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The First Monthly Test of English

Acts Level
School Year 2023 / 2024

Name : ______________
Class : V Acts _____
Day/Date : _____ / February, ___ 2024

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( x ) a, b, c or d!

1. I am hungry, I need . . . to eat.

a. something
b. anything
c. nothing
d. everything

2. . . . is knocking the door, I'll go downstairs to open it.

a. No one
b. Something
c. Somebody
d. Somewhere

3. John : What's the smell?

Mommy : I think . . . is burning from the kitchen.
a. something
b. anything
c. thinking
d. nothing

4. You can give . . . that you have.

a. anything
b. everything
c. somebody
d. anybody

5. . . . is something that we can use to change the channels on TV.

a. A table
b. A remote control
c. A pencil
d. An eraser

6. I believe I heard something in that room but when I check it there is ... inside.
a. nothing
b. nowhere
c. everything
d. something
7. . . . loves trees.
a. Anything
b. Everything
c. Something
d. Everybody

8. Anne : Do you hear that ?

Jane : . . . .
The suitable statement to complete the dialogue is . . . .
a. They are playing in the garden
b. There is something in the garden
c. I can't go to the garden
d. She puts everything in the garden

9. Is there . . . the sport store near here?

a. everywhere
b. nowhere
c. something
d. anywhere

10. Sandy : Can I put boxes anywhere ?

Lita : . . . .
The correct answer to complete the dialogue is . . . .
a. Yes, I do
b. Yes, You can
c. Yes, She does
d. Yes, I will

11. We want to go . . . for the summer. We don’t want to stay at home.

a. somebody
b. anywhere
c. no one
d. somewhere

12. My uncle is a . . . and he fixes cars.

a. doctor
b. dentist
c. mechanic
d. driver

13. Maybe they . . . raffle tickets

a. can be
b. will buy
c. will bought
d. could be

14. Read the following sentences!

The sentence that the fuction of “will as a request” is. . . .
a. We will go holiday nest summer.
b. The baby will cry when she is hungry.
c. My grandma said that we will go to Singapore next week.
d. Matthew says to John “Will you help me lift the sofa?”
15. It’s a beautiful day so maybe they . . . in the pool.
a. will swim
b. will fly
c. will help me
d. will gone

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

1. Complete no1 – 4 by using the correct ( someone, everywhere, somewhere, something,

everybody, everything)
... had a great time at the party.
We danced, played games and had fun.

2. An author is ... who writes books.

3. I am looking for my bag ... , but can't find it.

4. Thomas ate ... in his lunch bag except the carrot.

5. The example of the pronunciation / g / are ... and ....

6. Look at the following picture!

What she will do tomorrow?
She . . . and . . . .

7. Mark: Will you help me clean the room?

Luke : . . . . . I’m studying

8. Mike : Will you help me fix my bike?

Jordan: . . . . . You can’t do it by yourself.

9. We are going shopping. Maybe Mary . . . with us.

10. buy - Did - anything - for - you - birthday - party? - Samuel's

The correct order of sentence from the scramble words is . . . .


C. Answer the question correctly!

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions number 1 - 3!

There once were four best friends named

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure that Somebody would
do it. Anybody could have done it, but, Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because
it was Everybody's job. Everybody taught anybody could do it. Nobody realized that
Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that everybody blamed Somebody, when nobody did what Nobody did what
anybody could have done.

1. Write down the title of the paragraph above? ______________________________________

2. Who got angry? _____________________________________________________________

3. Is anybody realize about that job? ________________________________________________

4. Complete the following table with the correct indefinite pronouns!

Anybody anyone

5. Write down sentences by using :

anywhere : ________________________________________________________________
anything : ________________________________________________________________

Good luck - God Bless You

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