Mobiile Security Checklist-V1

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Application Name

Not Applicable


Android & IOS

P2 system

No Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability not applicable to Application

Vulnerability Name
System credential storage facilities need to be used to store sensitive data,
such as PII, user credentials or cryptographic keys.
No sensitive data should be stored outside of the app container or system
credential storage facilities.
No sensitive data is written to application logs.
No sensitive data is shared with third parties unless it is a necessary part of
the architecture.

The keyboard cache is disabled on text inputs that process sensitive data.
No sensitive data is exposed via IPC mechanisms.
No sensitive data, such as passwords or pins, is exposed through the user
No sensitive data is included in backups generated by the mobile operating

The app removes sensitive data from views when moved to the background.

The app does not hold sensitive data in memory longer than necessary, and
memory is cleared explicitly after use.

The app enforces a minimum device-access-security policy, such as requiring

the user to set a device passcode.

Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
Application Name

Not Applicable


Android and IOS

No Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability not applicable to Application

Vulnerability Name
The app does not rely on symmetric cryptography with hardcoded keys as
a sole method of encryption.

The app uses proven implementations of cryptographic primitives.

The app uses cryptographic primitives that are appropriate for the
particular use-case, configured with parameters that adhere to industry
best practices.
The app does not use cryptographic protocols or algorithms that are
widely considered deprecated for security purposes.

The app doesn't re-use the same cryptographic key for multiple purposes.

All random values are generated using a sufficiently secure random

number generator.

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
Application Name

Not Applicable


Andorid And IOS

Andorid Only

File Upload
No Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability not applicable to Application

Vulnerability Name
The app only requests the minimum set of permissions
Sensitive Data Is Exposed via IPC Mechanisms

The app does not export sensitive functionality through IPC

facilities, unless these mechanisms are properly protected.

WebViews are configured to allow only the minimum set

of protocol handlers required (ideally, only https is
supported). Potentially dangerous handlers, such as file, tel
and app-id, are disabled.
Sensitive Data Disclosure Through the User Interface
Sensitive Information in Auto-Generated Screenshots

Remote File Inclusion

Virus File Upload
Unrestricted File upload
Allowed file size is more than expected
Disk Flooding

Pixel Flooding

Directory / File Traversal


No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
Application Name

Not Applicable

Session ID Vulnerabilities

JWT Token Vulnerability

No Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability not applicable to Application

Vulnerability Name
Session Fixation
Session Hijacking
Session Timeout
Session Not Invalidated After Logout
Server does not validate the Session ID
Cookie contains sensitive information
JWT Token discloses Sensitive Information
Server Does not validate the JWT token
NONE Algorithm Attack
Expired JWT tokens are accepted by server
Lack of JWT signature validation
Authentication bypass via OAuth implicit flow
Forced OAuth profile linking
OAuth account hijacking via redirect_uri
Stealing OAuth access tokens via an open redirect
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Can Be Used More Than
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
Application Name

Not Applicable

Security Misconfiguration

Sensitive Data Exposure

XML External Entity
Insecure Deserialization
Server Side Request Forgery
HTTP request smuggling
Web cache poisoning
Business logic vulnerabilities
HTTP Host header attacks
Open URL Redirect
Parameter Tampering

HTTP Parameter Pollution

Host Header Redirection

Host Header Cache Poisoning

Host Header Reset Poisoning

HTTP Response Spilitting

TLS 1.0 & 1.1 Protocol Detection

TLS not Enforced Properly

Weak Encryption

HTTP Verbs Enabled (PUT & DELETE)

Cross Site Tracing

Infrastructure Admin Interfaces

Application Admin Interfaces

Database Exposure to External Network

Improper Error Handling

Application Buffer Overflows

Captcha Bypass

Directory Indexing Disabled

Insecure Configurations of Protocol

Restrict Device Access - User Agent

CGI Remote Code Execution

Shellshock Vulnerability (CGI)


Race Condition

Sub-domain Takeover

Content Security Policy Bypasses

P2 system

No Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability Found
Vulnerability not applicable to Application

Vulnerability Name
Default Credentials
Disclosure of Sensitive information
Default Server files exposed publicly
Web Server Banner Grabbing
Unencrypted Credentials sent over HTTP protocol
XML External Entity
Insecure Deserialization
Server Side Request Forgery
HTTP request smuggling
Web cache poisoning
Business logic vulnerabilities
HTTP Host header attacks
Open URL Redirect
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found
No Vulnerability Found

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