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日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 第 31 号 論文番号 2020A-GS4-3

Theoretical Estimation of Roll Amplitude for Nonlinear

Equation of Motion in Beam Seas (2nd Report)
by Atsuo Maki *, Member Leo Dostal **
Yuuki Maruyama *, Student Member Masahiro Sakai *, Member
Toru Katayama ***, Member Kei Sugimoto ****, Member
Yusuke Fukumoto ****, Member Naoya Umeda *, Member
Key Words: Energy-Based Stochastic Averaging Method, Non-Gaussian Distribution, Beam Seas

1. Introduction      

As introduced in the previous paper 1), The modern analysis
W 
for roll motion in irregular seas has a long history from the 
I xx

GM   GZ 2 2  GZ 3 3  GZ 4 4  GZ 5 5 

research conducted by Dalzell 2), Haddara 3) and Roberts 4). A
methodology for predicting the probability density function of  M wave (t )
roll motion for irregular beam seas was developed in the
Here,  is the ship roll angle, is the linear damping
author’s previous researches 5), 6), 7), 8), 9). In this paper, two
coefficient normalized by the virtual moment of inertia in the
theories to predict the rolling amplitude are examined. One is
roll DoF,  is the quadratic damping coefficient normalized by
the approach based on non-Gaussian PDF with use of the
the virtual moment of inertia in the roll DoF, W is the ship
equivalent linearization and moment methods which has been
weight, Ixx is the virtual moment of inertia in the roll DoF
used by Maki in naval architecture filed. In the framework of
(including the added moment of inertia), GM is the
this method, instantaneous joint PDF of roll and roll rate can
metacentric height, GZi (I = 2, 3, 4, and 5) is the i-th
be calculated. Therefore, as shown in the previous paper 1), the
component of GZ polynomial fitted curve, and Mwave ( t ) is the
transformation from the joint PDF to PDF of the Hamiltonian
time-dependent roll moment induced by irregular waves
H was necessary. In this paper, via its transformation, PDF of
(normalized by ). Herein, Newton’s notation for derivatives
the Hamiltonian H even for the asymmetry system is shown in
is employed; a dot over a dependent variable marks a
this paper. Another method is the energy-based stochastic
derivative with respect to time t. The roll external moment due
averaging method proposed by Dostal, and in this framework,
to irregular waves is calculated from the effective wave slope
PDF of Hamiltonian H is obtainable at first. It is noteworthy
coefficient  and the wave slope ( t ) as follows:
that the proposed theory can predict the amplitude of the
W  GM
vessel having inclination due to wind or flooding. For such a M wave (t )    (t ) (2)
condition, the restoring curve (GZ curve) definitely has I xx
asymmetricity. In order to take into account its asymmetricity, Wave slopes are calculated for a given spectrum with the
a new theory to transform the PDF of Hamiltonian H to the following discretized expression:
PDF of amplitude in negative and positive directions is n2
proposed. The obtained theoretical results show almost  (t )   n g
2 S wave n   cos n   n  (3)
complete agreement, and both of the two theoretical methods
Then, the single-DoF equation of the rolling motion is written
of Dostal 5), 6), 7) and Maki 8), 9) show equivalent prediction
as follows:
performance even in the asymmetric condition.
     
GZ 2 2 GZ 3 3 GZ 4 4 GZ 5 5 
2. Equation of Motion and the Joint PDF of Roll 02           
and Roll Rate  GM GM GM GM  (4)
The equation of roll motion for the vessel in irregular beam 02 n2
seas can be represented as follows. The form of the equation is
  n g
2 S wave n   cos  n   n 
completely same as that handled in the previous paper 1), 8), 9).
Here, we put G1  02 , Gi  02GZ i / GM (i = 2, 3, 4 and
2 2
5)and an  0 n 2Swave n   / g , then we can get:
* Osaka University
** Hamburg University of Technology        
*** Osaka Prefecture University
**** ClassNK

 G1  G2 2  G3 3  G4 4  G5 5  (5)
Received 18th September 2020
Published 9th November 2020
  n
an cos nt   n 

Read at the autumn meeting 16th and 17th NOV. 2020 For instance, based upon the approach of Maki et al., the
©The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
non-Gaussian form PDF becomes as follows. This PDF was

successfully obtained from nonlinearization technique and
proposed by To 10). H
ps  Anegative   C   T  H 
pdf  ,  ; d   C exp  d  H 
 
