26.6 Rev 4 Mit

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Quizizz Quiz : Unit 12 Destination B1 review test Cau dung Ngay Wed Jun 26 2024 1:20 PM 63% Hoc sinh: mit (mit) Téng 86 cau héi v Cau dung x Sai 78 49 29 Khéng. 10 " 12 13 4 cau héi Sophie said Max wanted them to ‘and have a baby together. Yesterday, Arjun and Evelyn had a heated argument. Now they won't talk to each ather. I'm scared that Evelyn might ‘Acjun Scarlett, Mason, and Harper are enjoying their day at the beach. The beach looks so I wish we could live here, What a picturesque scenery. Mia is my selfish neighbor. I could not well __her. Ihave always been 2 supporter of arsenal My friends remained. tome. ign tirphu hop vei ch 2 6 tring. Which of the following words best completes the sentence: | love my flat. Because | want, ‘a beautiful living space. Fillin the blanks with the appropriate words to make the sentence correct: Viet Nam became fully from the USA in 1975, My sisters very and does all her own shopping and cooking. Which of the following options correctly completes the sentence: | started to Mandy after | came to ‘Amsterdam, We have been together for 5 years now, Miss Huong is my respectful teacher. 1 toher. OMG! justin Bieber is getting _of that taxi Let's chase him! (OMG! Justin Bieber is getting __that bus. Let's chase him! I'm independent. | could go to school | know a lot of couple who have split up and are now. Hey there! I want the best for the environment, So instead of. Thai gian 42 30 79 15 " a 33 biém Phan ing, 1 v get married 1 ¥ fall out with ° x dangerous 1 v get on with ° x 1 v decorating ° x 1 v go outwith 1 v look up to 1 v out ° x out v onmy own v by myself 1 v divorced 1 v private Khéng. 15 16 7 18 19 20 a 2 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 cau héi cars, | use public transport. Uncle Minh is Hung's grandpa's niece, > They are Im stil contact her-we write a couple of times a year. Im still keeping __ contact her -we write a couple of times a year. My sister always buys us cake whenever she is samuel adult now. He isan Olivia, Abigail, and Charlotte waited for their friend though her Ist took 3 hours. Mia disappointed her teacher. Her teacher was by Mia's ying. Which of the following phrases best completes the sentence? nave a lot khanh, That's why I'm in love with him. We share the same dream, Maya, Arjun, and Mason were with the love of their parents, They're so thankful for them, Please be ‘exam this semester, This is your final Mia is so sick that her mother has to her 247 You disappointed me too much. Don't even beg for my. Inery. Ihave a lot of friendly neighbors like Rohan, Arjun, and Lily We have. staying this weekend They are here for my wedding. She is not the thief. She is just a person passing by. Hey Mia, can i play your 7° "Be my That gian 13 4 10 7 19 45 a " 28 26 34 " 16 biém Phan ing, ° X relationship 1 Y inswith 1 v Ofwith 1 v ina good mood ° X grow up ° x 1 v let down on 1 v incommon with ° X grow up 1 v carefull 1 Y look after ° X Iigninjhjkg ° X neighbourhood 1 v guests 1 v ordinary 1 v guest Khéng. 3 32 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a 42 a 46 47 cau héi I'm good __ English. | enjoy learning this subject very much Max is always crazy __ Emile. He is deeply in love with her. During a job interview, you need to make an of yourself. (introduce) listening to folk music. lalways kind, him, He is honest and igail is not the thief. She is just a stranger passing by.” the detective for the poor girl ‘She was mistaken by the police. David, Mason, and Ava are discussing about how a bird would have much more inthe sky than ina small cage. Hey Ethan! The huge amount of cars jam up the traffic, We should use public vehicles tke bus or trampoline Ist Mr. Tran on the line?” ‘Oh, 'm sorry. Mr. Tran is currently in Paris. Hes. Which option completes the sentence: The flight is going to ato PM? My mom Us with food and shelter. We must be forever grateful for her. Find synonyms for respect. Let our trip tomorrow. You will need a lat of sunscreen! Hels tobe the best player in the team, She was. by her friend's, betrayal Ms. Johnson is my inspiration. | toher. She was. by her colleague's That gian 12 4 7 67 74 42 34 34 14 35 16 16 12 biém Phan ing, 1 v at 1 v about ° X introduce ° am keen on 1 v trust ° x help 1 v freedom 1 v private 1 v onholiday 1 v take off 1 v provides X Hook up to you ° [look down on you 1 Y prepare for 1 v considered ° * fall out of 1 Y look up to ° X fall out of Khéng. 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 87 58 60 6 2 8 cau héi dishonesty. Which of the following words best fits in the blank: !'m so that my {friends supported me during tough times. Anew school since january. They make shoes in that factory. CChuyén sang cau bi dong: They make these cars in the USA. Every day, the housekeeper cleans the room. The passive is Millions of tourists visit Spain every year. The passive is. Tom opens the door. The passive is... Mary helped the boy. The passive is She ...n{Win) the gold medal in 1986. She .... (drink) some coffee last night. lack and | together, (use/play) games. CChuyén sang edu bi déng: My mother bought a car last year. My sister received a letter yesterday. > Alerter WAS soon BY My sister yesterday. Millions of tourists visit Spain every year. The passive is. Tom opens the door. The passive is Mary helped the boy. The passive is ‘Sp xp tw thnh cu hodn chinh Breakfast s/ al/ served! 8.30. That gian 30 4 14 3 4 " 18 " 7 25 35 10 15 27 iém Phan tng X patient v has been bi Shoes were made in that factory. These cars are made in the USA The room is cleaned by the housekeeper every day. Spain was visited by millions of tourists every year. V The door is opened by Tom v The boy was helped by Mary v won v drank Y used to play ‘Acar was bought by my mother last year. X received Spain is visited by millions of tourists every year. The door was opened by Tom v The boy was helped by Mary X breakfast is served at 8.30 Khéng. 65 66 67 68 69 70 n R B 74 78 78 n 78 cau héi This house has been sold Tim (8i sai A movie are being by jim. My father bought the house, The They make shoes in that factory. We____by aloud noise during the night. The story Ive just read__ Agatha Christie, Today, many serious diseases. early immunization.{ sy mién dich] by Bicycles___in the driveway. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony next weekend,{ Symphony: Khic giao huéng] yet? Lots of houses__by the earthquake. Gold____ in California in the 19" century, Ian bea challenge at first living in a country. Today, heis my ___.| have a tennis game against him. That gian 20 4 a 7 7 16 52 23 10 10 28 19 2 Phan tng v by him x being The house was bought by my father. Shoes were made in that factory. X are woken up Y was written by V canbe prevented X must not leave X will be performing X Had the letters typed v were destroyed X has been discovered v foreign VY opponent

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