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TESTCODE 6 2 0 3 03 FIAS - MGP 2023 - Essay Test (FLT) #3, rime Allowed Three Hours : Samu ars 250 Tinea deivee AForum/ apron aes TSG Aue SAURABH SHARMA | Roll No./A GPF {Qlolaul3o Center Code/Men FE (4o[2 *Cenier Cade ForOsline - 1900 /Dethi: Karol bagh - 1901, ORN- 192, Mebart Nagar-1903/ Patna Bo Name Of Candidate | aeneff sor ser Date/feare INDEX TABLE /srgentret | Nie rere int . | Max. Marks | Marks Obtained | 1, please do afte waste Pra wey on PLE topics printed in Jish/ Hindi. Vou have tow 7 ich part wera ich cs 81 f fava afta) svat a fart : ar on sitar $3 aa ot WOM BH SER eT BA en in the medium authorized in the admission ast be stated clearly on the eover of this Question-Cum- ks BA 7 ) Booklet in the space provided. saan 9 oftepe sy a fe wT wnie, oi Re ee Te war A | reine (raghy) gtr dwar seer weg rar orn at) | Total Remarks/fearft ord limit in questions, if specified, should be adhered to, A re eH, wT PARE ewer a Fever PAT eae | 7. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-< Answer: Booklet must be clearly struck off seee—ane Rae A ae elst a aE A Gwe aT gS a A AE wT Ame fem ora mize) | For Student Only / @aa whareff Start Time/9F1 Fe BIT: ind Time/@rnst we aT TT 3:00 Pm. 6:00 ~~. i} Mode Of Examinati | Ontine/ai wen a Rs Offline, | EEN CODE/ Rie ais : EG feat + C200 PuOHON SETA | Da HlForum PS ao | MARKING SCHEME Parameter/Criteria | Aspects Considered | Total Marks | Essay 1 | Essay 2 i Introduction + Conclusion a0 Basic Format Body 5 conte Data/Facts/Interpretation/ ge Analysis igetttecition Flow of ideas/ Absence of Deviation from the topic | Language Skills Punctuation/Grammar/ Sentence Formation/Spellings: Examiner's Perception/ Innovation/ Diseretion Engaging Parameters | Very Coherence Language Good ‘Average | 120 and above 100-120 Below 100 Forum iS SECTION - A |. Institutions reflect the cultural values of the societies in which they are es- tablished. SRO GA MTT & Tephte aR aT Guid # Gera a ead eB He who has a ‘why’ to live for, can bear almost any ‘how’, frend ung oft & fq aiiorea 8 as caper fet a aa ae ay Weal B] The power of perception shapes our understanding o ls |. The tree that would grow to heaven must send its ¥¢ F J ots wt ae ad Sone od ae A ori ehh Siddhavth was bos fost: ide fodest pre Ving Apisuhod,- Siddarhy spemenl bo megabe thn ince Wes confined in ae potace throughet Pus Avlddced Afosevenr, all ese» weak in vain, yohen Tine Scare Lepr fis family and Ske bu fue homse- fon Bo Aad fe "uty" fo Live for, quitter ‘explore fon? , Mus woutel beper/ conpront- ne “fs go ay bo get enlighdeniment- [Can uss 9317740400, 9311740900 Visits wwe.foraunls. Blog : Dog Email :helpdeskiaforumasacadeny (Don't Wate axyhie in this Arca/ SW Up A fird) Forum—N Thus, if one is qware 9} one's Purpose in Wifey which un fotunatets Buby ox Cand ful, de, any unreataini hy obstacle, chadlenge, bondenen, tan be ovencome. innovadve, auays cand aeang bo the inne. duive A tshen", hurne . ff inlo un Opponhunty «ss th ee > A in & dis hess , Some men bsee lel, Some men tan breale yeusrds . ~Y , This essary Med endevoun to explore ow Peipescai