 2 H 3/2 
  A negative

 1 2 

 exp  d  H 
 2 H 3/ 2 
 
where 
 H    G   d 
2 0  (6)
G     G   G  2  G  3  G  4  G  5
 1 2 3 4 5  H  G  A positive 
 A
In this equation, C and d are unknown parameters, and they are  positive
 (14)
determined by Newton method. One of the conditions to be  H  G  Anegative 
satisfied is normalization condition. Another condition is the  A negative
variance condition for the determination of d. This variance
Fig.1 is phase trajectory for the subject ship with inclined
can be calculated by the equivalent linearization method and
condition. Here, the definitions of Apositive and Anegative
moment method based on Kimura’s work 11).
  VP are also shown in the right panel of the figure.
 
 VN
pdf  ,  ; d  d  1

  VP

 
 VN
 2 pdf  ,  ; d  d  E  2 

As shown in the previous paper 1), the authors shows the

transformation formula from the PDF of the instantaneous roll
and roll rate to the PDF of the amplitude as follows:.
Fig. 1 Phase trajectories with  of 0.03,  of 0.7, T01 = 12.4 s,
P  H   C  P  ,    T  H  (8) H1/3 = 5.5 m and shifted GZ curve (Left panel: Phase trajectory,
Here, T means the period of the Hamiltonian system for the Right panel: Definition of Apositive and Anegative )
designated energy level H. This relation was identical with the
equation derived by Stratonovich 12), Roberts 4), Zhu and Cai 13) 3. Validation with MCS
and Chai 14): To validate the present methodology, the results are
C  ps  H  compared with MCS results. The calculation conditions are
ps  ,    (9)
T H  summarized in Table 1. The values listed in the table are
almost identical to those reported in previous researches
Here, C’ means the normalization constant. The relation
except for the nonlinear damping term. Now, two nonlinear
between amplitude A and H is simple, such that the final result
damping terms are utilized. In the case of  of 0.03, the
of the PDF of roll amplitude becomes:
damping coefficient, N20, becomes 0.00445, so it is a small
H value. On the other hand, in the case of  of 0.7, damping
ps  A   C   T  H 
A coefficient, N20, becomes almost 0.02. This is a typical order

 
8 (10)
 exp  d  H   2 H 3/ 2  of the N coefficient.
 9  In this paper, two GZ curves are utilized. The original GZ
Here, C’ must satisfy the normalization condition: curve is expressed as follows:
 GZ  1.00   7.0  3  7.0  5 (15)
ps  A  dA  1 (11)
On the other hand, taking asymmetry due to a steady wind
In Eq. (10), dH / dA  dA / dH can be satisfied by following moment into account, the equilibrium point is shifted. Then,
the inverse function theorem. redefining the equilibrium gives us:
since rolling motion has asymmetricity due to inclination by GZ  1.371  2.664  2  5.723 3
wind or flooding condition, it is important to include the
4.726  4  7.000  5
asymmetricity of GZ curve from practical point of view. The
straight forward use of Eq. (10) simply provides one amplitude Fig. 2 shows the original GZ curve described in Eq. (15) and
property which means the rolling amplitude for the positive the shifted GZ curve due to wind described in Eq. (16). This
side. In order to obtain the rolling amplitude for the negative GZ curve is a good example for validating the theoretical
side, H, T  H  and H / A should be calculated for the approach.
In our calculations, the ITTC spectrum is used as wave
negative roll angle with negative GZ curve. In summary, we
obtain the final formulae.
H  2 4 H1/3
2   2 4 
ps  A positive   C   T  H  S    0.11 4 5
exp  0.44 4 4  (17)
A positive T01  T01 

 exp  d  H 
 2 H 3/ 2 
  Due to our past researches, estimation accuracy of roll and roll
rate using the methodology explained in the previous chapter

has been enhanced. Fig. 3 shows one of the comparative
results between MCS and the present theory named as “Non
Gaussian method” in these figures. As can be seen there, the
present method provides an accurate prediction of the
instantaneous roll and roll rate.

