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> A.

Government of India

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology {Meity

i -MUi
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) AADHAAR
Regional Office, Hyderabad
node K’e^itSy'Naor 'Swamajayanthi Commercial Complex, Ameerpet. Hyderab3d-5Q90gl_
Ph No 040-23730333 Fax N0.040-23734403
RO-HYD-17040/ 2/2022-RO-HY D-3 Date: 02.31.2022

Shri Jayesli Ranjan, IAS,
Principal Secretary to Government
Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Department,
Government of Telangana,
D-block, 5th Floor, BRKR Bhavan,
Telangana Secretariat, Hyderabad - 22


Sub. Shifting the Registrar/EA working under outsourced/VLE model to

in-house model-reg
Rw OM No HQ-16024/4 QIDO Ft !-l-HQ-?art (1) dated 14*October. 2022

UIDAi has been discussing in past at various stages to bring all functions of
Aadhaar Enrolment Centres to in-housc model with following requirements'

0) The machine is owned by the Registrar/EA

m Operator/Supervisor. Employee/contract employee on roil of the
Registrar/EA or hired from a manpower hiring agency on salary basis.

However, many centres are still continuing under outsourced / VLE model
where Yi.E brings his own kit and working under Revenue sharing model. Aadhaar
has gamed popularity as primary identification document in recent time. There has
been a growing concern on possible ramifications of any fraudulent enrolment/
update activities on national security. Therefore, a need has been felt to further
strengthen the Aadhaar enrolment ecosystem and it has been decided that
Registrar/EA working under outsourced / VLE model shall be shifted to in-house

Accordingly UIDAI vide its OM .No. HQ-16024/4/2020-EU-l-HQ-Part (1)

dated 14m October, 2022 requested all Registrars/ EAs for shifting from outsourced
/VLE model to in-house model so that all Aadhaar Center are working only under
in house model w.ei. 01.04.2023 A copy of the OM is attached tor kind perusal



Registrars/EAs functioning under their jurisdiction for shifting from outsourced/VLE

model to in-house model so that all Aadhaar Center are working only under in-
house model w.e.f. 01.04.2023.

10. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Signed by Prabhakaran
Date: 14-10-2022 16:09:46
R^Ba^hataarawdSi R)
Deputy Director (E&U-I)
All UIDAI Regional Offices

Copy to:
2. All Registrar/EAs
3. Tech Development Division
4. Tech Operations Division
5. File

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