can dfve Longe scale mien fully Ree ver Ute minimal rerourcer men tor chedlenges. Bq ullempt- fo 4 one hes bo face challenges fy « ! BN gee her abo been made - Moseover, ous. diffent zy an [ead be different munifes Feb 4 ahs und vabomre fie low Nivpaigtteal Anotly the Sule of perseverance hao heen expluinedd, in Feckling Heo "dunots. Call ws: 9311740400, 9911740900 ‘Visit us = Blog : Email: helpdesk(@forumiasacademy 2 Forum Firstly, 1s abilfly be pusue Re cil is not wnfined bo Auman gpectes . Ore can finel Muptesous exanefales fem n ay fo hou differens spedes dakle Hrois ot 4 ohblecleg in pursuing “Kain 9 ¢ tye". an for instance, (0 i wri th mubhple himes ei si Fenegbees work. dag and night get jon Geile Rat oun Often, ih tae, Oponluunchies bil munlen ye hurdles « lana Merouye d I pug gpl 4 the been Rove fo tanovate etl what tay ule konee tffores con inden eahiag. ole rodeb ia fas Yerard . inuahins Ge nesearle) Ruman veourtes ) it Ran boan at. Fo" Revo” to achive euonunit adtuancernents . : : [can ws: 9211740400, 9311740900 Blog : a c % SLLpOUYLES OF ebm and. Forum DS Similar yp the oe WHEL Tape sxbicle % moaned hy ° frequen cayliguates and. other Vural disasters. St has adapted fo Kure “fuos" Boregh oburt cbSunten monese practices for. it fad the "sty" bl ane pind. : : The fact ak he te Mie yb ive fr ip Pe me sae’ cha in fo efivving — Nurngy WHOL Species would Raue baer, Sine hl ge, thd eso | Bion, Submitted to neoms of rode , anita hfe wr Reset Aense. - eye ancl olied euc day. “d Be 4 mine’ incbivelcads Wald seabire at mo lfc at fee fowt plate, thus Pe How tfperrt fron Yank Hence, thy feed _chaienge, g siltatioy as wll Forum aS Juktng om inngit- frome ives eb & Aocto- nobiejoun refponmess buch as Fk Moron Ray, 9 Rage re Neate ea ‘ing Ye N00 one's Luke fs nib a ond ton 1 fee masle Here pomonrelien y | For inslunce kao. gight a * — olisemencdion 4 cus shape Petashy oe tb Gaue a Wee Spink x Jee’ sane abit Vayougl nd dus (Noble. am : Hee Feucd bedeite ‘I fee Mosh of herege. in her Vaoes me eo Sven Uf - Jorwever TE wer hese | ish") in life ie. bo prndte education, ab Relped Ror And tauph . [Catt us: 9311749400, 9511740900 ise AlForum— Having Suid Ws, one tan aque that 10, ‘iy fan individual (an defer. fur othe inolividusd. Foo some, motesiculs| Pleaue ‘ate K vues mpothunce , theng consider Sequice a» 4, le. Be it ang phese [al anise fof "day" fan lo wonders efains + any. obstancle Rebel Roi Brey. Kakng the Cue. Dh» a porn pam, wonked tuned | hlimane and Fone gee to neabire Rab lal@ *f one far Bae ‘ Wow filesO He Same. Howseues,, & for, ones goal om alse ) > Withrende im means. Fedalers Undoucld Goons alne suite Jeo Bous,’ dut fe Beln deve fom Altywefrelabion, abbet 4 exp lashing /using wreng mesns. buginess Moor Bdpuebaz 9311740900 Forum bu {ae olrer fand, individuals sus ave muwed by aq spine Of serve - te algo ave able omy challenge - Care wikr ose 7 & bene 4 qarnohsme) Nelson Merdebla @pent> Ais ens A yout. in pron jo Such" Foe. bo high unjuok aparirerd und Duberate, hes wounby - They alms F ang hus" on bo overcome ifone hase ee dey fo Live fv - 10400, 9311740900 Forum i Chually hue ip the cane