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Grade of concrete
Type of cement
Brand of Cement
Type of Mineral Admixture
Maximum nominal size of aggregate
Source of coarse aggregate
Source of Fine aggregate
Minimum Cementitious content
Maximum water cement ratio
Slump requirement
Exposure condition
Degree of supervision
Type of aggregate
Admixture Name
M 30


20 mm

Crushed aggregate
Description Cement Admixture 20 mm 10 mm Sand
a Fineness 2.25 -
b consistency 30
c Initial setting time 130
d Final setting time 195
e Compressive strength
3 days 31.67
7 days 44.01
28 days 65.44
f specific gravity 3.15 1.09 2.666 2.666 2.503
g Water absorption - 0.40 0.40 1.15
h Aggregate Impact value - 24.60
i Flakiness and elongation index - 37.30
j Zone of sand - Zone III
k Fineness modulus of sand - 2.828
l Silt content -
Admixture Specification limits

Greater than 30 min

Less than 600 min

>27 N/mm2
>37 N/mm2
>53 N/mm2
< 2%
< 45%
< 35%

2 to 3.5 %
Project Name:


BY PYCNOMETER [As per IS 2386, (Part - III)]
Report No. - RFI No -
Type of Material 20 MM AGGREGATE Date of Sampling
Sampled By Jointly
Location Date of Testing
Proposed Use Tested By Jointly
1 2
Weight of sample (gm) 2000.0 2000.0
2010.0 2012.0
Weight of basket + sample + water (A) (gm)
753.0 753.0
Weight of basket + water (B) (gm)
2008.0 2005.0
Weight of saturated and surface dry sample, (C ) (gm)
2000.0 1997.0
Weight of oven dry sample, (D) (gm)
2.663 2.677
Specific Gravity = D/[C - (A - B)]
2.692 2.706
Apparent Specific Gravity = D/[D-(A-B)]
0.40 0.40
Water Absorption (% of dry basis) = 100 x (C - D)/D
Average Specific Gravity 2.666

Average Apparent Specific Gravity 2.695

Average Water Absorption % 0.40

Remarks :

2010.0 1295 10.0

753.0 2006
2010.0 1991 2.598 2.628 1257.0

2.659 2.8002813 2.6809651

2.687 2.681

0.40 0.7533903



Project Name:


BY PYCNOMETER [As per IS 2386, (Part - III)]
Report No. - -
Type of Material 20 mm Aggregate Date of Sampling
Sampled By
Location Date of Testing
Proposed Use Tested By
1 2
Weight of sample (gm) 1000.0 1000.0
999.0 994.0
Weight of SSD aggregate in Air (W1) (gm)
2354.0 2348.0
Weight of Pycnometer bottle + water + SSD sample (W2) (gm)
553.0 553.0
Weight of pycnometer
1728.0 1728.0
Weight of Pycnometer bottle filled with water (w3) (gm)
995.0 990.0
Weight of Oven dried aggregae in Air ( W4) (gm)
2.668 2.647
Specific Gravity = W4/(W1-(W2-W3))
2.696 2.676
Apparent Specific Gravity = W4/(W4-(W2-W3))
0.40 0.40
Water Absorption (% of dry basis) = ((W1-W4)/W4) x 100
Average Specific Gravity 2.666

Average Apparent Specific Gravity 2.694

Average Water Absorption % 0.40

Remarks :

999.0 -1.0



1728.0 2.598 2.628 -1355.0







Project Name:


BY PYCNOMETER [As per IS 2386, (Part - III)]
Report No. - -
Type of Material 20 mm Aggregate Date of Sampling
Sampled By
Location Date of Testing
Proposed Use Tested By
1 2
Weight of sample (gm) 500.0 500.0
500.0 498.0
Weight of SSD sand sample (A) (gm)
2031.0 2028.0
Weight of Pycnometer bottle + water + SSD sample (B)
1728.0 1728.0
Weight of Pycnometer bottle filled with water (C)
495.0 493.0
Weight of Oven dried aggregae in Air ( D) (gm)
2.513 2.490
Specific Gravity = D/(A-(B-C))
2.578 2.554
Apparent Specific Gravity = D/(D-(B-C))
1.01 1.01
Water Absorption (% of dry basis) = ((A-D)/D) x 100
Average Specific Gravity 2.503

Average Apparent Specific Gravity 2.577

Average Water Absorption % 1.15

Remarks :

498.0 0.0





2.598 2.479

1.43 1.01+1.09



Project Name :

Contractor :
(As Per IS 2386 Part - I)

