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- Amazon (B2C)
- Alibaba ( B2B)
- eBay (C2C)
Significance : Revolutionized the way people shop making it possible
to purchase product online from anywhere in the world, addressing
the need for convenience and accessibility.
Social media
- Facebook ( social networking )
- Twitter ( microblogging)
- Linkedin ( professional networking )
Significance : Enabled people to connect with each other, share
information and netwok addressing the need for social interaction,
communication, and professional development.
Digital payment system
- Paypal ( online payments )
- Stripe ( online payment processing )
- Square ( mobile payments )
Significance : Simplified transactions, making it easier to buy and
sell online, addressing the need for secure and efficient payment
Cloud computing
- Amazon web service (AWS)
- Microsoft Azure
- Google cloud platform ( GCP)
Significance: Enabled business to scalabe and flexible computing
resources, addressing the need for cost effective and efficient IT
- Norton (antivirus software)
- Mcafee (endpoint security)
- Kaspersky (cybersecurity solutions)
Significance: Protected individuals and businesses from cyber
threats, addressing the need for online security and data protection.
3d. The technological infrastructure required to support each type of
application varies, but some common considerations include:
- Scalability web serves and database
- Secure payment gateways
- Reliable inventory management systems
Social media
- Distributed database systems for handling larger user data
- Coaching mechanisms for fast content delivery
- Scalable server architecture for handling high traffic
Online marketplace
- Robust search and matching algorithm
- Scalable messaging and notification systems
- Secure payments processing and fraud detection
Digital payments systems:
- Seure encryption and tokenization for sensitive data.
- Scalable processing power for high transaction volumes.
- Advanced fraud detection and processing system.
- Complaint with industry standards and regulations.
Cloud computing
- Distributed data for global coverage
- Scalable virtualized resources (compute, storage, network)
- Advanced security measures for data [protection
- Advanced threat detection and response systems
- Scalable security information and event management (SIEM)
- Integrated security orchestration and automation (SOAR)
- Horizontal scaling (adding more resources)
- Vertical scaling ( upgrading resources)
- Load balancing and autoscaling.

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