wife Rose thie Koo thei "hye" bo lie fer. Saicdde bombers dvestome re fear Weifiens Frain oom dec por Ke fuobose. i a @ hag wourh Sucw fice ars Ife Bom Bose amet athens dati Flip a cloxtR fot faa ae wag Ww Liberte WoWoran. ‘aati oie. to Oink prise, Maer Han lee he cya) “yf Ur wedge promote Heqed meionctihy, okey and wefivel bo subnet be as On Grulay note , Madam Lurie d veiling ae ho her our vesearch, . Great Pucoabiher dike Bon tres thei purpose, 0 four life very weld, ond Try nob Be convicting fo fue Gny ohsdeacte « Tal [can ws: 9311740400, 9511740900 Blog : blog forumias.cem Forum ES However, what happens e when one fails fo idenhfy one's purpose oF Whey ig Atumatabion of cut fhe fice ow an idenhhy Gust evistenral cds eflect Rou. dleaptte ots Chev!) ho Burhan life, Dien in dre fet Hote Bath” in ersenhial i fumens bo led a Forum DS When en dowdol wn Be cr ‘why Amon Way ten break o meounfeir, (Don't Write anything Forum aS aeee om (Cal ws: 951740400, 911740900 Visi an ww forma om Blog blog forumias.cem Email: helpdesk forumiss.acatemy "1 (Don't Write anvtt inthis Area’ ea #1 BU a re) Feedback ck to be provided in terms of [1) Introduction (2) sentehee Cons {5} Deviation trom Topic (6) Coverage of dimensions (7) Sit seo (3) Parapgraph Formation (4) Legibility cing [Catt ws: 9311740400, 9311740900 Visits: wor forum Email : helpdesk @ forum 12 Forum SECTION -B . Amind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. at ary fret =a ogra 3 fia cnet 8 ag aah A ony GRP oneEM wR aT Ze erat | One health approaclya call for ecological equity. we eRe gear: URRaae GAA ST sted | . Culture can unite what history and geography has divi apf wa wage oe wad 2 fort eftere ate pet |. Social evils have not completely left the ground, instea form. afte afte aren gt ae HOH a GE 4) Soupl EVILS HAVENT lome JsTEAd PRE chANAL A Cow 5, sll children Hyabed a tchood teaches wouderr frota ha bottle” Sach ay Wrese fa ust cenbury Inclis, fu focied evils ave alt ive despite Pefoonrs, Legislabiony- nck work by feactess. ConshhumoL prorde & efualby, Lebody, fretertihy memsror an lurve goal as Soul ails have ae, Visitus: wow Email : helpdesk AlForumi Befire anodaysin he changin poring, one aa mut watted Raven d boul wil Lost inet poet me fouxtyds fhe Aamé Aame could be , Fd cubperil es he voag Bi Icleol ae e plier lig Sout ly be a fr Pole F gender, Larle, dass, poubial pie tant Wonk- ho boas ip AG cucthosghy. : CR 4 Sahrvs 9 ust hold b Mee coos ele Sresdt in 7 ee ee Mens Pug Cven after upsorting % one Soil oid , 14 Old seeds ave Vas Nevo soured wil. (Callus: 9311740400, 9311749900 Forum ES Yiehure giffecl Rumanily wilh eee: Suck qalikaniontin be war $06 in Prinvlve - premodern bibel sovie ble pond eirhy lomin back bo he sf hi u's Oyo tink Ane onbotuch abil p ig pity Ne 4elp Undesahnd & feltry perpruatod! fre nbhie ) ed as WORSE forms of ulolahin, the. from 4 AL bosues & moderrusahion , Java, fethne hus get challoy ed. However, He eiving “Balst fraesshuencss taleleg pride fn bt adhe 's itsole not letting a COrtelers soa dete tihe shop. Forum iS for irdlance, kale ynions hockey aw formed on carte bhes. psvrépbve jdenlth aie used