Type of Material RFI No

Source Date of Sampling
Location Date of Testing
Proposed Use Tested by

Sieve size(mm)
Weight of aggregate passing Weight of aggregate retain
Weight of aggregate through thickness gauge on thickness gauge
taken (A) (B) (C)
63mm - 50mm
- - -
50mm - 40mm
- - -
40mm - 31.5mm
- - -
31.5mm - 25mm
- - -
25mm - 20mm
2501 339 2162
20mm - 16mm
1557 290 1267
16mm - 12.5mm 701 131
12.5mm - 10mm 470 61
10mm - 6.3mm 147 44
TOTAL 5376 865 4511

Flakiness index (FI) =(B/A) X 100
17.72 %
Elongation Index (EI)=(D/C) X 100
19.57 % Combined Flakiness and Elongation Index =
37.30 %
% Specification Limit as per Clause 5.3 of IS 383 :2016 = 40% Max.


Weight of aggregate Remarks

retain on Length gauge

123 693
205 614 0.2925784
58 161
594 0.1609003 16.09 0.1316781

13.17 29.26
Project Name:



(IS:2386 PART-4)

Report No. - RFI No: -

Type of material 12.5mm Passing & 10mm Retaining Date of Sampling 17-01-2023
Proposed use Tested by
Description Test 1 Test 2
351.3 356.4
Weight of Oven dry sample passing 12.5mm and retained on
10mm IS sieves, W1. (gm)
85.6 88.5
Weight of fraction passing on 2.36mm sieve after the test, W2. (gm)
265.7 267.9
Weight of fraction retained on 2.36mm sieve after the test, W3. (gm)
24.37 24.83
Aggregate Impact Value (A.I.V) = (W2/W1) x 100 %
Average Value of A.I.V %
Maximum Specification Limit as per MORTH %
Remarks :
5000 5000

1118 1116

22.36 22.32

Date of testing 17.01.23
20 mm gradation
Sample taken 6000 gm
Weight Cumulative Percentage
IS Sieve retaied retained weight retained % passing Limits
40 0 0 0 100 100
20 1928 1928 32.13 67.87 85-100
10 4029 5957 99.28 0.72 0-20
4.75 43 6000 100 0 0-5

Date of testing 17.01.23

10 mm gradation
Sample taken 5000 gm
Weight Cumulative Percentage
IS Sieve retaied retained weight retained % passing Limits
12.5 9 9 0.18 100 100
10 574 583 11.66 88.34 85-100
4.75 4367 4950 99 1 0-20
2.36 47 4997 99.94 0.06 0-5

IS Sieve Analysis of coarse Percentage of different fraction

I II 50% 50%

Size (mm) 20 mm 10 mm 20mm (%) (10 mm(%) Combined % passing

40 100 100 50.00 50.00 100.00
20 67.86667 100 33.93 50.00 83.93
10 0.716667 88.34 0.36 44.17 44.53
4.75 0 1 0.00 0.50 0.50

Sieve Analysis (Gradation)

Sample Weight 1000 gm
Test Method IS : 2386 Part - I
Weight Percentage by Wt. Percentage by Wt.
Sr. No. IS Sieve No. Retained Zone I
Retained Retained Passing
1 10 mm 0 0 0 100 100
2 4.75 mm 48 48 4.8 95.2 90 - 100
3 2.36 mm 88 136 13.6 86.4 60 - 95
4 1.18mm 84 220 22 78 30 - 75
5 0.6 mm 332 552 55.2 44.8 15 - 34
6 0.3 mm 346 898 89.8 10.2 o5-20
7 0.15 mm 76 974 97.4 2.60000000000001 0 - 10
F.M 2.828
Fine Aggregates conforming to Zone II as per IS 383:2016, F.M – 2.74

Sample taken 5000 gm 60 CA : 40 FA

% Passing % of differenct fractions

IS Sieve I II 65 35 % passing
Size (mm) CA FA CA FA
40 100 100 65.00 35.00 100.00
20 95.85 100 62.30 35.00 97.30
4.75 4.25 96.45 2.76 33.76 36.52
0.6 0 45.5 0 15.92 15.92
0.15 0 2.9 0 1.02 1.02
Date of
testing 17.01.23
Combined gradation of 20 :10
Spec as per Morth table Sample
1000-1 Taken 5000 gm
Weight Cumulative weight
Combined % passing Lower Limit Upper Limit IS Sieve retaied retained retained
100.00 100 100 40 0 0 0
83.93 95 100 20 600 600 12
44.53 25 55 10 2994 3594 71.88
0.50 0 10 4.75 1369 4963 99.26