Table 1 Principal Particulars

Item Value

Ship displacement (W) 1,500 ton

Natural roll period (Tφ) 10.0 s

Effective wave slope coefficient (  ) 0.9
Fig.4 Roll amplitude and H with  of 0.03,  of 0.0, T01 =
Metacentric height (GM) 1.00 m 12.4 s and H1/3 = 5.5 m and original symmetric GZ curve
Linear roll-damping coefficient (  ) 0.03
Nonlinear roll-damping coefficient (  ) 0.0 and 0.07

Significant wave height (H1/3) 5.5 m

Mean wave period (T01) 12.4 s

Fig.5 Roll amplitude and H with  of 0.03,  of 0.0, T01 =

12.4 s and H1/3 = 5.5 m and shifted asymmetric GZ curve

In this figure, not only instantaneous roll angle, but also the
Fig. 2 The utilized GZ curve roll amplitudes are shown. Here, AH denotes the roll amplitude
calculated from Hamiltonian H by solving the following
nonlinear equation:
 0
G   d   0 (18)

Furthre, AHilbert denotes the results of Hilbert transformation,

which indecates the envelop of the instantaneous roll angle. As
can be seen in this figure, AH and AHilbert almost coincide.
On the other hand, Fig.5 shows time histories for
asymmetric roll motion resulting from the shifted GZ conditon.
In this condition, calculation of AH is not straightforward
indeed, since the GZ curve does have asymmetricity.
Therefore, two equations to be solved are newly introduced.
Fig. 3 PDFs of the instantaneous roll angle with  of 0.03,  Thereby, AH negative is the negative value. This means the fact
of 0.7, T01 = 12.4 s, H1/3 = 5.5 m and shifted GZ curve
that for asymmetric GZ condition, there always exist two
As can be seen in the theory part of this paper, the rolling amplitudes whereby each corresponds to the roll amplitue in
amplitude is calculated from Hamiltonian H. In the beginning, leeward or windward inclination. Notice that in the shifted GZ
the relation of time history between Hamiltonian H and roll condition, both positive and negative roll amplitudes AH positive
motion is examined. Fig.4 shows these time histories for and AH negative , do not conicide with AHilbert which determines
symmetric roll motion.
the envelop from the time history.

 AH positive
 H 

G   d   0
AH negative
H 
 
G   d   0

Based on this knowledge, the authors show the final results as

bellow. Fig.6 shows the results of rolling amplitude for the
shifted GZ condition. In these figures, two types of MCS
results are provided. One is MCS (Hpositive) or MCS (Hnegative),
which denote the statistics of “instantaneous” rolling
amplitude calculated from Hamiltonian by Equation (16).
Additional results are MCS (positive) or MCS (negative),
which denote the statistics of one extremal in zero-crossings.
These extremals are categorized into the positive side and
negative side separately. It is noteworthy that the two types of
MCSs do not show a large discrepancy.
In these figures, the results of the energy-based averaging
method proposed by Dostal are also shown as “Averaging Fig.6 PDFs of rolling amplitude with  of 0.03,  of 0.7, T01
method”. In his theory, the Itô equation for Hamiltonian H = 12.4 s, H1/3 = 5.5 m and shifted GZ curve (Regular scale)
obtained by the stochastic averaging method is given by:

dH  m  H   dt    H   dWt (20)

Here, m  H  is drift and  2  H  is diffusion. Both terms

can be calculated as:

m  H   m1  H   m2  H 
 2 H   
T H  (21)
T H  
  
0 
 
R     H  t    H  t    d  dt

Here, T  H  is the period of the Hamiltonian system having

energy level H, and R() is the autocorrelation function. Each
component in the drift term can be calculated as:

m1  H   
T H 
T H 
 2H     H     H  H  dt

1 (22)
m2  H   
T H

T H  0 Fig.7 PDFs of rolling amplitude with  of 0.03,  of 0.7, T01
  R    H  t    d dt
   H  t 
= 12.4 s, H1/3 = 5.5 m and shifted GZ curve (Logarithmic
0  scale)

Then finally, the PDF of H is given by: As can be seen in our final results shown in Figs.6-7, the
H energy-based averaging method and the present theory show
 m h 
exp  2
C (23) almost equivalent results. As opposed to the present theory,
pH   dh 
 H  2  2
 h   
  energy-based stochastic averaging method proposed by Dostal
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