos dea s8)0U219 uogenaia wonog UpIMA ‘sayouIp10-09 saBneg yn dn de yn019 ON 10H, au003¥ ONILNOUS aUNSSadd In ainxouuy

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