Zone II Zone III Zone IV

100 100 100

90 - 100 90 - 100 95 - 100
75 - 100 85 - 100 95 - 100
55 - 90 75 - 100 90 - 100
35 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 100
o8-30 12-4o 15 - 50
0 -10 0 - 10 0 - 15

Date of
testing 17.01.23 combined gradation
20 : 10/60 :40 Taken 5000 gm
Weight Cumulative weight
IS Sieve retaied retained retained

Spec as per Table 10 of IS 383 40 0 0 0

Lower Limit Upper Limit 20 168 168 3.36
100 100 4.75 2877 3045 60.9
95 100 600 670 3715 74.3
30 50 150 1244 4959 99.18
10 35
0 6
20 :10

% passing
% passing

Trial Mix 1

Target Strength for Mix Proportioning 31.60 N/mm2 (As per table IS 10262 )

Selection of Water -Cement Ratio

Maximum w/c ratio 0.5 (As per Table 1700 - 2 of MoR

Based on experience, adopt W/C ratio as 0.50

0.5< (Maximum w/c ratio), Hence Ok

Selection of water content

From table -4 of IS 10262:2019, maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate =

Estimated water content for (75-100 mm slump) for 186 + 6/100 x 186 =
pumpable concrete =

197 Ltrs
water-cement ratio = 0.50

Cement content = Water content / Water-cement ratio

= 197 /0.5

= 394.00 kg/m3 394.00

As per IS 456 table 5, minimum cement content for moderate exposure condition is 300 kg.cum, here 394 kg/cum >

As per Table- 5 of IS 10262 volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate =

However, for a water-cement/water cementitious materials ratio of 0.5, the proportion of volume of coarse aggreg
increased at the rate of 0.01 for every decrease in water-cement/cementitious materials ratio by 0.05
and decreased at the rate of 0.01 for every increase in water cement ratio by 0.05

For this case, adopted W/C ratio is 0.5, which is same as w/c ratio of 0.5, therefore volume of coarse aggregates ne

Therefore, volume of coarse aggregate to that of total aggregates = =

corrected value of coarse aggregate = 0.62*0.9

= 0.558 ( as per clause 5.5.2 of IS 10262:2019 10 % re
= 0.558
The volume of fine aggregate = 1-0.558

= 0.442

20 mm : 10 mm = 60 : 40

Trial Mix 2

Target Strength for Mix Proportioning 31.60 N/mm2 (As per table IS 10262 )

Selection of Water -Cement Ratio

Maximum w/c ratio 0.5 (As per Table 5 OF IS 456 200

Based on experience, adopt W/C ratio as 0.48

.48 <(Maximum w/c ratio), Hence Ok

Selection of water content

From table -4 of IS 10262:2019, maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate =

Estimated water content for (75-100 mm slump) for 186 + 6/100 x 186 =
pumpable concrete =

197 Ltrs
water-cement ratio = 0.48

Cement content = Water content / Water-cement ratio

= 197 /0.48

= 410.42 kg/m3 410.00

As per IS 456 table 5, minimum cement content for moderate exposure condition is 300 kg.cum, here 410 kg/cum >

As per Table- 5 of IS 10262 volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate =

However, for a water-cement/water cementitious materials ratio of 0.5, the proportion of volume of coarse aggreg
increased at the rate of 0.01 for every decrease in water-cement/cementitious materials ratio by 0.05
and decreased at the rate of 0.01 for every increase in water cement ratio by 0.05

For this case, adopted W/C ratio is 0.48, which is 0.02 less w/c ratio of 0.5, therefore volume of coarse aggregates n
increased ( 0.02/0.05 ) = 0.4 by times 0.01 = 0.004 times

Therefore, volume of coarse aggregate to that of total aggregates = 0.62 + 0.004 =

corrected value of coarse aggregate = 0.624*0.9

= 0.562 ( as per clause 5.5.2 of IS 10262:2019 10 % re
= 0.562

The volume of fine aggregate = 1-0.562

= 0.438

20 mm : 10 mm = 60 : 40

Trial Mix 3

Target Strength for Mix Proportioning 31.60 N/mm2 (As per table IS 10262 )

Selection of Water -Cement Ratio

Maximum w/c ratio 0.5 (As per Table 5 OF IS 456 200

Based on experience, adopt W/C ratio as 0.46

.46 < (Maximum w/c ratio), Hence Ok

Selection of water content

From table -4 of IS 10262:2019, maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate =

