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Scene 3 Macbeth Adrian, Servant Jason, Doctor Alice

S: Master, I swear I saw something in the trees moving. Perhaps Obama and his military troops are getting ready to attack us? M: I do not care! Me and the Taliban have nothing to fear from Obama and the cowardly United States. His troops are nothing compared to mine. Who does he think he is? I am the one with super power right now, not to mention better looking as well. S: But what if he attacks us? Theres a chance we might lose.. M: Chill out Ali, I got this under control. I got this, and I have nothing to fear. No one of woman born could harm me. I will rule forever, Taliban till death. *battle cry S: Well if you say so master Osama, but not only were the trees moving. Im pretty sure that theres an army of ten thousand U.s men approaching our territory right now. M: Then, I shall get ready for battle. Call up the Taliban, we need to get our guns and all our troops need to be focused. We will win, by that I mean I WILL WIN. D: sorry to interrupt sir, but Mrs. Osama keeps having nightmares these days. M: CURE HER! And make it snappy, here in Afghanistan healthcare isnt free like that idiotic country Canada eh? D: Be patient sir, I will try my best.

Scene 4 Malcolm Kourosh, Siward Angel

S: I wonder what that coward Osama is planning to defend his castle. K: We need to defeat Osama. Oh poor Osama, he thinks he has more troops and power over us The United States of America. S: Should we go through the forest? M: You know what we the United States of America is doing? S: What sir? M: We The United States of America are going to cut down a bough of the forest and carry it infront of him as they march to the castle. S: So were disguising ourselves. M: Indeed, Siward. We are! S: What a smart plan sir, when were done here our homecountry will be leading an Obama killed Osama cheer and parade.

Scene 5 Macbeth Adrian, Seyton Alice, Messenger Jason

M: You hang the banners immediately! Or what did you say? OR ELSE youll be hung, that clea? Our castles will repel our enemy. Woman crying

S: Sir, I do not know how to say this but Your wife. Sir, Mrs. Osama has died. M: No way. Well were all going to die on day or another, too bad though. She made great kababs. Me: SIR! I hate to say it but the trees of our country are advancing towards us. What should we do? WHAT SHOULD WE DO?! M: Didnt I tell you to chill? Lets go fight! We wont die, more importantly I wont die and EVEN MORE importantly I will win!

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