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EE206: Electrical Machine-I

Time:-3hrs M.Marks:-70

Note:-Question 1 is Compulsory .Attempt any 4 questions from the rest.

Q1.Objective Questions (1*30=30)

1.A D.C.Generator Works On:-

i.Right hand Rule ii.Left Hand rule iii.Faradys law iv.None of these

2. In D.C. motor ac conversion is done by-

i .commutator ii.silicon rectifier iii.slip rings iv. None of these

3.DC generator is a :-

i.Static device ii .rotational machine iii.Circuit element iv.None of these

4.Current is collected from armature by-

i.commutator ii.slip rings iii.Direct Connection iv.None of these

5. The starting torque of dc shunt motor is:

i.Zero ii.Low iii.High iv.Very high
6. The dc motor, that has poorest speed regulation is:
i.Cumulative compound ii. Differential compound iii.Series iv.Shunt

7.If a D.C.motor is connected across the A.C.Supply it will :- at normal speed ii.not run at lower speed iv.burn due to heat produced in the
field winding by eddy currents

8.Starter is used to-

i.Increase the starting current ii.increase starting torque iii.reduce starting current iv.None of

9.Series motor has-

i.high starting torque ii.low starting torque iii.medium starting torque iv.none of these

10.The field coils of a D.C. generator are usually made up of –

i.Mica ii.Copper iii.Cast iron iv.Carbon

11.In lap winding,the number of brushes is always-

i.Double the number of poles ii.Same as number of poles iii.Half the number of poles iv.Two

12.Brushes of D.C.machines are made up of –

i.Carbon ii.Soft Copper iii.Hard copper iv.All of the Above

13.Which motor has the poorest speed control-

i.Shunt motor ii.Series motor iii.Both of them iv. None of the above

14.The speed of a D.C.motor can be varied can be varied by varying-

i.Field current ii.Applied voltage iii.Resistance in series with armature iv.All of the above

15.Hopkinson’s test on D.C.machines is conducted at-

i.No load ii.Part load iii.Full load iv.Over load

16.The speed of a series motor at no load is-

i.Infinite ii.4000 r.p.m. iii.2000 r.p.m. iv.1000 r.p.m..

17.A 3 point starter is considered suitable for-

i.Shunt motors ii.Shunt & Compound motors iii.All D.C. Motors iv.None of these

18. In D.C. generators the pole shoes are fastened to the pole core by
i.rivets ii.counter sunk screws iii. brazing iv. Welding

19. The armature of D.C. generator is laminated to-

i. reduce the bulk ii.provide the bulk iii.insulate the core iv.reduce eddy current loss

20. The bearings used to support the rotor shafts are generally-
i.ball bearings ii. bush bearings iii.magnetic bearmgs iv.needle bearings

21. If B is the flux density, I the length of conductor and v the velocity of conductor, then induced e.m.f.
is given by-
i. Blv ii.Blv2 iii.Bl2v Iv.Bl2v2

22. The insulating material used between the commutator segments is normally-
i.graphite ii.paper iii. mica iv. insulating varnish

23. Which of the following components of a D.C, generator plays vital role for providing direct current of
a D.C. generator –
i. Dummy coils ii.Commutator iii.Eye bolt iv.Equilizer rings

24. The purpose of providing dummy coils in a generator is- reduce eddy current losses enhance flux density iii. to amplify voltage iv. to
provide mechanical balance for the rotor.

25. In a D.C. generator

i. external resistance = internal char-acteristic - armature reaction
ii. internal characteristic = magnetisation characteristic - ohmic drop
iii. external characteristic = magnetisation characteristic - ohmic drop - armature reaction
iv. magnetisation characteristic = external characteristic

26. The critical resistance of the D.C. generator is the resistance of –

i. field ii.brushes iii. Armature iv.load

27. A D.C. generator can be considered as -

i. rectifier Ii. Primemover iii.rotating amplifier iv.power pump

28.Magnetic field in a D.C.geneartor is produced by-

i.Electromagnets ii.Permanent Magnets iii.Both i & ii iv. None of these

29.The armature core of a dc generator is usually made up of-

i.Silicon steel ii.Copper iii.Cast Iron Iv.Non Ferrous material

30.The output of a generator may be-

i.A.C. ii.D.C. iii.Both A.C & D.C. iv.None of these

Q2. (a)Draw a neat sketch of a D.c.Machine and explain the construction,working of it? 5

(b)A 230V,50Kw Dc shunt generator has 4 poles and its armature is lap wound.The Field and
armature resistances are 110Ω and 0.8Ω respectively.Calculate the emf induced in its armature at full
load and also the flux per pole if it is running at 300 rpm with 480 conductors in its armature winding. 5

Q3.(a)Describe the various methods of speed control of D.C.motor.? 5

(b)Describe the swinburne’s test to calculate the efficiency of a D.C.Machine ? 5

Q4.(a)Explain the Phasor diagram of a transformer? 5

(b)The no load current of a transformer is 4A at 0.2 P.F. when supplied at 240V,50Hz.The number of
turns on the primary winding is 250.Determine:-

(i)The maximum value of flux in the core.

(ii)The core loss.

(iii)Magnetising component. 5

Q5.(a)What do you understand by tap changing transformer.Explain the working of on load tap
changer.? 5
(b) What do you understand by open delta connection of 3 phase transformer.? Write its various
advantages and dis-advantages.? 5

Q6.(a)A long shunt compound generator supplies 15KW at 250 Volt.The resistances of armature,shunt
and series are 0.04 Ω,125 Ω and 0.02 Ω respectively.Determine the generated e.m.f.Brush voltage drop
is 1 volt per brush. 5

(b)What is meant by armature reaction.Explain the various effects of armature reaction.? 5

Q7.(a) Explain the different types of a d.c.generator.

(b).Explain the open circuit & short circuit test of a transformer? 5

Q8.(a)Describe Construction of a single phase auto transformer.Establish an expression for the ratio of
copper used in two winding transformer and auto transformer for the same capacity and voltage ratio.?

(b)Establish the expression of the torque developed in the armature of D.C.motor.? 5

Q9.Write short notes on any two:- (5*2)

(i)Scott connection.

(ii)Equivalent circuit of a transformer.

(iii)Characterstics of D.c.shunt & D.c.series motors.

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