Estimated water content for (75-100 mm slump) for 186 + 6/100 x 186 =
pumpable concrete =

197 Ltrs
water-cement ratio = 0.46

Cement content = Water content / Water-cement ratio

= 197 /0.46

= 428.26 kg/m3 428.00

As per IS 456 table 5, minimum cement content for moderate exposure condition is 300 kg.cum, here 428 kg/cum >

As per Table- 5 of IS 10262 volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate =

However, for a water-cement/water cementitious materials ratio of 0.5, the proportion of volume of coarse aggreg
increased at the rate of 0.01 for every decrease in water-cement/cementitious materials ratio by 0.05
and decreased at the rate of 0.01 for every increase in water cement ratio by 0.05

For this case, adopted W/C ratio is 0.46, which is 0.03 EXCESS w/c ratio of 0.5, therefore volume of coarse aggregat
increased ( 0.04/0.05 ) = 0.8 by times 0.01 = 0.008 times

Therefore, volume of coarse aggregate to that of total aggregates = 0.62 + 0.008 =

corrected value of coarse aggregate = 0.628*0.9

= 0.565 ( as per clause 5.5.2 of IS 10262:2019 10 % re
= 0.565

The volume of fine aggregate = 1-0.565

= 0.435

20 mm : 10 mm = 60 : 40
(As per table IS 10262 )

(As per Table 1700 - 2 of MoRTH 6.6


186 Kg/m3

197.16 = Say,197


300 kg.cum, here 394 kg/cum > 300 kg/cum, hence ok

tal aggregate = 0.62 for zone II fine aggregate

tion of volume of coarse aggregates to that of total aggregates is

erials ratio by 0.05

olume of coarse aggregates needs to be


e 5.5.2 of IS 10262:2019 10 % reduction for pumpable concrete)

(As per table IS 10262 )

(As per Table 5 OF IS 456 2000

186 Kg/m3

197.16 = Say,197

300 kg.cum, here 410 kg/cum > 300 kg/cum, hence ok

tal aggregate = 0.62 for zone II fine aggregate

tion of volume of coarse aggregates to that of total aggregates is

erials ratio by 0.05
volume of coarse aggregates needs to be


e 5.5.2 of IS 10262:2019 10 % reduction for pumpable concrete)

(As per table IS 10262 )

(As per Table 5 OF IS 456 2000

186 Kg/m3

197.16 = Say,197
300 kg.cum, here 428 kg/cum > 300 kg/cum, hence ok

tal aggregate = 0.62 for zone II fine aggregate

tion of volume of coarse aggregates to that of total aggregates is

erials ratio by 0.05

fore volume of coarse aggregates needs to be


e 5.5.2 of IS 10262:2019 10 % reduction for pumpable concrete)

Trial Mix 1 Calculation
a) Volume of concrete = 1 cum

b) Volume of entrapped air = 0.01

c) Volume of cement = (Mass of cement/Specific gravity of cement) x (1/1000)

= 394/3.15 x (1/1000)

= 0.125 cum

d) Volume of water = (Mass of water /specific gravity of water) x (1/1000)

= (197 /1) x (1/1000)

= 0.197 cum


f) Volume of all in aggregate = (a-b)-(c+d+e)

= (1-0.01)-(0.125+0.197)

= 0.668 cum

h) Mass of coarse aggregate 20 mm = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x

= 0.668 x 0.558 x 2.666 x 0.6 x 1000

= 596.23 kg/cum

I) Mass of coarse aggregate 10 mm = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x

= 0.668 x 0.558 x 2.666 x 0.4 x 1000

= 397.38

j) Mass of fine aggregate = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of fine aggregate x spe

= 0.668 x 0.442 x 2.503 x 1000

= 738.81
Trial Mix 1
Batch Qty Corrected
trial Batch
SSD Water Moisture Proportion Batch Qty Dry
Material Qty Dry
Condition Absorption content after water condition
(Kg) adjustment
Water (kg) 197 12.48 209.48 2.09
cement (kg) 394.00 394 3.94
20 mm (kg) 596.24 0.40 0 -0.40 593.86 5.94
10 mm (kg) 397.49 0.40 0 -0.40 395.89 3.96
Sand (kg) 739.03 1.15 0 -1.15 730.53 7.31
Admixture (kg) 0.00 0.00 0.00


At time T = 0

At time T= 30 min

At time T= 60 min

Trial Mix 2 Calculation

a) Volume of concrete = 1 cum

b) Volume of entrapped air = 0.01

c) Volume of cement = (Mass of cement/Specific gravity of cement) x (1/1000)