for- pe neferels , aucanding ton bra tnbrak o look I seny replactel by 4 bducl in tit Si fil fommune iY x fo ret ef crrrmclahion and in teprabion yt heightened, fet problems. (3, Cathe, neta } Uecndenolie ie ave aud forms Q soul anh, en Seas have me hey. [cane saratso, 991174090 Btog : blog forumiascom dForun DS 5k wao asqued tot cf bss mecheve achion fa foam. of resenedion woul annul jee Rushmic injuchco onal Ke Fhe Soul etl & clevuininahin « it Rao lead he “conpehihton fy fueltesl alienation aout 4 e@ whe ane Jeff cae nesenvabn, a, Aouad ent. ant Rap forin col mite ate" Ay anes focal, OAD rather Kon (ne Jes Vb laced bs inv opabitarive. Souk onder - [Can us: 9341740400, 9514740900 Blog Forum iN the ovis faced by wombr flee no ouffeent Sty. Old evils are geting Toplaced hy nous forms 4 ert Son Wow mene inhunume omnes. ‘i “Subjegading tormen foon infe 1 wi) As ony wonrerngin c Spherw. gat (Celebre tect, cu wilh it Came mukple pos Mp Myc k ‘ poclesin. emp legrrent ahdn'b Lom Pat wamen Piojahien fron Lae Revohots gAES Oh Cane WHR. Fiteadk fey wene overburdened mifea heal ape 9 wnka"- Dray. Aout iL 4 Pabsonty Aeipirest 100 thapes [Can us: 9311740400, 9311740900 Blog: blog Earley armen Lodsl # Opbertebion win ae 4 Prurwal, Dowose fot inince f > el Aeaurbed ny sig Sah % pe 7 ‘ his volte ad Forum aS Mestewer, atuwnkblace, Life for women Wom't cary cher. Faced by glans cething anck glass lyf Bey we Cletmned, bo be intaputle leaders. (a | fd gered ceyeter thin g ma, fer vandoun pare. Pong s Ca | Aonious coulmes in form o) COmeh mise, stapes get a monrenfun. Vg Me attempt de preinstete ju pabin dh ebaiakea y casts’ 70 ord figlt- Qua oa de acl % the souiel ew elot Olesen inehin fer in fonm 0 oahu tabion — Beernreddk cr 'unndhiret’ ! “oluondin'!, he communtl, Kar Seen Prshesl. fe cctener by veciely in modem, wos ld. Thus soual evil insfenol of Los sap panel fave Only Gest AForumi A €wnomic neal , Gy faro bared yp bottom (wtih. got bivd& Post tnd nek nevcluhio ) is slows get , fa darge Puby Malimed neethies.” L, Heir CapiheD Te heiphtenepeace inepuaslely (107, 0, Sn Rel Eyplatintiin af love usages, eliSebin , 5b conhechiselcehion p Rew eevsnbyin th Bap Bi freeding MES koilak AOL othe ane Boils Cos Of WEN Cy a Cait ws: 9341740400, 9517740900 Forum DS Ln pothiad splene , wie. Be fue 4 lemocaauy , majors teriem anlooriig 1 ye mo mentwrr Q00S5 Ae woh eal Cledons tne Manifalatest, “ig “a hminated by post tthe ips gerubop in, Bourel choos. Bw potilies. fem vote baal i's secieh spbric Suck ¢ eusts hepore cmel aly in vecont fA vanesable whe fale, of, inate. vefyee. Thus Joa. Mrarpinsliest ove gee pons est tc fo eae (ora ttfeol i blue t AForum/—i Awe celebrate Ke anencence ifitat bibl, cormen tx fo Be higher post 4 nepublic, need! 4 he faur 0%. h Ose abeve S cane Shake (Don't Write anything AForumES eeane) 93170400, 9311740900" i forumiiascom vHosk foraniag academy (Don't Write anyit Forum ig pata vile RB a id) Feedback to be provided in terms of (1 Introduction 2) Ser (5) Deviation from Topic (6) Coverage of dimensions (7) [Call us: 9311740400, 9511740900 tog = log,

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