= 410/3.15 x (1/1000)

= 0.130 cum

d) Volume of water = (Mass of water /specific gravity of water) x (1/1000)

= (197 /1) x (1/1000)

= 0.197 cum
f) Volume of all in aggregate = (a-b)-(c+d+e)

= (1-0.01)-(0.130+0.197)

= 0.663 cum

h) Mass of coarse aggregate 20 mm = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x

= 0.663 x 0.562 x 2.666 x 0.6 x 1000

= 595.510 kg/cum

I) Mass of coarse aggregate 10 mm = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x

= 0.663 x 0.562 x 2.666 x 0.4 x 1000

= 396.90

j) Mass of fine aggregate = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of fine aggregate x spe

= 0.663 x 0.438 x 2.503 x 1000

= 727.22

Trial Mix 2
Batch Qty Corrected
trial Batch
SSD Water Moisture Proportion Batch Qty Dry
Material Qty Dry
Condition Absorption content after water condition
(Kg) adjustment
Water (kg) 197.00 12.34 209.34 2.09
cement (kg) 410.00 410 4.10
20 mm (kg) 596.02 0.40 0 -0.40 593.64 5.94
10 mm (kg) 397.35 0.40 0 -0.40 395.75 3.96
Sand (kg) 726.86 1.15 0 -1.15 718.50 7.18
Admixture (kg) 0.00 0.00 0.00


At time T = 0

At time T= 30 min
At time T= 60 min

Trial Mix 3 Calculation

a) Volume of concrete = 1 cum

b) Volume of entrapped air = 0.01

c) Volume of cement = (Mass of cement/Specific gravity of cement) x (1/1000)

= 428/3.15 x (1/1000)

= 0.136 cum

d) Volume of water = (Mass of water /specific gravity of water) x (1/1000)

= (197 /1) x (1/1000)

= 0.197 cum

f) Volume of all in aggregate = (a-b)-(c+d+e)

= (1-0.01)-(0.136+0.197)

= 0.657 cum

h) Mass of coarse aggregate 20 mm = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x

= 0.657 x 0.565 x 2.666 x 0.6 x 1000

= 594.161 kg/cum

I) Mass of coarse aggregate 10 mm = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x

= 0.657x 0.565 x 2.666 x 0.4 x 1000

= 396.00

j) Mass of fine aggregate = (volume of all in aggregate x volume of fine aggregate x spe
= 0.657 x 0.435 x 2.503 x 1000

= 715.03

Trial Mix 3
Batch Qty Corrected
trial Batch
SSD Water Moisture Proportion Batch Qty Dry
Material Qty Dry
Condition Absorption content after water condition
(Kg) adjustment
Water (kg) 197.00 12.20 209.20 2.09
cement (kg) 428.00 428 4.28
20 mm (kg) 593.78 0.40 0 -0.40 591.40 5.91
10 mm (kg) 395.85 0.40 0 -0.40 394.26 3.94
Sand (kg) 715.34 1.15 0 -1.15 707.12 7.07
Admixture (kg) 0.00 0.00 0.00


At time T = 0

At time T= 30 min

At time T= 60 min
(as per IS 10262 :2019 for 20 mm aggregate)

c gravity of cement) x (1/1000)

gravity of water) x (1/1000)

te x volume of coarse aggregate x specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000)


te x volume of coarse aggregate x specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000)


te x volume of fine aggregate x specific gravity of fine aggregate x 1000)

4 nos. cube 5 nos. cube 6 nos. of cube 3 nos cube
0.003375 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.010

2.39 0.0058
12.48 0.023625


(as per IS 10262 :2019 for 20 mm aggregate)

c gravity of cement) x (1/1000)

gravity of water) x (1/1000)

te x volume of coarse aggregate x specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000)


te x volume of coarse aggregate x specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000)


te x volume of fine aggregate x specific gravity of fine aggregate x 1000)


4 nos. cube 5 nos. cube 6 nos. of cube

0.003375 0.014 0.017 0.020

2.38 0.0058 539.47


(as per IS 10262 :2019 for 20 mm aggregate)

c gravity of cement) x (1/1000)

gravity of water) x (1/1000)

te x volume of coarse aggregate x specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000)


te x volume of coarse aggregate x specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000)


te x volume of fine aggregate x specific gravity of fine aggregate x 1000)


4 nos. cube 5 nos. cube 6 nos. of cube

5.02 0.003375 0.014 0.017 0.020
14.19 2.38 0.0058
9.46 1.59
16.97 8.23
0.00 12.20

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